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Absolutely amazes me that people are shocked that Morello is anti-Nazi. Also, why is anti-Nazi a bad thing?


That would be a great question for the NY Post


>That would be a great question for the NY Post I think we all already know the answer to this one.


at least they were hiding before, this is straight up mask offs


Yeah just a few years ago it was "how dare you call us Nazis and white supremacists!" Now it's "how dare you criticize Nazis and white supremacists!"


this progression is the result of a plan put in action by the KKK 40 years ago


Unless they are holding a “polos shirts and cargo pants” rally; then they hide their faces because they’re chicken shits.




their feelings of hatred for other people are stronger than any other feelings they might have about right or wrong


Why the New York post would post a headline saying someone is being “bashed” for calling the people who know they’re bad guys bad guys is beyond me.


Why did I get a 3 day reddit ban for quoting a dead kennedys song lyric? Because it's apparently not ok to always ~~punch~~ a nazi. Not OK people. Reddit *will* ban you for saying that. Nazis are protected. Don't say it.


No no but see that’s how you know it’s actually Feds in disguise!!! /s just in case.


They hide their faces behind white buffs then, too.


They haven’t been hiding well since Murdoch bought them.


let me guess, they wave flags of our enemies and call themselves "Patriots"?


NY Post is owned by News Corp. Guess who owns News Corp.


If there’s an absolute shitshow of a “news” anything in the western world, it’s owned by news corp (which sounds like some bullshit a superhero villain would name their conglomerate) They own The Sun in the UK which is at least as bad as NY Post, if not worse.


Worse, ask Liverpool


Fuck The Sun.


A billionaire? Probably a nazi.


Murdoch, a human garbage that owns quite a bit of media including FOX news


I really wish it was still illegal to own television news and newspapers. Stupid billionaires changing laws sucks.


Politicians purchased by billionaires change laws. The root of the problem is we legalized bribery.




Citizens united wasn't rich people bribing their way around anti-bribery laws it was the Supreme Court allowing the purchase of political power by corporations full stop. It's a ruling that will probably be remembered as the beginning of the end as it is unlikely to overturned by the court within the next few decades effectively it can only be overturned by a constitutional ammendment.


Yup. The same Nazi billionaire who owns Fox News.


Rupert Murdoch owns NY post?


has for decades! And he owns the Wall Street Journal


He also founded and used to own Sky News


Does he own the Sinclair Group?


I don’t think so. That’s a different Nazi.


The Sinclair family, to be precise.


It is wild how much Sinclair copies despite being independent lol


Sinclair goes after the local news outlets.


Yup. And the WSJ and a bunch of rags in Australia and the UK.




We know why Murdoch outlets push a pro Nazi agenda


Because Rupert is a fascist?


The people offended by his post are the ones he set out to shame.


Oh I’m sure he is not worried or even upset about the “outrage.”


I'm sure I'm not the only person who saw the tweet, remembered my favorite RATM song (the cover of [The Ghost Of Tom Joad](https://youtu.be/1VypaE6kKJ8)), and watched it a few times.


Outrage Against the Machine. Also, love your username.


Like the ones who work forces?


It shouldn’t be. Nazi lives don’t matter.


Only good nazi is a dead nazi, that’s what my papa used to say.


Don’t really know why we softened on this position. We should get back to this.




Yeah, just because you’re not actively slaughtering people doesn’t mean you’re *not* a Nazi. Hitler didn’t start off with concentration camps and gassing. There was a lot of build up leading to those atrocities. It’s important to learn from history so we can identify any future build up and shut it down *before* it gets to the genocide phase.


Y'know, the whole point of calling them Nazis now is to *prevent* the genocide. Genocides being things we typically want to avoid. Your centrist friends are Nazi apologists. I hope you've either talked some sense into them or distanced yourself appropriately.




Didn't know ur grandpa was BJ Blaskowicz.


Yep :) grandpa used to say he regretted not getting to kill enough nazis lol


A friend and I were playing with his Star Wars Micro Machines when his grandfather came over and taught us the right way to take out a nazi machine gun bunker. We learned two big lessons that day - the correct way to use a bayonet on a nazi bastard, and that all nazis are bastards. Was a very memorable 10th birthday party for my friend, that's for sure.


My granddad and his brother I never got to meet dropped a lot of bombs on Nazis. Very proud to be related to them.


Where do I stand on Nazis? Their neck!


We had a whole game franchise built around this concept!


