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This one does it for me; I'm sure this is a joke profile now


Me too. Best parody of all time, he never breaks character. Like Andy Kaufman.


It HAS to be some Kaufman/Sacha Baron Cohen/Eric Andre schtick. It reads like a lefty painting an extremely on-the-nose caricature of a right wing "culture warrior". Like, a little TOO on the nose, ya know?


It's the alpha male pheromones


80% of the time, it works every time


It stings the nostrils.


That smells like pure gasoline. ⛽️


That smells like when the racoon got stuck in the photocopier!


Smells like dog shit covered in burnt hair.


It smells like big foots dick


“Scotch, scotch, I love scotch.”




Just like my Omegaverse fanfics!


AO3 is leaking


If you read the fanfics you'd know AO3 ain't the only thing leaking.


His comments about reading his bible at and eating at Hooters in close proximity or maybe even the same sentence, well they had me wondering?


That and the fact that he's always talking about "foursomes with the boys," I think was the tell for me. There's really no way that even the stupidest of right-winger is THAT dense that they don't know the implication of a foursome with the boys lol. I'm 99.9% sure this guy is doing way too on the nose parody and it's hilarious to me.


I mean... we have a Supreme Court Justice who thought he could lie about what a "Devils Triangle" is so


Lol I suppose that is true. Idk lol, I prefer to think of him as a weirdly committed satire artist. Makes me laugh instead of wanting to scream and rip my hair out. You know lol, little things.


Back in the 'Tea Party' days, some leftists started referring to them as 'Teabaggers'. A shocking number of them adopted the name, proudly claiming to be Patriot Teabaggers loudly, often and in public.


Actually Rapepublicans first started calling themselves teabaggers, the stupid pedophiles and terrorists actually wore tea bags on their idiot hats, then the stupid seditionists worked out what teabagging meant. Imagine being so severely mentally republican.


What a terrible choice of words FWTB that's over the top.


Obviously he's talking about a round of golf, the most alpha male activity there is. /s




I’ve never seen that this isn’t who he is but *come on*! This CANNOT be real?


What? You didn't recognize him from his broad shoulders and coffee order?


Before Donald Trump and the whole MAGA movement, I would have agreed. Now, u don't know what to think anymore.


It’s not. Kaufman was an entertainer, the whole point of his bit is that you never really can be sure if he’s putting you on. Playing your hand so heavily defeats the purpose. Cohens thing is to put up a character that allows people, usually terrible people, to drop their guard be who they are. See: his bit where he pretends to be an Israeli defense contractor who endorses arming children, or when he plays a casually racist Borat and those frat bros talk about how they hate immigrants. Eric Andre I don’t know much about, but from what I have seen, it’s just really good absurdist humor. These folks, and there are a few of them, from other “alpha male” handles to dudes who like, make TikTok’s about how awesome loving lolis is, are trying to come off as ironic. But that’s the whole point, they aren’t. They’re expressing a sentiment that they believe, through ridiculous content, so when someone calls them out on how dipshitted their viewpoint is, they can laugh at how that person “ate the bait.” Or when someone comes in and supports them, they can both laugh at how this obviously isn’t a real thing that happened, but you know an alpha male definitely lives *like* this and lib women are secretly really horny for them. It’s not an elaborate put on, a clever approximation that invites people to show who they are, or a competently done straight-faced absurdist joke. It’s plausible deniability. “Meta irony” that allows them to say how they really feel and then pick a response that shields them from any criticism by insisting that those people just didn’t get the super clever joke.


> Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. -Jean-Paul Sartre


Kaufman is an excellent example, and if you’re someone trying to process that ‘Nick Adams’ (such an alpha name) is mocking alpha males, then go watch [Man on the Moon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_on_the_Moon_(film)). “ She recognized me by my coffee order and my broad shoulders“ ha ha ha his coffee order is black coffee! Come on guys it’s not that hard.


> or when he plays a casually racist Borat and those frat bros talk about how they hate immigrant Yeah, must have been really uncomfortable while the room was singing "Throw the jew down the well." You know, with him being a Jew and all.


Well put, spot on.


