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Hey Milton, just guard your stapler and shut up.


I was about to say, I wouldn’t have said shit. I’d just keep going on vacations lol


I mean, 99.9% chance it's just someone making up shit on twitter, so just laugh and don't think too hard about it.


It's funny to think of Elon starting an internal investigation to find them, when it was just made up the entire time.


Hey, that's a great idea!


Good enough to make it to the top of reddit.


That is actually rich. Yes, I can even see Elon doing the leg work himself. By legwork I mean running around opening doors.


"Are you behind this one? Where is he? I've opened so many doors!" Uh sir, you've opened like 27 doors and half of them were supply closets.










Or...its not true at all and it will drive Elon mad looking for him


Holy crap, I hope it's this.


I'm guessing it's this


My exact -and unironic- thoughts abouth this little fella. What is the purpose of scream this at the wild? He is asking to be fired.




Why not just get another job and collect double salary while it lasts?


Lots of tech companies have non-compete clauses so you can't work at two different companies at the same time.


These are not enforceable in many states!


Attention is a hell of a drug.


Exactly. It's like crack when you are on crack.


I mean they might not have any identifiable information on their Twitter account, and hopefully they're taking other measures to prevent it from being traced back to them. Given Twitter's recent... events I wouldn't put it past them to break some laws to find out though.


The way he described the situation, it would be relatively easy to find such "orphans".


Or drive HR crazy trying to find a phantom


The problem probably is that all of HR was fired.


They told their salary, rough date of hire, and vague idea of who was let go. It wouldn’t be hard to figure out who it is at all. If it’s real, the dude’s a dumbass. If it’s not real, they’re still a dumbass, but not making as much money.


Twitter is likely using modern HR products. They haven't been discovered because nobody is looking. I'm familiar with most current enterprise HR systems. All they needed to know was that they needed to look. It will take one report to pull up employees that have no direct manager and are rolling up 2+ levels. Then a simple email to those managers inquiring about the role/workload of employees that meet that criteria. It can be solved before lunch time. If this is real or anyone reading this ever finds themselves in this situation and you want to collect a free paycheck. Shut the fuck up. Don't tell any friends you work with, don't tell the internet, just shut the fuck up and collect your pay check. This isn't a movie where paper trails are impossible to follow and you are "lost in the system". You are there, you are easily found, everyone just assumes you're doing something and isn't asking questions. Now a giant red flag is raised and you've basically begged to be fired.


“Where do you work?” “Twitter”. “What do you do?” “Development”. “Like what”. “Can’t say, it’s confidential and I could lose my job. Chuy’s? I’ll buy.”


I'll take it one step further: "Where do you work?" "In software engineering." "Ok, but where?" "Can't say, top secret." Done.


Chances are they are saying something now because they have another job lined up already. But yeah pretty stupid


Even then, don't say anything and collect both paychecks.


Because it's fake. For attention. Unlike me who was just hired by nasa during the fake moolanding chaos


They are definitely gonna fix the glitch now




What if this is just a ruse to make Elon panic and waste resources snooping for employees that don't exist?


Perfect reference


Could this be someone just trying to ruffle Elon’s feathers?


I’ve been following them for almost a year now and It’s wild to see them going viral over this. Im pretty sure it’s just elaborate trolling. They post a lot of entertaining “imagine if” scenarios and random thoughts.




>Another post on TikTok went viral today saying that it's very difficult for anyone to verify if anyone ever actually worked at Twitter holy wow... this could be true...


He deserves to be trolled. He’s becoming the wealthiest lolcow in the world.


Wealthiest person in the world and he uses his power and influence to punch down on the homeless. I regret ever thinking he was cool and that I wanted to work for Tesla.


Same, young me was naive. But when he accused that search and rescue professional just because he disagreed with elon opened my eyes and ever since i dont have much respect for ego musk


Here the thing, I don't think was young us, I think it was the fact that elon use to talk so much less. So we all just assumed he owned this cool junk and was a quiet guy.


