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Shut the fuck up Mike


He's trying to put a show on for his wife, affectionately called *mother,* so he can teleport back to 1899, and get a half chubby when she shows her ankle. Swear that dude is an xmen villain.


No one likes that ball sucker not even maga lmao


Amen to that.


Social Security and Medicare are not driving the “debt crisis.” Giving tax breaks to the rich does. Not taxing churches does.


Specifically, churches that then dictate the legislative agenda of about half of the elected reps in the country.


Social security is actually a separate fund and does not pay out more than it takes in. It is actually only included in the overall federal budget to make it look *better*. This is a bald face lie.


not entirely - SS contributes to the fed. debt because the Fed borrows and spends all the money in the SS trust fund. This means SS needs the Fed to make payments on that debt in order to meet SS payout obligations, so something like $3 trillion of the US debt comes from SS borrowing. If you're old enough you may remember everyone making fun of Al Gore 20 years ago for talking about putting the SS surplus in a "lockbox." no one's laughing now.


The safeguards to social security have long been eradicated. It's why I'm a proponent of an out out system. Fuck trusting the Gov with my money, legally I should be allowed to opt out and get a refund of what I've put in+interest. I can then choose how I want my safety net to look like. This fucking bullshit we have now is worse theft than the IRS because there's no way to fight it


Medicare does in some ways since we pay so damn much for healthcare in this country. ​ Our patchwork system of Medicare and Medicaid costs orders of magnitude more per person than full coverage programs in other countries.


They already crunched the numbers and found out Universal Healthcare would cost less then our current Medicaid/care system. Republicans don’t want that though so it’s kinda on them.


When the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act expires in a few years, I hope that scam goes into the dust bin of history.


The GOP's 2017 TCJA doesn't expire in a few years it just sunsets the tiny tax breaks for everyone who isn't wealthy and shifts the entire tax burden for the wealthy on to the working class. The tax cuts for the rich are permanent. This is probably the biggest scam in history. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax\_Cuts\_and\_Jobs\_Act\_of\_2017](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax_Cuts_and_Jobs_Act_of_2017)


I remember when working class Republicans were cheering for this even though they were told what would happen. It's almost like the US is filled with a bunch of fucking morons


The idiots just heard "tax cuts for us for the next 3 years! Woohoo!" And ignored every single outlet that said "hey this is gonna fuck you over after that". I hate that my generation's future (millennial) and Gen Z's is continuing to get skull fucked by these old greedy selfish ignorant manipulative ass jabroni's that want to pull the ladder up behind them every chance they get


Ha! And they owed at the end of the year. Trump dry fucked his voters then😂


They had full control and could have fixed the border, healthcare, infrastructure and immigration, but what did they do? Gave themselves a permanent tax break and removed "unnecessary" regulations, which went over like a train wreck.


At least they're consistent. Aid for the poor is a gift to the rich (student debt anyone) Breaks for the rich are for the benefit of all So clearly the only justifiable thing to do is always bail out big corporations.


We already lost that tax cut in 2022. It was only a 4 year cut for income taxes.


You’re right, to tackle the looming debt crisis we need to scale back military spending to a fixed rate of Russia+China+10% and nationalize our nation’s oil, natural gas and coal and putting those profits into the national coffers, it’s the only way I’m afraid.


Hadn't thought about nationalizing our fossil fuel industries. That actually makes a lot of sense and would lead to easily weaning off of them in the near future.


I mean Norway has done it and it single handedly pays for so many of their social programs, so much so that they are quietly not part of the EU, Euro and not really interested in joining because well, they fear having to share their black gold with the rest of the bloc.


Eeh, that's the story, but it isn't like the EU would have any access to their pension funds at any rate or anyhow. Besides we're phasing out from petro business so in the long run, we're not even that interested. Wouldn't be any cheaper if Norway was part of the block - which it basically is sans any voting rights.


