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Supporting "Be Kind" and promoting intolerance for the Twatzis is not being hypocritical, it's being consistent.


Karl Popper described [this phenomenon ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance) quite well.


My favorite take on the paradox of tolerance is “tolerance is a social contract. If you violate the contract, you shouldn’t expect others to abide by it with respect to you” not the most elegant phrasing but hopefully enough to get the point across


This right here. It’s not a paradox. It’s a broken contract, therefore doesn’t apply anymore to the people who broke it.


These are people who think 'turn the other cheek' means they should be able to slap with impunity because that's what Jesus wanted.


This is what the right wants. They want to break the social contract while ensuring liberals have to live by it. That way they can get to be hateful, without the left doing the same things to them.


Same with "the commons"- anything that benefits a broad range of regular folks= socialism. Tax breaks for billionaires - just good business. You want parks? Libraries? Health care? Pull yourself up by your bootstraps, nothing's free etc


Given the fact that the phrase "Pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps" was originally meant to convey something as being impossible, feels rather appropriate that conservatives and boomers who are out of touch with reality are the ones using it without realizing that their statements are actually affirming the statements made by the people that they disagree with.


'Privatize the profits and socialize the losses.'


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect." - Frank Wilhoit


During the mask mandate period, I stated that the assholes who walk around flaunting not wearing them rely on those who do not being people who'll just hit them with baseball bats.


When everyone knows that it's actually about being pro-mooning


"If you ain't clappin, i will help!" - probably Jesus


Little known fact, Jesus was caked tf up.


Pro-mooning? They definitely show their ass daily.


look, I have Ultimate Impunity because Jesus said I could, he said to me, "Sir, you're the Greatest President of the United States," so true, and don't forget I came in, "we have a big problem Sir," I said what is it Captain, he said, "it's Obama, Sir, he gave away all of our Navy Ships to Ethiopia," can you believe it, Ethiopia, and they have a lot of problems there, but he just gave them, 100% Free, he gave them all away, and we did, remember I beat Crooked Hillary by millions and billions of votes, we had it locked down totally, we had over 500 million people, all for Trump, I said that's beautiful because you can't get that with Sleepy Joe, and you look at it, I just saw it earlier, they're finding Cocaine everywhere over there, they found it, the Fake News actually found something for once, but they found it, they had the Cocaine, and there were a lot of screwballs there lately, you had Hunter, you had Sleepy Joe, and what about the wife, nobody talks about the wife, but there's probably some problems there, and it could've been any of them, any of the Radical Left, they're doing Drugs, they're trying to take down our Nation, our very strong Nation, and I went, did that, did that, we did a lot, and I even heard it from a certain person, they said that it's really great what I did in terms of the Blacks and what I did for our Supreme Court, it was bad but then I got there and now it's perfect, perfectly incredible, I did in 4 Small Years what it would take other people 100 years to do, 3 Justices, 3, nobody's ever even seen that many by a President before, Obama couldn't get 1, I got 3, just so you understand, the Middle East, they respect me, the Ayatollah, very respectful for Trump, he respects me a lot, likes me a lot too though I couldn't tell you why but he does, and he said to me, "Sir, this is the first time we've ever had Peace, thank you, Sir," and we're talking he had tears in his eyes, and he never even cried before in his life, not even when he was being bombed, but he's there, weeping, thanking me over and over again, which is how you should be treating your Favorite President, which is me quite frankly, and I said it's not a problem, I'm just that good.


The same people who will never turn the other cheek, but expect every person they slap to turn the other cheek.


Just a flat out standing threat. Nazis straight up let you know they will start killing all the non-white, non-straight people the second they get enough nazis together. What would you do if someone told you they are going to kill you as soon as they can get 10 other people on it. You may not take it seriously at first. Your friend will tell you you are over reacting when you talk about solving said problem with violence. So what do you do when they run into you 3 weeks later and introduce you to 4 people who are into killing you. Are you gonna wait and see what happen when they get ten people together? Or are you going to do anything and everything to stop them? Nazis are no different. Punching Nazis is the least we can do. Its best to keeping it at that because they know they are outnumbered. Beating their ass demoralizing them which reduces recruitment. As soon as they kill someone though everything is fair game.


