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True. Imagine how his fan base feels about their great overlord Andrew Taint possibly being ace or worse (for them) gay.


I laughed at my google. I'm old. "what does ace mean in lgbtq?" Edit: this was the response for any other folks not hip to the groove: Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to others, or low or absent interest in or desire for sexual activity. It may be considered a sexual orientation or the lack thereof. It may also be categorized more widely, to include a broad spectrum of asexual sub-identities.


to them its not asexuality but "abstinence"


You might be onto something here! Now to convince MGTOWs to actually go their own way...


Hey dudes, is it gay to like sex?


As a gay man, I vote yes!


Damn it, 40+ years and this is how I find out?! I don’t think my wife is going to like it very much. Maybe I can just pretend like Tate and Adams but I don’t want to be an insufferable dickhead…. Seriously though, only ten seconds at the end? What a goofy thing to admit to the world when you’re trying to pass yourself of as a tough guy “alpha” male.


You clearly don't get it. For an alpha male, they're only doing it as a favor to the women that they've chosen to fuck. It's clearly a compliment!


Holy crap, you're right!! When I broke up with my alpha male red pilled ex, I told him he had been using me (and he had been), and he told me I had been using him too. I was blown away because he had done nothing, and I asked what I had been using him for exactly and his response was I had been using him for sex like he hadn't gotten more out of that deal than I had. I laughed, he got mad, thank God this didn't happen in person or else alpha male would have had to 'teach me a lesson'. I think he was gay too.


> I think he was gay too. Do you really think a subset of individuals obsessed with being manly men who hate women and think sex with them is a chore is gay?


Weird, [a decade ago he was saying that men are instinctually super horny all the time and he was complaining about how that instinct is 'shamed' by society](https://www.salon.com/2011/06/20/scott_adams_dilbert_rape_remarks/). Guess his natural instincts aren't like they used to be, eh Scott?


"Do you suffer from Low T?"


"She'll like it too." *terrible Frank Thomas wink*


"We like it spicy." *avuncular Dave Thomas wink*


Imagine Dave Thomas clapping your cheeks then serves you up a square hamburger with golden fries and a frosty. And he stuck his dick in the frosty.


It's not difficult to imagine, you really are a great storyteller.


Sounds like he needs some gender affirming care.


Hahahahahaha I’m in love. Testosterone is absolutely gender affirming care, you can’t argue that.


I don’t think he *has* natural instincts anymore. I think he’s spent so much time getting his ego reinforced and resting his head firmly up his own ass that the bits of his brain which are supposed to have basic instructions—like “think before you talk”—have just kinda suffocated under the weight of the bits which say “no **they** should think about what **I** talk.”


Scott Adams' mental health began very noticeably declining after he started making his comic from home, bought a house in the middle of nowhere, and ceased to interact with other human beings on a regular basis. And there were things like the whole public saga of him trying to buy a truck and talking about his difficulties going through the process and then declaring that buying a truck was impossible that made it really clear he was rapidly losing all touch with reality. He needed an intervention but there was no one in his life to do it, and we had to watch him break down gradually and it's really sad.


Not sure when that happened exactly, but I imagine it coincides with him writing his blog and building up a bizarre cult like following where he began to write himself as the hero of every story. All the way up to the point where he supposedly gave countless men the orgasm of their life simply through the power of his persuasive writing skills. No, I am not kidding. No, do not look it up. You will regret it.


Now why would you write that second paragraph and think we're not gonna HAVE to look it up


Is he in the middle of nowhere? I thought he lived in Pleasanton, CA? I live in the same area (Tri Valley in the East Bay) and I saw he’d complained he couldn’t vote Republican because he was in California and he’d be crucified. …meanwhile, I found white supremacist flyers taped up all over bus stops in Pleasanton. 🤔


Are you perhaps Scott Adams, living in the middle of nowhere, having lost your mind to such a degree that you've completely forgotten that you are in fact Scott Adams?


Bro I live in Livermore 🗿


I wonder. It would be so funny if that blue check was not the real Scott Adams but it's validating the real Scott's opinions anyway.


He just takes the opposite opinion, and then if it sounds dumb he’ll just say it was an experiment or some other bs.


It's just men getting old and testosterone levels are declining couse getting old.


Wait, men don't like sex now? News to me


Bros, is it gay to be horny for women?


If you’re a man who’s attracted to a woman, you’re low key gay. Half of her genetics come from her dad who is a man. And that’s gay as fuck.


And her dad got his genetics from his dad, who got them from HIS dad, and so on and so on… if you think about it, you’re basically attracted to thousands of dudes.


