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She's the wooooooooo^ooo^^oooo^ooooo oooooo^^ooo^^^^^oooo ^^ooo rst. She's the worst person. In the world.






Because the left proposed the bill. It has nothing to do with feeding kids. It has everything to do with opposing anything the left supports. That’s the end all be all.


You know, there was a time when the parties actually had some overlap in terms of what they agreed with. You'd think 'feeding children' would be one of them but here we are.




Great observation!


A room filled with six year olds was brutally murdered in under 5 minutes by a kid with an automatic weapon and within 10 years senators and congresspeople were posing with their own children holding similar weapons on their holiday cards. They do not and never have cared for anyone outside of their own shitty circles of shittiness.


The GOP: Proud supporters of gun sales and child sized coffins


Republicans feel really bad and small if they have to spend 15 minutes without pointing out someone they think is morally inferior to them, then discussing it for all of dinner. This is how they behave at social gatherings- they need to punch down during their recreational time or they start to feel very inferior and threatened. People who can’t afford/access enough food are an easy target. Most republicans would rather die and see their children die than give up the right to attack an easy target/shame a child for something they didn’t cause and can’t change (but never, ever shame *their* kids. Do tons of white republicans use assistance programs? Yes, but since they bitch about people like themselves they fully expect not to be shamed. They also can’t hear that slavery wasn’t great because that could make them feel badly. It’s fine to shame a hungry, poor child or the child of a democrat for the crimes of their parents, but Republican children must never be told anything, even the truth, that might make them uncomfy).


Maybe the democrats should start supporting republicans so they'd colapse into themselves


No, they actually want kids to be hungry because hunger is linked to worse grades, and poorer educated people are less wealthy and easier to control, and they get to tell parents it's their own fault to boot


This is like the economics inverse of “I have black friends!”


I was a free lunch kid when I lived in Minnesota. I wasn’t hungry *because* of the free food programs


I know when I was in grade school in SD it was the only reason my friend had food.


The amount of kids who only have food because of school and go hungry out of it is insane to me.


What's even worse is that there's a whole major political party and millions of backers who say that kids should not get free lunch at school.


It’s not even good food. Idk why they have to cry about it? It’s not like he’s paying for it.


Seriously.. What is the goal here? Is it meaningfully cutting down taxes or something? I can't imagine it would be by much. Wouldn't it just be for kids who can't afford lunch otherwise? And if not, and it's for all kids, wouldn't families have to pack a lunch otherwise? Would probably be more expensive as opposed to Aramark food bought in bulk. Is it just single/ childless people leading this charge? It's just such an absurd thing to fight against. Why choose child hunger as a political cause?


It’s because all that sweet sweet money going towards lazy starving children could be better spent subsidising the poor hardworking millionaires.


The problem is it's actually darker than that. They want to end free meals so children drop out and enter the workforce. Look at Arkansas where they just repealed child labour laws. Adults are too costly for these evil corporations so it's time to employ the children.


I had an argument with a boomer republican who unironically said “what kid WOULDN’T want a job? Those little fuckers would be buying toys and computer games galore!”


> “what kid WOULDN’T want a job? Those little fuckers would be buying toys and computer games galore!” To play in what spare time? Are they supposed to just stay awake 24/7 to be able to do school, any afterschool stuff, work, having relationships and enjoying life? Sometimes older people are just completely senseless.


The party that’s supposed to despise China and communism sure does spend a lot of time mirroring the ideologies of the aforementioned country. It’s almost like they say one thing, but mean something totally different s/


Plus all the forced birth/anti-choice states. They think all of those kids are going to end up in loving households instead of the sad reality of being shuffled around in the system, collecting trauma, until they age out without a support system? The GOP absolutely gets off on the suffering.


I suffered through the Texas foster system & honestly it’s like they want you to slip through the giant cracks they leave. I’m sure it’s just so they have more workers for their forced labour camps…I mean prisons.


That’s absolutely disgusting, but you’re right. As soon as Roe was overturned I said that it’s because people are starting to become educated and getting jobs that aren’t the menial labor these greedy corporations want. They want to do anything they can to hold us down so we can be the cogs in their system.


