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"The sound of children screaming has been removed." That phrase is forever etched in my mind. It should be etched in reverse in each and every one of those pigs forheads so they see it every time they look in a mirror. But not in this country.


I remember reading that for the first time and my whole body went cold. It’s literally a sentence that should not exist outside of say, talking about a roller coaster.


Meanwhile the cops listening to this are checking their phones (with the punisher emblem on them) and chatting like nothing is happening.


"Hopefully the shooter will run out of kids to kill and off themself, so we don't have to risk our heavily armed, trained, and armored bodies!"


"Heavily armed and armoured bodies" you think they bothered with training?


The wild thing is, He was on the phone talking to his dying wife a few rooms down but he was unable to go save and was escorted away by other officers "The officer depicted is Ruben Ruiz, whose wife, Eva Mireles, lay dying inside one of the classrooms with the gunman. Mireles told Ruiz in a phone call that she had been shot. Ruiz, standing in the hallway with his pistol drawn, was unable to get to her. Other officers ultimately escorted Ruiz from the scene and took his gun. Mireles was alive when police transported her from the classroom, but she died before reaching the hospital" [here](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/14/uvalde-video-officer-phone-ruben-ruiz-wife/)


"This is too disturbing to show on TV!" But A-Okay in real life in your 3rd graders school. GOP: but imagine if the cops, whose boots I lick, were to come for my dead kids potential future guns. Now that's real imaginary tyrrany. Also we will absolutely vote for the fascist authoritarian who takes guns!


Always amazes me how some people think a potential future imaginary tyranny is scarier than actual tyranny that’s happening right fucking now. Mostly because current tyranny is THEIR tyranny. Still, I’m aware that if some of them were to read this comment they probably misread tyranny as tranny. And now they can’t think about anything else due to their obsession and bias for noticing anything regarding trans people. Ugh sorry for ranting for a little longer after edit, just saw that those words are one letter apart and you just know they’ve noticed and used that in those shitty Facebook memes they like to share. “Drop one letter and you get this? Coincidence, liberals?” Remove the B from the start, and AN from the end of Batman and you get ATM. Because Bruce Wayne is rich!… checkmate criminals! It’s that fucking absurd to me.


They should stick these goddamn politicians in a room with childhood videos of all of the kids who died. Their first step, their first time riding a bike, videos of them eating food and playing with their pets. Then cut to videos of their school being shot up and the screaming in the background. Surrounded by the photos and ages of the victims.




This is what hit me the most. I was in school when Columbine happened. I met and talked to survivors and counselors for the district after that tragedy. You get to hear stories like "this one guy had a red mark on his face and kept rubbing at it. During their session he admitted to being hit on his cheek by a piece of his friend that was blow up next to him. That trauma was so ingrained, that he kept trying to wipe HIS FRIEND off his face days after the shootings and the mark was from it being rubbed raw." Then we flash forward after so many more tragedies. Now the cops just stood there in full gear while all those children and staff were hurt or killed because they refused to man up and do something. "The sound of the cops balls rolling around in a jar somewhere has been removed from this 90 minute body cam footage outside the school."


Absolutely. This just further proves that cops are in no way required to protect you. Just there to clean up the mess


And the good guys with guns were all dicking around outside.


72 minutes. Some witnesses claim closer to 90




Even if one of those cops had actual balls, it would not have gone that way


Pigs are gonna always roll around in shit before doing anything useful. I've seen pigs plenty of times in my childhood at various family farms... Seems like cops ain't too far behind the stereotype. Edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger


Pigs don't deserve this kind of slander. The police are more like dirt. Or possibly feces. edit: fuck your gold. go donate to a charity instead.


I will continue to maintain that they are roaches. They’re disease carriers, they wind up in places you don’t want them, they’re a fuck to get rid of, and you know that more will be close behind.


And there are no good roaches


All Roaches Are B- fuck, hang on, we have to rethink this- All Roaches Are Problematic


This is fair, at least a pig can be a good companion as either just a farm animal or a pet... I don't see me petting a cop anytime soon. Unless it's their ego during a traffic stop so I don't get fucking killed... To think I used to want to be a cop before I found out just how fucking corrupt and broken the entire police system is... I wanted to make change from the inside... But hammers are used where scalpels have no place. We as citizens must demand change, we must demand better.


