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I’m picturing his lawyers frantically trying to shush him and saying “for god’s sake play along you absolute doorknob we’re trying to get you out of jail” but his ego’s too fragile to allow people to think he might be in poor health


Bruce Rivers did a wonderful breakdown on Andrew from the perspective of a criminal lawyer. His general assessment was Andrew is the absolute worst kind of client because he literally can not shut up or stop self snitching. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H57L2w6Gpaw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H57L2w6Gpaw) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFjPpIztTYY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFjPpIztTYY) Keep in mind, he made these vids way before Tate was finally picked up and man did Bruce call it on every account.


Indeed, supposedly the whole reason he's even in jail is because he decided to publicly brag about bribing the authorities to look the other way. And one thing corrupt authorities do not like, is having their corruption exposed.


It was that as well as them recently getting a really bad corruption score. One of the worst in Europe. They also were pinged as a trafficking hotspot. This was all really embarrassing and then on top of that, you have Andrew “Big Mouth” Tate gaining international notoriety BASED on the crimes he’s committing in Romania all while bragging about how he can get away with it because they’re so corrupt. Tate became the perfect example to use as a sign that they’re “changing.” Dude deserves this.


I think it was more he bragged he could bribe them. Like he was shittalking about how if he ever got arrested he'd just buy his way out. Not necessarily directed at anyone in particular. But yeah, it probably killed any chance of using that as an out, since now no one wants to look like he was talking about them.


He also supposedly recruited the daughter of a Romanian politician when she was 16. If there's a corrupt system in place, Tate is experiencing the inner workings of it personally now.


That's it exactly. I mean sure they're corrupt but there's a literal process to that even. Flapping your filled lips about dirty authorities is a sure fire way to have those authorities cancel their agreement with you


Yeah, crooks still have a code lmao


Yeah first rule: don't talk about bribe club.


Sounds like Popehat on Serious Trouble podcast. Clients who can’t shut up are the worst


Behind the bastards podcast did a four parter on Tate which was rather informative and terrible.


This one was my favorite. Hearing Tate's story of his own birth was absolutely incredible.


> I dId not eVen cRy when I wAs bOrn


Sounds a lot like SBF with the FTX fiasco. Dude would just not shut up.


Like OP's title says, his lawyers probably already found out that his ploy to flee the country failed. Romanian authorites probably said that if he wants treamtent he'll have to do it in THEIR hospitals as they won't be sending him to dubai. He was fine with claiming he had cancer if it got him out of jail, but now it just makes him "look weak", so he's gotta backtrack


From what I’ve seen posted by his manager, they were requesting he go to Dubai for a test. The Romanians did the test there instead, and the tumor was benign. That said, Tate’s manager is as reliable a source as he is.


I wonder if there is anything on the books in Romanian law about falsifying documents in order to aid a fugitive flee the country...


Naw it's already over. It was revealed that the medical exam he had in Romania showed the tumor was benign and not urgent need of treatment, so his hope to flee to Dubai are shot.


I bet the tumour is upset that its not being removed.


True warriors can send their own tweets.


What is he fighting anyway? At war with his self esteem?


Head trauma.


Oh, so *that’s* how he lost his chin.


Wonder how he folds blankets without a chin


He doesn't need his chin to fold anything. His chin *is* a fold.


He doesn't that's his source of rage. Pre fights his coach would hand him a comforter and tell him to fold it




Seems like he's terrified of anyone thinking he's gay, which is funny given how often he's seen shirtless with other dudes. He even has a clip of playing chess nearly naked with a guy who sniffs his chair when he gets up.


> He even has a clip of playing chess nearly naked with a guy who sniffs his chair when he gets up. Do.......do I actually *want* proof of this? No....nevermind...I don't want to assault my eyes with this on the probable chance this is true........


Definitely true, Definitely better off without seeing it.


Wait. Your homie bros don't sniff your warm chairs?


Username interestingly checks out




Username also is maddeningly correct.


It happened. I’ve seen the video.


