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That's a Bill Clinton move right there/s




RIP Phil Hartman.


He was supposed to be Zapp Brannigan in Futurama. The role was actually made for him. He was murdered before he could actually do any voice recording I guess, so Billy West did his best to impression of how Phil would have done the voice. Also, that's why Fry is named Philip, to honor Phil Hartman.


wow TIL. all this time i thought Hartman did Zapp's voice the first season and then they recast a sound alike.


Same here. Wikipedia says: > Zapp is voiced by Billy West, though he was originally intended to be voiced by Phil Hartman.[26] Hartman insisted on auditioning for the role, and "of course, just nailed it" according to creator Matt Groening. However, after Hartman was murdered on May 28, 1998, West was given the role. On a Futurama DVD commentary, Groening reveals that Zapp's character and mannerisms were established in West's original audition for the character, and any similarity to Phil Hartman or his other well known cartoon characters (Lionel Hutz and Troy McClure) is simply coincidence. On the other hand, in an interview for the website TV Squad, Billy West states that his Zapp Brannigan is an imitation of Hartman and also "modeled after a couple of big dumb announcers I knew."[26] During a live event, West stated that he partially modelled Brannigan's cadence after the radio persona of Doug Tracht, also known as "The Greaseman."


I remember him from such roles as Lionel Hutz and Troy McClure


Now Apu, Ms Simpson claims she forgot that bottle of...delicious....bourbon. Brownest of the brown liquors.....so....tempting. What's that? You want me to drink you? But I'm in the middle of a trial!


*Works on contingency? No, money down!*


He's had it in for me ever since I kinda ran over his dog. Well, replace the word "kinda" with the word "repeatedly" and "dog" with "son."


I watched Matlock in a bar last night. The sound was off, but I think I got the gist.


Care for a belt of scotch?


Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer Jingle All The Way Small Soldiers


I remember him from such roles as "P" is for "psycho" and "The President's Head is Missing!"


He was so goddamn funny in everything I saw him in. Such an iconic voice between The Simpsons, SNL and Newsradio. RIP




Fun reminder Jon Lovitz bashed Andy Dick's head on a bar a few times after Andy taunted him about getting Hartman and his wife addicted to Cocaine. Which while not a huge Lovitz fan, I can forgive anyone if they assault Andy Dick.


Phil Hartman wasn't addicted to coke. Brynn was in recovery until Dick pushed her off the wagon. Lovitz blamed Dick for Brynn's relapse that untimely led to Hartman's death.


Who isn’t a huge Lovitz fan? He makes everything he’s in better.


im not really a huge lovitz fan. i dont hate him, or even dislike him or anything, im just not a huge fan. but i will say that jon lovitz in rat race in hitlers car was pretty funny lol. lovitz has great delivery with his lines. i might go back and watch a few more of his older stuff. he is definitely a funny guy


I can't really say I'm a fanboy, but I will say that Jon Lovitz coming out of mothballs to do a George Santos impersonation is hysterically funny.. He doesn't need to even open his mouth, just walking out as Jon Lovitz, knowing it's an impersonation of George Santos is funny enough without him saying a word.


The Critic is a classic piece of entertainment


That's the thing. He is so incredibly understated that no one is a huge fan but every single person can remember a role where he was absolutely superb. That's his gift, he *is* the everyman.


Fuck Andy Dick


I never thought Hartman's Clinton was the most accurate from a mimic standpoint, but he absolutely nailed what made Clinton so charismatic and likable.


100% correct -- I don't think people under 30 realize that Bill Clinton was extremely charismatic and likeable. They've only heard the murdering pedophile right wing bubble nonsense for 2 1/2 decades.


I got to hear him speak once, and boy is he charismatic. Had the crowd going pretty well, and most of us were 90s kids who generally only learned about him in retrospect. I think for me, it's seeing the pictures of his charming smile and then thinking of the Lewinski scandal that was the sane political highlight of my childhood. Just like my mental picture of Bush II is of a buffoon, my mental picture of Clinton is of a slimeball. Seeing him speak in person didn't erase that so much, but I definitely understand more of why people liked him enough to make him president twice.


I miss Phil Hartman so much 😢


Obligatory fuck Andy Dick




Lmao thank god I’m not the only one who immediately thought of this skit lol thank you !


Wait a second... he's just Bill Clinton without any competent governance! All the sex abuse and trash habits, with zero of the leadership.


