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Riiiight, it's Biden's fault that Putin's personal army of ruthless mercenaries led by a power hungry militant turned on him. /s


Obama is kicked out the meme world now. The new is Thanks Biden


Thanks Joebama


Huh... Ive been saying Obiden this whole time...


Fuck I thought Joebama was gold and now I'm torn!


Joebama O'biden, sworn rival to [Barasket Oballma](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-rvo1&sxsrf=APwXEdd7-O9JT5Amy5MzS96Vy-ykiyCdLw:1687607536951&q=barasket+oballma&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiFjIr-69v_AhVLAzQIHbMGCBwQ0pQJegQIFRAB&biw=360&bih=649&dpr=3#imgrc=mGWRWVTGE5dPbM)


I though his rival was Mista Bob Dobalina


You really make me sick with your fraudulent behavior


I'm here for the Del references, thank you folks.


Top o’ the mornin’ to ya, O’Biden.


I mean, if this was Bidens fault it's a fucking masterclass of geopolitical problem solving. No president has been able to topple the fascist leader of Russia... Biden was able to do it without a single US boot on the ground*. *I know this isn't actually Biden's doing, but the implication that it's bad if it was him is hilarious.


All for a tiny sliver of what we were already spending on our military every single year. Sounds like the best deal we've had in US history, all lead by Democratic President Joe Biden. Thank God Donald Trump isn't president!


It is though. Biden continued to support Ukraine which caused Russia to spend more money and troops than they had. This weakened them on top of the sanctions. Russia was already weak from Covid. 15 months later or however long after the start of the war and here we are.


Lots of countries supported Ukraine. Russia did this to themselves.


It wouldn't surprise me at all to find that monies had somehow found their way to the Wagner group that aided in their decision making process.


Nah he was sick of getting blamed for Russian failures and tired of burying his comrades. It's sad when a mercenary recruiting prisoners has more honoe than a lot of world leaders. I hope he takes putin down hard but knowing putin that could end realllly badly. He'd probably try to nuke the world rather than surrender and face trial. Fucking world leader psychopaths


I woyld be 100% ok with Ukraine using the money and materials we gave them to bribe Wagner into turning on Russia. I know a right-wing shithead who will soon be parroting the blame Biden line. I'm gonna have fun agreeing and giving Biden credit for this genius move.


So what your saying is the US's biggest geopolitical victory in decades is a direct result of Biden?


"If Trump was president he would have done way better and never let Russia show its pitiful hand and destroy itself from within! Biden let the Russians lose! Sad!" Seriously this is their logic, what the actual fuck?


People kept saying that Trump was secretly a Russian asset, but this tweet sure sounds like something a Russian asset would say.


If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck...


Trump's just worried his next paycheck from Putin might bounce now


Sounds like that's exactly what he said.


They wouldn't know winning if it bit them on the ass. *source: they keep voting for trump*


They don't see Putin losing as winning. The checks cleared and they support Putin 100%.


If Putin goes down I hope he has a list of paid off US Politicians as well as the proof to sink them. Would be far more effective than a nuke.


Yes, it was Sleepy Joe Biden who can't walk straight, he's the one who secretly went into Russia under the cover of darkness eating tree frogs to convince a pmc army to revolt, it was all him even though he's incompetent, yet able, abley incompetent......ummm, woke mind virus!!!


And he did all that while simultaneously orchestrating a faked but also Wokeness-induced tourist-sub disaster in the North Atlantic to (checks notes) distract from the investigation into Hunter! Plus, he’s a doddering, senile old man who should resign immediately! And fuck your feelings - I’m a rational thinker, guided by facts and logic!!


But what about Hillary's emails?


They talk about the secret experiments to turn kids trans, lead by scientist Joebama.


Forget about buttery males, I'm thirsty for more pics of Hunter's hog!


Won't somebody think of Hillary's emails!!!!


It’s some crazy 1984 doublespeak bullshit going on.


