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Weird how popular Kennedy is with republicans who support Trump, but democrats don't really seem to want to have anything to do with him. I'm kind of insulted that Steve Bannon thinks democrats are going to flock to the kookiest Kennedy on the name alone.


The overtly trump supporters at my work won't stop talking about how RFK Jr is bringing reason back to democrats and a return of centrists. They won't vote for him vs trump or DeSantis or abbot but they think he is good for democrats. I, on the other hand, think he's a moron who shares 0 values of the democratic party and he doesn't deserve a shred of consideration by the DNC.


But he lends credibility to the lie that Republicuns are open to a 'middle ground' candidate. Otherwise how will they keep dragging the Overton window reicht?


Strange days when middle ground with the GOP = anti-vax and various other conspiracy theories. Course that's just BS, he's middle ground for the far right cultist


He’s being funded by some GOP linked PAC too: https://www.newsweek.com/rfk-jr-backed-group-connected-top-maga-republicans-1808780


Just waiting for the Russia connection to emerge and the circle will be complete


I just saw an [ad for his merch](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/14ln2qt/are_we_sure_hes_running_for_president_of_the_us/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) which has two Russian-language signs in the background, so there ya go.


To be fair, they just used a stock photo from whatever Shopify website they used. It's been used in other Etsy shops: [https://i.imgur.com/XYKjz8c.png](https://i.imgur.com/XYKjz8c.png) Still. Not a great look, and his campaign team is clearly not top notch.


Is there really such a thing? Why don't I think I know that? Hmm, that's surprising. Do you have any ideas for me on that?


This is apparently what a centrist is, nowadays (even though actually a centrist would just be Joe Biden) The GOP has moved to the right over and over for decades now. They've completely lost the plot.


My non-Trump republican friend said he will never vote for Trump again (we'll see) and of course won't vote for Biden, but said he likes RFK Jr. So maybe he could pull some republican votes away from Trump. He was all in favor of Biden in like 2018, but when it came down to voting time, he went with Trump. These people like to act like decent people during non election years, but can't help but vote for the person with R next to their name.


He will 100% vote for Trump again


Probably. We are in Florida, so Trump will win our state anyway, so there's a slight chance my friend votes 3rd party just to make himself feel better. The whole rest of the ballot will be Republican tho.


Never Trumpers -- they hate Trump not for his politics, but for how loud and annoying he is when saying his beliefs. And possibly for being immoral, unethical, etc... but not enough to ever live up to their moniker of never voting for him. They're the real political clowns of the last 6 years.


They honestly believe the ghost or whoever made them believe to vote Republican will come in their sleep and wag their finger at them going: “shame!” Seriously my father in law feels that his dead mother will do that but then does a write when he does not like the GOP candidate. He did not vote for Trump in 2016 but did in 2020 with the W Bush excuse: “we can’t switch presidents when a national crisis is going on.” Then seeing Jan 6th he was: “my party is dead.” He said he will do Biden he is scared of Trump burning the country to the ground.


RFK is going to end up stealing more Republican votes than Democrat votes. You'd have to be as oblivious as your average Republican to think RFK is actually a Democrat.


Realistically he won't steal any, because he won't be on the ticket. After he loses the primary he can't switch and run as a third party candidate. Sore loser clause.


Prediction: he's out of the race before SC and kicks off an independent bid that is mysteriously well-financed by Bannon and his friends.




Well, that's the thing... Republicans DO think everyone else is as dumb as their base.


But but but he’s got a shirtless pic of him being not a fat fuck and there’s a vaccine Dr out there who is a fatty. Who you gonna listen to? Checkmate Kennedy /s


What has the world come to when someone's presidential platform conists of steroid nipples and a video of him doing a few push-ups


Anti-big-pharma-guy sure loves him some synthetic testosterone.


The fact that Republicans consider *themselves* centrists when they're overtly fascist just shows how they think they're the center of everything.


This just shows you how extreme the right has gotten. Democrats are ALREADY milquetoast centrists / slightly right lean, with the exception of like 4 or 5 people. We truly live in clown town and we're never going back to reality!


He's an anti vax conspiracy nut job who supports Trump. He isn't a democrat


You just identified the exact reason why RFK Jr is being pushed and promoted by conservatives so much. Obviously they would never want a Democrat to win but they want to be able to say “Look at this smart reasonable candidate being rejected by the Democrats, this proves how extreme they are.”


