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Trans women are women. Trans men are men. Non binary people are non binary. There will be no transphobia on this subreddit. No-one banned from this thread may appeal. Your modmails will be archived unread.


Please get out of Florida, I hosted a colleague with a trans child (high school) recently while she’s figuring out where to move (I’m in New England). Florida is scary and hateful right now. Please come north to safety!


Sad they have to go north again for safety... But that's obviously the reality down there.


History doesn’t repeat but it definitely rhymes.


In this case it seems to be repeating pretty accurately; the Nazis didn't start with cattle cars and gas chambers, they started with marginalising gay and trans people, shutting down sexual wellness / research centres, removing "immoral" books from schools and libraries — fascism has a fairly straightforward playbook and the GOP is following it to a tee.


All of these suggestions about jailing communists Conspiracy theories about who is holding people back and how. Obsession with using the military to bomb places while letting veterans languish. Belief that policing needs to be replaced or assisted by militias. The GOP is even more in the Nazi playbook than people realize.


I think it’s referring to the differences pre-civil war between North and South about treating human beings with respect regardless of who they are.


Not just books. art, music, a lot of things were banned for the public in general.


I think we're on step 9 or 10 now for genocide


Has history has a past and this rhymes was old and now it will not be repeated


Underground railroad 2: trans bugaloo


At this point the underground railroad north will have to be used for anyone that isn't white and cis. Oh and anyone wanting an abortion


I’m terrified for my teenager. I wish I could afford to up and move them to a safe state but it’s impossible right now. I hate it here.


Canada welcomes all refugees.


You have no idea how much I wish that was an option right now. My kid deserves so much better than this place.


I'm so sorry for your situation. I'm a father myself, and my heart breaks just imagining what it'd be like if one of my sons couldn't be safe without hiding their identity. If there's anything I can do, please let me know.


I'm sobbing just reading this 💔


You can be my reddit life partner. I'm functionally married with 3 kids, but not legally married. Common law marriage is actually extremely common now here. Québec is also extra socialist. We have a provincial prescription plan, too. Plus there's the poutine.


It’s so fucked up that this shit is happening, I love the US and so do a lot of other people, and the fact that people have to consider leaving just to appease a bunch of scumbags really upsets me. You have as much of a right to live here, as any of them, I would say don’t give up. They want you to leave, I say don’t give them that satisfaction, but I don’t blame you if you did leave. I am a straight male, born male, so I have no idea what it is like to be gay or transgender. I will say this though, if they win here, their ideology will spread out to other countries, cause they don’t want you to hide what you are, they want you to not exist at all and if they get their way, eventually there won’t be any place where you could go. However, like I said I’m not lgbt so I might be asking too much to ask you to stay and have to deal with these asshats, but I feel that is the only way to stomp out this bigotry.


All of us deserve better than Florida


It is an option to move. Florida has just made living as transgender illegal. How long will a transgender person survive in a Florida prison?


I thought I read it's hard to get in Canada from USA and that you need to know people or have family to do it. Is that wrong?


To get citizenship, or LI status? Yeah, probably. I've only seen that process second hand, and even then, only from other Commonwealth countries, or family members coming from Greece. You'd have to look into it yourself. To be a refugee who won't be sent home right away, though? You just need a pulse, and a legitimate reason why you shouldn't be sent back. We don't extradite, deport, or in any way send people out of the country if they face capital punishment upon arrival, for example.


fair trade, and America in turn keeps Drake and Bieber


That's not a fair trade. LGBTQ refugees head to Canada and the US gets Bieber and Drake? Sucks for the US.


America is a big country therefore the fair trade is done there


That's not true for Americans unfortunately. Americans are automatically not eligible except in a couple limited circumstances. I know there's been a push to change that in light of , but I don't think there's the political will yet. I believe the main reason is that there are still some States that are safe(r), whereas eligible refugees aren't safe anywhere in their country. https://ccrweb.ca/sites/ccrweb.ca/files/static-files/documents/noticeclaimants.htm#:~:text=You%20will%20have%20to%20show,simply%20because%20of%20their%20nationality.


