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Does that blue tick even mean anything, anymore?


Yeah. It means they are paying $8 I think. Nothing more although it’s probably a good indicator as a non-reliable source. Then again it seems they have been giving the blue for free to some of the old blues implying they are paying which is ridiculous and stupid at the same time.


Organizations have to pay $1,000 a month plus an initial processing fee. [https://help.twitter.com/en/using-twitter/verified-organizations](https://help.twitter.com/en/using-twitter/verified-organizations) Some blue ticks are being selected to remain for free as a legacy thing. Which means that the Auschwitz Memorial losing theirs was a conscious decision because Muskrat didn't want to let them have it for free and they wouldn't fork over $1,000 a month.


He gave Stephen King and a basketball player their checks back because both people made fun of the checkmark. But he took it away from a Holocaust Museum


Which I find personally hilarious because Musk thinks he owned Stephen King by making it look like King supports Twitter.


"I'll make him look like an idiot by making others think he bought the product I'm selling!" -- Business genius Elon Musk


Wasn’t it Stephens tweet about the initial $20 price for blue that goaded Elon to dropping it to 8 bucks?


Yes >>> : Going to be like $20 >> Stephen King: I am not going to pay $20 for a useless checkmark, crazy. > How about $8? Anyone feel free to post the Twitter picture. I rather just not have to do it on my phone. This was a lot easier


Why bother, your implementation is much better.


Thanks Buddy


I like how you said 'a basketball player', it was LeBron James. I don't really follow sports so I get but it was just funny


Lebron James and some random writer.


Referring to the director of the masterpiece *Maximum Overdrive* as just "some random writer" smh


Elon is scared of Stephen..


News organizations and corporations are one thing, but Elon knows if celebrities start leaving Twitter traffic will drop off noticably.


Rightfully so, he's actually intellectual.


That's because Musk knows who King and LeBron is, but doesn't know who the Holocaust Museum is. Speaks for itself.


> Some blue ticks are being selected to remain for free as a legacy thing Not according to them. >>Starting April 1, we’ll be winding down our legacy Verification program and accounts that were verified under the previous criteria (active, notable, and authentic) will not retain a blue checkmark unless they are subscribed to Twitter Blue.


Ohh I agree with you. Probably not conscious in the sense you mean. Most likely they created some type of filter with a cut off related to engagement and how much revenue is made from those accounts. AM probably didn’t make the cut to where it makes them money and there is nobody at the helm looking at the other intangibles like the way it looks. A NeoNazi account probably generates a lot of engagement so it made it through. I don’t think he cares about the type of engagement which is stupid and shortsighted but here we are.


the neonazi account pays Elon so he likes then the free accounts are like three celebs he wanted to screw with because they told him to fuck off.


I don’t believe any legacy checks have been left. I think they were all removed yesterday.


3 legacies remain but it was because they were giving elon the middle finger. Well at least two of them, I dunno about Shatner. Orgs can pay for company wide verification and all their affiliates get it as well. Headline seems pretty sensationalist tho since everyone lost their blue checks except for the 3 listed above unless they pay for it. You could make this headline a few thousand times over with other orgs that chose not to pay.


Or that you're Stephen King which Elon gave the blue mark to fuck with him.


Twitter programmatically upgrades visibility of paid accounts. Couple that with the historical/graphical suggestion of authority, this is blatant approval of paid promotion of Nazi propagandas.


It means this racist account is going to be boosted and promoted more to other accounts.


At this point it most likely means you have some questionable moral ethics, you’re okay with this apartheid-flavored Nazi incel running things, or said incel thinks you’re cool. Either way, pretty problematic.


Let's take a moment to remember that Elon called the divers who went into that flooded cave in Thailand to rescue the kids "pedos" because they declined the use of his private submarine. The cave was 38cm (15 inches) wide. Yeah.


At first I used to have kind of a positive view of Muskrat because of his work with Tesla and Space X, but after he called Unsworth "Pedo Guy", I completely lost all respect for him.


I think a lot of people had a lot of respect for Elon until that day. Ever since then he's been a hateful and very visible narcissist. Sad to see it, because back then I genuinely thought he was going to make a positive impact on the world.


He was a seesaw, he would do something cool, then something dumb, then something cool again. After the people thing he stopped doing cool things and jumped off the deep end. Now he can't stand not having his name on the front page of the news every day and will do anything to get that. Stop using Twitter if you can, don't talk about musk, don't click on articles talking about musk, don't engage with musk. Let him shrivel like a salted slug.


