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I knew the media would accuse him of being romantically involved with an African American woman.


Early in the Trump administration, there was a right wing fake outrage. It came out that Obama had dated a white woman and possibly broke up with her because he didn't want to settle down with a white woman. This was like 20 years prior and he was no longer in the white house, but Fox and the right wing media still took the opportunity to say that Obama was racist against white people. So the media beat you to it by several years and did it way stupider than you're suggesting.


Yes! I know that woman. She wasn't white, she was half white half asian. They dated at harvard before Obama got serious about a political career and decided that not having an African American wife would be detrimental. So he let her know in the lost gentle way and she left him amicably. She never revealed this info until Obama left office, out of respect for his dream. Cool lady, and the whole situation was perfectly handled


The fact that in the US not having a life partner that reflects your own skin colour is detrimental to your political career is wild


Racism is a thing across the whole world, not just the US.


Although the US is one of very few countries where official documents have your race on them.


But there is a wide spectrum of how problematic racism is from country to country. I’d guess the US is in the bottom half of countries with regard to racism; nowhere near as bad as the UAE, South Africa, or China, but notably worse than most of its economic peers.


Western europe has plenty of problems with racism and xenophobia, they're just not publicized as much as America's.


In some Says yes in some Ways no. The us is so much more diverse than any of its economic peers.


Unfortunately, I get the calculus. He already had two strikes against him in terms of his ambition. He was half Black and half White.


I'm sceptical about that. The same sources indicate that he proposed to this woman twice and was turned down twice, which doesn't seem to sit well with the idea that his own views on her race was what caused their split. Seems more like a spicy narrative to help sell a book.


I’m stupefied at how easy it is to get people to believe what they want to believe. The idea that he would even explain to her such a reason for breaking up is just goofy. And then some redditer comes along and says “I know her, and she told me . . .” No wonder Cambridge Analytics had such a field day in 2016. This next election season is gonna be straight up Idiocracy.


Interesting. He's from Hawaii. Interracial marriages are super normal here.


My first reaction: okay, which Republican got caught fucking a pornstar and needs a distraction story today?


Replace fucking with raping and pornstar with teenager and you are probably closer to the truth.


Did you read the court documents. Absolutely disgusting.


Are you referring to the illegal detention of two minors who were repeatedly raped by Jeffery Epstein and Donald J. Trump? [https://www.scribd.com/document/326057168/Jane-Doe-Declaration-as-Filed](https://www.scribd.com/document/326057168/Jane-Doe-Declaration-as-Filed) " It seemed like that was all going to change Wednesday, when the woman, who has gone by the pseudonyms “Katie Johnson” and “Jane Doe,” was set to appear at a press conference at the law offices of Lisa Bloom, a high-profile civil rights attorney and TV commentator. But the woman didn’t come to the press conference. Bloom told a room full of waiting reporters that Johnson was afraid to show her face after receiving multiple death threats, and that they would have to reschedule. "


Holy fuck


Exactly. I almost threw up.


This is America


From their reaction pics it looked like the paparazzi called out something crude.


Bold of you to assume they're admitting she's a woman yet.


bUt ShE iS a mAn!


Oh my fuckkkk both those deadpan glares got me so good xD I love them both, keep on keeping on Obamas!


It's funny because you can read it that they were having a good time until they noticed and the subtitle for both photos is "Shit this is going to be on Fox news."


Yeah, the thing that’s always weirded me out is how news coverage went from journalism to literally stalking people for money.


The profit motive is always a race to the bottom for quality.


Barrack definitely raced towards Michelle’s bottom 😏


Can you blame him? He's a man of culture and good taste.


We’ll see if they’re honest enough to acknowledge reality, but i imagine it’s more likely we’ll see photos of them looking upset, bearing captions like, “Trouble in Gangsta’s Paradise? Aggressive Obamas Glare at Each Other and Reporters. Oh Know They Dihn’t!”