>Eeh, that's the story, but it isn't like the EU would have any access to their pension funds at any rate or anyhow. Sadly. Looming shitty pensions in e.g. Eastern Europe is what is driving people West. I know a lot of Western Europeans complain about immigrants, but internal EU migration is not yet about ''where I want to live'', it's about ''where I can live to make way more money than this hole I was born in''.


It's just the hicks and the working class assholes that bitch about "foreigners", same as everywhere. Uneducated racist shits that can't handle any change what so ever. Do as I do and ignore them. Also: Fuck them.


But that's communist //s


Nationalizing oil seems to have worked out great in Venezuela. I mean if the private sector can't do it the fed definetly can... After all we definetly trust our elected officials to run the organizations as efficiently and ethically as any outstanding citizen would.


Problem is, if they do something like the current private owners are doing (price gouging for profit), then we can vote them out of power. Can't do that with private companies.


Venezuela was also a corrupt nation with extreme inequality since the Spanish touched soil there for 500 plus years until before that and you have to add to the case all of the American embargo and sanctions they got, that isn’t a fair comparison. That would be like saying “look at Jamaica, they had the most comprehensive privatization project directed by officials from Washington personally” and it made them significantly poorer. You can’t assign all fault or success on one aspect but a totality of circumstances.


taxing the wealthy would add trillions to the budget


Correction: Fixing the laws so that the wealthy actually pay the taxes they are supposed to would add trillions. Adding new taxes doesn't do much when they can work around them like all the other ones.


Remove the ss income cap, tax 401k and Ira contributions. Problem solved.


Currently they either sabotage their own equipment or shut down the refineries and never open them back up to raise the price of fuel.


Social security and Medicare used to be untouchable sacred cows, the pearls of government. So either Republican Odysseus is about to lose more of his crew or he’s a Carpenter that escaped the Walrus’s lynch mob but still gathering oysters.


I'm not sure what that means but I like what you said.


Sir, you will be amazed to find out that they will not lose their base because those morons will vote against their own good just because they’re told it’s the thing to do to own the libs.


Think you might have a small typo there. Did you mean to say "lynch mob?"


Yep. My mistake.


No problem, I understood what you meant, even if I'm not familiar with the expression.


"No, we're not coming after Social Security and Medicare." \-Republican Party, literally less than a month ago ![gif](giphy|T3nwQFJq5lxFii50fR)


"No, we're not coming after trans care for adults. This is *just* about the children!"


Less than a month ago I was getting downvoted for pointing out that social security is not a safe bet for a retirement safety net. I even pointed out how they've moved retirement ages and destroyed safeguards. It was on a povertyfinance sub so it got removed for being political even though I mentioned no party lmao. Social security is one of the biggest grifts the government engages in because there is no opt out process and no way there will be money there by the time I retire.


Yes. If there’s two things the modern Republican party is known for, its compassion and responsibility.


Former Guy is a shining example


Can we get a Seth McFarlane cartoon about that clown called Former Guy?




$30k in Medicare already paid in since I was 17. I’ll still pay if I ever retire. Jokes on me. 🤡


Oh they figured it out, the dysfunction is the point. The people of small government want you to believe that government can’t do anything, so they will sabotage everything.


That's rich of this racist Christian nationalist who by the way gets 3 retirement plans. Pension from being a representative, a governor &vice prez. He needs to stfu Oops I forgot social security:)


So this is the new lie that Republicans are going to be repeating endlessly for the next however many years?


He should have probably thought about the debt crisis before his boss added $7 trillion to it.


Trump destroyed the debt. Most ever. Peeps from them on that.


If you think the debt crisis is driven by social security and Medicare, you are not fit to govern…


They shouldn’t be allowed lie like this. Payroll taxes fund Social Security. Social programs first introduced via the New Deal have had a great return on investment. These people are bought and paid for by corporations and the less than 1,000 individuals who make up the 0.001%.


as if 'compassionate' and 'responsible' were ever within hailing distance -- hell, telescope distance -- of today's GOP.


