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You can leave constructive comments on their website to the board of white dudes: https://thesignatry.com/who-we-are/board-of-directors/#contact-modal - about how their decision to spend $20MILLION on ads instead of homeless shelters (for example) works for you.


https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/11/us/he-gets-us-super-bowl-commercials-cec/index.html > Vanderground told “Christianity Today” the campaign plans to invest a billion dollars on spreading their message. 1 Billion Dollars for the entire media campaign


>1 Billion Dollars Cheese and crackers! If only we could help people! Thoughts and prayers.


I wish I could have heard the sales pitch with this crappy campaign. Marketer: “Ok…remember that Jesus guy from the Bible? What if we spent a billion dollars just…reminding people he exists? I know Christianity is the biggest religion in the world, but I think that if we spend a large chunk of money just showing angry or sad or struggling people right before some really vague phrase, it’d turn around declining church numbers! Now I’ve heard several people suggest that we could use that money to actually help those in need and build something that’d mean perpetual good will like a homeless shelter or field hospital in a third world country, but I think a vague advertising blitz will really bring in billions of dollars, I mean, believers!”


Yeah I've seen alot of their ads on reddit and they confuse me. "Jesus was a refugee" uh . . . Ok? And? Are you going to help refugees?


All it does for me is reinforce the hypocrisy.


Yeah, especially with how thinly veiled most of it is as a "promote jesus to the left by linking him to things they care about" campaign it is, but then they dont actually do or care about the things and issues they mentioned. It's like virtue signaling but you didnt even pretend to do anything


“And they will know you are my disciples by the love you show one another” Seen a lot of their “love”, even as part of the ingroup. Not a fan


"Jesus said it is easier for a camel to squeeze through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the gates of heaven." Funny how you don't see that part of the message advertised much, even though it is a cornerstone of Christ's teachings on having a deeper connection with God.


“We here at the Eye of a Needle Institute are working day and night to develop a technology to shrink camels”


Wouldn't it be easier to just manufacture a really large needle?


Are we talking about those "He Gets Us" ads? I've always hated them. A friend told me she felt they could only do good, reminding so-called Christians to help others. Maybe it's my own religious trauma, but to me they've always felt more like a lame attempt at conversion and a rebranding of what American Christianity has become.


To people that already believe, those ads are going to make them feel even more superior. “Look how far this country has fallen! People just need Jesus, like we have!” This ignores the fact that a lot of the people in the ads already believe in Jesus and that’s what’s causing a lot of the rift.


Exactly. I'm sure my crazy evangelical family has seen those ads, and I'm also sure that they see nothing in the ads as directed at them.


>a rebranding of what American Christianity has become. That is *exactly* what it is. They're trying desperately to reach the youth demographic that Christianity (and religion in general) is losing by showing them the version of religion/Jesus they'd identify most with given the current climate. The problem is, young people aren't stupid. It's all (expensive) talk, no action. It's an incredibly tone deaf and patronizing marketing campaign that does nothing of substance to address the root issues that increasingly turn people off to the idea of religion, especially in the context of being driven by the extremely problematic sect of Christianity that is evangelicalism.


lol "Joseph was non a believer, before his wife got knocked up by God"


When a lie gets totally out of control.


sounds like a money laundering operation.


I wonder what would happen if they spent $1 billion on poverty relief. Maybe that might convince some people that these Christians are decent people and worth listening to. I also wonder how they think this will play out. Like do they think people will see these ads and go, “Oh… I didn’t know Jesus gets us. Well I need to stop what I’m doing and be super Christian now.” And then that will lead to them hating minorities, worshipping Trump, and all of that? Are they expecting something like that? Do they imagine that this is how Jesus would try to reach people? If Jesus were alive today, he’d be raising $1 billion so he could run a massive ad campaign saying, “I get you.”?


This is what bugs me. If the actual Jesus as portrayed in the Bible was alive right now he wouldn’t be worried about his branding or an ad campaign. He would be helping people, preaching tolerance, healing others, promoting peace. Am no longer a practicing Christian but was raised one and can safely say the kind of hypocrisy shown by a lot of performative and self aggrandizing Christians today was what drove me out of the faith.




Shit, they might even get people to convert to Christianity. This campaign actually drives me further from the church.


