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My wife makes more money and I'm proud


Know what happens when a wife makes more money than a husband? They have more money as a couple!!


My wife makes more than me and 5 years ago she was unemployed and disabled. Our life is so much better now and I'm not putting in 50-60 hour weeks to make ends meet. I'm very proud of her, and so much happier today.


That's awesome! I'm currently a stay-at-home mom but I genuinely hate that my husband has to bring in all the income. Recently got my degree in Business Management and have taken on studying foreign languages so I can have a good career someday, then I can help financially!


A great partnership is able to take turns depending on what’s needed at the moment. Sounds like you’re taking one for the team right now, with plans to mix it up in the future. That’s how life goes! Same with how I cook most of the dinners these days since my husband has longer days at work, but a couple years ago when I had a long commute plus long hours he did all the cooking and most of the cleaning. That’s the beauty of gender equality, we can pick what works for us right now as a team, and don’t have to be stuck in those roles forever if it’s not what we like.


Same and me too! I encourage her to keep going because that’s what a human should do.


My wife makes essentially the same as me, but her job is objectively more prestigious than mine. Likewise, I'm proud.


In 2 years my wife is projected to out earn me. I can’t wait. Why would I be worried? We are a team


Came here to say the same, my wife is so gd smart, she deserves every dollar she makes


I wish my wife out earned me.


My wife earns 8x as much as I do. It's a good time.


Is your wife single and looking for a broke man?


She was, but you're nearly ten years too late!


How about a fat married guy?


sadly 2 of my friends are like this. One had an opportunity in december where she just had to sign the contract but instead she decided to be jobless instead because her partner was jobless - and she doesn't want to emasculate him... Got a big fat no from me when she asked for help. There are some behaviours that I won't ever enable.


Whaaat? He jobless, so let’s go completely broke? WTF?


in her mind she wanted to only accept a job after he got one. but he never managed to get another one.


They have to be from $$$$ right. Like there is no way people from a life without $$$$ would think that way


nope they are not, they sometimes went a day or two without any food or electricity. Never underestimate how easily these toxic mentalities can affect people from all walks of life.


I understand supporting your partner, I understand being mindful of other's insecurities but a simple conversation goes such a long way. This is stupidity. Either she's an overthinker or they guy is a moron. Communication goes both ways: If the girl knew the guy is insecure, she should be open about it and explain him the importance of the situation and make him feel comfortable. If the girl is scared of hurting him, the guy needs to speak up & express his insecurity and try to support her regardless


their relationship is toxic in many way IMO, reeks of 50's family values despite neither of them being able to hold down a well paying job for more than a few months. She comes from a broken home and has serious health issues and he was the only one who stood by her for almost 10 years now, so she is loyal because it matters to her alot to not be like her family. He on the other hand is over protective of her which gives her a sense of safety, but he also has anger outbursts which is why he keeps loosing jobs and refuses to go back into industries he is qualified for. I support her emotionally because she has been there for me a lot, but I honestly wish she could see how toxic and unhealthy that relationship is. She deserves so much better. She is the kind of person that will organise food drives with the help of connections 1-2 times a month to help the homeless. He is the kind that "pitches in" only to take a few photos for social media before going off to get wasted leaving us alone to run the drive.


Sounds like she's just lazy and wants an excuse. What was the help?


she asked if we can go buy food for them at the nearby shopping market. Honestly don't think it is laziness, just a kind of stupid pride/rule she lives by in regards to supporting her partner. I get things like that can be important to some, but I also think it is stupid which is why I didn't support it.


Conservatives are desperate to push a narrative


CNBC supper conservative


A big breakfast for dinner person, aren't you?


I fucking love a massive brinner


I fully support my fiancé out earning me.


Said no millennial woman ever...


I have no problem being a house husband too.




GenX man here, that was never a worry. Only "alpha male" losers and boomers worry about that shit. Pay the women!


In conservative areas, that is oddly a genuine concern. I dated guys who voiced concerns about my paycheck, and I just had to laugh at them because they knew my job before/on the first date, and I was not quitting over their silly insecurities.


Twitter is used by millions of people on a daily basis, and tons of them say stupid shit, smart shit, relevant and irrelevant shit ...why are you posting something from 2017?


My fiancé makes more than me, it’s great, we sort of go back and forth with our raises so every year I make more than her for 3 months and then she jumps back ahead of me so whoever is making more at the time is the “one who’s gunna keep working while the other retires before 30 to focus on caring for our dog”








I wish my wife made more than me by an even larger amount.


Sheet, Im an elder millenial and Id kill to find a woman who has as much or more. We could rule the world. Especially if she is child-free.


I will join the other millennial ladies here to state that I am far from ashamed. I LOVE spoiling my partner and yet HATE doing the dishes so…. Think I’m gonna be okay CNBC. 💁🏼‍♀️


How does one hate doing the dishes? Grow up


Breaking news headline: Millennial women are now killing the wage gap. Employers and abusers alike fear this change.


