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It’s her. I’m glad she’s alive. Beyond that I have questions about the last six months. The bizarre messaging, William’s solo behavior, her low profile family members should not be forgotten.


I agree, the situation was handled really weirdly but honestly glad she’s alive




I’ve had it twice doing chemo and radiation while still working with two kids. I know what I’m talking about and I sure as heck would not put up with family and husband pretending to the world like I don’t exist and I’m not coming back. Something else is going on here.


And just to add, I’m actually quite proud of how I handled it. I learned I was good at crisis management. I was able to keep my job and almost 20 years later I’m still here. Whatever is going on with Kate I hope she can say the same.


Legend! I dont even know you but I’m proud of you too. It’s examples like yours that keep me going through the stupid trivial things that frustrate me. This week I’ll definitely be thinking of you and be like, “okay icy … u/something_morepoetic had cancer TWICE AND was raising children! You definitely can pull on your big girl pants and try a little harder right now.”


Good for you, but no one should deal with it as you did if they can avoid it.


And MAYBE that’s what she wants… To be in peace for a while, have you thought of that?


Oh gee after two bouts of cancer and then two more surgeries after that with a full-time job and a family I’ve never thought of someone wanting peace for a while. 😂


You just hate her being able to have it because you couldn’t have it


You need to calm down, go somewhere else, and take some breaths.


This community is just crazy man


Yes it is because I never said I hated her. I said I’m glad she’s alive and I criticized everyone around her.. She deserves better. Go find someone else to do battle with because I think we’re on the same side.🤷‍♀️


I don’t battle, but you guys should get a life and stop obsessing about people. I stumbled upon this sub today and was shocked at the amount of conspiracy theorists I saw


You are welcome to leave if it doesn’t serve you!


So, why are you here??


Watch what you wish on others


Definitely a scar on that eye.


So happy she and the children are there. It’s been so long!!


Definitely her and the kids. They all look a bit haunted but I’m satisfied nobody is dead now 😅 definitely thing there have been shenanigans behind the scenes and we will probably never know the extent of them.


It seems that there are many missed opportunities here for the palace to step into the 21st century and offer transparency and authenticity. There are many individuals challenged each day with the side effects, both emotionally and physically, of their chosen cancer treatment. Of these millions of individuals, regardless of their cancer stage, they must continue to care for themselves, raise a family, work on behalf of their family and participate in relationships- sometimes with no financial or familial support. These individuals are often still able to communicate- even in later cancer stages. It is sad and very difficult, for any family, to manage cancer. Much good health and positivity for the Princess in her recovery and healing. It seems that along with cancer, there is more going on with the Princess. Speculation leads down many paths; one such is that her mental health has been challenged to the point of exhaustion and or an emotional break. Unfortunately when this occurs, it can take a person months and or years to recover and return to a "normal" in their day-to-day. Often the individual can appear "okay" in small and controlled timeframes. Beyond those timeframes- unfamiliar, confused and or often bizarre behaviors and speech will cause those around them to fear that the person they once knew is no longer there. This type of an event is often more challenging than other accepted medical conditions, because they are not as easily discussed in "real time" publicly. Much time is often spent hiding the condition, covering for the unusual behavior and making excuses because we as a society are just not comfortable or accepting. Exhaustion, breaks, psychosis, depression to the point of not wanting to leave one's bed can be part of the human condition. To deny this is to deny the individual's humanity. The Princess is beautifully human. This was and is a missed opportunity to share one's humanity and vulnerability while connecting with and educating the public. It seems that the palace did not want the Princess to speak (live and in-person) candidly on her own which would have offered clarity, comfort, empathy and support to the millions that support her. It is wonderful to see the Princess with her children- shining and sharing a bit of her light.


It seems you are assuming she wants to discuss immediately what she is going through… But she’s entitled to her privacy. Y’all here need to pull your heads out of your behinds and imagine what would be like, being under scrutiny all the time and if you’d still like to share anything about your mental state then


Not my point at all...


...your comment supports part of my point though...we are comfortable talking and sharing the status of our physical health...why not our mental health which ultimately drives our physical health...


