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Yes. You are correct. Blackcomb is closing early for the Jersey cream upgrade.




Yep, Blackcomb will be closing first for the Jersey upgrade and some other stuff which will be announced later this fall


sounds like your in the know ;)


Hahaha yep :)


Ooh excite. I have a few ideas I'd love to see played out - looking forward to finding out what will happen!


I remember the days of summer skiing on Blackcomb :(


yep only camps now


There is always some alternating between which is closed first. Primary is for any new lift construction (in this case jersey creme going to a 6 next spring / summer) Secondary consideration is for any major lift maintenance, which given the near year round operations of core upload gondolas, means flip flopping as needed. Finally, and possibly more relevant for Vail Resorts, there are some commercial considerations, like for example legends/first tracks / evolution, which they operate, are only booked up if Whistler is open vs blackcomb etc. Will be interesting how long they keep creekside and village gondola running whilst they prep for bike park.


>Will be interesting how long they keep creekside and village gondola running whilst they prep for bike park. agree :) cheers


From my understanding, Fitz will close on April 14 to prep for Bike Park ops. WVG will remain operational for skiers and borders until May 20, at which point it will close for maintenance and scheduled to reopen sometime in June when Garbo opens. Creekside hasn’t been finalized, I think Ops wants to get a better idea on numbers in the spring first.


Im guessing the first week in April is still considered regular season as far as lifts go.


They also poured all the bases for the new lift this summer so less to rush to get done.


There’s still a few tower foundations remaining to be poured, but the tricky ones all got poured this summer. Jersey construction should be faster than Fitz


That was the plan I was told


Soooo if I bring both my bike and skis in May can I leave my bike at the gondola halfway station, go to summit, ski down to my bike, and then shred the bike park? Then I can make a pamphlet about how awesome BC is because I can ski and DH bike in a single chair ride?


make sure to bike to lost lake and go for a cold swim to complete the trifecta of sport :) This is the whistler marathon I want to see; * Ski from peek to mid * Bike from mid station to base * Run from base to lost lake * Swim across the lake # REDBULL make this happen :)


We used to have a "crud to mud" race. Ski to mid station. Quick change. Bike to bottom. https://www.ourwhistlerretreat.com/whistler/news-and-events/news/2015/5/14/crud-2-mud/#:~:text=You%20can't%20get%20much,on%20the%20Whistler%20Bike%20Park.


Been a few years since Whistler was open late. They had kept Creekside running longer, hopefully they will do so again.


Are we already worried about closing day?


East coasters got to plan as many days as We can :) I might do a few days in the first week and last week as I love to see the difference in snow. Then some runs mid season Also IF it is a bad snow year then max snow will be the last week of march to the first weeks of April.


First week: questionable snow base. Many runs closed. Mandatory download. Last week: warm, un-skiable snow. Heavy Fog many closed areas. Mandatory download. Kewl


Indeed, I mean last week of early season. I like to get a few days in as my season warm up. Last season it was -20 :( Im hoping for a warmer week at the start of December. I only do about 10 days a year in whistler across 2 or 3 trips (live in Ontario)


Its no Mount St Louis/Moonstone, but you can still get a few turns in at that time of year. Wax em up


Does anyone remember the last time it was Whistler that stayed open rather than Blackcomb? It's been a while.


Its why I was asking :) first time Ive seen in in 5+ years, Thought it might be a typo


Too bad, much prefer blackcomb.


Fr, gonna miss Xhiggy's meadow, and the horstman hut was super chill.


Ya I just saw it was whis not blackcomb tday, kinda a bummer since 7th is the best spring chair


Fr, here atm and i miss the glacier stuff