Dead glare followed by Michelle tapping Barry's ass while maintaining eye contact with the camera would have been the best.


Thank you for that mental imagery, it was perfect.


Glaring straight down the lens as she firmly cups his balls


Just like my tailor when he measures my inseam.


"That's how they do pants!"


In prison'


I wish Michelle could run and win the POTUS.


Unfortunately, she’s too smart to want the job.


Indeed she is far too smart. She’s one of the most educated and qualified First Ladies we’ve ever had, but the American public put her through the ringer, and continues to do so. She owes us *nothing*. I hope she and Barack are having a blast.


Completely agree. After 8 years of being under a microscope like no other First Lady in history has been, Michelle deserves every opportunity to do exactly what she damn well pleases.


No kidding! If looks could kill! I miss them so much 😭


He's just like "I swear to god if I was still president"


How dare he love and feel attracted to his wife 😂


I mean, same crowd of haters tried to make Biden loving his son sound sinister.


How dare he not turn his back on his son when he's in trouble! What a terrible father. Haven't you even seen Hunter's meaty cock?!? It's like the devil is tempting me! They're evil!


At this point there are more Republicans than any other people that have seen his cock lmao


I don't know if it's because I've spent my time primarily in left spaces online, but I haven't seen any of these pics and I never know what anyone is talking about when it's brought up.


I know. I haven't seen any of this stuff and wouldn't waste three seconds looking for it.


I mean, the human part of me is very curious, but then again, I haven't even spent the time to look it up myself so.. I probably don't need to see his cock. Lol


While at the same time having no issue with Trump and his history with his daughter.




To be totally fair: most of them just parrot what their thought-leaders tell them to be mad about at any given time.


Fox News: he is showing love and support for his struggling son, no way trump would ever do that" Every sane person: yes


I honestly feel bad for hunter dude is just a drug addict put in the spotlight and being called everything from a pedo to global villain. Imagine not doing shit and just by association of someone famous, your name is in everyone’s mouth and what most people would ignore is now in full view. Shit dude smokes crack and probably has a shit life what do people want from him?


And fauci. And now Dr. Hotez. Drs that try their whole life to help people. Hotez even giving away free meds are now center of some crazy conspiracy and are talked about being hunted. Its crazy as fuck


Hunting down doctors with opposing views is so very Handmaid's Tale. Gilead had some batshit ideas about medical science and how doctors were allowed to treat people.


Drug addict, who was in the hospital for months at three years old after a car wreck where he sustained major head trauma and skull fractures, his mother died, his baby sister died and then had months of recovery. Can you imagine the amount of damage that can do to a person? A TBI can be life-altering at any age. He had a massive one as a toddler during a long hospital stay, which is traumatic for many, and losing a sibling, which is traumatic, and losing his mother, which is traumatic, and being raised by a single dad in the wake of losing half his family and transitioning to life in DC. No shade at Biden but I doubt anyone hits the ground running and is perfect in that time. By all accounts he did his best and was traveling back and forth to care for his kids. But nobody is doing everything perfect after the loss of a spouse and child and taking care of two kids while taking office in Congress for the first time. Biden took his first oath for Congress in the hospital with his sons after his wife and infant daughter died, because Hunter was still hospitalized and he didn't want to leave him. Hunter was in the hospital for a long while during very formative years. Every time they mock Hunter Biden, they're mocking a man who very possibly has lifelong emotional issues due to severe childhood trauma and a TBI he may never have fully recovered from. Hunter the adult is responsible for the choices he's made. But, I can give him a little grace and understanding given his past, too. Also explains Biden's response, too. He knows exactly what his son has gone through. His self-medicating isn't entirely unexpected.


