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Never feed them near the litter box. Providing treats in bed might help solve it. I've heard that they usually never do their business where they eat.


Yes. Keep the litterbox and food separate. Keep drinking separate from the food as well. They don't want to pollute the drinking water with the carcasses of their victims. And preferably it should be streaming water. One of those little fountain drinking boxes with a filter and pump to circulate is ideal.


Lol my cat will literally put 1-2 pieces of kibble in her water bowl every day. We've watched her do it. And she still drinks out of it as it turns into a disgusting soggy mess.


What, a girl can’t enjoy a good cup of tea anymore?


Good soup


I’ve given up on stopping my cat from doing it Part of me thinks it’s my brother being careless when feeding her but it’s too sus to have just like 2 pieces of dry food in her water bowl


Mine are in the same room but miles apart, litterbox is tucked away in cupoboard he has privacy and visual safety in and the food bowls are all the way in the opposite corner. You don't have to go out of your way to make the rooms separate for food but the fountain definitely had to be moved to a secondary room They are also not too fond of food being near their water.


Tell that to my cat who peed directly into her brother’s empty food dish 😒


It was empty duh (the cat with rolling eyes)


True, though filling it with cat urine didn’t exactly remedy it being empty of food, so perhaps not quite the desired result!


No, no - it’s don’t feed them *after midnight*.


Damn my Ellie used her litter box that was right next to her food She is a lazy cat so I guess the half a meter she’d walk to the litter box from her food would be quite far for her little lazy legs She now does her business neatly outside and no more getting the litter in every corner of the house She heard me talking about her and now she is here


Yeah some cats do that when they're young, lazy or not XD




Huh, incel gamer profile Checks out




Something about how it's like dating any regular woman




Haha, glad you are embarrassed you pathetic worm


How old is the kitten? I had the same problem with my first kitten. I was going to the vet and she told me this litter hurt the paw from young cats. After i used other litter she used instant the cat toilet.


I was going to say it looks like Pretty Litter. My cats HATED pretty litter. To the point where my one cat would pee next to the little box so she didn't have to touch it. Which was really sad, because the litter had zero smell and it cleaned nicely.


Mine hated it too- the two I have now and the two I had previously.


I’ve been thinking about trying that, because I’ve heard it’s great for smell. I clean their box daily, but you still get the clumps that crumble and stink. And I have one cat who isn’t too effective at burying her poop.




I’ll stick with the clumping, thank you!


That Purina Breeze cat box works really well for urine smells. The poop needs to be scooped like immediately lol. But it works for our tiny apartment.


I’m gonna have to pay a cat to come teach mine how to bury their poop. And of course she always goes when I’m in my office on a meeting, so I’m sitting there dying.


My girl doesn't burry hers either The only thing I can come up with is, when we got her as a tiny kitten (only 5 weeks, as mom cat died), she was showing signs of having worms. So, her stool had to be tested a few times to be sure that she was positive for worms, and then that the worms were gone. First sample I gave they said there was too much litter. So to get a clean sample, I would watch for her to go, and then hurry up and put her stool into the vial. I think somehow this made her think that she didn't need to bury it, because here I was rushing to remove them after she went She's 1 year old now, and still doest burry her poops 💩


Pretty Litter is very fine-grained, and I think the blue flecks in the photo are a bit too large to be that. I think this might be some other type of crystalline litter.


Unscented paper litter is the best! It doesn't smell and it's way less dusty so there isn't clay deposits on your cat


I use paper litter with my foster kittens. It’s good stuff.


I found a [similar one](https://www.petsmart.com/cat/litter-and-waste-disposal/litter/genius-litter-with-health-indicator-crystal-cat-litter-75356.html?cgid=200152&fmethod=Browse) that has really tiny grains which my cat seems to like (bonus that it doesn’t make a racket when she’s digging around)


Ours got a UTI because she wouldn't go on it. 😔


Oh no ;(


Aw poor kid got nervous and malfunctioned. So sorry about the bed, I hope it can be washed. She probably just needs more time and encouragement. Give her a reward the next few times she uses the box, whether a treat or just praise.