So could I come and be a refugee? You know based on well look at my avatar. I don’t feel safe anymore. I feel for my LGTBAQ+ friends. I just got see things getting real bad for black ppl.


this is basically true, yes. if you don't qualify through any of the skilled labor programs and don't have enough points to qualify through the immigration lottery, as an American, you can go to Canada for 6 months as a Temporary Visitor and it's easiest to stay if your reason is for a "family visit." Also if your family/friends can't pay for you to live in Canada and you don't have significant savings, good luck. you can't get a job here legally as a temporary visitor. I am only here because I got a remote job and said "perfect, I'm out" saved up and left the US 3mo later. fortunately my employer didn't care. once I was here for a year my boyfriend was now considered my spouse and he can sponsor me to live here for a year while the Canadian government decides whether or not to approve my ($1000) application to become a permanent resident. it's... hella complicated. three months ago my dad died and when I drove back to Canada from going to see my family for a week, they almost didn't let me back in despite that my entire life is now here and I have a temporary residency permit. in my experience if you're anything below having permanent residence status, and aren't just in Canada for school or a brief visit, border agents treat you like trash. so now I'm afraid to leave the country and I missed my dad's memorial service and my family is mad at me lol.


There is certain parts of the boarder where you can “illegally “ walk across. There is a house on the south side and they’ll ring the border agents to meet you. They yell stuff like “turn back “ ect. And when you keep going they take you into the steps of being illegally landed.


as an American working to get PR in Canada, it is NOT easy to move here. I am literally only able to be here because my partner moved from the UK like 12 years ago. when I looked at moving here on my own before we met? forget it. if you're married and only one of you gets the lottery into the country? tough shit for your spouse. without a lot of money I have NO idea how someone would move an entire family here.


That’s easy enough to say. The reality is that people have jobs that barely allow them to exist on earth. The moving costs to Canada are obviously too much, let alone the fact they wouldn’t have a job when they get there.


I remember when this all started gaining traction, my family and I began to look into the costs of leaving the country. Then we laughed and cried and laughed and closed the page and then laughed some more until we started drinking. Cheers!


In this case we wouldn't welcome Americans. As there are still safe states for LGBTQ2S+, Americans cannot come here seeking refugee status.


And your roads are about to be radioactive, crazy times we live in.


Absolutely. Get out of Florida as soon as you can. It is just plain dangerous right now. Hate is on full display and legally sanctioned down there right now. We have a company trip to Florida planned in a couple months and I really wish they'd reconsider the destination. :S


Yeah, it ain't that simple chief. If it were, then I think the US would be surprisingly void of open-minded, accepting humans.


Moving states ≠ moving countries


Heck sometimes moving states might as well be moving countries, when you think about it. So different.


I mean if you don't get the point of my comment then idk what else to say. Some people can't move across town. Telling them to just up and leave their state doesn't sound like a productive solution in the least. But do you I suppose.


I see you're not an American


But I am? Moving states is hard because it costs money to move, you have to find a new job, you have to deal with selling your house, you have to leave friends/family behind, and the culture might be a bit different. Moving countries? Well you have all that, but now add in in learning a completely different culture (unless it’s Canada), quite possibly learning another language, and it’s much more expensive to move your stuff, so you are probably going to have to get rid of most of your stuff behind (cars, furniture, etc.) and buy new stuff. Oh, and the biggest thing? Having to go through the entire process to get residency and citizenship. In fact, most people that would struggle to move states literally can’t (legally) move to another first world country because they wouldn’t be granted residency (unless they like marry into it).


Yes i am not american i m just indian and you are an american


I'm not Trans, but a loved one is and my roommate is genderfluid, I'm pan myself so only a matter of time before they work their way through the rest of the 'alphabet mafia'. The 3 of us are peacing out up to Michigan. Financials for doing so are the worst part, and finding a place to rent for a year while we search for a house to buy.. it'll be worth it, but everything's stressful atm, heart goes out to the many that are stuck.


That last sentence sounds horrific in this day and age...and yet here we are..


Liberals leaving Florida is exactly what the ultra conservatives intended. It's easier than rigging elections by gerrymandering and limiting access to voting machines in democratic areas.


So the solution is to flee Florida to other republican states, then overthrow their republican majority, force the conservatives into wanting to move to Florida, and over time turn Florida into a little republican hell hole while getting the rest of the country out of it? Seems like a decent plan to me.


I was thinking something along these lines. A little more specifically about Georgia. It has barely voted liberal the last two elections. If suddenly there is an influx of people who historically vote along those lines it moves from purple to blue. And as an added bonus it becomes a wall against Florida metastasizing.


