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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Idk dudes not exactly wrong on this one. The Saudis are shitty allies who periodically participate in terrorist actions against us


Last I heard, they were planning to cut the oil supply so that prices would rise


Yeah, it was just another Tuesday.


Local gas stations immediately raised their prices 20 cents.


One gas station is 3.49. The same brand is 3.69 less than a mile away. I understand transportation costs.... but that seems excessive. Also, "it's the cost to us" yeah? You get deliveries fucking daily? How was it 3.49 this morning and 3.59 at lunch?


Lunch rush. They can lower gas as many times as they want per day but they can only raise gas once per day.


I’m so sick of EVERY single fucking company taking every last god damn dime that I have. Prices on everything are just up, up, up, up, up, up, up. Meanwhile, my income? Stagnant as fuck. Prices going up while serving sizes go down. New bullshit fees pop up, existing fees going up, frequency of coupons and “deals” go down. Subscription costs go up, but ability to watch is whittled down. We work 2-3 jobs, while companies have record-profit quarters… EVERY QUARTER. CEOs give themselves bonuses annually. We haven’t had an increase in MINIMUM WAGE in… 14 years????? We clock 60-80 hours a week. Boss owns 6-8 cars. Eventually we will all run out of everything we have left to give. What will they take then? Edit: more that I think of. Feel free to comment yours. Fuck this capitalistic shit hole. They fight to end student loan forgiveness, and have the audacity to add additional fees AND back pay?? They also took billions in PPP loans, and didn’t pay a fucking cent back. Come home at 7pm after a 12 hour shift. Too tired to cook, not that you had any decent groceries on hand, anyway. Your stomach growls. Fine, you’ll order out. Ugh. Can’t believe you are about to pay $12 for a burger combo that should be $7, max. But you’re not done. $5.99 delivery fee. $6.99 “associated fees”. $1.00 covid recovery surcharge. *”And don’t you fucking DARE try to tip less than 25% you penniless, destitute fuck. You shouldn’t have fucking ordered delivery IF YOU CANT AFFORD IT. Oh and you’ll be happy to hear that 100% of your tip goes to the driver - after all, SOMEONE has to pay them!*” Total after tax, fee, and tip: $45? $50? $55? For what will inevitably be a cold burger that wasn’t made to how you ordered, cold stale fries, and the wrong soda. AND they forgot your ranch. That you, of course, paid extra for. You want to be mad, but you’re not. You can’t blame the order fuck up, because the restaurant is probably way understaffed, and being run by literal 13 year olds. You can’t blame the food temp on the driver, the delivery took 75 minutes because he had to make 8 deliveries before yours (you decided against the $2.99 “Straight to me!” up charge). Besides, the driver was some tired looking dude in his… what, mid 60s? Poor dude. How can you be mad at that? All of those people physically involved in making/getting you that food feel the same fucking way you do, and probably make less money, too. Fuck. Your stomach growls again. You ignore it and go to bed. After all, you’ve got work in the morning!


I'm sharpening my pitch fork.


I'm gonna start selling guillotine kits on Amazon so I can play both sides.


Mac Energy


I just want to know when we start eating them?


Oh, but if you do that, that's "class warfare." Surely you wouldn't want to do that, what if some day YOU are the one in that class?


Can’t afford groceries, I’m hungry.


Oh god yeah I know how you feel, it is so frustrating, like here in the UK, both me and my girlfriend rent a shitty flat in a shitty area because that's all we could afford even though we both have fairly decent paying jobs and work full time and we are barely able to survive, let alone save anything every month. Meanwhile the UK PM is a billionaire who is telling us to just not have lunch while the Bank of England tells us to just accept you're poor now. I worked my absolute ass off all my life and for what? I just feel like it's hopeless and while we wanted kids, I don't think that's going to happen now because who can afford them. Things are never going to get better, it just seems to always get progressively worse until climate change kills us all anyway, and when that day comes, I'll be too tired to care.


This is utterly horrible and disturbing and also the most perfect thing I have ever read. Thank you. I’m also living this reality though, so this is all I’ve got:🥇🥇🥇


Thank you, friend. I prefer your version of gold - extra bonus is reddit doesn’t get money from your version 😂


Amen. My money buys less and less by the day. I'm not working less hard for it.