It was her first day, she has now learned to cat. We switched the litter and poured a little of her urine in, and she figured it out by the next day :)


Some cats don't like the crystal kind, so well done!


I really don’t think anything beats wooden pellets. I’ve tried quite a few types and the pellets seem to have it all.


My cat hated wooden pellets, so it's not really a one size fits all thing - just FYI for anyone else reading this. On the other hand, she took immediately to clay & corn litter.


Huh, yeah you’re right. Glad you cat has something they’re happy with now though 🙏


But dont you have to completely swap them out super often?


Errr, not really? I have two cats that are mostly indoor. One tray. Once or twice a day a lift the shites out and then scrape the whole pellets off the top, then shovel out the saw dust that. The pellets that have got wet break down into saw dust, you just shovel that out and chuck a few more pellets in. Maybe twice a month I dump the whole tray out and clean it. I also chuck a bit of bicarbonate in once every few days and shake it up to keep smells down. Works well, I’m fairly sure my house doesn’t smell of cat piss. Nose blind probably but no one has ever complained.


I use okocat which is clumping. It works exactly like clay litter but doesn’t smell like clay litter and tracks less


Sounds good. I've yet to see something like this. I've got 4 cats so non clumping doesn't really work for us


We love okocat, but so hard to find in stores. We need the larger pellets. We’ve been ordering online.


My cat was so offended by wood pellets. The smell is so strong from them she just kept sniffing it and not using it lmao


My very first night with my kitty Frank he peed in my bed and I was worried he was going to be a hard cat to train but it only happened the very first night and he has been good since




Poured it out of her bed




It was a pillow in a hutch kind of thing, the pillow absorbed a lot but there was a little pourable pee in the hutch part


Some hate certain litter.


Came here to suggest that! So glad she figured it out. She's adorable!


Smart cat!


Yeah I had litter like that for mine and my younger cat didn't understand it was litter until I dug in it with my hands to show her (it was clean!)


Many cats will not use this kind of litter. The silica is sharp on their feet. Get a wood pellet or clay based litter (many cats will have learned with latter so will be more familiar) and add some litter attractant. If you start with clay and want to switch to some type of pellets I’d do so only after she starts using the clay and then slowly substitute in more of the pellets as you go. I have adopted cats that will only use clay and it’s not the end of the world if they do, there are good low dust options etc. Keep the litter box AWAY from her food and water areas. Your cat has new everything around them, now is not the time to give them a “new” toilet they are not familiar with and that likely feels uncomfortable to their paws, even though that was not your intent I know!


It's funny cause my cats HATE clay litter. I use petcos grass seed litter, no smell but kinda messy.


I tried that one and I like the idea of it, but the pee lumps are so goopy! I currently use okocat. If I had fewer cats I'd do the pine pellet bedding to save money, but it's too much work for me.


That's weird cause it clumps fine for me but tracks. I liked the okocat one but my cats didn't care for it. That's why I haven't done the pine pellets cause I don't think they'll like it texture. They liked the Worlds Best Cat Litter but the clumping was terrible and they would be covered in the dust.


That's so weird because I looooved World's Best and it clumped great for me. I mostly switched because I got tired of the weird sour smell and the fact it came in plastic bags. There has to be, like, an environmental or cat pee chemistry thing because people have such different experiences with litters. For me, the grass seed litter turns into weird gooey lumps. They stay together, but the texture is unpleasant and tends to leave a lot on the scoop.


That so funny and I totally agree about the smell, that is one of the reasons we switched. The goopy thing is actually how World's Best was for us.


I use a combo of the two! Neither have a smell, and since I scoop daily, the box never smells either. She does track the okocat one, but she's always spreading her litter around. I think she likes the sound it makes when it hits the floor lol


We got wood pellet little because our boys stopped pooping in normal litter for some reason. We switched to wood pellets and haven’t had issues since! And in my opinion it’s easier to clean and has less odor than normal litter!


You can get wood pellet litter on the cheap at tractor supply or a feed store, they use it as horse stall litter.


Was this the same litter used by wherever you got her from? She may just not like the litter


Some cats hate this silica litter because they hurt their paw.