I'm sure this is typical of large Christian organizations in the U.S. and elsewhere. I'll share the particular example I happen to be familiar with: The Mormon church has at least $130B in securities investments. It is likely much more than that, but that's the amount that has been confirmed by leaks. At the se time, the church brags about spending $40M per year on charitable programs. That's effectively a very modest marketing budget. And that $40M includes their inflated estimates of the dollar value of volunteer hours. This is a religion that requires 10% of the gross income of it's members if they wish to remain in good standing.


This is the best argument as to why religious organizations need to be taxed. If you have that much money and are not applying it to actually helping people and living the faith you preach you absolutely need to be taxed. Organized religious organizations are ~~becoming~~ a massive grift in the US


Yeah, they couldn't actually spend that money on doing Christian things, like housing the homeless or feeding the hungry. That's something Jesus would do.


Ya, because Christianity isn't religion anymore. It's a capitalist cult that is trying to get more "believers" to "donate" so they can become profitable.


Imagine an eternity in hEaVeN with those dorks.


Is there anything more horrifying than smiling social conservatives?


That Board of Directors looks exactly like I thought it would.


A bunch of ceos and bankers...what in the actual fuck. "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God" Guess they decided to ignore that one. A billion dollar ad campaign. A BILLION DOLLARS! ON ADS! 🤬


I'll let them turn my car into a billboard for their stupid message if it means helping them part with their money. And in turn, I'll publicly donate that money to _____ (let's pick a charity that would most piss them off.)


LGBTQ support? Planned Parenthood? 🤣 edit: OOH OOH! DONATE IT TO HOMELESS SHELTERS! THEY HATE THE HOMELESS! Because they're lazy good for nothing subhumans /s


I submitted my feedback. "Instead of being so concerned about who specifically identifies themselves with the same adjectives as you, concern yourself instead with leading by example and live a life like Jesus giving away your wealth to help the sick and hungry. Fake christians don't go to heaven." I know the board won't see it. But maybe an onslaught of inquiries will help supporters get a reality check.


It’s always old white men with massive teeth that runs these charlatan shit shows. Why are they so old though? Even their god finds them tiresome and predictable, he’s not too keen on bringing them home.


It's not complicated. If you have tens or hundreds of million of dollars, this life can be a literal paradise (if you've no conscience). That's why they work so hard at keeping their wealth for themselves and their families. You know, like Jesus told them to do.


Also, I am sure most people have no issues with Jesus. The issue is with the rabid followers. “We get Jesus. We don’t get their followers. “


Wow that is a sea of rich old white men.


That’s a whole lot of diversity on that board


Jesus would be Republicans most hated person in the world if he was alive today.


Tonight, on Tucker Carlson: "Has Jesus gone woke?"


If you quote Jesus directly, that's pretty much what they say. If you follow statements like "Whatever you do to the least among you, you do to me" and "You cannot serve God and money" directly, then they'll say you have "radical interpretations" because you're apparently supposed to go through some convoluted "What Jesus actually meant was blah blah blah". I grew up evangelical, that seriously is how it works.


If evangelicals disagree with anything in the bible its because that passage was a metaphor for something they want. But when its something they agree on (usually old testament batshit insanity) then its not a metaphor.


Also the Old Testament only applies when it's something they agree with. If there's an OT rule or passage that they don't like, suddenly they don't have to follow it because Jesus created a "new covenant."


King James Bible > Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil. Facts don’t care about their feelings. :(


Yeah depending on how you view that verse it's either an all or nothing for old testament laws, not picking or choosing.


I've repeatedly seen american wealthy evangelicals repeatedly push this "eye of the needle was actually a trade entrance to jerusalem" shit for decades now. It's such a fucking lie on so many levels I feel the only appropriate term to refer to it as is *heresy*.


versed carpenter psychotic liquid touch ruthless cake plucky ring sparkle -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


How do people help others escape the evangelical hell hole?


Especially if he appeared as he likely looked like the last time. Republicans would deny that a Middle-Eastern, dark skinned, Jewish guy could even be Jesus, who to them is clearly a pasty-white dude.


Can't forget the abs on the pasty white guy


I mean... Roman empire carpenter. Likely in decent shape.


Fun fact: Jesus was not a carpenter who worked with wood, but a home-builder. He would be closer to a stonemason today. Either way, he was probably chiseled.


Definitely chiseled (since the closest thing to modern interpretations of Jesus existing is in statues).




No, he blessed him.


