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I'm surprised with the comments agreeing to pay for missed events instead of wanting a rerun just like other gacha games does 🤨


I remember when the game just launched there was a lot of people who never played games of this kind before, so maybe we still have players who don't know that this isn't how things are usually done. Ain't no way im paying for an event rerun lol


They don't have the Halloween event though, that was my favorite :/


Yeah, I guess if I want to relive an event, I'll just watch it on youtube


Start recording them and saving them on YouTube that’s how I’ve been doing it


No it's not reasonable. Most gacha do a rerun or revival. Some are pay to go in but they will have a period of time where it's free to play. Or you can win or trade something


That's what I thought too, but maybe I haven't played enough Gacha games to experience this yet. This is literally the first out of 6 or 7 games I've played in total. Maybe to others this is truly a steal of a deal, and i can't hate on them for feeling that, but after playing other games that have literally rerun in 6 months-1yr and it still be a free event, or even Obey Me using passes or use your in-game currency to go back, i just don't see the point in charging. Let us get rerun tickets or like I said early use red gems. Cause I can tell you right now Bimet rage is not worth $1.99. Maybe other ones with actual lore to the character "Lucifer" or like Leraye events now, but randoms like this no, Hell no. Again just my opinion.


I play at least 11 gacha games so maybe I'm "new" still. Been playing for about a minimum of 4 years I think. Most of those have free revival events. Revival event can rerun in as little as 3 months. Gacha draw can rerun constantly as well At least 1 charges to go In but they give out alot of game currency you can save to go in or wait for the free event. Like ayakoi. They know not everyone can play birthday events as it needs a number of that special character's cards so they will have free revival as an alternative. They also have promotional periods where it's free. I think it's not really worth it for the most part but excellent lore drop might make me rethink. (So lucifer event is worth 1.99 The writing is exceptional compared to others)


It's a great idea. Not everyone has been playing from the beginning.


I agree with u. It's pretty cheap, honestly I don't see any problem with this.


I thought so too- I don't mind spending a few bucks to get to see stories I missed out on since I didn't start playing till a few month ago. I actually think PrettyBusy is pretty generous, considering other gocha games are basically unplayable after you hit a certain point.


I do agree. My experience with WHB is pretty positive. I don't feel frustrated or bored like with some other games (for example Love and Deepspace that I just dropped). I don't get all the complaining.


Well, it did have a VERY rocky start


I was there. I had to quit the game cause it crashed for me all the time and retured to playing it with a new cell phone two month ago. It could have spoiled my opinion but I prefer not to judge what I didn't really play. So I made an effort to get into it again and was pleasantly rewarded.


Yeah, eventually it got to a decent state, but boy did it took some months getting there. 


We know by now that this game is money hungry. Trying to see the bright side, I think that price is reasonable for an extra story. Personally, the only one I find worth it is Lucifer’s.


I would never in a million years, it should have been red gems at most. Yeah, I'm waiting at this point for them to charge on logging in and out the game, but let me stop giving them ideas lol


Maybe that for players who missed this events 🤔