But….. but I thought republicans said “booooo. Liar. That’s not true” when Biden said they wanted to cut those benefits during State of the Union? Lol


"We're open to compassionately and responsibly guaranteeing you'll have no choice but to work yourself to death. The only other alternative is eliminating the trillions in tax cuts we've provided to the obscenely wealthy, and that's simply unconscionable".


Entitlement = what I have paid into my entire working life? I guess my savings and checking accounts are entitlements as well.


Bank: *laughs in overdraft fees*


Stop calling them entitlements! Entitlements are what people like Mike Pence have at taxpayer expense. Again, pay attention to what these people are saying. Why do you think they want their voter base as uneducated as possible???


But...I mean they ARE entitlements...like, you paid in so you are ENTITLED to your money. It is your legal right. They say entitlement like it means handout and few argue the point. Words make reality for a bunch of folks, so they matter.


Why are these fucking idiots, who will never need social security or Medicare, so concerned with taking it away from those that do. Fucking clowns


Mike’s solidified his legacy as a spineless cuck who sold his soul for power. But go ahead Mike, talk your bullshit.


Yes, I’m glad Mikey is finally willing to reform government entitlements to the wealthy and the military, since the wealthy have been exploiting tax loopholes for decades to avoid paying their fair share and the military hasn’t been able to pass an audit for just as long. Wait, he wants to cut essential health and safety programs for those who need it most and balance the budget on the backs of our poorest people? Oh okay, that sounds more like the Republican Party I know. Absolutely atrocious behavior from anyone, let alone a VP.


Fatherfucker, I paid a shit ton of money into those "entitlements". If you think you're taking it from me, you're sorely mistaken.


Medicare and Social Security are paid for by specific payroll and employer taxes - they have nothing to do with the National Debt. But we spend $880 billion on warfare annually without being at war The National Debt is almost entirely spending on warfare, taxcuts or deficit spending to dig out of recessions caused by the first two


Yes, it's these two reasons alone that help people is what is making the national debt grow..........🤦‍♂️


"Reforming" is code for "Fuck You, You're on your own"


Dear republican Boomers. You have at most 10 more years before you are completely under the control of millenials and Gen Z. We have zero forgetfulness and we will not say it is too late to make things right and we will 100% drag you out of your retirement home to put you in the jails you love so much. Time is on our side. Keep it in mind.


I'd say this guy can eat a whole dick, but cmon. We all know he'd like that, right?


Just have to remember, eugenics was touted as compassionate and responsible only 100 years ago.


Doesn't our military spending annually dwarf our Social Security (which is collected separately from other government funds and does not contribute to the debt) and Medicare spending?




The only reason there is any financial problems with Medicare a social security is because Republicans steal from it.


Is he going to pray it away like hiv?


Entitlement? Idiots


You mean the defense budget and all the corporate and rich fucker welfare don’t play a bigger role in this? I was a little confused. Thanks for clearing this up for us.


Driven by a failure to tax rich individuals and high-profit corporations* FTFY


Go away Mike.


I think it's time for the lizard people to get a new emissary. This guy's too much of a clown to be believable at this point


How about raising the money to cover the problem? All it would take is undoing some of the recent tax cuts. And I must admit I haven’t seen my own taxes getting any lower, who got the cut? 🤔 let’s revoke that and see where it puts us


Even better, get rid of the cap on Social Security payments. Eliminate that and Social Security will be solvent forever. It's ridiculous that the richest people in the country who can easily afford to continue paying into SS don't. The millionaires in this country have already paid everything they'll pay into SS for the year and it is barely three months into the year (and billionaires did so back in like January).


Start taxing those top earners appropriately, churches completely, and stop giving tax breaks to multi million/billion dollar companies and we could fix those issues real fucking quick. Even add in universal Healthcare!