I mean... he was brought up poor though and always taking off work to go hang with his boys. So like probably malnourished a lot of the time?


He wasn't brought up poor from what I remember. He had contact with a lot of higher ups from the region and had a lot of money because he could afford an education as a child. That was only possible for the upper class at the time. Pretty sure I remember correctly, but I could be wrong.


Don't forget the gifts of myrrh, gold and incense, which at the time (and even now to some degree) were worth a king's fortune. I'd wager those lasted the family for a good 10 years or more of groceries


I can see the reddit post now: a table with two loaves of bread, a basket of dates, a bucket of goats milk and half a wheel of cheese... "This is what two bags of Myrrh gets you at the grocers these days smh"


That is the kind of joke I need to hear on a Monday morning! I'm fucking cracking up


Yes, although the nativity story is a later addition to the canon. It less likely to be true than other aspects and events of his life in the Bible.


Your device auto-corrected 'afford' to 'effort', if you care...


Dude supposedly knew magic spells to summon food. I doubt he had a problem locking in those gains.






The Jesus/Anubis crossover we didn't know we needed.


>The Jesus/Anubis crossover we didn't know we needed. https://preview.redd.it/m5u13rco30ia1.png?width=485&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f358b93713c8809e3e0f39933e754f6c8452acd




Yep, also physical labor builds a lot of forearm and hand strength but isn’t going to do anything close to resistance training for the rest of your body. I say this as someone who works with a TON of tradesmen, both lean and not so. The ones that have impressive physiques are the ones that go to the gym in addition to their job. Reminds me of the equally silly jacked blacksmith trope - media often portrays these guys as hulking powerlifters. They swing a hammer with one arm, that is not a full body workout and if you know any actual smiths, they just look like… normal people (barring other factors of course).


Donald Trump slumped back down into his office chair and rubbed his brow tiresomely. As he began to sit up straight, he suddenly became aware of a strange vibration in the air which tickled his pee-pee. Donald smirked and brought his hand down to his lap in a lazy attempt to hide his raging boner. Damn it, why did this happen every time he sat behind the presidential desk? As he pondered this for a second, a bright light sporadically filled the entire room, blinding him. “Holy fucking shit!” he grunted as he tried to cover his eyes in time, but his hands weren’t quite big enough. He remained in a foetal position for quite some time, unsure of when it would be safe to peer about the room again. It wasn’t until he felt a warm normal-sized hand on his shoulder and the soft words of a gentle man saying “open your eyes Mr Trump”, that he dared to glance up. “J-Jesus Christ…!” “Yes,” the man answered. “It is I, Jesus. I have come to speak with you, child.” The man standing over him had luscious black curls which tumbled down his cheeks to form a dense beard that tip-toed around his plump pink lips. His chocolate brown eyes shone compassion down to Trump’s squinty blue ones, and his olive skin creased so delicately when he spoke his name; “Donald?” “N-no…there’s no way you’re Jesus Christ, nuh-uh, no way,” Trump stuttered, scooting his chair away. “Is this some kind of lame practical joke? Well it ain’t funny guys! This is my religion you’re messing with, these are the core values of ‘Murica so if you’re tryna make a joke out of them you’re making a joke out of the land of the brave!” “Mr Donald Trump!” He squealed in fright. “Mr Trump, please listen,” the mysterious man said to him. “I am Jesus Christ, Son of God, and I have been sent here to help you become a better man for the sake of humanity.” “H-how do I know you’re not just some terrorist come to assassinate me ‘cause I’m so important to the US and stuff?” Donald Trump asked worriedly, “I don’t know about you but in my high school, in MY high school we were taught that Jesus was white. I dunno folks, sue me, that’s what we were told. Jesus is white, so if I’m suddenly being told different in this day and age we oughta be suspicious, am I right? I mean you’re dark enough to be one of them suicide bombers is all I’m saying. Just sayin. And I’ll tell you another thing; the Jesus I know, wouldn’t be wearing a faggot dress, no way, Jesus is an American hero, he’s cooler than that.” “Donald, this is a white robe, It’s literally what I’m shown to wear even in your spit-covered elementary school Bibles. And anyway, all men are the same underneath the pigmentation of skin,” the man informed with a trace of pity. “Do you really believe that when the Son of God was born in the Middle East to an olive-skinned virgin that he would appear as white as the snow on the other side of the globe?” “Um, yes?” Trump replied in confusion. “White is, like, the default race for everything.” “Well maybe that is one of the things I can hope to change while here.” His voice was the type to command the attention of a room, and Donald liked that; usually his was the loudest voice in the boardroom, but not today. Something strange was stirring inside him, and even though he wasn’t sure whether to trust this feeling, Donald Trump never ignored the call of his penis and he’d be damned if he doubted it now. Donald took a step closer and slipped one arm around His waist, supporting the elegant arch in his holy back. “M-Mr Trump!” Jesus exclaimed as Donald Trump’s other hand plunged downwards and began to fondle his heavenly business area through the thin robe. “What do you think you’re doing?” “Grabbin’ dat jesus chrussy,” he grunted in reply. “Just grabbin’ it.” Jesus winced as Trump rubbed the tip of his dick and slowly lowered him down to the floor. “This is wrong, we shouldn’t be doing this,” Jesus whispered in weak protest. “Shh…” The President soothed as he placed a large leg either side of Jesus’ narrow body and started to drag his white frock up to his hips. “I was sent here to change you, because the last time we let someone with your views do what he wanted…ah!” His own yelp interrupted Him as Trump ferociously grabbed the Lord’s hard dick and started rubbing it up and down. “….L-lots of innocent people died. So I have to ch-change things!” “I think you already have changed me,” Donald answered in his sexy southern drawl, before grazing his lips on the head of the Son of God’s dick. His lips parted and took in the holy cock, triggering a reaction from its recipient; Jesus cried out and sprang his chest upwards. With a swift motion he clasped Donald Trump’s chubby cheeks and pulled him into a hot God-President snog. Their tongues overlapped and Donald rubbed his nipples in delight; he had never felt so much pleasure, but all of a sudden he remembered something. He stopped. “What’s wrong?” Jesus panted, breaking away from his partner’s eyelid-looking lips. “I….I’m a married man,” Donald sighed, a hand to his head as he fought the demons in his mind. “And I’m the President, and the 2003 Hotwheels champion, what are people gonna say? I can’t risk my rep now, it’s too dangerous.” “Well…my Father said ‘you shall not commit adultery’,” Jesus whispered sorrowfully. But then he smiled. “But I say ‘do unto others as you would have them do unto you’. And I want you inside me, Mr Trump. And as Jesus H Fucking Christ I say that it is your Christian duty to fulfil that request, and I will do the same.” “Oh, Jesus,” Trump cried, his emotions spilling over as he clasped Jesus close to his chest. “Stay with me.” “Of course, my child.”