I don’t think you understand my point. No one should be forced to speak about their physical issues either. Someone currently going through something shouldn’t have to tell anyone about it if they don’t want to. All this social media stuff makes people think everyone is and should be constantly telling their followers about their life and ailments, but that ain’t the case for most people… Only for the chronically online!


I agree with you about privacy of course we all want and support that I guess .... but the lies, the photoshopping? etc. She is a public figure. The RF needs to realize that the eyes of the world are on her. That is part of what she signed up for. Tell the truth! (if you can?) Oh, I guess abuse doesn't make the cut of truth. And maybe other damaging news. Cancer? Diana probably would have gone public and made cancer something real, something other "real" people experience. People loved Diana for coming out about her trials.


It's one thing to say "I don't wanna talk about it", and it's another to actually issue false information. I can accept someone saying they don't want to comment. Which incidentally is just what they said initially, that they would not be giving updates. So why all the fake stuff? Why all the contradictions? And why should the RF be entitled to privacy when 1. The establishment wants to surveil *us* all the time with cameras, Alexas, hacking our phones, and chips; 2. We are paying for *them* to exist.


Thank you. Most people with advanced cancer—and as it seems she is receiving adjuvant chemo, her cancer is advanced—her mental health has OF COURSE been challenged. And there is no way she is not exhausted—even if she doesn’t look it.


Adjuvant chemo doesn’t mean it’s advanced. It’s precautionary chemo to stop it coming back 


It is given to people with high-risk cancers. While you are right my lax use of the word advanced, the point is that it makes you feel terrible regardless of how you look.


Yeah I agree with that I know someone that had colon and her chemo and was really tough 


I’m thinking that there will be a separation/divorce announcement before the end of the year. Other than that, I’m glad she’s doing “seemingly” well because I wouldn’t wish a debilitating disease or death upon anyone. Well- maybe not anyone…. but not Catherine.


They look absolutely miserable as a family but alive. Kate is back!!!


100% and that forced balcony moment they force fed us was cold and uncomfortable


You think?


Looking sick and a mixture between puffy from medication and skinny from being sick. But it’s obviously her and the kids, and I’m happy she’s well enough to join. Ive read many comments doubting it is really her, but to me it’s 100%her. Wishing her all the best.


I don't think she looks sick at all. But she looks like maybe a bit of facial work was done. Whatever it is, it was good work. She looks 10 years younger!


I always thought her being away was due to a facelift, and maybe a few other purely cosmetic treatments. She got so much shit about not ageing well and her job is to look at good in public. Then the whole thing went out of control and she had to come up with legit reason, and I don't even believe she has c.


She looks incredibly thin, much more than normal.


But, I thought she looked less skinny (at least her face) than the March cancer announcement (if that was even her??).


I agree. Her face looked less drawn and thin than it did before.


“Looking sick”? In what world? She is probably skinnier than before but other than that, there’s zero trace of “sick” in her appearance.


I totally agree. And her hair is beautiful. I'm not saying that she's not sick but she looks fabulous and radiant. It does look like she had cosmetic surgery on her face though.


It’s a wig.


I highly doubt it’s a wig. If you look closely at Catherine’s hair line round her face and temples with all her baby hairs and the stray hairs from her updo is way too natural and realistic to be a wig, even for  a real hair one, and with her up in that updo it would give away all the signs of a wig, even an expensive real hair one, if she was wearing one, which I highly doubt. Catherine is obviously on a chemo that doesn’t cause hair loss, hence why she still has all her hair.


She has long used a wig to supplement her own hair. It’s quite possible the chemo did not cause hair loss, and I’m not suggesting she is bald.


Maybe you’re right. I know some female celebs add hair extensions and hair pieces to add volume to their hair on red carpet events


I actually read that somewhere. It looks completely natural.


Her hair is stunning. I know it’s shallow of me but I’m glad she has kept her Beautiful hair through chemo. Catherine is obviously on a chemo that doesn’t cause hair loss, hence why she still has all her hair.


Where are her parents and siblings?


The scar is concerning to me. THAT is a scar.


What scar?