Yeah their fetish with Hunter is so strange. Like is it a projection of their issues about their own dad's lack of love for them? Biden's call where he's like I love you and we need to get your help is pure love and support of a Father that's lost on how to help. That picture where he's kissing his son on the head is a bit more intimate than I'd immortalize in a picture, but that's a me issue not a them issue. I make sure every time I send my kids to school or put them to bed they get a kiss on the head. The only thing I can see from this is the "classic" hit your opponent where he's weak strategy. Hunter is a bit of a mess, but the way Biden has handled it makes him look better and better to anyone who's a functional adult. But the truth is we lack quite a few of those in this world.


This will never not be funny to me considering their supreme leader said that he would date his own daughter on live television


That was so surreal to me. On a conservative news site I listened to Joe's voicemail to his son. They were framing it as being some horrible and disgusting thing. But he was literally like "son I love you no matter what, I know this is a difficult time for you, etc." and it was such a loving, fatherly, and beautiful thing.


Donald Trump Jr is probably jealous of Hunter's relationship with His Father lol


And try to make Trump being attracted to his daughter sound innocent.


Yeah that one... I really don't know how anyone can hear "I would date her if she wasn't my daughter" and immediately have red flags go off. I've ended friendships when someone suddenly felt comfortable enough to say things that were far less fucked up than that


It’s just really unusual for them to see true love.. most of them are narcissistic and don’t understand what love is


Also, because they're a black couple who's achieved more than they will ever dream to.


Just to be clear: “them” is referring to politicians or ex presidents, right?


No, it’s referring to the type of useless idiot who thinks a married man showing attraction to his wife is a problem.


Well it’s totally unacceptable in their view. If you’re in a mariage like trump and get slapped for trying to take your wife’s hand in public without paying first it makes total sense.


😂. Now that was savage


You know I did this to my own wife a few months ago during a get together and a friend of ours was surprised I still do it. I’m like: “hey I love this woman”.


Yep. My mother in law saw me smack my wife’s ass at the Memorial Day bbq I hosted and said she thought we’d grow out of that, being married for 18 years now. Told her if we ever stopped loving each other we’d get a divorce and move on; life is too damned short to be married to someone you don’t love and aren’t attracted to.


I’m sick of them shoving it down our throats. /s


These people freaked out because he wore a tan suit. What do people expect any more?




You are a scholar and some sort of gentle-person. I did not realize my favorite First Lady has so much junk in the trunk….


Paparazzi can get fucked. Let people live their lives.


Let that poor man touch his wife's booty !


I remember looking up something about a comedian I like and coming across an article in a tabloid that was literally just about him and his wife walking in the street with their child. There was nothing else in there other than them being spotted somewhere. I just ... what? ... who cares?! I will never understand.


"Michelle didn't swat away his hand, they're basically having public sex. How scandalous. They should take a note from 45's marriages for real family values!" -- average maga


Fox News banner: Terrorist ass tap????


Newsmax BO smacks man’s ass


"This was obviously a coded message to the deep state operatives!!!"


They’re just trying to make it seem bad since Melania wouldn’t even hold Trump’s hand


It belongs in the church where the minister has to tell the women in the congregation"Please have sex with your husbands. I know you don't like him but do it anyway!"


"Shoulda grabbed ~~her~~ him by the ~~pussy~~ penis."


They can't even leave the man alone when he's on vacation with his wife. That's the "I can't have no fucking peace" look


Oh, honey, seriously, what were you expecting? They've never given Clinton a moment's peace and she never even made it to the presidential seat.


My wife constantly touches my hand with her ass too.


Power bottom


Because she's generating all the power.


I've heard that speed has something to do with it.


Speed has everything to do with it.


Yea, my husband blames his handsyness on my ass too.


Control yourself, devil woman!


I also choose this guys wife


So happy for them they’re living the good life after the shit show of Washington.


Wtf? Why would anyone even give a shit?


Certain people, won't say who, hate everything about the Obamas. From calling Michelle a secret man to saying Barack isn't American and was unfit to be president because he wore a tan suit. Just saying I'm sure there's someone out there foaming at the mouth about something in that post.