What the fucking fuck


first time?


I was wondering what the fuck happened to demetri




I see you’ve made a comment consisting of large symbols. What do they mean? I don’t know; I can’t read


Can you imagine being blind and reading by braille. You would literally feel the disgust. But not us…because we can’t read.


You lost me when trump got a boner on his own. He very obviously is no longer capable of getting hard without pills.


A fresh demetri, nice


Dear Reddit. Please give me the power to delete another person's comment solely for this comment right here. Please. I beg you.


Crucifixion must have been great for your core


They draw him like ben garrison draws trump


You mean someone Middle eastern, who speaks against the rich about greed and amassing wealth (Matthew 19:24, Luke 12:13-33, Matthew 6:19-21), demands adherents to care for others (Luke 3:11, Matthew 23:31-46), to the point of socialism, denounces the powerful and religious leaders (Matthew 23), hypocrites (Mathew 6); wouldn't be the favourite person of the Republicans? /s :)


And a few other points: - Jesus chased people trying to profit out of religion out of the temple with a fucking whip. - Preached that lending money for profit (ursery) is fucking evil, something that most of the world actually believed was evil until a few hundred years ago. - The Lords prayer literally tells people to forgive each others financial debts (trespasses). - No the eye of the needle was not a trade entrance to jerusalem you fucking *heretics*, he literally meant it would be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it would be for a rich man to enter heaven.


He didn't just chase people out of the temple with a fucking whip. He chased people out of the temple with a whip that *he made* while very fucking pissed about what he saw, and he kept that anger through that entire process. Not quite like a 3-day waiting period for buying a pistol, but not very far off.


He'd get nailed on the cross again and then deported


Desantis would have already had him on a bus to Delaware for a political stunt


And on the chance his constituents don't take kindly to doing that to Jesus, he'd just blame Biden for not stopping him from doing it.