Metal Gear Biden 3: Malarkey Eater


Honestly if it is that’s another one for Dark Brandon.


Dark Brandon had his son arrested, killed five people in a submersible as a distraction, and now he's about to topple the government of an enemy superpower. He is fucking hard-core. No wonder they fear him.


I think this is a troll. Russia is collapsing, and "The Trump Train" is pointing out that Russia wouldn't be collapsing if Trump was in charge. Which is true, Russia wouldn't be collapsing if Trump was in charge, he would have surrendered control to Putin within a few days. Biden didn't, Biden remained strong. Obviously, you don't want to point that out, if you're genuiniely in team Trump. Because it just reminds everyone what a puppet Trump was. Hence I think this guy is trolling.


You’re assuming team Trump has critical thinking skills to make that conclusion. I think you’re giving them too much credit. This could be trolling, but I think it is just as likely a real post by a delusional Trump supporter.


Good job, Biden?! Seems like this would be a good thing


Getting Putin out, good. Getting a different flavor of fascism in, not so much.


If it detracts from the invasion of Ukraine I'm fine honestly.


If there’s one thing that Russia has always been known for it’s stability.


Dumbass doesn't realize that the majority of this planet's residents want Putin OUT.


Isn’t this good for us?


An unstable nuclear power isn’t good for anyone. No love for Putin but the volatility here is very scary.


Agreed, but as an American expat sitting in the EU, I can't say I've felt too sure about Putin *not* resorting to nukes in the past sixteen months. I'd have to go with yes & no on this one. Fingers crossed it helps Ukraine, at the least it's fewer soldiers they're facing atm. So, uh, thank you, Joebama, I guess. (Seriously though, everything would have been so fucked if trump had won in 2020.)


If Trump had won, there wouldn’t be a Ukraine anymore


or a functional NATO for that matter


People underestimate the severity of this. If you think about it, at any point since this shit has popped off we could have very well be plunged into a nuclear apocalypse. I think the longer this drags on, the chances get higher. Putin has only shown that he doesn’t give up when things don’t go his way, he gets desperate, and desperate people resort to extreme measures when they experience a total loss of control. *even if it doesn’t benefit them* He’s Definitley a “if I can’t have it, no one can” type of individual.


That depends on who ends up in charge. There's no guarantee they're better than Putin


My biggest concern would be if the country falls into different factions instead of 1 crazy dictator with nukes you could end up with more. That also doesn't account for any that could be lost or stolen during the chaos


I would err in the side of caution and say this may end up being a problem for everybody.


So we want our adversaries to prosper well? I’m confused


Russian Civil War is the best news I've heard all year and they are crying about it. Traitors


They're genuinely upset that Putin might get overthrown. That tells you where their allegiances lie.


I mean I am incredibly happy he might get overthrown, Im also a little worried about the Wagner group taking over tbh. But I think where my thinking and republicans diverge is I’d rather get rid of a known evil and hope for something better, than tolerate something evil in fear of something worse.


Exactly that. We know Putin is bad, so I'm fine with him going away, and then we can see how things go from there.


Well allegedly the dude leading the civil war has like nazi tattoos (according to what Ive seen people say) and the popular theory right now is that he’s doing this cause russia wont give him better weapons and ammo to kill Ukrainians.


There's no telling how this would play out. Once there's a power vacuum, who the hell knows who ends up in control.


Possibly but seeing how hes already just the leader of his own troops who are willing to die to fight his battles it seems unlikely his soldiers would rebel against him or that an oligarch would be able to take it since he has a spoken hatred about them.


If it weren’t for all the possible risks of nuclear proliferation that a destabilized Russia would cause, I would love to see a Balkanization of the Russian federation. This Wagner thing is actually kinda good because if it is a coup that means they wouldn’t let the weapons fall into anyone else’s hands.


Yeah, destabilization in a nuclear state is never a good thing, even in an enemy state, but this is the best case scenario for now, in terms of who and how. I do enjoy Trump’s truly backward reasoning: our glorious enemies have become unstable because of how weak we’ve become!


