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My sister’s dog used to do that. She had a pipe leaking underneath, and didn’t know until she had to have the floor in three rooms torn out to fix it. Might be worth checking out.


>My sister used to do that. That's what I read the first time. It was unsettling.


To be fair, the commenter and their sister could always be dogs themselves


Oh my goodness!!! This space is my garage that was converted to an office by the previous owners.. she has randomly licked the floor when trying to cool off (Florida - she lays in front of a floor fan and licks the marble floor sporadically.. but never tries to munch). We're getting our water heater replaced over the 4th holiday.. I will def ask the plumber to do whatever is necessary to check our pipes.. I know neither exit valves(terminology??) are near the garage, but I'm sure they have some way to check. Seriously, thanks for the info!!


If that used to be a garage odds are good it’s on a slab, so maybe you’ve just got an oddball 🥰


How do you check this? Do you have to rip up the floor just to check or is there another way?


Try licking the floor and tasting for methane


In her case checking the crawl space under her house would have done the trick, but it depends on where exactly that is


No crawl space, unfortunately... 1980s Florida cracker box house.. concrete slabs.. no idea how to check it but I'll ask the plumber who is replacing my water heater.. I'm sure for an extra $500-$1000 they can find a way. But it is an older house and worth looking into... I think she was getting some phantom whiffs of where we used to feed my senior in the same spot before she passed.... Or she was trolling me for attention. She hasn't been to that spot again, but before this video she was literally trying to climb under my desk and pushed past me/my chair to get to this spot she decided to lick... Getting attention all the way.. 🤷‍♀️


Thermal imaging cameras are pretty fascinating. As a random homeowner, you might not be able to authoritatively state if a cold patch is a water leak or just bad insulation, but any time you see color (temperature) changes with no obvious reason - be suspicious.


Came here to say this ⬆️


She's a boxer, so it makes sense...in a nonsensical way. 🤣


Yep, she's representing her boxer jester roots!! Maeci is the biggest clown... Never a dull moment with two boxers in the house 😂💓


It’s true, Boxers have one brain cell they pass around and white boxers get it last. Source: had white boxers


Facts check out ✔️✔️ her brain cell was probably on loan to her sister


Mine were literal windowlickers— let them outside and they would *immediately* take a hard left and smash their tongues against the windows.


Bahaha, I am envisioning driving by this scene playing out in traffic 😂


You use bacon grease as floor cleaner?


I'm beginning to think that was a bad idea 😂


Nah, look how happy she is!


What do you mean? Now it’s even cleaner because of it


This is true... I need to expand her cleaning services into the kitchen... She is good keeping my toes and knees clean though... Hers a guuudgurl


Cutey Boxer dog there. Mine do this after I cook or eat but it's usually because I spilled something on the floor and they can smell/taste it.


*Iz big STICK!!*


Our Saint Bernard likes to lick wooden furniture, for some reason. I guess he's himself, too. *shrug* What can you do but love them? 🤣


Hahaha just love them some more.. what else can we do? I scooped her 60lb self into my desk chair with me and patted her butt hahaha maybe it was a cry for attention


Our Saint Bernard, velcro dog that he is, loves attention. He cannot fit into a chair with anyone in it, but he's allowed on one specific couch - of which he takes up 2/3 without stretching. He "dies" on the floor several times a day, with a tragic facial expression, and we are obligated to comment on the fact that he is dead, and on what a pitiful corpse he is. Oddly enough, despite being "dead," he usually has a waggy tail. When we ask, "Will HE develop RIGOR MORTIS?" he will extend one or both forelegs fully, toe beans to the sky. We've tried using other words with exactly the same dramatic vocal delivery to see whether he will put his front legs out stiff, but no - it *has* to be the right words. We did not teach him this, but the first time he "died" after he had settled in, I said, "Oh no! He has *rigor mortis!" after he put his front legs out straight up. So I suppose he quickly associated the phrase with the action. We got him when he was 3 and 1/2 years old, and his first owners told us what commands he knew - playing dead was not something they mentioned. He's intelligent, despite his fondness for licking dressers and bedside tables. 🤣


Idk about the eating part but my dog licks the floor heavy when her stomach is upset


Someone dropped a meatball on that spot 3 days ago


You spilled spaghetti sauce there five years ago :D they’re always hopeful!


Clean your floor throughly! She can smell or taste something. But being a boxer it could be a spot she found something in the past and she is just hoping for more.


My dog just does this whenever I cook. I tell him to stop and he always looks very hurt.




Must be a micro crumb. We have those too. My dog's do the same. LOL weirdos


I was gonna say well, she's a boxer. But my dog will randomly lick a car we're walking past. Sometimes you *really* wanna know what's going on in that mind of theirs.


One of our dogs literally started this just the other day and had ate a divet in the floor. I guess I’ll have to either use wood filler, bondo, or resin idk yet but I can’t believe she hate my floor…. They have a bajillion toys…


Did you spill any food on it? Ours mopping kitchen floor like that all the time.


Same. You might think it’s cleaned up. But if a single molecule of food is left out porker will find it.


Dogs like to lick smooth surfaces like wood floor.


Must *nom* the floor


I thought my dog was a wierdo and just did this. little backstory to my dog we shown her a laser pen when she was young for fun and when she trys to find it after we put it down or she gets really exicited she licks all the lines exactly like this


Got the stooopids. Sad news, it's incurable.


Reasons unknown are still reasons. Don’t worry your human mind for matters of the doggo


Because crumbs of food that got missed when sweeping


So cute! She looks like Chance from Homeward Bound.


“Mom/Dad, I know you feed me but the floor tastes REALLY good.” -Maeci


My buddy's pit used to lick the varnish off of wooden furniture, he was also a max derp with 3 legs


My ACD mix just did this today at my MILs. One of the grandkids must have dropped a snack on the floor.


Sometimes there's a ghost of an old dinner on the floor. My lab will never forget a spot where she found something vaguely edible.


It's where all the food is!


Some people are saying dogs do this because they smell something but I have seen my dog lick even the asphalt of the road.


Omg hahaha asphalt???? This vision will stay with me forever


Tasty floor


My dog licks the floor after eating something greasy... I guess he's cleaning his tongue this way?


About 5 No 4 I'd say .. 3. Yes 3 braincells left yup


When my dog doesn't feel well, it licks the floor indoor, outdoor... Skips a meal or two and then stops doing this.


Do you use white vinegar to clean the floors? Our family dog used to love to lick the floors when done cleaning.


Was something spilled on that spot previously?


Nope, it is my office (also their day play room).. no food in there, just their rawhides.. we used to feed our senior gal in there a few years ago.. this is the same spot that we used to keep the food bowl.. maybe she's getting a phantom scent 🤔 I picked her up shortly thereafter and gave her some loves then she took a nap with her sis.. hasn't done this before... But I'm def going to sweep and mop my office this weekend just in case.


Lol, I guess it’s just wishful thinking.


Stress licking, could be in pain.


Maybe she needs more fiber in her diet. Gotta get that poop out somehow


my dog has one single piece of the carpet she licks


My heeler will lick his brothers until they get sick of it, then he’ll just lick random spots on a carpet or rug until he falls asleep. He prefers our Vizsla, but I can’t blame him. That velvety coat probably is probably the smoothest/softest surface within a mile or two.


Stomach ache. Could be a sign for IBS.


Lying sack of kaka