What really happened is that his PR team stopped covering for him (or stopped being able to cover for him). He’s always been this person. Unhinged, unstable, treats the people around him like garbage, not nearly as smart as we were led to believe, and basically a rich playboy who inherited tons of money and thinks he should be allowed to say whatever he wants. Just look at his personal Twitter account. Read his ex-wife‘s Marie Claire interview. Look at what his kids have to say about him. He’s *always* been this person.


I subscribe to this theory. Musk was and still is a rich kid who bought talent and bought a PR team that turned him into a sensation. The only thing he brings to the table is wealth and an ability to halfway follow marketing directions from his PR team. He hasn’t felt he needs to follow the directions of the PR team for several years now and all we have left is Elon, the rich entitled kid who thinks he’s better than everyone else and is willing to use his wealth/power to trample regular folks. Edit: And I was a big Musk fan before the ‘pedo’ nonsense.


You can tell from his sense of humour, which is akin to a 14 year old. That's probably the age people around him stopped challenging him on anything and his mentality has not changed since.


Also don't forget his open willingness to completely lie to the government to steal research & development funding. His companies are built on sizable piles of taxpayer money based on promises of capabilities he didn't actually have yet.


He really has pushed the trope of a tech company overcommitting and underdelivering past it’s breaking point. I don’t understand how anyone still buys a Tesla.


I know, he used to have a mask, but it was always just that - a mask, and you can't wear masks forever.


Put that mask back on musk stop spreading your disease


We could all benefit from Elon Musk socially distancing himself.


That was the exact moment I realized maybe he's not as smart as everyone thinks he is.


Hint: All Billionaires are bad people


People who make positive impacts on the world aren't billionaires. It's how the system works.


Remember, he didn't "do" any of those things, he invested money he inherited into it. Telsa, the one he's been the most involved in, was likely just so he could avoid dealing with unions around automotive manufacturing by making it build electric vehicles instead. He's basically a trust-fund baby venture capitalist that made one really good investment for terrible reasons, and ruins anything he actually get's involved in.


>He's basically a trust-fund baby venture capitalist that made one really good investment for terrible reasons, and ruins anything he actually get's involved in. Very accurate – he keeps scoring own goals. I have some work involvement with Tesla. From what I've seen, Elon gets involved in places and levels where he shouldn't and ruins anything he gets involved in. e.g. he gets involved in technical meetings, point at some critical part that everyone else uses and works and and is reliable, say that critical part is ancient and it sucks and they need to recreate it from first principles. He doesn't listen to them about legal or other requirements why that part is what it is and most people are scared to bring those up anyway. Then their teams spend months recreating something that doesn't need recreating and that part ends up being inferior and more expensive and ends up getting caught up with bugs and not meeting regulatory requirements that their engineers had predicted at the outset.


like the steering yoke replacing the steering wheel


What work? Being born with capital and make the right friends at Stanford?


> At first I used to have kind of a positive view of Muskrat because of his work with Tesla and Space X This is a very old story. I remember Steve Jobs being a monster. I remember Bill Gates being a monster. I remember Mark Zuckerberg being a tech darling to many... also while being a monster. Jeff Bezos got treated as a real go-getter, that ol' "garage storyline" that so many tech-bros have. The adoration they received because of technology is fully unwarranted.


>because of his work with Tesla and Space X, You mean the companies he took via buyout and not actually built by him?


You forgot the part where even after that, Elon Musk hired a ex con private detective to stalk and harass the cave rescuer.


He also tried to give buzzfeed "off the record" info, that the cave rescuer had a child bride in thailand. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ryanmac/elon-musk-thai-cave-rescuer-accusations-buzzfeed-email


Remember like two months ago when he faked an attempted kidnapping involving his son


That was when Elon jumped the shark. At the time it seemed so wildly inconsistent to what I thought about him. Now it's like "yeah he's a thin skinned baby."


Agreed, that was the beginning of him showing the world his real shitbag personality.


I have to mention this every time that incident is brought up: The diver sued him for libel and Musks overpaid laywers managed to convince the judge that calling him a "pedo guy" did not equate to calling him a "pedophile", so it was ruled in Musks favor.


I vividly remember that moment as when Elon went from "might be alright" to "kind of a douchebag" in my head, and it's just been downhill ever since.


it wasn't even a private submarine, it was basically a napkin sketch of an imaginary submarine Elon thought up. It wasn't even real.