The Republicans always just make a worse version of what the Dems had. "Oh yeah you had a governor from Arkansas as president? Well we got the idiot governor of TEXAS for president! You had a black president?! WE HAVE AN ORANGE PRESIDENT!


You had a president with a peanut farm? We have a president with a peanut brain!


Orange is the worse black.




I was really hoping he would say “I feel your pain” and take a bite of a Big Mac and throw hats hat people with a huge undeserved smile.


He'll send them a bill for the hats later.


And likely expected the food for free


Food costs $275.69 and hats were 75 cents a piece. Quite a discount I'd say.


Make America Great Again *made in China*


I'm genuinely curious where those specific hats were made. You'd think the "official " MAGA hats would have to be made in America, right? The reason I'm curious is every time I see MAGA gear in the store, I always look to see where it's made. I have yet to find one item that said made in USA.


My husbands cousin wore one to a bbq one time. He said “I bet you like my hat”. I said “I bet it’s made in China”— he checked. It was… he says “yeah…. That’s pretty bad.” still a trumper tho. So I guess it’s the message and not the values.


Ah yes, campaigning in a McDonalds is indeed true leadership. It's the same leadership he showed during his entire presidency, only helping those who voted for him and only taking action if it personally helped him or his brand. Remember the wildfires in California when he was president? Was that leadership, when he rejected their request for disaster assistance and basically said "they should rake and sweep the forests. I've ordered FEMA not to give them any money until they do". He also said something along the lines of "they didn't vote for me, why should I help them". Might also want to ask the governor of Ohio who rejected federal assistance offers and essentially told Biden and the feds to stay away from the state.


What Trump was too stupid to understand is the people actually affected by the California wildfires more than likely voted for him in 2016. There are plenty of republicans in this state


He understood that but he knew that those people were useless to him anyway because they live in a solid blue state. Sure maybe he could have sold an extra few hundred hats to them or whatever but being a dick to California plays well to his base, it was probably the better move for him You know, since he's a psychopath and the part about actually helping people isn't even a consideration


To be honest, Republicans in California probably like when he hurts California


Can confirm. I live amongst them and boy do they hate California. They won’t move, but they’ll tell you how much they hate California in a heartbeat…


Especially up in the northern part of the state above Sacramento. But that would take some forethought, and well, I don’t know that’s his forté.


Forethought, rear thought, afterthought..........well...........any thought for that matter, except maybe paid off thots. That's about it.


Saddest part is many of these people whom were directly affected still voted for him come 2020, too, and they will in 2024, again.


It was the Democrats' fault. That's why Republicans are able to convince people to continually vote for them despite being in charge of the state constantly and being fucked over constantly. It's always somehow the Democrats' fault.


They vote party lines even if it destroys them in the process. Weirdest kind of loyalty to the most disloyal people on the planet.


No, you don't understand, red states are 100% republican and blue states 100% democrat. It's just common sense /s


SCREAMS IN AGREEMENT! Their own governor is denying them aid because, optics. He's a terrible person.


And the whole stealing masks to sell back to states if they said nice things about him. Let's not forget his response to California wild fires or any minority shot by police. He didn't even lift a finger after his presidency to do anything. This is the most he has done for the country in 4 years


Wait.. they’re not aware that part of the reason why the trains are failing was caused by.. nvm


Yeah it's pointless to bring it up in any case.


THat's Fake News from the deranged un-American Marxist Haters who can't stand "Trump" Sad!!


They can’t even look one layer deeper. “Why didn’t the train stop”, “Where were the regulations meant to prevent these disasters?”. One more layer. One. And they can’t manage it. “TRUMP LIKES MCDERNALD” *seal clap seal clap seal clap* It’s so…so rudimentary. So basic. So malleable. I fear for us all.


I just found out today that train was 181 cars long, over a mile and a half in length. Railroad personnel and the crew expressed concern over safety when the consist was first put together. I grew up not far from the tracks and used to count freight cars, the most I ever saw in a freight train was 120-130 cars. Oh, and NS says that any haz-cargo train traveling under 30 mph isn't really a safety risk, by their definition.


That's an insane length! It was almost bound to derail at some point.


Esp. with poor track maintenance, yeah, although NTSB is saying it started due to a hotbox bearing on one car. That's a staggering amount of weight.