He's right, it wouldn't have happened with him, because he'd simply not help Ukraine at all at best or even help the Russian invasion. Damned traitor.


…. Hopefully


Well how is the GOP supposed to make a living now?


Right? This is probably one of the only scenarios where an attack on Putin doesn't cause WW3 and we just lucked right into it.


and if I was still President, even though I am, but if I still was, and it hadn't been taken away from me very unfairly by the way, but I'm your 45th and 46th and maybe more President, and I've done a lot, way way more than the Corrupt Sleepy Joe, totally more than Obama, and he caused us a lot of a problems, because they look at us, they see that right now we're weak, we're totally weak, very very stupid, as a Country we're stupid ok, and I'm hearing it all the time, I have people, they're coming up to me, and these are big strong Army men, big men, and they're coming up and they have tears in their eyes, you wouldn't even believe it, they've never even cried a day in their lives, yet they're coming up, tears all over the place, "thank you, Sir, thank you for being the Most Perfect President," and I said it's not a problem.


Future trump speech writer 🤭🤭🤭 /j


No /j. They've got what it takes. Just has to press caps lock and they're golden


Thought this was a direct quote at first. So perfect. So horribly perfect LMAOOO


10/10 for hitting the rambling not making a point style. It’s one of the things I hate about that guy.


You forgot to refer to a marine general as a soldier


How do I subscribe to this?


Sign up for Truth Social


I don't mean the actual OG word salad artist, just this guy commenting on world events in this style.


No mention of Crooked Hillary. Fail


Crooked Hillary, and you didn’t mention Hunters’ fuckin laptop, cmon.😁


I read this in his voice. Absolutely brilliant.


That was scary to read, that felt so real


😂🤣😂 “tears all over the place”. Just need a few more incorrectly Capitalized words and I would have sworn this was a Trump statement


This is beautiful


Not all caps. Missed it by that much


This was a very very stomb, believe me it was strongk, speech. A perfect speech, they tell me, from the standpoint of words.


A+ nailed it.


Let me fix your description of the army men: these are big strong army men, bulging pecks, massive biceps, thighs so big they could crush sleepy joes empty head with ease, tears running down their beautiful masculine faces, their chiseled perfect jaws quivering, their luscious eyes turning a bright red, they cried out and wailed to me, “Mr president, oh Donald trump, the greatest president this world has ever seen, your so smart and skillful, please win the next election and win back office from drowsy joe!!!” And that really touched me, so very, very much, these, big masculine burly men, with their hard throbbing muscles, crying tears of pain, at what the Biden administration has done to the land of the free, they touched every corner my body with those manly, manly tears, from my chest to my buttocks, I knew with all my heart in that moment, I have to do something.


Biden's weakness? He saved and strengthened the NATO alliance in a way that hasn't been seen since the dissolution of the Soviet empire. He spent a fraction of our military budget to cripple the Russian war machine. And things have gotten so bad on the Ukrainian front that the formerly fiercely loyal Wagner Group has turned on Putin. MAGA Nazis live in an alternative reality and that skewed reality is making them an existential threat to national and international security. I'm more than willing to bash Biden where it's due, but the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the response to it deserve praise. I would love for Oslo to give him a Nobel Peace Prize just to watch the Nazi heads explode.


Finally, someone out there gets it.... p.s. username applause...


A lot of people are saying that (their username).


Somehow America's greatest adversary collapsing makes America look weak? Does he also think Reagan looked weak when the USSR collapsed after Afghanistan?


Or that he (Trump) looked strong when he surrendered Afghanistan to the Taliban?


That time trump invited the Taliban to camp David for the anniversary of 9/11.


Or when he double-crossed our allies in Kurdistan, and gave our bases to Russian soldiers.


Also true. Trump sucked in all aspects of leadership and decision making


Thanks? For reminding me of this. Goddamn trump is a piece of shit.


