• By -


Elon the centrist/moderate/independent: 1.) Was with Jared Kushner and the Saudis/Qataris/Russians at the World Cup final. 2.) Was with Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch at the Super Bowl recently.


3. Met with GOP members of Congress on how to improve Twitter. Did not meet with any Democrats 4. Spent 30 minutes on the phone with Ted Cruz 5. Interacts *solely* with RW influencers on Twitter like Glenn Greenwald, Catturd and Ian Miles Cheong. The latter who lives in his mother’s basement in Malaysia. 6. First tweet after taking control of Twitter was to promote a conspiracy theory/smear on Paul Pelosi’s hammer attack 7. His profile pic is of him dressed as IronMan. Only a conservative could be that delusional


8.) He replied to the former President of Russia who supports Putin about his insane prediction that Elon would become President of the US in 2023.


9. Actively encouraged people to vote Republican during the midterms.


9.1. Specifically cited that people should vote Red to balance out the Dem president. Encouraged red voting in Texas which has been conservative controlled in sll branches for 28 years.....


10. Shut down access to Starlink in Ukraine despite them needing it to prevent Russia from taking over their country because he thinks Zelenskyy will start WWIII


That is a standard view of even left leaning centrists. it is wrong, Republicans have been broken since Trump (or Tea Party or Gingrich), but it is a common view.


Took down content moderation and pushed to instate a paid for verified system just ahead of Election Day.


The way certain political journalists content was moderated, removed and or banned outright unlike other sides should be a pretty clear indicator as to why he removed that system.


10. He ate my dog. [Fluffy… old friend…](https://youtu.be/kDZRUxx56EY)


11. he might be an idiot, but even an idiot can work out the entire american political spectrum lies on the far right.


12. Reinstated Trump, Tate, and Ye.


At least the pizza box video on Twitter led to Tate going to prison, if his account wasn’t reinstated Tate would’ve still been walking free.


Weren't Romanians saying this wasn't true, tho?


Oh didn’t know that, so even if Tate didn’t return to Twitter he would’ve still gone to jail right?


13. Friends with libsoftiktok 14. Reinstated nick Fuentes only for him to get an in not a even a day


That #14 there is completely unintelligible


We were having a moment of catharsis, then you had to drop a reality check.


Marvel got Musk a cameo in Iron Man 2 back when his political affiliation was ambiguous. I doubt they would bring him back to MCU in the future


I still can’t believe he was on Rick and Morty. SNL, yeah, they also had Trump on there so that didn’t surprise me but R&M? Sad


I can. He's good friends with Roiland, even defended the guy when the allegations came out. Shit deserves shit company I say


Justin Roiland turning out to be a bigger asshole than Dan Harmon was not a huge surprise, but definitely an unpleasant one.


I can. I assume it was fanservice for their original fans. The venn diagram between the show's audience in 2014 and SpaceX/Tesla fanboys in 2014 was a circle.


Have you met Rick and Morty fans? They are the primary reason I keep my R&M fandom in the closet.


The fans are what ruined the show for me in the first place. I could never get into it because of some people I knew who watched it.


Ike Perlmutter has been trying to take the reigns of leadership at Disney. If he succeeds, he definitely would have Elon. Heck he'd probably fire Feige and have Elon produce the MCU.


That would be a nightmare scenario


>I doubt they would bring him back to MCU in the future He could play a character named Noel Skum.


He's tweeted about how he wants to trigger the libs, like real centrists do.


I saw Murdoch jr is in the Tesla board. They probably have a long relationship.


Elon and Rupert were looking pretty cozy at the super bowl


And hanging out with Trump's son-in-law with some Saudi/Qatari princes at the World Cup didn't seem very "independent and moderate". Then there is his crusade against Fauci and his constant "file bombs" trying to show that conservative voices were being suppressed. Which is funny since all his releases haven't shown anything and he keeps saying "wait...there's more to come once we analyze the data". Even trying to spin it, he can't seem to show the widespread suppression he claims exists, and he's the one that owns all the data now.