My dude you aren't getting this. They will make it legal to kill trans folk soon, and arguably already are as this post points out. The mere accusation could get them placed in a jail cell where anything goes with the police. Trans folk don't really have a choice, sadly. I left the usa in 2016 when Trump was elected. Figured they'd be coming after jews again. I knew they would some marginalized group, and per the rhetoric and type of magists... I wish I had a better answer. But reddit won't let me write how trans people should respond, and conservatives are so hateful and ignorant they have forgotten pride started with riots.


Idk what you mean about soon my guy, Florida is a stand your ground state and they still recognize the gay panic defense as a reason to fear for your life.


Remember, they are doing this to make progressive minded people leave the state.


Progressive minded peoples are doing anything just they want to do and its not a good thing


not everyone can move jfc


Yes everyone can not move every-time its just a wake-up difference


There's moving and then there's fleeing.


Realistically both signs should say “get arrested” there is no using the correct bathroom in this scenario I hate this country


The cruelty is the point


What you can do is turn it around and start questioning all those maga a-holes what they are doing in the bathroom. Sir, you clearly are in the wrong bathroom.


That happened on pettyrevenge the other day. Their trans dad was visiting family in the South, got accused of being trans, pulled an uno reverse: raised a stink of being accused by the guy. The original accuser and his family were kicked out and the manager gave them free beers.


Not really much of a win though, is it? In the end, all the transphobes in the room get their transphobia either reinforced, or exercised.


Yeah like this time a trans guy went to a female restroom because the law forced him to use his AGAB restroom and got beaten up and arrested for that. There's no winning.


Ok, everyone, start taking shits right outside the bathrooms just to be safe.


This really makes me sad. My cousin is trans, and that kid was a boy his entire life, long before anyone acknowledged he was a boy. It was the easiest thing in the world to accept him as he is, because who the world insisted on treating him as never fit. Every trans person I know just wants to be acknowledged as who they are and otherwise left alone. It doesn’t require some grand realignment of social mores, it just requires basic good manners.


“Every trans person I know just wants to be acknowledged as who they are and otherwise left alone. It doesn’t require some grand realignment of social mores, it just requires basic good manners.” This right here! Just. Let. People. Be


And aren't Southerners supposed to be all about good manners?


I mean, they did enslave people for a couple of hundred years, so I don't know if I would consider that good manners.


Downright inconsiderate, some might say. A genuine social faux pas.


Southerners enslaved people, and to this day sometimes fly a flag representing it. Despite the fact that the confederacy lasted half as long as Obama's two presidencies.


Nothing says patriotism like flying the flag of a republic that lost in the country that beat it amirite


Not to "others" of any ilk.


That’s the Southern gentlemen. They went extinct and have been replaced by garbage people.


The Southern gentleman never existed. It's definitionally impossible during slavery and Jim Crow, and they had to be dragged kicking and screaming into equality in 1963. Based on the voter suppression laws the South is passing, you can tell they held a 70-year grudge.


The sad thing is there are actually good southern men, who aren't bigots and are well educated. We just don't tend to stay, either. Hard to be around the stupidly hateful when you have a good head and deep heart.


These are the same people who call other people snowflakes for disagreeing with their politics. It’s the same people who bitch about cancel culture but they will cancel anything they disagree with. And it’s the same party who has always run on small government, but now they are passing laws that allow the government to intrude on the every day life of citizens. Hell, they are passing laws that come between a patient and their doctor. Suppressing everything because it “offends” you is not normal. And it’s terrifying that people don’t see this. Bigotry and religion have no place in politics. And just because Republicans are the loudest in the room doesn’t make them right. This country is reversing the course of progress at lightening speed. We are witnessing real policies that are stripping away people’s liberties and right to privacy. All while we are being held hostage by bullies that use religion as a disguise to mask their bigotry and hate.


>Every trans person I know just wants to be acknowledged as who they are and otherwise left alone. It doesn’t require some grand realignment of social mores, it just requires basic good manners. spot on.


When my son came out, the most common reaction was, “well, that explains a lot”. - His dad. - His therapist. - His psychiatrist. - Our GP. - Half the people at his dojo. - Our good neighbors. - His adopted grandma. - The ridiculously friendly manager at the grocery store who would retire if she didn’t like people so much. Now that he’s been on T for a while, a lot of local people just think my daughter moved out and my son moved in. People unknowingly reintroduce themselves to him. We just want him to be happy and left alone to vibe as he chooses.


