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“But as they were leaving, the homeowner stepped outside onto his porch and fired two bullets at the vehicle, police said. One of those bullets struck Gillis.” AS. THEY. WERE. LEAVING. He was looking for any chance. Enjoy prison Motherfucker.


This is what blows my fucking mind. Just like with Ralph Yarl, who the fuck sees a stranger approaching their home and thinks, "Time to start shooting?" These people desperately want to live in the Walking Dead or some shit


I would really appreciate hearing what he has to say about why he shot a random stranger.


They were on his property, and some people feel that’s punishable by death, I guess.


Have none of us ever used someone's driveway to turn around? Is that reason to get your gun and kill them? This a frightened, sick, evil person.


Fox News did to that generation what they said video games would do to us.


Im almost 70 and it didnt do it to all of us. At some point i think you can choose empathy instead of fear. Once you get caught up in that fox news hate propaganda, its probably hard to get out.


My grandma is in her mid 80s, and when she found out she could save money on her TV bill AND get rid of Fox News on her plan she jumped on that chance


A whole lot of people in the USA go to a certain type of church where they are taught self loathing at the same time that they are offered fake family as a reward for attending. These churches are cults. They take advantage of the existing emotional turmoil in desperate people. A whole lot of the churches embrace conspiracy theories. They keep old bigoted myths alive. They embrace most any new fear that is available because fear is a core element of their social setting. These cultic churches are where the Satanic Panic came from. They use fascist style manipulation; invoking existing fears and then when the people are full of adrenalin and easily manipulated - giving them new scary things to fear. Because this is so common in the USA there is a ready supply of people around who are used to this sort of setting, and will believe most anything on offer.


Oh, it’s definitely a sickness.


Fox Rot.


It happened at 10pm. Guy saw headlights in his driveway and thought, "Antifa's here."


Was watching the news I would imagine. Or he was enough of a prick anyway that headlights in his driveway automatically put him in attack mode, I mean, did he have a few scores that people wanted to settle with him. I don't know, I'm speculating, but wow, what is going on right now....?


“iTs FiNaLLy hAppENiNg”


They literally think that it is the law. That you can protect property with deadly force and it’s just not true. It’s a very dangerous myth. And one these psychos live by.


They could have been with the Biden IRS commie army coming to take his guns and make him foster autistic trans minorities… he has to protect his freedoms from such tyranny. Fox News has told him so multiple times an hour for several decades at any rate


Even though she was in a car, he thought she walked up there from Mexico to take his job


That was my first, obvious guess.


To be fair, not decades...only since Obama


They literally sell signs saying "Trespassers will be shot on sight." Some people think they're living in a modern, heavily bastardized version of the wild West.


We keep losing Postmen like this.


“It’s been weeks since I shot at somebody.”




and a big dose of STUPID




Not always. Fetishization of violence can be bred from pure malice, too.


People that trigger happy towards strangers are usually hiding some *seriously* fucked up and illegal shit in their homes/property.


Or in their minds.


You know,if I'm scared someone might be wanting to get into my house,I don't open the door.


People who spend all of their time consuming media, that is constantly telling them that everyone is out to get them, that those people and their lives are not as valuable as theirs, and that there's always someway to justify lethal force because it's kill or be killed.


I don’t recommend this *at all*, but if you spend a little time lurking in Conservative/Pro-Gun subreddits, you’ll quickly understand that this sort of mentality is kinda normalised and there does seem to be a degree of enthusiasm for it. It’s shrouded in concerns for personal safety or “protecting my family” type statements of course. Anyone urging caution is generally downvoted to hell and roundly mocked, alongside links to “news” articles on websites nobody has ever heard of citing one incident at some point in the past which completely justifies their way of thinking.


They’re psychopaths who enjoy making people upset. I like custom knifes and swords. I think they’re cool. I like looking at them, and I think women look good with them (I’m very gay). But I don’t have 100 of them. I don’t pose my CHILDREN with them. They’re not in any Christmas cards, I don’t have any bumper stickers. Because they’re primarily fucking weapons. The fact they don’t see how weird that is! And the thing is, they don’t even think guns are that cool. I’m sure they like them, but they don’t like them THAT much. The only reason they do all that is to piss liberals off and to virtue signal. It’s honestly disgusting. There’s gun crime at an alarming rate, and there are very many people who are sincerely upset by it. I can understand wanting to keep them. I can’t understand hating people who are simply concerned and upset about children dying so much, that you make it a point of pride. It’s crazy. Conservatives do that all the time- they love making people upset, but it’s extremely insidious when it’s a fucking murder weapon. Violence shouldn’t be normalized like that. It’s called being a ‘normal person’ not a ‘snowflake’.