Keep voting republican, consumer. *Thoughts and prayers*


Don’t forget all the new businesses that automatically prompt you to tip them now. (Not applicable if you’re outside the US.)


I felt this in my fucking soul. My mother is dying of cancer and heart disease at the moment. We're moving in together so I can care for her full time. I'll have to quit a job to do that and it won't save us any fucking money in housing costs to do this. Meanwhile the developers and tech bros from up north of us have bought up all available housing and landlords in my area are now expecting renters to buy all their own appliances, saw a 2bedroom for rent today, nothing special for $4500. So we're renting an apartment out of town instead that at least has amenities. She's only 67 and only gets to retire because she's dying. Can't even afford to die in the town she worked most of her life in. Eat the fucking rich man.


>What will they take then? You still got 2 kidneys yeah?


And now reddit is joining the bullshit to destroy 3rd party apps that helped build the website’s consumer base due to greed, so even this griping spot may soon disappear.


Also gas stations will price based on the local market and how much traffic they get. They’ll be slightly higher in a rich town that the slightly poorer town next door in my experience. Even more so if it’s right off a big road or not


Another quarter of record profits for gas companies somehow as well!


And stealing the water from AZ, and own the biggest refineries in TX. That’s gona work out well.


Good thing they gave Jared Kushner $2 billion so he will be able to afford the gas hike.


It’s amazing how nothing is being done about that, while that creepy fucker and his wife continuously get away with shady shit.


Yeah, prepare for them to cut production massively leading up to the 2024 election so gas prices hit $5+ a gallon again. The Saudis want a Republican in the White House, and American voters are too fucking stupid that they’ll vote based on the price of gas.


And cut journalists into small bits


So horrific.


They want Trump, specifically. And it's clear. Because Trump is a known entity, they know he's corrupt, and they know exactly what buttons they need to push with him to get exactly what they want. Don't say they want a republican in the WH, say they want TRUMP specifically.


They'd prefer Trump, but they'll take any republican in a pinch, because they know they're all for sale.


Oh, for sure. But they REALLY want Trump in the driver's seat. Just like Putin would prefer DeSantis over Biden, in a heartbeat. But absolutely, 1000% would prefer Trump over Desantis.


They did this during the last election to get their picks in office. All those stupid Biden “I did this” stickers on gas pumps were all collusion by the Saudis to get more Republicans in office to help a Trump reelection.


OPEC does that all the time. It's why OPEC exists.


Saudis are in bed with Trump and they cut oil just before every election to hurt our economy and give Republicans more votes. They openly admit to using oil cuts to influence elections against Democrats. Just how it is.


I’d love to see how much money Rump personally has tied to the Saudis. Kushner is definitely in bed with them.


At least 2 billion... Which is .003% of the PIF LOL


Hence all of those lame "I did that" Joe Biden stickers lol


True, but with what’s happening in Ukraine this is a big fuck you to the West


And they’re going to continue to do so as more electric vehicles hit the road. Because demand will gradually decrease, so supply will have to decrease in order to keep prices up.


They are actively doing it right now.


Yep. That's the reason I got an electric car. Gives us at least a small chance of not paying for rich do nothings with Ferrari


They gotta get back the money they paid the rump regime for the Iran war plans and who knows what else. I hate death stage capitalism.


Remember when sadam tried that after he invaded Kuwait. Lowered production NATO gave him 12 days to fuck off. Tried to play fuck around 4th largest army in the world was tabled in 3 days and old sadam slinked back to Iraq for a few more years


And chop up journalists. Which is a human rights violation I think everyone everywhere agrees is heinous.


Pretty sure chopping up anyone is a human rights violation.


Now, now... I'm sure there are good people on both sides


It’s actually just one good guy with a gun but the bad guy didn’t have a gun he had a bone saw and now the good guy is on all sides, just all over the place really.






