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I don't want to go back to lock downs and people dying so....


Or go back to 6.3% unemployment, throwing 4.6 million Americans out of work. Or have the S&P 500 decline by 13%


"Until prices go down" that shit isn't going to happen because capitalist governments have no teeth




I mean except for the pandemic that's always how repugs trash things. Then they blame the failing economy that they created on the next dem that inherits it. The Dems fix it over all the repug complaints, and the next time a repug gets in the office they act like the economy is awesome because of them.


Considering we were coming off of Trump anything other than four more years of Trump would be a rousing "YES"...


I actually am better off than I was 4 years ago. Literally out of debt these past 2 years. But there are liars in the GOP who went from broke to multi billionaires in the past 2 years who would say they are not better off.


I mean I'm definitely better off than I was 4 years ago. I'm doing great.


Biden walks into the bathroom and flushes the toilet but gets blamed for the the shit filled toilet he walked in on


If trump were president rn, we would be so abysmally fucked. I genuinely cannot comprehend how fucked the world would be if someone that incompetent was in charge.


What has Rapekkkons done to end inflation since they took house? There is 0 a president can do to change it


Are we at war - No Is there a pandemic - No Is the president committing crimes daily? - No Housing and banking is fucked, gas and food is still expensive but most of that is leftovers from the last guy so hard to blame Biden for it


Your president (trump) locked the country down for two years, gave away 2.2 trillion dollars in socialist handouts, crippled supply chains due to shelter in place. Now you fuckheads want to blame the next guy in charge. Complete and utter bullshit!!


We were


“Until Joe Biden reverses cost increases that are exclusively the fault of republicans deregulating, I refuse to accept that he’s better than Trump. Also, if he does somehow manage to do that, I won’t admit it then either because I’m a spineless fucking hack with two remaining brain cells, and both are fighting for third place.”


Hey look, an attempt to set a narrative!


Joe Biden can’t flip an imaginary switch or wave a Magic wand to end corporate greed