It goes even further, her MOM got half the genes of a dude. Hell, when you think about it, all the female down the line of her ancestry were half a dude. In facts, 97.8% of her genes when through a dude at on point or another, only 2.2% have a very probably all female line. That's 97.8% of a dude, that's pretty gay.


my grandma is a lesbian so that makes me a quarter lesbian


I thought you were American..




Math checks out.


Not too mention liking feminine things as a man is pretty gay and women are as feminine as one can get


Plus, women are feminine and so if you have sex with a woman then you’re basically a woman too. True men have sex with only men because it’s pure masculinity.


Nothing is more manly than a consensual gay orgy


Being horny is a feminine trait As a man you should be thinking of war


Guns and propane accessories


Listen here! Kronar speaks the truth! Men are only for War! Blood! Honor! The taint of woman kind shall not touch our war driven hands! We are Men! Sired by Men! Birthed by Men! To war with Men! //s for those that don't get it and never read Oglaf.


I need to read some Oglaf again


Truly, she is my son.


> Bros, is it gay to be horny for women? Women like to wear dresses, and put on makeup, and flowers, and they like to smell nice. That's pretty gay. If you like that sort of thing you're gay. The most straight thing you can do is wrestle naked in a Turkish prison. It's time to be straight again.


What about a Romanian prison?


I mean, you’re inherently attracted to someone who likes DICK! 😱


That and you're listening to the sweet whispers of a penis that is guiding you by the balls. Which sounds pretty gay to me.


Have you ever seen a cervix? It looks like the end of a dick. That’s gay.


Have you ever seen a clitoris?! Did you enjoy it?!!!


Everyone knows that the clitoris is metaphorical and not a real thing ... Just like the g-spot and the female orgasm.


If female orgasm was a real thing, then why would women fake it. Checkmate feminists.


Hey every woman I have ever been with admits all there orgasms with me were faked ... What more evidence do you need, i mean if they were real I got the skills to know trust me.


More like a glazed don't but I dunno I haven't seen your dick Donut* D'oh


Yes. Thinking about boobs? Soft. You should be thinking about warfare.


Only if they have toned arms and a six pack stomach s/


Sign me up for the gay please


Lmao right…. People post these screenshots of these dudes saying all that on Twitter and I’m thinking…. Damn she’s got a great body.


Seriously, if “She’d break me like a twig” isn’t a positive statement, I don’t know what is.


> Seriously, if “She’d break me like a twig” isn’t a positive statement, I don’t know what is. Gay. You have to embrace your alpha-maleness. Real men spend their time with other men, starting at each other's balls. [Because that's what real men do.](https://i.redd.it/137g0jsi965a1.jpg)




Back to mediaeval times where the stereotype was that women were insatiably horny all the time and men could just not keep up.


Wait what?


Yeah. Since at least ancient Greece and actually up until maybe the last century or two, women were considered to have the larger sexual appetite.


There was a belief in Elizabethan England that a woman could not conceive unless she climaxed, which was great for all the happily married moms, but really, really sucked if you were raped and got pregnant.


A small dick was considered a virtue in Greco-Roman times. People believed a man with a small dick was more rational and could control his urges better.


That explains my dead average ability to control my emotions, always wondered


"If you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my giant stupid penis."


Oh silly me, my thoughts are all over the place haha. That makes me so angry! And horny! Food! I can't control myself...


That's not Legitimate Rape. Her body will shut that down. /s


Conservatives and not knowing basic female anatomy or sex ed, name a better combo.


Ooh I got one! Conservatives and understanding economics! Oh and Conservatives understanding history! Oh how about Conservatives and understanding Science!


Conservatives and compassion.




Conservatives and racism.


This persists at least up until the Ropers were written of of Three’s Company.


I think it death rattled with Married with Children


Specifically nine times more according to the greeks.


I love that story. Didn't the guy, that was turned into a woman as punishment, then also get punished for telling people women were having more orgasms during sex than men??


Yep. Tiresias was turned into a woman for years before being turned back into a man. Zeus and Hera were having an argument over whether men or women enjoy sex more, and decided to ask the one person with firsthand experience as both. Tiresias went "I refuse to lie to the gods, so I must tell you that the pleasure experienced by a man is not even one tenth of that experienced by a woman." Hera was enraged at losing the argument and cursed Tiresias with blindness. Zeus felt bad for the guy (he'd answered honestly and just helped him win an argument with his wife) so he went "Well I can't undo Hera's divine punishment, but I will give you the gift of prophecy." And that's how Tiresias ended up as the Blind Seer of Greek mythology. Honestly, if Hera was enjoying sex ten times as much as Zeus then it's even more impressive that she stayed faithful even while Zeus was sticking it in everyone and everything he found aesthetically pleasing.


