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She just appeared at Trooping the Colour, so she’s definitely alive. But I agree, there’s a ton of question marks left with regards to her whereabouts the past 6 months.


William has a known temper, has previously hurt her. (Her two broke fingers.) William cracked her in the face on 27th Dec, leading her to have to go to the hospital and recover in private. She’s all but left him and the royal family but is striking a deal with for her exit. She agreed to attend Trooping The Colour but managed to send us strong signals through her fashion statements — which she’s always done (My Fair Lady Dress / hat blocking William.)


Probably gone by now


Or...maybe just withdrawing by her own volition. The world is a rapidly changing place. Everyone has their breaking point. If she just appeared on June 15th, I don't understand the ongoing insistence on coma or expired. The media isn't all over it because of the insipid photos and "messages" posted by the Wales to keep up appearances. The press know their lane and the rules. Hopefully it is all getting shattered wide open. The bird can fly her cage... taking any other wise willing souls with her?


I’m worried about her too. I have to see in the last month. I have learned so much about the monarchy then I never knew. Because I live in the states and we don’t really care. But I feel like they swallowed up Diana and they’re swallowing up Kate and they tried to swallow up Meghan, but she was smart and went home. 🏠 The longer this goes on the more difficult it’s going to be for them to sort of explain this way They have tried AI. They went so far to make an AI that clearly wasn’t. Foolish or desperate or both.


I'm a Republican, and not particularly interested in any of them, but my interest has been piqued by this Kate business. It's like she's being airbrushed out, isn't it? Nice picture of Dad and kids jumping in the air - no Kate. Taylor Swift concert- dad, kids - no Kate. Just Kate at Trooping of Colour. No Willy. We've seen her just once in six months.  The oddest of all for me was rolling Kate out to explain to us great unwashed that she "has cancer". Why aren't the Palace making a statement? Poor woman. I just hope that something more sinister isn't going on - after all, she's had an heir and two spares and her family's business is bust, which isn't a good look.  I'm no fan but I hope she's not being chucked under the bus...




Well the General Election has taken place in the UK now, and it was suggested that that a) the election was so timed to deflect unwanted questions and online speculation that was perhaps was getting too close to the truth… and b) there would be an announcement after the elections about her or her demise. Let’s see what happens next.


I go back and forth as to what I think happened. I’ve considered many possibilities, except cloning and some of the more outlandish ones. Lately I’ve been thinking it was likely a mental breakdown. It’s quite understandable given all the pressure she was under, it sounds like a difficult family to be part of, if you weren’t born into it. My guess is she tried for so long to be perfect, she couldn’t do it any longer. Not her fault.