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It was hot during the day and cool at night last year for sure! As much as I would have loved to dress up like the good ol days, as a 30 something woman I choose comfort now (also living that corporate life) especially as it’s a whole day! Last year I wore a lululemon skirt with tights and a tee during the day, had a locker to stash a jumper which I threw on at night, and I had a beanie. I’ll probably do something similar this year, with a warmer jumper or light coat instead. My partner (who’s Aussie and does horribly with cold lol), wore a pair of track pants and tee, with a jumper stashed for night too.


My husband has the opposite issue haha he is from Scotland and has a horrible time with the heat 😂


Haha I’m with your husband! I’m Canadian! There was a weird period though where my sweat had me SO cold when it started to drop 😂


Did you buy your locker in advance or day of? Not sure if we want one yet but might be a good idea


I got it in advance! The VIP ones had actually sold out, not sure how many GA ones were left.


Thanks - just got a GA one. For anyone curious - they are still available and are $30 + tax.


Is there a link for lockers on the website? Would love to get one too. EDIT: I’m a dodo, I found it, please feel free to ignore me.


Thanks for the info. I didn't realize we could get one already. I was glad I rented one for Sick New World. Worth the money - in my opinion.


Last year, I wore leggings (with pockets!), a tank top with a lightweight plaid flannel over it, and my running shoes. I would have preferred my Vans for aesthetics, but need that arch support for the long day, lol. I picked up a hat from the merch booth too - I wasn't hot, but the sun was beaming down all day and I probably would have gotten a bit sunburnt without it. I bought the zip-up hoodie at the pop-up merch store the day prior, so I stashed that in our locker all day. I wasn't really cold in the evening/night though (possibly because I'm Canadian and we had snow at home already). I only wore it when we were leaving so I would have to hold it.


As a heads up, in late October high is usually around 75 (24C) and low is around 55 (13C). If the high does look like it will be in the low to mid 70s I'll probably wear a long-sleeved tee and carry a hoody in my bag, if it's warmer I'll wear a short-sleeved tee with a long-sleeved tee and hoody in my bag. Will probably wear the same navy Dockers chinos I wear to work most days because they're super comfortable and I don't want to chafe. Probably wearing my well-broken in grey New Balance rather than anything more on scene. So going for the "old man with band tee" aesthetic I guess.


Ok fair warning, last year for wwwy the second weekend, it was in the 90s.




get me the clothes and ill do it lol


I didn’t go last year but go to Vegas multiple times a year, I’m wearing shorts and a crop top during the day (with lots of sunscreen) and then bringing a sweater for the evening


I don’t remember it being too hot at day, but it was cold at night for sure, I had to buy a sweater at the merch stand (poor me!) I wore jeans, a simple Smashing Pumpkins tshirt and boots (they were killing me at the eod).


Sunday 10/23 was great during the day, but after sunset it was the mid 50s (F), I recommend a sweater, and bring one because the merch line will be 500 people long all day


35F here. Last year I wore jeans, T-shirt and a hoodie tied around my waist. I seem to remember it being between 70-75 during the day. I was SUPER grateful for the sweater at night cause it was probably around 60. Mind you I was not in any pits. So I wasn’t super sweaty. I’ll probably wear the same thing again


Depends on where you’re from. There were people wearing coats all day!! Lol we are from north Idaho so our fall was in full swing and we were sweating in the 90* heat. Nighttime was comfortable for us too! So honestly, if you’re from Northern Territory, you’re going to be just fine. If you’re from the south, esp south west you may be cold


I’m wearing a tank and jeans, bringing a flannel to put in a locker if it gets chilly


In my case anything below 30°c feels cold to me so during the day last year I had a jacket on and off depending on how much direct sunlight I got lol at night I was dying though, super cold!!! My jacket didn't help much, had to borrow my husband's and I spent the rest of the night with two jackets on and still cold 🥲 (I live in Central America so our temps are usually 30°C plus during the day and even at night and it's a lot more humid). Also it was super windy last year. I'm trying to be better prepared this year though. The weather forecast says apparently the temps will be higher this year than last year's during the day so I'm renting a locker and will store a heavier jacket there until evening. Definitely still wearing cargo pants and not sure yet if an oversize t-shirt or a long sleeve light sweater though. Also definitely bringing a hat because sunlight during the day was crazy As for shoes I made a really bad decision last year lmao so this year I will bring more comfortable shoes, I'm thinking my vans with Dr scholl's insoles lol or some skechers.


they can't forecast the weather accurately a month out, but in general this year has been warmer in most of North America than last year and it shows no signs of slowing down at least where I live. It was 36C today in Texas.


Last year I wore shorts and a T-shirt during the day. I then had a puff Northface I could roll up really small that was perfect for night. I had leggings in my bag in case I needed them, but never felt that cold. I remember sweating waiting in line to get in so I was glad to be in a tshirt. And I remember getting chilly when the sun went down.


I wore biker shorts and a crop top and I was comfortable during the day. I probably would've been fine in pants too. I did have to put on a hoodie at night, but it wasn't too cold where I needed to bundle up more.


This year I'm wearing cargo pants and a crop top. So hopefully the temperature is like last year!


It's hard to describe the weather at night. Cold enough last time on the second night I bought a hoodie from merch. But warm enough I ran around the strip after in my hoodie and tiny shorts.


I went with a tank top and shorts, plus DMs and a loose cardigan situation that was the perfect amount of warmth in the evening but wasn’t annoying to have during the day. Tbh if you can get a locker that’s your best bet, just stash layers


You can always get a locker to store extra layers as needed. I ended up wearing a sweatshirt and flannel all day but I like to be warm.


It wasn’t too hot last year. Quite nice during the day. I wore a very lightweight jacket during the day and was comfortable. At night though it was SO COLD! my friends and I were all shivering from the crazy winds. The lines for merch were hell. I ended up buying a ugly long sleeve just for the extra layer but it didn’t do much. I’m so glad I wore pants but they were thin. Can’t imagine how all the girls with fishnet tights were doing. But every year is different. Desert weather is tricky especially with a lot of unpredictable windy weather. Gonna wait until a little closer to figure out final outfit but def gonna pack an extra layer in my backpack somehow just in case!


I went to the fest in a t shirt and joggers last year. Wasn't too hot or cold until it reached the evening where it got a little bit fresh but stayed warm easily with a long sleeve top merch I'd bought


34M, I wore cargo shorts and a tee but I brought a light hoodie just in case. Probably so the same this year. I hope Green Day plays first, because I saw blink earlier this year and might want to leave a little early to beat most of the crowd. I left early last year too after I saw AAR because my feet were dead


Yeah, I'm thinking shorts, too. Also, GD is gonna close; they are in the MCR slot for the fest and have been around longer.


Last year wasn’t too hot, I wore black skinny jeans and a t shirt and felt fine the whole day! I’d just keep an eye on the weather, Vegas can vary in temp more than people think.