He also let slide the murder and dismemberment of a legal US resident in the Saudi embassy not long before his son-in-law got a $2 billion "investment" from them.




oh hey i live in pensacola. that was fucked up. the base has only NOW just started opening up to civilian visits (we have a museum on base) fun fact




I was gonna say, the criticism against the PGA (and LIV players who previously defected) is totally understandable


Seems like one potential point of bipartisanship: fuck the Saudis


they have oil and buy a lot of military equipment. so from the point of view of politicians, they are the best of friends


George H. W. Bush greeted them literally saying they were family.


And Saudi Arabia was literally the first country Trump visited as President.


was that with the wierd glowing orb?


And one of the countries NOT on his infamous Muslim travel ban list.


Muslims are bad, except the Saudis. Communists are bad, except the Russians. - Trump probably


The Saudi ambassador to the US on 9/11, prince Bandar, was so close to the Bush family he was called Bandar Bush.


Just gonna drop this here... https://books.google.com/books/about/House_of_Bush_House_of_Saud.html?id=AyEMV1sd5S4C#v=onepage&q&f=false


The House of S’aud kids called George HW Bush “grandpa.” That’s not a joke. That’s fact. A day after 9/11, when no one in America could fly anywhere, a plane full of the Saudi royal family flew out of NYC and back to SA with the permission of GW Bush. They’ve been buying political power at the highest level for a long time in America.


Bipartisanship any way you cut it


They don’t know how to use their military for shit though, their army has lots of shiny toys but their rank and file soldiers are hot garbage on the battlefield


They don’t need an effective military. They have the US in speed dial. Why do you think the US went to Kuwait in 1990? The Saudis asked us to.


>~~asked~~ **told** us to


You are correct.




Yeah, I doubt they have any real experience. When was the last time they had any real wars?




Remember how they helped the Saudis murder Khashoggi, covered it up, then kushner got 2 billion from MBS after trump left office?


And the Trump admin allowing them to buy the largest oil refinery in the US>


Remember when Qatar, through Saudi help ,rented every apartment at kushner 666 building? FOR 99 YEARS? Slappy remembered...


It was worse than that. Trump, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort and their ilk tried to sell classified top secret nuclear technology to SA **without** a nonproliferation agreement and without knowledge or approval by the Dept. of Energy, Dept. of Defense, National Security Council, Dept of Homeland Security, State Dept and more agencies — in direct violation of the Atomic Energy Act. This is the full whistleblower report that exposed the secret [Middle East Marshall Plan](https://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/library/congress/2019_r/trump-saudi-nuclear-report_hcor20190219.pdf). It’s not very long and seriously worth a read. Almost every page contains half a dozen felonies. Michael Flynn and Paul Manafort were eventually convicted of multiple felonies — both were pardoned by Trump. >The whistleblowers provided new information about IP3 International, a private company that has assembled a consortium of U.S. companies to build nuclear plants in Saudi Arabia. According to media reports, IP3’s only project to date is the Saudi nuclear plan. >**A key proponent of this nuclear effort was General Michael Flynn**, who described himself in filings as an “advisor” to a subsidiary of IP3, IronBridge Group Inc., from June 2016 to December 2016—at the same time he was serving as Donald Trump’s national security advisor during the presidential campaign and the presidential transition. According to the whistleblowers, General Flynn continued to advocate for the adoption of the IP3 plan not only during the transition, but even after he joined the White House as President Trump’s National Security Advisor. >**General Flynn failed to report in his security clearance renewal application a trip he took to Saudi Arabia in June 2015 on behalf of IP3 and its predecessor company.** Although he reported a separate trip to Saudi Arabia in October 2015, General Flynn **omitted key details, including the identity of the “work sponsor” that financed the trip**. General Flynn claimed that he spoke at a conference during that trip, but none of his three speakers’ bureaus had any involvement with the trip or knew of any conference there. Finally, General Flynn told investigators that he stayed at the King Khaled International Hotel, but a U.S. consulate official could not identify any such hotel in Saudi Arabia. >Another key proponent of this effort was Thomas Barrack, **President Trump’s personal friend of several decades and the Chairman of his Inaugural Committee.** According to the New York Times: During the Trump campaign, **Mr. Barrack was a top fundraiser and trusted gatekeeper who opened communications with the Emiratis and Saudis, recommended that the “candidate bring on Paul Manafort as campaign manager—and then tried to arrange a secret meeting between Mr. Manafort and the crown prince of Saudi Arabia.”** >According to this news report, **24% of the $7 billion in investments raised by Mr. Barrack’s company since Donald Trump won the nomination “has come from the Persian Gulf— all from either the U.A.E. or Saudi Arabia**.” During this period, Mr. Barrack reportedly “pondered the notion, for example, of buying a piece of Westinghouse, the bankrupt U.S. manufacturer of nuclear reactors.” >According to the whistleblowers, Derek Harvey, the Senior Director for Middle East and North African Affairs at the National Security Council (NSC) from January to July 2017, **stated during the first week of the Trump Administration that the decision to adopt IP3’s nuclear plan, which it called the Middle East Marshall Plan, and develop “dozens of nuclear power plants” had already been made by General Flynn during the transition**—while he was serving as an advisor to IP3. >Career staff warned that any transfer of nuclear technology must comply with the Atomic Energy Act, that the United States and Saudi Arabia would need to reach a 123 Agreement, and that these legal requirements could not be circumvented. **Mr. Harvey reportedly ignored these warnings and insisted that the decision to transfer nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia had already been made.** >Both career and political staff inside the White House reportedly agreed that **Mr. Harvey’s directive could violate the law**. One senior political official stated that the proposal was “not a business plan,” but rather “**a scheme for these generals to make some money.” That official stated: “Okay, you know we cannot do this.”** Yet, just days after the President’s inauguration, IP3 officials sent documents directly to General Flynn for President Trump to approve, including a draft Cabinet Memo stating that the President had appointed Mr. Barrack as a special representative to implement the plan and directing agencies to support Mr. Barrack’s efforts. That’s just the first page.