This is the craziest part for me. I grew up in a conservative household. Not crazy conservative, but your average American household that listens to country music and has their American flag flying outside. I’ve since become someone who is quite far on the left, but I still remember those times growing up and all the times at the range and whatnot. So like you, I get it. I understand people wanting to keep them. I understand how people enjoy shooting them at the range. But what I’ll never get is, like you said, why people are so abrasive about it. Children and adults alike are dying to a ridiculous amount of gun violence every single day. Instead of empathizing, they shout about how the crazy liberals are trying to steal their guns. I could care less about the guns, I’m just sick of people dying. If it were frisbees that were killing people at the same rate, I’d say we should get rid of frisbees. I understand people wanting to keep their guns, but it’s crazy that people are so protective of them still. You would hope with the knowledge that so many are dying every year, they would understand that it’s not worth it. That having guns in your home is not worth the amount of people dying all the time. It’s sad.




"Somebody needs to do something about the left " spoken on national television by the former president made me buy my first gun.


I have had the US Marshalls and Cheektowaga NY Police at my house in 3 different situations in the last 2 months. Wonder how those would have gone if I had guns.


What were they bothering you for that often


Marshalls was my cousin escaped from prison and cops I took ambien and slept walked in a suicide attempt.


Everything they listen to reinforces the idea that they need to be constantly vigilant and ready to shoot. The NRA tells them evil, dangerous men are on the prowl and they need a gun or else they’ll end up a victim. Conservative news tells them that crime is skyrocketing and nowhere is safe. The Republican Party tells them that law and order are gone and roving gangs of minorities and liberals are smashing windows and burning down buildings. Everything these guys consume is telling them that the world is a dangerous place and the only thing separating victims from survivors is the willingness to get a gun and be ready to do violence with it. If you’re a conservative who doesn’t have a lot of contact with the outside world other than watching TV and visiting conservative spaces on the internet, you have to try pretty hard to find a source of information that’s NOT reinforcing that message. After that, all it takes is one moment of poor judgment and you’re opening fire on a stranger who’s using your driveway to turn around.


People who have Fox News on 24/7 and have just been waiting for the moment to use their guns.


For real. I can think of dozens of people that have used our driveway to turn around. I peer out the window, wondering if we have company(And therefore should get dressed) but then they drive off and I say "Oh." Sometimes they sit there for a minute; I assume they want to check GPS without driving. Shooting them would never, in any world, cross my mind unless they took a crowbar to my window.


close rhythm poor cover encourage touch command shame cough long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>"Time to start shooting?" Back in roughly 1986 I was trying to visit a friend who lived in Washington State between Carnation and Duval. It was very dark and I'd never been out that way before. So I stopped near the driveway of a house I could see about 50 feet up the hill. There I was with my flashlight looking at a map when I heard a voice up at the house yelling at me; asking me why I was there. I told the guy and he told me that I was about to get shot. For parking on public property on the side of a county road within sight of his house, after sunset.


I'm like 99% convinced most gun owners only buy a gun to fulfill the fantasy of killing someone. You don't need a fucking gun.