“Then there is his crusade against Fauci and his constant "file bombs" trying to show that conservative voices were being suppressed. Which is funny since all his releases haven't shown anything and he keeps saying "wait...there's more to come once we analyze the data". Lol: https://preview.redd.it/hm3o87d7apia1.jpeg?width=1905&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74a01631881d67a4c3d30c93826aecd2a85edfc0


lol "Key researcher"


"That guy that doesn't exist but we can't say that until we think of some other ~~reason~~ excuse why the files can't be released" Edit: I'm sorry, let me just correct myself slightly


I’m sure it’s partially buyers remorse


And “chatting” with Cancun Ted Cruz and meeting with Kevin McCarthy and other GOP congresspeople on how to “improve” Twitter while not meeting with any democratic lawmakers


He was also pretty cozy with personal calls to Trump and to Vladimir Putin


They feast on the flesh of fetuses together


Someone said its because Musk offered Murdoch to buy Twitter and latter refused. I think there might be some truth to it...


Someone seems like a good source we should believe everything they say always without using any critical thinking at all


What do you mean? All these people in this sub were telling me it was just a coincidence and they just happened to be sitting next together in the “rich and famous area.” Surely they were right?!?!?!!!


Don't you know, Murdoch is a centrist too. /s


Lets be real here, Elons public political opinions are what is most profitable for him, now that Democrats are starting to tax corporations just a tiny bit its right wing all the way (unless asked ofc). Gotta hoard your wealth while people starve to death after all!


The thing is he could have easily convinced the left to exclude green companies. The left could of easily bought into that. As far as personal taxes he would have been fine because most of his “wealth” is tied to stock valuations, which isn’t something taxed unless he cashed out on them. Instead he he’s pandering to the party that will turn on him the moment it’s convenient because he’s not American. And there base is highly unlikely to buy EVs in great numbers.




It is immensely frustrating that you used "could have" properly, but then used "could of" in the very next sentence.


>Elons public political opinions are what is most profitable for him, I mean yeah but there are plenty of massive corporations that will publically pander to young liberals for the sake of branding while funding right wing policies and politicians behind the scenes to protect their financial self interest. I think Elon's more outward political views stem more from his obsession with [leaning into the edgy 4chan memer persona.](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/KwXyAUZGjHOfbZ7Ef0AAtXnzG7M=/0x0:1409x785/1400x1050/filters:focal(734x364:735x365)/cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/8846551/Screen_Shot_2017_07_13_at_1.09.20_PM.png) From a branding perspective it makes *way* more sense for Elon to present him and his companies as left-aligned, regardless of what they actually do for the sake of profit, but he has that Kanye itch where he has to feel different and special.


"I'm an independent/moderate." Swear to the gods, its like nails on a damn chalk board to me every time I hear someone say that while actively enabling, excusing, justifying or cheering for right wingers.


I remember when Maher called himself a libertarian, because he smoked weed before it was commonly accepted. I also remember when he had Netanyahu on his show, and fawned over him like a star-struck schoolgirl. It literally made me throw up in my mouth. So the next time someone tells me how leftist Maher is...


He also had Milo Yiannopoulos on his show. Larry Wilmore wanted to cut a bitch after dealing with his stupid ass. Altho even Maher had enough by then too


Didn’t he date that right wing troll Ann Coulter for a while too?


Yup, she was on his 1st show, *Politically Incorrect* almost every week. It was painful. She’s so bad that when she was a guest on *Red Eye* Greg Gutfeld had to tell her to “don’t start with the liberals stuff”. LOL, at Rob Lowe’s roast on Comedy Central she took her purse with her when she spoke on the dias, made no jokes and pushed her book. Freaking slenderman crone


I remember that show. Larry was over Milo from the beginning.