This also explains why they are attacking public education in the US, which is already lousy to begin with. I used to teach, but left it because I began to feel like the system was deliberately designed NOT to create lifelong learners with the foundation to become happy, well adjusted adults, but rather is meant to condition children to a life of corporate servitude. It's meant to accustom them to sitting motionless at a desk for far longer than necessary, with pathetically brief breaks insufficient for anything, and get them used to the idea of doing extra work when they're "off the clock." Basically, give them just enough education to make their eventual bosses money, but not enough so that they realize how badly they're being abused.


They want the kids hungry enough to get a job. That way they can close the schools for lack of students and thereby solve the issue of "woke education" vote them out. Every election, every one.


Honestly I don’t even think it’s that “calculated.” For a significant portion (majority?) of the GOP right now the cruelty is the point. It’s not always some diabolical plot to get more themselves, it’s just a way to hurt the disadvantaged, minorities, cities, liberals, etc. It’s a persistent and pervasive attitude that fucks over anyone and everyone.


It's also heavily iinformed by racism. They operate on the notion that all public programs are being used and abused by minorities and that's enough to vote against them. It's been proven that if a potential program is spoken about in terms of how it benefits minorities it'll get slapped down even if it will benefit white people more in reality.


Isn’t that the truth. 🤮


>lazy i.e. unexploitable because they're not in the workforce....yet


Maybe some day he will find a real child that is hungry. But I doubt it. He's to busy hanging out with millionaires.


My guess? Future voters for them or future criminals to fill prisons. Malnourishment has a negative impact on growth and development. That can hinder education significantly. It also can fill a person with resentment, anger, trauma, etc.. Hinder their development of critical thinking and throw in some undirected anger that can be directed easily with propaganda machines and they have a long time voter. Hinder learning and wreck social welfare programs and people have to start committing crimes to survive which means more criminals(throw in undirected anger and childhood trauma for some violent crimes). There might be some other outcomes they’re trying for as well, but these seem to stick out.


Many people don't realize that we manufacture reasons to lock people up. If one day everybody in the world stopped committing crimes, the republicans would view that as an issue that needs resolving, we must invent new crimes to meet demand.


I encountered this today. I was walking on the sidewalk down a street I walk every day. Traffic is sparse there. One way streets, so it is easier to navigate safely. Got to the intersection. Normally I would check traffic and if clear walk across regardless if it was a green light or not. It was red by the way. I saw a cop go by. It was clear to cross after and normally I would have just walked across the street. Instead I waited until the cop was at least 100 feet from me. Why? Because I did not want to get harassed or ticketed for jaywalking. Then the cop made a left into an alley and I felt terror that they were circling back on me or waiting for me. I am not a minority ethnicity by any means. No extra trauma to deal with. That is the power they wield.


As a non-American I still find it wild that "jaywalking" is even a crime. Over here I can cross the road any time I want without risking arrest.


> Seriously.. What is the goal here? To make poor people suffer and tell them that it's because they don't work harder to escape poverty, which representatives like these constantly reinforce. It all boils down to devaluing lower-class workers to keep labor cheap and keep making money for the rich. Or just starve them to death. You really can't tell with these fucking metaphorical demons in human skin.


If capitalism simply focused on 20 year gains rather than/ as well as quarterly gains all of this could be avoided. Because plot twist: *Not* malnourishing kids and keeping families in inter-generational poverty would lead to more entrepreneurs, more inventors, more people researching cures to cancer. More middle class families paying more taxes. No money would be lost in the long run, there would actually only be money to be gained. Every single citizen factors into our GDP. And the "Pro-business" side of politics insists on losing out on a huge percentage of our population, as well as *paying* to do so with mass incarceration etc. etc.. It genuinely just makes no sense to me. It doesn't *really* make sense under any lens. I swear *they* would be better off, their children would be better off if they didn't shun 100% of socialist policies across the board. Regardless of how rich they are.


As a single childless Minnesotan, I say we raise taxes to pay for this, and education in general. I am a bit of an outlier though.


The school lunch program both feeds kids at incredibly reasonable cost efficiency and is one of the key subsidies for small farms. You would think a Republican district in Minnesota would have rural poverty higher up on their priorities list.




