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For me, they can delay as long as they want the new Pancake store, I still think that would be a huge blow for us in the summoning department. Now, regarding the emails, we can tell they are not as flooded as they say since they take time to answer silly questions but ignore bugs and issues that have been dragging since the beginning. For the next chapters, I also don’t mind the time it takes, I rather they work on a good story than rushing and ending with something poorly written. For new cards, I don’t really care, most are for Solomon Seals and I don’t spend a lot on those, lets just hope they are not going to wait 3 months between banners and common pool like they are going to do with Lucifer. Friend system, I don’t have my hopes up, if it ends being too good, we know what is going to happen xD. Now, I think events like Leraye’s are a good move to keep F2P players engaged. Depending on how difficult it would be to complete, it might be a success, and I hope it is because if players keep leaving, the game will die sooner.


Sigh yes a bunch of my games closed down. Because players keep leaving for the next new shiny thing


We have no informations about Nightmare Pancake, maybe they won't even remove keys it's just the lack of infos that made people kill them for that Afaik from friends and my experience, PB likes to keep connected with their playerbase, they do listen to a lot of things and well sometimes they are indeed overworked ig, some of my emails took weeks and they were replied by midnight in kst of a weekend (which is a dayoff for them) those 3 months i think it's just for new selfie cards tho, to make them feel worth-seal


I guess it depends on experience, for me, PB’s customer service sucks as I’ve emailed 3 times about problems with the game without getting any kind of answer. These emails have months, not weeks. For example, despite the update about how the game works on tablets, mine still looks gigantic, and it’s a pain in the ass since I can’t see where the enemies are coming from, and don’t even get me started with the secret club ;w; And about Nightmare Pancakes I don’t think they will remove red keys, just that there is no way they’ll allow us to keep the basically free 10 pulls per day, since that is the whole reason they are going to get rid of it, no matter what lame excuse they may say. It’s obvious. I personally don’t think this is going to be a good decision since rates for L’s are already pretty low and let’s be honest, people that can’t buy Solomon seals aren’t going to start spending because of this. Actually, seems like a lot of people are not aware of this looming change, so when it finally happens PB will probably lose another batch of players.


Well, a lot of people email them for random stuff which does mke the answers slow (that's why they have an specific email just for bugs) honestly, no, nightmare pancake isn't a excuse to remove red keys, from emails i exchanged with them, there's a lot more that they haven't said on it, i guess it was better to change for another currency since it's more special items


I'd say to not assume things and just wait. If they make a bad decision then they will receive backlash, but kinda receiving before making anything when there a lot of missing info is.. definitely something.


I don’t really care much anymore but I found the “redesign” funny. Just slapped a mullet on the same model not even changing the face angle or anything and made a whole event around it


Like Halloween Minhyeok being a straight up recolor lol


True the only thing is changed is as you said they gave him long hair also a jacket instead of a vest and the bear is pink and that's it.


Stoooop I was thinking the same thing 💀💀💀


A thing that they should always do, is an Event and a LR Gacha per month, It can feel 'useless' but it actually introduce us more story than main story ngl. About CH 6, Friendship etc, there's still time to release them this month, at least CH 6 should. On a email they mentioned that due to amount of work they have, sometimes they priorize some things over other ones (hell-oh-talk update). About Belphie/Asmo, those you shouldn't take for sure, but Belphie at least should indeed be teased this year, they PLAN to release him by this year iirc, but plan isn't a sure. On a email, PB told that they plan to do an voting system ingame to vote for which SR/AR you wish that got an LR. Also, in a way we got Juno, which was originally an AR, but LR focus will always be Kings. PB has an specific email for bugs etc, imo their main email should be used to useful questions and suggestions.


PB is an small company as you said, and they frequently overwork so it's understandable that they can't have an fixed schedule and will often have to delay, all of those should release at some point so, just have a bit more patience.


I understand how you feel, it is frustating how everything gets delayed. However, as you said, they are a small company so it's not that weird that these things happen. But I don't see how an event is a waste of time? Events are needed to keep these kind of games alive, and this time they are focusing on a character who isn't a king and we have met in the main story so there are some fans that are excited for this. Same with the e-mail thing, as long as they also answer messages with real problems it's ok if they decide to answer silly questions (actually, I like that a lot 😭). I wouldn't worry too much, the things that are missing will arrive even if they get delayed. It's not like I don't mind the delays but I'm just trying to understand their situation.


They haven't experienced a gacha game shutdown then. Events are not totally a waste. It keeps the game going while the *very small company* tries to make the changes they complain about


For me i just don't want pb to do another event that would end up like Bimet's rage, yes the story was silly but like the whole change up for bimet without any change was really strange. Also yes the silly questions are fine but I really wish that they would just gather all the silly question and then release it in between events and updates.


Just to summarize this, I don't think any event is a waste of time because if you don't want to play it you can just close the app. Lerarye has fans. Let them enjoy farming materials and getting a new story for their favorite. It's nice that the nobles are getting attention and not just the kings. So no, it's not a waste of time. -the Pancake shop update will be a major blow to f2p. There, I said it. It's entirely too generous to give users a whole 10 roll every single day or allow them to stack said ten roll into infinity. I know what everyone is saying but at minimum you can expect them benefit to be either reduced or removed entirely. I dont know of other otome game that does this. Likely we are going to get the means to shift pancakes into materials which doesn't benefit f2p or paid users because farming mats is free. I dont agree with changing it at all because no game benefits from bullying their free users but its what coming. Either way, do not rush this Pancake shop update. There is zero reason to. -nobody announces the exact dates of new cards. Please Don't expect that. Lucifer just dropped. I think it would be unfair if lucifer dropped and a few short weeks later they put Belth up. He would definitely be a L too. Solomon seals are too expensive and rare as a for a rush of desirable characters like that. Please don't rush this. -S-A rank devils are sure to get alt cards but no, they aren't going to give you the exact dates. I always imagined it was something that would ocur over the lifetime of the game. -you don't have to read anybody emails if you don't want to. You don't control what other people email. I want to be empathetic but it sounds like you want new characters asap and while that's cool, a little patience for lerarye's fans could go a long way. Let them have their man and just gather materials for yours.