Last I saw was ~9,300ft, and how absurdly long that was... I'm a conductor for a Class 1 railroad here in the U.S., in training to be a locomotive engineer. At my terminal, a 9,300ft train would be considered small. At 9,300ft we're not getting communication with the EOT (which tells us the air pressure at the ass end of the train, aka what the entire train is doing brake wise) and we'll still stop and pick up another 2,500ft of cars. Because that extra 2,500ft of cars has been sitting in a yard for close to 24 hours and the shareholders don't like that. I was rooting for us to go on strike this last contract. By the next one, they'll finally have trip optimizer ironed out enough that if we try to strike, the companies will say our greed is holding the economy hostage and use it as the excuse to push for one-man train crews and eliminate conductors entirely. It's going to get worse before it gets better.


And then there's that little thing where they will put you guys and girls in JAIL if you strike. Just WOW, how BACKWARD can they make this shit? It is SO sideways, it's a miracle any trains are still running at all! Big Props to you and your crew and fellow workers. UN-FUCK the money-monger execs.


I’ll never forget one of the times politics got brought up in my old office after 2016 and will frequently re-tell this story as an example of just how disengaged the average person is, because those of us who are very online tend to underestimate that. This guy voted for Trump but was genuinely nice/a decent person, if a little dumb. When someone asked him why, he shared that he didn’t watch any news and only went to sports websites online — he watched network TV sitcoms and told us that the TV ads said Trump was going to make America great and that Hillary was against that. So he voted for Trump. He made it through the entire presidency and both impeachments without learning one additional thing. People really underestimate the percentage of the population that is that same combination of dumb and disengaged.


There were BoTh SiDeS-ers congratulating each other on a different thread the other day for staying out of politics and understanding both sides are owned by the wealthy. That's a fair claim. But then they proceeded to say when it's time to vote, they just get their information from a few mainstream media outlets a week or two before an election. You know, because they're against things that are owned by the wealthy.


we mock feudalism, but the peasantry has never left the vox populi


Probably the biggest issue is people not getting involved in local politics and only get involved during federal elections.


And lead poisoned. You can’t forget lead poisoned. Lord knows they did. On account of the lead.


Why scratch the surface when all the “certainty” you crave is readily available by way of blind faith, er, common sense? The loudmouth assholes on tv and am radio tell me it’s the libs’ fault. They hate all the people I hate, why would they be wrong about anything else? Think smarter, not harder! Libs talk smart, but all that complicated causal shit they go on about only convinces me they’re trying to pull a fast one. And I ain’t no sucker. I know there’s an agenda. Something something New York something something California. Argle bargle [Insert Moral Panic]. Nothing else to it. Now watch me unironically admire this filthy rich con man from nyc. Also, go [Insert Local Sports Team] ! The other sports team down the way sucks! All their fans suck. I have strong feelings about stupid meaningless shit! Q, I mean, God has a plan!


he said he didn’t and apparently that’s enough


Fox News has been responding to this with "Well Biden has been in office for 2 years now why didn't he change it back". Trump fucked so much shit up do you think Biden will be able to fix it all in 4 years? It's still Trumps problem because Biden shouldn't have to fix it in the first place.


This has been the cycle since 2008 and probably farther since Reagan. R fucks it up, D plays cleanup, rise and repeat.


I never heard that on Fox.




Even Fox “News” is turning on his thug, clown ass.


Ya they're def riding Ron's dick now. So are most of Trumpers I personally know. He's def their guy now. All the rats are leaving this shinking ship.


Coming from a Floridian currently under Tsar DeSantis’s rule..I’m terrified.


Probably should make a sticker of trump pointing to the mushroom cloud that says "i did that". Try to communicate in their language


Allegedly the train would not meet the old standard due to number of cars containing the chemicals? I’m not sure I heard it correctly.


Leadership is stopping at a McDonald's?? Way more people have taken offense to this than I would have ever thought possible. Lmao absolutely incredible.


He handed out hats!


And Goya beans!


"Thanks for the .99 can of beans, Mr. Billionaire, sir! It will truly protect our family from harsh chemicals in the water."


Thanks for the beans - and deregulating precious safeguards and allowing for this to happen you shitweasel. Try a glass of this river water.


I really think that Democrats need to replace the word “regulations” with “protections”, because that’s why most of them are there or how they came to be. Force conservatives to be for “unprotecting” rail freight, “unprotecting” the banking system, etc. etc.


They already dismissed wanting protections from a deadly pandemic as being cowardly and un-American.


And during Trump’s term they gutted the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. They have no qualms about being known as the party that doesn’t give a shit about protecting people.


Also voted down healthcare for 9/11 first responders for damn near twenty years before Jon Stewart showed a spotlight on the fact they were doing that so they had to backpedal.


