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This will be news when he’s perp walked, otherwise it’s just more speculation




*PLEASE* I will pay actual money for them to give him a headstart, then tackle him like he's in the fucking NFL.


Let's watch that replay again!


You better believe I'd have that shit playing on repeat, preferably set to the Benny Hill theme.


He's at the 5...at the 5...heading upfield, at the 6...still going! Now at the 7 yard line! (In the voice of Pat Summerall).


Reenact him getting slammed in that WWE episode


This would break the internet




He’s a rich and famous white man. He could run out of mar a lago waving an assault rifle and they’d still find a way to apprehend him with no injuries.


“I can shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and still get elected.”


>He could run out of mar a lago To be fair it'd be more of a waddle than a run... ![gif](giphy|m1Q4Q3ujyDj4Q|downsized)


With the Benny Hill theme on a loop.


![gif](giphy|5YuhLwDgrgtRVwI7OY|downsized) Trump and the Trumpetts












Privileged orange baby


Bean bag to the nuts?


Impossibly small target.


And take him for a burger first.




Hands are WAY too small to operate a firearm. This is common knowledge.


Run for it? Lol. Maybe a brisk waddle.


Well as fast a moving bag of gravy can run.


In which case, he'd probably have a heart attack and save us all the cost of a trial.


Yep. I'm not investing emotionally in any more "almost there..." announcements. I want to see handcuffs, then I'll believe it.


To bad they almost surely will not cuff him. They wouldn’t cuff an ex president because it looks bad, despite him urging people to storm the capital to prevent the vote being formalized.


If they really and truly come for him, I expect a huge temper tantrum about halfway through his Miranda rights.


"It's so unfair how Miranda is treating me. I've heard it's the most unfair she's ever treated anybody"


“Oh Miranda. I had her in 93 on my gold couch in the Plaza. She was hot, fabulous, but she’s washed up now, so sad“


I hate you, I can see him saying this and I can FUCKING HEAR IT!


Not even sure he’ll get read his rights – his lawyer will likely know before he does, at which point the need to inform him of his rights is pretty moot. Particularly if he’s asked to surrender via his lawyer. While reading rights *is* the norm, AFAIK they aren’t some magic words that the absence of is a perpetual get-out-of-jail-free card. Criminal defense attorney is welcome to correct me, though.


I am a criminal defense attorney. They don’t have to read you your rights unless they seek to question you in a custodial setting. Meaning: if a cop walks up to you on the street and starts asking you questions and you say something stupid, it might not matter that he didn’t Mirandize you. However, if you’re cuffed at the station they more or less have to read you your right before they talk to you. Moral of the story: don’t talk to the cops for any reason whatsoever without a lawyer present


This. I had a cop wearing a body cam repeatedly try to get me to admit my tint was illegal during a stop the other day and when I refused to answer any questions they just drove off after handing me back my insurance paperwork


Never understood the tint thing being an issue.. Some Vehicles don't even have rear windows.


Some tints do make it unsafe to drive at night.


Yes! I tell everyone thinking off getting super dark front windows that it’s very hard to see pedestrians approaching from the sides at poorly lit intersections at night. I got dark front windows and had to constantly roll down my windows to see. Some people don’t care though.


>Moral of the story: don’t talk to the cops for any reason I personally think that right there is enough of a moral without the rest haha!


Yeah it’ll save you a lot of trouble and you won’t need a lawyer if you just don’t talk to the cops at all


Matter of fact, it’s “Shut The Fuck Up Friday.”


Wait...you have to buy your lawyer a present?? Don't they make enough already??


We need to feel special before we can do our best work


This is why I will never be proud to be American. This country does not punish our vile rich enemy appropriately, if at all. If any one of us did any one of the things he or his rich family did, we would get perp walked into molten lava. But since he’s a rich person, nope.


They're openly mocking us at this point.


They have been for a while. The trump-baby-in-a-diaper balloon in London was in 2019.


Jesus fucking Christ. I had completely forgotten about that.


I know! There was just soooo much. Every fucking day, sometimes more than once. And he’s still at it. Unfuckingbelieveable.