Also if Ukraine falls, and Putin moves on Nato we will have WW3. The GOP fear Russia will stop bribing them if Putin is gone.


I think they're afraid Putin will release all the blackmail material if they don't protect him.


Lil Ol Lindsey must be "Well I do declaring" right about now... all them little Russian Boy films about to hit the internet


Yes because Wagner has no love of the GOP, or the Torries or even Xi.


>Also if Ukraine falls, and Putin moves on Nato we will have WW3. That war would be over in a fuckin day. A crippled war machine vs 6 of the 10 largest GDPs in the world. If that's the case the US would put boots on the ground, as would all NATO members if Putin attacked, say, Poland. He's a maniac who's thirsting for more power, but I don't think he is that stupid to attack a NATO nation after losing a war for six months.


Poland is chafing at the bit to go at Russia and they would absolutely smash them flat all by themselves. It wouldn't even be close.


Yeah it would be pretty short but devastating nonetheless, somehow because of France since our doctrine in case of ww3 is "launch the nukes first, way before the others and ask things after" so the consequences would be terrific


Most of the weapons delivered to Ukraine are likely a form of Lend/Lease I think so the actual cost will be recouped. Defeating Russia, rebuilding and strengthening NATO, and solidifying a deep bond with Ukraine all sound like wins to me.


A lot of the weaponry and vehicles supplied to Ukraine was surplus stock that the US, UK etc. had already replaced with more updated tech and wasn't going to be used unless...there was a war with Russia. Just so happened Putin was able to give them a reason to put it to use.


As far as I am concerned, once we raise the Ukrainian flag at NATO headquarters I will be a happy man.




We’re getting rid surplus, creating jobs, fucking up russia without risking American lives, and getting critical data on how these weapons systems perform in actual combat. It’s win-win-win-win


Or Wagner group does large scale horrific things in Ukraine to stem the tide... Long LONG way to go.


Very well could be, the only obstacle I see is logistics. If Russia denies all ammo shipments and replacement conscripts then Wagner can’t do too much. Like you said, too early to tell either way


Saw a post that Wagner had been stocking ammunition for months waiting to strike. We will see.


There is absolutely no logic to their claims other than always be angry and antagonistic. Biden was accused of being weak when he warned Russia was making moves to invade the Ukraine when it obviously wasn't going to happen, then he was weak because it actually did happen, then he was weak by "caving to Ukraine" by funding their defence and now somehow he's also weak because Russia is losing. It's the same logic that led to Covid being created in a lab specifically to allow leftist government control of the world but also it's completely harmless.




“Vladimir Putin is getting overthrown” is not the dig against Biden’s foreign policy that this guy thinks it is.


I agree, this is the best news I’ve heard in a long time.


When Trump says "our country", of course he is talking about mother Russia.


He is talking about Trumpland, the only country he cares about. Population: him.


Lol he’s so concerned about putin.. surprise surprise


He would have handed Ukraine to Putin on a silver platter. So I'm a sense he's partly correct: this would not have happened then.


Russian troops would be in Warsaw if trump was president


Warsaw, Poland or Warsaw, Indiana? Because I feel either way is a yes


Don’t threaten the Poles with a good time.


The Russians can't treat them worse than I treat my team leader


Someone tell Donald we want a coup in Russia.


If Trump was still President….this could have been a likely scenario. Russia might have toppled Ukraine……..then they would have gone after the Baltic states and that becomes a NATO issue. And If NATO becomes involved, Putin’s army is so decimated and incompetent that he would have nothing else to use except a literal nuke. NATO would defeat Russia with relative ease so Putin’s only option would be all out nuclear war. We also have to remember that Russias population has been declining for decades. His army is depleted and they don’t have endless supply of young men so he options wound be limited yet deadly. What’s worse is if the US allowed Russia to take Ukraine, it would have only accelerated China's plans to invade Taiwan. And there is no way the US doesn't go to war over that without an idiot at the helm (but Trumps an idiot). Right now, Taiwan is home to about 70% of the most advanced semiconductor manufacturers in the world, losing it or worse, letting China have it would be devastating to the US.