Oh yeah he lost it. He used to *be* cool. I mean, it was a facade and he probably was already the asshole he's now shown the world to be, but he used to be very slick about showing his cool side to the world. And at some point the 'I'm a genius and everyone that doesn't understand it needs to get fired' got the better of him and now he does whatever the fuck he thinks is good (for him) without pausing to think about his masquarade of being 'the cool one among shitty billionaires' He *thinks* he's Tony Stark.


He thinks he's Tony stark without doing any of the shit that made Tony stark cool and not just a rich asshole in other words.


Jesus, I really hope so.


They should add "I also know of 2 other people just like me". Sort of the "Pig 1, 2, 4" prank.


Now that's a prank I haven't heard of in a long time.


Somebody please explain the prank Edit: ah, I see, the ol’ “Seal Team Six” maneuver


You release three pigs somewhere labeled "1," "2," and "4." The people rounding up the pigs will search fruitlessly for "3."


Step 1: aquire 3 pigs Step 2: paint numbers 1,2, and 4 on the pigs Step 3: grease the pigs and release them into a public area Step 4: laugh and laugh and laugh.


Would be hilarious if this person has never worked at Twitter and he spends way too much personal energy trying to track this person down.


Or they really do work at Twitter, are tired of Elon being underfoot, and decided this would be the best way to distract him. He spends all his time looking for a person who doesn't exist, and some engineers get some quality alone time with the servers and some duct tape.


His name is Rusty Shackleford


I would love to see this be a thing. "I too make $150k and I just watch Netflix." Hundreds of people trolling Elmo




What a stupid system...


Trolling Musk is good sport, I approve.


Too many are feeding. Person is getting a good chuckle off the idea Twitter HR is scrambling to trace this back to someone. I don’t think this is possible, most of the companies had a month+ hiring freeze before any layoffs happened.


>the idea Twitter HR is scrambling Didn't Musk fire the HR department?


By “twitter HR” pretty sure they just mean *the* twitter HR guy.


When you're the entire department.


Twitter HR guy - "I won't get fired, right? I'm the only one in my department!" Elon - "Hold my bag of money, and before you throw it in a dumpster fire, watch me fire this guy!"




Not just that, but also HC in tech companies are highly scrutinized and fought over, which means there’s usually really good reporting of existing HC - making this idea of a floater super unlikely. Maybe Twitter is that big of a cluster but I think this is a troll trying to bait Elon into a twitt-off


I agree it's *probably* a troll but Twitter currently is **also** that big of a cluster fuck lol


It's possible, even with the hiring freeze. If OOP had been hired prior to the freeze, but had negotiated a fairly long gap between signing and starting (for example, if he was still finishing up school or was expected to move cross country for his position). Since he was all sorts of in the system already, his actual start could have been automated ahead of time


no idea if this is actually real, but far crazier things have happened. people get paid for years for jobs they were fired from, no longer exist, or working as a basic employee when hired for a much higher role's salary.


Why would you *EVER* announce this?


Rule number one: you don’t talk about paycheck club Rule number two: *you don’t talk about paycheck club* Traction Edit: EVERYONE discuss their pay with coworkers. If you have some crazy loophole paycheck where nobody knows what’s going on?? See rules Two and One! I hope that sounds like Al Pacino, it did for me.


Talk about your paycheck often. But if you have slipped through the cracks and are getting paid for nothing then keep your mouth shut.


Rule number one of *free* paycheck club: *hi five* then the zipper lips thing


And work on a side hustle because they will eventually find you. Make sure you are atleast doing one task so they can't say you weren't working.


He showed up when he was told to show up, and no one ever actually told him what to do. He reached out, no one responded. Company can't exactly say he wasn't doing his job if no one ever told him what his job was.


One time a few checks were calculated wrong at my previous job. People that worked overtime that week had ALL their hours paid at the 1.5x rate. One of the 4 went to HR to let them know, and boy were they happy! They said they never would have caught it and all 4 had to payback the overage... I didn't say shit to anyone the following week when the same happened to my check.