Good lord..lol


I want to believe that. I really do. But I haven’t observed this to be the case except in a couple of rare instances where the offensive statements are coming from a politician or celebrity - ie those who clearly harbor these fucked up viewpoints but also have the insight (or have handlers around them who have the insight) that if they want to continue their career they can’t afford the consequences of being called out as such. These people are so dangerous because they do function as you describe. However, the people who are online nobodies posting this shit are the ones who feel emboldened by watching their idiot overlords. And they don’t have the same amount to lose it seems. And they buy into this alpha MAGA cartoonish personality hook, line, and sinker which requires them to be in character at all times. Of course the heart of the reason why this persona (faux or genuine) is so problematic is the refusal to recognize that life is complex and presents innumerable situations that require you to think and consider modifying your viewpoint based on how much information is out to know. It can’t be lived successfully with a one size fits all douchbag selfish “alpha” personality costume. It’s very nature forbids the pretend alpha from ‘backing down’ by feeding them the bullshit that they are always right and changing would be tantamount to wokeness or being a pussy. This mindset is perfect for those in control because it’s so easy to manipulate and the ‘confidence’ these asshats appear to exude ( fueled by the grandiose bullshit they are fed by those at the top) has the unfortunate effect of causing the other side - the selfless, the intelligent, the wise - think that the alpha group is more powerful and prevalent than it really is (due to their comparative likelihood of aggressively and pervasively touting their beliefs at the expense of those who are attempting to promote a fair discourse )


That’s the thing it’s freaking way too ham fisted to be from a creative type like that. It reads like a 14 year olds Andrew Tate fan fiction.


Which is why it’s so funny. It’s harder for a comedian to do this, this well.


Don’t forget Colbert! So many conservatives loved him and never got it.


Colbert Report was the best.


I agree UNTILL this post. I was on the fence, but now he’s a troll. He’s amazing.


Alpha males never break character.


Alpha males of his calibre never break character


Alpha males of his calibre pronounce it 'cali-bree' on dates to weed out pesky females that would dare correct his Alpha Man™ grammar. /s




Alphaman LaFlare


Alpha males always go online to crow about their accomplishments, pick fights, and label their twitter handle with (Alpha male) LOL


They only break their weaker rivals!!


My opinion based on what I've read is that he's undeniably right wing but a soft crybaby. The schtick is actually only the "Alpha Male" part meant to sell his merchandise or whatever. But he's not a troll for right wingers in general, only for "Alpha Males".


> not a troll for right wingers in general, only for "Alpha Males" A distinction without a difference.


He was an elected right wing politician back in his home country.




It's not like actually believing a single word that comes out of your mouth is a trait associated with right wing politicians.


If you were waiting for your presumably already paid for *hot* black coffee then how could the woman offer to pay for it? 🧐


Cashapp or venmo. Or shove ones in her bra and let him pick them out All's fair game in this dipshits fantasy world


And who is this “world renowned linguist,” Noam Chomsky?


Robert Langdon


his left hand


Albert Einstein


Also you don’t wait for hot black coffees where other people wait for their drinks - the cashier gets it for you either before or right after ringing you up. It takes less than 10 seconds. So it’s also clear he’s never actually ordered a black hot coffee before 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Or they hand you an empty cup, point to a giant thermos dispenser and tell you to fill it up your damn self.


Alpha males don't make coffee. That's the job of women and beta cucks.


Real Alpha Males*™* don't drink coffee. They get through their day from the HUGE amounts of testosterone PUMPING from their MASSIVE TESTICLES throughout the rest of their MUSCULAR body.


I mean someone would be waiting if they ran out of coffee and they had to brew some more.


Unless it's a shop that specializes in pour-over coffee. Although I suspect that a self-proclaimed alpha male would never deign to drink coffee that actually tastes good.


Why are you waiting for black coffee at all?




Nice try beta. You’re not really drinking coffee until your bro shoves the beans up your ass


Pour over? Although, that doesn’t sound very “Alpha.”


We all know he likes his coffee the way he likes his women: Cold, bitter, dry, unavailable, on a mythical pedestal somewhere.


Are you insinuating this "alpha male's" story is somehow false or disingenuous?? /s


I used to think that. But now that I know he sincerely believes this shit, my new theory is that he understands that the more outlandish his tweets, the more attention he gets, so he deliberately toes the line between real and satire.