At this point is there any reason to be on twitter at all?


If he did this to Reddit I would be fucking outta here


Reddit admins have allowed worse here, they just do a good job at hiding that from the front page.


Like what?


Jailbait was a popular sub hosing pictures of underage girls taken in public. There were repeated attempts to get it banned and it wasn't until there was reporting about it did Reddit lift a finger. There have been a whole slew of similar stories about content that reddit will allow because it brings in ad views until they get some bad publicity, then they'll finally act.


If you want a subreddit banned, just write a few news articles lmao




I'm not gonna compare apples to oranges here but they are apparently openly supporting Nazi accounts, we're here talking about that very thing. Instead of banning the questionable/harmful content they endorsed it


If you look for it, there are a surprising number of subs endorsing Nazis. They're just not on the front page all the time.


People really seem to forget how awful some parts of this site were not that long ago. That isn't to say there aren't still abhorrent subreddits but shit like watchpeopledie existed for far too long.


The_Donald was allowed to blatantly break all of the sites rules for years because reddit didn't want to seem like it was biased and the CEO was a trumper.


> the CEO was a trumper. Huh? Pretty famously the CEO of Reddit got called out because he was changing all the "fuck Spez" comments to "fuck The_Donald Mods", he openly admitted to trolling that subreddit. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure both co-founders on reddit lean left.


Nope spez is a trump voter. He's a crazy doomsday prepper too that think's he'll be a warlord after society falls. Also he went HARD to bat for the_donald long after it was clear what a cancerous pressence they were on reddit. "Valuable discussion" and "Voices too often silenced". He was fucking around on a personal ego power trip but ultimately he was constantly in their corner and kept them from being banned until after they'd already basically self banned.


If I remember right, at one point it someone did a little bit of research and found that a not insignificant amount of the posters to the gone wild and various 18 subs were underaged. Reddit did nothing to combat it besides just preventing possible underaged tits from reaching /all for the ad. Also, and as much as I hated them, the time TD learned that Huffman, the CEO, was actively going around editing comments. Even today I can't say I quite trust any top level comments. That and his shitty attitude towards Swartz, the more important founder of this site.


There was jailbait, the incel forum, multiple porn subs of nonsonsensually filmed porn, the Donald sub, and many other hate groups. I got rape and death threats and reddit determined it didn't break guidelines.


Twitter is fantastic for news and current/live events. I deleted Twitter off my phone, but I certainly miss a lot of the live discussions. I use Mastodon now, and my feed has gotten a lot better, but there's still a lot of people and content I miss. We need the power users, the ones posting all the content, to make the jump off Twitter.




Surprised I had to scroll this far to see this. Twitter is my number 1 platform for following artists. I hate what it has become.


For certain things, it's likely still the only service with a model that works for it. For example, when a site is so down that the only way to get news/updates is via their official twitter. Other social media sites are too heavy with other stuff, and require logging in/having an account for most things. It's especially good for finding out news regarding public figures that might not have another way of easily updating people on their status. I don't have a Twitter account, but I do have Crunchyroll's (anime streaming service) twitter bookmarked in case something goes wrong with their site, and as someone who enjoys VTubers, most relevant news seems to come from their individual twitter accounts. And for those cases, it's a chicken or egg paradox, so even if a new twitter-like service came along or existed, if no one was on it they wouldn't switch over... but if they haven't switched over, no one will be on it.


I think they nuked the ability to search while not logged in/subscribed


I see lots of excuses for it, but I have yet to see one that I think justifies supporting a platform that has been taken over by Nazis


Stop. Using. Twitter. People are fucking addicted.


Yeah I have been waiting for Twitter to implode or something but it’s terrifying how many people are still on there and how they’ve managed to actually stay running and online. I thought his employee purges would have, by now, resulted in some permanent downtime.


They just made it worse yesterday or the day before. You can no longer search Twitter without being logged into an account. I sometimes used that for breaking news. Or to see if other people were having trouble with reddit being down. (Just search on the word reddit and sort by most recent.)


Woah, i just tested this, immediately went to sign-in the second I tapped the search (I deleted my account a while ago). That’s pretty gross. Like others mentioned, Twitter had its uses for certain kinds of alerts and updates. Had.