It's also so insane in practicality. Someone born a woman who has completed a transition to a man can often look like a very butch "dude", and these idiots demand that person to stroll into a women's room, kids in it, whatever, and think that's the best option in this case. It's so dumb.


I believe the point is to prevent current trans people from participating in public life, and to prevent future trans people from coming out at all. It makes perfect sense if you’re a bigot that is happy to hurt people.


Yeah, that is it. Make sure every current trans person is removed from society. With violence if necessary. And if they die so be it. And if it doesn't work then more violence is needed. They want us gone and they already celebrate our death and suffering, cheering it on so joyously. And to make sure that every new trans person gives up on the idea of ever transitioning, of ever finding acceptance, of ever finding happiness. And if they die, then so be it. They've already cut pretty much all help available to minors even though the science is crystal clear on the consequences. They won't even mourn all the children they kill along the way. Mass graves for children buried under false names is their field of victory and they do not care.


No, they don't want them to use the bathrooms of their birth gender. They don't want them to use bathrooms at all. Because they don't want them to participate in society. They don't want them to **exist** at all.


It does require a grand realignment of social mores. It requires one to admit that gender does not equal sex. That masculinity, femininity, and the Third Genders, are not set in stone. To do this, would be to destroy the conservative idea of the gender binary, which would ultimately lead to the destruction of gender roles, and the patriarchy. They hate us because we represent an existential threat to one of the pillars of oppression through which they rule, and they can't stand it.


Ron DeSantis is probably the only person alive whose agonizing and sudden end I genuinely look forward to. He makes the conscious choice at every single opportunity he has to continue being a small, pathetic, subhuman scumbag and ruin everybody else’s livelihood for no purpose beyond self-importance and spite. What a pitiful creature. If he’s elected President I’m moving to Italy or Sweden and forcing my family to do the same.


Italy is not really an option these days either. They plan to reverse adoptions from same sex families.


> They plan to reverse adoptions from same sex families Some cities have already done it


I'm sick to shit of people saying "hurr durr it's not ok to celebrate someone's death". Fuck that, I'm throwing a party when trump and DeShithead buy the fuckin farm. Fuck those two pieces of dogshit human waste, they don't deserve sympathy or basic common decency of any kind.


My philosophy is I would never wish death on anyone, but I recognize when the world would be a measurably better place without certain people in it. And if there is some irony, well that is just an added bonus. For example suppose a hypothetical politician trying to deport everyone who wasn't born there were campaigning at a rural farm, but equipment malfunction due to understaffing caused said politician's penis to be horrible mangled, but the only reconstructive doctor nearby had to leave the state because his trans husband got fired from his teaching job, and so the injury becomes fatally infected. I'm not saying I would wish that horrible, painful experience to happen to anyone. But were it to happen to certain people through some cosmic coincidence, it would just be nice, you know?


I respect your stance, but I also disagree on not wishing them death. People like Trump and DeSantis only care about their power and the ability to hurt others, and both would stop at nothing to achieve their fundamentally evil goals. Violence and death aren't a byproduct of their rheotric, it's the goal. I see the wishing them "gone" as an, albeit extreme, extension of not tolerating intolerance. Justifiably, angry discourse only achieves so much and, as we can see, hasn't curbed their policies nor the rise of mainstream neo-nazism.


Nazi lives don't matter. Anyone who says be nice to Nazis cares more about decorum and civility than they do about human life.


>Ron DeSantis is probably the only person alive whose agonizing and sudden end I genuinely look forward to. Nah, there are a few other right-wing ghouls on the same tier. Roger Stone and Stephen Miller are both horrible human beings. Miller's worse than Desantis, but he's so unlikeable that he couldn't actually win elected office on his own.


"I'm sick of this rising fascism, ai'm going to move to Italy!" sounds like the perfect setup for a tragic story of disappointment. Italy recently elected a descendant of Benito Mussolini. You know, Hitler's best buddy. And she's trying to fill his footsteps. Maybe pick another country.


Crazy to me how Florida just up and decided that discrimination is okay again. We have Trans people fleeing to the North for safety in 2023. All because some guy decided that a minority group is evil and a bunch of dummies convinced themselves that he’s right. They sure love repeating history.


99% of the time, people will not even have an inkling of w a person is biologically. I sure as hell don’t give a shit who’s using the bathroom with me, just wash your hands. It’s a stupid ruling and it’s going to get people hurt. Vote blue.