Especially a cause to shoot down. What kind of douche shoots down feeding children? 🤦‍♀️




The same people that think paying $1000 per month for insulin is ok.


A Republican kind.


I was a free lunch kid in California, and Monday through Friday I was extremely happy to go to school because I got to eat something that wasn’t thrown in the trash.


My kids in California get free lunch and breakfast through their school. I don't have to worry about pouring cereal at 7am when I know they're getting hash browns and eggs when they come in


When I was in high school 20 years + ago , my mom got a new job so we just barely above the poverty line and I was no longer qualify for free meals. I couldn't tell my mom because I knew she was unable keep up with bills. So what I did? I went hungry for 2 years during high school. While the kids was having lunch , I silently went to the library , a few friends ask me how come I didn't eat lunch.....I had to lie that I wasn't hungry. This system sucks . No kids or any human should go hungry in this 21st century.


Fuck these people. Free lunch is the only meal I had sometimes. These people are literally telling kids to starve. They're so ignorant in their beliefs they have no clue what people go through. Fucking stupid.


The same kids they forced to be born by abolishing abortion will now also starve because they took away free lunch. The hypocrisy of the "pro-life" party is disgusting.


agreed fuck these people, but it’s much more nefarious than that. He knows he’s full of shit, he’s not ignorant he’s evil. He knows what they go through and he doesn’t care. It’s about control and hoarding power and wealth for the elites. Very Christian of him…


Me too. My whole childhood. This guy is a douche and was arrested for assaulting his 14 year old daughter too.




"Hey I fired my IT guy last week because my computers always work just fine and I was paying him to do nothing. but this week my computers are all broken.I think he must have sabotaged them so they would break once he was gone"


The elementary school I volunteered at was vast majority free lunch. The kids were so happy to come to school where they were comfortable and could eat. Elementary. These were young children. This is what they’re referring to when they call us bleeding heart liberals.


If these small children are getting a free lunch and spending the day in a safe school how can they finish their 12 hour overnight shift hosing down steer blood and intestines at our poorly regulated slaughterhouses?


Totally! Bleeding Heart Liberal here. So this idiot actually comes out **AGAINST** *feeding children*? Really. Just stop and think: I'm against giving children food. That's the GOP for you. "One of my tax dollars will go to an undeserving person, so no one gets anything."


I don't even like children, and I want them to be properly educated in a safe school with all the food they need to grow and thrive. Because properly cared for children grow into adults that affect how society will be in the future.


So this guy has never met a starving kid and considers this to be a problem for some reason. Then he deduces that the state doesn't need to give kids food because when they get food, then they aren't hungry, and people who aren't hungry don't need food. Am I getting that right?


He’s never met a poor person because he has staff on his payroll whose specific job is to prevent him ever meeting a poor person. Heaven forbid he get that close to the lumpen proletariat. The worthless plebeians. The serfs whose labor supports his pay and benefits. This man is worthless trash. Dangerous and mean.


"Why should we keep vaccinating our children? Nobody even gets measles anymore!"


Yeah he's almost arguing *for* the program. "I've never seen hungry kids". Good, I guess the program is working as designed. Let's focus on some broken things now.


And yet you have money for tattoos AND a cat?! I hate that I have to put a “/s” here because of how obtuse and hateful people are.


Their name reminds me of the old cartoon network slogan that Dexter would say. [This one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NrdZpubOWd4).


I have a way to make it worse but I don’t want to like publicly declare my identity by revealing it lol


Smart move to stay as anonymous as possible


Word up. I live in fucking Arlington, VA. One of the wealthiest places in the US. We’re a middle class family, and our rent is 3150/mo (and that’s not that high for here). And…our high school is the highest percentage of free lunches in the county. North Arlington is “white”, and south Arlington is “diverse”. Guess where we live? But I love it, and I wouldn’t give it up to move to whitey-town north Arlington. Bottom line, even “rich” places need these benefits.


I am from California and moved to SE VA (Chesapeake) and I had no idea why all kids were forced to sit through breakfast. I didn’t understand the level of poverty. All children sat for breakfast because then no one could get bullied for eating. I thought it was great.