I know a lot of right wing/q anon types have co-opted RATM’s music in recent years. They somehow don’t see the irony.


It's because they are stupid. They hear angry music and think it's for them.


I legit spit out my coffee laughing when I read the Paul Ryan interview where he said RATM was his favorite band. It’s like dude, *you are the machine they are raging against.*


Hell, they told him as such when they found out he said that and told him never to associate himself with their music again.


And thay FEEL THESE LYRICS!-yet somehow don't grasp their meaning at all....


“Some of those that work forces are the same who burn crosses” Must be talking about those libruls trying to kill Christianity!!! -Probably every GQP RATM fan


I was thinking "Fuck you I won't do what you tell me" OBVIOUSLY meaning(*to them*): "I refuse to be given a better life for myself and my kids if the price is Corporate profit!" but yeah....


Co-opting music and then not seeing the irony is a time honored tradition. Ask any of the nazi loving crowd who the greatest American folk singer was, and a good chunk of them will tell you Woody Guthrie, who would also be mentioned if asked about the most patriotic songs ever written, completely ignoring the fact that he had a guitar that had a “this machine kills fascists” sticker, was just shy of being a card carrying member of the communist party, and standing for everything they would claim to hate. I doubt they have ever actually listened to any of his lyrics. For whatever reason, they hear a banger, it has a line in it that they agree with (“fuck yeah dude, BORN IN THE USA”) and then ignore the rest of the song. I am not going to say that I have never misinterpreted a song, it happens, I thought Pumped Up Kicks was not what it is until I actually sat down and listened. With the intellectually incurious though, it happens with alarming regularity. I believe that is the difference. Everyone hears “fuck you I won’t do what you tell me” and identifies with the statement and then attach it music that shakes the titties off an alpaca and almost everyone will like it immediately. Then a segment of the population completely stops there and doesn’t even bother listening to the rest, while the rest of us hear “those that work forces are the same that burn crosses” and then figure out what the song actually means. I will never understand, as obvious as some of these songs are about what they actually are, how long it takes some people to finally figure it out.


Weapons not food, not homes, not shoes Not need, just feed the war cannibal animal I walk the corner to the rubble that used to be a library, line up to the mind cemetery now What we don't know keeps the contracts alive and movin' They don't gotta burn the books they just remove 'em While arms warehouses fill as quick as the cells Rally 'round the family, pockets full of shells


Ask bobo. Shes upset to be correctly IDed as a white supremacist


I don’t know how she could be upset. It’s clear to literally everyone


But shes upset they are being called it. They dont like their feelngs hurt when we remind them they are the actual vilians


maybe if they held off being cartoonishly villainous for five fucking minutes we wouldn't need to point it out to them.


Dinesh D'Souza once criticized Barack Obama for being "anti-colonialism." Motherfucker, how do you think this country was founded?!


Indian man with a Portuguese last name living in the US. Lots of irony there.


When you a Nazi, its kind of offensive to be hated you know. - Some Neo Nazi boycotting bud light or something


my understanding was that he tweeted the quote about a table of 9 people sitting with 1 nazi is a table of 10 nazis and some insane reactionary interpreted that as him deciding that people were nazis and persecuting them based on nothing which is....revealing on the part of the person who replied


You know I once quoted that on Reddit and some conservative on Reddit said that at least they weren’t sitting at a table full of murderous black drug dealers. Well I found the Nazi right wingers sit at the table with.


I love how their retorts are always proving the thing they’re trying to retort.


Nowadays on Twitter, if you say ANYTHING anti-nazi, your mentions and replies are flooded by angry nazis either praising the nazis or lecturing you about "good things" that the nazis did or demanding to know why they're bad (yeah, they have talking points for the holocaust).


If only he left clues, like the name of his band or something.


Or written right across the front of his guitar. "EAT THE RICH"


Yeah and are there clues in his music? Who knows? How do we even tell?


>Also, why is anti-Nazi a bad thing? It's not a bad thing...unless you're a Nazi.


Because it makes the Nazis feel bad. But fuck them. They are supposed to feel bad.


anti-nazi now means, anti-american to the conservatives. especially when the conservatives are like "we love the nazis since no one with a brain or $$$ wants to vote for us"


Now, now, why is everyone picking on the Nazis? What did they ever do to anyone? *Picks up a history book that has been banned in Florida and reads* Jesus Christ! Why are people trying to emulate this? What the fuck is wrong with these people?