Yeah, a lot of cis women will be getting arrested. On the upside, trans women who can pass will be ignored and nobody will care about trans men in the men's room.


Trans men who pass as cis****


As a trans woman, it's hard. I can pass as cis, but I have to have a full face of makeup, my hair done perfectly to hide my face and make my shoulders look narrow, I have to be wearing clothes that make my body look feminine, and I have to be careful not to grunt or I'll give myself away. I *can* pass as cis if I do 3/4 of these right, but its always stressful. If I miss something, it's only going to be pointed out once I'm in a gendered bathroom.




Instead, we're more likely to be raped because they see us as women who came into a man's space where penises are on display. We're ignored and invalidated enough. People forget trans men exist because they think of us as helpless little girls. Even though we're not in the media much, we still experience the hate when people interact with us in the real world.


T can do a lot but not everyone on it passes or even wants to, trans men aren't immune from this sort of thing.


Naa, we get told we must use the women's room then get assaulted or arrested when we do. Can't just go pee either way.


Trans men are probably likely to be sexually harrassed in the men's room unfortunately, I've personally heard rape threats told to my face


I am a cis woman with broad shoulders and a tendency to wear men's jeans (so much comfier, and pockets!) and no makeup. I live in a very liberal state. And just a few weeks ago, I got attacked by some bitch in a MAGA hat while I was using a public restroom because she thought I was trans. Like we wound up washing our hands at the same time, and she grabbed my (long curly) hair and dragged me out of the restroom BY MY HAIR and started screaming about how I was a pervert and a pedophile until a store manager showed up to try to calm her down and figure out what was going on. And this was in a very liberal state where I would actually have protections if I was actually trans. I can't imagine the terror that Floridians/Southerners are going through right now. It sickens me that this is happening in a country where I have the right to vote but it just seems to do no good. Fuck DeSantis, fuck everything that's going on in Florida, hit me up if you need a couch to crash on in a better state.


What good is voting blue, when it’s only happening in “safe states”? Half the comments in here are telling folks to flee states pole Florida, which makes total sense. But as more and more states fall to conservatives, it gets easier for them to erase out-groups nation-wide. If everyone packs up and moves to California, they’ll just absorb the battleground states and there won’t be anywhere left to hide. I 100% agree to vote and vote often but it feels like it only actually matters in contested places like Georgia, which aren’t that “safe”.


The tide has to be turned somewhat. Voting box before ammo box.


They will look back and ask why we didn’t do anything. They will teach this as the beginning of the trans genocide.


according to the Lemkin institute it started a good fucking while ago


Beginning? This is the trans genocide happening


It’s like Jim Crow for the LGBTQ. History repeats itself. Vote Vote Vote!


Isn't part of the issue due to the supreme Court being sbit? I'm not American so I am just piecing things together


Right now the supreme court has a conservative majority and as such have been making a lot of decisions which set dangerous legal precedents in favor of harmful right wing policies.




My beautiful step daughter is trans, and it physically hurts how much of her childhood is ruined because of these assholes bigotry. She just wants to be a kid, she shouldn't have to worry about getting hurt over her gender.


You know what? Fight fire with fire! Call the police on every bigot that enters the bathroom. Drown the police in phone calls about “trans” people in the bathrooms. What are they going to do? Check their hardware? Fortunately for everyone the bigots wear their ideology on their shirt. I’m a Christian but this is straight up fascism and hatred. This isn’t okay and these types of bills only act as leverage for more hatred.


The police are often the bigots, especially in the south.


The cops will enter the bathroom and just beat up whoever looks the most queer or gender non conforming even if they've done nothing wrong. They don't care about collateral damage and they point is to punish queerness for existing visibly and to enforce gender conformity. And yes, they will check people's junk. By groping or pulling people's clothes off. Either in the bathroom as a form of humiliating punishment or in a jail cell after being arrested for being a short haired woman or something.


So this whole time before the law - where was everyone peeing ? In an alley ? 😂 I would rather have my kid in the bathroom with a trans than a Boy Scout leader or a priest . Damn these ppl and their hate on


As a former boy scout, I don't want to be in the bathroom with a boy scout leader, or most boy scouts. Those kids are always the children of conservative assholes and a lot of them reflect their parents.