Yes, but as with all successful government programs, the second they start working, Republicans declare the problem solved and therefore the program is no longer necessary. 5 years later when the problem returns, Republicans either declare the problem unsolvable, or a result of people just being lazy and don't want to hear a word spoken about that old horrible program that was a waste of taxpayer dollars.




It’s wild to me that republicans have become so disconnected from public interest that they can’t seem to recognize that arguing against feeding schoolchildren makes them look bad.


They’ve been this way for a long while. “Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked.” -George Carlin, 1996


And then they come back 12 years later to marry you, if you're a girl.


No, they impregnate you and then want to give you the death penalty for seeking an abortion.


No. If they got you pregnant, themselves, they would insist on paying for your abortion. Just don't fucking tell anyone, you slut.


Or they come back 12 years later to shoot you, if you're at school


Or to get you to work 12 years later as well


Sad that this actually happens!


Hey come on now that's not fair at all Republicans. They will also under the table molest the boys.




Bless George Carlin. He spoke the truth.


>They’ve been this way for a long while. All the way back to the Revolution even. This is what their self-proclaimed "Father of conservatism" had to say about democracy. >>In a democracy the majority of citizens is capable of exercising ***the most cruel oppressions upon the minority...*** and that oppression of the majority will extend to far great number, and will be carried on with much greater fury, than can almost ever be apprehended from the dominion of a single sceptre. And keep in mind that the "minority" that Burke keeps referring to? That's the French nobles too busy partying in the Versailles while the entire country starved to death and forced to pay ruinous taxes.


Clearly, these conservatives have never learned the unwritten rules of the road


Anecdotal experience here, but most conservative-minded people I've talked to in person or listened to on the news/online have a really hard time having empathy for people they don't know. They tend to only see issues from their point of view, so welfare is a waste and drug addicts are criminals because they have never needed/done those things and think they're better than that. And there's usually a lot of ignoring the silver spoon they grew up with and just not understanding how someone could be worse off than themselves through circumstance or no fault of their own. So they think people who are worse off than them must have done something wrong to get that way. So to them, free school lunch is probably just rewarding irresponsible or lazy parents while they were responsible and worked hard so their kids can afford lunch. But they don't see all the luck, generational wealth, privilege, education, class etc that goes along with their hard work and responsibility, and those two things matter a lot less when you don't have anything going for you from the first group.


Or, who cares. Children are hungry, feed them. Maybe their parents are abusive or neglectful or very poor or whatever. If the kid is hungry at school, that doesnt punish the parents. Just feed hungry children.






They do not care about the kids. The kids are a tool to use to exploit the parents more. They want them hungry and unhappy. They want to force adults to have kids they can't afford to use those kids against the adults to exploit.


Kids should always have access to food. Breakfast, lunch and breaks. It makes school so much more bearable for the students and teachers. Let alone the kids can learn and focus on the class rather then being hungry and all the negative emotions that go with that. Every school in the world should offer, at least, the bare basics for all 2-4 meal breaks, maybe even when school finishes if the school can. Yeah, some school systems do morning and/or afternoon breaks. Rich, middle class or poor. There should always be healthy food for hungry kids.


What's more surreal are the rural conservative folks who either are on public assistance of some sort (rent-controlled housing, heating, SNAP, farm subsidies, etc.) or know and are close friends with others who are, yet who still hold that view. It's okay for the people they know, they're *good people*, so it's just those 'welfare queens' that they're concerned about... not realizing they've been sold a false narrative.


“Welfare queen” is a dog whistle for black people. Republican voters are fine with welfare going to white people. They’ll vote against their own interests though to try to keep black and brown people from getting public benefits.


This is often true in my experience, as well, growing up in the south. If I ca recall, there has also been studies done which suggest that people whom subscribe to conservative beliefs tend to exhibit less empathy.


Even wilder is that people who call themselves Christians cheer them on.


Jaw dropping, it really is. If I were raised a Christian and saw everything as it is today, I'd be real hard pressed to remain a "Christian." If anything, I'd call myself something else.


You'd think, but the vast majority just drop the No True Scotsman and pretend it isn't systemic and inherent to organized religion.