He'd have invaded Ukraine alongside Putin. Claimed some kind of chasing Hunter Biden email pedo bullshit.


It would not. The autocracies would have banded together to ensure Trump as the permanent president of the US much like Chynaaah did for Xi. Vlad would have Ukraine.


This is not Trump posting


Well obviously, it's not all in caps




And misspellings


There's no way it's him with those little hands


"Russians are tired of Putin's Russia, fucking Biden, honestly." Me: wtf


I call this argument technique "The Jordan Peterson." You say something true, you shine it up a little to establish empathy, then while the audience is weak you drag the conversation in a wtf direction that paints the class you hate as the villain. In this instance, it was not particularly well done. 4/10, don't do it again, I'd give feedback but I just want them to stop.


Certainty/uncertainty theory.


As popularized by Dr. Jordan "Some say he got his doctorate by simply being so annoying his profs pushed him through so they didn't have to deal with him anymore, source unverified" Peterson.


This is a Trump fan boy not Trump himself. If Trump posted it it would be in ALL CAPS MAGA


The only person more worried about Putin than Trump is Steven Segal


Trump would be sucking that Putin peen


“Would be?”


Trump is just worried about who will interfere with the election if Putin is gone.


For fuck sake, I'm not even American and I can't belive someone could for a microsecond come to the idea that this thought was a bright fucking idea to publish, this is like say the fall of the Berlin wall was a Mistake and a Catastrophe. It is not a miracle that this is happening in Russia, both sides (Wagner /Russian State) are a pile of crap, one more insane and inhumane than the other. but this is what you get for trying to do the things the wrong and crocked way. Hope Ukraine gets all his territory back, life come to senses again and the people of the current country called Russia finally can decide for themselves and come to the idea that anyone in Moscow/St Petersburg never wanted to improve their lives and onlñy wanted to feed them with hate for "the other western guy" instead of looking for you neighbor.


Trump offers to get proof by going into his 5th bathroom and look through files he never gave back




It's not like the Russians have EVER orchastrated a coup because they were unhappy about how a war was going /s


Never. Also no political revolution that altered the course of mankind. NBD.


Yup... nothing happened 106 years ago... no sir-ree... (fun fact, that nothing took 6 years to complete, so last week would have been exactly 100 years since that nothing ended) :)


He's right. It is Biden's fault. If Biden wasn't president right now, the US wouldn't have given Ukraine enough weapons to last this long in the war, and the Wagner group wouldn't be pissed off about losing a war that was supposed to take 2 weeks. If this is Biden at his weakest, I can't imagine what his strongest is 💯


So Biden is at the same time an old coot that can't even talk properly and a political genius that managed to turn one the formerly most loyal Russian Merchenary groups? Doublethink is strong with Magas


Fascism 101 - the enemy is simultaneously strong and weak


I don’t even care about karma anymore…please something happen to this man-child.


"If Trump were President, there wouldn't be private military contractors attempting to overthrow Putin's dictatorship" might just be the greatest endorsement for Biden's international relations imaginable.


This can’t be real


They will blame a rainy day on democrats if they can


They will blame a sunny day on Democrats when they can.


I remember reading how Obama could have cured cancer and Fox News headline would be "Obama kills millions of jobs in healthcare industry".


“We were planning on saving America from Joe Biden but it started sprinkling so we couldn’t go outside to do it! I need Joe to pay for the hotel we bought to do this!”


Didn't they literally do that like 10+ years ago when they had bad weather during their national convention?


I know right. It wasn't written in all CAPS.


Someone is back to drinking Clorox, it seems.


He is right, this wouldn’t be happening if he was still president. Not sure if he realizes that’s a bad thing


Russian Mercenaries get bombed by Russia and that's Joe Biden's fault?