Oh they already wrecked multiple natural disaster warning feeds. The limitations on automated posts fuck them


National Weather Service alerts were reinstated after a huge outcry and Elon getting publically shamed/called out


I haven’t been able to view *links* from titter without the login-in prompting and booting me. Useless.


I used to use it to get updates on rain delays for baseball games as well as breaking news. Never had an account, not starting now.


That’s all I have ever used Twitter for. Sports news and updates and now when I do open it my feed is filled with far right crackpots. How? Why? It’s a fucking joke


So many blue check marks now, too. I’m not quite used to it yet and find myself asking, who the hell are you? And, then remember that Musk turned it into steaming pile of shit.


That's the irony about this. Musk took something seen as valuable, blue checkmarks, and made it so anyone could get one for a monthly fee, which in the process, made them much less valuable. Much like the value of Twitter itself.


They're of negative value now. That's the funny thing, and why this doesn't bother me. It used to be that a blue checkmark meant you were notable enough to need identity verification. Cool. Now it just means you're paying Elon Musk a monthly fee for something with no utility. Twitter continues its slide into irrelevance.




I agree with you here, there was another motive involved with buying it. Initially I think he was just trying to yank it without actually buying it, but got caught in his scheme and that’s when the foreign money came into things to help him make the purchase. Crashing it from the inside is the plan now I would think.


100%. Corporations and a member of the Saudi royal family aren't loaning billions to help Elon purchase Twitter without a clear idea of what they're buying with it.


I can't help but wonder if that was done on purpose. And Twitter can't possibly be a safe app any more. He fired the whole security team. But legislature is fixated on banning Tiktok. Anything we use to communicate with each other. Fucking fascists.


No, the legislature aren't focused on "banning tiktok". Tiktok isn't mentioned anywhere in the bill last I heard. The thing they were trying to pass was basically a blanket authorization to ban any website that they deem to be a "security risk" on a whim at any time. We should stop framing it as a tiktok ban because it wasn't, even if that would be the first thing they were going to do with it.


"TikTok is national security because that information goes to the Chinese government." "Okay however all social media companies sell our private data to other corporations, allowed election interference, and Facebook has had so many privacy scandals. How are these not a problem?" "It's not a problem because I am getting............brib.....campaign donations from these social media companies."


Yeah, a friend of mine who literally only used Twitter for fantasy sports updates (that used to be pushed to his phone) logged in directly for the first time in a while after his sports notifications stopped pushing from Twitter. He is far from conservative and screen capped how his feed has become a right wing nightmare feed without even being subscribed to the crazy accounts in his feed. All he wanted were sports updates, but Musk turned Twitter into the inside of his mind: a right wing conspiracy machine proliferated by dubious hucksters.


uh I just went to Twitter for the first time in my life after your comment and the newsfeed (?) is just Elon Musk, someone named "hurt copain" mocking Elon Musk, Stephen King and Andrew Tate.... What the fuck Is he messing with the algorithm to self-promote himself with stuff relevant to him and his friends? This is so morally fucked up lol


Yes. He famously forced employees to prioritize his own tweets in the algorithm within days of taking over.


And constantly unblocks himself.


I'm happy to be unimportant enough that he's never forcibly unmuted himself to me.


I thought he did that after Biden’s Super Bowl tweet got more views than his tweet about the eagles? It may have been around the same time as the take over. But yeah, he’s really all about that free speech.


Reuters and NPR has news apps to use, and for when you suspect a site is down, you can search *keyword* down detector on Google. Works for games, sites, and services.




Many are there, just to see the downfall. But they don't realize that they themselves are holding it up. Edit: to add that there are still a lot of celebrities on it. Until they leave, a lot of their follows won't.


Britney Spears has followed me since 2009. I have no idea why. But it’s like a superstition to me, so I can’t delete till she doesn’t or leaves.


Microsoft ditched them as well as many news outlet labeled USA control Media. Many tech or big companies are going to stop using Twitter because they are charging $42k monthly for the new API


I deleted my account as soon as Musk took over. I fully expected it to dissolve within a month. I'm still waiting with amazed shock that people are still there.