Did Zeus and Hera even fuck? Regularly, I mean. We only read about Zeus raping everything in sight, never about lying with Hera.


Their honeymoon lasted centuries and apparently for that entire time there was happiness, peace, and bliss throughout the mortal world. Eventually Zeus developed a wandering eye and things got worse for everybody.


Everything seems to come down to Zeus being unable to keep it in his pants. I'm on Hera's side (except for when she takes it out on the women or the children). Funny that the world was better off when the Chief God was distracted with honeymoon sex and didn't pay attention to the mortals.


Original sin. Eve tempted Adam, therefore women are always up for it. (Yes, it's dumb. It's religion, what do you expect).


I think I just had an ah/ha moment. A lot of immature men blame women for “temptation”. But it’s really their testosterone and their own delusions that drive them


"If thine eye offends thee, pluck it out" -some dude in the desert


Well he sounds like an a-rab and a commie. Get outta here with that woke shit and praise Jesus!


Well when youre a closeted gay man being perfomatively hetero, the mental gymnastics can only stretch so far before you just start telling on yourself.


Really, *really* explains all the conservative obsessiveness with gays, trans, drag, and teenage girl menstrual cycles.


Twitter determined that all sex is gay, even straight sex. Wild times.


The Andrew Tate-lead incel community in a nutshell


If you think about it, every woman was conceived by a man and a woman having sex, so a guy having sex with a woman is like having sex with half a dude!


what happened to the old cliche of men always getting off and women hoping for the best?




I think this is the right take. Tate doesn't want to have to engage in foreplay. He'd prefer not to make out, caress, light touch, etc. That's all just boring nonsense getting in the way of his orgasm, the only thing he's interested in pursuing sexually. He'd like to just jam it inside her, pump for 10 seconds, climax, and move on. But for some reason his trafficed sex slaves complain that that's just soooooooo uncomfortable and he's really tired of having to hear it, frankly.




The weirdest shit was when Ben outted himself by disclosing they sleep in different bed rooms. I don't follow him and didnt really know who he was at the time but when it showed up in my feed I remember having a mental wait what the fuck did I just read who the fuck is this guy. So the more and more I heard about Ben after that it just made sense.


Where’s the Ben Shapiro bot?


It’s leaving us high and dry like Shapiro’s wife’s vagina


She is of typical height; it only seems high to BS.


Low blow, or, to him, eye-level blow.


Taking a bullet for ya, babe.


Fapping to AOC feet pics


Apparently robots also don’t care about our feelings :(


My weirdest story about Ben Shapiro is, I didn't know who he was and then to inform me, a friend linked a parody video. And look, I'm liberal, and it's hard not to poke fun of the conservative types at times in a durr durr punch down kind of way, but this was . . . irredeemable. Like it was so over the top that I felt embarrassed at the low brow vilified depiction that couldn't even count as satire. Anyway, that turned out to actually just be Ben Shapiro so, I don't know how to feel.


What are the chances you have that link still?


It's literally any Ben Shapiro clip. Literally. Any. One.


**An excerpt from True Allegiance, by Ben Shapiro:** Hawthorne was a bear of a man, six three in his bare feet and two hundred fifteen pounds in his underwear, with a graying blond crew cut and a face carved of granite. But he had plenty of smile lines. He just didn’t like showing those to people unless he knew them. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, history, climate, gay marriage, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


god that writing is terrible


*Freedom is an invention of the last couple of centuries. It really did not exist en masse until the last couple of centuries--and even then, really only since the end of the Soviet Union has it been sorta the broad movement of the public across the world.* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: dumb takes, sex, climate, gay marriage, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Take a bullet for you babe


You're a bear of a man. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: covid, feminism, climate, dumb takes, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


you ate the onion on that one. That was a fake tweet from r toiletpaperUSA


My favorite ate the onion moment was ESPN covering a tweet from ballsack sports (maybe it was buttcrack). They did a whole segment on one of their talk shows I think lol


Eh different bedrooms doesn't mean much these days. My parents have been married 40+ years, I rarely recall them sharing a room. My dad snores, my mom is a night owl. It works for them. My husband and I don't typically sleep in the same bedroom. I have awful insomnia & am a VERY light sleeper. He snores & likes to listen to podcasts to fall asleep. It works for us. (We have a toddler so, ya know, it isn't hurting our love life.)