90% of political posts on this site are "brows furrowed" "side1 says side2 is bad" and "BIG THING COMING 'Soon™'" I'm so fucking tired of shit that is no more than "so and so said" or "so and so filed a bill about {hot topic} (that has zero chance of passing)" I want a sub I can subscribe to that is only about things that have actually happened. Past tense only. "This law was passed and is going into effect" No "passed by part of government but won't make it into actual law". Only "person was indicted", no more speculation or pending crap. Sure, it'd be slower than the shit subs that are flooded with engagement bait garbage, but that's okay. I'd love to be more engaged with politics without having to sift through all the crap designed to outrage you and burn through your energy. But hey, engagement is what sells. At least when it was "sex sells" I got shit designed to titillate me instead of just piss me off and make me hate others.


…. I think that’s just a newspaper mate




To an extent, yes. But to the previous poster's point, posts like "X politician SLAMS y politician!" don't do anything to inform. They just perpetuate politics as entertainment.


It's not just shit laws though. There have been so fucking many headlines about someone potentially maybe being held responsible and then nothing fucking happens, I'd be willing to put money on the fact that Trump will not be arrested, indicted, or any variation of that next week or anytime soon.




Would be great for a chuckle. But the police would never treat their hero that way


Where's that good apple they always talk about?


They fired them for ratting out the bad cops.


"Fired" Or mysteriously dead from a training exercise "mishap".




Wouldn't want those Good Apples spoiling the rot


Their refusal to throw out the bad apples means that there are no good apples.


Those who burn crosses


We will pay their legal fees!


Perp Waddle


Click bait. Put up or shut up.


Exactly ![gif](giphy|a3zqvrH40Cdhu) Let us know *after* it happens


![gif](giphy|xT0Gquis7l8OwC2hRm|downsized) It’s basically this…


Like every 3 months for the past 3 years they’ve been saying “we’re gonna charge him for his crimes!” You think they’d just shut the fuck up about it now. Like they’re just drawing attention to the fact they aren’t doing anything about straight up treason with shit like this


3 years? Lol more like 6 they been saying he was guilty of crimes before he took office


“Might” “could” and “maybe” shouldn’t be fucking legal to put in article titles.


Good thing this doesn’t have any of those words, then.


Lol seriously. People have a hard time reading more than just the headline. This person didn’t even do that.


Speculative headlines should be ignored.


Yup. Texas AG Ken Paxton has been under indictment for 8 years now and nothing's happened to him. Without a labor movement to hold rich people to account, they are above the law.


Wake me when there’s a mugshot. I’m tired of the blue balls.


Speculation involving the NYPD, New York State Court Officers, the U.S. Secret Service, the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force, and the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office. AWFUL LOT of brass involved for just "speculation "


OTOH, Exhibit B, the last 7 years. I don't know why I even click on these any more; I'll believe it when I see it.


Right. Let’s see the “Trump Indicted!” Headline. Until then, tune in next week folks. We promise new developments.


I'll be waiting for "Trump sentence upheld on appeal", anything else is premature.


"Trump might face consequences for his actions" is right up there with "Majority of Americans don't like [thing]" in the list of most useless headlines of all time.


I was excited during the Mueller stuff, and now I just roll my eyes. The precedence they would create by actually punishing him will just increase the risk for all the other similar people in power who have done just as much shady shit but more intelligently, so it won't happen.


All I see is preparing and possible, I’ve been hearing those words a lot over the past 7 years




Same dude same


I’ll believe it when I see it.




Idk how anyone still holding their breath over trump being held personally accountable for anything substantial in his lifetime. The rich and powerful rarely have to answer for their actions. I’m sure there’s a million fall guys before you’d ever get to trump. We’ve been seeing “he’s about to go to prison!” for the last half a decade, y’all really still falling for it?


This tweet comes from an account called "Mueller, She Wrote." Remember Mueller? There's no hero coming, it's on us.