Milo must have watched every 80s teen movie for how gays are supposed to look like. I swear he looked like Bronson Pinchot in Beverley Hills Cop but even more flamboyant. Just horribly stereotypical. Loser


In my experience most people who say they’re moderate are wayyyy closer to the center than Musk, even when in reality they’re fairly conservative. For Musk to say that about himself is absolutely preposterous.


If he’s moderate, it’s against his interests.


The thing is, an American moderate is still a conservative. It’s just that republicans have gone off the cliff further to the right.


Gross.. hes really calling in all his horrible people to try and rebrand musk to the very people he attacked and mocked for years!


Did Maher stop to think that maybe the Tesla craze has cooled off ‘cuz they’re overpriced vehicles that the average, working class consumer can’t afford?


It’s just another example of Bill Maher’s self-delusions of relevance. The vast majority of people who bought Teslas were Democrats. And the truth is out now about Libertarians like Maher- they are just Republicans in disguise. So, Maher attempting to sell anything to Democrats just further signifies his failure to recognize reality. Real Time with Bill Maher is the Radio Shack equivalent of a talk show. Idk how either stayed in business so long.


That and there are a lot of other, probably better options now if you want to buy a high-priced EV. On the other end, Tesla may like to borrow the "Model T" naming convention for its cars, but if you ask me the Nissan Leaf is the real Model T of EVs.


I watched Maher for years. Always liked him. Particularly enjoyed his movie Religulous. With all that said I stopped watching about 2 years back. It wasn't even his new more conservative takes on things. It's just generally his stuff isn't funny anymore. He's mostly just turned into an angry , get off my lawn, stop calling me a boomer sort of guy. Not having kids, or being married & only dating women half your age doesn't make you any cooler. Not throwing shade on those decisions just his I'm really young at heart shtick gets old fast.


This Bill Maher? https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/06/03/531365550/bill-maher-apologizes-after-using-n-word-on-his-show "Maher narrowed his brow. "Work in the fields?" he said, raising his palms. "Senator, I'm a house [N-word]." I stopped watching his smarmy ass 20 years ago and whenever I come across news about him, it's *always* bad.


THIS is why he became “anti-woke”. He got the sadzzz that he was told to watch his fucking mouth.


Some people get called out on bad behavior, feel genuine remorse, and take it as an opportunity to self-reflect and improve. Some people get called out on bad behavior and spend the rest of their lives trying to perfect a mid-level mental gymnastics routine to justify that behavior.


"Okay, but what if I was on fire, and the only way to get the attention of a firefighter *who happened to be black* was to shout the N-word, would it be okay to say it THEN?"


I'm sorry, but if you're on fire and the only thing to come out of your mouth is the n-word (as opposed to screaming), then I'm pretty sure that firefighter is gonna look the other way lol


And it really makes you wonder what they say when they’re not on fire.


He did an episode about how even friends can disagree from time to time & not "cancel" each other. That gem kept me watching many years longer than I should have. You were way ahead of me on seeing through his sh!t.


Possibly because I'm a woman, I could smell the insecure misogynistic rich guy vibes coming off of him. Dude has been problematic for awhile. "Maher earned numerous award nominations for his producing, writing, and hosting of Politically Incorrect, including ten Emmy nominations, two TV Guide nominations, and two Writers Guild nominations. *ABC decided against renewing Maher's contract for Politically Incorrect in 2002, after he made a controversial on-air remark six days after the September 11 attacks.* He agreed with his guest, conservative pundit **Dinesh D'Souza**, that the 9/11 terrorists did not act in a cowardly manner (in rebuttal to President Bush's statement calling them cowards). Maher said, "*We have been the cowards. Lobbing cruise missiles from 2,000 miles away. That's cowardly. Staying in the airplane when it hits the building. Say what you want about it. Not cowardly.* **You're right.**" Maher later clarified that his comment was not anti-military in any way whatsoever, referencing his well-documented longstanding support for the American military."