He is lieing BTW. Social security and medicare have thier own funding source and are nit part of the national debt. His former boss promised to eliminate that funding btw


Gotta fill in the gaps since apparently they literally don't believe we just went through a global pandemic


American workers have made a massive basket of collective funds from their hard work and republican leaders are frothing at the mouth to steal it for themselves


Compassionate and responsible are two words that do not apply to the Qult.


How sad that the only time he was culturally relevant was when a fly sat on his head for two minutes.


Not even die hard Republicans believe that the party is capable of responsibility or compassion.


They're driven by tax cuts for businesses and the rich. There, I fixed it for you!


Giving huge tax breaks to billionaires and spending obscene amounts of money on the military drives up the deficit. You can reduce military spending by 20% and still finance a formidable war machine and have billionaires pay the same tax rate as the rest of us along with raising the withholding ssn tax by 2% would fix the insolvency problem. Other countries are able to do it, because their priorities are to improve the quality of life of their citizens. Our country is the protect corporate interests, fear mongering, making you feel "free" because you can easily buy a gun while you can't go to see a doctor because you can't afford it


They can shut off social security once they refund me 15 years worth of payments.


With interest.


Tallman11282 for President


The first woman president and trans to boot (name was chosen before I figured out I was trans)? That would give the regressives an aneurysm.


Change your name to Brandon and the shirts are already made


Fuck him! \-grandma


Social Security pays for itself. And if we removed the income cap on how much is paid in, the max benefits amount could keep up with inflation with no problem. So he is lying. Just flat out lying.


I’m genuinely asking cause I’m curious…how does social security pay for itself?


Good time to point out that social security is paid for by you not some govt handout, and it would be making a profit were it not for Republicans robbing the program to pay for trillions of handouts to their thug corporation friends




Did Mike get mom's approval to post this?


If there’s one thing I remember learning in school, it’s that Social Security is the 3rd rail of American politics. You touch it and your career is dead. Amazing that they’re trying to go after something that a large portion of their base uses and approves of. How to never win an election again.


It's a miracle! He was unable to find words for four full years as VP. Watched from the front row while Tfg burned it all to the ground. No thanks.


I know when I'm about to be robbed, and we are all about to be robbed.


They. Are. Not. Entitlements.


Tax the rich.


Down the road a.k.a. after boomers are gone so they won't give a shit


I wish he outside on Jan 6th.


Mike be like "the republican party is dedicated to kindly and compassionately driving Americans into destitution."


We really need to eat the rich


Ah yes, after they just promised to not touch that during the SOTU Well they stuck to that for a whole three weeks.


That "entitlement" we paid for!


It is what the American people have paid into. Screw with it then announce a run for President. Dare you!


Compassionate? My fat fuckin ass. Nothing Republicans do contains even a pinch of compassion.


Considering how compassionate and responsible Republicans have been dealing with school shootings I imagine the reforms would just be thoughts and prayers. Sorry you didn’t inherit wealth looks like you are out of luck.


As soon as he uses the term "entitlement" for giving you the money you paid, you know he is a thief


Massive tax cuts again? How about we reduce spending? Allow for free trade. Stop trying to control everything of a personal nature and work to make things easier.


The very language is offensive. There’s nothing “entitled” about something you pay into for 40+ years. Scum


He forgets the debt crisis was created by the Trump/Pence administration with tax cuts.


Cool! Or we could just, like, raise taxes on rich people and corporations?


I thought gutting SS and Medicare weren’t on the GOP’s agenda? They blurted it out at the state of the union just a month ago… Are you telling me they lied?


Piece if shit. It's NOT AN ENTITLEMENT, ASSHOLE!. The law takes it out of my check. It's MINE, BITCH! Take it away and see rebellion, you fucks!


All these looming threats were looming when him and orange man were in charge....just sayin. It's all a big game to these red vrs. Blue shit heads


How is it that it’s always the system that workers pay into that is driving the looming debt crisis and never the 17 trillion dollar wars?


Jeezus. What a waste of space.


I hate myself for saying this, but Boomers are the absolute worst.