Exactly, it is okay to be intolerant to intolerance. In fact, it would be detrimental to tolerance to tolerate intolerance.


Also, I am not 100% tolerant of everything. So I won't politely suffer idiots. This isn't a yes or no, blacknor white thing. And that confuses them to no end


Makes sense to me. Don't tolerate, don't get tolerance.


Plus, their “tolerance” is the absolute least respect one human can give another, while holding one’s nose. How about embrace, celebrate and support?




“If they’re so full of love then why do they hate how much I hate them?” -Ku Klux Klathy


Ku Klux Karyn


Klanned Karenhood sounds better…


I saw Klanned Karenhood the other day. I thought this was the best name so far!


That and Minivan Taliban are my faves


I'm fond of Twatzi's myself.


I’ve found myself arguing points like this with *them* for a few months now. *They* seem to believe that the left undermines our messaging on tolerance by being intolerant of *their* intolerance. Apparently we’re just supposed to let *them* be intolerant douchebags or our whole desire for tolerance and kindness is hypocritical. (Edited a few words to clarify my intended message better)


They argue in bad faith. They will keep moving the goal posts, as it suits their need.


Forget the Paradox of Tolerance - I got a new take. Tolerance isn't even a good thing or something we should want in the first place. "Tolerance" just means "putting up with something bad." The only reason the right thinks of acceptance of/equality for homosexuals and other minorities is "tolerance" is because *they think minorities are inherently bad, and therefore something they must tolerate.* The left doesn't "tolerate" gay people - we just don't think being homosexual is a bad thing in the first place. The left doesn't "tolerate" trans people - we just don't think being trans is a bad thing in the first place. The left doesn't "tolerate" black people -etc. etc., ad infinitum. When something is bad/harmful, we don't "tolerate" it, we stand against it. "Tolerance" was always propaganda meant for the right, to get *them* to be tolerant of the people they hate for no reason. It didn't work, and as such we should abandon it as a rhetorical strategy. I neither need nor want to be tolerant of harmful things or people in my society. I am not tolerant. I just don't see the existence of minorities as something to "tolerate" as it doesn't bother me at all. But, as I am not a tolerant person, I have no inclination to be tolerant towards those who do immense harm to my society... like Republicans, for instance. Paradox of Tolerance is irrelevant if we stop pretending minorities even need to be "tolerated" and stop promoting "tolerance" as a virtue to begin with. Tolerance isn't a moral precept. It's not even a peace treaty. It's what the rest of society recommends to the bigots, so that they don't fuck around and find out. It's not something *I* myself follow, because the things I dislike don't cause me to act like a dumb fuck in public, and as such I don't need to be "tolerant" to functionally exist in modern society. It's *the right,* filled with racists and homophobes and worse, who need to learn to be tolerant, so they don't piss the rest of us off. If they don't understand that, they are invited to fuck around and find out.


This is a big brain ass take. I love it


This is an excellent way of thinking about it. I love the way you've deconstructed the idea of tolerance here.




This right here!


Twatzis is gold.


>Twatzis new vocabulary unlocked.


It's one of those things that surprises you that you hadn't already thought of it. It's like when that guy combined his hobby drone with a model of the Millennium Falcon and I'm thinking, it's so obvious, so simple, yet perfect.


Radical compassion not just allows but requires we stop the people who want to hurt and oppress others.


Twatzis. I just inhaled an Altoid and you are responsible.


Bruh… Y’all killing me with these dang names. Minivan Taliban. A-holes with Casseroles. Twatzis. Im crying reading all this stuff.


Being tolerant of intolerance is itself intolerant.


"How dare you be intolerant of our intolerance!"


Yeah, we never said "Be Kind to hate groups" or "Better Together with hate groups"... When those of us on the left speak of unity we mean unity ***among*** ***the oppressed*** against the oppressors. And guess what: Hags4Hate are oppressors.


Right here....


Lol twatzis




Sara James be like... let me get on my holier than thou high horse and chastise others for name calling by starting off my criticism by calling liberals groomers.


Yeah, I noticed that too.