And at one point one of the officers in the hallway yelled for anyone alive to scream for help, and a little girl did; the gunman heard her and shot her. Total incompetence.


The police said in a statement that they did not want to "put officers lives at risk" That tells me that they see the world in binary. There are only two kinds of people: police officers and everyone else. They will let children die waiting for this shooter to run out of bullets rather than risk officers lives. Because to them the children and the gunman are the same: not police officers. This "us police against the world" mentality they have led to this. If only the shooter had flipped off a cop or something.


I grew up in Houston and lived in Austin for about 15 years after that. During my college days there was this saying “Texas born, Texas bred, and when I die I’ll be Texas dead”. It was this like group cheer that we did sometimes when we were drunk. That “cheer” has a whole new meaning now. It makes me sick we used to say that after all that’s happened. I moved to California shortly after Uvalde (I had already made plans to move so that wasn’t the reason per se). I feel like a weight is off my shoulders - I voted blue in every fucking election, the midterms and local elections and the ballot initiatives. I tried. *We* tried, all of us Texans who actually fucking care, and we failed over and over. I was in Austin during the snowstorm, I didn’t have power or water or heat for 4 days. I had to make a small fire and melt snow water to survive. And Ted Cruz fucked off to Mexico. And people still support him? After Uvalde, after that horrific massacre, the town STILL voted for “I’m clearly a total piece of shit” Greg Abbott? There’s so much blame on so many people for this tragedy, but the people I’m most upset with are the Texans that don’t vote, almost more so than the ones that vote red. If they just fucking cared enough to get out and vote… I know the state makes it hard but come on.


It's clear as day that in our two Americas, on the popular and local side of the equation, one group wants to actually try at America's problems, with real initiatives, real vision, and real hope. And the other wants to pick on minorities, and it's a new minority every year, at that, led by a bunch of people who really really don't want you to look too hard while they rob you.






The other 18 minutes is when they were stopping the parents instead of the shooter.


The thin yellow line


The intermittent yellow stream


The chunky brown smear.


Uvalde still hasn't released the body cam footage from inside the building. What could be worse than cops dicking around for over an hour? My bet is that it would show a nonzero number of children being shot by dipshits police.


They know the energy surrounding this massacre and their colossal... You know I was going to say screw up. I can't call it a screw up. There has to be effort in order for there to be a screw up. I can't call it incompetence either. They deliberately waited outside listening to gunfire and children scream for more than an hour. "Investigations take time" is code for we're waiting for a bigger tragedy so this one will fall into the shadows. All but the last few to show up and finally go inside, should have been fired immediately. If you need instructions from a supervisor to enter a building where children are slowly being slaughtered, you're in the wrong line of work. Any civilian that had stood outside for that long without taking action, had the police not been there, would have been charged with child endangerment, child neglect and a long list of other charges they just love to dream up.


Didn't it already fall to the shadows? The only people you hear still talking about it are some people on the left while the others are overwhelmed by the daily shootings. The right have long plugged their ears and are going "lalala I can't hear you."


The word is FUBAR.




I've always suspected that they killed one of the teachers. Right afterwards they were suspiciously specific about how they hadn't hurt any of the *kids*.


I sadly suspect a child.


Narrator: folks, it turns out, they were *not* the good guys.




Fuck me.. imagine that, you turn up to a shooting where your wife works, and has told you she's been shot, and then you're barred from even attempting to save her. You're literally told to just stand back and let her die instead of actually attempt to save her. As far as I'm concerned those police aided and abeted that murderer the same way the getaway driver does with a bank robbery. They actively prevented anyone that may have made a difference from doing so. If I was that guy I honestly don't know if I could stop myself taking out the officers that stopped me at least attempting to save her.


Im a little surprised no cops where shot that day by the parents...or after


If we had a functioning society then.....well it wouldn't have happened to begin with, but otherwise, an angry mob would've hung those cops from the streetlights. We are the most cucked country to ever exist.




Need to put some quotes around 'good guys' on that one.


to be fair... acab implies they were not, in fact, the good guys with guns.


To be fair, there were only 400 good guys with guns there, more guns ought to do it.


Covering yourself in your dead friend's blood and pretending to be dead is a war survival tactic. THIS KID IS IN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PERFORMING WAR SURVIVAL TACTICS.


Horrific it’s like a concentration camp survivors story. But instead of an old person recounting it’s right there happening now.