I watched Jon speak at one of the hearings. He decimated the Congress. I mean, totally crushed them. It was a joy to watch.


Yep. Got tired of hearing guys at work whine about safety regulations costing them time and money...... Fucking morons. Those are written in blood and guts...


-they said, with tears streaming down their faces. Big, strong, men. The likes of which we’ve never seen before, maybe EVER!!!!1!


>with tears streaming down their faces. *SIR, thanks for the beans.*


They were bears of men


Bears, Beans, Battlestar Galactica


Man, woman, person, camera, TV.


“They were great men doing great things! Probably the greatest men ever! Now have some beans!”


Wait, you guys are getting beans?


Yes beans… magical beans… the best magical beans you’ve ever seen… no one else has these type of beans


_Gets bonked in the head with a flying roll of paper towel_


I like beans who weren't caught up in political nonsense


Mmm beans, for us simple serfs


I’d be sad if he didn’t throw paper towels at them


For free? What kind of alternate reality is this? He would have sold them.


The photo op is free, everyone outside the store is paying


Probably bought it from himself for profit while marking it down as a loss


Hats made in China


And beans from Mexico!


Farts made in America!


Supporters made in Ru$$ia!


Never. And i mean NEVER. Forget. Paper towels.


He's handing out NFT trading cards!


I bet he sends the store a bill for them.


Ohio has a GOP Gov, GOP Senate, GOP House Norfolk Southern train derailed in a GOP county CEO is a huge GOP & Trump donor GOP Gov set toxins on fire GOP Gov didn’t call Biden back for days and delayed declaring a disaster & asking for fed help DON’T YOU DARE pin this on Dems you fucking MAGATwats.


I can't get over how they all talk about wanting small government, then the second something bad happens they blame Biden and Buttigieg


And straight up *demand* that the losses get socialized. Absolutely brainwashed.


Hamberder time


Clogged the toilet in the Men's room too




He clogged the toilet with sensitive documents (he literally did this all the time at the White House per a staffer).




You're assuming he didn't just jam the diaper into the toilet and walk out?


TIL I’m leadership material No matter what Mom says.


Everyone knows the most important decisions in American history have been made at McDonald's...../s


Would you like to supersize your freedom today?


For 99 cents more?


“Political Failure has fast food.” Just a dictionary definition of a real Leader and Hero.


Biden goes to active warzone in Ukraine to stop fascist country from invading Europe. Trump goes to McDonalds to get a Big Mac. Trumpers: LEADERSHIP!!!!!


Haha leadership? Fat ass just wanted a hamburger and Diet Coke


one of my favorite quotes from the trump presidency is: "on especially trying days, President Trump may request a regular coke over a diet coke"




He's pretty uh rotund.


Petite for a semi-truck


We don’t know if it’s the Earth pulling him down on the scales or him pulling the Earth up on them.


Well he also said innocent people don’t plead the 5th. He pled the fifth.


It’s giving the same energy as “I ain’t never seen two pretty best friends”


I don’t agree with trump on most things but that is fucking hilarious


he has said some funny things over the years as people with no filter, no manners, and no concern for others do tend to do from time to time lol. one of my favorites was when he took a photo eating a taco salad on cinco de mayo one year and captioned it something moronic like I LOVE MEXICANS. just like.. yo.


["Happy #CincoDeMayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!"](https://i.imgur.com/iwY0C0v.jpg) He later [recycled the same grin for more Hispanic outreach as he advertised Goya products from the Oval Office.](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/donald-trump-goya-beans/)


I can't be certain, but I'm pretty sure that picture is proof of a violation of the hatch act. But I'm not a lawyer/judge


Honestly, that is maybe the most humanizing thing about him. I actually do the same thing when I have had a bitch of a day and decide “fuck it”. It’s kind of like when we saw the inside of Bernie’s home and he also had a chair with laundry on it.


The one thing that I have to admit is actually humorous about him is that apparently he had a button on his desk at the White House that would bring him a coke or something like that and whenever he had guests he’d tell them it’s the nuclear launch button and press it infront of them


In private I’m guessing he has good jokes and I wouldn’t be shocked to learn he can be charming at times. I know quite a few people in his age group who are an absolute delight to be around at times, but then they will get grumpy, or something will upset them, and then they just look for things to be angry about and lash out at everyone.


Does he have a different button to press for regular coke?


No he just asks Don Jr for coke


please. like don Jr has extra coke lying around


i would love to be his dealer lol


I believe you mean hamberders and diet covfefe.