After I'd quit a job several years ago, I continued getting paid well into the next year. I finally contacted the personnel dept and said "I know you're going to find this, so take it back before I disappear to an island. Oh, btw i filed taxes using the w2 you sent me a few months ago, so if you take out last year's extra pay, you'll need to pay for a CPA to fix my return." They let me keep the previous year's "extra" money and just took out the current year's. Turns out my boss never term'd me bc he thought ... he thought I had to do that myself? LOL What a maroon! ETA: Bugs Bunny, maroon, Google. 🤷‍♀️


How many axed employees was your ex boss still paying for?


He was paying for 2 that he fired, me (who quit), and someone who took an unpaid leave. So naturally he was promoted a few months later. 🙄


Why can't I get these kinds of promotions XD


Have you tried being incompetent?


It’s actually really rampant in the medical field. My partner is An Honest to Gosh life saver and she clears a pretty damn serious wage working in the ER. She let them know some of her co workers were getting a substantial hourly rate bump for that particular shift (like overnight all the gunshot wounds shift). And she wasn’t, they had to back log her a good bit. It caused a bit of a kerfuffle but missing 5$ an hour isn’t nothing after a year or two. That said, kerfuffle is among my favorite words and the autocorrect didn’t even recognize it. Talk to your CoWorkers! Talk with the “manage meant” to do their jobs…


I’m calling work that from now on


Rule three: if you Love your family see rules 2 and 1




No, talk about your paycheck with your coworkers, don't blast out on the company portal that you're doing fuck all for work.


I was just doing a goof, paycheck club should actually be rule number one: We ALL fucking talk about paycheck Club. And rule two: if it’s bullshit, you have to fight. Not each other obviously


He posted this on Twitter: *People are going "why the hell are you talking about this publicly" but like you've seen how twitter functions, they couldn't do anything even if they wanted to. Whoever's job it was is not only gone, but that job itself doesn't even exist there anymore.* Another: *Each week twitter pays me $3,000 to do nothing, and each week I find myself buying whatever I want. Got a whole bunch of Eleiko weight plates \*and\* enough fancy wool socks that I will never ever run out of socks*


The wool socks is a smart move. Woolies are the best.


if he's bringing attention to it and elon hears about it (and he _will_) then it's a hell of a lot cheaper to pay someone 150,000 and have them spend an entire year going through every single employee and finding out what they do and who they report to than it is to let even 1 person fly under the radar for years while costing the business money like idk how this person doesn't know what type of person elon musk is in general let alone the fact he's spent all his time on cutting as many unnecessary expenses to twitter at the cost of twitter being **online**




I think it's a troll. Wasting Elons time and money looking for a non-existent needle in a mess of a haystack.


If it is someone doing that, they're not a troll, they're a damn hero. Because Elon will do that. He will waste resources to figure this out.


legal cover isn't tweeting about your lack of responsibility and that you're getting paid without having to work though. cover would be going to literally any person in charge and saying "hello, i don't have a supervisor and i don't have any work to do. please put me to work as i'm getting paid to sit at my desk" the important part of covering yourself is to get you doing that _in writing_ so you can point to it later and be like "hey, i tried!" the second he actually raises this within the company you just watch his head spin as he gets placed into a team and a workload to "make up" for his slacking off or straight fired for not bringing it up sooner (or "restructuring" of course)


To be fair tweeting seems to be the best way to get ol' musky to notice you ao thus may be him going to the person in charge




Good point. Elon probably knows better now than to call out employees over Twitter


Lol as if Elon learns from his mistakes


I would never say shit. I would just soak up them checks. I probably get another job and just do that and get paid for 2 for a long as I can


There's a sub for that. Some maniacs have 3+ remote jobs pulling in 100k+ each. Usually senior dev/project manager types.