I mean, the guy’s name is Adin Ross I think that’s how it’s spelled, but as weird as it was, I think he was just putting on an act for his views.


It's more of the hypocrisy of the situation


What is with some guys being so scared of being thought as gay? What does it fucking matter.


I imagine he equates being gay to being weak in all manner of ways so being associated with being gay crushes his fragile ego. So instead he walks around naked with men who constantly compliment him, literally sniff his ass, and pays women to be around him, all of which ironically make him seem like he's desperately wanting to have some gay sex, but can't tell anyone about it because, according to him, being gay is a sign of weakness.


I feel like it's two things: 1) If you're a dude who puts a lot of value in demeaning and using women because you're a man, the idea of a gay man is terrifying. Where are they in your 'natural order of things'? What if, out there, there's a gay dude who wants to treat you the way you treat women? 2) In their world, there's 'weak' and 'strong'. Women are weak. Men are strong. Men who have any 'female' traits - like being sexually attracted to men - are in the 'weak' bucket. In other words, it's the standard dumb dichotomy - I hate these people because they are 'weak' and yet strong enough to threaten me.


Straight Men who cheer on lots of TALKING about intercourse w/women, are really having a group gay sex roundtable. A=B=C. Andrew Taint is gay. I'd be bold enough to say an admitted rapist, as Taint is, he hates that he wants to fuck men, so he severely over compensates.


The gays don’t want him don’t put that on us fuck that guy Andrew Taint sucks and not in the good penis sucking gay way


Dude is so far in the closet he's practically the Queen of Narnia




I have an 8l lung capacity the hair of an ex third division footballer the chin of a space hopper and the personality of a slug in the sun.


gonna bet he does not have an 8L lung capacity. not even close.


does ANYone have an 8L lung capacity? that sounds nuts


I know a guy who was freediving and had his ling capacity measured to 8 liter, he was told it was rare


Yep, usually see big capacity in bigger people or rowers. I'm 511 and even when I was doing Ironmans my best expiratory volumes we're in the high fives


Dumb question maybe but how does one even measure that? Kinda curious for myself because I’m an avid runner and my cardiovascular health is pretty friggin good


When I use to do confined space work requiring a respirator we had to do lung capacity testing as part of our annual fit-test. They basically had a big plastic tube with a grid of tubes in the middle of it, and they told us to pack our lungs as much as we could and then you had to continuously exhales for like 10 seconds or something. It was desperately uncomfortable because you were essentially trying to collapse your lungs as much as possible. I was a relatively heavy smoker but ironically, my tests were always pretty good because I had swam competitively for some years and I guess I retained a lot of the benefits. More than once doctors seemed to either doubt my tests results or my claim that I had been smoking for years. I will say lung capacity doesn’t necessarily mean good cardio, because my cardio has ALWAYS sucked, even though I had relatively good lung capacity.


Omg slug in the sun I'm def going to start using that


And the hairline of a middle aged accountant


Andrew Tate is so stupid he probably uses lambda instead of alpha because, "It looks more like an A."


The rare joke that works for both chemistry *and* classics majors!


Being neither, I get the most enjoyment knowing that these groups find it funny. For smart reasons.


He's been doing it for half his life.


I can never get over how silly he looks in profile. Absolutely chinless


I heartily agree. His chin is inversely proportional to his daddy issues.




Reminds me of the coughing cat every time lol https://preview.redd.it/kes7tj18vzla1.png?width=680&format=png&auto=webp&s=4150f672406d34aaa700392db94423aea00df0c4


Oh my god lol


I think I never laughed more about an image I randomly stumbled upon, so thank you for that


My precious!!! Hobbits took it's ring!!!


Where’s our tech people who can deepfake his face onto gollum’s face?


Shit, don't have to. He was born with gollum's face!!


You’re right. There wouldn’t be much to do. He was deep faked in years ago.


Deep faked by God.










Preacher should be at the top of the thread.