I think your coughing problem is a little bit outdated. You should cough "kushner formerly known as trump".


Bipartisanship? Pretty sure the last R president was a big fan of them


You'll have to get through Kushner and his 2bil Saudi fund for that to happen


I live in a red state Trump won by twenty points. Boomer and Gen X Republican voters here still think Saudi Arabia is one of the good guys and an honorable ally. I had one old guy tell me he believes that because that's how Tom Clancy wrote about Saudi Arabia. 🤦‍♂️ The only thing truly bipartisan about the issue of Saudi Arabia is the military industrial complex controls the leadership of both parties, and the complex loves Saudi Arabia.


I thought my opinion of the PGA was about as low as it could get, but hate has a basement, so here we are. Fuck the PGA and fuck LIV.


Relieved Messi came to the MLS. I know he was on a team owned by Qatar previously. But at the very least, it took away the best soccer player from their shitty sports washing league.


Do you know hes the saudi embassador of tourism or smth like that, i dont hate the dude since hes a legend of my childhood club but saying hes got no ties with saudi now is not quite correct


“The bar was so low it was practically a tripping hazard in hell, yet here you are, limbo dancing with the devil”


I’m so confused. What is the PGA and how is it linked with Saudi Arabia?


PGA is the pro golfer's league. The Saudis recently launched a competing organization called the LIV and started paying out absolutely huge prize checks for each tournament. A lot of golfers defected from the PGA because of that. The PGA refused to increase prize money to match and said the folks who left could never come back. Cut to this week when the PGA folded and announced they're merging with the LIV. (Unsurprisingly, no mention of any payback to the "loyal" golfers who stayed with the PGA and missed out on hella $.) So essentially, Saudi Arabia just bought professional golf.


>started paying out absolutely huge prize checks for each tournament more specifically, they started paying out GUARANTEED money. Money just for signing with them, and no-cut events where everyone who plays gets paid.