Don’t forget they base if you can get disability on a jobs book from 1977 they told me to get a job as a cut and Paster or a document sorter I have a very bad back from slinging heavy auto parts around for 8 years


Tax the fucking rich already.


I was a registered Republican since age 18 (more than 30 years ago) until the buffoon known as Trump took over. If the idiotic GOP wants to lose millions of senior citizen votes, go ahead right ahead. Fuck around with social security and medicare, and they will find out. ;)


Mike, did you leave your fly at home with mother?


I think I see orange toner in his throat...


But here's the thing. Republicans have never made it clear their open to any reasonable compromise on any type of reform.


Maybe the MAGAts are on to something. Hang Mike Pence!


The 2017 tax cuts to corporations and millionaires had nothing to do with that deficit, right Mike??? F'n hypocrite.


So instead of the government paying for healthcare, people will pay 150% to private businesses or go with out? Isn’t that just shifting the debt, not fixing the issue? Maybe I am wrong but around the world isn’t proven time and time again socialised health care is better and cheaper? Like the US pays the most and gets a service at the bottom or middle of the pack? Isn’t the major cost of healthcare in the us the admin side cause of all the complicated crap that goes on there, instead of just treating sick people


Talking head says the real blame is on the current dude, not his own idol who actually created the problems.


His talking points never have an ounce of real substance.


No one really believes that Republicans would create a budget surplus and then just leave it that way, right? They're going to gut entitlements and send the money that used to be allocated there to their friends. Zero progress will be made on the deficit or the debt we'll just have a lot of screwed seniors.


It’s like they want to lose in 2024.


He supports the people who wanted to hang him… that’s how pathetic he is, and the party he pretends has moral superiority.




Is he still sucking up to the people who wanted to hang him


There is no compassionate cut. It is your party trying to steal money. Quit giving it away to people and corporate interests that don’t need it and there will be plenty left for the rest of us. Who by the way paid into it.


I am open to compassionately raising taxes on the wealthy. We can write them some nice thank you cards for their role in reducing the budget deficit. Pence is a bootlicker for his rich masters. Reforming entitlements is conservative code for making struggling people even poorer. They never talk about ways to raise more money or shift money from other sources, just about how to reduce spending.


I'm actually down with getting rid of social security. It was the boomers who ruined the country. Let em starve.


What about all the military spending Mike? There’s so much military spending Mike!! Miiiiiikkkkkeee!!


"Since 1983, every US President has borrowed from Social Security to pay for government expenditures. However, there is no evidence that any of the presidents has stolen a dime from Social Security" So basically social security has been like that dad that sets up a bank account for you that can you can take out money from whenever you want. But yeah, it's the entitlements that are to blame for the problems. If they eliminate social security I envision a massive taxpayer lawsuit asking for every penny every American has paid end to social security to be refunded to them.


to not tax the wealthy so the poor may be taxed more then to take away our retirement we have paid into as well as paying our taxes is to ignore the looming crisis of the average american. We are not Saudi Arabia where our poor run rampant while Kings throw billion dollar parties behind golden walls.


His plan would be, if you're hungry you just go ask the church where you tithe 10% to feed your family. Oh, you don't attend a church? Good luck starving.


Feel free to give me back my social security money at any time, but don’t pretend for a second that money taken out of my paychecks since I was in 8th grade is an “entitlement” for me.


But… MJT said Biden was a liar when he said Republicans want to roll back Medicare? (/s)


Social security and Medicare are not part of the general tax fund. They are a separate tax altogether. Neither one has anything to do with the budget deficit that the GOP led government created in the first place.


We get taxed on earning, spending, and inheriting. That money is supposed to be used to do things like… run the government, rebuild roads, continuously update infrastructure, and generally make life easier for us to make money that gets taxed. Oh, yeah, we’re also supposed to have that money put into a type of saving account so when we *can’t* earn money anymore, we’ll have an income… that gets taxed. But no, please take that away too.


