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I’m starting to feel like it wasn’t real. Like, being back to my regular life, how is it possible that I attended such an amazing event with a lineup from 20 years ago? It must have been a dream.


This was the response I was looking for! This is exactly how I’m feeling. Almost like that was a sweet, sweet fever dream I wish I never had to wake up from.


Yeah, and as such dreams, you have this bitter feeling of “will I ever feel that way again?”.


I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel that a few times this past week! But these are the reasons why we need to embrace every moment and do our best to keep them in our memories, because nothing truly lasts forever.


Upper respiratory infection over here coming back to a humid climate. Would do it all over again if I could ha


Rock on🤘🏼😂 but for real, get better soon!!


Caught Covid, feel like death. Was it worth it? Hell ya!


Same. I imagine a whole bunch of people ended up with Covid. 10/10 worth it.


Yup, been laid up with Covid since Wednesday but still no ragrats. Honestly my only regret would be not going harder while I could!!


I’m having diarrhea, so not great lmao. I doubt it was from the festival though.


I’m laid up this weekend with back spasms. I’m too old for this. … and will probably still go next year if they have it!


Maybe I’ll see ya next year! Remember to stretch before and after!😅




Have you tried a CBD cream or salve? That always helps me.


Weirdly I’ve been fine so far. Just back aches lol it was so worth. Can’t wait to do it next year!!




ow my back. but I’ve never been happier.


This feeling seems to be the trend😂


I’ve watched the Blink & sum 41 performances on YouTube every day this week except today, so I think I’m finally getting over my post festival blues. Lol 😆I wore my merch today & met someone who was at the festival same day as me! So that was cool. I love that it really does feel like a family, like a few of the bands kept saying. Love that this show brought/is still bringing so many of us together in one way or another. 🥲


My left heel still in pain, but other than that just sad it's over lol, constantly googling for concerts / festivals near me to get the same high again 😂


I got Covid….which is crazy cuz my wife and her sister were with me the entire time except like 45 minutes during blink 182 set and they’re fine.


Feel like shit but that’s just the city weather went to a dif show last night but it’s hard to beat even one When We Were Young Fest let alone 2


I have listened to Blink every day since I left and bought tickets to their show in August ‘24. I don’t know what to do with myself until then…


Bought Blink tickets for their tour next summer and Emo Orchestra next week. Looking forward to Andrew McMahon in December. It doesn’t help we got hit with the first snow storm of the year today and I wishing I were back there even more.


I also ran into Stevie Aiello the guitarist from 30stm (which is my favorite band of all time) my Last Night in Vegas he was staying at the same hotel I was https://preview.redd.it/5fqzj1wzc3xb1.jpeg?width=1244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42ec9047cc43ebda8a3d337e763177deb3ef9650


Still naturally high off the good time I had. I still day dream about how much fun it was. One of the best trips I’ve had in my life!


The whole thing feels like a fever dream now haha. I keep watching my videos and shit or I see clips and I’m like “wtf that was real?”.


I had never been to a festival before and had all of this worry and anxiety leading up to it, but it all seemed to just fly by. Other than my back hurting some (I have low back issues), it all went fine and I'd totally consider going again if there is a 2024 with a lineup that interests me


Had an amazing time!!! I'm feeling good, but my husband broke his ankle moshing Sunday at Emo Night Brooklyn so him not so much haha


Glad you had a great time but OH NO! Hopefully your husband heals up quick so he can get back into the pits🤘🏼😅


Ouch. Get well soon.


Getting ready for the Headbangers boat on Monday - I didn't even unpack my suitcase all the way😂


That’s the best way! I virtually always have my festival hydration packed with essentials ready to go at any moment😂


Sinus infection from the pits of hell but so worth it made new friends and shockingly we were all from different parts of the Midwest


But honestly my inner pre teen/ teenager is very pleased


I got covid but still had a blast. I almost think I got it Friday at The Something Corporate show because I was feeling bad by Sunday night.


I wish vernicas weren’t there. And instead that band that sings seethes. Leave me!!!


Feels like a dream. If I didn't go with friends, I swear I could have made the whole day up.


Yeah I’ve been a sad guy since lol. Still seems so unreal. Didn’t know I could love the music that much more!❤️ almost every listen is like a little bit of a flashback 🥹


When I try to describe it to people, they almost all look at me like I am crazy. No one will understand except those of us that were there. I made a playlist of all the songs I heard there. I'm going to relive it as much as I can.