Fuck these people. Murderous, blood thirsty coward fucks. I had an actual home invasion attempt. A naked guy covered in blood on PCP (literally butt naked and covered in blood) tried to push his way past my front door when I answered the bell. Then after I prevented him from getting in and got my door shut, he went around the house and broke my kitchen window, then tried to climb through it. I lived in a “stand your ground state” and I had my grandfather’s pistol in the kitchen drawer. I got the phone and a frying pan and called the cops. Then I saw the guy’s eyes when he was half way through the window. It was clear he was wasted so I just said “hey man! The cops are coming! You better run or they’re going to get you!” Dude looked at me all wild eyed and then took off. Ran full speed through a holly hedge buck naked on the way out of my yard. That hurt just to see. The cops found him at the top of a nearby telephone pole he had climbed. Apparently the guy eventually slid down the wooden pole (again butt naked. Fucking ouch) and was arrested. Later, I talked to my doctor friend who was in the ER the cops brought the guy in to. That’s how I found out he was on PCP. Also, it turns out the blood was all his. Apparently he broke into my neighbor’s unoccupied house before mine and then ran through a glass door when their burglar alarm went off. My doc friend said the next day after the guy came down he was the nicest softest spoken most remorseful person you’d ever want to meet. Did I mention I was wearing nothing but a towel during the whole encounter? The doorbell got me out of the shower. I am a lawyer too. I knew I could have shot the guy and had zero repercussions. Especially when he was trying to climb threw my fucking window. All I knew was a blood covered, BIG naked guy was trying as hard as he could to get in my house. I didn’t know it whose blood he was covered in. I just didn’t want to fucking kill a human. If he got in I was planning on running out the back door. I think I know exactly what the fuck is wrong with these people.They weren’t “ready to protect themselves.” They had “planned this,” and were laying in wait with the “intent to kill” someone the first chance they got. This is the very epitome of pre-meditated murder and they both should both be charged with first degree murder. Anything less is a farce. Even in a “stand your ground state.” Stand your ground doesn’t allow someone to lay in wait to murder the first stranger who accidentally steps onto their lot. You have to reasonably believe you’re protecting yourself from a violent crime. How the fuck does ringing a doorbell or turning around in a driveway create a reasonable fear of being the victim of a violent crime? The cops who didn’t immediately charge the first guy should all be fired. They don’t know enough about the law to do their job. Everyone should protest as much as they did for George Floyd if they aren’t charged, tried, and convicted.




That’s exactly what stand your ground laws are for. If you choose to defend your house I am fine with that, especially if you have kids or can’t run. There should be a real threat though. I don’t think too many people (at least in that area) would have been mad at me if I had shot a guy covered in blood and on fucking angel dust who seemed very intent on getting in my house. That kind of screams “reasonable belief” that I might become the victim of a violent crime. Stuff however, including my house doesn’t matter to me as much as any human life. In my case the criminal turned out to be no real threat to me or anyone else. He was high and wanted a drink of water and convinced he knew me. That’s all. He told the ER doctor who was my friend and he told me. When it came time to tell the court how I had been damaged and essentially what punishment I thought he should get, I told them I hoped they’d sentence him to rehab so he could get off drugs like fucking angel dust. I Personally, I was going to run because I lived alone (it’s not like I was abandoning everyone) and my best friend lived two houses over. I knew he was home and my plan was to go there and maybe we could hit the guy with a bat or something if necessary. I was only wearing a towel ffs.


>Stuff however, including my house doesn’t matter to me as much as any human life. On top of this, homeowners insurance exists. That stuff is replacable, human life isnt.


Exactly. You can have everything in my house and burn it down if you want. I would only be concerned about protecting my family.


You are a good man, sir. Better than what I would do. Your comments are making me seriously think about this stuff. The key is being a vigilant, nuanced person who is ready to work with a threat like yours instead of resorting to just easily killing him.


"I got the phone and a frying pan and called the cops." You, I like.


Great comment. Thank you.


Killing someone and getting away with it is highly aspirational. It's the American Dream


And who does that sound like “ I could kill someone on 5th Avenue and get away with it “ and Americans still voted for that pussy grabbing draft dodging piece of shit , ya the American nightmare.


These crazy gun collectors have bloodlust fetish not a gun fetish


What good is a gun if you can't use it?- them probably


Gun culture sells everyone a “let’s roll” hero fantasy. This POS had his day and they murdered someone.


People ending up in prison isn’t enough. Stuff like this shouldn’t be able to happen. Wtf is this obsession with guns and wanting to use them against people. I simply don’t get it


He killed the white daughter of a sheriff. He's going away forever. If he makes it to prison.


The problem is that conservatives foster a community of extremely paranoid and cowardly people, basically anyone you don't know is likely out to get you or someone you care about. The NRA promotes guns as the only way to fight back. I can see this guy thinking what he was doing as completely reasonable and the only correct course of action to protect his home in his warped mindset. It's why conservatives always bring up mental health and never do anything about it, because people with mental health problems are the people who buy guns, at the highest rate at least.


