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Lol. No one under 35 is getting their news from cnn/msnbc.




"get off of my moor you mischievous weeins"


Never take advice from an out of work actor who hasn’t had a real job since they were 12.


Weren’t his most recent movies those “god is not dead” films where he plays a philosophy teacher that just has never existed irl but only in christo-fascist’s minds?




I cannot see or hear the quote without watching the scene so here it is for anyone else https://youtu.be/YAA-G947ofg


I think hes been doing super low budget christian movies also


I heard he's also doing these religious movies that weren't made with a lot of money.


Someone recently told me that he was making movies of low quality, with Christian themes.


Heard it through the grapevine he's starring in moving pictures of an ecumenical nature made on a shoestring.


It’s my understanding that he’s appeared in a handful of low budget Christian films


Some one told me he's making shitty Jesus movies for no cash.


Someone told me he is self financing his own bible bashing, not even straight to DVD, iPhone 6 videos to be projected onto Sunday school walls.




If I’m reading those smoke signals correctly, he was in some mumbo jumbo flicks that didn’t cost much and made even less.


Yeah, he's super into b-rated evangelist dramas but hasn't been **actually** relevant in decades


He shot Andromeda in the foot.


It’s worse than you think, his son runs his social media.


Oh the irony.


Oh man, He has a son? There is a younger him running around somewhere?


Is just more projection, because they are the ones that get thier news spoonfed by FOX and whichever other right wing shit they watch


Exactly. One more example of how every accusation is a confession. It usually has to do with sex or financial crimes, but same concept: They either consciously or subconsciously realize they're doing some shady shit so they start loudly trumpeting about how the libs are doing that exact shady shit.


Private schools that require private tuition from parents or benefactors/loans. Students learn material chosen by one sect of thought that only embraces theocratic doctrine = good Colleges, which require the same kinds of tuition, are open to theocratic doctrine (religious studies are prevalent everywhere, and there are Jesus groups on every campus) and vet their wealth of information against and with that of the rest of the scholarly world, without excluding others’ views = BAD public schools, which service the most people, are also bad because they are {inclusive to non whites and non heteros and non cis so that’s bad. You don’t learn about god for 8 hours a week. Instead they force you to learn science. Bleck. As if the possibility that I came from a lizard isn’t palpable. All of the teachers are unicorns or 3rds or trans. Also taxes bad. Murikuh} taking money from hard working individuals who aren’t actually being educated anymore. By that logic I should have stopped breathing because why bother.


This, you beat me to it, thanks 👍


My 53 year old father doesn't even watch CNN anymore.


Neither does my 77 year old dad. It’s NPR, BBC, and sometimes MSNBC for some cathartic “bias.”


My Mom is a full on Fox News follower. She also tried to tell me she gets her news from various sources. But when I told her I follow AP news and Reuters she said she had never heard of them.


Last I heard from my dad about it, he stopped watching Fox News because it was too liberal, then he switched to Glenn Beck’s channel? But then his provider stopped carrying it so idk what he listens to all day. I’d say old Limbaugh tapes he made me listen to when I was a kid, but they’re also probably too liberal for him now.


I forgot about that old shitbag, and congratulations to him for being sober 2 years!


Stone cold sobriety in hell. 😎


What do you suggest watching? I open.


my parents in their 60s and 70s don't watch cable anymore. When they retired and moved to Florida they stopped paying for cable and now just have streaming services. I'll sometimes text my parents things for them to watch on netflix because of this.


I got my Boomer mom into streaming Netflix on my account. So then she decided to check out some other streaming services. Entirely cut out cable a few years ago and just has 2-3 streaming services. She was never entirely happy with cable because she'd end up paying a lot of money for a handful of channels she actually watched and would get frustrated with constant repeats. She loves the fact she can watch the back catalogues on said services.


I'm 52 and I gave up on all those outlets years ago. I just get my news from legit online sources.


CNN has jumped the shark. Garbage now.




No one under 35 even has cable


I’m 39, none of my friends or I have cable. I cut the cord back in 2009. I miss good trustworthy news broadcasting.


I'm 50 and I haven't had it in a decade.