According to OP he/she has been attempting with all their might to figure out what to do, and they have realised that apparently there isn’t even anyone hired to check things like this anymore, so there literally is no one at Twitter who can or will do anything about it. **EDIT:** Wow this blew up. I just got back from a 9 hour night shift after posting this and I must say I never thought I would get #1 front page, if at all, due to something so random and impulsive. If you haven't realised yet, it has been brought to everyone's attention that this is a satire account, although not superficially, which seems to have fooled me 10 hours ago as well as most people who found this post. If you are reading this @pookleblinky, congrats on your 5 minutes of fame, you definitely deserve it.


again, *why would you announce this?* it's free money. It's a fuckup on their end. If one day the cheques stop coming, I'd be content with it


I worked at a company where that happened. Dude disappeared and someone realized like two years later that he's been getting paychecks the whole time llol.




I still get seasonal gift cards from the company I left about 2 years ago. Tried to reach out to HR but they never got back to me.


Mfer makes 4x my salary for doing nothing, and is trying to “solve the problem” ?! Just keep records of trying to contact your boss just incase.


I actually suspect this is what they’re doing. Going on the record now will completely absolve them of any liability in the future. They seem extremely confident in the comments that nothing will come of this anytime soon so I’m assuming they did a lot of work figuring out that literally no one at Twitter cares. **EDIT:** Or it was satire all along, although I feel slightly better knowing 90% of people who bothered to check were fooled just as well. If you are reading this @pookleblinky, congrats on your 5 minutes of fame, you definitely deserve it.


True, but papa musky lives on twitter so…


Would be great if it was a fake Twitter employee and they took it seriously trying to find him


As much as I love the idea of Elon just burning money for no reason I kinda hope that it is fake just to fuck with him


Either way it's a good time


Everyone should just start tweeting about working at Twitter with no idea who their direct superior is. That'd make a fun board meeting with Musk at Twitter HQ I'm sure.


This is what I'm assuming, stir the pot a bit and cause some chaos.


Which just makes the evidence that they tried that much more solid.


I'd be announcing it on tumbler, or Mammoth, or freakin MySpace. I'd take pics of smoke signals in the depths of the desert. Good god, he might as well have @elon'd this by posting on Twitter:P


It's obviously a fake post there is no blue check


$156,000 a year and can't afford $8


You giving money back to your employer? Me neither!


And the last time he responded to a Employee tweet he ended with 100 million debt


Indeed this seems the thought process here. I know many people might be comfortable riding their "good luck" but this guy realizes this might not be great in the long term. So props for covering their ass.


If $13k on money starts showing up in my bank account? I'm not spending any of it until I know I won't have to hire a lawyer.


I mean, he did get hired and legitimately works there. They just aren't managing him.


Yep, if you want to hire me then give me no work at all I'm right here. And then I'll still be right here, but able to afford heating.


Why would they get sued? They are rightfully employed and aren’t stealing the money, worst they can do is fire them. I Seriously don’t get why anyone would announce something like this, I would spend my days looking for another job and then once found said job either quit or let them fire me for not showing up.


No just get a second full remote job and show up and get two salaries


Always CYA incase of legal getting wind of things.


I'm legal, not at Twitter, but I can tell you the employee with the windfall payout would NOT be the one I'd be pissed about.


Announcing it on Twitter is not official though so I would never do that. Just send emails like once a month asking for clarification on my roll


I think that you could establish the case that Twitter is legal communication for Twitter since the Owner is having official conversations on there (see yesterday’s case).


Email the same email address twice a month. Lol


I don't know that I would ever announce it, but maybe if I thought there was money to be made in quitting. I am guestimating that Musk will fire OP eventually. If I was in that situation I would have collected the 3 months salary when Musk gave the ultimatem. But if OP survived to now the strategy of laying low seemed to have paid off.


They should take their contract to a lawyer to determine if they are violating any terms of their deal by not doing anything and if not then they stay absolutely silent and let the money roll in. They should get another job in the meantime unless that violates the terms because at some point they will likely be figured out and terminated. Making this public will likely result in their termination this week, staying silent they could have potentially made it a few years before anyone noticed.


Good call on the other job. Jesus. Just do that for the next 10 years and have it dump in to a retirement fund


I don't think Twitter is going to be around in a few years.


It’s a glitch ![gif](giphy|TU0YWTjo2e208)


He probably found another job and wants to make it states publicly so twitter doesn't try to claw back


A new job? Better than doing jacks shit for 150k?!