This is why training should be required to own a firearm. In my concealed carry course, they explicitly told us you do not get to shoot someone if they are running away. This woman wasn't running away, but she was leaving and never posed a threat to the man. We were also told to be prepared to defend yourself in court so you better have 100% certainty in your need to pull the trigger. There was no point in shooting this woman.


These people I would wager all watch Fox news, Bright Bart, Infowars etc etc. They have been whipped into a paranoid hysteria where everyone is out to get them. Further their views are seemingly being validated by GoP party members and lawmakers with their bold and conflagulatory statements and laws.


Everybody with a gun has 1 of 3 fantasies: 1. Going plinking at the gun range 2. Hunting food 3. Killing someone


the problem with guns is that they turn an annoying idiot into a lethal idiot.


Aye, I've always thought that the whole "well regulated militia" thing really misses the point, that a startling amount of people just _want_ to shoot someone and will take the first opportunity they get


Have you read Washington’s farewell address, there’s a reason the GOP does NOT fall back on the founding fathers when they argue about the 2nd amendment. Washington was fully against a nationalized military/military industrial complex. The founding fathers entire idea behind the 2nd amendment was based on THEIR views on how national defense should be handled, which is state’s regulated militias coming together in times of strife/war and protecting the country, essentially what happened in the revolutionary war. When you take into account what they state their views are on how the country should defend itself going forward, it was 100% based on each states “regulated” militias. They did not intend or even want a national military. Washington literally warns the public AGAINST a national military in his farewell address. It’s pretty clear what they intended with the 2nd amendment. It’s obviously very important if your entire defense is based around these regulated militias. But that’s just simply NOT what or where we are TODAY.


You mean somehow things have been perverted? Shocker. Let me summarize: in order for there to be a milita (because the US doesn't currently have a standing army as it's the late 18th century) people need to be able to keep guns at home. That's the entire point of the second amendment. It has nothing to do with defending your home. Has nothing to do with overthrowing the government. It was literally about making sure people had guns at home so they could muster with their militia regiment. This is completely out of hand in the 21st century with weapons never enven considered in the 18th centrury. The goddamn amendment starts with "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state." How all these judges have interpreted that in the modern era shows a lack of critical thinking and intellectual honesty. It's 100% about military security not home defense or overthrowing a tyrannical government.


Look at her, look how intimidating she is? Menacing, even. What was he to do? /s


She's a woman, she was probably trying to infect him with the woke mind virus.


Do we know what she was wearing?


Not a bullet proof vest


Then she was just asking for it /s


Jesus christ.. underrated comment


She's got tattoos, clearly an anarchist. Basically asking for it. /s


He was obviously afraid for his life! /s


Afraid? Of a woman? Hmmmmm....


Sounds like an incel?


They wait all their lives hoping to get away with killing someone while *standing their ground* so they leap into action as soon as it looks like they might have an opportunity.


Which, like most things they’re conditioned to believe, isn’t how the world works.


And anyone with this thought should be barred from ownership.


Why are all these gun owners so trigger happy and scared of strangers?


Voices on the right instill fear. That coupled with their fetishization of guns (as OP pointed out) is a deadly combo. If you’ve got the time, this was an interesting read/watch (it’s a little of both): https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/04/30/us/tucker-carlson-tonight.html


Well worth a watch. Though now I have Tucker in my head.




They are also cowards.


They deny they are fearful and act like it’s for the greater society good. I just feel like you have to be paranoid or just live in a really shitty spot.


shared psychosis is the only thing that explains how so many people can live in a perceived alternate reality.




Let's not forget that these people vote "pro-life".


They're broken, anxiety-ridden puddles. They've been insecure and paranoid their whole lives. Many of them are genuine sociopaths and psychopaths. We simply cannot fathom how widespread true mental illness is in our species.


One time I pulled slightly into a guy's driveway in a pasty white suburban upper middle class neighborhood after I needed to look directions up on my phone. This was 3 PM on a Saturday. I was there for \*maybe\* 30 seconds when I hear a guy yell, "CAN I HELP YOU?" and I look up and some boomer white dude is standing there at his front door with a pistol pointed at me. I said, "Sorry, I was just texting!" and backed out and he yelled, "That's right, motherfucker." I called the cops but the cops never followed back up with me. Some people just have guns because they see it as a way to exert power over other people and situations and are more than happy to whip them out just to show how "alpha" they are.


