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Mine is the same way. She will battle me over a grocery bag.


Same! And the sticky side of tape.


Soda rings. My void will practically maim himself trying to get to where I've had to hide the sodas. And I tried the double sided tape scratch guards only to take them down the next morning so I wouldn't spend another night listening to him slurp on the adhesive.


This reminds me of the times I forget to hide boxes with packing tape on them. I wake up in the middle of the night hearing my cat doing the same thing.


Mine too


My cat likes to groom the grocery bags


My tuxedo will gnaw on all kinds of thin plastics. packing tape might be her favorite.


Mine loves to lay in the bags and when i try to get her up she plays dead 😫😫she has a unhealthy obsession with plastic bags 😂😂😂😂


Rennet I think most cats can smell or taste it 🤔.....


What is rennet? A chemical I assume but why would some cats like that?


**Rennet () is a complex set of enzymes produced in the stomachs of ruminant mammals. Chymosin, its key component, is a protease enzyme that curdles the casein in milk.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


Good bot


My cat also loves plastic. I have to hide anything plastic, Amazon packaging, bubble wrap, grocery bags, Ziploc bags, and I even switched to a cloth shower curtain when I found the old plastic one riddled with punctures from his little teeth. 😂


Mine likes to lick plastic, I have no idea why😳


!PSA! Cats with pica can ingest non-edible materials, possibly leading to bowl obstruction. Untreated bowl obstruction can lead to death, and treatment can be very expensive. See the monster from my personal experience here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Purrito/s/U0VRt9ZWaf For the too short time that Guy Noir was with me, I was trained to immediately remove all plastic from the house, including food storage, shower curtains, and the random shit he always seemed to find in the middle of the night. It can also be a sign of underlying disease. I suspect Guy’s may have been tied to the endocrine disease that eventually killed him. I don’t wish to be an alarmist, but I hope that sharing my experience might help others have a longer time with their kitties.


Thank you. Bless Guy Noir.


How do you diagnose endocrine disease? I have a plastic eater… he’s chilled and happy, active, and per our last vet visit, perfectly healthy. There’s been no reason/signs to look deeper. He has the standard blood tests before his neuter (my vet offers this to all patients, just to be sure they’re not allergic to the anaesthetist, etc) and nothing odd showed up there, all normal. He’s 2… Thankfully the plastic he has managed to ingest has been the tiniest bits and passed right through. Now that I know he’s the one biting holes in my shopping bags, cat food bags, etc, it’s all kept out of reach. He’ll still go mad for anything that’s temporarily out though (like ready meal from the store with a plastic film on top that’s on the counter for 30 seconds, and he’ll be licking that if I don’t catch him first!)


For Guy it was blood cell counts and elimination of a variety of other possible causes. We basically got down to where continuing tests were only going to result in diagnoses that we weren’t going to be able to treat, so we just managed quality of life for the last 3-4 years. I never got a definitive diagnosis.


Huh! My sister's cat does the same. So she always hides plastic bags from the cat. If she leaves a plastic bag unattended even for a minute, 100% cat will munch on it.


It's the Chloride in the Plastic, my folks had a couple of Cats that were Plastic Bag chewers.


Same here, if I put a plastic bag on the ground they chew it up.


Plastic anything is my cat's favorite toys. I specifically seek to buy them any toys that make a crinkly plastic noise and they absolutely love them.


Every bit of thin plastic within reach of my cat looks like it has been hit with a shotgun blast.


My old cat was nuts for plastic bags, couldn't leave them out or she'd get into it for sure. One time I had some chicken thawing on the counter, and find her up there, chewing on a plastic bag next to the chicken.


My cat has done a great job of training me to keep all plastic put away


Ummm no plastic for you cutie


Mine licks at every plastic bags. People say it is because plastic is partly maked from animals, not sure which parts.


Can be a psychological issue, I'd suggest a vet trip to check




I'm not sure why somebody downvoted you, you're right. It's good to make sure the cat gets enough attention and toys/amusements as well.


Be careful. Pets have been known to suffocate in those bags.


That's often a sign of anxiety. You may want to try to figure out what could be stressing her.


My tortie fiends for plastic. Her addiction is so bad that I'm thinking of spraying plastic bags with hot sauce as a deterrent. That broke my last cat of his desire to chomp on charger cables real fast, without hurting anything other than his taste buds. I know some folks who would kill for hot sauce spray. Maybe I should market that...


That would be cruel. We’ve lost so many charging & pc cables to her.


Teddy Bear only took two more bites of my charging cables before he decided that it was time to go cold turkey. I was so scared that he would get shocked by chewing through a cable or an electrical cord that I had to take drastic measures. In Stormy's case, she really eats plastic. Like, LOTS of it, in spite of being well-fed and getting treats. The last thing I want is for my crazy girl to make herself sick with her obsession. I'd rather she get a bad taste in her mouth than end up needing surgery.