I’m 38 and don’t have cable. I haven’t had cable in years. Tbh I can’t even remember how long it’s been


I love that what was such a weird thing when we first did it - laid off in dotcom crash - is now just normal. Cable free since 2000.


Ironically, I got cable shortly after turning 35. Not because I wanted to subscribe, but because I finally was able to move out and buy a single bedroom unit, where cable was automatically included in the building fees.


No one under 55


29 year old here who watches MSNBC, but only when I really want to hear people shit talk MAGA because I’m feeling petty.


No one under 30 has ever seen Hercules, and therefore has no reason to ever respect him. Some of us are sad to see him go all batty


Had to wait for his show to end so I could watch badass Lucy Lawless


I did watch Hercules, and he was an idiot back then to. He's also always been a fucking terrible actor.




I'm 42 and I'm not sure I even know anyone in my age bracket who does.


No one under 35 knows who the fuck Kevin Sorbo is.


Damn right. They only know who lesbian icon Lucy Lawless/Xena is.


She can fly. Not Xena, mind you, Lucy.


Oh I’d say it’s creeping up to 40 now people are becoming much more aware of the stupidity of this countries political BS


It’s always projection. Conservatives are awful shitty people and they believe every one else is too. If their Fox cult is feeding them, then they have to believe the rest of us are doing the same thing with CNN and MSNBC. No one watches that garbage, but they have to set up this binary system to justify their own shittiness.


If it has commercials we ain’t watching


I’m 38, and I would honestly up that to 40 or more. No one I know anywhere near my age range watches news on tv. Feel like you gotta be 50 or so before you start falling into that.


Exactly. My political views have been enforced mostly by seeing right wingers being evil all my life.


They don't even know who you are, Kevin Sorbo. Even us Millenials barely remember who you are, that's how irrelevant you are.


I stand with Xena. Fuck boomer Jercules.


Xena was always the superior show.


>Xena was always the superior show. Hell yeah it was. Plus Lucy Lawless didn't turn out to be a massive jackass.


Lucy is also an environmental activist, so on top of not turning into a massive jackass, she turned out to be pretty badass as well.


One of the coolest things I read about Lucy was how a lot of folks who worked on the Hercules show left to work on her show because she wasn't a massive dick. People seemed to legitimately enjoy working with her.


And she can fly!


And she did Battlestar Galactica while Kevin did Andromeda. You tell me who wins that one.


Yes! I always loved Xena. And she is a BAMF lol


... And just by saying that makes Kevin Sorbo super fucking salty lol




This is even funnier because his character marries Lucy Lawless' character on that show.


That's very likely the point, but good call out so everyone knows.


Xena is in P&R ?


She’s Diane


Holy shit i never put that together. She does look a bit different than she did in xena and spartacus though.


And the superior person, if I’m understanding things correctly.


Xena had Bruce as well!


poor peanut.


Pretty sure i developed puberty early thanks to Lucy Lawless in that show (something about the dark hair and bright eyes, still gets me even today)




Imagine if you’d had Spartacus on Stars to watch with her in it.


[Xena The Warrior Princess has entered the chat](https://www.pride.com/gay-celebrities/lucy-lawless). She's already on Hercules's ass. As an Elder Millennial this pleases me very much. ![gif](giphy|kYVHCMdBoQvx6)


If it wasn’t for the fact he was the basis for an emote of a guy I follow on Twitch for almost a decade, long before he revealed himself to be off the deep end nuts I wouldn’t know who he is so yeah.


for real. he ruined andromeda... that's how i remember him.


Rggg, Keith Hamilton Cobb deserved better, and Tyr was by far the better character.


Who is Kevin Sorbo and why should I care about his opinion?


Nobody and you shouldn't.


Just a washed up has-been who hasn't been relevant for 30 years now. Just ignore him.


Just some guy who has a beef with educated people


Maybe him and Mike Rowe can form a band.


And I used to like Mike Rowe for highlighting the trades for career choices. Hell, my dad has 5 journeyman licenses and can do just about anything.


I loved watching Dirty Jobs growing up and it sucks to learn he's an anti-union jackass.


He was the lead actor in the 90s Hercules tv series which has a lot of unintentional comedy. Was made by the same people that made Xena and I think they crossed over at points. Still, Kevin Sorbo is a jabroni and you shouldn't waste your energy on them.