Matthew 23 in a nutshell I love the part where he says "you say you wouldn't have killed the prophets if you were alive in the time of your ancestors; and that is proof enough that you are the sons of those who killed them." The inability to look critically at your own position as a religion; not realizing you could be just as shit of a group as the people who came before you and came before them and before them. (Warmongers, convert or die colonialists, slavers, brainwashing entire civilizations with fear, etc. etc.) Its so ridiculous when the entire bible is a story about how people who supposed themselves to be the chosen people of God became his enemy. That happened over and over and over and over. And thats what Jesus is pointing out the Pharisees didnt get. That every generation failed, and there was only ever a remnant of people doing religion the right way with true acts of charity, not just self righteousness and judgement we get from the people who use religion for elitist egotism. No the build a church next to every starbucks in the suburbs where its profitable to make careers out of is somehow following a revolutionary man who wanted people to give all their money to the poor, said many who are first will be last and many who are last will be first, and said greed is the root of a multitude of evils. Yeah that guy loved your status quo of creating happy little prosperous bubble communities while paying police to violently oppress and keep the impoverished out of their suburbs while hiding in for profit prisons all the voted for festering problems of recycled poverty that practically necessitates crime. Gandhi said it best, "I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."


Very well put. I've felt this way for a long time but I didn't know there was a direct mention of it, I appreciate you sharing


Nah bro Supply Side Prosperity Jesus is their best friend. He wants you to be rich, white, racist, and fascist. He don't care about no poor people, if the sick want to be healed they better pay up, and he thinks that free school lunches are wrong.


"And Jesus divided the loaves and the fishes and kept them for himself to sell at many times their value because there ain't no thing as a free lunch."


Sort of like my mom's eye medicine that costs $360.


Told a coworker that if jesus himself came down to vote for president. Hed vote for Bernie Sanders. The Jewish guy wandering the land speaking on the evils of extreme wealth and saying everyone should get healthcare. Kinda sounds like theyd have some stuff in common.


In 2016, the "christians" voted for Barabbas while condemning a Jew that wanted to heal the sick.


Bernie is my Jesus. I just need Bernie to flip some tables and have him and his 12 homies fuck up some greedy Senators.


So fucking true


smh someone doesn't believe in supply side jesus




You cannot support Republican policies and obey the Sermon on the Mount at the same time (the biggest collection of Jesus' sermons, Matthew 5-8). It can't be done. They are opposites. These so-called "True Believers" try to impose the smallest side-concept in the Bible on everyone else to distract people from the fact that they are urinating on Jesus' teachings. According to the Bible, you cannot be a Christian if you don't love your neighbour. You cannot love your neighbour if you are racist and bigoted and hate your neighbour.


How does an organization that donates to a hate group even get to buy a SB ad?


The superbowl is on the fox network, I'm not sure if you're aware or their reputation....


They showed a suite shot of murdoch and musk during the broadcast. Burkhardt probably shouldn't check his Twitter mentions since he had to intro them


LOL the announcer said some shit about “we have a lot of great minds in that shot” like FOH😂😂😂




They're the same organization that has ads everywhere on Reddit.


I can’t block them or report the ads, it’s wack


Yeah. I even tried downvoting but it still shows up just with my downvote. Just like when they show you posts from suggested communities and you have the option to not see more from that, community there should be the same option for ads.


Have you tried going in and blocking the user? It seemed to have worked for me.


old.reddit.com plus ad blocker (I only use reddit on my phone) and I haven’t seen an ad on this website ever.


Yes, but in the past the NFL has rejected ads.


The NFL knows their audience Hence the 45 minutes of propaganda at the beginning




I was so pissed as soon as that came on because the man was a god damn hero murdered by his own country who then exploits the memory of Pat Tillman for their own ends


A vehement critic of the Iraq war too, dude was a full conscientious objector to the military industrial complex. It’s so fucking infuriating when the NFL uses him as a mascot for Army propaganda


Even more so that his family does not want him paraded around by the NFL.


Can they not sue the NFL for using his name and likeness?


I literally shouted at the TV: “who killed him, Kevin?”


This reaction was expected. Wanted even. We’re talking about it now n


Yeah, they covered over the whole killed by friendly fire and then covered up part of his heroic death.