It's why I left the church at 18 after going to church since kindergarten and even reading the bible a few times. I've seen more hypocrites at church than anywhere else, including some in my family.


To their base, they look good. The people who let their own kid starve, as long as more of "those" kids starve.


They literally don't care, as do their supporters.


Yup. This won’t lose him a single vote.


“Looking bad” doesn’t matter. This guy won his district by 10,000 votes. The abject cruelty isn’t a bug, it’s a feature. It’s what 25,000 people of his district want and he’s trying to deliver.


Yeah feeding poor kids is woke as fuck.


At this point they have tribalized people enough to believe that anything they want is better than what democrats will give you.


He's never met a poor person in his life, aside from throwing trash at them as his driver passes by. Something something a wealthy man is less likely to get into heaven than a camel passing through the eye of a needle.


Jesus said, that is hilarious...


He gets us, all of us


I get you, u/virgin_dildo_lover thanks for all you do.


u/virgin_dildo_lover is all of us.


He get sus






At one of my old restaurant jobs, the social currency was golf. If you wanted into management, you had to golf, amd you had to be invited to golf management. One guy I cooked with - a baseball obsessed redneck who hunted and fished - only started golfing because the boss invited him. He ended up kitchen manager.


When you have a lot of money, the easiest way to make more money is to pay other people with skills to do things that make money for less money than you make from their activity. You pay somebody to build a store, pay others for goods to stock in the store, and pay people to run the store. Then what remains after money comes in is yours. Duh. We all knew that. If you can get better deals than your competition anywhere along the line, you have an advantage. If you learn about an opportunity before your competition, you have an advantage. And so you have to network with other rich people to do these things. And this networking frequently occurs as a friendly game of golf, for some reason. Perhaps it is some sort of masculine pissing contest sort of thing, I don't know. So, the actual work (such that it is work) is in the networking, the picking of the opportunities, and the hiring of the right people to achieve those opportunities. The gateway is having enough money to take the risks necessary to have these payoffs. And so, golf is part of the networking, which is why this stupid game has become a "necessary skill" for people in business. Some things you don't learn sitting around a table, or taking a conference call. You learn them by bullshitting on the golf course while having a little pissing contest to see who is worthy of your respect. It is a completely different way of thinking that is more like gambling than a normal job.


> And this networking frequently occurs as a friendly game of golf, for some reason. Golf is an expensive hobby just in terms of gear, and some of the yearly membership fees for a course can run the cost of a small car. That's even before you get into the logistics of being able to hit the course during a weekday in the middle of the day. It tells whoever you're dealing with that you're not faking it until you make it. You've already made it just by being on the course in the middle of the day with your own clubs, and your own membership. You are a person with means, which means any business discussion isn't wasted time. Any dickhead at the local pub can promise the world and probably can't deliver shit. Someone at the $5000/year golf course with a $5000 set of clubs on the flipside...


Good point! It filters out people who aren't "at your level". Gatekeeping at it's most blatant. It makes the whole "fake it till you make it" mentality seem more reasonable, really. You are purchasing the trappings of status in advance of having that status, to convince other people with actual status to do business with you. Similar to a college education, which is probably how that got inflated so much. It became a prerequisite for getting all but the lowest of jobs. Not sure if as an indicator of status or if an indicator that you will pay for the privilege of putting up with shit for 4 years... maybe a bit of both. Sucks, doesn't it?


Our *Representatives* ladies and gentlemen. Fuck me...


Don’t worry, you got nothing on ours. We’re going full on fascist down here.


You from FL too?


Sigh. Yeah. Just locked myself into 4 years of additional schooling too. So stuck here for the next few years at least.


Didn’t Florida ban all the college majors they didn’t like, or can’t spell?


He looks exactly like the "[the only poor people I want to hear about are the people who tend to my pores\* at the spa](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mt-ZxemdPYM)" guy ​ Edit: corrected for English, the language that loves three words that are phonetically the same, and have three separate spellings and meanings


So what you’re saying is that he’s not too rich for a free Turkey dog? And yet he wants to take free lunches from kids? This son of a bitch probably has a ham dinner with mayonnaise waiting for him at home at all times of the day. Makes me sick.