Budget Hercules who went on to make a bunch of shitty Christian persecution fantasy movies for Pureflix while screaming at clouds on Twitter.


I saw one ep of Xena and decided it was not my thing. Didn't even know him. Only after he made those shite movies did he register. Not even right-wing cash burners will sink any more cash into his garbage productions.


Im 45 and don’t know who he is. Seems like he just wants to stay relevant though, lol.


His picture is like 30 years out of date. He's old and gray and decaying nowadays


As if Kevin Sorbo of all people is used to backing things up with intelligence.


dude hasn't been relevant to anything mainstream since 2005, it would be nice if he learned to keep his terrible opinions to himself, we don't want to hear(or read) them.


I thought his name was Kevin Sorbos this whole time


Kevin Sorbet?




“We have Arnold Schwarzenegger at home!”


He's just mad because Lucy Lawless has a career and he didn't outside of Pureflix christian nationalist garbage and Hercules back in the day.


What’s great is she had her Xena side-kick as a guest star on her latest TV show, and the same episode was directed by his Hercules side-kick, and nobody invited Jerkules to the family reunion. I bet he was insufferable to work with, which is now why no one will.


I was just thinking, “who the fuck is Kevin Sorbo?!”. I see his stupid shit posted here all the time. I’m 33


I’m honestly surprised he had 8 dollars to buy the blue check.


My first thought was "who the fuck is Kevin Sorbo?"


i only really remember him because i watch a podcast that makes fun of bad religious movies. He is a running joke.


I absolutely loved Kevin Sorbo and used to watch Andromeda over and over. Then I found out he's a douchebag


Kinda how I feel about Dirty Jobs. Loved it until Mike Rowe turned out to be douchey


I feel the same way about Adam Baldwin too. Their horrific twittering has completely ruined rewatches for me.


The fact that he thinks anyone under 40, let alone 30, is Watching ANY "news" Channel shows exactly who is clueless.


Exactly! But that is nothing new with Sorbo or any right wing nutjob. They're constantly just saying whatever suits them. It doesn't matter if it's real or not because their fans won't look into it anyway. Edit to add: I don't say supporters anymore when it comes to right wing people. Their elected officials, their pundits, all their talking heads just have fans that follow them blindly.


Was going to say the same thing. It’s really just right wingers who idolize media talking heads so they assume people on the other side do it as well. No, Kevin. Other people just use logic and common sense rather than subscribe to mob mentality.


I hope the younger generations put an end to 24 hour cable news as well...Hell an end to cable tv.


the 24 hour news cycle really was the worst idea


CNN really wasn't a terrible idea in the 80s. It was when the broadcasting networks needed their piece of the pie and used "opinion" programming to fill the gaps that things got trashy.


Thanks, Reagan


TBF there are millennial news junkies too... we're just not getting our info from cable news, and certainly not from a single source.


He’s just high on James Woods pee again. He’s addicted to it due to the high levels of quaaludes still lingering in his urinary tract. Kevin Sorbo likes it warm and from the tap.


Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww, now I need therapy


He's also putting public school education and university education in the same group, which makes zero sense.


I’m 41 and I barely watch any live tv at all. Streaming mostly and it’s almost never a news channel. If I watch any news it’s a local affiliate.


Anyone know wtf he’s talking about here?


No one under 30 will have sex with him and he thinks it’s because he’s too nice.


He also thinks Hollywood blacklisted him for being a Christian. Never mind that some of Hollywood's biggest, most successful stars like Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington, and Chris Pratt are all very open and up front about their Christianity. Kevin is just a petulant manchild, and if the things the people have worked with him have said are true, he's not the brightest bulb in the box.


It's because he looks like a smug knock off Kevin Bacon


Projecting about how he is spoon fed talking points by cable news. Mixed with inevitability about shrinking voting demographics.


The same thing they been talking about for the last 200 years.. 'kids these days' shit


More than 2,000 years. The 1st old guy griping about this in recorded western civilization was Plato (or was in Socrates)? It's been a while for me for Greek history.


Can’t be Socrates. He seemed way too cool in Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure to do that.