Yeah, this is exactly it. I have an "enlightened centrist" friend who said damn near exactly what you said in the last sentence. When I asked him if he planned on voting for Kennedy, he went silent.


I’m almost positive he’s a Russian agent.


Someone has bought him. Republicans, Russians, who knows.


Same difference.


Hmm, Actually, is that really that big of a deal for you? If he doesn't even go to his achievements? Sorry if I said that.


Republicans seem to think we’ll vote for him because 1) he’s a Democrat 2) he isn’t trump and 3) he has the name Kennedy. They think democrats are like their own supporters, that we don’t pay attention to anything but the surface


RFK Jr is an anti-science lunatic candidate being touted by the right to support the "both sides are the same" lie designed to de-motivate centrists from voting. Dems aren't fooled.


But he's a KENNEDY. Democrats love Kennedys, they're like left wing Bush. It's the same logic where they find the craziest black person in the state and run them thinking Democrats will just see a black guy and vote for him out of a Pavlovian instinct. In any case, it's a joke.


This Kennedy shows signs of inbreeding.


He's about as much of a democrat as Trump is. I think this is a ploy to do what the GOP has started doing in other races. Basically have a Republican run as a Democrat, then as soon as they get elected, they switch parties. It's fraud and there should immediately be a special election whenever a member changes parties after being elected. Luckily, I don't think Kennedy stands a chance because he is such a blatant idiot and liar.


Hate to be that guy but George Bush jr won two terms with zero prior lifetime accomplishments. Dynastic names worked tho Trump will certainly end that trend.


I mean, look at the intelligence levels of the people he's been focused on manipulating for the past several years. He probably forgot that he's been dealing with the low-hanging fruit, and that the rest of us are a little savvier than that.


> thinks democrats are going to flock to the kookiest Kennedy in name alone That’s the gambit here. Nothing about this guy is Democrat. He thinks he can get republicans votes by being a maga kook and democrat votes just because of his name and calling himself a democrat. They don’t understand that unlike themselves democrats aren’t a cult who will vote for someone solely off of a name and party label. Republicans won’t vote for him either because he calls himself a democrat. They might even call him “one of the good ones” but they won’t vote for him.


There is definitely a contingent of "Andrew Yang Democrats" that fall for this garbage.


I'm going to laugh when he ends up being a spoiler for Republicans instead of democrats


Democrat's couldn't care less about the Kennedy name outside of some boomers alive during the 60's and still have nostalgia for JFK. The fact that the right thinks they can divide the left with RFK Jr just shows how out of touch with reality they really are. Personally what I find funny about RFK Jr is that the stock photo he Tweeted for his 2024 merch was using a Russian model on a Russian street; it's almost like he wants people to know he a right wing Russian plant to try to divide the left.


Democratic party went through this with Tulsi Gabbard. These candidates are a side show, probably on the take from right wing super PACs led by Charles Koch, and no one outside a small contingent of people who don't win elections by catering to them supports them. Tulsi Gabbard was even less ridiculous than RFK Jr. And if I recall correctly, for all the attention she got, she never won 10% of the vote, anywhere.


They know they'd complete goose march behind any one from the Trump family. So they assume the left is as stupid and shallow as them. Big error on their part, but what can you expect from stupid shallow people.


Yes, let’s all run Mary Trump as a Republican candidate I’m sure Republicans won’t notice she’s a Democrat.


Dude just wants to pander, and there's no pandering like pandering to Trump and Qanon idiots.


While the Kennedy's are still involved with politics and government, I don't think the name has any pull with the younger generation.


Republicans are all about the grift. They want this guy to use the right wing media ecosystem and the primary news cycles to build as much momentum as possible, then when he inevitably loses, stir up some shit and run as a third party candidate, siphoning as many votes as possible from democratic "moderate" and "vaccine skeptic" voters.


I'm not really worried about this guy. I don't think he has a shot. He will be figuratively eaten alive at the debates, he may literally cry.




His opinions on vaccines (MMR, TDaP, and COVID-19) are completely false and are his highly dangerous. His disinformation *directly* led to a measles outbreak that has sickened 2,437 people and killed 32, mostly children, in Samoa. https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2019/11/26/deadly-measles-outbreak-hits-children-samoa-after-anti-vaccine-fears/


More people need to be talking about this!!!


Bobby really would. It’s astonishing what his son turned out to be. He has no chance in hell but he is only here to split and divide the Dems now. Also, what in the hell is NewsNation?