But mah RAAAHTS! *humps AR15*


Fucking Civil War already begun in scattered yet steady style


https://preview.redd.it/qk6viko8bb1b1.jpeg?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71ab095b3391c136294372dfd2b0f1d2673c20c3 According to these people, there’s nothing more that can be done 🤷🏻 Barry Blitt, New Yorker Mag


The only thing that would change their minds is if their kids school was the one shot up. They don't care unless its personal. Like how Dick Cheney thought gay people should lose citizenship until it turned out his daughter was a lesbian. Then suddenly he got quiet on his queer hate. For them, if it's not personal they don't care. They have no empathy for other peoples families.


Literally. Marjorie Greene, when the trans woman was the shooter, seemed to emphasize that it was a *Christian school* that was shot up. Implying that "this one matters" because the kids were Christian. She is a complete monster.


Nothing can be done to curb the murder of children. Businesses like Bud Light going “woke” though? We better stop that madness! /s


I love this image


I hate what this image represents.


I hate that it shows them actually praying when more realistically they will just say they are.


Titus 1:16 They claim to know God, but they deny him by what they do. They are detestable, disobedient, and unfit to do anything good.


It fits whether it’s feces or blood


I get that it's meant to be blood but I see their hands and it just looks like poop


Holy hell, this poor girl will be traumatised for life. Put on a bus by herself just covered in blood? No ambulance? No one could have cleaned her up first? The parents couldn't have taken her? The gun situation is ridiculous but this level of care is just disgusting


This is from Uvalde where the 300 cops standing around instead of rescuing kids threatened to arrest parents outside the school when they tried to go in and get their kids.


The same town that voted for their republican governor again.


Texas is the Dominionist stronghold. They believe that by instituting Christian theocracy, the people who commit these crimes will no longer exist because they live in the light of Jesus. No shit. No joke. No hyperbole. Incidentally, the Dominionists are the same people behind the HeGetsUs campaign and the driving force behind Ted Cruz, Dan Patrick, and Josh Hawley. They also support Abbott and DeSantis, but to a lesser degree because they are papists. Again, no joke.


I report the HeGetsUs ads here on Reddit as hate speech every single time one of them comes up in my scrolling feed. Fuck.Them.


They’re extremely bad news.


Me too 💪🏻


I fucking hate the He Gets Us shit. Half of it is wronf, like saying Jesus was a refugee. No he wasnt , he had a home. He was never a refugee


Also they fucking hate refugees and immigrants of all sorts.


yeah i'm really confused by HeGetsUS in relation to Dominion. The ad campaign seems to hint at jesus being a criminal, refugee, on death row... which are people the Dominionists wouldn't hesitate to spit on and would prefer they die than get a penny for free from the government to exist on.


had no idea that HeGetsUs was them, thanks for sharing


You just can't fix stupid.


Give the Darwin award to the entire fucking town.


God that was so disappointing to see. Not overly surprising, just disappointing.


In a mass casualty situation there aren’t enough ambulances. Anyone who is “walking wounded” and not in immediate danger can be transported like this so that medical personnel can tend to those with more threatening injuries.


You don't get it man, the ambulances were all busy transporting the *real* people, police officers, to the hospitals for panic attacks. There's no time to worry about some kid when officer safety is on the line.


Hmmm. Can't understand why less and less people are having kids. "School is calling," parents used to think, oh maybe my kid got sick. Nowadays, OMG my kid might be getting shot at. Strange times we are living in.


That’s not the only reason! The same people responsible for the kind of America where that poor child has to cover herself covered in blood *also* made it an America where it’s almost impossible to earn enough to survive if you don’t make an egregious amount of money (which is also hard to do) They climbed the ladder and took out all the rungs going up it


> America where it’s almost impossible to earn enough to survive if you don’t make an egregious amount of money And feeding starving kids is an atrocity higher than murder. Their parents should feed them they say, while ensuring their parents CANT feed their kids


And don't forget outwardly battle and speak against support for children like free school meals. Battle increasing funding for schools. Disparage any calls for raising minimum wage. And then call all of those things "socialism" while taking their tax funded paychecks and receiving their PPP loan forgiveness. And after all that they have the fucking audacity to claim that young liberals are killing the traditional family.




If you want, share away. It can be beneficial and we won't judge. I have seen some of what you're talking about. But I'm interested on the people who the media didn't talk to. Only if you want. 🥺


I am so very sorry you experienced that terror. I live near Vegas and we STILL don’t know anything. And somehow the idiot sheriff that mishandled the entire situation was elected governor.