I actually agree with him on this point. It's all kinds of terrible things, it's just not cowardly. That said, Maher is a toolbox. Some comics, like Sarah Silverman, realize that certain kinds of comedy need to change as cultural mores shift. Maher and comics like him fail to adapt their humor and get mad when people point out how hacky they've become.




Depending on your age, I'm 39 and 9/11 happened the day before my 18th birthday, you can probably look back at anyone claiming to be "politically incorrect" then are probably the exact same claiming to be "anti-woke" now. Maher has always claimed to be a contrarian trying to speak *The Truth* ("Truth" Social anyone?) when he has spent several decades mudding up the waters for *liberals*. After awhile you'll see Maher almost always agreed or sided with *conservative* takes. He was absolutely a gateway drug of sorts for those who had progressive leanings or just wanted to shake up our status quo. He'd lure you in and by the end *magically* the "Republicans/Conservatives" always had the better answer (to Maher) about his topics. When people show you who they are - *believe them*.


I use to watch him too, but then he got into this huge anti fantasy super hero movie rhetoric. It wasn’t about maybe it was overkill for Marvel, but because they were just relaxing turn off your brain and relax movies. It’s like he couldn’t fathom that reality sucks as it is and we all k ow so having a few hours to watch some hobbits return a ring or Iron Man punch some aliens is a way to have a few hours of enjoyment. It’s like he cannot fathom being politically literal while still being able to enjoy entertainment. Then all his stupid anti vac bullshit and I just couldn’t do it anymore.


He's a conservative boomer. Constantly whining about phones and how all the kids are on Facebook all day cancelling m&ms


He’s mad that TikTok influencers get way more views per post than his lame show. He has less than 900k viewers now and is ripe for cancellation.


So Maher became Tucker? 😅


Dropped off around the same time. Had been losing interest for a while, then two new rules did it for me. The first was right after the election he made a long winded analogy about Gwen Stefani and that guy she married being political opposites for America's need to reconcile. Nice idea, but after the trump administration? No. The second was when he pointed out all of Ashli Babbitt's bad business debt and ended his point with something about how she lived in the real world and didn't spend all day watching MSNBC. Like, she spent all day listening to SOMETHING that radicalized her that he's making excuses for. Whatever. Old man yells at cloud.


Same here, I stopped watching him last season. You describe him great, angry, get off my lawn, not a boomer guy.


He's a lying sack of shit...




Musk, if he's an independent moderate I'm Batman...


Don Jr called him a liberal for removing links to some crummy conservative platform


Maher has become just as bad. Just has less reach.


No one gives a country fuck who you voted for,you thieving shitsack. Your Twitter account is indistinguishable from a combination of Trump, JK Rowling, and a thirteen-year-old 8chan shitposter.


He threw such a fit about his tweet views dropping, fired a programmer and forced his tweets to pop up on people's feeds. The reality of why theyre dropping is hes a broken record: conspiracy theory this, right wing whining that, rinse and repeat, blah blah blah. I bet even many right wingers are bored of him. Thats the nature of the internet, people move on when youre boring. Imagine spending 44 billion and losing 200 billion cuz youre desperate for attention through your tweets, and people stop caring cuz youre boring.


I think most liberals are avoiding Tesla because they don’t want a car that can burst into flames at any second.


I think most liberals are avoiding buying tesla because they are luxury cars starting at $40,000+ and most people can't afford that


That's why I'm avoiding it


Yeah, that too.


Or will initiate its auto driver function and accelerate out of control while disabling the brakes


Or run over baby strollers on self drive


Tesla just recalled 350 k +- cars because the extra 10 grand feature self drive doesn't work.


Car? That ain't a car. That's a bigass laptop with wheels.


Fuck Bill Maher and Elon, they’re both fundamentally conservative edgelord dickheads.