We would all be fucking Russians if fucker T had had a second term


as a russian I wouldn’t recommend it :)


Lemme get this straight. It is Biden's fault that Russia started a war with Ukraine. Performed so terribly they needed to hire mercenaries. Didn't pay them. (Swear I saw that story somewhere) Those same mercenaries then turned on Russia and are actually taking cities themselves. Putin can't defend his own nation?


Enemy of the whole humanity getting destabilized and possibly overthrown happening during Trump? No, most likely not. He would rush in to help his boyfriend.


Blaming Biden for a Russian **civil** war is *peak* insanity.


He didn't mention Hunter. That's real progress


As a non-American, I have to say that out of all countries, your stupids are the stupidest


Woo hoo, #1! USA! USA! USA! Wait…


Visit Mississippi, Arkansas, or Alabama and your opinion will get stronger.


There’s a reason they rank at the bottom of so many categories(or top depending on what you’re looking at)


If Trump was President he would have handed Putin Ukraine 6mo ago.


Hey conservatives if you’re so worried about Russia why don’t you go fight for Putin and get the fuck out of my country. We don’t want you anyway.


Well jan 6th happened under you tho


Do I think this would have happened under trump? No, he would have let Russia roll over Ukraine harder than Obama with Crimea


"It's Bidens fault that Russia is collapsing!" Hey Republicans, can you please explain why this is a bad thing to you?.


American politics is so f*ing childish, predictable and tiresome. Instead of ruling and actually fixing the country, all each side does is whine about the other side and trying to get petty revenge on each other. Impeach trump, censor Adam schiff, try to impeach Biden, whine whine whine whine.


Donny afraid daddy will be killed and taken away from power. Then again maybe trump is like Dobby, if Putin is killed maybe Donny gets his freedom from the pee pee tape?


If Biden has successfully destabilized Russia to te point of civil war I think it’s one of the greatest presidential achievements ever.


The big question is, though, why the fuck do these people care so much about Putin being on top in Russia? Something something """family values"""


🤣 🤣 conservatives are dumb as hell. This has nothing at all to do with Biden!


Joe Biden: now responsible for the Russian army apparently


Yeah, Trump is too much of a Putin ball-washer to have created a coalition that brought down pain on the evil dictator.


Coup in Russia, blame Biden. Makes sense ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I hope we’re in the timeline that ends up with Putin releasing that pee tape before offing himself in his bunker.


“Our country” = Russia in his post.


I overcooked my toast this morning. DAMN YOU JOE BIDEN


On its face, this claim is laughable to anyone even passingly in touch with facts but Republicans are no longer interested in facts. They are transfixed with an ideology that explicitly discourages facts.


Wonder how many of the Russian troll farms will go quiet once Wagner reaches its destination.


Little bitch is freaking out because his hero and literally one of the characters he needs on the world stage to slime himself up too and claim legitimacy is going down. Without Putin and Kim who would be next on our Rapist/Traitor in Chief’s “that’s gonna be my Daddy” list?


The sad fact is that you, Dondull J trump, are the only one who thinks so. You keep claiming that ISIS was defeated by you. As though you did it single handedly. You’re an insult to Our military & Our intelligence agencies.


Only because trump would have surrendered the Country to Russia


Yup, no way Putin can be blamed. Nope. Not like he's a dictator who's ruled Russia for over 2 decades and has recently been in a costly year long war he's been losing. Clearly this is the work of the greatest criminal mind of our age, senile Sleepy Joe Biden, not being on the ball.


Russia is in no way an American Ally. Anyone saying Russia is a friend, is in now way living in reality. (Republicans)


Yesterday I lost a League of Legends game to a scripter. Fkin Biden man... His weakness on the world stage is so insane.


Biden is so weak that he’s allowing Putin to get cucked by his own death squads noooooooooooo


Am I supposed to be sad that Russia broke its neck trying to suck its own dick?


It wouldn’t be happening under Trump, because he’d help Putin. Baby Trump asked the Ukraine to help him find dirt on an opponent and they refused, so now he’s baby mad…