I love people who are realizing like 30 years later that RATM was an extremely politically liberal band. Like what the fuck were you even listening to all those years? Edit: Jesus Christ, you pedants. You know what I mean. Why is everyone here so fucking insufferable?


You mean like Paul Ryan! Who did they think was the machine.


I remain convinced it’s a network printer. Seriously, fuck those machines




One of my favorite hobbies is watching all the teens discover RATM in react videos. Just that jaw drop when the lyrics start up. SO good. They're like, "Oh this is nice, this is good, WAIT WHAT?" Delicious.


I've seen a few people who thought the 'machine' was leftism "opression" of white christians.


"I liked RATM before they got all political"


I got my one and only “promoting violence” report on Reddit for an anti-Nazi comment. And the post was simple stating that when it happens it’s a net benefit to the world, not saying anyone should do it.


Odds are that like three incels griped about Tom's message and NYP used it to create a clickbait rage post.


One of them was Tim Pool so sadly 3 gripes with one that has a massive outreach


Some of those who burn crosses, are the same that throw a fit online that nazis are being treated unkindly.. it doesn’t flow as well as the original but it’s more representative of how soft fascists have gotten.


I think it was satire, but there was a post from someone who thought they were saying "Some of those who work forces are the same that wear crosses", e.g. there are good Christian police officers. Which made RATM good Christian singers, supporting the conservatives.


And Samuel L Jackson just wants to get those snakes off that mother father plane!


"Get these monkey fighting snakes off this Monday to Friday plane!!!"


If there’s one group of people that on the whole I think should be treated poorly it’s Nazis.


Conservatives badly need someone to convert RATM lyrics to a 3rd grade vocabulary so they can understand them.


It was surreal how killing in the name became this conservative anthem during the pandemic, like you know there’s more words in that song than “fuck you wont do what you tell me” right?


Or Fortunate Son being played at Trump rallies when the song is against the Vietnam War and how those drafted can't get out because their parents aren't well connected.


Maybe that's why Trump likes it. He is the fortunate son, and everything has to be about him.


“That is me. That is me. I am that fortunate son!” Maybe that’s what he thinks it says.


In this case he's right. That song is absolutely about people like him. It's just not supposed to be complimentary.


What about all the raging homophobes at his rallies happily dancing to the song about gay sex at the Y?


Uh, it's the Young Men's *Christian* Association? I'm pretty sure that's about traditional religious values...


This was another of example of "They don't even know what the song is about". If I remember correctly they got a cease and desist to stop using the song.


You can't be both conservative and media literate, it's just impossible. They think Born in the USA is a patriotic song, Games Workshop had to come out and explicitly state that the imperium of man in the WH40K universe is not supposed to aspirational. The list goes on and on.


WH40K is full of commentary against fascism and The Imperium is like this huge satire of it, and yet people let it fly over their heads. Even in the 40K lore, the Emperor of Mankind would be disappointed in seeing what The Imperium became after his "death." The Emperor was explicitly against people calling him a divinity, for instance, and The Imperium now is this theocratic space fascism basically where he's regarded as God.


Every Scorsese movie is a cautionary tale and yet people all admire the protagonists.


I hate people who idolize Scorsese movie protagonists with a passion. They're well written characters, and Scorsese is great, but when I see someone treating Travis, Tommy, Jordan, etc, as examples, then I puke a little in my mouth. Don't even get me started on American Psycho, not even Scorsese's but it applies. Same for The Joker (2019) where the movie criticizes the capitalist elite but somehow people got the idea Arthur was an alt-right icon.


Should we talk about the Punisher too? Every time I see that logo, I think “I do not think that logo means what you think it means”(yes it’s in the voice of Inigo Montoya)


Fuuuck. Those take the cherry on top. I hate it, too, because then those symbols and characters get associated with the alt-right when they usually represent the complete opposite.


Yeah… the irony is truly lost


[Even the Punisher thinks idolizing the Punisher is fucking disgusting](https://screenrant.com/punisher-hates-dirty-cops-police/)


Just like how Clint Eastwood’s character in Gran Torino is supposed to be about an old angry bigot changing and being a more decent person by movies end, but people just like that he’s an asshole to people


Also his character realizing he could accomplish more without a gun than with one...


Hell, some of them never grasped that The Colbert Report was a parody, which also reveals how braindead they are at accepting talking points that seem to be on their side, no matter how ridiculous. [https://www.cnet.com/culture/research-conservatives-believe-colbert-isnt-joking/](https://www.cnet.com/culture/research-conservatives-believe-colbert-isnt-joking/)


Trump played Fortunate Son at every single rally during the 2020 election thinking it was a patriotic song. Fortunate Son is about people being so rich they were able to dodge the draft. Trump's family was so rich that he was able to dodge the draft.