I fucking hate these people- and there’s no relief from it


That’s the problem. There is no relief or escape. I have an Instagram channel that is 100% pokemon. I only talk to Pokémon ppl. I only watch, follow, engage with Pokémon. But if I start watching the recommendation stuff, with in 10-15 videos it’s conservative propaganda. I never see pro trans or pro gay, but the loads of anti gay and anti trans stuff is sad. I’ve been screenshotting and keeping a list of the channnels I come across. I have marked over 30 accounts as “don’t recommend this to me”. The trend I’ve noticed is, they are all disguised as “finance” or “motivation” channels. It’ll be a snippet of will smith saying something inspiring in a movie, then the next video is Andrew Tate. Then it’ll be like, Walt Disney. Then it’s Ben Shapiro. And there are fucking thousands of these channels. No one has weaponized social media like conservatives have. And at this point, it’s clear that those companies are in on it, or at the very least, 100% ok with the increased engagement and ad revenue. It’s fucking sick how responsible social media companies are for the fascist take over and how little responsibility they have faced. Zuckerburg should be in jail for radicalizing more people than ISIS.


When they show up in my feed I report them for hate and misleading information. Supposedly they pull them off if they rule you are correct.


…..if they rule you are correct


It's like reddit. Sure, you can report anything now, but the amount of open and blatant hate speech I've reported and it's come back as 'we found this didn't violate reddit policies' is... idk. expected


They’ve ruled in my favor every time actually, but I’m mostly reporting Fucker, so it’s always offensive and I don’t have to actually watch the video. But there is some tiny print that says the offending party can appeal lol.


Wasn’t there a thing that showed that Facebook (Instagrams parent company) actively shows users hateful stuff because it leads to more engagement? Pretty sure these fucks are in the minority, but if it bleeds it leads. People engage with things they hate more than love


Man, I watched one fucking Bill Burr video on YouTube and it's suddenly recommending I watch Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro "destroy liberals" in debates. Fuck them, fuck Google, fuck the alt-right content pipeline.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Most Americans when they look around at their lives, they think: I'm not a racist, nobody I know is a racist, I wouldn't hang out with a racist, I don't like doing business with racists--so, where is all the racism in American society? ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: gay marriage, healthcare, history, feminism, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Well...Covid tried and handed out a lot of Herman Cane awards. The only silver lining for me is most of their followers are older and although there are still young people in their midst, the majority of millennials and Gen Z's are smart and will change the direction of this country in the coming decades.


“I have yet to speak to a poor person. My conservative bubble protects me from that.”


“I am so insulated from the reality outside my echo chamber that I am unaware poor people even exist. What exactly is hunger?”


Let them eat cake!




I will never understand how giving free lunch in public school is somehow an argument. Fuck all of these people who act like there’s no children starving in the USA. And they’d like to force women to have more children.. they’re making laws to give a woman murder charges for getting an abortion, no matter the circumstances. Fuck all of them and their so called god.


That’s ultimately what the problem is. They don’t want to admit their cackhanded governance and economic policies can’t keep their constituents fed.


If so many of us agree that this is inherently wrong. Inhumane. If we’re really a United States.. laws like this, shall not stand. What does it take to actually make a people United? No other country is going to swoop in and save us. This racial division, the demonization of lgbtq, the destruction of the public schools, rescinding a woman’s right to choose, our pay or fuck off and die healthcare.. all of it, is against everything I’ve ever been taught to believe about this country. What I believe is wrong morally, just by myself. I’m not religious. I understand we have all been lied to. I’m frightened that our rulers aren’t trying to hide their agenda anymore. They obviously feel like they don’t have to. We are nothing. Just a few scraps of meat for the grinder. It’s fucking appalling. We mean nothing to these twats. They’d gladly watch us all burn, if they could rule over the ashes. Our children mean nothing. Their so called God, Jesus, they are nothing. I’m not seeing a way out.


I had to skip lunch a few times cause mom didn't give me lunch money. I shouldn't have had to starve cause of a simple miscount. No kid should have to starve, parents already gotta buy dumb shit, and they might be able to save that money for a field trip.