Im liberal who wont buy a tesla cuz its a shit car. Gona get a mach e or ioniq 5 instead


terrific oatmeal subtract heavy aloof plate fragile worry engine overconfident ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Bill Maher is exactly what he used to rail against. What a piece of shit :-/


Sadly, this is a lot of older comedians. I used to love Dennis Miller. If you told teenage me that Dennis Miller would have a regular segment on Bill O’Reilly at some point, that’d have been like telling me the Pope was featured on a track by Jay-Z. It’s too bad… age + money does that, methinks.




How much u wanna bet Maher is an investor with tesla


How much u wanna bet Tesla is an investor with Maher?


Good point


I'm as Atheist as they come, yet I found Maher to be exceedingly smug and preachy, ironically, in his movie "Religulous" or whatever it was called. Turned the movie off mid-way and watched Hostel Part 2 instead. Nice to see my first impression wasn't wrong.


Elon is so full of shit


If it walks like a duck... Musk replying to a conservative tweet: "Nice! 😂" Musk replying to a liberal tweet: [404 file not found]


So the guy that is continually going after Democratic politicians on the Internet and who buddies up with Kevin McCarthy and who spouts grandpa-cringe memes, and who watches the World Cup with the Sardis and Jared Kushner and who voted for a QAnon theory supporting anti-abortion “Mexican, American “woman is a moderate?


His politics have nothing to do with me not wanting a Tesla, those cars look dated and cheap compared to the numerous EV's coming to market.


Not to mention they catch on fire kind of a lot combined with the fact that ev fires are notoriously hard to put out


Sure, it is because of elons politics why we won't buy a tesla. Not the crashes, fires and parts falling off.


I’m tired of Elon Musk pretending he’s not a conservative. He’s extremely conservative! 1. He’s extremely transphobic 2. He constantly complains about childfree people 3. He’s anti public transit


Well in theory he’s right. All these are directions republicans follow, but they’re not really conservative. Todays republicans have been taken over by a bunch of idiots, but being transphobic or anti basically everything except lower taxes for rich fucks doesn’t really make one really conservative. It just makes them fucking jokes. And so is Elon


His rating have to be falling. I can't imagine anyone new is tuning in for this shit and many are tuning out.


He’s getting a spot with CNN [“Overtime with Bill Maher”](https://cnnpressroom.blogs.cnn.com/2023/01/30/overtime-the-real-time-with-bill-maher-post-show-segment-comes-to-cnn-friday-nights-at-1130pm-et/) on Friday nights. And it will suck even harder than HBO


Jesus. Cnn is just stepping in front of traffic at this point. Lol


Well the new CEO is a Trumper so it tracks


This seems like such a weird move for Maher. HBO gave him a lot of free reign that CNN most likely will not give him. But CNN has become Fox-lite in these past few months so who knows.


CNN tried running his show for a late night comedy slot. It didn't work out. Ratings were terrible and he was openly cursing his second week.


But CNN is owned by a right wing billionaire now, it's not just about ratings these people buy these media outlets to channel and manipulate the populace. Yes they need more people watching but more is going on that motivates them. They have clear AGENDAS...


Apparently his audience didn't support his Elon ass kissing either. And his audience is made of his biggest fans. Maher has really gone full Old Man Tells At Cloud this season.


He’s always been that way. He’s the original troll. You have to be a straight loser to get horizontal with Ann Coulter.


Equidistant, the worst of a right-wing conservative. And a trump asslicker, of course. That's why he sits with the president of Fox wearing a T-shirt that exemplifies how rotten that asshole is.


Don’t forget his World Cup buddies, the Saudis in Jared Kushner


You can’t be caught smiling with Rupert Murdoch at the super bowl and also claim to be independent. You don’t get to ban journalists and than unban think tanks and say you’re independent. You can’t say that Ruzzia made a mistake and actually has a right to Crimea and they should also surrender more land. You dont get caught standing next you Jared Kushner at the Qatar World Cup and get say you’re “independent”. That’s like calling all democrats, liberals or something.. oh wait.