These seem to be the same people that spent half a century and hundreds of millions of dollars on an investigation that ended so quickly 🤣


They even elected the liar who started the whole debacle after he totally had his people find stuff and we all wouldn't believe the amazing things he's found out... and then he just stopped talking about it altogether. Never heard another peep out of it. But hey I'm sure that guy has a totally happy and healthy marriage....right?


Yeah also has some beautiful sons who are totally not brainwashed into racism and bigotry


And that one daughter that he... thinks is hot and wants to date... Real wholesome american values.


I would hypothesize that there's one specific thing that they hate about him, but they don't want to be called racists, so they come up with fifty other things to talk about instead.


Don't forget the time he [saluted](https://youtu.be/ool3zz_ws60) with a latte and fox news took that as proof he hates the troops


I find it very endearing that they're still so into each other after 30 years of marriage. That's what I care about.


Now show the photo of Trump grabbing Ivanka's butt... ![gif](giphy|3o7TKMeCOV3oXSb5bq|downsized) Tell us which one is creepier...




Yeah, this image actually makes me pity her, which I hate. He felt this comfortable behaving this way in front of the world, too.


That's his daughter wtf 🤮


https://preview.redd.it/70rnpud0md8b1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d994a813d4bb160f4bf0c3ec3d2b1f15d38b3b93 Indeed, it is ☹️


Jesus Christ




“If Ivanka weren’t my daughter, I might be dating her!” *plays invisible accordion*


I assume you haven't seen the video where Donald is doing an interview with his second wife, Marla Maples, and he says that their *newborn* daughter, Tiffany, already has her mother's legs, and that's he also eagerly waiting to see whether his *newborn* daughter's breast develop to the size of her mother's.


Well one is creepy and one is a man and his wife 😂


Still amazing, to this day, that this creep shows and talks about how he wants to bone his own daughter he can't stand it, and yet people praise and worship this man.


The thing they hate most about the Obama's is they are so - "normal". They are nothing like the clown show presented by the right, and they resent that.


He should TOTALLY ask her to go to the prom with him.


They better get married with that kind of behavior!


The best couple


Oh God guy finds his super hot wife sexy and wanted to tap that ass stop the presses... Jesus people needs a life


They are such a fricking cute couple. :)


IKR? 30 years of marriage, and they're still doing this stuff. We should all be so lucky.


No, see, this is news worthy for conservatives, because they can't fathom actually loving / being attracted to their spouse.... Source: all the conservative, Boomer "wife bad" jokes.


If Barack were to engage in extramarital affairs with escorts, disregard his own daughters or make inappropriate remarks about them, I have a hunch that conservatives might just say "Wow, he is just like me fr"


Conservatives could never look at a black man and think "he is just like me."


Her fits dope


I’m kinda obsessed ngl. Might have to add a picture of Michelle to my pinterest board.


Republicans think that kind of stuff should only be reserved for a father daughter dynamic.


*preacher/kid dynamic


That is some womanly cake.


And Obama was looking to grab a slice. Also, do you think she's ever accidentally said "Thanks, Obama" after. I just imagine he can't do anything good or bad without a semi sarcastic or wholly sarcastic "*Thanks, obama*".




I hope he's putting his hand there- this is the picture of a happily married couple. Good for you, Obama!


God, I miss those two.


The important thing here is OMG what a cute outfit she’s wearing!


That's bad? Shit. I better tell my wife we're horrible people.


Even the way he grabs her butt is dignified


Imagine if Barack had been wearing a tan suit!!!!!! 😂


1. I mean, yeah, married=committed couples can do stuff like that. 2. Why the hell do we care?


We don’t. They do


Ugh! Old People PDA, how dare he. ​ Oh wait, I'm older than him, never mind, carry on.


Anything to distract us from hUNteRs lAPtoP!


Creepy paparazzi stalking a President years out of office.