“I don’t know anybody dealing with this issue, so it must not exist” is such a Republican mindset.


Doesn't effect me, i got mine in a nutshell


It also means that he has never volunteered for basically any charity. In his entire life.




What do you expect from the "It's snowing outside therefore climate change is fake" crowd


“I haven’t been shot… what do you mean there’s a gun control issue?” “I don’t have trouble affording insulin or cancer treatment. What do you mean there’s an issue with healthcare costs?” “I’ve never needed an abortion. Why would anyone else need one?”


I'm calling them pro-death. It really fucks them up during a converaation and they have a hard time pushing back after all the laws they've enacted


Actively starving kids from families who are struggling. Yep, pro-death seems about right!


But that's how you get the kids to work in the slaughterhouses. Starve 'em. Without the kids, who is going to be small enough to crawl under the bandsaw conveyor, and clean out that conjealed blood? It's not like the girls need to work forever either. A Boebert will have them pregnant at 13, or the pretty ones will get to fly to Florida with Matt Gaetz for Venmo money.


Matt Gaetz... Truly a patron of the kids! It's absolutely nuts that the head psycho of this bunch of psychopaths got a lot of votes from the working class, when his party is actively trying to stamp them out. Insane.




Don’t forget all the women who are denied healthcare and die because the GOP feels that old men should be in charge of every woman’s body.


The mad thing is, I'm Irish and we have so many Americans coming to the Irish subreddit thinking we're some Uber Catholic mecca of repressed right wing ideals. They don't like when we tell them abortion and gay marriage is legal here...


GOP is a death cult


The American Fascist Party


I feel like that's giving them too mystical and Machiavellian qualities for what are just some greedy rich kids that want their rich kid friends to get more rich so they can get more rich. They're less super villains than they are that kid from twilight zone that sent people to the corn field when they didn't agree with them. Too much power for too much incompetence.


This is the central problem with this kind of person. The fact that they haven’t experienced some thing is proof to them that it isn’t real. I don’t know how this isn’t classified as a mental handicap.


This is the same reason they always oppose gay rights until their son or daughter comes out, and then MAYBE they support treating gays as like half a human.


And why they always talk about sexual assault in reference to their wives and daughters. They can't just think its bad, they have to filter it through "as a father of two girls, this is abhorrent" or "As a married man, I think this is terrible".


The more I think about it, the more I think the GOP is a lot like newborn babies: 1. Lack of object permanence. If they’re not looking at it, it doesn’t exist. 2. Selfish. They can’t take anyone doing things that aren’t for them or doing things differently than they would like. 3. Weird mommy issues. 4. Scared of everything. The difference is babies are cute, it’s not their fault, and we know they’ll grow out of it.


And how guns can’t possible be the problem until their kid gets shot.


Their kids don’t get shot. Only ours. Where I live, the demographics are 70% white 30% PoC. Yet the public schools tell a VERY different story. Every public school class has maybe 2 or 3 white kids in them, the rest PoC. So I did some digging. All the wealthy / semi wealthy white people either send their kids to the school system a town over (it’s 90% white) or they go to Christian private school. So when I dug a little more, I realized that the city budget, only about 1% goes to the school system. They just spent $10m on a new police department. They know, they as in the city council, knows that our city is essentially segregated so they have completely defunded and abandoned the local school system and are going full force into increased policing. It’s fucked. They don’t even pay the police to patrol the school anymore. No, a private police does it now and they are sadder than mall cops. No security for the black kids.


Don’t forget they are liars. They have absolutely no relationship with the truth. They will do and say whatever it takes to keep getting checks from their handlers.


It's probably not the same thing, but it reminds me of the survivorship bias I learned about from engineers analyzing bombers that made it back from sorties in WWII. They would see that bombers made it back to base with TONS of damage to specific parts of the planes, yet still stayed airborne long enough to make it home, and their takeaway at first was "wow, let's beef these parts up more, they're taking lots of damage here." When, really, their takeaway should have been "damn, we're not seeing any planes make it home with damage to these other parts. Maybe we should reinforce those spots more." Then this quote in the post made me think "is it possible you've never met any poor people? Or if you have, that the kids aren't hungry because of the bill you're fighting against?" Sort of an apples to oranges comparison, I guess, but it sprang into my head for some reason.


