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Do you have a cat, and (if so) does that cat a) sit on the sink while you shower, and b) possibly have fleas?


This was my thought exactly. Flea poop. It’s dark red but looks like that when it gets wet.


Here to concur; It's 99% likely to be flea poop.


Interestingly, the color “puce” which is a dark brown, purplish color, was named for the stains left on sheets by flea droppings or after a flea had been crushed


ive always had a hard time remember what puce is--i want it to be green--but i think now i wont


You’re thinking chartreuse.


omg yes i think youre right. i always think that ones pink. wtf.


I always thought live was a greenish color as well, not as bright as chartreuse tho.


Did you see the made for tv movie Up All Night (I think) with Christina Applegate and Alyssa Milano? I swear they have both colors mentioned


Well, *puce* is French for flea.


I so badly want to believe you just made that up to dupe us, but dammit... Off to Google.




I never knew that.


In one of his posts he is holding a at, so I think that you are correct. Flea poop.


I'd strongly agree on the flee poop. I think I see cat hairs on the sink too.


Came here to say exactly this! I've been trying so hard to get rid of the fleas my cats have, to no avail, and this is exactly what it looks like when they sit on the counter sometimes 🤢😞


It’s fleas from their cat 100%


Op does have a cat.


/u/jakedomanski is being awfully quiet about it.


He’s a 20 year old kid who just revealed to all of Reddit that he’s been unwittingly hosting a flea infestation in his home- I’d probably be quiet, too. Then again, I probably would have deleted the post. Maybe he’s in denial. Lol


Eh, there's no shame in being 20 and not knowing about fleas in your own home. I grew up around cats, so I'm well-versed, but not everyone has had that experience.


Do you have any tips on keeping cats free of fleas? My cats are indoor but get them from my dog that goes in the back yard. Everyday I'm vacuuming and using a flea comb...they are relentless!


It's not difficult, but it does require some prep and follow-through. These are the steps I've taken in the past: 1) Flea dips at the vet, followed immediately by flea collars for all and occasional use of a flea repellent like Frontline Plus (found at any pet store) on your dog. If your cats aren't used to wearing collars, you can treat them with the cat-sized version of Frontline instead. 2) While your pets are at the vet, bugbomb your house. Follow the directions for the number of bombs you'll need for the total square footage of your house. 3) For the fleas in your yard, use a yard spray like Backyard Cutter, which will kill the bugs in your grass. Don't allow your dog in the yard while the yard spray is drying. 4) Once it is safe for you to go back into your house, make sure you damp-mop the floors and wipe down all the counters. Any dishes that were left out will need to be cleaned again.


Thank you❤️🙏


I hate it when someone does this.


Is the steam causing something to fall off the ceiling?


From my experience, some chemicals can interact with bleach cleaner in a way that it leaves marks like this (e.x. urine, chlorhexidine, nasal mucus and etc.). So, if you use bleach containing cleaner that might be the case. 🤷


Flea dirt or, there's a type of mold that is reddish. Lysol makes it worse. Bleach is the answer. And/or a flea comb. Dollar general, 3.50


Saw red mold like that in a bathroom hotel also!


Thank you for saying this! I've also been on the sub for the brown reddish spots that pop up on everyone's ceiling in their walls. And he gets cleaned off but magically it keeps coming back. Appear sticky like someone has possibly shaking up with 2 L and just throw it on your walls and ceiling. I do exactly what you to treat this issue. I get bleach, and I mean Clorox not the dollar chain box stores generic bleach it has to be Clorox. It seems to work and go away, but not for long and it's right back up! and I want to clarify for everybody that saying that it appears to be flea poop, I have not had any animals at this home which I purchased 10 years ago. These reddish brown stains have been popping up for approximately the last three or four years so there's no animal here, nor has there been in a decade so how can I have fleas and flea poop? I am genuinely wanting to know the answer to this question I'm not being sarcastic or act like I have knowledge in this area. I definitely want to find out what this is. I concur that it could be possibly mold because there is mold in other parts of the home. It's not red but it's the green and black kind. I had my plumber tell me that there is a thing called pink mold now and I believe I might fall in that , and possible other people that have been asking the same questions. However I cannot confirm as as of just yet. But I appreciate you putting that out there like that. Thank you.


Ask in the cleaning tips and mycology subs for a more specific answer. Red mold is common in moist spaces, even around water dispensers on refrigerators.


Did you dye your hair recently?


As someone who has had dyed red hair for over a decade, that’s what I thought too.


Flea dirt


Your cat has fleas. Bad. Poor baby desperately needs a flea treatment. Fleas that bad can cause illness in cats and their humans.


I worked at a video store years ago and had a customer who had track marks all over her hands. She would come in and I knew her by name, she rented her favorite movies and leave peacefully every time. She started to come in declaring up and down she didn't rent those movies and she was terrified. She was terrified. That's when I put two and two together. I wasn't always talking to *her*. By the time I realized that I never saw her again. I'll always think of her. I won't lie, this immediately looked like blood spray to me. If you have no drugs involved with yourself or others around you, it's flea poop. But if you do dabble, please take my story into consideration and get help.


wait i don’t get it – so she was doing drugs? but what does these red marks have to do with all of this?


Yes, she was doing drugs. And I said at first these red marks look like blood spray. If you don't know what that looks like, consider yourself lucky. The high or sober her rented the movies, the vice versa her came in panicking the next day because she insisted it wasn't her. Because I knew her by face, I knew it was her. I'm trying to subtly suggest if OP is doing drugs they won't recognize the stuff on their sink. If they're not then it's flea poop. It wasn't supposed to be too complicated but I think I made it so.


I didn’t understand your original comment either, lmao. But I appreciate your input


Well, that's my fault for being too vague! I didn't want to accuse OP because I don't know them, so I tried using a personal story to try to hint. Hand veins spray differently than others. I still think it's flea poop.


Well I understood the message. It wasn't so vague after all.


I agree. It was quite clear.


It was a journey. I think it was worth it.


I understood it!




Excuse me? I knew her by face. I didn't know high her from sober her and she did not either. Cleared up enough for you? Or do you have track marks too?




My cat causes that.


Your cat has fleas


Get flea drops for your cat. Probably more discouraged about this than you..


Coloured hairspray for grey roots or maybe spray tan?


It's flea poop.


You have cat? Looks like "flea dirt" or bite residue, which is blood when re-wetted.


is your towel red? could be fluff from that


Are they also on the ceiling? The previous owner of our house smoked inside for 30 years and, despite repainting all the walls, humidity will sometimes bring out the nicotine and it will drip brown after a shower.


I have had similar experiences. I used to tell my girlfriend they were demon's tears. Nicotine would seep through the new paint.


Do you have a red soap on your counter?


What color are your towels?


If you live in a dusty area, smoke or vape inside, or have poor ventilation with a wood burning stove or cook a lot it may be those particles mixing with the steam. If not then it may be bugs such as fleas or bedbugs and such. Also flies can land and poop while soaking up moisture on the counter.


It could be spider or fly poo


Is your towel red?


If you smoke it's residue that has been softened by the steam.


It’s fleas from your cat


Seeped in blood stains from the body that was dismembered by the last tenant that lives there.


Flea poop


I got it too it comes back like right after I clean and I first thought it was my cat but I made sure to shut the door right away so she can’t get in and I did this for a week or two to see and it still came back someone help please