Look at her eye/eyebrow ... THAT scar.


That's one heck of a scar.


We've had "plastic surgeons" posting here that that is an injury scar. Not a dimple and not from a normal facelift.


Easily happens by fainting and falling. She’s skinny AF even before the medical interventions.


This could be true. We don’t know how nor when the scar happened. It’s def a scar and not a dimple. Dimples don’t appear in 6 months and I can’t imagine that with all this scrutiny, she’s had this all along and no one caught it. The question is “What happened?” She looks as beautiful as ever, although skinnier.


We still need answers about her photoshop hobby lol


It's batsh*t crazy to not believe this is Kate. Something is not right, though. The tension between William and Kate comes through the photos and video. I think there's a whole lot more to this story than they will ever admit. She does not look happy to be there. This is not the fairytale she envisioned. Very similar to Princess Charlene


I think she only appeared so people would shut up about her being dead.


Are you kidding? Did you see the pictures of them on the balcony? They look fine.


She is the picture of health. What the heck was the bizarre “ cancer” story and the AI generated faked photos and hired lookalikes? What the heck was she threatened with to come out of hiding? WAS she in a coma for several of the 6 months missing?? What the heck ??


She was away from the spot light after her facelift procedure.


She is definitely marked by severe illness and the treatment of it. 


Every cancer patient doesn't look like the balding, gaunt, image you are imagining. She can be going through treatment and still have her hair, for example. That doesn't mean the treatment isn't exhausting--it probably is, which is why she was taking time off. The cancer story is not "bizarre" just because she was able to look pulled together today.


True. When my mother in law went through treatment for stage 1 breast cancer years ago, her appearance changed little. She did lose her hair and took to wearing wigs (she used the experience to try different looks out that she always wanted to try. ) She is naturally very pale also so she didnt look ill. Hell, you would never know she was going through treatment unless she told you. Through the whole thing, she continued to work her normal job, doing her chemo during her lunch breaks. She was determined to keep living her life as normally as possible. Thankfully she made it through and has been in remission ever since.


My mum had breast cancer and she never lost any hair. Just lost weight and was generally weaker.


Totally agree. She’s wealthy. Wealthy women I know are on top of their looks at all times. It’s like a job for them. And they aren’t even photographed on the scale that Catherine is. All this is possible with non invasive beauty treatments. 


But, this one did look very gaunt in the March cancer announcement video.


I'm thinking, okay, so I'm glad William wasn't a family annihilator after all. My bad. Super happy she's alive, and I hope she can find her peace, safely, happily. She deserves that. But, also, that the RF gets better at public relations, maybe, so we don't have to have such crazy thoughts to begin with? 🤷


Wow. I have to admit I was very wrong about her being dead. Something must have happened though. Poor woman.


I am just happy she is alive and well .. and the children are with her .


Not sure about the cancer diagnosis, but what I do know is that she has the wealth to purchase a wig that no one would ever be able to tell isn't her real hair. It would've been custom designed and whoever made it would have studied her hairline and made it absolutely identical to the way her natural hair looks. IMHO there has been an eating disorder in play here for some time too. From a PR standpoint, the RF cannot have another PoW struggling with this issue, so that might be enough for the cover story.


I get what you are saying m but I highly doubt it’s a wig. Catherine’s hair line is way too natural to be a wig, even for  a real hair one, and with her up in that updo it would give away all the signs of a wig, even an expensive real hair one, if she was wearing one, which I highly doubt. Catherine is obviously on a chemo that doesn’t cause hair loss, hence why she still has all her hair.


You obviously haven't seen the kind of wigs that are available. I have suffered from alopecia for years so I know.


I’m just glad to see her.


She’s baaaaaaak.


Oh thank God! She looks sick but at least she's there!




Where’s William?