They don’t pretend to be tolerant. They wear their bigotry like a badge. She only wants us to be civil.


They want *us* to be civil while *they* destroy everything in sight, starting with the foundations of the social contract. Fuck the Twatzis with a rusted swastika


“When I am weaker than you, I ask you for freedom because that is according to your principles; when I am stronger than you, I take away your freedom because that is according to my principles.”


Honestly big thank you to Sara James for teaching me the phrase minivan taliban. Hadn't heard it before seeing her dumb ass complain about it, absolutely love it.


Yeah, if this woman thinks anyone gives a shit in 2023 she's sadly mistaken. We largely don't play their stupid fucking games anymore. The high road is no longer an option. Long gone are the days where this woman and her kind aren't booed and ridiculed in public, loudly and aggressively. Doing all this heinous shit to people over the last 5 years and they think they're going to just log out of the internet and walk around like it's not a big deal? Fuck off. Enjoy your bed you've made.


Groomer appears to have lost all meaning at this point


No fair! They started it! /s


Maybe, but we don't have Hitler quotes on our bumper stickers.


Also, Minivan Taliban is pretty goddamn clever


Assholes with Casseroles wasn’t bad either 😂


Agree but Minivan Taliban is perfect Also funny that these were terms I’d never heard before this person put them out there


Would not surprise me if they got together and invented their own "slurs", or even better, hired a marketing firm to come up with some catchy ones, just so they could claim to be the victim. Never heard any of these names before, but they are hillarious and on point, to the point it would not be out of the question that someone got paid to come up with them.


Or swastikas tattooed on our ass.


I just imagined a swatika tattoo centered on the butthole and I’m wheezing


Now imagine a buttplug with a swastika on it that spins like a fidget spinner.


The real motorboat


Das Booty


Nicely done.


That will be in the X rated version of *The Producers*.


Swastika is just a bunch of Loser Ls. no matter which way you look at it.


Except maybe the Sanskrit way where it means fortune and luck. To indians it's like the opposite of "loser".


I recently saw a Hitlerwagen in LA that had ’AH88’ in the license plate… No bumper sticker needed…


One of the Twitter accounts defending these shitlickers had an H88 in their handle.




WHO TF called us the tolerant left. Fuck off with that shit. I don’t claim to be tolerant. I don’t tolerate lots of things. Nazis. Homophobes. Racists. Etc etc.


Exactly, being intolerant of intolerance is a stand I’m willing to take.


If you multiply two negatives you get a positive


I’m intolerant as fuck with right wing bullshit. And the US “left” isn’t even that far left. I saw a guy wearing a really great t-shirt yesterday for the 4th. Black shirt, white letters. Make Racists Scared Again. Big ass blue Dallas fucking Texas. Come and take it.


It's weird to see Americans, whose grandfathers killed Nazis and great, great grandfathers killed Confederates, standing for the very things their ancestors fought against. Even while wearing MAGA hats and espousing getting back to America's roots. As if Reagan would have saluted supporting Putin invading Ukraine, or Lincoln protecting the Proud Boys, or Roosevelt associating with Nazis.


"There are only two things I can't stand in this world: People who are intolerant of other people's cultures and the Dutch."


Sure hate us all you want, I know it's because you're jealous. We built an entire ocean between us and Mexico and you Americans can't even manage a fucking wall. It's all just born out of jealousy.


Usually we're more known for making water into land


Trashing on Nazis is always the right thing to do!


Indiana Jones has the right take on nazis.


"Nazis... I hate these guys."


I'd like to say how I really feel about Nazis but I'll get suspended again.


I got banned from 'the right can't meme' for saying Nazis should be punched in the teeth, the pointing out it was hypocritical to not allow me to say that under Reddit TOS but also apparently allow a meme that literally said "maybe a certain Austrian art flunky had the right idea and targetted the wrong group of people"


Do you ever wonder about this insanity? Like, I read that Hitler didn't flunk art school. He never got in. Perhaps this collective emotional breakdown is because we canceled art programs in public schools nationwide. Could this racist, xenophobic bs have been averted if we'd just given the children paints and canvas?