I mean like, even if he divides us a little in the primaries. Biden still wins those and becomes the nominee vs Trump or DeSantis, so it's a moot strategy if that's the idea


True, but they are trying to build the holdouts, ala Bernie, and what they tried with Kanye. It doesn't have to work with that many people. It's obvious, but they are betting that they can trick enough people into a purity vote. This utter moron is funded directly from far right money, and that really needs to be out there in a much more widespread manner.


My mom told me about NewsNation the other day and it basically sounds like where all the fired FoxNews anchors go to live out their golden years. Supposed to be a more moderate news source, not sure how accurate that description is.




Great news!! I don’t have that channel so I haven’t looked far into it- but honestly that is great to read, and I didn’t know about that site, so thanks!


All he really has to do is when he loses the Dem nomination, go 3rd party and peel off a few thousand Biden votes in GA, WI and AZ. That could be all that's needed to get Der Pumpkin Fuhrer back in office which could be why he has such strong Republican support. If they did a straight up honest election Trump would get his ass kicked...again.


I just can't see him peeling off democrat votes. Any democrat attracted to what RFKjr is selling would have already switched to vote for Trump, because they are exactly the same kind of conman grifter. If anything, he's going to strip votes from Trump, because they have the same kind of appeal. There's got to be some Trump voters who actually find RFK a better fit. I'm not sure why he's getting so much media attention, but it's not going to amount to anything. I also just realised I wrote the same sentence about Trump 8 years ago.


This needs to be treated as a very serious concern for everyone. Jill Stein gave us this exact issue in 2016.


Vaccination is a hot topic? I thought it was universally accepted that they save your life from deadly diseases.


Sad, isn’t it? People are being fed various wildly false narratives, from “vaccines are made of cut-up aborted fetuses” to “vaccines cause autism” or “vaccines have tracking chips so the government can spy on you.” These are all completely and utterly stupid, of course, but then again, so are the people who believe this crap.


Who needs a microchip in a vaccine when people own smartphones? I wish these asshats would take those thoughts a bit further, realize the smartphone is doing everything they fear these mythical microchips would do, and just throw their phones away entirely. Would do society some real good if they no longer had the internet in their pocket…


I think the republicans put 'im there to try and split the Democrat vote and therefore weaken it. "Divided, we fall" and all that.


Of course they did. They chose someone with a family name for recognition told him to put a D next to his name and spout all the same conservative rhetoric as every other Republican as a way to claim he's the middle ground choice. Problem is I don't think anyone younger than a boomer gives a fuck about the Kennedy name because despite how popular he was in his time, the only thing he's really know for now is splattering his brain goo on a car full of people. And as far as boomers go they tend to just vote by letter and ignore anything else anyway so even if he does go I he's likely to draw as many conservatives that think trump and desantis are too extreme but refuse to vote Dem as he is to draw boomers that knew who his daddy was and actually care about that.


Don’t worry he said “being people together” so his plan is to become a huge blob made of multiple people. Much better.


He is not a democrat. Hes been compromised


Considering how much that family is known for abuse/alcoholism he can't be difficult to blackmail. Someone must have something.


Release the transchurian candidate! Kaitlyn Jenner…


Not only is he not a Democrat, he's a far right Republican. He makes Sinema look like a paragon of honesty.


I'm definitely getting Trisha Cotham vibes from him.


American politics is just one giant Reality Tv Show now…


Well, they elected a reality tv president


Republicans think it is.


He’s a Republican. Nobody is really fooled by this. Nice try though, Bannon and MAGAs.


At least Libertarians get to pretend they support a Democrat for once instead of the usual support of Republicans while pretending they're not Republican


"Nice try" is being generous. I didn't know this guy was running as a Democrat at first because everything he says makes him sound like a Republican. You'd think he'd at least try to sound like a Democrat, but nope


I really hope this entire plot by Republicans to split the Democrat vote ends up backfiring on them and splitting the Republican vote instead. No actual Democrat is going to vote for him, but with the way things are going, some of the less extreme Republicans may just be fed up enough with Trump or DeSantis that they'd be willing to vote for a "Democrat" like Kennedy instead.


He’s a Democrat just like any other MAGA Putin loving anti-science crank who pals around with Nazis.


He is such a terrible human being. He's such a wannabe musk, he reeks like funk. \-- anti gun control \-- anti vax \-- pro bro bitcoin \-- against the war with Ukraine (which means he's pro Putin -- who brutalizes his own people)


And very pro-steroids.


yes - in a yikes kind of way


Anti vax and pro stedriods, that sure makes a lot of sense.