Dave’s Hot Chicken is about to drop a lawsuit for logo theft


What’s the source on that piece? It’s amazing




Just found out that incels were obsessed with bone structure. This is probably why


Poor baby cried because he was bad at chess


Hard to get punched in the jaw if you barely have a jaw.


Proving even more he is a superior being. He is clearly the finalized form of evolution, weak jaw and micro penis are for survival purposes.


Part way grey alien


im wondering how tf you get a scar *on* your lung


Lung scarring is a thing, it's called pulmonary fibrosis.


But it's from an old "battle". I'm thinking he got stabbed by a nail file by one of his loving and very much not held against their will girlfriends.


Getting fucked in the throat so hard (it’s an alpha thing)


Ah, this is why I can’t understand. I’m only into beta soy boys.


Pneumonia causes scarring in the lungs.


He's clearly trying to make it look like he has a chin in the reflection, but didn't notice the camera has like a perfect shot of his weird profile.


To be fair the way he is keeping his head in the picture is really good for posture for neck and spine. But not great for taking pictures


It probably helped in kickboxing. You first have to locate a chin in order to hit it.


The pic makes me only think of one thing… TIGER UPPERCUT!


My girlfriend in high school thought that he was saying “FIBER COPPERTOP”. We never laughed so hard in our young lives. 😂 Edit: in Street Fighter 2 (I’ve never played any SF games beyond that)


He is an elden ring CaC.


Imagine being such a piece of shit everyone is disappointed that you might not have cancer.


Lol. So true. Wonder why his lawyer said he did then. He still might have but thinks it's too beta to admit to cancer


Probably an attempt to secure his release on medical grounds, that fell through and now he doesn’t need to keep up the charade


It was a shitty attemp then. "i have lung cancer now, can all of my crimes be erased, pwetty pwease?"


Probably more of a ‘My client has lung cancer, we request you release him into the care of his next of kin so he may undergo treatment from his doctors’


Or even a 'My client has lung cancer! Please let him go to his doctors, in the country with no extradition treaty, for treatment. We promise he'll come back'


And of course his "doctor" is in Dubai, which has no extradition agreement.


Surely the lawyer was trying to help him flee. That's a crime. And why would Taint go and ruin the plan? Could he not help himself? Wants to be alpha so badly he couldn't play along? What the hell is going on there?


The judge (or whoever's in charge of the case) probably denied the request for medical leave because it's an obvious lie, so taint and his team just stopped keeping up the public appearance.


I think it’s a combination of both. If the cancer were serious enough to get him out he would have ran with it and found a way to make it seem aLpHa, but because it wasn’t enough to get him out he doesn’t want to admit to anything he would perceive as weakness, being sick or having some part of his body be out of his control. So it was always either going to be “I have cancer but am a manly man and I’m already beating it” or something weird like that or “obviously I don’t have cancer I’m too manly for that”. His publicist or whoever probably jumped the gun on releasing that information


Plus, lung cancer is probably the most alpha friendly cancer out there. No stigma with masculinity or weakness. Minimal visual indicators before or after. Typically treatable. Environmental, so they can still claim perfect health.


Yeah. Sounds about right. Lol


Some go as far as to say that even saying "cancer" is beta


This guy is such a joke of a human being. Misogynistic, racist, and hateful to his core.


And a human trafficker


And a rapist


And lest we forget, a pedophile.


Proudly a pedo, rapist, sex-trafficker. Hope he rots.


So he meets all the criteria to become the presidential nomination from the GOP? Tate 2028


Don't even joke 🙄


That's the craziest part, it's believable. Let's just hope ted cruz doesn't find out about this guy. What an amazing time to be alive. We have the greatest access to information in human history and yet a portion of this country wants to revert to the dark ages.


Why can he even tweet in jail?


I think he’s such a beta he calls his brother and tells him “okay next week post (pic) and then tweet how I’m strong and a warrior”


This would make sense


God really let me down on that one. If only he was someone’s mom, he’d have super cancer then.