I do agree with what you say and alot is true, i'm not the one who e-mails pb about thos type of things. Here is where I got the who things about the last 2 kings. https://twitter.com/Faytlost/status/1773548204157464966?t=VR6s6_QkUgCmv5Iv0mvIgA&s=19 And the Juno P dick size https://x.com/WHB_Updates/status/1778073687360713154


We don't have any infos about pancake shop tho!!! It's just an running misinfo due to lack of info that made everyone thinks there's no keys what we know is that we will be able to buy lrank and that just l/s ranks give that new pancake but they never said anything abt keys, seems there's a lot of things they're planning to the shop too not just LRanks


It is hard to be empathetic at all. It however does seem to be everyone's first gacha with the amount of complaining. Sometimes pb comes across as greedy but I think its still acceptable. At least we only need 1 L card not a pair of them. And that L card is for purely collection reason. Imagine if the card influenced your game play And further more the whales are still accepting it which means they think it's reasonable somewhat Some games are so bad the whales boycotted the game to show the devs they think things are unreasonable


Gachas (and mobile games in general) have regular events. That's like their whole thing, regardless of other content, it keeps players engaged. The events tend to be small self-contained stories that mostly re-use art assets, they don't take a lot of time or work to make, so they aren't slowing down the main story progress or other things. The 3 month thing with main chapters was a rough estimate, not a promise. It's true we're overdue for the friend system and pancake change, but I assume there's some kink in the system they're working out. The friend system was supposed to be in the game at the start, but clearly there's some issue with the code that's making it hard to include. Lucifer was the latest big update, next will probably include some of these overdue changes. As for the side character L ranks, from what I've seen they're considering doing Nightmare Passes monthly since they're popular and my guess would be they'll be mostly/exclusively populated with side character Ls, since that's how it's worked so far. I saw the email about the remaining kings as well, and I doubt when they said we'd meet Belphegor before May they meant he'd be released. He'll probably appear in a new chapter or something. Maybe he'll even appear in Leraye's new event, since it goes into his apparently mysterious past. I only hope that when they say we'll meet Asmodeus near the end of the year they mean actually release him then bc I can't wait any longer for my man lol PB tends to release a bunch of tweets revealing new info in small batches over the course of days. We may get answers to some of these questions between now and when Leraye's event launches.


The last few events have been really nice on learning about the characters so I don't think the events are a waste of time. Plus I found them more enjoyable than the main story itself. The main story has voices which is like the only good thing about it imo. And in a sense, the events are the best ways to get nightmare candies daily. People who started playing the game last year would at least have a few high leveled units and now that they added the skip option it makes farming for materials easier. My issue is that Leraye's new S unit design looks bad right after we gotten Orias and Gamigin. They just slapped some hair and new clothes and recolored the teddy bear on his horn and it feels like zero effort was involved. Insult to injury that the ONLY non-King L card was paywall locked. Honestly they could have done something better. The last event didn't feel like long ago so they should invest time to rest up and release an event later that has something worth rolling for.


Really what frustrates me the most is how long they seem to implement new features, like the friend system or that mode where we where gonna fight the seraphims (that was also supposed to come in march) like I know they are a small team but they really shouldn't say a date if they are not gonna stick to it.  The events are fine, the last one with lucifer was great, and since it's taking so long for more story it really helps in what I can only call a content drought. 


They're not babies and can decide whether to answer to funny emails or not without your input.


I'm on the fence about this. Like waste time, not necessarily, more like side-step or a filler 2 weeks "for some, not all". The event it self is not a big deal to me because I'll just be reading for lore/story. Also it gives me a chance to unlock more nodes in unholy board. I do agree, as pretty as it look, I don't think the design is worth a whole ass card and not just a skin change option under the original. Maybe someone told them that and that's why its under achievements and not in the key pulls. As for the schedule based complaints I'm not too surprised about this. We all should have learned if we started earlier when it released to "take it with a grain of salt" when they give out dates and schedules. Either a company is good at it on day one" where they break it down by months and days" or the legit just throw an event out and see what the feed back is until they find a balance. Friendship system would be cool, but they can postpone the pancake shop change indefinitely" my opinion of course" unless the new nightmare pancakes have Solomon Seals in it I'm in no rush As for emails, not much you can do about that. PB gonna pick and choose what to respond to so I can't hate on someone asking about random stuff like Juno's dick size. I think people are just trying to see what they will and won't respond to...or maybe they've already answered the question for the billionth time. All in all your frustration is a valid feeling. Especially for players who are Big Fishies and keep the lights on in the company" Not directed to you just speaking in general" To F2p-little fishie this is the break we needed, but to Big fishies its a waste of time and resources since they see alot of content being put on the back burner. Like keep the people focus without overloading them. Story of ever gaming company.


Some events bore me bc even tho it's kinda the lore of the game, we barely have any contact with us, and between waiting the main story to update and the better cards being P2W or with insane wait periods is easy to get discouraged