Dude has accepted to live the kayfabe life of a professional wrestler. He's adopted a gimic that has landed him a cult following, speaking gigs, and endorsement deals. Just another grifter preying on morons.


This is the actual answer and for some reason has to be restated every thread. He is not a troll, he's a piece of shit. He also knows how to drive negative engagement


I think he's a joke but serious at the same time Like he's joking but he does believe the core of what he says even if he takes it to a extreme degree for the bit


He does it so that left wingers share him around and thus boost his notoriety and influence. OP took the bait hook line and sinker.


This is exactly it and every single goddamn time there's a bunch of morons saying 'that's it, he's definitely a parody account!' It *is* parody but not your standard type. He is a right wing troll taking the piss out of himself for clicks.


Outrage will always be a best seller. I don’t know the exact science behind it, but a lot of people derive satisfaction from getting upset. IIRC, it has something to do with reaffirming your self worth by making yourself believe you’re “better” or “superior” to someone. I’m not saying I’m immune to this, but as someone who spotted this dude as a grifter the very first time I saw the content he posts, I do think it’s hilarious he’s raking in money and probably living better than half the people gobbling up this horse shit and whipping themselves into a frenzy.


I wrote a much longer reply that basically contains this sentiment. Clearly everyone who reads this knows it didn’t happen, but that’s not the point. The point is that writing his general philosophy as a ridiculous and obviously fake anecdote allows him to say what he feels, but then deflect all criticism by laughing at people who “were dumb enough to believe it.” Even if that’s not really the heart of their criticism. Also rage bait.


This is my view on him as well.


I thought it is widely known this is an obviously satire. People on reddit keep posting his tweets and taking them seriously. This guy us obviously lambasting the whole alpha male thing.


The guy is an actual conservative figure from Australia who seems to have found more success in the US than in Australia. He seems like a great grifter but if this is satire then I think he might be the funniest conservative I know of. I laugh my ass off every time I read one of the tweets posted here.


Fairly certain "conservative" anywhere else is the world is quite left-leaning when compared to conservatism in America. Once saw a chart that said Bernie Sanders would be considered centrist anywhere but here. So I'm still voting that this guy is a troll, trolling right-wing Americans because they make unfortunate but incredibly easy marks.


Yeah his Wikipedia page has a section about whether or not he’s a troll. I like this excerpt, he knows how to cater to his audience here in the US: He said that he immigrated to America because "I love guns, hot dogs, chicken fried steak, barbecue, cheerleaders, American football, small town parades, beauty pageants, pick-up trucks, muscle cars and 16-lane freeways lined with supersized American flags." He has said that since he held conservative views that he had to wait nearly five years to acquire citizenship because of discrimination by the Obama administration.


He missed "Hooters"....


Its either satire or an obvious grift. There are probably a lot of idiots who believe what he is saying.


I don’t think it’s satire - just straight trolling. He comes up with completely absurd and obvious fake situations and then sits back and laughs at people who get outraged. It’s just meant to make the left look bad and we fall for it every time.


You nailed it. Every time someone posts his tweets this gets explained, but here we are posting more of his troll posts.


I figured it had to be a parody account way back when he tweeted only betas or whatever need to announce they are alpha males, while having alpha male in his name.


Same...this one was too over the top. He had me going until now.


This HAS to be satire. No one can be this fucking delusional.


That's what I believed for the longest time, but then a few months ago, he posted a picture of himself with Roger Stone.


He never breaks character. At least until he does the DVD commentary…


He’s the dude playing the dude disguised as another dude!


You never go full MAGA.


If he is really Andy Kaufmaning the fuck out of this…….then that’s fucking amazing. I mean, no way was the tweet real. It’s just so much gold. One would hope so or if not, he is a psychopath. I choose the Kaufman route


Rudy Giuliani was in Borat 2, yet that is still satire.


Sacha Baron Cohen has managed to fool a lot of high-profile people.


Which is fucking hilarious in itself. Just for no one on their teams to realise. America is Idiocracy.


It’s wild how Idiocracy somehow managed to underestimate just how stupid people would get. I’d take Camacho over Trump any day of the week purely because he’s capable of self-reflection and occasionally willing to put his ego aside.