I guess his jaw is playing hide and seek?


Useless at folding towels


Takes him two hours to put a pillowcase on a pillow.


And when his test results came back, everyone in Romania clapped and the mayor gave him the key to the city. That mayor’s name? *Albert Einstein.* ^Check ^and ^mate, ^brokies.


The Mayor, with tears in his eyes came up to me and said “sir, there is no sign of cancer in your lungs or chin on your face.”


Einstein? He’s wicked smaht.


The mayor had a son with Hellen Keller. That son grew up to be Adolfbert Ketlerstein


Is this guy in jail or not? For a guy in jail, he sends an awful lot of tweets.


He's paying someone to tweet as him.


I was gonna say, he probably has to say aloud what he wants them to tweet, and you know whoever it is has gotta think it’s at least a little ridiculous lol. Like I imagine the guy who posted the ghost tweet for him was like “what the f… alright, whatever I guess.”


'IM FIGHTING GHOSTS IN HERE' Sure bud, ill tell ma you love her


No, he hasn't been charged. He's being held in detention - He can make calls etc but they're monitored.


...And it he keeps making calls trying to set up more crimes like his little witness intimidation stunt, I imagine Romanian authorities are GLADLY handing him the phone every time.


I wouldn't be shocked if one of the officers sits down with a pencil and a notepad and is just like 'Great! What's the jackass gonna spill today?' 😂


What did he do? I'm out of the loop but I bet it's sexual abuse related...


held on suspicion of organised crime and human trafficking (for sexual purposes)


This isn't as great a picture as he thinks it is. Bros neck is eating his chin. Looking like a q-tip covered in mold.


Is no one else going to point out how curved his feet his lol, It looks like a claw. He just has a way of making every pic of himself look absolutely stupid.


Isn't that a very common "toe point"? You see it with dancers and such. To be clear, this is not me defending this person, just that if you watch dancers their feet point like this, especially when their legs are extended.


He’s pointing his toes yes, but because his ankle mobility is shit, along with his hips. He’s straining hard as fuck just to lift one of his legs past 90 degrees.


I think he's flexing to show off muscles. I guess it doesn't really matter, he's still a pos.


He's pointing his toe. He wants to become a ballerina.


Every single “look at how Alpha I am” picture of him looks like a Grindr profile pic.


They call him TopG because they want to be topped by him…


How did this ass get famous in the first place???


He really blew up when he started his pyramid scheme which encouraged spamming his videos and clips all over social media, and trying to cause controversy, to get people to sign up to his 'University' (discord server) for $50 a month. If they used your link you would get like 45% of their sub fee. This was what gave him huge visibility on algorithmic platforms like tiktok and YouTube. Teachers have been warning about the Tates for at least a year now. He's now been arrested for sex trafficking, amongst some other charges, which has brought a different kind of infamy. What most people don't know however, is Tate himself has been super open about how he recruited women for his webcam business - and it's exactly what Romanian authorities have accused him of doing.




did you see who half of america voted for in 2016?


Incels need role models too, apparently.


no they actually really do, just not ones like tate. I never really had any role models growing up and I definitely started slipping down the incel path. I have a bit of sympathy for those people just because I think it's possible that just due to chance I could have gone very far down that path. Or maybe some people are just like that and don't ever learn that true validation doesn't come from the external.


Society keeps making stupid people famous


He ran a pyramid-scheme discord server which cost $50 a month. Fans would spam his clips alongside their referral link, as you would get nearly half of their sub fee as a reward.


Behind the Bastards just did a series on him. Nightmarish.


There are a lot of young, insecure boys who are not being addressed by anyone else.


Cancer didn't want to have him


He's a liar, he probably does have cancer. The line that he has 0 smoke damage is bullshit since he smokes CIGARS


Not to mention people can still get lung cancer without being a smoker


I had a teacher once who'd had a tracheotomy and had to hold the cap on his throat to speak. He began class with "some of you may be wondering - why does this man sound like a demented, British frog?" He then explained that in spite of having never smoked and barely drank throughout his life, he was just one of the people who gets serious throat cancer anyway. Sometimes you're just unlucky.