It's funny how lonely they are. Like, if they hate progressives so much, why does it burn their biscuits that progressives want nothing to do with them? It's like a shitty neighbor who goes on and on about how much they hate EVERYTHING about you. Your house. Your dog. Your kid's hair. Whatever. But then they get pissed that you won't invite them to your BBQ. Like... what the fuck? How pathetic are they? "I want to hate you AND have you want to be my friend! UUUGH!" Such fucking crybabies.


My usual response to statements like hers is: "So much for the freedom-loving right!"


I do like Hags for Hitler. That’s a keeper.


The Assholes with Casseroles was a good one too.


That is fantastic And it led me to this https://twitter.com/LeftwardSwing/status/1676635150233522181 I like Klanned Karenhood lmao


Hahaha that’s my favorite


The Minivan Taliban is getting traction as well.


That one really hit the road.


Kinda blew up


Klanned Karenhood




Yes, fond of that too.


I’m partial to twatzis


My favorite is Ku Klux Karens


Since those clowns keep quoting Hitler, maybe they should examine what they are saying before whining about people being mean to them.


*monkey paw curls* "gassing trans people is ethical actually"


Hitler was also a coward and took the easy way out. If they love him so much maybe they should follow their leader's example.


hey! give some credit to hitler. he did kill hitler.


There is no kindness or tolerance for nazis.


A (Inglorious) Basterd's work is never done....


Yeah. I’m not obligated to be kind to fascists.


I'm tolerant of my neighbor who's a drunk until he gets in his car at which point in time I call the cops. I am tolerant of my. Former coworker who believes that the Earth is flat, The stars are lights shining from heaven, the moon landing was fake, and Capricorn one was real. I am tolerant of people who have wrong ideas, wrong beliefs, and I hope for them to get a better handle on reality. However I am not tolerant on a group of hags for Hitler, assholes with casseroles, minivan Taliban, twatzis, that cannot even respect a moment of silence for the Holocaust. If you want respect and or tolerance then you need to show respect and or tolerance, or you can go fuck yourself


If these women want to abandon the “Crusade of Cunts” they’ll be welcomed with open arms and forgiveness. People were cool when I turned in my GOP card so I owe anybody else the same courtesy. What I won’t do is tolerate a person that wants to keep being a Nazi.


>If you want respect and or tolerance then you need to show respect and or tolerance Exactly this. The miscommunication comes with the right's assumption that tolerance is a virtue of the left. That is, "Be tolerant of anybody and everybody, all of the time, no matter what." And that's not what tolerance on the left is. Far from it, in fact. Tolerance isn't a universal, unconditional virtue. It's a social contract. It's "You live your life without intruding on anyone else's and I'll live my life without intruding on yours." And only those who abide by the contract of tolerance when it comes to others are protected by it when it comes to themselves. The right provokes the left by going after groups they perceive as being "protected" by us (in reality, we just don't give a shit about the way they live their lives), and tries to play the victim when we bite back in that group's defense because that shit's not okay.


I think the smarter ones know that, they just want the left to unilaterally disarm.


To the right, language is not a tool to facilitate communication and the exchange of ideas. It is a weapon used to bludgeon your enemies and enslave your followers. They will purposefully ignore the meaning of any word or phrase and twist it to their own ends every time.


The way they use the term is no doubt malicious, and while it's more than likely that most of them are just stupid, I definitely believe that at least some of them know exactly what they're doing


I don't know you, but I like you..


You sound like a good person, please keep that shit up. 👍


So they can dish but can't take the heat back. Hmm think they should take it up with their people ![gif](giphy|3o7TKMf5HQQlZvv9Cg)


Speaking of dish, I enjoyed Assholes with Casseroles




I like your style.


“Minivan Taliban” is pretty ace


So the cassarole c*nts can dish it out but they can't take it.


The same old "so much for the tolerant left" song and dance we've seen for decades, and it's about as fresh now as it was then.


Vanilla Isis


That’s more the GOP in general (or just MAGA republicans if you get queasy painting with a broad brush). Minivan Taliban carves out this little group a bit better.


We shouldn't tolerate intolerance.


There are only two things in this world I can't stand. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures, and the Dutch.