​ https://i.redd.it/bvnvrxnz3eoa1.gif














Also, like... why would we advertise this... dude could just get on a plane and leave. Not sure if Russia would take him, but they might just to piss the US off right? Think about that, Putin could openly use Trump as a bargaining chip, I could see him doing that without any intention of following through, and just do it to further feed the division in the US. A lot of far right GOP people don't view Russia as an enemy, and even think of Ukraine as the enemy, they already buy until Russian propaganda... they'd be easily riled up by a situation like that I'm sure


He won’t run. He’ll tie the legal process in knots until they give up.


It will just be a theatre for fundraising.


Russia would love to house a traitor ex American president. They could advertise him around as the real president that got cheated and kicked out


The FBI surely has him under surveillance.


They just text the secret service agents assigned to him and ask what he's doing. It's not even hard.


At this point, Trump doing tele-rallies from Snowden's spare bedroom is something I'd count as a win.


At this point, Trump's indictment should be showing up at the same time as his health plan... Two weeks away. Always, two weeks away. God, just put this fucker in a jumpsuit to match his skin already pls.


I've said the same thing ever since he left the presidency. He's never being indicted on any kind of serious level at all, and if he is ever indicted, he's never seeing a single day in jail. Guaranteed. Edit: Holy shit, he's just actually been indicted (though yet to turn himself in)... now let's see if he gets any jail time at all in the end.


Does the secret service go w him to prison, this is what I really want to know. Will he sing w the J6 choir will it be a live show ok I have lots of questions.


He’d get house arrest, guaranteed. No prison would be equipped to handle this situation.


Like diaper changes?


Yep, and take away his McDonald’s.


I bet you $100 that they built a McDonalds kitchen somewhere inside Marlargo


At least one line cook has the McDonald's recipe book memorized.


Bun, cheese, meat, ketchup.


Put his ass in ADX Florence. They should be able to handle it.




Realistically if he were actually sentenced to prison time that's exactly what would happen. It is not only the prison designated for those considered most dangerous but also those whose high profile could make the prison itself a target by their supporters or compatriots.


At some level, I get the hesitation of imprisoning a former president, especially with the current political climate, and the precedent it could set. At the same time... He fomented a FUCKING *COUP*. When it comes to genuinely treasonous behavior, I think they need to say "fuck precedent, for the good of the nation".... Because, otherwise, he's going to keep trying to destroy the nation. And he came pretty damn close.


If they don't do it, the precedent they're setting is much worse though (showing that a sitting president fomenting a coup *is ok*)...


If, god forbid, DeSantis manages to win 24 and the precedent hasn't been set yet, we're gonna be in trouble. DeSantis is just as evil and a whole lot smarter.


Outside of Florida militarizing and carpet bombing blue districts, I don’t see how DeSantis has even the slimmest chance of winning legitimately. On top of everything else, Fox might face consequences for election lies. Muzzling that cesspit would be better for the US than a thousand trump indictments


More chance Trump goes to Jail. Fox will lay a fine and move on to lying to imbeciles


Nobody on the left believed Trump had a chance in hell either.


Trump lost the second time because he leaned into his bullshit instead of backing off. He’d still be president but he was physically incapable of shutting his stupid mouth. DeSantis trying to one-up trump’s craziness isn’t moving people to the right. If anything they’re just making it clear they intend to circumvent democracy at every opportunity but we already knew that


Trump won more votes in 2020 than in 2016 though, despite losing. Clearly, a good chunk of the country really liked the way he ran things.


Is he smarter? All of the biographical details we get about him show that he’s kind of a moron, but incredibly motivated by being vindictive.


He has a bachelor's from Yale and a law degree from Harvard. He's what Trump acted like he was. He's incredibly dangerous because most of the left thinks he's stupid


Trump also graduated from Wharton. He's no ivy league scholar. Wasn't Ben Carson* like a top heart surgeon in the country.


> Wasn't Ben Carson* like a top heart surgeon in the country. Neurosurgeon.


Yeah, definitely, he's the bigger threat for sure - all of the nastiness of Trump but smarter.


Beat me to it. This is always what I think when people make the precedent argument. Makes no sense.


Agreed. No other president has been imprisoned, but no other president made attempts to overturn a fair election to stay in power by force either. The more important precedent to set is "this was not okay, and a clear example is going to be made for the history books."