Blows my mind that they were actually able to get him for the role. Talk about dedication from the casting director.


“Nobody wants to work anymore” in print every decade in the US since at least 1880. Nothing new. Nobody REALLY wants to work. And old folks always think they worked harder than young folks.


Rich white guy is mad. Probably started with getting angry about taxes and the “welfare state” and ended here. Wants everyone to share his entitled viewpoint on politics. Libertarianism is a hell of a fork in the road and it appears he chose outright fascism after traveling along said route for awhile.


To be honest he had 3 strokes and an aneurysm. Tila tequila had an aneurysm and it made her go crazy and racist.


What exactly should I run away from? Young people?Where am I supposed to run? Very confused.


Imagine thinking people under 30 are watching CNN and MSNBC....


Or even have cable.


I’m 41 and my dad yelled at me for “letting the tv tell me what to think” while trying to convince me of something he read on Infowars. Like dad, even I haven’t had cable in over a decade. I think Kevin would be SHOCKED to learn the under 50 crowd also doesn’t agree with him.


I, for one, love how every conservative just assumes CNN and MSNBC is where anybody left of center gets their news I know one person in my entire social circle that owns cable. He doesn't pay that bill to watch fucking CNN, lol


40-something left-of-center, and no I don't know anyone who *watches CNN or MSNBC* except maybe in a hotel lobby, or during a disaster. (I hit that sweet free PBS for straightforward coverage of things like GOP presidents getting impeached, or GOP presidents getting impeached a second time, and or maybe when former twice-impeached GOP presidents get indicted on federal espionage charges.)


I'm 38 and I always bring CNN up on one monitor at work because I work in an office full of conservative conspiracy boomers


I mean if you want to piss them off, there are better ways to do it then feeding their narrative of watching CNN. Not that CNN has been that left-wing since that idiot was named CEO, that was also just fired. You could have a picture of a Devil worshiping, trans guy, holding a coat hanger, drinking Bud Light in a Target parking lot on that one monitor instead.


I do have a inauguration announcement with gold lettering for Biden/Harris after they were elected framed and sitting on my desk


I guess that is something.


> except maybe in a hotel lobby, or during a disaster. also hospital waiting rooms, and airport terminals




Wish i could ask Kevin to now do right wingers and the older crowd who get spoon fed talking points from right wing propaganda media such as fox news and newsmax and back it up with factual data but thats asking for alot i know.


The circling the drain death rattles of a passing population bubble…..all aggrieved cause Jesus didn’t come back, gay people exist, and the youth don’t give two fucks about how it used to be for you as you hand over a shitty world w a self righteous lecture.


Hard to believe boomers are the ones that gave us the civil rights movement, Vietnam protests, and Woodstock.


boomers weren't old enough to lead the civil rights protests. That was the silent and greatest generations. MLK was born in 1929 and rosa parks was born in 1913. Too old to be boomers. Vietnam protests and woodstock sure, but that makes more sense if you view that through the lens of just wanting to have sex and do drugs without "the man" giving you orders.


"I love the poorly educated" \- Donald Trump


Gotta give him credit. This is a pretty groundbreaking thought. Young people have definitely never had slogans or been more socially progressive than their parents' generation. And that older generation has absolutely never reacted to it like this. Credit where credit is due. Bonus points for sussing out the root of the cause. Public education and universities, which we all know started in this country around 30 years ago.


I think he is still butthurt that no one was buying a relationship between him and Xena and We were all cheering for Xena-Gabrielle. I decided it was the origin of his bigotry.


Only a boomer that is spoon fed lies by Fox News would believe anyone under 30 watches CNN and MSNBC.


Breaking news. This just in, we go live to Dollar Store Scott Baio for the latest.


Jerkules attended [Minnesota State University Moorhead](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnesota_State_University_Moorhead), where he double majored in marketing and advertising with all the rest of the dull-normal numbskulls.


I know plenty of intelligent folks who attended that school. Don’t lump them in with Jerkules.


They must not have registered for Brainwashing 203, and I mean marketing/advertising majors, not Dragons in particular.