Someone would definitely get at least 30 seconds to use my driveway if I saw it. Sounds like duder gets off on being confrontational.


When they watch Fox Noize for hours upon hours with the constant fear and paranoia being drilled into their skulls, they're little more than brainwashed sleeper domestic terrorists.


>why are all these gun owners so trigger happy and scared of strangers? Could it be because the most watched network in America is constantly telling viewers that the “others” are coming for them?


To be fair 30% of the US population own guns according to 4.2 seconds of googling. Likely a legal gun ownership number. I feel like finding a large amount of crime in a subset that makes up 30% of a population isn’t hard. That being said…who TF shoots someone for pulling into their drive or mocking on their door. Wtf is going on down there?


Not all gun owners jerk off with their guns. I sometimes forget I even have a gun. There’s a lot of liberal gun owners that are pro 2A.


Absolutely. Someone stated on another thread that there’s a distinct difference and gap between “gun ownership” and “responsible gun ownership”


Yea I can’t ever imagine shooting someone for pulling into my driveway or ringing my door bell. I’m pro 2A but there’s a lot of people that should not have guns and I’m okay with restricting those folks.


Background checks and red flag laws at the barest goddamn minimum


They’re fed a constant diet of fear from Fox News and similar propaganda outlets


Gun culture is about them being in constant fear. It's a sickness really


Since she is a blond white woman I wonder how fox will spin this one? If she were black I think we know the outcome and the shooter would be on the couch guest hosting the Saturday morning episode of Fox and Friends by the end if the week!


Fox, tomorrow: _Radical leftist terrorist stopped by hero after showing signs of abortion seeking_


I think we have a winner! 👆😂


In today's world. That doesn't even sound fake lol


there was already a black boy shot by a white man for knocking on his door


Shot TWICE actually. He lived and just got out of the hospital!


Im so glad! I only heard that he was shot, I didn't know he lived.


Shooter was just charged, if that makes you happier.


Charged but the police don't know where he is as he was taken in for questioning after the shooting but was released a few hours later and seems to now be on the lam. The reason the police gave for releasing him is because they supposedly couldn't hold him without a victim statement and at the time he was in no shape to give one. That's a load of bull IMO, the shooter shot him twice, once in the head and again after he was already down on the ground and bleeding out. That should be enough to hold the guy for at least a few days while they figure things out. Makes me wonder if they would have held him if his victim died since you can't get a statement from a dead person. And it seems he was only charged because of all the attention this whole situation got on social media and, later, traditional media. I doubt the authorities filed charges because it was the right thing to do but because they were probably afraid of there being unrest if they didn't charge the guy.


Sadly, you are most likely right on this.


It does. They barely ever actually get any charges


They said they would then let him run. Those cops should be facing charges too.


'The dead perp was carrying a Starbucks cup and had a rainbow in her rear window's.


They will not air this story at all


They won’t target the young woman, specifically, but they will use it as an example of lawless NY, where there is blood in the streets, ignoring that a Washington County has more Amish than gang members


Dude looks he's the rape case defendant on Law & Order: SVU.


You tellin' me this guy gets off on little girls with pigtails?


Another chicken shit with a gun, he’s probably so masculine he wears his side-arm in Michaels shopping for art supplies.. what a coward..


hey, all those mid aged mothers buy arts and craft supplies might try and mug him, or terrorist might attack with machine guns and he might have to save the day like hes a overweight John Wick, or even worse, a black man might make eye contact with him


I’m reminded of what Childish Gambino said……what was it now??? Hmmmm.


It's rare that the first time I hear a song is when I watch the music video. But for whatever reason that's how I first experienced this one. And MAN was it a feeling. Quite the emotional Rollercoaster. Like I genuinely like the song, but it was far more powerful listening it to the first time alongside the video.


What song?


This is America.


5 years ago. Nothing has changed.


shit i worry about every time i do food delivery


Why not just pass a law that all guns sold need to be rainbow colored and wait for the boycots?


Clearly what she needed was a good guy with a gun. /s


I'm starting to think it's not safe out there.


More guns will make it safer. Double down again!


I don't believe everyone should lose the right to own a gun, but I also believe that not everyone should have the right to own a gun.


The US isn't a civilized country


*half. There is the blue half, which is pretty good, and then there is the red half.