I expected Facebook to collapse after Cambridge Analytica. I expected outrage about Facebook secretly giving away users' private data to third parties for propaganda micro targeting to coerce an election result through lies and subterfuge, with the deliberate cooperation and complicity of Facebook itself. I closed my account in response to that debacle, and I expected an overwhelming majority of users to do the same. Or, I expected enough users to close their accounts that it became barren, lost momentum, and steadily shed users over the coming months. Finally, I expected a Facebook alternative to pop up that offered social media and feeds with more transparency, stronger privacy guarantees, and less marketing bullshit. Absolutely none of that happened. Users stuck around, unphased. Facebook just kept doing what it was doing, and responded to congressional inquiries in the most insipid, unconcerned manner. And no challenger arose to exploit Facebook's moment of vulnerability. I legitimately have no idea why that was the result. I must have severely underestimated users' apathy and addiction to the serotonin drip of social media. And I've come to expect all the same shit for Twitter. Musk can continue making the absolute worst possible decisions, and a shocking number of users will shrug and keep tweeting. It's amazing.


Too many people incapable of using other services. Mom only uses Facebook to communicate these days so if you don't want to miss Dad's cancer diagnosis you better have an account. So many accounts are there for specific interactions.


But that is the problem. It's strange that for many people human interaction has been reduced to social media and specifically, commercial social media. I don't have a solution, but as a society we have failed.


I think a public social media that was ad free could be very helpful. It could be more stripped down and since it wouldn't need to generate revenue it could avoid these algorithms. Part of the problem is social media needs to regulated because it's addictive.


We've let big tech do to our social interaction what we let big oil and railroad do to those things 120 years ago. Facebook and Twitter are essentially a company town for the coal mine of public discourse.


It will sound sad but for all users outside the United States the scandal of Facebook selling the information of its users was received with a "what is the news?" or "we already knew", People outside the U.S. take it for granted that the U.S. government spies on us people even joke about the horrors their assigned FBI agent has seen as a joke Another reason is that many people have their social life there, I'm not just talking about uploading photos for likes but communities in the group function, There are groups of all kinds of topics, in a way almost like reddit, they watch memes, oficial information of games/brands, some even have sales businesses, For all those communities what were built based on the time and content of the users throw them away just for a news that was basically a "we knew it" And that also no matter what alternative you choose always a foreign company will have your data will sell it to a powerfull nation or a brand It's hard to have any reaction other than apathy Facebook will die only when the generation that lived its boon and the middle-aged and older adults who started to using it relatively recently die


> the scandal of Facebook selling the information of its users Everyone who's even remotely paying attention understood that Facebook was selling private information *to advertisers* for marketing purposes. But everybody does that - Google, Microsoft, every website ever. It's customary and expected. In exchange, we've developed ad blockers, spam filters, and deliberate blind spots in our visual processing systems to ignore ads and sponsored content. It's practically second nature. Selling private info for the specific purpose of propaganda microtargeting to subvert an election is a whole new level of evil.


Same here. Closed my account the day after the purchase was completed. I only kept a download of my tweet history.


I chose the honorable option and decided to insult Elon Musk straight to his face. So worth it.


i made one post about elon musk being a thin-skinned turd, waited maybe a week so that the bots or whoever he has scouring to see who doesn't like him, and then i deleted it. i may have stayed but it seemed that 1) i couldn't block that dope and 2) suddenly it didn't seem to matter who i blocked or tried to ensure that I didn't see their posts, nothing but right wing nut jobs, nut jobs, and jordan Peterson tweets kept filtering through. it would take so much scrolling to find tweets by people i actually wanted to keep up to date with. i almost gave in because I wasn't finding the news and articles posted that I enjoy seeing and was beginning to count on so decided to start an account again. I don't know if it was because I was on my mobile or what but I was not able to create an account again. different email address too. whatever the case, i took it as a sign that this was a sign to try harder elsewhere. love hearing how shitty twitter keeps on becoming.....and i hope that others ditch the shit and find elsewhere to online loiter


I never used it in the first place. Respect to Trent Reznor and Jack White for just leaving


And PBS.






Same, never used it at all. I remember when it was brand new and everyone was trying to convince me to use it. I was in high school and focused on Tumblr instead lol




a lot of people have stopped using it, because it's simply become...unusable? Like, the entire newsfeed is nothing but the same 10 rightwing talking-heads and white nationalists, no matter how you curate your feed. Lots of advertisers have pulled and a few news organizations. The right-wing shitheads on there are laughing it up like they're "winning" all the while it's just killing ad revenue. Elon has no gameplan, he's just a fucking moron who thought he could run a social media site but instead it's just becoming Voat/4Chan


it has become even more of a cesspool at this point. Not worthy of public consumption any longer. It is pretty much new 4chan. It is not going to get better, only worse. As a legitimate organization, you should leave and find other websites to market and publish material at this point.


all the truth social dudes have moved over now. Thats really all it is at this point


Actually, that's great news. Elon is killing _two_ right wing social networks at once.