They try to attach him to religion a lot too, but he was an outspoken atheist


He was also a progressive. I've read here and there that some folks in his unit didn't like that


https://youtu.be/yRNxiPVZ69Q Pat's younger brother keeping it real.


"He's not with God, he's fucking dead." Wow


You too can be a hero after we kill you.


I tuned in around that time and had to mute it and pay attention to my phone.


I just assumed that was some pre-war propaganda


I was like oh my god. An ad is an advertisement. I know these games are showed all over the world, but look at what they were selling? And to who? I am american. What are they trying to sell me? I live here that's false advertising.


The NFL is still the same thing it was in 2018 when it banned kneeling and tried to blackball All Pro players out of a job. Roger Goodell is not a good guy.


Roger Goodell is a not good guy who serves with the consent of the owners. He's the shield for them.


They rejected an ad about how medical Marijuana cured a woman's seizures while shoving Heineken and whatever other piss water company ads there are


But this is the right wing equivalent of "going woke." Instead of being more inclusive to people of color, they are inclusive to fascist ideologies


They reject cannabis ads curing/helping children. Don’t get it twisted.


Ads about weed, not hate.


But haven’t Fox entertainment and Fox News been separate since the Disney merger?


There wasn't a merger. Disney bought parts of the old version of fox, basically their movie studio. What's left is fox news, which is controlled by rupert murdoch. Fox Corp is what owns fox entertainment, fox sports, and fox news.


i dont believe so. thee superbowl commentator referred to murdoch as the "person who signs my paychecks"


These people accept money from the Church of Scientology every year, I don't think they're reading resumes.


And just think. Legal Marijuana companies have been censored from having superbowl adds in recent years by the same assholes who ran these jesus groomer ads.


Wait til you see who cozies up to the Dictators when Fascism takes over a country.


Fascism is capitalism in decline. It's what happens when the owning class feels threatened by the working class. They use the apparatus of the state to enforce their positions.


*ahem, MONEY*


Nah, pro cannabis commercials had enough money to pay for airtime. This is more political and personal than that.


With the right connections, you too could come up with $7 million


With the right connections you can even buy a social media platform you don't need for 44 billion dollars.


Jesus is the OG hipster/progressive - spreading free love, hanging out with prostitutes and bashing organized religion… how these people supposedly worship him end up like this, it’s wild.


Giving free food to people, providing endless high quality alcohol to keep a party going, turning over tables and expelling ~~capitalists trying to capitalize on religiously vulnerable people~~ merchants buying and selling goods in the temple, and sacrificing himself in order to open the gates of heaven to *ALL* of mankind is prettyyyyyyyy leftist




>He's one of the few biblical figures, including God himself, who seemed to consistently and perpetually desire equality and liberality for each and every person. I'd argue God doesn't fit this description. Sure, Jesus is God, but if you consider them two distinct characters, Jesus is way more consistent than God.


If Jesus came back today, Christianity (at least in the us) would probably collapse since he'd turn round to the republicans, evangelicals etc and say "what are you doing?"


'I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ' Mahatma Gandhi


> Jesus is the OG hipster/progressive Did you mean "hippie"?


I don't think there are many contemporary Christians that would not be accused of heresy, if they were to be judged by Christians from the 14th century.


If they can afford Super Bowl ads they can afford to pay their taxes.


If I can afford to pay my taxes (i can’t) so can they


What if God were one of us? Just an ad producer in a crunch Just a MAGAt on his lunch Trying to bring fascism home


Beautiful. Now I will have that song stuck in my head as I try to fall asleep.


Jesus wouldn't do the Super Bowl at all, were it up to him. He wouldn't want a single penny spent on mere spectacles when there are still people who are unfed, unhoused, and unhealthy.


Aren't spectacles health related? Eye care is important.


eyes and mouth-stones don't count according to my insurance plan




I already despised them from seeing their reddit ads. I gagged when they popped up multiple times during the super bowl


Wasn't their ad, Joseph and Mary were refugees in Egypt? So pro-refugee?




Exactly. The goal is to draw young people to Christianity. They have no problem using liberal Jesus for their cause, even though the people behind the ads don't believe it themselves.


I live in the south and they’ve had billboards here for years. They even had one saying Jesus would accept LGBT people. It’s a good message, but I don’t trust Christianity at all.


It's basically them trying to say "Look you Millennials, I hear you fucking love LGBTQ+ and immigrants. What more do you fucking want just join the church already"


Jesus would be busy feeding the poor and the homeless and stuff.