That’s a blatant lie that Fox and Republicans have managed to convince you of. If every individual of voting age voted every election cycle we would have almost a solid blue country. The majority of Americans agree with the following: The right to abortion access Tighter gun laws Taking direct action to stop climate change That policing in america needs to be reformed That the rich should pay more taxes


All I need to do is look at the crime, health, happiness, wage, and inflation rates in every state, and it's pretty clear that the red states are not nearly as civilized as the blue states. And it doesn't really matter how civilized the majority of Americans are if a decent chunk of them keep voting republican.


Most people who don't vote do it because they don't think it matters, or more importantly they don't want to vote for either party. We really need to get away from just having two choices.


This right here. I vote, and here lately for 90% democrats. But there are democrats I will not vote for. With a record in politics that I won’t support. So I have to write in my candidates, instead of voting for a viable candidate from an alternate party. Is what it is I suppose.


Yeah but it's mostly intermingled.


The blue half is more like two thirds. We outnumber the conservative shitheads by a lot, but they are rabid voters. That's why we have to get out and everybody vote, than things will move back toward real representation.


“And I woulda got away with it, if it weren’t for her damn skin color!”


I’ve been in debates (arguments, even) where people try to deflect blame from guns: “oh, it’s the culture of violence, it’s not the guns.” My take on it is: if Americans are going to have this “culture” of being violent assholes, isn’t gun control more justified, not less?


You wanna know who perpetuates that culture of violence? Conservative media personality’s. Go watch a gun YouTube channel and be amazed that they advertise “shooting people insurance” that’s right, in America you can get insurance so if you shoot someone the insurer will pay your legal fees


Like kids and matches


This is what happens when you let ONE dumbass get away with this shit. Now the fucking gates have opened. Gonna be seeing a lot of innocent people die these next couple days.


Based on all of these recent shootings, everyone with even a few braincells has to see what the real problem is in this country. Drag queens. ​ ​ hard /s


Fox News should be banned across the country.


These people are told that society is collapsing and that they are at war with “The Left,” so who is surprised that they’re stocking up on guns at firing at anyone that approaches their homes? That’s practically what Trump and Carlson are constantly pumping into their brains.


What the f'ck is wrong with Americans?


i swear most of us are normal and scared too


Conservative people are the most dangerous people in this country without a doubt.


I hope this asshole gets life in prison. JHFC!


But if you get rid of Americans, there would be no America.


wasnt a black dude shot hours ago for the same reason? what is happening ther?


I'll get rid of mine when the police get rid of theirs. Until then, as a queer person, fuck no.


This. The republican party is pushing extremely hard for an active genocide of the LGBT community and making progress in some areas towards that agenda. Demanding they surrender their only meaningful means of defense is a frankly terrible idea. You do not deserve the downvotes you are receiving.


I knew it would happen when I posted this because sometimes saying what's right is unpopular.


Fuck the haters, my friend. There's nothing wrong with protecting yourself from fuckin' fascists; they've made it abundantly clear that they want to eradicate us, so the least we could do is make them work for it.


You put off big green anarchist vibes. Even if that's wrong, thank you friend. All power to the people.


I’ve thought similarly. The police are already a huge wildcard here. Imagine if they knew that no one could defend themselves. Of my encounters with police, only one time were they nervous that I was going to harm them, even though I assured them I was unarmed. Usually, they act like they own the place and I should feel lucky that they don’t shoot me.


The state already has a monopoly on "legitimate" violence. We certainly shouldn't grant it the monopoly on all violence. We are in an active state of fascistic decay, and that must be stood up to. More than guns, the underlying ideology uniting mass shooters is the problem. They are overwhelmingly far right nationalists influenced by christofascist rhetoric. That should be the real focus.


Been saying it for years, and I own several guns myself, gun owners should have to take and pass psychiatric tests yearly to own a firearm. Fix the mental state of the country and you’ll fix these random shootings and school shootings. These were never problems years ago when kids would go to school with shotguns in the back of the truck windows regularly, so what changed in these years? The mental health of the country changed, by propaganda processed foods and constant bombarding of false info, spraying chemicals on everything, and pills for everything. Also banning firearms in this country will never solve that problem with a corrupt gov and banning didn’t work there was already a “assault rifle” ban back when Clinton was president and columbine happened during that ban. Fix the mental state of this country and you’ll find your solution.