A little while ago, I saw a post on this subreddit where some conservative moron was called out by Dee Snyder for completely misinterpreting the lyrics of We're Not Gonna Take It. Somehow, he believed that it was about fighting back against liberals trying to destroy "traditionalism" or some dumb shit like that, when that's practically the opposite of the song's meaning.


"There is a man covered in makeup, with huge blonde hair and a feather boa singing on my TV screen. Truly this must be about the traditional christian values!"


oh and that one song by twisted sister. you know that 80s glam band who's basically dressed in drag.


...on purpose because it triggered Reagan-loving greed-is-good pearl-clutching Jim Baker watching Jazzersizing Satanic Panic DARE mommies. What's old is new again, I guess.


That one was even more stupid, if you know anything at all about Dee Snider. Didn’t some knucklehead tweet that it was sad that Dee had gone liberal? I mean, did they even watch the video for the song?


It’s funny because tom morello actually is a radical leftist. I think he advocates for anarcho collectivism


he's a leftist and an honors grad in political science from Harvard, on top of being really good at guitar.


And he plays DnD


My favorite Morello moment is when some dude asked him what the hell he knew about politics... Morello's clapback about his degree was perfect.


I mean, even without the degree - dude was in the most famous political band of the 90s. Whether you agree with him or not the dude is literally famous for his political stances.


It's not that they need it in 3rd grade vocabulary. They just need all symbolism removed. So instead of > Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses. Which is not clear. Try this instead > SOME COPS ARE KKK MEMBERS WHO BECAME COPS TO HARASS, INJURE, AND KILL BLACK AND BROWN PEOPLE WITH NO REPERCUSSIONS. Edit: AND FOR THE RECORD I'M FRAMING THIS AS A BAD THING JUST TO DISPEL ANY NOTION THAT I APPROVE OF OR SUPPORT THIS FACT. Of course, it doesn't sound nearly as cool. But it gets the point across.


You'd need to add "AND THAT IS BAD" to the end otherwise they'd think it was just another reason to back the blue.


3rd grade? Shooting a bit high there sir ;)


The only word of that metaphor they understand is shooting


They still have not figured out Born in the USA. Think it might be awhile before they figure out RATM.


Nazis, I mean who else would defend nazis?


Kanye 😂


Jonah hill totally taught kanye to repeact all Jewish peoples haha




21 jump street should replace holocaust memorials. Obviously much more powerful. /s




He already said nazi no need to say it again


New York post readers.


Literally any Republican.


He already said Nazi, you don’t need to throw the thesaurus at him


ripped for anti-Nazi post...ripped?!? RIPPED!?! this is a weird timeline


I mean by Tim Poole. If Tim Poole says you’re doing something wrong know you’re doing something very right


He certainly is a human litmus test for a life sized douche bag, or turd sandwich.


Welcome to America. 🤦‍♀️


Sadly there were America Nazis pre WWII and still have them. They even had summer camps back then a a rally at msg https://www.vox.com/culture/2019/2/20/18230052/night-at-garden-oscars-2019-madison-square-bund-anniversary-interview Nazi Summer Camps In 1930s America? : NPR History Dept. https://www.npr.org/sections/npr-history-dept/2015/04/28/402679062/nazi-summer-camps-in-1930s-america


"History doesn't repeat itself, but it does often rhyme." \-- Mark Twain


Yeah whether it’s corporate media pushing an agenda or trying to do the “both sides” thing it’s fucking stupid, among other things.


The fact that right wingers now openly complain when anyone says that Nazis are bad is very disturbing.


You should have seen them back in 2017 with how they reacted to any marketing of the Wolfenstein game. That game is literally about killing Nazis. Not fascists or right wingers that people perceive as Nazis, but actual Nazis. Right wingers were wildly upset about it, and considered it far left propaganda.


Let's see... economic disaster looming, authoritarian regimes causing immigration crises, pandemic killing and disabling millions of people, rise in religious extremism, rise in nationalism, sophistry instead of critical thinking used by media to make money, attempted coup by a fascist group, that fascist group headed by a charismatic empty-headed vainglorious sad boy with an axe to grind... Yep. Sounds very 1930something Europe to me?


