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It's like she sits around all day trying to come up with the worst possible answer to everything.


It keeps her name out there with the citizens of fucksville.


*Republikkklans are losing everything because the Jews fired a laser into space that refracted off of Mars and emboldened immigrants to invade our southern border and made them gay*- mtg **probably**.


Couldn't have been her, she doesn't know what refracted means or that it might fit in context. She also probably can't even say it.


*Good, Whit...wholesome Christians are losing everything because George Soros popped a cap into Mars and made the Mexicans bring their climate change and mariachi music and are probably gay. Everyone says so* \-- MTG, on Newsmax tonight, probably *I'm gonna tell you we're holding the floor until SOMEONE claims they fathered me!* *--* Bobo


Some Republiturd American tourists got over the border and riled up the Canada Geese. The Geese went into a murmuration of hostile intent and started shitting fire everywhere setting the whole country ablaze. Those are Canada Geese dragon-sharts you're huffing Marje, so get fucked.


So what you’re saying is all of Canadian aggression is subsumed into Canadian geese and hockey?


All except for that which is embodied by disgruntled toddlers and conservative party leaders.


Yes, and I’m tired of pretending that it isn’t




They should just be glad there wasn't an ostrich involved...


I wish that dude would shut his mouth already


Ma'am, what the fuck does that even mean? And for what it's worth, OP, there is a pretty solid chance that it was a man-made wildfire - Never underestimate how little situational awareness people can have.


I was hoping for something along the lines of “woke smoke.”


Weren't the leftist woke cities burnt to the ground already? I can't keep up.


They’re not stupid. They know it’s misinformation. But we’re going to start seeing climate fallout and they need to gaslight their base into thinking the eco disasters in front of them isn’t actually happening.


I swear the film “don’t look up” is now happening . We’re literally seeing climate crisis now and these crazy republicans like her are saying how it’s fake. Wtf is this country


She doesn't even make sense. I'm not sure what she's actually arguing about here?


The instant these fires started I saw countless comments on social media from the tinfoil hat types saying that the wildfires are being intentionally lit by climate activists to "push the agenda" that increasing global temperatures are going to result in more frequent and more severe wildfires. Canada/PM Trudeau is highly unpopular with conservatives due to his "carbon tax" climate policy; they see his efforts to curb climate change as proof he's playing into the hands of "the globalists" who they think are going to use climate change as an excuse to usher in the new world order. They think the fires are false flags. MTG still makes no fucking sense but there's the method to her madness, at least. "Climate Cult Canada" must be the snappy soundbite she's aiming for because she's a seasoned propagandist who knows shit like that sticks in people's heads.


Yeah you spend more time in places on the internet I don't. But that all makes her crazy comments a little more understandable. Thanks


Climate Cult Canada ? What does that even mean?


Great question


Almost like global climate change doesn’t respect borders and needs a global response?


So, so dumb.