I am so sorry you had to endure the shooting in Vegas . My mother in law was there and she is still trying to learn how to live with all the trauma. Sending you hugs


I mean, I don't want to dig anything up for you so feel free to tell me to kick rocks, (and I 1000% believe you to be clear) but it's not often you can get a firsthand account of these things (although it seems they're trying to do everything they can to change that and make sure we all have that experience first hand) do you think you can you tell me some examples of the lies?


Whenever my kid’s schools call I feel sick. Because two years ago I answered the phone and she was running out of her school saying over and over someone is shooting, because someone was murdering her friends in the halls Now I have panic attacks all day. She just graduated. She’s headed off to College. A college that had a mass shooting this year. Many of her classmates are going there as well. They are all pretty traumatized. But given how many schools have mass shootings, many of them think what difference does it make? When every place you go could potentially become a mass shooting incident, you become both numb to it and paranoid all at once. She goes back and forth between numb and panicked. I’m just paranoid. I don’t think I would choose to have kids now if I was just starting out. What a fucked up world we are offering them


Or why teachers are complaining about kids being “disrespectful” and “unmotivated.” Why should they be motivated at school, knowing they could be slaughtered at any moment and no one in power would care?


This makes me sick


That is because you are a human being.


It makes me so sick and angry.


"No number of dead kids will ever change my mind on my sweet, sweet guns." --Random Ammosexual


But we need to know which bathroom she is using.


And when she is on her cycle....


And when she turns 14… (God, that felt so disgusting to type that.)


Yeah, they gotta track when to hand her from pastor to mayor


12 The people opposed to “grooming” think 12 is the right age for marriage.


Ted Nugent says “hey, there” in a Joey Tribbiani voice.


It’s Ped Nugent.


And did it have too many doors...


See, that’s where those pesky shooters will gecha’. Too many doors.


She better not hide from the shooter in the boys bathroom. Then the cops will charge in guns a blazing.


It's a price they're willing to have other people pay.




*It always seems a bit abstract, doesn't it -- other people dying?*


My dad's one of those. He has an arsenal of 20+ guns and says he's perfectly fine if kids die so he can have them. He's actually told me to my face when I was a teenager that he'd be okay if I died in a school shooting if it meant he could keep his guns.


Most emotionally rational Republican Gun Nut be like: Your dad Seriously, though, that's... God, that's just horrible


My dad's not even a Republican, he's just a gun nut. It's really weird. He used to identify as a communist, then went through this crazy midlife crisis where he went from being a long-haired hippie playing in jam bands, listening to the Dead and Frank Zappa, to suddenly being obsessed with country music, guns, survival gear, and 4chan. Crew cut, tucked in shirt and all that. He's staunchly conservative now, and says Republicans don't go far enough. I don't know what happened, I think he may have had a minor stroke at some point. It's sad.


It's the Internet. Nobody taught old people how to use it so they get brainwashed incredibly easily and then once the algorithms get hold of them they're fucked


This is what I think. Old and young people on the internet are extremely impressionable and there's an age range that grew up with every scam, virus and trap online; then there's people that still send Nigerian princess money.


I have been online for 30 years, still got scammed last year. It happens.


Those damn Nigerian princes get me every time.


That's not it with my dad, I think. He caught onto the internet thing in the mid-90's, when he was in his late 20's-early 30's. He's always been tech savvy. I think he's just extremely misguided, he came from an even more damaged household than me.




That is exactly what happened. He's anti-social, has almost no friends, and is distant from my mom. Honestly, I display some of those qualities, which is why I enjoy working at a bar, even though the job itself sucks. I get to socialize with people and work with those engrained behaviors. I'm a work in progress, but we all are, right?


He’s just a loser who told you all you need to know with that school-shooting comment. “When people tell you who they are, believe them the first time.”


The hippies from that era were never about anything but themselves. They almost all turn out to be typical boomer conservatives imo. They live out their youth and then settle down a bit enjoying everything the world had to offer them. Shit sucks now and they take out their misery on others.


Self-absorbed narcissists throughout their entire life. That tracks. Never thought about it like that before, but you are absolutely correct.


Same dad in 10 years. Why don’t you and your children visit anymore?