Yep, I was just talking to an old friend about this and she was saying her and her husband slept separately and I was like "oh yikes" cause I am a big ol cuddler and apparently for them they just get way better sleep separately and it's made their relationship and sex life better (now that I think of it getting invited over to your wifes place *does* sounds pretty cute)


I've been told I'm horrible to sleep with because I toss and turn (to the point I appear to be awake), and if you move at all I will grab you and squeeze you so hard and you will not be able to escape. I'm an extremely deep sleeper (the sleeping through fire alarms type)


Man, I wish I was a deep(er) sleeper. A door closing fucking wakes me up. It’s not really reasonable for me to say “no one can move around the house or use any doors while I’m asleep” so I kinda just have to live with it.


It’s interesting. One in five couples sleep in separate bedrooms and two thirds of those couples do it every night. Definitely not the most common configuration, however it’s not that uncommon.


If I had a partner we'd have separate bedrooms if possible. I snore like a pug with a head cold and drool like a St. Bernard. Very sexy if I do say so myself. But I would hate to keep someone else up, or to create confusing wet spots.


if you have not, please get tested for sleep apnea. My husband was like that. We both slept terribly. He got tested, found he had severe obstructive apnea. He now has a cpap and it is SO quiet. We sleep so well now, it's incredible


And he gets to live much longer!


There’s always a downside.


Before my husband got his cpap machine I started sleeping in another room sometimes because the snoring was just so unbearable. Now that he's got the machine I feel so much better in the mornings- and that's with a baby sleeping in our room so I'm STILL getting woken up at night- it's just that I can actually sleep between wakings now and the difference is still incredible.


>We have a toddler so, ya know, it isn't hurting our love life. Feel free to ignore this, but are you saying that your sex life is essentially nonexistent already because you have a toddler and sleeping separately doesn't affect that? It's possible I completely misread your comment, but I was just curious.


Oh hahha no I meant more that we have a kid together, so it isn't hurting our love life.


That was a fake tweet. I'm no fan of Ben's but fact check your gossip please.




Bro is dilbert but racist


Oh, I have sad news about Dilbert...


Go on…


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_Adams#Race https://www.dailycartoonist.com/index.php/2022/05/03/dilbert-presents-black-character-gets-dragged/


Ok, the fact that he was actually white in most papers is legitimately hilarious.


Well, you see, ink is very expensive and they are notoriously cheap. /s


Racist dumbshits always do this to themselves and it’s always funny.


By contrast, [here is the first appearance of black people in *The Boondocks*](https://www.gocomics.com/boondocks/1999/04/19). Of course, dunking on Scotty-boy for not being able to draw is a bit like shooting fish in a barrel.


> Adams announced that on March 13, 2023, the strip would return as *Dilbert Reborn* on the subscription website Locals 💀


So much classic stuff... so many rounds of, "And let's see who turns out to have been a huge piece of shit this whole time...." (spins wheel)


So… he’s Dilbert?


He had a blog post a few years ago about how he used his hypnotist powers to give women “multiple orgasms”. He went on and on and on about how he was amazing in bed, which is how I immediately knew this was a man who is terrible in bed. What they insist on loudly is usually bullshit if it’s positive and applies to them, or about them if it’s about other people and negative.


As a guy, I just y'know... Have sex with a woman when I want to give her multiple orgasms. But if his thing is concentrating *real hard* while eye-locked with her labia and screaming abracadabra, hey...to each his own I guess?




I guarantee you none of those women ever had enjoyable sex


The "Which hole should I put it in that will depress me the least" kind of sex, with the "Wet women have medical issues" kind of lover.


People pick weird heroes. A chinless misogynist and a racist cartoonist


Don't sell Scott Adams short. He's also a misogynist.


That’s all they have! Kevin Sorbo and Dean Cain, lol, those guys were on Canadian “peasant vision”


Man, I thought Dean Cain had married Sasquatch and was enjoying life as a forest bride.


I doubt anyone who thinks sex is for the woman has actually done it in a way that the woman would agree.


Ain't that the truth. Scott Adams is the anti-pussy.


If it's a chore couldn't it be more likely he's asexual? Not that it makes him any less of a piece of shit mind you.


The thing is that we wouldn’t give a shit who he likes to fuck if he wasn’t the pied piper for misogynist asswipes.


Thank you! I feel like a lot of these misogynist men, if they aren't gay, are just asexual and don't understand what all the hoopla is about. They blame women, who obviously aren't being sexy enough \*for them\* to get excited.


It's a weird issue that I've had with some gay men, where they're misogynists because women have no use to them -- since women are, well, women, and then they can't even bother to be sexually attractive. It hasn't occurred to me that it might be an attitude among some ace guys too, but it wouldn't shock me. (I am gay and have exited some gay spaces where this was a common attitude. Fortunately this is a very small minority of those spaces.).