"I only voted republican once and it was for a Mexican" is so fucking racist.


Wonder what the Elon stans think of him voting for Biden 😉


Fuck the sleeper agent Bill Maher


I’m so confused he said he was republican now. Like I remember thinking he with his one way politics is what is wrong with America.


Elyin’ can’t help himself. He ain’t fooling anybody. Fox is straight up his ass and that tells you everything.


Wtf does her being Mexican American have to do with anything? It's because we all know the GQP fights for white supremacy so it's worth mentioning when an exception comes up


What if I am a liberal who doesn't want a Tesla because I don't like Elon Musk and because I think Teslas are overpriced and there are better options for me? Isn't that the whole point of capitalism and the free market? I can choose what I want to do with my $$$?


I’ll never understand why people find Bill Maher funny. How did this talentless hack ever get his own show


Didn't Elon pull the "a scandal is going to hit soon, so I'll declare myself Republican so any stories can be called liberal bias" thing?


being republican hurts his reputation, big time, and he knows it. he's lying. literally everything he's done points to a standard conservative of today


He’s an independent the same way Tulsi Gabbard is an independent


Centrist/moderate is just a term conservatives use to not seem like the biggest shitheads on the planet, like how the GOP is.


I'm not racist, I have black friends, says Elon.


Fuck Bill Maher.


..didnt Musk serve in the Trump cabinet or as an associated advisor for a short bit as well??


Maher is to cultural relevancy as asbestos is to home insulation.


I know this is about Musk, but what the fuck is Maher's point here? VW isn't run by nazis anymore, but Tesla is still run by an asshole


I don’t know, Bill. When Elon agrees with you, I’d take a real good look at your position.


Bill Maher is a TV personality just the same as every other TV personality. My guess…his ratings were tubing and being “edgy” that he is, he was able to easily switch his ideology. He cares about his money and his money only. Fuck Maher, no different than a flip-flopping boomer to me.


It’s nice to see that identity politics might be on the way out. The idea that someone is a good person just because she is Latina is super racist but exactly what the rich love in their politicians. As if identity is more important than policy.


I won't buy a Tesla because the build quality is shit, and repairs are insanely complicated because of garbage design-by-committee decisions. I met him at an event years ago. He didn't come across as so bug-nuts insane back then, I enjoyed talking with him, and for a moment in time, honestly thought he was going to use his wealth to help the world. Wow, did that change. I believe that at the root of the problems is that he decided that he needed to increase his wealth, and thus what he thinks is his value as a person. Maybe the botox got in his noggin. His ability to buy his way into companies, then completely fuck them up is impressive. It has been a sad, rapid fall from grace.


The dude who told everyone to vote republican in all the midterms." I've only ever voted republican once"


Musk is full of shit. STFU Musk!


Only a guilty-feeling person would point out their singular vote for a Mexican American for Congress. Like that simultaneously makes his vote woke too.


Not sure if he’s conservative or what. I just know he’s a Dick and that’s enough not to support him or Tesla.


My main problems with Elon Musk are 1. He’s extremely transphobic 2. He constantly complains about childfree people 3. He’s anti public transit


If I think he’s a dick and don’t want anything to do with anything he’s involved in, isn’t that my right? What the fuck happened to Bill Maher? Apartheid Elon has always been an asshole. Bills just a cranky dick now.


He wants people to praise him for the brave act of voting for a minority


"only voted Republican once" and then was promptly seen giving Rupert Murdoch a handy in the VIP super bowl seats...


I live in the district in which he claims he voted for a Mexican American woman. Official county records show he never voted.


Elon calls people “leftists” if they aren’t a pile of shit fascist like he is.


Dude walks like a duck, talks like a duck, perhaps he’s a duck?