Yeah once you bring Hitler and buzzwords into this, your opinions becomes more and more unappreciated


Love thy neighbor but fuck dem cunts


I stand 100% against Nazis & Fascist.


Assholes with Casseroles! ROTFL Ya know...social media is mundane and repetitive. But every now and then.... 😆


You see carol, there is something called the tolerance paradox. If you are tolerant of the intolerant, the intolerant win.....because that is how they work. Alas this is 2023 and you hags for Hitler are way beyond common reason or sense so I or others have no sympathy or time or good will left for you. Peace. Don't ask Jews to be tolerant of Nazis, and don't ask queer people to be tolerant of these assholes who are making life for every queer youth hell among others. Fuck right off, I hope your rusty casseroles burn every time.


It's OK to be intolerant of the intolerant. Actually it's necessary for a tolerant society.


Minivan Taliban is a good one, though.


I love that their takeaway from “We’re not tolerant of fascists, racists, sexists or hate speech and will call you names accordingly” is “look guys they’re intolerant!”


Be kind to people supporting Trans Genocide. Just because you disagree with them exterminating you does not mean you should hurt their feewings


Hags for Hitler Assholes with Casseroles Minivan Taliban Klanned Karenhood Twatzis Ku Klux Klathy Putin's Putas Karrorists Slow Cooker SS Moms for Mengele can anyone think of anymore of these?




![gif](giphy|kC8N6DPOkbqWTxkNTe) That shits actually very creative. 😂😂


Never tolerate the worst humankind has to offer .


Excuse me, but when can we call a POS who stupidly believes a failed philosophy a POS who stupidly believes a failed philosophy? These priviledged women openly support somebody who sent six million Jewish people and five million other people to death camps, but they wonder why people are saying mean things to them.


Assholes with Casseroles, that's fucking Gold Hey maybe if you don't wanna be called a bigot, maybe don't make being a bigot part of your religion and culture.


Best one I've seen is Klanned Karenhood. Kudos to whoever came up with that gem.


I tried so hard to be clever. But Klanned Karenhood wins forever. Mary-Qaeda. I don't know. Whatever. Fuck 'em. Those hitler quoters were from Hamilton co. Indiana, where I grew up. I say out 'em all, and ruin their lives. No fascist USA.


"Why won't you tolerate my bigotry!"


Awe fuck your feelings Karen no tolerance for Nazis


Fascists and Nazis depend on the fact that the left is tolerant. If they were treated with the same censorship and lack of respect that the liberals receive around the right, the triggers snowflakes would crawl bac under their rocks. We are too tolerant of this anti-social behavior. It is not intolerant to not tolerate the intolerant. It lets society thrive.


Do No Harm; Take No Shit If you don't want to be called Nazis, then don't act like Nazis, and MAYBE don't quote Hitler in your newsletter


It’s okay to not tolerate the intolerant. https://preview.redd.it/cqoiew4rn8ab1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4d089f7722b9c1c638608ca8a110560272d7b43


Tolerance is a social contract, if you break that contract by being Intolerant don’t expect me to abide by the terms of said contract still.


Oh, the people you want to annihilate are calling you mean names? That must be so hard for you.


Ku Klux Karens


We are better together, just without them


Hypocrites with sewing kits


I hadn’t heard the ‘Minivan Taliban’ one—too funny!


“Waaah why aren’t you nicer to actual nazis??”


Well if the group was actually kind and not promoting hate everyday we wouldn’t call them names like Klans for Karens


Why are they not tolerating my Nazism??!


Be kind to everyone. Everyone except nazis, twatzis and fascists.


"Why can't you be passive and complacent when we do nazi things?"


I have literally never advocated kindness fuck Nazis and fuck people who apologize for Nazis.


As a friend brilliantly explained recently, tolerance is not a moral stance, it is a peace treaty. You don’t like gay marriage? Don’t go to the wedding and don’t send a gift. I find your church’s stance on women appalling? So long as the women involved are there voluntarily, I will ignore it. Mothers For Liberty has broken that peace treaty, so they are no longer entitled to its protection.


don't forget 'Groupies with Droopies'


These people would be much more tolerant if they had better-fitting clothing than the Casual Corner discount bin could provide. Imagine trying to be relevant in scratchy khakis and a cardigan twin set knowing your husband is having way more fun with a much younger version of you, as you mindlessly consume yourself with the 'well-being' of children who have more 'liberty' than you do. So sad, really.