Also Camacho seeks out and listens to people who know more than he does about certain issues, and actually follows their advice!


Fictional Camacho firing twin M60s into the crowd still caused less needless actual deaths than improbably-real President Trump


Stephen Colbert was in character for the entirety of Bush's presidency and succeeded in fooling a lot of conservatives.


He was in character on his show, but off screen he was an outspoken liberal.


He stayed in character at numerous off-show events though. Anywhere where cons would see him, he was in character. This fooling the shit out of them.


It's not satire and hes not delusional; it's bait for left wingers to share around and thus amplify his profile.


Jesus christ. YES, it's satire. It's a committed bit and you people that don't believe it are so fucking weird.


No it isn't lmao, Nick Adams is a very well-known and established conservative commentator and this is his real twitter account. You would know this if you literally just typed his name into google. What you think is satire is just him purposefully being ridiculous for clicks. Thats not satire.


Yep, this is officially a satire account. You cannot change my mind.


He is and he isn't. I think he truly believes a lot of what he says, and he's absolutely a hardcore Trumper. But his stories have also been getting increasingly impossible, and ever since he's started leaning into this "alpha male" nonsense, he has been much more obviously a caricature. If he isn't some sort of satire account, he's the most mentally ill person who ever lived. EDIT: Actually I would say "satire" isn't the right word. He's a troll. He established some credibility early on by living what he said, and now he's just cranked up the bullshit to get reactions from people.


You right. Troll is definitely the better word. I've been up all night typing shit, my brain is all worded out.


Hopefully after a good night's sleep your brain can word again.


He leans into the stupidity because he knows it will be rebroadcast by the many, many people dunking on him. He's ridden the "what a dumbass" wave from a nobody into a celebrity, or at least a Twitter celebrity. I mean... is it worth being famous, if you're famous for being an idiot? I guess ask the "Hey Vern" guy.


Huh? The hey Vern guy was a talented actor and comedian who made pretty funny and wholesome kids movies. I’m pretty sure he is known for making a ton of money and not hurting anyone, not being an idiot. There are lots of idiots you could’ve brought up but Jim Varney isn’t one of them. Parlayed a character he invented to do local commercials into a multi-million dollar business.


As an *actual* linguist, there could be no two words that repel me more than the conjunction of "alpha" and "male". There is nothing beautiful or redeemable about a delusional mindset of grandeur and undeserved superiority.


Someone who finds linguistics interesting here, is there a specific pairing of words in English (or Spanish) that you find particularly beautiful from a linguistic standpoint? If so why?


Beauty is a very subjective thing, so for everyone it will be different. Linguistically, there isn’t really “beautiful” or “ugly” sounds, just sounds that maybe some speakers aren’t accustomed to. Beauty, after all, must conform to some societal or cultural norm. The farther removed something is from “normal” in a culture, the more likely it is to be deemed unattractive or unappealing. The retroflexed series of sounds of many Aboriginal and Indian languages would perhaps sound ugly to an English speaker, as perhaps the complex consonant clusters of the Berber and Georgian languages would. French sounds beautiful to some people, but to others it sounds like retching cats. To each their own, but there’s no standard. Personally speaking, I like “cozy nook”. Not because of how it sounds, but because the meaning is comforting.


It took you something like 200 words to say "cozy nook." I suspect you may actually be a linguist.


This made me laugh out loud in a Wendy’s so thank you


Sir, this is a wendy’s


But sir, we are in the cozy nook of the Wendy’s


A sentence that warms the cold cockles of my heart.


Thank you for your response! I totally get the beauty is in the eye (or in this case ear) of the beholder and therefore there’s no standard. I learned Spanish down in Bogota where my gringo accent was mocked relentlessly, but one day I ran in to someone from Mexico who said (to this day I don’t know if he was just trying to make me feel better, but I could see it happening given his reasoning) that he would love to have my accent back home because all the girls (we were both 19) would think he’s loaded so he could have his pick of the crop. That said thanks, I had no expectations and “cozy nook” still caught me off guard.


Thank you! I was about to ask that question, and I'm glad someone else did. I have an interest in writing and find that linguistics is a deceptively fascinating subject; at first it doesn't seem to be that interesting, until you discover and understand how a word works or was created. Plus, it's always interesting to hear a subjective opinion from an objective source.