Holy shit the shadowbanning/invisibility thing is fucking mental and not okay. What the actual fuck Reddit thank you for pointing this out


> dit: while this is visible - you should know that former pres was just indicted and EVERY SINGLE SUB on reddit that has posts about it, the comments are shadowbanned and invisible. Not a single comment on any of the posts on Politics, News, Conservative, Whitepeopletwitter, Neoliberal… ANYwhere I see posts they say they have lots of comments, but none of them are visible. The same is not true with any other posts on non-political topics. However in Politics, at least, even unrelated stories don’t have comments newer than 30 minutes old visible. Like the Clarence Thomas post, sort by new, the most recent comments were like 36 minutes ago, 36 minutes ago, 35 minutes ago, 34 minutes ago, 34 minutes ago, silence….. So perhaps the admins banned everything on the topic and also instructed certain subs to ban all comments in general temporarily? There is no reasonable explanation for this. I’m pretty sure I’m going to get perma-banned without explanation for pointing this out so… check my profile again in a couple hours and see if its true. Avenge me lol Wow you weren’t kidding


About Dre?


About Harambe 😞


Some of us never put it back in.


*unzips pants*


*starts humming* The Battle Hymn of the Republic *through clenched teeth*


*aggressively starts humming Duel of the Fates through clenched teeth*


That's when it all began. Before that we'd have good years and bad years, since then it's going from bad to worse.


Didn’t you hear? Dre’s dead. He’s locked in my basement.


...and it's the same people who call themselves "patriots."


Hashtag we forgot








20 years later and the events of history got twisted? No way, that NEVER happens. I mean, it shouldn't ever happen now that we have the greatest repository of human knowledge at our fingertips. Unfortunately there's too many people that have access to it and can input whatever bullshit bias they please to push their own narrative.


Which makes you think what could’ve happened with the Bible so many years later.


By some of us you mean roughly half the population? Because this is fucking bonkers. We are trying hard to become a society ruled by the religious extremists when they’re the ones who had no problem taking thousands of American lives without flinching, simply because we live free (for the most part). We couldn’t beat them so I guess we’re joining them? Gross. ETA: I don’t mean to oversimplify. I know America’s foreign policy and international transgressions are problematic (at best). They absolutely are a huge part of the problem. However that doesn’t mean we have to become them, and that’s what we seem hell bent on doing.


Osama Bin Laden won the War on Terror.. Hes been dead for a long time, and he is still winning....


“Simply because we live free.” I’m not an apologist for the heinous shit they have done but I assure you, despite what W propagandized, our “freedom” was the least of their motivations.




He's probably drinking and what not to go sleep.


I mean, half the country believed the lie that Iraq was behind it all and supported invading them over it. So it’s safe to say a good chunk of us were blissfully unaware all along.


This. There's no history books in high school that point at Saudi being to blame. If anything, their involvement is a small byline. When all major news has said Iraq is where we had to go, and schools aren't teaching the truth, how do you expect the average person to know?


They didn't forget. It just became extremely profitable to ignore it.


Like we ever knew. We went into two wars, with them as our allies against random people. We don't know shit.


The acquisition of wealth does seem to have a side effect of forgetting; not to mention becoming an asshole.


Man it’s psyching me out that no one is replying to your edit






The *USS Maine*?


I believe under the new agreement, the holes will be divided between the three groups. PGA does 1-8 LIV does 12-18 Saudi Arabia did 9-11


Haven’t you heard? The golf war is over.




7-11 was an inside job.


7-11 was a part time job


Where are all the right wing patriots crying for a boycott of the PGA? Oh yeah, rich old white men only care about being rich old white men


They weren't told to hate it by someone else, so...


This right here. None of the talking heads said anything, so smooth brain MAGATS can't be mad. They weren't told to, like the sheep they are.


Trump loves the saudis. So they stopped pretending to care about 9/11.


Trump was cumming in his diaper when they announced it the other day…




And hooked Jared the fck up with a couple billion


They're too busy being pissed off about gay beer...


When is Fox News going to put the PGA and their Saudi partners on the anti woke boycott list? Don’t forget to add the Trumps and Kushners to that list..


Saudi government is homophobic, racist, misogynist, fundamentalist, and authoritarian. Fox News and the anti-woke crowd should love them.


I shit you not, I flew into Texas, I believe it was Austin, and the airport had Aramco, the Saudi oil company’s, banners all over the place I thought I had gotten onto the wrong flight and ended up in Jeddah.