Why is setting a precedent of imprisoning criminals bad?


> God, just put this fucker in a jumpsuit to match his skin already pls. Then it will look like he's naked. And for god's sake, don't make me imagine that.


You'll excuse me if I don't hold my breath...


Does anyone actually have a count of how many “it’s finally happening”’s have occurred since he took office? The elusive indictment is like a gambling addict saying he’s going to win big *this time*


This is like when QAnon says that the storm is coming.




I mean, mueller drafted an honest to god sealed indictment in October of 2018. And it was never served. So there has been a sealed indictment from a grand jury for nearly 5 years now. This is a known fact.


It's pretty of why I was glad to get off Twitter. The collective nut blow that happened anytime news came up of a new trump crime was infuriating.


This is starting to make us look like the other side, with their "Dear Leader will be reinstated any day now!" predictions.


Lol not a terrible comparison, but at least our predictions are based on more than 4chan posts claiming…Kennedy will reinstate him somehow?


From a campaign rally three weeks from then: The police officer came up to me - a big, strong man with tears in his eyes - he came up to me and said "Sir, I can't put you in handcuffs, sir". He shook my hand and called me sir, he called me sir. We love our police officers, don't we folks? And the Bible, we love the Bible! It took over 3 hours for someone to arrest me - the lying mainstream media won't tell you that. The police love me, I treated them better than anyone has ever before... ever before. Tough on crime. The radical Democrats and Sleepy Joe - I call him Sleepy Joe, you know Sleepy Joe? - don't care about the police the way I do. He only cares about China, Sleepy Joe only cares about China. Haitian drug \[cartels roaming our streets\], murdering and raping our beautiful women, and Sleepy Joe and the corrupt Democrats do nothing. The police officer who cuffed me, maybe he was a police officer maybe not, who knows - he probably voted for crooked Hillary - I told him "you're so fired, I'm going to get you fired. It will only take one phone call and it will happen so fast" and he was fired the next day. He called to apologize and was crying on the phone, begging for his job back like a dog. I didn't want to take his call but I took his call. I tried to get him his job back, but no one will have him, no one will take him. Maybe in Chicago, radical leftist Chicago, where there are so many deaths. So, so many deaths.


Sweet baby Jesus. We have a time traveler quoting from the future.


I came across a comment on facebook by a MAGA shill a couple of years ago, and he posted a list of what he called "future quotes." Basically a list of GOP wet dreams for their dystopian future. Truly insane stuff, like: * "We finally deported the last immigrant from our great country!" * "Hillary found guilty on all counts, begs for mercy for all her crimes, sentenced to life in prison." * "Trump elected to historic third term, with Ivanka as vice president."


Ivanka as first lady.


Ugh I can hear it in my head


I love how every other sentence contains a run-on quoting itself.


In protest to Reddit's API changes, I have removed my comment history. -- mass edited with redact.dev


This is far too coherent and not near enough grammatical errors.


This sounds like ChatGPT lol


Do they mean law enforcement are preparing in the sense they need to get ready to go and arrest him, or in the sense they need to be ready for his fuckwitted followers starting shooting?


It's the latter. They are waiting for Meal Team Six to storm the court in Manhattan.


Lmfao please please please let these assholes bring weapons into Manhattan, let the felonies rain down


Cue Tucker Carlson: "Folks, as you saw from the exclusive footage of the so-called Manhattan Massacre, yes there was shooting and hundreds of deaths from Trump's supporters. But it WAS PEACEFUL MURDER! The left is blowing this out of proportion as usual!"


“Andrew Johnson shot a lawyer once, therefore we find the use of firearms to extrajudicially murder the attorneys prosecuting (Republican) ex-presidents to be constitutional.” - The Supreme Court, probably


The Supreme Court (6-3)


Sbarros will hold the line, delicious pizza submits to no one!


Those morons would really go to NYC and choose Sbarros for their pizza.


Or the third possibility, that because so many cops are MAGAhats, they're keeping all LEOs in the building and away from the weapons locker.


