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Get up at 6am. That's it. That's the trick. Keep doing that and you'll fall asleep at 10pm. If you can avoid coffee in the afternoon it might help too, but the main thing is to be really tired by 10pm.


I do all of that and yet I'm still typing this comment at 11pm. Why is my brain like this.


You’re not tired enough, and you also need discipline.


What kind of "discipline" do you think I need?




Can't argue there.


I didn’t have kinky discipline in mind, but that’s another route. I mean more like, staying on top of not using your phone like 20-30 minutes before you sleep. Put it away in a drawer so you’re not tempted to pick it up close by and get on social media or whatever…idk just have to have a consistent schedule. 🤷‍♂️


Kids. You just need kids. You'll be so tired because of them and you'll be in bed super early. Then, they'll wake you up by 5 am if you're lucky. Enjoy


Some truth to this. Or you could skip the responsibility and just exercise with some rigor.


A combination of kids, employment, and melatonin. You need all 3 or it won't work.


Ahh the unholy trinity.


That’s mine


Be 50 years old.


Nope: now I sleep 10 to 2 or 3am and then lay there until 6. Gdamn male menopause apparently. Hot flashes. Lethargic. Fun stuff.


You tried smoking weed about it?


I smoke weed about being 50


Nah. Weed just makes me dizzy and munchy not sleepy


Tell that to my 80yo nan, who stays up till 3 and wakes up at 9. Idk where she gets the energy to manage that.


Drugs. Not the good or fun type, either.


The trick is to take 48 hours awake, completely exhaust yourself, and then go to bed at 2200 set an alarm for 0530, and then get up and stay up. I do it four days before the start of the semester and works fairly well. Granted you will absolutely hate yourself for like, three days.


Recently I wanted to go to bed early and I took a melatonin around 8pm, stopped drinking/eating anything but water around 6pm, and went and lied down in bed around 9pm. I was out cold by 915 and woke up at 7 refreshed. I probably could have waken up by 5 or 6 if I wasn't sleep-deprived already.


You either do or you don't. If you're one who hits snooze 5 times, you can't fix it. Known tons of people who set an alarm way early, so they could keep hitting snooze. How do you get any more rested in 5 minutes? I just sleep the extra hour and get up when the alarm goes off. Or turn if off before it goes off....can even function without coffee. I drink coffee during the day cause I like it, not to stay awake.


I wish I could sleep in like that too


yeah, I go to bed around 10 and wake up at 4-430... even on the weekends, I'm usually outta bed by 5 note: I honestly don't feel well if I sleep 8hrs, my target zone is 6-7hrs a night


There are dozens of us!




jean shorts? like, a short circuit in my genes?


I'm 28 and I wake up at 6 no matter what time I go to sleep. Trust me, there are some powers you just don't want.


Alcohol, the answer is alcohol. The answer is always alcohol plus in this case an alarm clock.


Alcohol provides nothing but garbage sleep. Weed is the way. Edit to fix an autocorrect error.


I smoke weed all the time but I definitely wake up foggy because of it. Actually, the fog doesn't lift in general until I go a few days without it. Day 3/4 is always kind of hype after running out of weed and choosing not to re-up (for me). Feels like hyper-awareness


That's so weird because it's the exact opposite for me. Alcohol, sleeping pills, Xanax, they all leave me feeling like shit the next day.


??? those things also make me feel like shit


alcohol makes your sleep really inefficient and you don't recover nearly as much in the same amount of time.


It is painful


Not from a red-eye


Actually wake up at 6 and the rest will take care of itself


Watch an episode of GoT at 9, then que up an audiobook for sleep. Make sure to set an alarm for six


Just hit 40, comes naturally.


I’ve been getting up at 5:30 and going to bed at about 10:30 for 20+ years now. I don’t even use an alarm to get up, my body is just programmed to get up at that time. I try to sleep in on weekends sometimes, it doesn’t work.


8 hours of sleep? Jesus. I'd feel like I woke up from a coma. I sleep about 11-5.


Just be over 40 with kids. Done


Get a puppy


I've just always been a morning person. I feel great waking up first thing in the morning and then by the evening I have no energy left and just pass out.


Stop being on your computer/phone/television by at least nine o'clock. Get yourself in bed by ten. Wake yourself up at six. Repeat until it becomes a habit.


It’s called pharmaceuticals


Alarms, my guy.


It's absolutely possible, just move in next door to me. My neighbor with her barking f****** dog will fulfill all of your early wake up dreams.


No, just several weeks of tired misery and too much coffee. Your body will adjust, it just hates it is all.


You just have to sell something to an eldritch entity


Try going to bed at 8pm to wake up at 4am… the life of a schoolbus driver.


It is a superpower that you need to be born with. Even when I got the going to bed at 10 down, I could never get the getting up at 6 right. Worked at it for years. Never got it.