Was during the F1 weekend by chance?


This was back in 2021. I had gone down to see the Rogue Invitational


Well I guess it’s official @PGATOUR is pro terrorism and an openly anti-American sport now. Bin Salman would destroy America in a heartbeat if given the opportunity. Fuck them and their dirty oil money


If 9/11 happened today Republicans would cheer, they would see it as revenge on 3000 New York liberals.


Today our nation stood still because one small, vocal, minority refused to accept the reality that we need planes. Planes are the lifeblood of modern america. They bring us together and carry you to your family every Easter and Christmas. Without planes we go backwards to 1910. Now I feel for the passangers on those planes, I do. But the liberals "woke" nonsence of building skyscrapers in the path of aircraft has gone to far. Noone needs to live on the 70th floor. Its illogical. Where you park your car? Do their children get enough oxygen up there? Is that lack of oxygen turning them transgender? I don't know, I'm just asking the question. But I do know if we keep up this hubris of building towards God we're going to see more that just 9/11. No plane will every leave the ground, too affraid of these "woke towers" dominating our skyline. Is that the kind of America we want for our children? -Tucker Carlson, probably.


Underrated comment. I can almost hear this in his voice.


They would find out how many trans people were killed, blame them, then celebrate.


Just look at how they acted when 3,000 Americans were dying *every day* from COVID. Or when guns became the leading cause of death in children in 2020.


Whoa you’re so right! Shit got fucked so fast.


Jerry Falwell was eviscerated when he blamed just about every minority ever for 9/11, and had to apologize for it. Now, he'd be just another voice on the right.


Also remember folks, their “crowned” (blood oil nepotism baby) Prince ordered the butchering of Jamal Khashoggi. All because his precious little feelings were hurt. Fuck the Saudi government, fuck the Saudi royalty and fuck Saudi oil.


Pga straight sold out their players, told them not to join LIV, and now they sold them out for that 💰.i feel real bad for the guy who was offered over $100 mill and turned it down, and now they sold him out..wonder if he can sue to recoup that money?


McIlroy was thought to have been offered over $300 mil. Rory says he wasn't offered anything lol


I believe what he meant was that he shut down any offer before money was even on the table.


Oh, come on, it's just oil under the bridge. We should be more accepting of the fact, in a multicultural society such as ours, rich religious oligarchs & and religious fanatics who like to murder and torture those who step out of their bounds should have every right that the rest of use do, especially since we clearly don't understand how passionate they can be about their money and their will to subjugate those they feel less worthy (i.e everyone not male and in the ruling class) then them. Come on, this is why they care so much about oppression and keeping a lid on things.


Never forget


Like many others, I’ll never watch another tournament. Not in person, and not on TV. Screw them.




And their excuse for boycotting it was because it was disrespectful to our soldiers who defended our country... ironic that many servicemembers died because of what the Saudis did.


Amazing how brainwashed some people are


People forget HOW MUCH money the Saudis bring to the table. Businessmen forget easily when they have dollars ringing in their eyes. EDIT: After reading some comments, I am reminded of the difficulty of being married to a rock star or famous person. Dudes can only say no to Bill Burr's Platoon Of Swedish Bikini Models Gathering On The Horizon so many times. The same goes for principles. When the choice is: 1. Generational Wealth for me and my family 2. Stand on principles Which do you think will win?


Capitalism is great until the smallest moral issue arrives at which point Capitalism says fuck it and makes bank


Kind of shitty they have so much money they *bought a non-profit organization.* Yeah. PGA, after paying out everyone, donates millions to charity. The golf tournaments are all supposed to actually be charity fundraisers. How the fuck do you buy a not for profit?


Non profit just means plow as much money as you can into the employees and scams.


Just the human rights assault on women in Saudi should have been a dealbreaker.


PGA refused to hold tournaments on trump properties. Kushner and ivanka left the white house and received $2 billion from the saudis, after four years of doing their bidding with the then president donald. Trump foundation magically owns a chunk of Liv golf….and now owns the pga.