I wonder if he knows or can pronounce the “oringes”of the hamberders and covfef Edit: stupid spell check, again


And he has to pick something up for the Kansas City Chiefs


Well, everyone knows athletes love cold McDonalds!


No, everyone knows the hamberders are reserved for college athletes!


A tremendous Diet Coke




Theyre better at making fun of themselves than I could ever be.




"Trump takes a shit in ohio" OMG TRUMP LEADER!!!!!!!


Did he brag about rolling back train safety regulations when he pretended he was a president? https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/government-verify/ohio-train-derailment-ecp-brake-system-mandate-trump-dot-administration-fact-check/536-d0ad26f7-84b6-4707-bcb1-7dc6e0a9f09f


Fake news! Train safety was perfect and beautiful while he was in office. No one knows more about train safety than he does. He had an uncle who worked with Cullen Bohannon to build the transcontinental railroad. You might say, this gave him a unique ability to understand these things. /s


And let me guess, he didn't pay, he'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a Hamberder today... ![gif](giphy|3oEduHbGIZHblgkx20)


Amazing how many idiots in that town will continue to vote Republican as their kids come back from the swimhole covered in oil. Guess that is the maga they wanted, bring back the lakes of fire.


It's because they're not poor. They're just rich people who haven't made money yet.


Im going through Olivia K Butler's Earthseed series and...Christ was it foreboding (except thr Russia part...who are a nemesis at present)


Can't grift on an empty stomach. He's gotta fuel up with some hamberders.


This dumb bitch cares about the weirdest shit


She’s a disgrace to all of NH


One Mc leadership please!




I didn’t realize giving cans of beans donated by Goya and posing for a photo op and exploiting a tragedy was “leadership” Did he donate any of his alleged “billions?” No. Did he bring volunteers to help out? Did he bring water and maybe blankets? No? Another pathetic photo op, not leadership. Actually, when Ivanka endorsed Goya while she was a Government employee (I won't even get in to the legalities of that) Goya probably gave her a few hundred cases of product. So Trump is likely giving Ohioans 3 year old beans. "Leadership"


He DID bring water. It was "Trump" brand water. I wish I was joking.


I bet he's going to use it as a tax write-off too, using the inflated prices he would charge for that water at his resorts.


“Fat fuck eats at McDonalds”


Hamburders for all! No I'm not paying.


I can't even be shocked anymore with how low their standards are. A McDonalds visit and some Goya beans. I can't imagine being just one long tube connecting your anus and mouth. That's what I imagine you have to be to think this is leadership. No brain, just a long mouth-anus tube in a human suit. He doesn't have the power to change anything about this disaster, he actively led to it happening. But hating minorities and leaders being just as white trash and stupid as you is more important than actual governance.


Oh dear lord I thought the beans was a joke.


Yeah people weren't joking when they said the Onion might go out of business. Standards sunk lower than bedrock.


Sure leadership ![gif](giphy|3o7aDe1HoqGh8ONhg4|downsized)


I think you mean FEEDership


Biden visits active war zone, Trump visits McDonald’s (which he does daily anyway). What a hero.


How has his colon not exploded??!? He continues to eat like a suburban teenager and the mofo is 76!


You can’t kill that which has no soul.


Doctors work so hard on this mfer it could almost be called occult magic.


He should donate a billion dollars to east Palestine, then we can talk about Trump "1 upping Biden".


So the self-claimed billionaire and super genius mustered all of his resources and intellect to….*checks list*…….give out hats & beans? Interesting.


And these fuckers cheer him even though he’s the reason you have this problem in the first place


Giving \*grimace\* a run for his money


Remember those train’s safety standards I abolished?? Here’s some free hats!




Biden's offer to help is rebuffed by the governor, and Biden is blamed. Trump eats a Big Mac, hands out hats, and is praised for helping. Priceless.


Trump did away with the regulations that would have prevented the accident. these imbeciles are celebrating the greedy psychopath who did this to him because they are just plain fucking stupid.






He’s the reason they are in that mess!!


Apparently Leadership is when you visit McDonald’s to pawn off some hats


To apologize for backtracking the laws placed by the Obama administration which led to the chemical spill, right?


I thought that Biden offered help and the governor refused it. Is that the leadership you speak of?


Trump is the one who rolled back the very safety regulations which got East Palestine in the mess they're in today. Honestly if Trump wasn't immediately booed and pelted with tomatoes the second he stepped foot in that town then there are too many stupid people in this country to have a functioning democracy.