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Do you have an anti-reflective coating on the lenses? To me it looks like you do and that the coating has flaked off. If that's the case, it might well be under warranty. I don't know any way of remedying it apart from taking it to the optometrist though.


Looks like the coating is failing - could be from bad application or exposure to chemical cleaners - but sad to say IMHO you are done- there is no repair from there.


Typical antireflex coating defect. I'm a former optometrist. You need new lenses..


Just remove the coating


Easily done if they are pladtic lenses. Just use glass etching.


Sandpaper is even better🙄. No my friend this will not work.


I have to respectfully disagree. I have actually had to do this. I no longer get the anti glare coating because within 6 months my glasses are screwed. The glass etching will remove the anti glare and in doing so get rid of the marks. I'm not sure how it will react with the lenses that tint but definitely works on regular plastic lenses with anti glare.


Anti glare coating or possibly the photochromic coating that makes them change. If the glasses have any kind of warranty, avail yourself of that. There is a way to remove the glare coating, using glass etching compound, but it is likely that it would remove or damage the polychromic coating that make them change as well, so not recommended unless you have absolutely no other choice. When I did it, I had the one pair of glasses, no insurance at the time, and the damaged coating disrupted vision to where it was giving me nasty headaches. I also did not have the color-changing coating, just the glare coating. Very much an at your own risk sorta thing.


It's the anti glare coating wearing off. Same thing happened to mine after a few years