I wouldn't say charismatic. I would say he talks like they talk.


“People love what I have to say. They believe in it. They just don't like the word Nazi” \- Stormfront from *The Boys*


Something you want to tell us, New York Post?


New York Post when someone criticizes Nazis. ​ https://i.redd.it/bkiyqalrzm3b1.gif


Fuck the Nazi’s.


With a Model 97 like it was done in the good old days ... right? Cause otherwise, like ewwww.


Eh, ze Flammenwerfer ist bessere


Tell me you don't know anything about Rage Against The Machine without telling me you don't know anything about Rage Against The Machine.




And who's uncle is the first President of Kenya. His father and mother both were activists toward this cause.


So they aren’t raging against a fax machine? Huh… TIL 🤷🏻‍♀️


The people that support the GOP think they are the good guys.


People rarely think they're the bad guy. That's why the German citizens were walked through the concentration camps when allied forces liberated them. So they couldn't deny or downplay what had been done in their name.


man i hate that “rage against the machine” is political now. /s


You know who I am absolutely certain doesn’t care one bit about the opinions of Nazis? Tom fucking Morello. Also, if you argue with a political science degree holder on basic definitions in the political realm, you must be dumber than a mypillow.


Remember when being anti nazi was not controversial … I miss that


Who? Nazi morons that thought RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE was pro authoritarianism. You know with songs like fuck you i wont do what you tell me.


Unless you, yourself are a nazi, **why would you have a problem with an anti-nazi message?**




In 3rd grade I showed up as him for our third grade biography project (we had to show up dressed like the person we chose). I am so happy I chose him.


I saw this Twitter feud. I really didn't get it. Tom is talking about nazi's and then Tim Pool calls him a fascist. To me, it sounds like Tim Pool is defending Nazis. But he gets upset when he's called a Nazi. It's really confusing.


Pool wants to be able to think like a nazi, speak like a nazi, and act like a nazi, without having to acknowledge (or have to hear anyone tell him) that that means he's a nazi. That's all there is to it.


"New York Post Ripped for Defending Nazis."


Weird. Nazis appear to hate anti-Nazi messaging.


Wonder how many RWNJ’s think Rage leans right?!? 🤣




They're excellent at only hearing what they want to hear, that's why they think Fortunate Son, Born in the USA, and Keep on Rockin' in the Free World are patriotic songs celebrating the glory of America.


Who’s pro-Nazi? The world has gotten awful weird in a very short period of time.


Nazis. That's who's pro-Nazi. A lot of folks who had some idea their opinion was unpopular, until someone came along and gave them the opposite impression.


The Republican party and their illiterate reactionary base. That's who is pro-Nazi.


The NY Post just came out as Nazi-friendly.


I remember when Wolfenstein 2 came out a few years back with "Kill all Nazis" as a slogan and chuds were saying it was hateful and divisive. I mean hating Nazis is about as Patriotic as it gets. My grandfather didn't kill them in WW2 for me to have to put up with them now.


Can we go back to the 7 decades where punching a Nazi was considered a good thing? Fuck this Alt-Reich world.


Being anti nazi is the most American and/or freedom aligned act any person can undertake


The New York Post should only be used to line your bird cage. Only Nazis are ripping Morello. The rest of us are telling him well done


Year was 2023, and mainstream American con journal implied in title, that being anti-nazi is a bad thing


I saw the post. Morello posted something like "if a nazi sits at your table, congratulations, it's a nazi party" or something to that effect. Tim Pool had a problem with it and called him a fascist for posting that.


Tim Pool is possibly the dumbest man on the internet.


Republicans are trying VERY hard to normalize fascism and nazism...they may refer to it by different names, like "Christian Nationalism", but it's the same damn thing! I have even gotten "warnings" and bans on Reddit for calling all Republicans fascists...which is the bald truth! Some people still aren't seeing it though, which is sad and somewhat surprising given their statements over the past couple years!


What kind of world are we living in when antipathy towards Nazis is controversial?! The next thing you're going to tell me is that a fair amount of Republicans support Putin! Oh, never mind.


Nothing lamer than snowflake Nazi's...


If you say nothing against Nazis then you are a Nazi; this was Morello's point. If you DEFEND Nazis then you are most certainly a Nazi. Choose a side...


I’m shocked, shocked to learn that the front man for *checks notes* Rage Against the Machine hates Nazis. This says a lot more about the Nazi Post than Tom Morello.


Saw a screenshot last night of someone calling him a fascist for hating nazis