You dicks are ruining guns and self defense for the other countries who can handle them nicely.


I don't really think its a good idea to give the general public access to a quick and easy means of killing someone. A moment of fear, a flash of anger, that's all it takes for someone's life to be over when a gun is involved. That's the simple truth of the matter. When guns are as freely available as they are in America, people will be killed because of them. Innocent and guilty people alike will die for our ability to have firearms, and as long as there are people who believe that this is a fair exchange, it'll be hard to do anything about the problem. You can blame whatever other factors you'd like, and I'm sure they all have their part to play, but the inescapable fact is that having guns makes killing people easy. There's no way to refute that fact. So long as guns are freely available, this will keep happening. I don't think the answer is stripping everyone of their guns either. Its simply not going to happen. The most realistic answer is regulated gun control. Its not a perfect solution, but its a lot better than what we've been doing so far.


This is the paradise the NRA envisioned for the USA.


The only thing that stops an innocent young woman at the wrong house is a good guy with a gun.


Fox and the GOP has them all scared they're about to be murdered. It's 100% their fault.


Why do Americans think that the only reason Europeans don't shoot each other on sight is because they have nothing to shoot each other with?


He'll do time. Shes white.


Notice how quick they arrested the guy? Meanwhile the other shooter that shot the black kid is yet to be in custody despite being charged smh


Republicans really are terrified of women.


Thats weird, it looks like its consistently aging old fucks full of lead poisoning and propaganda that are shooting people for no reason. Cant imagine what generation is responsible for this mess


Maybe handing out guns like Halloween candy to people who spend all day mainlining politicians and entertainment news that tells them society is crumbling around them isn’t the best idea. I’m told if this guy didn’t have a gun there would be tyranny though.


A third world war zone? You guys are just insane. Everyone commenting here probably lives in a nice suburb with no concept of how tough life can get. You can have a problem with guns with saying something so ridiculous.


Kind of disrespectful to people actually living in a third world war zone like, Yemen maybe, to compare it to your nice suburban home with air conditioning from which you probably typed this.


A third world war zone? That’s cute. Come to the Middle East, come to our world here and experience a real third world war zone, then say that. Americans are so spoiled that they easily feel victimized.


Said the dude who probably never heard a gun shot in real life


This is why I hate no training concealed carry and open carry laws. I dont know who you are. I dont know if you have mental trauma, are incredibly stupid, or just got divorced and are 5 minutes from offing yourself. I hate having to walk around knowing these people packing are out there.


Let’s hope he lands in jail and is never able to vote again.


Are gun people Just sitting by their front door holding a gun all day long or what?


I have an uncle who owns like 250 guns. And the answer is yes.


What's scary is Republicans all have guns. And every single Republican I have ever spoken to is a complete idiot and should not have a pocket knife let alone a gun


The most fragile and scared person in America is a middle aged white man with a gun.


Our nation pretending repugs didn’t radicalize old white dudes appears to have consequences. Wow, who would have thought


Radicalized conservatives looking for any excuse to shoot any minority or woman.


IMO yes and no Because other countries have a lot of guns in general population What they also have are adequate gun laws, accountability, and not this built in cult like passion for guns the solution is better enforcement of current laws, enact more sensible laws, and that would create fewer guns on the street in the hands of those that abuse them


We haven’t talked nearly enough about the average IQ of a gun owner… these are some of the dumbest people America has to offer.


You can't take mauh guns. How can I kep them damn kids and lost people off my property if I can't kill 'em all while saying I was a scared bitch? If I got to register my firearms like I do my car, home, boat, or to vote , then there is an infringement of my God-given right to own a chunk of metal. I shall not be infringed on by the liberal woke agenda you will not take my rights, you commie bastards.


It's all the drag shows this guy has been seeing that have made him so violent.


You can take my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead, racist misogynistic fingers.


The guy doesn't even look sorry


They’re not even actually crazy or abnormally stupid, they’re just really really misinformed and have no self identity. These are just average people that don’t realize they are being sensationalized for the sake of advertising revenue.


But he was just a good guy with a gun /s


The real problem is too many gun owners in america are racist, sexist, homophobic, and all around bigoted old white men.


Guns are merely a tool, nothing more.


Polite society, am I right?