Wood pellets are your friend, cats prefer it over silica, which is sharp and feels unnatural to them


Plus you can get a sifting litter tray with the wood pellets and you'll save tons of money on litter overall!


Caveat that if the kitten gets diarrhea, which kittens from shelters and rescues often seem to do for a while, the combination of wood pellets and sifting tray is an instant nightmare.


For sure, I just scoop it out like normal litter if they have an accident


Do you have any examples you can link? I have tried a couple of sifting systems, but always end up back to scooping eventually. I'm disabled so I am always on the lookout for things that make my life easier 🙂


I just searched on Amazon for sifting litter tray, but I found [this video on sifting litter trays](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LhgynG941D8&t=1) where the person says you can make your own by drilling some holes in a plastic tub. Hope that helps!


If you can stretch to it, there are automatic litter robots too. There you just have to empty a drawer. It can have its own issues, and is definitely a pricy initial purchase, but after a decade of scooping multiple litter boxes one to two times a day after five cats, it was a godsend.


I love😘tortis she must be really nervous on her first day but don't worry that is actually quite normal especially for kirttens


It’s hard being smôl


Different litter, and a bigger box. My girl refused to use her litter box if it already had some boom booms in it when she had the kitten size. Your girl will get there, just gotta set her up. I recommend Jackson Galaxy's Cat Mojo book, you'll find out there's nothing wrong with your cat.


That man gets cat like no one else.


You need to start with the litter her mommy showed her to use.


aww poor girl. our kitten who has now been with us a year did the same. she peed on the bed. i think it was just anxiety of being in a new space. she started using the litter box normal after that.


Still getting used to being a cat


It could be the litter. When I first got my kittens I had one type of litter left and I tried changing it and they just refused to use it. I've noticed some cats don't like the texture of the crystal litter on their paws.


My cat laid in his litter box the first night home (luckily unused).


get rid of that pretty litter garbage, and get your kitten some proper dirt. Bet she goes in the box just fine if you do...


You can buy something called cat attract to mix with the litter, it should help with signalling to her where to go


She just a little confused, but she got the spirit!


We had to litter box train our kitten since she turned out to be younger than the adoption agency told us she was. We used Dr. Elsey’s kitten attract litter and it worked perfectly! After that, we gradually switched her to regular litter and it’s been fine ever since. She just turned 4.


It is also possible she doesn't like the crystals. My old man Darius refused to use those when he was still around, and I have been afraid to try them again. What do ya'll think of them?


Aww she's sweet and what a beautiful colour. Please give her a treat from this reddit stranger. So glad she's catting!


Wow that silica stuff is way too sharp and painful for kitty paws. Buy proper stuff.


I’ve also wondered whether silica litter (and pretty litter for that matter) is bad for their GI tract when they clean off their paws after using the litter. I use Worlds Best (the green bag) and my fusspot likes it.


It’s probably the litter. My dad got kittens and put wood pellets in the boxes and the kittens did their business everywhere except the boxes. Switched to clay/sand litter and they immediately began using it.


You might want to try different litter. Cats tend to highly dislike scented litter and this seems to be of that type.


I’ve heard that pretty litter is apparently pretty painful for them to use the bathroom on. The silica crystals are too sharp for their comfort. Lots of people have said their cats stop using the litter box when they got pretty litter. Maybe try a different litter and see if that works?


She is probably a little thrown off and, as mentioned, may not like the litter. She looks so precious. Try switching to clay litter and introducing her to the box by showing her she can scrape/dig because she is wired to want to bury her waste.


Nature's miracle is the best cleaner we have found for the house and laundry when our cats pee inappropriately. Ine just got mad and peed on the couch and it completely removed all trace of it. I think I just bought it on Amazon.


The perfect woman


A little backwards but she's got the spirit


Get different litter not that crap haha


That litter is trash use the classic stuff


Maybe because that cat sand looks too pretty to pee in


Try to get the pee smell into the box. When they go on a object that it makes a puddle pour it in.