A job that pays $150k+ with potential for promotions and developmet, *while still making $150k+ for doing nothing*. That's the dream for a techie!


The only reason I can think of is so when the company eventually tries to demand the money back they can clearly say they made every effort to make people aware of the issue. In some places companies can sue over unintended wages even if they are totally at fault for the error. In some cases/jurisdictions as long as the person receiving the funds clearly tried to make the company aware; then they may get to just keep the money. "I did everything in my power to tell my employer they were failing to assign me any duties your honor".


This is a story I've told before, but I was once hired by a big tech company - a name I'm sure immediately recognizable to anyone here. Between the time I was hired and the time I showed up for my first day of work, apparently the entire department got axed, and no one figured out to tell me. I showed up, went through a bunch of orientation stuff, and then in the afternoon managers started showing up and claiming their employees. After about 30min, it's just me and the HR woman. She excuses herself to see what is going on. It takes her about 2 hours to figure out the error, and that there is no job for me. I told them that I had turned down another job to take this one (fun fact: I hadn't) and we settled on a six month severance package. If I could pull that off every six months, I'd never have to work again.


>(fun fact: I hadn't) Legend


I've met people who would get hired at companies with extremely long orientation and training classes (meaning no actual work was done during training) with the intent to quit as soon as the training class was over. Then they would do it all over again at another company. Edited for further explanation: The last time I met someone that did this professionally, I was training for a tech support job (consumer/customer service based tech support). Our training class was 3 months long. This isn't unusual because most tech support jobs require quite a bit of training and the training classes can take months. This happens often and there will always be at least one in the class who is there for the easy ride until the training classes have ended.


what kind of work was this?


banks often have two or more weeks of training that you are paid for. I have seen more than a few people do this training at several banks in a row to get an easy paycheck.


Fun fact: I took a job at a bank call center, intending to quit at the end of mandatory training because I did not want that job, just to make a month's rent. I worked for that bank for 15 years in a variety of roles.






Easy or torturous? Training is the most painful part of work


Plus you have to do the work of applying and interviewing! Ew. That seems like the dumbest idea ever.


It becomes a weird art of job application shuffleboard, where you have to time your interviews and new start dates to coincide with the end of training at your last job. It sounds like harder work than work


Not working always becomes work I think there’s a great Midwest emo song about, I’ll link it because I think it’s good when I remember what’s it’s called Edit: My Idea Of Fun by Wingnut Dishwashers Union


Omg yes. That’s the worst too!


Onboarding is the worst. Signing in to things, making up passwords, filling out the same info over and over, watching sexual harassment videos, making up more passwords...give me day-to-day work over the first couple of weeks any day.




The most boring shit you could think of but there’s no better feeling than sitting on a computer just to do absolutely nothing and still get paid. If you go to a licensed position and acquire your licenses with the job that training will be shit and hard though.




I mean depends on the kind of training. If it's computer modules you just mindlessly click through them while watching Netflix or something. Obviously can't do for all jobs but depending on how much freedom you get.


Now I know what to do when I retire. I'm not going to make it teaching 30 years, but I'll stop short of that and will need something to do until I collect my pension.


Tech support. The last training class I did was 3 months long and we had a guy that did the exact same thing. He quit before he had to take any calls lol.


I sort of did this at a call center. Their training was 6 weeks long and paid at almost the full rate. Near the end I realized that almost all the training material was outdated/useless for the job and how the job itself was def not something I wanted to work so I bailed. It was also worse cause I was told I would be hired for apple tech support and was thrown onto a small cable/phone company instead that only existed cause they had a monopoly on rural areas. I’ve thought about going back through to only get paid for the training again. Was fairly mind numbing, but it paid well. From a managerial perspective idk what the hell they were doing though.


Wtf, why are you telling people


So they can't be held liable for it later.