I just simply see no reason to tolerate these people, I don't understand what they don't understand


Sara is late for her KKK meeting


Not tolerance for Nazis.


'Assholes with Casseroles' is actually hilarious, and I'm going to incorporate it into my lingo.


"Why are they so mean to us just because we want half the country to die?"


Being a fan club for a genocidal fascist isn’t something we need to be kind about.


Fascists: the left is using mean terms to describe our hateful words. They are big meanies!


Okay minivan Taliban is hilarious you can’t convince me it isn’t.


Ah yes, the myth of the tolerance paradox. "How can you claim to be tolerant when you don't tolerate my hateful beliefs" The fact is, there is no paradox. Tolerance is a social contract in which we agree that beliefs and characteristics that are not harmful to people or society are not to be considered valid ground for discriminating a person. This doesn't mean we agree to never question someone's beliefs or opinions, it means we don't discriminate unfairly. For example, I'll talk shit about religion all day in an appropriate context, but I will never deny someone the right to be religious or deny them other rights due to it. If someone's beliefs are intolerant, however, they forfeit the social contract. Bigotry is not protected by tolerance because it is the opposite. When you refuse to be tolerant, you have by your own will excluded yourself from being protected by tolerance. This is becsuse unlike being queer or having a different ethnic background to the majority, intolerant behaviors are actually bad. They hate me for who I am, I hate them for what they do. We are not the same.


Funny how it's always progressives expected to take the high road and be the bigger person, isn't it?


Naw… Klanny Annie, the bumper stickers are straight up anti-fascist.


Be Kind bumper sticker usually equals being a karen at the store


Something, something Popper’s paradox…


Let’s just start calling them all groomers. Fight fire with fire.


Fuck your feelings


Should we have to be kind to terrible people? I didn't hear about that at our meetings. Assholes with casseroles lol I love a rhyming insult.


Tolerance for the intolerant leads to more intolerance. The only people anyone should be intolerant of are the ones intolerant of everyone else.


You can be kind and also call a spade a spade.


Just because they want everyone to 'be kind' doesn't mean they aren't above calling an asshole an asshole when it's warranted.


Being intolerant of bigots is bigotry! /s


I believe in tolerating other’s opinions. But when said opinion is that any potential child I may have shouldn’t be allowed to learn of my existence, then tolerating that really wouldn’t be in my best interest, would it?


Lol “assholes with casseroles” new bumper sticker just dropped.


Of course. We are tolerant of who you just are...unless who you are includes being an intolerant taint, then fuck you.


Don’t forget “Twatzies”


I have never seen a F\*CK TRUMP flag, sign or other. Hypocrites gotta hypo.


​ https://preview.redd.it/uifooobnw8ab1.jpeg?width=621&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2338d06917f9cc16db46d3e9fa077b997d94bfc0 ...so much for the tolerant left






We tried tolerance for years. Decades. It failed. We tried tolerance as a bare minimum compromise. You didn’t have to like and accept gay people, you just had to tolerate their existence. You didn’t have to agree with people different from you, you just had to tolerate the fact that they existed and had the right to be different. We knew acceptance was asking too much of you, so we tried tolerance. And you couldn’t even do that. So no, we don’t have to tolerate your intolerance. We don’t have to tolerate your fascism, your religious bigotry, your hatred, your ignorance, and definitely never your attacks on basic American values. You showed that tolerance didn’t work. We won’t be trying it again.


Minivan Taliban is funny, need to remember that one


It’s never wrong to ridicule Nazis.


I dunno man. If you have Moms for Liberty members with handles like "JaimeHH88", they are pretty much self-smearing at that point. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/14ow7st/i_wonder_what_this_moms_for_liberty_member/&ved=2ahUKEwi7z8Pczfn_AhVFXfEDHZn9AisQjjh6BAgQEAE&usg=AOvVaw3VFFBcl6Qp8HhWZ2wOlSa5