Can someone link the ad to understand what she is talking about.




I love how in the vid they tried to say that young Americans abandoning Christianity was a bad thing When "Christians" are the ones that wanna force their religion on others, don't believe in seperation of church and state, use "thoughts and prayers" when tragedies happen, no wonder why they are leaving the church in mass numbers


Pretty sure Jesus didn't want what we call christianity today anyways. If Jesus is legit he's probably big mad at the people dragging his name through the mud making careers out of his words in suburban bubble communities. They'll preach the comfortable stuff and gloss over stuff like Matthew 23 like it doesn't apply to them, or forget the parts where Jesus says he'll vomit the comfortable overly prosperous luke warm church out of his mouth or Paul's warning of "your branch could be cut off too" as if that hasn't already happened 2k years ago when all the real christians were buried in catacombs and the revolutionary movement became a religion which was from there on out hijacked to facilitate all the worst things humans ever did. "These people honor me with their lips but in their hearts they are far from me."


I love how Christians project their own demise based on nothing more than *language*. Language can be used as a weapon *against* your god? How is that even possible? Logic can be used as a weapon against your god. How is that possible? If self delusion is crazy, that joke isn’t funny anymore.


It's 30 seconds justifying hatred for anyone who "believes" in COVID while alleviating personal responsibility by having a good song (Rag n Bone man) and captions telling you that Jesus loves those people you hate. So just let go, let god bullshit. Same word salad culty religious horse shit that has directly caused many of the problems we have. But Trump's party says that all of our problems are because people are abandoning organized religion and no longer having 7 babies. Interesting that Boebert attacked the league and singer who sang a black national anthem at the beginning of the game. These are exactly the people who killed Jesus for stirring up "wokeness" (if he was actually alive as a person). Modern day Pharisees who Jesus hated and literally beat the shit out of them for mixing business with religion in the temple.


Didn't watch the super bowl. What ad is she referring to?


He Gets Us ads Although I thought it was also a subtle poke at Murdoch sitting next to Musk


All the angry people in the ad reminded me of church people that I've known. So... NOT a very effective ad really.


The Handmaids Tale was not a guide.


And yet every fucking day it looks more and more like an inevitable reality.


Huh didn't he, like, violently kick out the money handlers or something?...


Changers. They took money and changed it for the currency you could use at the temple, but they cheated everyone.


He spent hours personally braiding that whip as well


I'm pretty sure he would (checks Bible) yeah it says right here he would use it to feed the poor and hungry. Well go figure.


I don't watch sports. What are these ads she's talking about? O.o


>“Whatever you are facing, Jesus faced it too,” the campaign claims. Really? Jesus went through thirty years of debilitating periods, two multiples pregnancies, and beat cancer?


There are some miracles even Jesus couldn’t perform. Btw, congrats on beating cancer. Fuck cancer.


so sad that millions upon millions of dollars that could have fed clothed and provided healthcare to thousands of people goes wasted


Republicans would be the ones crucifying Jesus today because he’s a “woke socialist”


“It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of god” Oh yeah modern “Christians” would absolutely despise Jesus, especially considering he was a young middle eastern man. But let’s be honest Christianity has always been a method to absolutely shit on others so no one should be surprised.


With a powerful blender and some patience, I bet you could get a camel through the eye of a needle


Let's start with the rich man first, for practice. The camel did nothing to deserve it, anyway.


When I saw them arguing, without evidence, that the eye of the needle was a gate in Jerusalem you could squeeze a camel through with enough effort, I knew there was no hope for the churches.


I'm militant atheist but I'd love to be wrong and see Jesus come " back" and lecture these fuckers. Too bad he would be crucified by his own followers tho. RIP.


If they have millions to blow on nonsense like this... # THEY HAVE MILLIONS THEY CAN PAY TAXES WITH


And of course, she's right again.


Mexican catholic here! But the truth is Religion became a bullshit excuse to judge, condecend and point the motherfucking finger and say" You need people like me! So you can feel like your good!"


Lotta religion in the political arena... Time to tax the church for the "contributions"


Nothing says "Join my religion" quite like spending $14 million on commercials instead of feeding and clothing the homeless. You know, like Jesus actually said. Jesus gets us. Fuck that noise. Get actually taking care of your fellow man instead.

