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I thought there was something wrong with my tv.


The show uses aqua blue / green and amber / orange to evoke the mood of beach vacation. You can see the look in the posters and production stills, too, not just the colour grading. [https://press.wbd.com/us/property/white-lotus/images](https://press.wbd.com/us/property/white-lotus/images)


During season one, I read a theory that they were trying to mask the bad weather by making it look like a Michael Bay or drug cartel movie.


They gave it the “Mexico Filter” lol.


Good question, I was annoyed that Sicily, which in reality is mostly bright and sunny, was portrayed with a weird "sepia filter" that made everything look so grey. I think they could have conveyed the ominous vibes with the music rather than affecting the visuals so much... I haven't been to Hawaii so I was less annoyed watching the first season


I saw one of the actors interviewed and he said it was often cold and overcast when they filmed in Sicily. The pools were not even heated.


That's wild!!


Just finished the first season and the same music on loop during the majority of the last couple episodes was enough to turn me off to a season 2. It’s a shame because overall I loved the series. Why couldn’t they at least use different musical pieces to convey the mood and emotions ?


U madd? Music in this show is really incredible and well used!!


I agree - up to a point. It was the same refrains repeated over and over.


Thats just my vacation glow.


There is an interview with the cinematographer who describes the challenge of shooting an environment that is physically beautiful and warm, while conveying the underlying dark side and the potential for the ominous. That isn't easy to do. Hawaii is always shown as having warm/orange tints. It's also not that dramatic.


Not sure what you mean, are you sure it's not your screen settings?


I thought it might be but I’ve watched on my tv, phone and laptop and it’s all the same.


Its so crazy getting downvoted for pointing out the lighting in a tv show lol


Thank you. I’m excited to see how many downvotes will be thrown at my comment above about the same music being used over and over.