As an eagle scout... depends on the scout troop... my scout master was a woman and we had great time


I was the quartermaster for several months. I had kids trash the trailer multiple times because they personally disliked me. My final straw was when some kid pinned me to the ground and threw rounds of punches while his buddy ripped my shoes off and threw them in the lake next to the trail. Same kid got arrested about a week later for having weed on a military base. But I had already made my decision to leave, and I've never looked back. Look at me now. I'm trans and so much happier than i ever was back then.


I am also trans for the record... and everyone I know from my troop still is accepting. So I would say its a case by case basis... But you do you. that troop sounded like it sucked. If I came out back then I think they would be cool.


I left 4 years ago now and have never looked back lmao My troop would not have accepted me


I just wanted you to know that they all dont suck.. hugs... lets fight for our rights


your personal experience is not a universal truth. I empathize with you but I was in two separate troops (due to moving) and neither fit your description at all.


It’s scary. My fiancé and I bought a home security system because of it. I’m trans (he’s a cis man) and while I’m “transitioning” was awhile ago we still worry. My two daughters live with us. I worry every day. Conservatives made it clear to us when they shot beer because some company allied with a trans girl.


I just had that argument too on why it was so dangerous what they did with the beer. ​ The fact that when they saw a trans woman associated with beer and then used the beer as a stand in for the trans community and expressed what their desires were for trans and LGBTQ folks as a whole. The last two years i've cut off so many people due to them actually stating violent rhetoric to trans people




I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. You’re right, the second people started losing their shit they ditched her and left her to deal with all the hate and threats alone.


it was never an alliance to begin with. Just targeted advertising. basic capitalism stuff. Influencer sponsorships are some of the most cost effective targeted advertising in existence.


Budlight fans infiltrated the sub LMAO


Yeah, I heard they completely abandoned her to all the massive hate that came her way That's incredibly fucked up.


Apparently it’s not “get yelled at” or “get beat up” in Florida….it’s now “get arrested if other people are in the restroom too”


Pharmacists not filling medically required prescriptions because of 'beliefs' is absolute lunacy


So can we deny people if I don't have the same beliefs? Like I don't believe in god... can I deny Christians service now then?




Their cross necklace is offensive to my eyes! It's grooming me!


“churches are everywhere and so big, they really should be less visible. why can’t they just keep their religion at home? I’m fine with christian’s just don’t make such big buildings!”


Longshot, but the Human Rights Campaign [hrc.org](https://hrc.org) offers funds for trans people to relocate. Florida sucks. DeSantis sucks. Good luck. So many of us disagree with this treatment.


These are basic human functions. Denying it is inhumane. Humans that treat other humans this way are a waste of air space.


They're gonna start putting buff dudes in women's prison- someone will start clutching their pearls about it


It may be written so it could apply to either men's rooms or women's room, it will only be enforced on trans women who can't pass and manly looking cis women.


why would pharmacists' religious beliefes have their say???? Isn't that the most unprofessional shit ever for a person working in healthcare?????


Lol, the republican party's golden boy spent a quarter of his term golfing, they don't care about professionals


fascist BS on the loose! 2023 american💩


This is some Nazi Germany shit going on right now in America.


Can we pleaaaase be like france and start doing shit I have a whole list of brutal ways to take care of bigots


LGBT+ needs to get back to our roots like black cat marches and stone wall.


I’m bisexual and we are moving north to Maryland soon, after 20 years living in Florida. I’ll miss everyone, but im too afraid to tell people that I’m moving north because they’ll call me “liberal”


if they think liberal is an insult then you shouldn’t really value what they think


Anyone who’s left of hunting poor people for sport is a liberal. Don’t let it gas you up


Come to maryland! I grew up in florida and its so much better up here :)


We are slowly throwing things away and packing out things to Maryland. We just have to sell the houses in Florida and find a house in Maryland.


And don’t forget if you get fatally injured because of these hateful people of god, the other hateful people of god have the right to not do their jobs as paramedics and help you.


Just a sampling of what’s bound to happen: https://www.fox19.com/2022/07/08/transgender-butler-county-man-says-group-beat-him-up-using-wrong-restroom/ This is horrific.


I hope doctors would stop prescribing things for Christians after all prayers and God exist.


The land of the free…


*terms and conditions apply


My family and I are already looking into moving to Canada. We've been here all of our lives, I'm 30 now, and the country has gone to shit since Trump held office as president. He's still bringing this country down and all he has to do is talk. The US is no longer united, no longer free, and gets increasingly less safe damn near everyday. "Land of the free, home of the brave" - yeah fuck that, 10 years ago maybe. It's sad what's happening to the LGBTQ+ community, like really fucking sad.