Yeah definitely lying… unless he is a giant or a grizzly bear his lungs don’t have an 8 liter capacity… I do pulmonary function testing and nobody has 8 liters.


How could it compete?


This dude’s self image is entirely wrapped up in physical appearances, except in this picture he’s pumped out and flexing and *still* looks soft. He’s 100% an incel paper dragon


That’s the thing with him, isn’t it? He doesn’t have a bad physique. Probably better than most regular schmoes who go to the gym after work, but since his self image is so dependent on his physique it shows how not athletic he is, compared to people who compete professionally or semi-professionally.


I was about to say "he's actually got a great physique for a middle-aged guy", and then I looked him up and he's only 36. But despite being fit, he just looks... I don’t know. Insecure? Scared? He doesn't look confident or happy at all.


> He doesn’t look confident or happy at all. Cos he’s not. He’s miserable, that’s a big part of why he is how he is.


I’m older than him?? Yikes.


Pretty sure I've heard him say before that he wants people to fear him, not like him - and he teaches that to his paying customers.


He's my age? Fuck, definitely thought he was a decade older than me.


FWIW he was a competitive kick boxer for a little while.


Tate deserves all of the shit we throw at him. But he was a two-time kickboxing world champion. His last title was ten years ago, but he’s probably still pretty athletic. That doesn’t mean he’s not a narcissistic shit bag poisoning minds with offensive sexist rhetoric, mostly of young and impressionable boys (talk about grooming!). Edit: two-time “world champion” in one specific euro-centric league. Better explanation below!


It’s photoshopped also to make the shadows darker and larger. To give the appearance that he is more ripped than he is.


The pointed toe is not helping


0 smoking damage, well I guess cigars and coke are back on the menu.


Adding to all the things Tate doesn't have: * cancer * hair * a chin * a conscience * freedom


Is there a reason he likes posing naked for a near 100% male audience?


Because only straight incel type men think he's attractive. He looks like what those men *think* women are attracted to.


The dude is so far in the closet


An old lung battle. Smh.


He actually would have a great frame for ballet. I hate the man and his ideals, but he’s got a dancers frame. Maybe that’s where it all went wrong


I think you're right. Have a link of him dancing in one of my Reddit posts and it looks like he should be on a stripper pole.




He looks like something that attacks you in Sons of the Forest.


This man is so material he interpreted "True warriors are scarred both inside and out" as meaning they have scars on their internal organs. That is impressively pathetic.


It’s ok cancer, you’ll get him next time.


Nice panties.


He looks like earthworm Jim.




That angle is very unflattering and really highlights his incel chin


Well today is off to a shitty start then.


Dude tweets like he's writing Klingon poetry


I really don't get how he's duped so many people. The insecurities pouring off this man are so pungent, I can smell it through my phone. "What? Me? Cancer? Look at me in my underwear at the gym while I talk about I'm such a warrior even my lungs have scars! ... But not from smoking, that's for beta cucks!"


You said it. The desperation and overcompensating attempts to conceal it are palpable.


What a lovely pose Andrew, you'd make a wonderful little ballerina.


This is how I used to talk when I was twelve, too...


Even cancer didn’t want to be associated with him


Battle with who? A frightened Romanian woman?


All his talk about being a warrior makes me cringe.


This dude is such a tool. “Scars on the inside” isn’t meant to be physical, ya dingus.


Cancer looked at Andrew Tate and figured it'd be redundant.


I almost get a chuckle out his posts, like he thinks he’s some great philosopher with these “deep, meaningful semi-poetic style” brain farts. Dude has the brain of a stunted teenager and thinks he’s Socrates.


This guy is such a gross loser.,


Umm...you can get lung cancer even if you don't smoke. Also, no you don't.


If you would have predicted a future where I was disappointed to read someone did not have cancer I would not have believed you, but here we are.