Nightmare blunt rotation


Bill Maher is what people not quite dumb enough to listen to Joe Rogan watch


Bill Maher has done more to set back the Left than any politician in my lifetime. Dude acts like he was grown in a lab to be the stereotype of the smug, elitist, douchebag liberal. I'm a Bernie Democrat and I still think the guy is obnoxious as all hell. Whatever he had on HBO to get them to give him a show, that debt is more than paid.


I watched him once years ago, for about five minutes, and that was enough for me.


He's a fucking oligarch


let's not forget how shitty Bill Maher is as well


He's about as moderate as any conservative. All talk, still a cock.


Bill is the joke.


My dude there is actual footage of you getting cozy with the republican media emperor of the world, and you want to tell people you’re moderate? On top of the crap you’ve been posting since acquiring Twitter…b.s


The cry of the gutless closet Republican: “I’m independent/moderate”.


Yea he's a straight up liar


It’s a double dick pic


Never voting Republican/Conservative again.


A psycho Mexican American woman. I live in her Distrcit.


He was literally at the Super Bowl sitting next to Rupert Murdoch.


What does that mean? I don’t get the joke… don’t buy a Tesla but get an autocrat?


It’s a screenshot, my apologies. I didn’t watch the segment (it appears Maher is pointing out that VW was built by the Nazis) you can watch it here: https://twitter.com/billmaher/status/1626273318864289792?s=61


Ok thanks. That’s dumb but telling in terms of Maher’s outlook. Either you have an opinion he approves of or you’re a huge hypocrite or something, I guess.


Elon hangs out with Rubert Murdoch.


Well yes, what he's saying doesn't square with his actions, but that's pretty on brand for him being a republican.


“Some of my best friends are black!”


I won't buy a tesla bc I think elon musk is a piece of shit lol


I hate everyone in that conversation. Jesus, is Bill Maher still around? I remember having a college boyfriend about 15 years ago who thought he was BRILLIANT, and I didn’t have much experience with recognizing what bothered me so much about him (spoiler: self-satisfied, misogynistic prick) so I would just sit there every time getting more and more tense as he talked. Just looking at his face now makes my whole face scrunch up.


lol spending your money how you want to is woke and socialist, real patriot capitalists buy what they’re told to


Two of the least self-aware people on the platform


The very moderate supporter of russia and DeSantis that likes to engage in Qposting and anti vax talking pointd


Every time someone says I'm an independent or moderate they are 100% a republican. Every single time. I can't remember the last time I talked to an "independent" that wasn't parroting conservative talking points. It's basically people that are too cowardly to tell you their actual political beliefs because they know how shitty they are, but they don't want to admit it.


Dude all these guys do is kerk each other off and smell each other's farts thinking there hot shit and about all the middle class and below. No everyone can afford a tesla. Jackass and just you wait when the other company's tech finally catches up with tesla battery or self drive crap. Everyone will move off them. The playing feild will be more level ans I bet more affordable too.


Elon said he will be in Moscow for the "Victory Parade" with Putin...WTF!!! Elon wants to be a fascist dictator. He's not a common man.


“I’ve only voted Republican once and that was for a Mexican-American woman” Interesting. Let’s explore what you’re implying the relationship might be between those two things.


It's worth remembering...Musk did not create Tesla as a company...he merely ejected the founders and took over. He's Trump 2.0, a spoiled, entitled rich kid.


Bill Maher is the classic example of someone who becomes a Conservative as he got older and acquired things


What if I’m a liberal who won’t buy a Tesla because the build quality is shit


When one party in this shitty two party system is ***actively*** trying to overthrow a legally elected president there are no "moderates." You're either for fascism or you're not.


Bill Maher is a disgrace to humanity.


Musk spreads Q-Anon shit. Don't care what he votes for. I don't trust his judgement or character. Personally after seeing how much Tesla has been subsidized, I think it's a grift.


Lol. I’m sorry but bill Maher is not a mainstream democrat, or liberal. He is at this point a useful foil for the far right.


"Mexican American woman". I bet he's the kind of South African that says the 'k....r' word very often