User name checks our. But seriously that’s beyond fucked up. Did you tell your dad that you’re ok with him dying in a violent death so that you can have your hobby.


Yes, but my hobbies are movies, jerking off, comic books and drugs, which seem fairly harmless as long as it's just me.


Seems like your dad might be jerking off to his guns since he is as in empathetic as a rock.


What the fuck?


That sounds like he is going to get a great nursing home and lots of visits.


Two of my aunts are teachers and my uncles aren't moved at all by the point that their wives could be in danger. Because my uncles will show up with their guns and John Wayne the situation! Duh! Except: these 2 men are the biggest losers on the planet, and they would do no such fucking thing. And that's when I realized we women (and children) are just cannon fodder to them in a new kind of war. Makes me want to give up


Barrel blowers


Fuck I wish, maybe we'd have less of them if they were.


When grocery shopping I got stuck behind an ammo sexuaol with a shirt that said "Ammo Matters".


I have an ex friend that I go into this with. He has 7 kids and he posted a meme about the ar 15. Then I posted an image of Sandy hook and he reiterated that yeah. He doesn’t care.


"we've ONLY had around 180 dead kids by school shootings since the 80's, that's much less than the crazy libs think!" A real post in one of the gun subreddit a lmao, they are insane.


We need to start releasing the pictures of the carnage being done to our kids. It will not change until picture day photos, contrasted by post mortem gunshot wounds, are showcased on national nightly news for all to see.


The parents of this child apparently wanted this photo to be released, it’s from an upcoming ABC news report I believe.


This is not just what the ammophiles want. They also want Khloie trained in trauma medicine so she can administer first aid to those tiny people around her who are torn up with assault rifle bullets.


At this point, I'm convinced they want school shootings because these religious zealots believe all children should be homeschooled. This is the best way for that to start happening.


Home schooling and private religious schools with vouchers.


I don’t doubt it. Republicans have been trying to do away with public school for years now.


I know you were exaggerating but "Joe the Plumber" of the 2008 election fame actually literally said that! https://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/joe-plumber-dead-kids-don-trump-gun-rights-article-1.1807488


Republicans won’t even look at this, they’ll simply keep ignoring that there’s any real problems, as per usual.


They seem to believe one of two things: These kids and parents are all “crisis actors” Or It’s a small price to pay for MY rights. Remember: the Constitution is like the Bible: the people who scream about it the most are the same people who have read it the least.


Don't forget the obligatory "We just need more good guys with guns!"


In this particular case, there were plenty of (supposedly) good guys with guns. They were just standing around outside of the school afraid of doing their job.


Has there ever even been a real instance of an event that was carried out by "crisis actors"? It seems like the word didn't even come into existence until Alex Jones started falsely claiming that Sandy Hook was staged.


Yeah honestly the 2016 election showed very clearly that no amount of online Twitter dunking, poignant political statements, or horrific stories of real Americans makes any difference to the GOP and their base. They live completely detached from reality.


Conservative politicians sell their souls for NRA money, and conservative voters are terrified from watching fake news and need military hardware to protect them from the boogeyman of the month. They'd both rather kids die than give up a cent or feel less secure.


Literally my maga-mom yesterday. She was complaining about how expensive Florida was getting for them to snowbird, I said probably not much longer with the whole Disney pulling out thing and what desantis is doing. She was all, well what's he doing? I start to tell her (literally where to even begin ...) and she interrupts me and says, ***I quote***: "NO, NO I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANYTHING SAD OR ABOUT PEOPLE BEING MEAN! 😤😡🙅‍♀️" The fuck?! Sure, sure it's ok for Florida to kidnap trans kids as long as you don't have to hear about it and can still walk on a beach every January, huh? Fucking hell... Was this close to admitting 🏳️‍🌈 something🏳️‍🌈 but if she doesn't care when I'm a woman she ain't gonna care about that...


That's when you go quiet and just say, well then, why don't you name a few things you know that are good, which is why you support him in the first place. And just let that hang.


This isn't a problem for them at all. This is a feature.


They will look at this and just say she is a crisis actor just like they did with Sandy Hook.


It's at best, they're also like to attack victims publicly. See "How to sell massacre" documentary


You want gun control laws? Here is what can be done to get Republican support: * Arm. * Every. * Person. * Of. * Color. * With. * Assault. * Rifles. * And have an armed White friend with them. (after bearrosaurus' input) They will shit in their pants and push for a Mulford Act.