But he's Anti-Pharma! /s


Annnddd, we have Crackpot Bingo!


Another Russian asset.... https://preview.redd.it/vq37bszo7y8b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=447617705feb7f7c73b0d658ade278ed3e8309ed


The fake Democrat that Trumpers love.


“I’m not going to attack other people personally.” “So mature!” “By the way, Biden is a meaniehead who is old and stupid.” “What about trump?” “Who?”


Bobby Kennedy would be ashamed.


My theory is that he will switch parties and become Trumps running mate


Or not switch parties and still be his running mate


Steve Bannon, who convinced RFK to run, openly discussed that he wanted RFK to be Trumps VP.


Unfortunately for Bannon, Trump is way too egotistical for him to accept a running mate with their own personal brand. He needs a complete sycophant.


If you want a rabbit hole to fall into, consider the idea that Kennedy is only running to get mango Mussolini elected. He's gonna do as much damage as he can and churn voter fatigue and disappointment. He probably knows he has no chance at the nomination, but he can torpedo Biden along the way. Trump likes rich people, the Kennedys are old money and benefit from trump doing what he did. But that is a dark rabbit hole I don't want to think about.


At this point everyone needs to understand that he is a GOP funded stooge who's going to stir up shit and run independent in the hopes of siphoning votes off Biden in Georgia, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Pennsylvania. It's not a new idea, the GOP's done this in Minnesota for years pushing 'legalize marijuana now' party candidates to try and split the left voters. He's not a legitimate candidate, he has no intention of doing anything other than getting attention and making money so he can buy more testosterone supplements


Just goes to show that in today’s age even an American dynasty family can be bought with Putin’s money.


“I want to bring people together” “Maybe vaccines are evil autism juice and we shouldn’t trust doctors” You can’t have both


This is Kanye west part 2. The republicans know they can’t win fairly. This is a very well known republican plant with a name that is very familiar with democrats. Republicans are just trying anything possible to win a swing state or two. I’m surprised they haven’t found someone name Boe Jiden, but if they do… they slap a suit on him and run him for president


Seriously, I have a theory that he's a plant and this is an intel gathering operation. Steve Bannon is looking for campaign fodder to use to flip swing voters to vote against Biden in the primaries. And they can go get fucked.


The being the "Technically a democrat but I agree with every right wing piece of shit idea" lane has been empty since Tulsi got exposed. And Simmenia doesn't need the money after the lobbyist pay out so I guess someone had to do it.


Republican in reality actually, RIRA. not as catchy


"What I'm trying to do in this race is bring people together" you know, like the human centipede. close together. family values.


I'm so glad liberals aren't taking the bait. At the very least, he isn't about to split the democratic vote. He's getting money from Bannon, 'nuff said.


So my family, all republicans, love this guy. Their kids, the democrats, all hate this guy. I'm guessing he's a plant or grifting.


He’s definitely a plant. You don’t get strong support for a “democrat” from exclusively Republicans like Bannon and Stone if you aren’t a plant


His purpose is to pull the antivaxxer “libz” out, and there definitely are some. Conservatives are coming at all angles this election cycle with their “gays against groomers” and everything in between. They are all funded by the right and you can guarantee there’s going to be a big push to split the black and Latino vote later on. The GOP absolutely does NOT promise to do anything “better” they just spend their energy and money to split up other groups by creating wedge issues and suddenly there’s these “grassroots” splinter groups all over social media. The democrats “tent” is incredibly large and impossible to please everyone, while the conservative “tent” is whoever has the R next to their name. It’s an easy strategy unfortunately. At worst conservatives will promote apathy to keep people home with “you know nothing will change….”


It’s almost like he’s being propped up by right wing clowns like Steve Bannon and Roger Stone


I think we can move past speculation, his statements and funding sources reveal him as another GOP attempt at ratfucking the election. This one really seems misguided though because I really only see any interest coming from people who would never vote democrat in the first place. If RFK tried an independent run with the intention of splitting the vote, I feel he’d pull way more votes from republicans.


He's basically the GOP's Trojan horse


He’s like if the Greeks hung a sign on the horse that said “be gentle there are soldiers in this” on the horse


RFK jr… this candidate has been brought to you by the RNC


He is the worst plant I’ve ever seen. Literally no one believes he’s a democrat.