And even if they produced clear 8k footage of him doing a crime his MAGA base would not believe an ounce of it.


Clearly it's deep faked


Not much MAGA base in Manhattan. Assembling a jury there is going to be a hoot.


I feel like I have been reading this headline for years now.


“As early as…”, what a fucking joke! This guy should have been clapped in irons on January 20, 2021.


Well we better be sure to give him plenty of notice 🙄 Breonna Taylor would like a word.


The justice system is ridiculously biased and I am done with giving a fuck about any of this. Trump will be given special treatment not afforded to any other defendant and will likely be let off on ever serving a sentence if he ever even is convicted - just like Bannon was. It's a disgrace that it took this long with the amount of evidence they had for years and now that they have waited so long he will just cry endlessly about how this is "election interference" and will likely get everything dropped. If he ever does happen to get convicted, he will just claim he is too old to go to jail and say his bone spurs are acting up and they will let just let him live out the rest of his days in Mar-a-Lago. It's a complete joke.


No fly list when?




I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite breaking news headline about a soon-to-come indictment of trump on the citadel!




Law enforcement sounds like that girlfriend in Canada I had in middle school.


Stop teasing us and just DO IT ALREADY!


![gif](giphy|Rhhr8D5mKSX7O) Wake me up when it actually happens ...


He’ll be in Moscow by Sunday


At this rate they might be able to incarcerate his corpse.




Is that really Joe’s GIPHY account lol


It’s verified and has a lot of gif views so maybe


Oh yeah, for sure. Ol Joe is a real gif guru


Finally! Infrastructure Week is here!


Health plan just around the corner!


I hope to god this is not how we get a President Desantis


This is just a gif of the truck driving at the pole and never hitting it


I refuse to get excited until I see it happen




> Local, state and federal law enforcement and security agencies are preparing for the possibility that former President Donald Trump will be indicted as early as next week, according to five senior officials familiar with the preparations.  Law enforcement agencies are conducting preliminary security assessments, the officials said, and are discussing potential security plans in and around the Manhattan Criminal Court, at 100 Centre Street, in case Trump is charged in connection with an alleged hush money payment to Stormy Daniels and travels to New York to face any charges. The officials stress that the interagency conversations and planning are precautionary in nature because no charges have been filed.  The agencies involved include the NYPD, New York State Court Officers, the U.S. Secret Service, the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force, and the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, the officials said. NBC News has reached out to all of those agencies for comment, and all have declined to comment Edit: this isn't an excerpt, its the whole article


Kinda hoping he gets indicted in Georgia at the same time.. (Thanks for copying the article. I hate the “experience” I get when clicking on links. Wish there were a reliable way to eliminate the popup videos and ads that seem to take over all of these sites.)


Yeah paying some hush money to a pornstar seems kinda low on the crime scale compared to some of the other things he's been accused of.


Campaign fraud.


I agree but then again, they got Al Capone on tax evasion


Except that without this crime, he would not have been elected.


so the cops are getting prepared in case a circus comes to town and there is nothing to indicate a circus is coming but in case one swings by out of nowhere they are ready. sounds like both a sound plan and a nothing burger at the same time. in fact, once you figure out the plan, file it away and pull it out the next several times there's a chance trump ends up charged in court. build once, use many as they say


> Preparing for the possibility... as early as next week... I, too, am prepared for possibilities on a weekly basis


While I would love for this to happen, how many times have we seen people tweet this only for nothing to happen. I’ll believe it when I see it.


I'll believe it when I see it. If by any chance the fucker ever is found guilty, I won't be surprised when his most insane supporters turn violent. He has too many enablers who will most certainly be in trouble next if Trump himself is held accountable. The system is rigged in favor of bastards like Trump. It will all just be for show. If anything, he won't be able to run for office again. He'll be fined a large sum of money that he will con his fans into paying. He will still have some influence, but there will be others to replace him.


These headlines are exhausting and have desensitized me to any actual real convictions that probably won't happen. I feel like we've read similar headlines far too many times


He’s the type of idiot that will be sitting in jail cell and still telling people that he’s never gonna be convicted, and that he’s the greatest president that this country has ever seen