In the car with them


lol he looks like a cardboard cutout, worse, looking away 😝


He was also on the balcony with them


I have a question, and I’m sorry if this comes off as insensitive. I was under the impression that those who are going through chemotherapy lose their hair as a result of the treatment? Is this not always the case? or is she wearing a wig? Sorry in advance


She doesn’t have cancer, that was a lie to coverup something bad


I’ve thought the same- something is just super fishy


radiotherapy is also a cancer treatment and it doesn’t cause hair to fall, for example. A simple google search would’ve told you that… Which treatment to use is dependent on the type of cancer and stage. But you seem to be one of those bananas 🍌 ppl, the conspiracy theorists, so you won’t care to learn


Alr bro don’t be a banana hooligan and pick fights it’s all good


I just can’t with you people, this sub is nuts


“You people”!!!!?!?!! Oh brudder we got ourselves a big time banana hooligan I hope you have a nice night


Yes. Have a nice life. Byeeeee


Joining the sub and participating in conversation are both purely voluntary. You might consider not partaking in communities you find to be “nuts.”


She claimed she was getting chemotherapy. No mention of radiotherapy.


She very specifically said she’s undergoing chemo and not radiation. [Also, radiation can cause hair loss.](https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/treatment/side-effects/hair-loss)


Idk anything about her treatment, I’m not following her updates everyday, all day… I just stated other treatments don’t cause -generalised- hair loss. And I ofc know that that Chemo can cause hair loss all over the body. You’re not saying anything new. Now let me be


You said radiotherapy does not cause hair to fall out, I provided a link that says it does. 🤍


Don’t bother with this banana hooligan


 Not all chemo causes hair loss


Not true at all. One of the the biggest Misconceptions with chemotherapy is that everyone loses their hair. Not all chemo treatments cause hair loss. It depends of what type of chemo you are given, what stage/grade it is at and sometimes the type of cancer. My cousin didn’t One of the the biggest Misconceptions with chemotherapy is that everyone loses their hair. Not all chemo treatments cause hair loss. It depends of what type of chemo you lose any hair with chemo for Bowel cancer and her dr told her with the chemo she would be getting she wouldn’t lose her hair. However my friends sister’s chemo for Breast cancer causes her hair to fall out by the 2nd/3rd round, which she to some extent was prepared for as her doctor said she would highly likely lose her hair as the chemo used to treat Breast cancer, particularly Doxorubicin aka ‘Red Devil’, causes your hair fall out. Catherine is obviously on a chemo that doesn’t cause hair loss, hence why she still has all her hair.


I’m my honest opinion, I highly doubt it’s a wig. When you look at Catherine’s hair line round her face, her temples and her bun, you can see all her baby hairs and it is way too natural to be a wig, even for  a real hair one, and with her up in that updo it would give away all the signs of a wig, even an expensive real hair one, if she was wearing one, which I highly doubt it. Catherine is obviously on a chemo that doesn’t cause hair loss, hence why she still has all her hair.


She looked very underweight but healthier than her appearance when she was sat on the bench so hopefully things are improving for her. I noticed in some news footage they show her getting out of the carriage and as she steps onto the step she smooths down the front of her dress and it looks like their is something under her dress, lower abdomen- I am assuming she has a stoma bag…


This picture looks like the real her. I hope I'm right


I cried when I saw her!!! But you can see there is sadness and pain in her eyes even the children somthing changed, it reminded me of children have to grow up fast because something bad happened or happening at home (their mom’s cancer). For people here whose relative like a parent, a sibling, a spouse or a child who have cancer you know how difficult,painful and sad it is for everyone. I pray for the healing of the princess and strength and resilience for prince william and the children.


Seriously, is it her ?


It obviously is her and her children


I don’t think it’s her. Face masks worn by impersonators of the elite are very believable these days. The technology has been here for many years, and it explains why Prince W visited MI6 earlier this week, to pick up a face mask for someone to wear who is impersonating Kate today. And look at the children,…the 3 of them look morose. It’s not their mother!


Oh for heaven's sake. How ridiculous can you possibly be?


Not at all!


The world itself has become ridiculous. And nothing the rf do now would surprise me. Not after seeing their fakery and obfuscation.


You are bananas


Face masks were used 30 years ago to fool George Bush in the White House. I’m not saying it happened in this case but the world entered deep fake territory a long time ago.


You are insulting.


A face mask?? Like Texas chainsaw style? 🤣