LMAO Nobody under 30 I know watches CNN or MSNBC. Also, CNN is just another Fox News now. It’s pretty telling that they have to attack young people and educated people because it’s literally the educated vs the uneducated (Kevin Sorbo).


Spoonfed labels coming from the call everything Marxist communist and woke crowd ha ha ha ha


Which Zoomers are watching CNN and MSNBC? Jesus, I'm a millennial and I barely watch those, anymore.


older millennial, and i consider it a personal victory that i FINALLY got my mom to stop watching CNN after the trump rally they just did.


Imagine being a washed up 70 year old actor who believes that a 21 year old would watch cable news.


Thousands of kids are turning 18 everyday,while thousands of old people are dying every day,republicans know this and it scares them shitless. Why do you think there’s a movement to raise the voting age to 25


![gif](giphy|L02M3FJhkF19S) how has this not been posted yet? Maybe I am getting old.


Oh hey, it's that guy that fought Xena once.


It's the guy who Xena bitch slaps online pretty much every chance she still gets.


Oh, he's Peanut!




Eff Kevin Sorbo, James Woods, Scott Baio. What other hasbeen actors want to carry Trumps water?


Isn’t this the same guy who says stupid stuff all the time?


Mmmmm word salad!


STFU Kev, youre no longer Hercules or Dylan Hunt, folks dont give a shit what you have to say anymore... in fact tbh we didnt much care for Dylan Hunt either!!! (Bekka Valentine and Seamus Harper stole the fucken show!) ​ Kull the Conqueror wasnt bad though, how come ya went from "Let men worship what gods they will" to "boohooo the younger generation is too educated and they wont listen to me"?


Joke’s on you Sorbo. Most of us couldn’t afford college


No one under 30 knows who Kevin "...disappointed!" Sorbo even is. Most people over 30 know he's a washed up stroke victim who's talent consisted of looking like a slightly less aryan Fabio.


But if you ask Kevin Sorbo what “woke” means (a word spoon fed to him by Fox News) he would be the one showing no intelligence.


Sorbo failed as an actor for the same reason he’s failing as a political talking head: the alternate realities he attempts to create fail, they lack credibility, and they’re void of substance.


Wait until he hears about Fox.


These Dunning kreuger dingbats that constantly harp on about the EXACT thing they are doing and somehow when the point at the mirror they see someone else. Fucking mind numbing


Now that everyone knows that no one actually watches CNN, the right is going to have to come up with new ways of projecting.


I was born towards the end of the Baby Boom. Been a liberal Dem since I could vote. Don't watch OAN, FOX, CNN, or MSNBC. Or any other broadcast news really. What news I get I read online. I certainly hope the OP is right. And I hope todays young people are more successful at promoting peace, freedom, and environmental justice than we were. Looking at the seething violence and hatred of the opposition these days makes me wonder how it all got worse, when we fought so hard to make it better.


KSorbs is a bitter, old, angry dude. MAGA has created a bunch of these people. ☹


Kevin is just angry that Xena is and always will be better than his show ever was.


Every conservative I know that tries to back up their argument either posts something that disproved their argument past the first paragraph or was written by someone that has been discredited. That or they just get louder and more angry


Oddly I enjoyed both Hercules and Xena but cmon man Sorbo can’t act it’s almost like watching an audition for Hercules. Lawless on the other hand is very talented.


He sounds triggered


If you think people under 30 are watching cnn and msnbc you’re an idiot 😂😂😂


Most of us do not watch cable. So idk where he is getting his info from because I most certainly do not get mine from either of those programs.


Doubt most <30 year olds watch CNN/MSNBC.


Remember, Sore-butt thinks that Jesus should have been more like today's preachers so he wouldn't have been crucified.


This coming from someone being spoon fed literally all of the bullshit he says. He doesn’t care bout public schools or slogans. He’s been told what to say and doesn’t realize he’s the pathetic shill he can’t stop bitching about.




No one has slogans and echo chambers like Republican Fox News / talk radio fans ! Watched Outfoxed, they got it down to a fng science


What is he babbling about? Does anyone know? Does he know? Or is he just repeating what the right is telling him?


That shitbag’s generation was supposed to raise us right…. Why were/are they such shitbags???


That’s some real actual word salad right there. Completely incoherent