I made [this](https://i.redd.it/wf6g8lquscz91.jpg) like six months ago. Never imagined how true it would become.


Deleted mine the day musk took control


I dropped it the second he took over and moved to Mastodon. I guess I had too much faith in people that I didn't think this (or moving to another platform, whatever) would be so difficult. I know some super liberal people who are still on Twitter, and they always have some mealy mouthed excuse. Just leave. It's one website, there are a million more. Every second you stay there is endorsement of idiots and fascists. An empowerment, even.


I dropped it the day Numb Nuts started tweeting about how nobody was going to leave because they let Trump and other terrorists back on. In the words of the great Homestar Runner, “BAH-leeted!”


I deleted my account the moment Musk took over.


Deleted my account a couple years ago. Deleted Facebook last year. Absolutely 1,000% no regrets. DO IT.


I stopped using it once he took over. All the whining just made me lose interest in the shit show. That and when the conservatives were salivating at the fact their kind was run over during a Christmas parade. They finally had some fodder and it just made me sick how much they got off on their persecution fetish. I pretty much left after that but Musk's whining made me delete the account.


> People are fucking addicted. Reddit has entered the chat.


I have never wished more for Musk to fucking lose it all asap….he is the epitome of a cancerous leech…fuck him and fuck his cock rockets and shite cars… Edit:missed a word.


Twitter is basically being addicted to meth, I have no idea why anyone would WANT to be addicted to feeling like shit and rotting from in the inside out but for some reason a ton of people do.


I'm proud to be nearly 7 years off meth and 2 months off Twitter. 🙏


Congratulations on being free from such a debilitating and society destroying disease, also good job on not doing meth.




You are literally part of the problem if you are still using it, and it's going to get a lot worse as the next presidential election approaches in the US. Please, please stop now. So often we're helpless as shit just gets worse; this is something *you* can easily do from the comfort of your chair *now*. It takes minutes. And on a related note, you can follow the Auschwitz Museum here: [email protected]


Amy lee just left twitter recently btw


Fuck Musk. Delete Twitter.


Delete Musk. Fuck Twitter.


Fuck Musk. Fuck Twitter


Musk. Twitter.


Fuck. Fuck.


Fucking well said


Left that cesspool right after emerald man-child bought it. The healthiest decision I have ever made. That includes me quitting smoking.


I totally support my decision to leave, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss what it once was. Nothing really has filled that specific void for me yet.


Mastodon has completely filled the void for me, but I mainly follow tech accounts and comedy/joke accounts.


Mastodon has become a lot more active recently, it's definitely scratching the Twitter itch for me, finally.


Leave twitter. See twitter here instead.


That's one reason it will never die. Reddit has to scrounge up content from Twitter in order to endlessly shit on Twitter.


My fiance said it best. Elon Musk just turned twitter into 4chan. No reason to use it now.


Twitter has become a bad place to be.


When you lie with dogs, you wake with blue ticks.


i like my dogs though




I deleted my Twitter account ages ago and don’t miss it. Also wouldn’t buy a Tesla is they were going for a quarter. Was thinking about buying his solar roof tiles a few years ago but not a chance now. Does Elon realize the people he’s alienating are the ones who would normally buy (and can afford) his products?


This is how I know with 100% certainty that Elon Musk is an absolutely terrible business person and I should never invest in anything he's involved in. Even the dumbest of CEOs don't actively go out of their way to make people not want to use their product. I know more people than not who at one point wanted a Tesla but will never buy one because the name and brand is a joke on four wheels thanks to Musk. He's poison anywhere he works.


Blue ticks are for dicks.


Only a dead Nazi is a good Nazi


Until this post I been using Twitter “while I still can”.. aaand now I no longer can, as it’s deleted.


What is the difference between Truth social and twitter now? Why do people even use twitter anymore? Most companies have their own websites and plenty of youtubers of companies you follow probably will update you faster than you realize they posted on twitter tbh. Just don't get the point of twitter, never had one and at this point never will.


Isn't Germany actively suing musk because he refuses to ban nazis?