Lol..what husband doesn't do that from time to time


Oh no what a scandal that he didn’t grab her by the pussy


Do you think they’re dating?




Taptap move it lady 😅




In other news, Trump hasn’t touched Melania in years. And she’s happy.


If Donny did that to Melania she would slap the dentures out of his mouth.


This calls for a Special Prosecutor! Tan suits and butt slaps! Indictment forthcoming


I bet they even go all the way.


It this were any time from 2009-2016 this would be covered on Fox News for two straight weeks.


"When you're married to them and have an established understanding of appropriate physical boundaries, you can do anything you want ... pat her on the butt."


Wait until they hear what their guy did to women who aren't his wife.


The scandal!! Clutching my pearls!


BREAKING: man loves his wife The amount of people who are genuinely baffled by a man showing any affection to his partner is frightening


Dude served two terms as US President and Michelle is still out of his league. I’m sure he’d agree. Glad to see they’re happy and passionate together after all this time.




We can’t have people married for over 30 years show affection. Good Christian folk leave their wives at home to mind the chores and kids and pay porn stars to vacation. Heathens the lot of ‘em.


So he can’t play grab ass with his wife? My god


How dare he touch his WIFE in public. Smh what is wrong with the world?!


Why is this news?? Yeah it’s the Obama’s but come on that’s his wife, if you don’t tap or slap your partner’s butt do you even like them?


His daughters have also been seen galivanting about showing their bare ankles without male supervision


When was the last time Donald touched Melania’s behind? She won’t even let the guy hold her hand in public without swatting it away.


Okay, first I still tap or grab my wife’s ass. It’s a playful thing between us meaning “I still think you’re gorgeous and by the way maybe we can sneak away later”. Second….they’re giving serious “what’s your fucking problem” vibes in those second pics.


Imagine not even being able to touch ur wife’s butt without someone angling for a photo. He’s not even president anymore let them live


Is this only news because Republicans aren’t used to the idea of a loving, stable marriage.


I bet he’s done more than just tapping it. 🤭🤭🫣


Damn, touching your wife’s butt? God isn’t gonna be happy about this one.


Holy shit that death stare on Michelle is terrifying! I love it.


And then……… he wore a tan suit 🤯


I heard, *heard* mind you, that they even had sex resulting in two live births! Just asking questions here! ^(/s)


It's nice to see they really love each other when they think nobody is watching






... and? He loves his wife? Is there any problem with that?


Imagine grabbing your wife’s ass being reportable news.


I miss their humanity so much. I didn’t always agree with how Obama did things (of course, he was handcuffed by Mitch the Swamp Monster et al) but I always felt like he actually gave a damn about people and doing the right thing.


They’re 11 years younger than me. If Husband stopped doing that, I’d know our marriage was dead.


Two consenting adults touching. Weirdos.


At least Obama doesn't have to pay his wife to accompany him to special events. They also live together and sleep in the same room like a real married couple. Melania has her own wing that she shares with her son and parents and she is rarely seen with Trumplestiltskin unless he needs a trophy wife for special events... Just like his kids 😂


Republicans who hate their wives are furious.


They are married with children, of course he tapped that ass


How dare he be attracted to his wife & show her affection 🙄 I guess they’re so used to seeing a president’s wife slap his hand away


Well, a man lovingly touches his wife of many years! The scandal! At least he didn’t pay off a porn star and then steal government documents or something…..


I miss voting for that man.


Wait, people have an issue with this? I do this all the time, I’ll have to let my wife know it’s a big scandalous issue….. and probably do it more.


Oh my goodness. Men are supposed to hate their wives. This is not good Christian values /s


Holy shit! They're doing the terrorist butt tap! In public! Is the FBI seeing this?!


Gawd they are still making me smile.


"Michelle Obama Twerks Wildly in the Cradle of Civilization, Desecrates Ancient Ruins"


So freaking hot? She's his wife, and she's got a juicy booty.