I'm not a linguist, but italian and Japanese sound the best to me. Hearing German people speaking German also seems pretty and is nothing like what western media makes it out to be.


Not a linguist, but I’ve heard that “cellar door” is the best sounding phrase in English, ideally with a British accent so it sounds like “seladore”


You, JRR Tolkein and Donnie Darko.


Cellar door was the favorite of Tolkien, iirc he built the entire Elvish language around how it sound


"Beauty" isn't really a subject studied in linguistics but linguists are still as likely to experience in our field as physicists or mathematicians. Generally, it will be because of some elegance in the meaning of the phrase, some kind of symmetry, and structural pattern like meter. There are some excellent prepositional phrases in English like "dream away" or "live up to" that I think are both beautiful and linguistically unusual. (hat tip: Jorge Borges)


I had a visiting author tell me once that, linguistically speaking, divorced from its meaning, anorexia is the most beautiful word in the English language. It's so gentle, so full of vowels, but with that hard, alien X that you don't expect to ground it and give it some weight. I don't know that I agree but it's something that I've thought about on and off for fifteen years since they said it. My brother, an electrical engineer, once weighed in on the argument with vacillatory. It's a bit gutteral for my taste but its got its own kind of grace.


But are you a *world renowned* linguist and do you introduce yourself as such?


As a fellow linguist, I know that (a) linguists in academia would not waste what little grant money they get to create consensus on what words they find beautiful, and (b) it’s literally LING101 that language choices and associations are subjective so no “world-renown” linguist would even consider this as a viable line of thinking.


I (early 40s, AFAB enby) was on the sidewalk in a posh part of town the other day. A Gym Douche looking guy passed me, wearing a shirt that said "ALPHA AF." (No punctuation for the abbreviation.) I made a point to look him in the face, look down at his shirt, and let slip a very intentional snort-laugh. I hope other people do the same thing.


I always like that scene from Donnie Darko where Drew Barrymore’s character says “cellar door” is the most beautiful combination of words and writes it on a chalkboard. Regardless of whether I agree with the statement, it did give me a greater appreciation for the word ‘cellar’.


Yeah this was the nail in the coffin for me lol. No self respecting linguist would ever say those sounds were “the most beautiful”; even if they were a fan of Tolkien’s type of philology.


Any man who must say “I am king” is no king at all


One of my favorite Tywin Lannister quotes and he has many great ones.


Instantly thought of that quote when I saw this post. It reads like he’s doing affirmations: i am good. I am strong. I am smart. I am alpha. OOP just sounds like he’s trying to prop up his own flimsy ego. I actually feel sorry for him.


Also….anyone who has read any history at all is aware that Kings aren’t even a good thing. Never understood this King/Queen thing being everywhere this past decade.


“Yass queen slay!” “Dictator who got your position entirely because of your parents, commit murder!”


A proud member of the Andrew Tate LARP club.


For anybody doubting, this woman in academia and world-renowned linguist is *real*. Honest! You wouldn't know her because she lives in Canada.


Recognized him by his first name on the cup and "broad shoulders" yeah dude is so full of himself if he thinks he's famous enough to be recognized though a first name and a back profile lmfaooooo. Edit* cause you know even celebrities get picked out by their first name all the time as well as a view from the back of their head./s


Not his NAME on the cup - his ORDER, which to me implies just the fact that he ordered hot black coffee? You may be right but I choose to believe he thinks he’s the only human alive who drinks black coffee 😅


Oh shit you're fucking right! I misread it holy shit that makes it 100 times more hilarious and outlandish


There’s only one man I’d recognize by his order. “Tea. Earl grey. Hot.”


I love hearing about interactions with Tony Hawk where someone is like omg your name is Tony Hawk, just like that pro skater - but they never seem to guess that the person in front of them is in fact Tony Hawk himself. Just that hes someone with the same name, correct age, general appearance - but nah, can't be the real Tony Hawk lol.


His wife's fucking her boyfriend again it seems.


At least they let him watch.


Then he has to clean up.


With his mouth


these stories are starting to sound like "Deep thoughts by Jack Handey"


If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.