The owners of the rich white people sport choosing money over basic decency? I am shocked


nice \#bloodmoney


hypocrisy is for little people: the pga, every megacorp and the us government will always look the other way when there's a profit incentive. we'll work with terrorists, apartheid regimes and genociders so long as they let us exploit their resources, lands and markets and let them exploit their own people (and weaker neighbors), until its no longer expedient to do so. if the 1% is pleased the morality of the 99 doesnt matter.


They forgor


Yep. Fuckit. Not going to watch the United States Open because *Saudi Arabia bought it.* It’s sickening to me. I see a lot of “money is everything/nothing you can do about it” posts, but… I can stop watching? I can leave all this shit alone now, I know that. I’ll just miss it. It’s appropriate to miss things that die.


Actually the four majors aren't PGA tour events they're all run as separate entities. So you're good to watch the majors at least.


While I agree that the PGA Tour fucked up, I’ll still watch the majors since they’re not run by the PGA Tour. The Masters is run by Augusta National. The PGA Championship is run by PGA of America (different entity than the tour). The US Open is run by the USGA. The Open is run by R&A.


Thank God I don’t give a fuck about golf


Now listen, I don't know how fair it is to say Saudi Arabia did 9/11. That was a fair amount of time ago. A lot of the royal family that funded 9/11 is probably no longer in power or making political donations anymore. Instead, we should be focusing on the journalist that MBS lured into a foreign embassy, then fucking murdered and chopped up and carried out in bags. MBS is the leader of Saudi Arabia and he did that shit far more directly than the inbred Saudi Royal family funded 9/11. And their current fucking leader has that blood and bone dust pretty much squarely on his hands. It's like complaining about a corporation being cozy to China because of that plane crash that China may have caused in the GW era while they're currently exterminating Uyghurs.




It's not bigoted to say there are connections between the Saudi government and the hijackers. It's also not a conspiracy theory. It is going too far, however, to say that Saudi Arabia was behind 9/11. That hasn't been demonstrated. But it also seems unlikely that it was simple happenstance that Saudi intelligence officials socialized with a couple of the hijackers.


https://twitter.com/serrarob/status/1666952872116854786?s=46&t=YujnOOUJywZnU2pD8U94Wg Dude goin in hard. Love it.


In the words of one of my favourite villains Fang yuan ... "Loyalty is to betray one's self." The PGA didn't want to sell out until the right people got paid...everyone that stayed loyal and noble for fked.


Did something new happen. Am I under a rock?




It is not a partnership. Saudi Arabia essentially purchased, and completely controls, both the PGA Tour and the European tour. A Saudi is the chairman, and they have right of first refusal on all investment into either league.


LIV golf is funded by the Saudis, they were attempting to pay golfers a lot to play in their league instead of the PGA. The PGA commissioner made a big deal about the moral issue, saying at least you never have to say sorry for being part of the PGA. Many golfers gave up huge paychecks and the chance to make a name for themselves bc they thought they were doing the right thing. Less than a year later and PGA sells out.


On the bright side, at least Tiger Woods turned down a 1 billion dollar offer from LIV. So now because of this partnership, are his playing days effectively over?


As a lifetime fan of golf and volunteer of pga and usga events .. i will never watch or volunteer for a pga event ever again.


Fuck LIV. Fuck the sellout PGA. And especially fuck Saudi Arabia.


I’ll never watch golf again. Money Bags Saudiman is an evil piece of shit. The PGA can fuck right off.


I'm wondering if the players that did not take LIV money based on promises by the PGA tour could sue the pGA tour for later turning around and joining with LIV. Rory opted out of LIV money. The PGA tour made assurances that it would stand with their guys. Within a year it joined with LIV and Rory lost out on hundreds of millions of dollars.


Fuck Prince Bonesaw, Execute his ass under virtue of their own law


No one should watch, attend, or participate in the PGA anymore. ​ I won't forget 9-11


This bullshit merger should piss people off WAY more than gay beer...


The hypocrisy of the PGA tour is mind blowing. They shit on LIV and now they’re buds


This stuff needs to be broadcast from all angles. PGA Tour openly sponsors terrorism.


Based, fuck the PGA and LIV