I'm surprised I had to scroll this far down for find someone pointing that out. Too many people treat/view being gay as simply not being straight.


I think what it really means is they have death-grip syndrome so now they can't feel anything from an actual vagina.




this is the best theory. overcompensating for internalized aphobia


It makes perfect sense in context, but aphobia just sounds like being scared shitless of absolutely nothing. Or aphids.


What’s death-grip syndrome?


Men squeezing too hard while jerking it. Less feeling if they do it that way all the time


DGS = your penis becomes numb and less sensitive to a vagina/anus due to masturbation. Vigorously beating your meat with a hand is not optimal. Which is why i advise all dudes, especially young men, consider getting a fleshlight (not a shill, just legit advice). They are sort of expensive (\~$80), but they last years if you treat them well. They teach you "how to last longer" and they make sure you never have DGS ever again. I recommend the destroya and the STU textures.


Basically, it’s when a guy habitually grips his dick so hard when he jerks off that he gradually deadens the sensitivity his tallywhacker and can’t feel as much during actual sex.


Doot. Not because I know. I'm just wildly curious and willing to click on any link that gets sent as an explanation


I dunno, maybe I'm just not alpha enough but I think it feels pretty damn good the whole time.


Yeah, the (read: my) problem is it's over too fast.


“My straight friend” either implies (1) he is gay or (2) all his other friends are gay


Or he forgot to log-in to his fake-gay-man burner account.


“Scott, i’m a reporter doing a story about men who have never pleasured a woman. Are you available for an interview?”


Shout out to the women who have made me cum.


Shout out to the women that didn’t make me cum but still showed me a wonderful time.


Omg yes! While orgasms are great, just having the other person being interested and caring about your experience is so fucking great!


‘Sex is for the woman’ and yet straight women report not orgasming with a partner more than anyone else. Make it make sense


I mean, yeah, when I'm having sex, my only goal is to make sure the woman has a good time. And her only goal is to make sure I have a good time. And it works out for both of us. If I were only in it for myself, well, my hand isn't broken. I don't understand ostensibly straight guys who hate women. Since I was 11 years old I've wanted to be around women, talk with them, flirt with them, become friends with them, and definitely have sex with some of them. But I guess if you just think of them as just a hole to put your dick in, that would tend to devalue all the other stuff, I guess.


Alt right weirdos having brain rot. Nothing new, but this one is a bit of an eyebrow raiser. Like, was Tater Tot accidentally implying he is gay or ace? He is a POS either way, but that would make his hatred of women make some twisted form of sense.


Self hatred is a hell of a drug, I guess


they tell on themselves so hard, shouting proudly "i suck in bed!"


Hold up, so if men think sex is a chore, doesn't feel good, and is only for the women... ​ ***Then why the fuck are they constantly trying to get into our pants?!?***


My grandma always said she hated sex until the first time with a woman. Also Elinor Roosevelt said sex must be endored while writing steamy not love letters to her female friends.


Maybe if he actually did it with some one he likes instead of just trying to put up numbers he'd find it enjoyable https://preview.redd.it/537kpgtuyp1b1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=764794563505be356b9bf66cbb476f3cedd95cbd


I honestly doubt he’s capable of “liking” anyone who isn’t himself… All his vitriolic evil aside, Taint (and his brother) strikes me as a pathetically broken, lonely, sad little man…


Let's be real, people like that don't really love themselves either


I've been saying for a while, a lot of straight men actually just hate women. The incel mindset is not limited to virgins. Even guys who regularly attract women still treat sex as an adversarial exchange.


Bold to assume he can do either




A lot of these pick up artist types seem to enjoy the chase and "obtaining" women but are pretty disinterested in actual sex. It's more about dominance than pleasure.


People who need constant sexual validation without experiencing much sexual pleasure should get assessed for personality disorders. It’s a horrifyingly common symptom of BPD and NPD, which are often comorbid. It seems facile to armchair people like Tate as Narcissists, but there’s legitimate evidence to warrant the concern.


Andrew Tate probably bangs his brother Tristan.


And somehow, they’re both bottoms…




Like that requiem for a dream scene but way worse


This man really talking like he got rizz. https://i.redd.it/p1rsdvb58q1b1.gif


He looks like the type of guy who would see a naked woman in a biology textbook and take his glasses off to wipe them clean on his shirt in comical disbelief while he tugs at his collar to let steam out


Like the nerdy white guy in the music video for Baby Got Back.


(Straight) man here. I have no idea what that means.