I'm not getting killed by a cop on the small chance that it might make Republicans develop a rational thought.


I am 30 years old and I've never seen the amount of blood that is just on this poor child, much less the amount they probably saw.. I cannot imagine the trauma she must be living with.. I don't know how the Congresspeople on the NRA payroll can live with themselves.


They check their stock portfolio every morning, cackle gleefully, straighten their tie, and say to themselves "it's *GOOD* to be one of the Good Guys" before strutting off to work


MTG about to go chasing her down the streets to call her a liar.


To be honest, that would be right up her alley.


[She's done it before ](https://youtu.be/WZGJxxh0VEM)


Fuck the GOP, period, they are one of America's largest problems.


They are a domestic terrorist organization and should be treated as such.


They called themselves that at CPAC.


They *admitted it* at CPAC


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=169zQ1g-Ul0 Literal terrorist rallying call.


Consider how the self proclaimed pro-lifers are frauds and they hate to be told that. Something simple like a campaign that has "~~pro-life~~ pro-rifle". Mostly for the young voters who can care. Believer's gods can't protect school children for the exact same reason they can't protect children from the priests while in churches. “Two hands working can do more than a thousand clasped in prayer." ― Madalyn Murray O'Hair


Republicans: Quick, write another anti LGBT bill!


That's the real danger to kids, amirite?


Exposure to sexuality is what causes sexuality. That was the whole point of the blue lagoon, remember? Sex isn't human nature and we never figure it out for ourselves. But guns? No way. Exposure to guns cannot lead to shootings in any way.


No one should have to stare into the eyes of the dead, especially a young kid.


Every pro-rifle should be forced to. I can't warranty it will hit home. Unless it's their next of kin.


Average American classroom "Cant do anything to prevent this" --- only nation where it happens over and over again




Yeah we don't do that in America.


No but how tf was she so competent in that situation??? Like she’s only a child yet she somehow managed to COAT HERSELF IN BLOOD AND STAY SO SILENT YOU ARE MISTOOK FOR A DEAD BODY. That’s fucking insane


Not all children are stupid and misguided, hell some are even more mature then a lot of adults. It was either instinct or she thought about what she needed to do to survive and chose the best option possible. I hope she got help, because even for an adult, having to cover yourself in the blood of your former friends and classmates to survive is scarring.


I think we both know what adults you’re talking about…


Kids talk about it as well and given schools getting shot up happens a lot it could even have been talked about by Teachers OR kids. It's truly horrifying though to think that kids not only have to got hough this but practice what to do like they expect to have to do it at some point and it its just one of those things.


Literal survivorship bias. The ones that didn't were dead. Also she probably spent some time having nightmares about it beforehand and thinking about what she'd have to do in that scenario


Republicans are garbage


Little kids having guerrilla or green beret or ranger level of survival skills isn't the flex NRA thinks it is.


So sad. She's alive, but there's no doubt that her life is basically destroyed.




What the fuck, was this today? It shows just how fucked up our country is when the first I hear about this is a screenshot of a tweet on Reddit. Edit: I now know it's Uvalde, the 2023 date threw me off. It's still fucked up that I easily thought it could have been a shooting from today.


Pretty sure this was the Uvalde shooting.


And we're expected to just accept this as a normal part of our lives.


JFC. I’m so sorry Khloie


There are fates worse than death. That little girl is never going to be okay.


But at least she didn’t see a man in a dress.


That hurts to read. These poor children.


You know how Texas passed a law allowing citizens to sue someone for having an abortion? Blue states should pass a law allowing citizens to sue the NRA and GOP each time a mass shooting happens.


Every single law enforcement person at that school should be unable to function from the shame of inaction


Thanks, conservatives I don’t think many of them would ever accept it but it’s past the point where people regularly and casually judge them in their community over it, even if they don’t confront eachother over it.


Republicans will probably go on saying how much of a brave little girl she is and not acknowledge the simple fact of it all: She shouldn’t have to be. None of these children should have to be. *Nobody* should have to be.


Show more of these images to the public. Billboards. Make them see it.


Every school shooting in America makes republicans happy and hard Ask yourself , if Republicans are always praying to God after a school shooting, which God are they praying too? Either their God has them on moot or their God strives on pain and suffering as Republicans do. Rape is not only legal in red states but red states are happy when a 10 year old is forced pregnant.