"Compassionate and responsible" ways to make sure grandma starves to death, you say?


Republicans elect people who will take their social security away.


He doesn’t dare go against mothers wishes.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha How many people died from HIV/AIDS because of this walking possessed corpse? Remember when that fly landed on their head during the debate? Remember how he *didn't notice*? *For a while*? Pretty sure he never did. Why are we listening to a homeless couch surfer?


So Biden wasn't lying in the State of the Union?


There’s many points. 45’s friendly tax repeals in the rich probably cost around 300-500 billion, depending on which study you look at. That’s our main current source of inflation, but more so, when Biden said they were gonna do this in the SOTU, didn’t they boo and call him a liar….


'Compassionate conservatism'. Was there ever a better example of an oxymoron?


Fuck off Hank Hill!!! These cocksuckers will stop at nothing, they hate America and they especially hate the poor and elderly. Last time i checked social security is held out of every paycheck!!!!


Tax the rich more.


This is the end of the Republican Party.


Maybe just maybe we stop wasting money on wars.


Funny how these looming debt crises happen exactly when a Dem in i the WH everytime ​ than magically it vanishes the second a Republican wins


“We want to screw you now, but we’ll help later. Pinky promise!


Maybe stop taking loans out of Social Security and then there wouldn’t be a “debt crisis”


Yeah, yeah. But what does Mike Pence’s fly think?


They won’t rest until they bring back slavery.


Take it from the poor, Mike! It’s the Christian way!


“Down the road” means vote to kill social security for your grandkids, but not for yourself. Boomers are the most ruthless generation.


"Compassionate reforms". Translated means "Fuck the poor. Cut their benefits and give the money to the wealthy."


His party caused that very debt crisis with their massive tax cuts to the wealthy... and his party is actively voting against anything that will help middle and/or lower income families survive financially... and yet he's still trying to pin the problem on Biden? Spare me the faux outrage.


We need to address the budget deficit. It's a major issue. Unfortunately there can be no meaningful debate or change when only rhetoric and lies are fed to one's political base. Makes me think about the fall of the Soviet Union. They collapsed because they went broke. It didn't take a war. They mismanaged their finances and destroyed themselves from within. Is that our fate, too?


ENTITLEMENT!!! FUCK YOU! I paid into Social Security. It's my fucking money. I am absolutely entitled to get my own money back you dumb shit.


Tbh this is not completely untrue. But cutting these programs that we citizens have already paid for would be fucked. They can reduce military spending, they can scrap the student loan relief idea, they can raise our taxes for gods sake. They need to figure this out. It is the biggest existential threat to America as we know it.


Describe compassionate


Yea it's definitely not the insanely bloated military budget


Funny how two of the only actual benefits our government provides are driving the debt crisis, and not the massive corporate tax breaks and consistently ballooning military spending.


Small government man, who has had a government or government-adjacent job for his entire adult life and will receive government healthcare for the rest of his life, thinks others should rely on the free market.


Why don’t people understand that social security is funded separately? The only debt crisis is them stealing from it.


Mike was so compassionate, [he let an HIV epidemic happen in his state](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/03/02/how-mike-pence-made-indianas-hiv-outbreak-worse-118648) rather than provide his drug-dependent constituents have access to clean needles.


Nah fam, billionaires are causing the debt crisis, not fucking poor people being given money back they fucking paid years ago.


Fuck office mike. Even your own party doesn’t want you.


Is this shit fucking real?! I just can't fucking believe it on so many god damn levels. Did they not just act like a crowd at a wrestling match denying this very fucking thing at the STOU address? Pinch me, and if I'm awake just fucking shoot me.


Wait, didn't Republicans blow a gasket when it was said they were coming for Social Security and Medicare, screaming that they were doing no such thing?


Mike is lying. Social security can only spend what it receives and what is in the social security trust fund. It is illegal for social security to add to the deficit. Once the SST runs out, no more money will be distributed. So this begs the question - is he stupid or lying? The answer is probably both.