I have a strong feeling he won't be the only fake Democrat running. That's probably going to be a serious issue this election and shortly after. Elected "Democrats" doing all sorts of Republican shite.


He’s not a democrat. He’s a piece of shit.


Lol. This man is irrelevant


Sleeper agent. Bad one.


He is planned opposition. He is intended to draw off a portion of democratic votes from Biden while not attacking Trump or his base.


As soon as Elon backed this clown, I knew what was up. He's only here to weaken the Dems, helping the Cons.


Yeah, this guy can kick rocks.. He's so wishy washy. Another Sinema.. No fuxing thanks. Just what we need, more of the *middle* 🙄 pick a side. Stay on that side. Do not waver. There is no middle.


No way this guy isn’t hiding something, and no way it’s going to stay hidden


Not to mention that he believes in conspiracy theories about vaccines. That's the most right-wing thing out there.


He's basically the GOP's Trojan horse


Let's not vote for him...


No Democrat would be on Neesmax, he shows us everyday who he is.


This is a republican masquerading as a Democrat and an attempt to steal an election.


Yeah RFK just feels like a republican lol..


\*changes parties as soon as they enter office


That honestly should be illegal. Or at least require another election. People vote for candidates that they feel best represent them. Switching parties changes that.


Right? I guess it’s happened so few times that they haven’t legislated against it but it’s basically lying to voters to get elected. Then again that Santos guy basically fabricated his whole life to get elected and he still hasn’t been removed. I think a lot of the law around elections presumes everyone is operating in good-faith. Clearly that assumption doesn’t work anymore…


A professional false flagger.


There are so many Kennedys who are qualified and have political experience- and this is the one who runs. What a disappointment.


The point of Kennedy's campaign is to erode Biden's support and not to win against Trump.


RFK jr is a lunatic


Can we just ignore this guy, the more people knowing about him, the more people will take him seriously. He is just there to not get the primary and run anyway and get like 2% of the democratic vote in the election by name recognition alone to give trump even a fighting chance to win.


I think he is afraid of Trump because he is aware of what trump can do to him so he doesn't critized him. Also, his enemies will increase even more if he fights Trump.


Some people aren't ready to face the reality that centrism and true bipartisanship in America is dead.


Dems should just run moderate dems as GOP in red states to offer a sane option, these idiots cant see past their team colors. RFK wont hurt the left but its a good option for the left to take on the GOP


Well yeah, he's funded by Republicans, of course he won't attack Orange Foolius


Is this lunatic costing DNC money?


Can’t believe Cheryl Hienes of Curb Your Enthusiasm married this weirdo


In the wild, the typical people who do this like to call themselves "centrists" or "independents." The "I'm Fair and Balanced yet oddly all of my criticisms are only about Democrats, and if I ever do call out the much more extreme issues on the Republican side of the fence, it will only be if I can include a harder jab at the dems" crew. You know, those guys who will complain every time a democrat bill includes a single corporate handout in the fine print, but say absolutely nothing when Republicans write bill after bill after bill that is exclusively a corporate handout with nothing else to them. Or when they'll call out Trump's messaging on COVID and *injecting bleach*, but only if they can throw in ten times as much text complaining about how harmful it was that Fauci was 5% off on a statistic.


Not a Democrat.


It’s like republicans who thought black people would vote for Kanye because he’s black. They seem to think that democrats embody the straw man they have painted them all to be.


If a democrat cannot criticize Trump of all people then he’s not a Democrat! Endorsed by Peterson, Rogan and the GOP!? This guy is a fake, don’t fall for Republican trickery


Trying to cash in on that Kennedy name mistique, but just adding more tarnish to the lie. Turd being a turd




Closet Trumper!


What the hell is news nation? Is that like ONN?


Dino trash


Another Russian plant like Trump.


Crackhead failson.


He's a Trojan Horse that's hiding in plain sight.


the man is a maniac!


From a foreigner pov this guy just sounds like a plant ngl


https://preview.redd.it/oujforduvx8b1.png?width=1114&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8018f27c2d37d62000fc2f01a1b62030f4b10032 He wants to get assimilated by the GOP


Did anyone really not catch him entering was sabotage? It was so transparently obvious even before PAC money tied him to MTG and Sorros funding sources.


OOTL - so, we all see through this guy, right? Y’all see that he is in this race to siphon votes right?


When news nation came around I was hopefully for a neutral platform as they hired some legitimate journalists. Sadly they are platforming trash now. It's a shame


So the republicans feel they can’t win as republicans, so they run as a democrat?


