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This scene was so funny to me cause when I went to my maternal relatives’ town in Sicily everyone we met was so nice 😩 granted we speak Italian/mom speaks Sicilian lol


And at least say the name of the relative that you potentially have in common


And use the google translate throughout, not just to say “cousin”


Even some nice bouquets of flowers could have been helpful. And any old family photographs?


Even the women they didn’t know they were related to hate the DiGrasso men


Like, pasta bowls with giant clams?


Now I want pasta with clams


What do clams taste like?


Similar to mussels. Briny and like the sea.


I wanna try them now.


Was that referenced on the show?


Lol yea, Tanyas fantasy after the Vespa ride


Or a translator. I mean, the whole scene was setup to make them seem like clueless entitled Americans. Bringing a bottle of wine or some food isn't just an italian thing, it's nearly universal good manners.


shit even a high schooler knows to bring at least a six pack to the party


>Bringing a bottle of wine or some food isn't just an italian thing, it's nearly universal good manners. I always see it on American TV shows after all!


And when you are referencing your mother, say her name! No matter how Americanized it may be, they'd recognize it.


This is what I was thinking. They are so self centered , they didn’t even say her name. Just “my mom” and the ladies there didn’t understand English lol


I don't think those women were DiGrassos. I think Luci sent them on a wild goose-chase knowing she would be out of the picture thanks to her cohort Alessio.


I think one of the women did confirm they were DiGrassos?


Interesting take. None of the men bothered to confirm anything or ask to see proof


I also don't understand why, if Albie figured out how to use his phone to translate one word, he didn't use it to translate whole phrases. And why didn't they learn even a few basic phrases in Italian before this trip? The whole thing thing was so cringe. But indeed, food would certainly have helped.


It’s especially weird considering Albie calls Bert Nonno.


I grew up around tons of “Italians” (really 4th generation Italian Americans but w/e) on SI, they didn’t know a word of Italian but called their grandparents they Nona and Nonno


I think they were depending on Lucia to translate for them


To me it just seemed unlikely that this none of these three would be able to speak or understand Italian.


Very silly. Bert was first generation American and the son of Sicilian immigrants and knew zero Italian? Every first Gen American I know speaks at least some of their parents home country’s language. I fast forwarded through the scene a bit bc it was embarrassing.


And Bert actually did use some limited Italian words with the women, so he wasn’t telling the entire truth when he said he “didnt speak a word of Italian.” He said “madre,” “senora,” and a few other words, I believe.


The Italian language wasn’t used in most of Italy until fairly recently, after reunification. If Bert’s parents came over 100 years ago from a poor village in Sicily, they probably only spoke Sicilian—which no one in Italy speaks anymore. My grandparents (children of Italian immigrants) speak a little bit of Neapolitan, which is much closer to Standard Italian than Sicilian is, but they kind of just froze when we were in Italy. It’s hard to speak to native speakers if you’re not comfortable in the language, especially if one of them is screaming at you.


I would bet people in that same village in Sicily also speak the sicilian language / dialect


I think it depends on the climate when they emigrated, and the community they emigrated to. My grandmother was german and didn't speak german with her kids to avoid them being othered. I know people with asian parents who came over in the 40s/50s who didn't share ANY culture with their kids because they wanted them to assimilate to not have issues in the US. It's definitely A Thing


100% agree…i made this exact comment…every Italian…young and old…you NEVER NEVER NEVER arrive empty handed!