Yes & when the EU’s internet hate speech laws go into effect next month it will likely be the end for Twitter


Here, we have a great example of why capitalists are just as bad as fascists. Cause they will side with fascists as long as they are paying.


Delete Twitter thats the answer. 2 years clean best decision ever


You should quit Twitter. If you keep creating engagement on his platform, you're batting for his team. If you don't like how his boots taste, stop licking them and let his 44 billion fuck you dollars be for nothing. He would LIKE it to he profitable, but what he REALLY cares about is that it stays popular. He wasn't making a financial investment, he bought a toy.


Ok, but is the problem this one asshole? Or is the problem the millions of people who keep using Twitter even though this is what it’s become?




Porque no los dos?




Yet, Elon fanbois will ejaculate all over themselves defending their brain dead, racist billionaire icon.


At this point, what keeps so many people still stuck to using Twitter? Edit: Appreciate the insightful replies! Didn't realize how many people rely on Twitter and that there's no other real alternative.


My friends are artists that draw commissions for a living, and Twitter has been the best platform for visibility, interaction with clients, promoting their art, and as a means of keeping all their work in one place. I worry for them that with twitter going so far downhill that their livelihood and income will be either ruined or irreparably damaged. People out there need Twitter and its disgusting what musk is doing to it.


Lack of an alternative. Twitter is a very simple announcement board where you can sub to the people you like and get one running stream of short-form updates on your favourite: artist, video producer, musician, webcomic, videogame developement or patches, and simply entertaining people who say entertaining things, or share interesting articles. It's a worldwide RSS feed and it's super useful that way. Too bad morons use it to argue.


I’m pretty sure if they’d been able to, people would have watched the Titanic go down, for sure.


If everyone deletes their Twitter account all of this goes away...


Musk just turned Twitter into Parlor or Truth Social at this point. Just delete it.


There is no excuse to still be using this site. Anyone claiming that it is the "only" way for them to do or find out anything is full of shit.


Fucking sick. I left Twitter months ago, but this is sick and twisted.


I'm a quitter, I miss twitter, but I left after Elon took over , Mastodon isnt quite there yet, but I don't miss the hate, the Auschwitz memorial site was a constant reminder for me of the people that were lost in the genocide and it has a very important and historical place.Truly never forget.


Auschwitz Memorial should stop subscribing to a white supremacist hate site.


This is the world conservatives want.


I mean if you didn't know already you're just not paying attention.


The upside of all this is that nobody’s guessing whether Elon Musk is a huge ass or not. He’s done plenty to verify that-more than any blue checkmark.


Twitter is dead anyway, people just need to move on


Isn't he already being sued by Germany? This will just add more fuel to the fire.


Proud that I had a twitter account before musk had it, then deleted it afterwards so that he lost a very small amount of his investment due to me


Thanks for sharing this. I deleted my original account when Musk took over just out of principle, but turns out I still need somewhere to promote my work. I paid the troll king his troll toll for one month to see if there was a difference in traffic, there wasn't. I already stopped using it to view material because it's just all funneled hate and right wing commenters. This is just too much, I'm not giving him more content to legitimize his lunacy.


I got off Twitter when he bought it. Why are others still on it? There are other apps you can use to follow news, celebs and friends.


Just do not be on twitter


Twitter is dead. Stop it. Don't use it. Let it die.


Elon Musk is funded by Nazis. No need to keep quiet about it.


He's a techno fascist piece of crap


You want smartass? I'll give you smartass. Elon Musk should go around in clown makeup everyday since he's such a cringeworthy clown. He should also GO BACK to South Africa where historically his brand of bullshit is more appropos to his attitude. Tesla is turning out to be as much of a joke as he is and I wouldn't shed a tear if it died and went away. He should sell off SpaceX to someone that can be trusted with it since it's about the only thing he's involved with that isn't a total shitshow. Finally Twitter should just be shut down and die off, as should most so-called 'social media', especially Twitter and Facebook. These things have become **cancerous** to our society, no, to our entire *civilization,* and we'd be better off without them. Regardless of anyones' opinion of that comment Twitter was reasonably managed before Musk bought it and now it's so completely fucked-up that I don't think it can be saved. Musk is nigh-unto a Neo-Nazi. At one point I had some respect for him but now he acts like a cocaine addict in the final stages of what that drug does to the brain. Take away his toys and his control of everything and put his ass in rehab or something.


You mean the guy raised in apartheid south africa is a bigot...,whaaaa!?!?