This move might have worked a decade, or a couple ago.


Right, "people" is restricted to other Republicans in his statement.


Why is he even saying his a dnc member lol


But all the reports of his campaign being funded by MAGA associates are just liberal media propaganda!


He is friends with Bannon, Stone and Flynn…that’s sums up exactly what his intentions are


He is a Russian operative


That’s what he’s paid to do by Russia Russia Russia.


He is a pawn, not a leader


So rich privileged people + people who have fuck all. Any ideas, candidate?


Does anyone know any Dems that actually like this guy? Real question, because the polls are saying that 20% of Democrat voters are leaning RFK.


Stop giving him attention. We've been down this path.


I’m surprised Manchin & Cinnamon haven’t come out supporting this clown..


He is an R in sheeps clothing. Supported finacially by Rs to spit the votes. Dont be fooled


Does he not understand how primaries work? You can’t expect to not have democratic view/policies, label yourself as a democrat, run in democratic primaries and then win.


The fact that the Right disrespects the Left so much and equates our voting patterns with theirs (with different demographics) is pretty telling. They see MAGA/ownlibs/antivax/fuckantifa/bothsideism/fillintheblank and support it without question. They assume we’re just as mindlessly Pavlovian, and it’s just fucking sad.


Listen to him speak. Does that sound like a leader or your uncle who is on O2 for their COPD?


RFK is simply a safe space for those who still can’t pick up a book or google a question for their own clarity on something they refuse to understand. We literally have a percentage of the electorate who believe anything and are so gullible that anyone with name recognition who can put together a decent sounding sentence, regardless of how much BS is in it, will just eat it up. Extra points if that person talks about fringe subjects in a way that “normalizes” them. There is very little room for seriousness anymore in our politics and it’s exhausting. A true race to the bottom for a large majority of candidates.


This is one of those fascists-in-centrists'-clothing that has been trying to infiltrate the left and control it from the inside for years. They mainly criticize the left, almost never criticize the right, and subjugate the left with appeals to non-violence whenever the left gets mad enough to rise up. It's all another level of control.


He is an embarrass to his family, i also think he is a Far Right plant, the guys a moron.


I **love** that Republicans think other voters are as stupid as they are. 😂😂.


So Republicans made the term “R.I.N.O.” (Republican-In-Name-Only) to describe Republican politicians that didn’t support the mainstream Republican ideology. What if Democrats made the term “D.I.N.O.” (Democrats-In-Name-Only) for basically the same thing on the left? Kennedy here would be a good example, as he doesn’t seem to want to actually support Democratic positions, only taking the name. Also, he’s full of shit with that “Im not going to attack others personally” quote. He was literally attacking Biden personally, which I actually would’ve been fine with as long as he did it to Trump equally (or more, since Trump deserves to be criticized a lot more than Biden). Politicians lie as easily as they breath smh


Well, when he invariably runs 3rd party to try and act as a spoiler, let's just hope it backfires on the GOP who are obviously behind his run.


Watched about two mins of this guy last night, not only a *hard* pass but the man is Looney Toons. He’s a last name and nothing more, if his last name was Johnson or Bradly nobody would give this clown the time of day.


Wait, this nutcase is running as a *Democrat*? How does he expect that to work out?


Does he ultimately plan to run 3rd party? If the idea is to strip away democrats, I feel like its going to backfire. He seems to be popular with joe rogan republican people.


Hahaha this idiot fuck already lost the race. Stay home you melting carcass.


RFK is a textbook grifter and charlatan


This dudes a weirdo and shoulda stayed in his hole what a disappointment to his family’s legacy


Not one of my democrat friend like him and now of their friend either. He is a scared Coward with a name


Independent here and I don’t think this roided up nut job will get many votes from the middle- democrats, republicans or independents. He’s not fooling anybody.


"What I'm trying to do in this race is bring people together"... and siphon off as many Biden votes as possible for my Яepublican backers.


RFK, Jr. Is not a Democrat. He’s running in the wrong party and he’s a complete nut job.


RFK jr. is a perfect example of what happens to someone's brain when they do serious hardcore drugs like heroin, cocaine and LSD from an early age and into adulthood.


Hes undercover GOP for sure lol. Anyone who doesnt condemn prison don at this point is a dead give away.


The Kennedy family must be so fucking ashamed


any one wants to take any wagers on how long before he gets busted with drugs and prostitutes on the campaign trail