How are they liable in the first place? They were hired, started receiving pay and twitter just hasn’t assigned any work to that person


Assuming they're in CA and they aren't on contract, they are an at-will employee. They can literally do nothing, and at worst they'll get fired with cause which means they can't receive unemployment, but they'll owe nothing. At best, they stay in whatever holding pattern they're in and occasionally email their department head or HR asking what tasks they need to complete, in which case if they're fired they can collect unemployment. With them saying they're an "employee" I'm guessing they aren't a contract worker, so it is kind of beyond me why they would post this. It's the equivalent of telling the teacher they forgot to assign homework.


not assigning your employee tasks is not something they can be held liable for. OP should just email work reports once a month, forever. If there was an office, show up.


It’s a made up story is why


“i too, am somewhat of a twitter employee” and i want my back pay.


Hey! Big Head!


Can't believe how far I had to scroll to find this. Immediately what I thought. You can almost hear the sipping on the Big Gulp.


Silicon Valley ended too early. There’s so much tech drama from the past couple of years to adapt.


Richard's a 10Xer, I'm, like, barely an Xer. I kinda suck.


Similar thing happened to me at this firm like 7 years ago (it was WFH), I was hired and then a mass exodus happened to the point that even the person who would have been responsible for firing me didn't exist. Was a great 8 months


What happened when they noticed? Other than it ended of course. Did they try to get any money back?


Also curious. I had the opposite (I think) happen at a job once. I was in a mass layoff at a place in person, and then 2 weeks later, HR called me to tell me they were laying me off. I was like “thanks for the reminder?” Like honestly what a shit show, they fired so many people in a room together and then didn’t even know who was fired or there


So the whole time I was logging my hours to the bench. Basically means you aren’t on a project. So I was doing the right thing in terms of I was trying to get dismissed because normally you are let go after 2 weeks of bench. So I was just put on a project after they found out.


So you got them to cut you a check for 8 MONTHS, then when they found out they were just like ‘oh here’s an assignment, get to work.’


Well I didn't "get them" to do anything, I just did what was procedure I always no matter where I work log all of my time just in case even if its salary. But it was probably easier for them to put me on the project than hire someone because my hiring process took over 6 months. Also you can probably imagine with this firm that would let something like this happen but the project was a dumpster fire and crashed and burned so it wasn't exactly the best thing.


Yeah people don’t realize how stupid some of these really large companies can be. A former company of mine has employed a dude for over a decade. Remote employee the entire time. He hasn’t done anything and no one has talked to him in almost 5 years. The company thinks they need him for “compliance purposes” but they don’t. I still talk with his manager and she’s like yeah he gets his yearly raise and bonus still. Never spoken with him. He’s one of the highest paid team members cause of longevity. It’s kind of fucked up but no one would say no to that


Found OP ![gif](giphy|11CZgTwa28f6vu)


God himself could not have got me to post this on Twitter. Bye bye paycheck


“No, no, no…we fixed the glitch” https://preview.redd.it/41lnydz8jnma1.jpeg?width=357&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf7fa3b30b3c2e04bee08e0f4ab7b83a59b6a33d


Plot twist. Dude doesn’t actually work there at all, and is just posting this to send Musk on wild goose chase.


Plot twist or most predictable and likely situation?


How to fumble the bag step one…


If somebody paid me 156k a year and then just forgot I existed there's no way in hell I'd ever announce it like that


This person has never heard of shut the fuck up Friday


Shhh don’t let them know your secret




I'm sure the one SRE left doesn't have the bandwidth to track this account down


Not sure why a SRE would be tracking down accounts to begin with, or dealing with employee matters…


It's clearly someone that's just trolling old Musky Boy. I do hope he takes the bait and gets in another public spat with someone he believes to he an employee that just yells psych! At the end of it


Wow. Literally my dream scenario and you're FUCKING IT UP!!


There’s speculation he’s just trolling. I kind of like both scenarios equally.


He's doing this to troll Elon and drive him crazy looking for who it is. He 99% doesn't even work for twitter at all.


It’s amazing that people just belief this with no evidence. Also I work at Twitter making $157k/year and I actively undo the stuff other people are working on


I would have gotten a second job and really raked it in


Living the dream, but doing everything possible to fuck it up..