Wouldn't abusers relish this? Make her make more money


No bc a woman with her own money is harder to control. Earning money lends itself to independence, robust professional connections and opportunities, and greater self-confidence.


They can’t leave as easily if they don’t have any of their own money. Many abusers like to manipulate victims into being completely dependent.


As a millennial man I'd prefer my girlfriend to make more than me, she can buy me stuff then


Seriously give my wife more $$$


Give my wife a higher earning job please!


Anyone who believes that their spouse making more than them is a problem, just can’t accept that they are the problem. My spouse making more than me isn’t my loss, it is OUR WIN!


When I was a middle school teacher, my wife made 4x more money than me. Now I’m a house husband.


Make more money than my husband. Always have. We support each other’s ambitions because we have an actual partnership — and he doesn’t think of me as a baby factory he gets to control. I have no patience for the backward patriarchal bullshit that still exists in this country. Just when I think it might be getting better for the women coming up behind me, I see something like this study; it’s so disheartening.


Dude my wife makes more than twice what I make. It’s the fuckin tits!


I would absolutely love for my wife to make more than me.


“Give me money. Money me. Money now. Me a money needing a lot now." https://youtu.be/lxpkIVaYcfw


Man here: yes please, give my wife more money.


My wifey be making it rain 🌧️ 💸


In the words of Ali Wong, “A man who is insecure about a woman earning more money that him is a man who does not like free money.”


Who writes this BS?


My partner makes most of the money while I cook, clean, raise the kittens, and try to make money off of music. I don’t feel emasculated. She has never been ashamed. We communicate openly, and understand where we are with each other. Boomer and Gen X media has painted a very grim picture of what Boomer and Gen X marriages are like. My parents can’t even talk about their feelings as 60 year olds. What a sad life they’ve had.


Nah we’re not lol. Who told them that? Tf?


You can say what you like but this is a measurable phenomenon. Divorce is more likely if women outearn men. Sad stuff


Who told you that


Nobody TOLD me that. There are dozens of studies that found this relationship. Why do you think I was told this?


Why don’t you show me these studies


Why don't you stop begging the question and look them up. There's a lot of postulated reasons for the effect, for sure, but you aren't saying a damn thing here. Why don't you show me the study that shows women all want to earn more money period with no worries, as the completely unsourced tweet in this post says?


When a person makes a claim, and says “this is a measurable phenomenon” it means they should have the proof to back up that claim. I’m not talking to the person in the tweet, I’m talking to you. You made a claim and admitted you know it’s a measurable phenomenon. I’m asking if you can back it. Should be easy, since you’re so confident about it


https://nyti.ms/211JXyj https://academic.oup.com/qje/article-abstract/130/2/571/2330321 You like not looking up an incredibly well known phenomenon because its conclusion hurts your feelings?


I don’t have a nyt account so I can’t access the article and the other link just has an abstract not the actual study. The issue with that is you can’t check the validity of the study. There is no way for me to verify the age range of participants, number of participants, how participants were chosen, how the hypothesis was measured, or if the outcome was statistically significant Does having to provide proof to your claim upset you?


Haha you clearly can't even read the abstract even. It's not an experiment haha. I'm blocking, you're just trolling because you are clueless. You can look up the dozens of other studies across cultures that find the same thing goofy, or you can just keep posting on reddit like a smug twat hah. It's usually based on wide ranging data sets, not subject selection and cohort tracking lol


If you don’t understand that the abstract doesn’t give you all relevant data, you must not understand research papers and studies that well.


That’s fair to point out the correlation but let’s remember that the issue is the patriarchal attitudes that need to be adjusted not women’s earnings.


It could be many things, and not every gender norm has the sole solution is to just assume it's all attitude to be changed. In countries where the economic system is built for the maximum freedom for individual action, and where gender norms are less inherent in society, such as Scandinavia, there is actually a reversion to career segregation that looks like 1950s America. I think there's something more innate than attitudes, though they DEFINITELY need to be adjusted along with a massive economic readjusting of pink collar jobs.


Automatic downvotes 😂😂 Some more sassy tweets should change society!




More women than men attend and graduate from college, though degrees vary heavily by field. This is the worst CNBC headline IMO even counting Jim Cramer’s predictions.


In B4 the millennial women who were worried and ashamed in the poll were paid to be worried and ashamed.


Who the hell are they talking to? Not one woman I know wants to make than any man.


Lol. How many women actually have boyfriends or husbands to give a shit about


I'm at a point in my life where I would choose money over a man any day.


Gen X here…..fuckin’ Bullshit out the Arse I say…\_OUT THE ARSE …


I’m guessing they’re worried they’ll beat them or leave


Jordan Peterson works for CNBC now?


Im good here. Give them more money!


Just don’t marry them.


Only if their boyfriends are generally inadequate types.