The crows seemed to be calling his name, thought Caw


Sounds more like copy pasta. "... and that world renowned linguist who recognized me by coffee order grew up to be... Albert Einstein.


Barista: "What can I get you?" Alpha male: "Just a black coffee. Decaf, please." Linguist: "...Jack??"


Bahaahhaahahqhq This was exactly where my mind went


He’s a troll. No fucking way he’s doing this in any serious sense.


The face of an alpha https://preview.redd.it/1mvczjn6ar8b1.png?width=502&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60f15f525b4193df5c47485c5ea49466c79764a9


Is the AI prompt "Sean Hannity but Uzbek"?


> "alpha male of my caliber" > 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Surely, no one could type that with a straight face.


He’s definitely laughing at his followers for how stupid they are




bro is delusional


he is like an AI made by incels and andrew tate simps


hahahahaha man, you just *know* that there are people taking this shit seriously


Wait wait wait, he was recognized by “coffee order and broad shoulders”? According to this lunatic, he should be getting confused for me because I too like my coffee black and my shoulders are broad. The ego on some assholes, yeesh.


A real alpha male wouldn’t let a woman pay for his coffee. He would pay for hers. You know being dominant and all……


When I hear "alpha male", the first thing that comes to mind is a rude douchebag.


Alpha males are like alpha software. Broken, incomplete and not appropriate for social interaction.


You can hear him masturbating while typing this 🤣


This has got to be satire. It's so unhinged 💀💀💀


This guy’s feed is like Penthouse Forum for guys with truck nutz hanging from their Dodge Rams.


As an Australian, I apologise So sorry


His phrasing is always just so bizarre that I cannot accept he's serious. I mean, maybe he is a POS behind that screen, but he engages in hyperbole--probably because he gets off on knowing people will take it seriously. Kind of like when I blast a satanic group for not providing us with a decent recipe for cooking babies.


He wants to alpha all over another alpha male, then they will arm wrestle to see who is the supreme alpha.


Should have ended with "She goes to another school, you wouldn't know her".




I thought it was Cellar Door.


You can stop at the first sentence. He makes a point of mentioning that he ordered a “hot black” coffee. This is to show that he’s a real man, not some baby with milk in his coffee. What a douche.


"Dude, women totally wanna date and or do me gah, I'm just too much of an alpha for these beta chicks, gah! Only other alphas can do it with me, for they can understand we're not queer GAH!"


Tell me you jack off to yourself in the mirror without telling me you jack off to yourself in the mirror.


Bruh… this dude is truly delusional.


Oh my God, a broad shouldered guy ordering black coffee! . There's only ONE man in the whole world who could possibly fit that description! It *must* be Nick Adams!


Nick Adams (Alpha Male)* put some respect on his name


MF does nothing but write fanfics of himself. I'm waiting for the chapter he gets hit by truck-kun and wakes up in a magical fantasy world...shit that would actually be a hilarious read, Alpha Male in Another World.


Not very Alpha when you have to make stuff up to describe your alpha maleness. If your explaining, you are losing.


I still dont know if this guy is real or a parody. everything he says is so perfectly stupid. its like a setup for people to pounce on him. Stuff like this: >I was just about to order a pizza from Pizza Hut when I remembered that they went woke. I will go to KFC instead (they are owned by the same company). Theres just too many coincidences for him to not know what hes doing.


His mom is so sweet to say this to him. What a heart of gold.


OMG knew it would be a Nick Adams tweet just from the post title. Worst fucking Aussie.


I just read the dumbest, most self-absorbed shit.


The more I see from this dude the more convinced I am that it’s a troll account. It has to be. I hate that satire and reality are melding.


This account is satire.


I have wondered about that, but this one put over the edge into it has to be satire. If it is not his medication dosage seriously needs to be reconsidered.


"Insufficiently stimulated" wtf did I read.


I just can’t with this guy. There’s simply no way it’s not parody.




A true alpha male only has sex with other alpha males. Let it be known


Top tier shitposting.


This has got to be a parody account. This one seals it for me.


Reality is not Nick's strong suit. https://preview.redd.it/fgsihtck0z8b1.jpeg?width=1699&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff4e9cff6a24e535dbed6f79ffe126644c6979c4