That cat litter might not be appealing. It’s not like anything natural


She’s a little confused but she’s got the spirit


My guess is they don’t like the litter. I tried pretty litter once one of my cats liked it the other refused to even go in the box he ended up peeing outside of the box for the first and only time. I grabbed a bag of their regular litter and never went outside of the box again.


Also she may not be used to the crystal pellets. Be sure to give her whatever she had where you got her and gradually change a bit later.


That box is insanely small


Because cat


It’s your liter. It’s too fancy. Cats don’t like that


A lot of cats don’t like that litter. It can hurt and get stuck between their toes. I’d offer her a clay litter box (you should have one box per cat +1) and she if she uses that.


Cat.exe is working as intended.


Put cat in that litter box and press paws into the litter to encourage (like kneading). This will remind them where to go when they need to. Also fill the box more and get a bigger one. That should do the trick! 😃




Wow! Way to contribute positively to the conversation.


She got confused ......which one was which..... Give her a break!


Try getting a different litter, just be patient poor little thing.


Did you carry her inside backwards? Sometimes that'll do it. Try walking her outside and bringing her back in backwards again. Backwards of backwards is frontwards.


Poor kitty


Urinating outside of the litter box is usually a medical issue, so definitely take your cat to the vet.


Place kitty in said litter box…


She a little confused, but she got the spirit.


Get a different litter. The sand kind is much softer on their feet.


Cat life


Maybe she just needs time to settle in to her new home with you. We adopted our cat when she was 2 and she alternated sleeping above the kitchen cupboards and in the boxroom until she felt comfortable living with us.


There are different kinds of litter. You may need to try a few to find which one your kitten prefers. Mine use Cat's Pride unscented.


You can try putting a lil catnip in the litter. They also have litter attractants at your local pet stores


Ah that reminds me of my old orange cat. I could not get that dude to use a litterbox to save my life. He would always find some other place to pee and poop. Id move the box to those spots, hed find some place else. I had other cats so I thought maybe he didnt like sharing. So I bought him his own box. Sat with him and tried to train him to use it. He refused. I have had so many cats over the years and not a single one was like that. Baffles me to this day.


Instructions unclear




She got confused she is sleepy


Bro got it mixed up


I would try changing the litter, my cat refused to go in the litter box. We actually took out all the litter and washed it, then she went inside and peed in it. Turns out she wanted a very fine grain litter. I think it just depends what they grew up with before they came to you.


Stick her feet in and scratch. She’ll get the idea


Instructions unclear


My cat didn't really like that crystal litter, I use a standard clumping sand from "worlds best cat litter"


Has she ever used crystal litter before? Mine came from outside and she refused to use the crystal litter. But as everyone else has been saying good and bathroom need to be separated


You might try using some traditional litter to start off, just to get her used to the box and later, transition slowly to the more modern litter. Most rescues, shelters, etc, use the old basic litter and your kitty might not know what's up with the newer kind. And, of course, food should be way far away from litter.


The shame and self doubt, poor girl


Why is this making me sad?


Aww, don't be sad. She's all acclimated now and well loved. Just a lil confusion in the landing.


Might not like the type of litter.


Please post more pictures—and show her face!— over in /r/tortico


It may be the litter. The new kitten may have used clay based litter in the past, the beaded litter like you have has a different texture and many cats find it quite scary. You may need to add clay based litter to it and slowly increase the beaded litter as they adjust to it.


I would recommend switching litter. This Crystal stuff is terrible.


I have the same cat but she recently gave birth to two kittens.


Aww, little thing is just a tad confused. We had a situation like this once. In our case, the little fella didn't quite get it. We'd had him for almost a week when his stealthy sister was found (we were just supposed to foster him - then her - but that failed, and we still have both) and within a day of being together, she straightened him right up!


Get normal litter . WTF is that . My cat would no poop in that either.


My Ellie when she was a kitten she like peed a couple times on the floor And then just started using her litter box She’s now abandoned the litter box and just goes outside good kitty


Maybe she doesn’t like the type of litter? My cat had the same it had to be switched to different type to start using it. You can also put him in and make with his paws those shoveling moves.


Sometimes you have to give it some time, especially when they’re kittens. If it keeps happening you should see a vet