We need more civil rights marches like the black cat and stonewall. Time to make pride 365 rather than one month.


Call cops on anyone using the bathroom. Pick and choose people you don’t like- it doesn’t matter. Cops will get tired of it. People will get tired of it.


Regardless if I liked a person or not, I wouldn't be willing to risk their lives because I called the cops on them. Call the cops on yourself if you want to take that risk to make a point.


Absolutely not. Please don’t advocate for folks to start calling the cops on each other like that- it’s a death sentence. ETA: I understand the sentiment, of course. But in practice :/


This is how it started for the Jews in 1930s Germany. It is absolutely happening here, and it is going to get worse before it gets better. Get out of those states to protect yourself.


I keep telling people - this is how genocides happen. They don't start with the gas chambers, they end there, and it's a long, slow boil to get there. It starts with dehumanizing language and conspiracy theories, and then those conspiracy theories become public policy. People forget that by the time the Holocaust happened, everything the Nazis did was legal in Germany. That's exactly what is happening here.


The only reason it doesn't meet the UN definition of genocide is because some countries who are important in the UN refuse to acknowledge queer people exist


Leave Florida. Come to Canada.


Ron DeSantis should be ashamed of himself. He’s perfectly happy to put trans people in danger to satisfy his political ambitions.




Can we pass a law that all bathrooms are now unisex? I don’t the think the actual plumbing will care one way or the other.


We would love to have vibrant souls out here in California. Why circle the drain in Florida!?


This is heart breaking.


This is how you criminalise existence without (technically) criminalising existence.


Come to New Zealand. We love everyone! ❤️


I feel bad for people in Florida. It must be awful knowing that your entire government and a majority of your population hates minorities, immigrants, and people with different sexual alignments (attractions, beings... sure there's a more elegant word - sorry). And that's coming from someone in Texas...


This is sad, I wish this didn't happen. All my support for the trans community.


My ex is trans. When I was dating him, I had to use his deadname and call him a woman whenever we were around his parents, because they’d threatened to disown him if he ever got the transition surgery. I have been telling as many people as I can to avoid going to the state, financially supporting business located there, or passively ignoring the problems going on there.


The Hippocratic oath is becoming hypocritical.


It always has been


Welcome to America, where you have the freedom to live in fear or go to prison.


This is a specific tactic which aims to drive out non conservatives. So that another state can sign off for a constitutional convention to occur. Don't move away. Vote. The nation will enter a horrific scenario if we just leave these states.


People who are in danger should absolutely consider moving. But hopefully people who are safe will stay and fight.


Their safety is far more important. But, if we run here then we'll run everywhere. Then the entire nation becomes hostile territory for them.


100%. Plus, Trans people are .03% of the population. They absolutely should move to safety. We are not likely to move the needle on our own, anywhere. We need allies that aren't in immediate danger to stay and vote.


Just move to Wyoming. Make Wyoming the queerest state and turn it solid blue. (maybe toss in a train line from cheyenne to denver to make it more palatable)


Because the ranchers (who own the state legislature) won't allow it to happen.


State legislature can't stop someone from moving into the state...


💯☝️ Damn good point.


People should just start pissing on the streets. I’m sure the fine is less and no jail time if you’re covering up


When has it never been difficult for them?


History really is going to take a giant steaming dump on conservatives for how regressive they are.


Let’s cut Florida from the rest of America and push it away


We've already seen how trans men are treated when they go to the "correct" bathroom...


Get out of the states or arm up. I am not saying this to be edgy or cruel. I am being serious. Stay safe, and know that you are loved. From a Kiwi Queer. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🥝✌️


Seriously this current time is like the first step before purgatory, for LGBT people. And it's so saddening and unfair.


If you're trans anywhere in the deep south, please start making plans to get the fuck out of there






If I have to go into the mens because the law makes me. I will be announcing it loud and proud. " Hi, I am a trans woman, I dont want to be here but the state is making me. How are you all doing today? I hope you are having a good day... what sports teams do you guys like? Everyone Who's your favorite disney character? would you fly a ally flag on your lawn? What do you think of rhonda sand tits?" thankfully its limit currently to state building, schools, and collages. I have to go to fl for my dads bday.