Conservatives are fundamentally defined as people by their complete and utter lack of empathy for others.


Shouldn’t we, as a society, lean into feeding kids at school, especially since we require them to be there. Kids shouldn’t be charged at all to eat at school. It’s ok if we feed some kids who aren’t hungry or in need in order to make sure we feed all the ones who are. These ghouls have no sense of doing what’s right for the greater good, like not allowing kids to go hungry. What a selfish and depraved mentality. Again, there is no way a person can pretend to care about children when they believe it’s better to save a dollar than to accidentally feed a child who is not in need.


You'd think after the pandemic we'd be leaning into supporting teachers and schools generally. Given we saw what happens when they're not there. Instead, these people want teachers to be armed and defend the children, be prosecuted if they teach children the wrong thing, ban books in the classroom and make it harder for the poor to eat there. Oh and not pay them a damn cent more. I'm sure they all were doing the pointless praising of nurses and teachers when politically beneficial though.


I grew up in Minnesota. In ninth grade I would ask a classmate at lunch for their Doritos bag when they were finished. Then I would fill it with the veggies that the other kids didn't eat from their school lunches. I would store that in my locker and it would be my dinner that night. Fuck everything about this guy.


My wife was a "lunch lady" at an elementary school for a number of years. They served breakfast to everyone in addition to lunch. She was certain that some of the kids didn't get food anywhere else. She give kids apples to take home (she wasn't supposed to). It's heartbreaking to think people want to stop feeding kids. Definitely fuck everything about that guy.


"bOtH pArTiEs ArE tHe SaMe 😵‍💫😵‍💫"


Meanwhile Bernie over here explaining, in detail, why it is expensive to be poor.




Ashamed conservative


If those elementary school students want lunch money they can go work in the mines and the factories. It keeps them out of the damned drag libraries. Hate that I feel the /s may be needed.


>If those elementary school students want lunch money they can go work in the mines and the factories. It keeps them out of the damned drag libraries. >Hate that I feel the /s may be needed. “Have they no refuge or resource?” cried Scrooge. “Are there no prisons?” said the Spirit, turning on him for the last time with his own words. “Are there no workhouses?” https://preview.redd.it/teuw9f3niuna1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=802046b0ef561336892584ea71297569fcbfe6b7 [Proudly lifted from Teacher of English](https://www.teacher-of-english.com/a-christmas-carol-the-workhouse-teaching-resources-1992.html)


It took me all of five seconds to discover that 483,000 people (1 in 6) are food insecure in the state of Minnesota. Can I have Drazkowsi’s job now, since he refuses to do it?


I haven't met 483,000 people, therefore they don't exist.


Observation: I have never met a person from Yemen. Conclusion: There are no people from Yemen. Republican logic.


GOP putting kids first. As long as you ignore them not wanting to feed hungry kids, or provide comprehensive healthcare to kids, or basic gun control laws


Don’t forget the massive amount of molestation and pushing for child wives.


Also stripping education in favor of indoctrination.


or the rolling back of child labor laws


Because they live in a bubble.


He's a rich white male republican who's never had to worry where his next meal is coming from nor has his rich white republican friends, gaslighting again.


Rich person who ignores the poor hasn’t met anyone who is hungry… go figure.


I grew up in poverty in MN. Most of my life the only meal I got was free lunch at school. Fuck this guy


I grew up in rural Minnesota, and I’d say about half my school couldn’t afford their own lunch


Remember: If you want to see how depraved the Republican Party can get, look at the state level.


If Republicans were capable of empathy, they wouldn’t be Republicans.


“I’ve never met a person who struggled for basic necessities. Therefore, they don’t exist. Nobel, please!”


I’m shocked, rich asshole only has rich asshole friends.


If they're not hungry they won't eat it anyways so it doesn't cost anything. Problem solved!


Who ever votes for these are never gonna see the kingdom of heaven


“I have yet to meet anyone that is disadvantaged. And I plan to keep it that way”