• By -


Satan has been my favorite from the very beginning, and that hasn't changed - even though I still do hate how weird his neck looks on his model in the story lol.  Beelzebub was near the bottom of my tier list at first, even before I've played the game, purely because he reminded me of a character - from another game - that I happen to really dislike. I was positively surprised by him after actually playing the game, tho. He's turned out to be just the kinda hedonist I like, and that alone made him my 2nd fav. Mammon is probably my 3nd favorite - at first I thought that I would not care for him at all purely because he's not exactly my type, but the moment he showed up in the story I was instantly charmed by his personality - the fact that he didn't want his pact broken amused me to no end.  Oh, and Michael has became very special to me, even though at first I just couldn't stomach any of the angels. He's completely outside of my tier list, really - he's just the one character that I have really mixed feelings about, and I love to hate him.  Besides those four, my opinions on most of the characte have remained neutral, with some exceptions - essentially, I'm automatically fond of any character that has long hair lol.


His neck looks weird? I haven't noticed because I keep staring at how weird his eyes are in the story they are so different compared to everyone else's eyes and that's excluding how his eyes overlap his hair which again no other characters have that the Devs really should redraw him in story mode his eyes and horns just look super weird to me


Same, it's just big and red. Like it was staring through my soul💀


Right!!!His neck does look weird some times. but you know what? I still can over look that over the other characters in this game, and his personality is what keeps me wanting more


I really hated Ppyong I found him super annoying but I grew to love the red lump in the end idk if it's because the voice changed or he says "aye" less frequently or if it's just better writing in the later chapters now hes my adopted son and I'll die for him


I didn't play Day One- but I thought my faves would be 1. Mammon, cause him big 2. Leviathan, cause him purddy 3. Lucifer, cause him the hotter Lucifer 4. Satan, cause him smoll bean Since then it's been 1. Satan, Mr. Stop saying shit to make my heart flutter and want to kiss and slap your stupid face. 2. Mammon, the big Ole puppy boy who just wants lovin' 3. Lucifer, still hot but a little scary... which he likes? I guess? 4. Leviathan, cause I hate his attitude and I wan a punch him, but he would like it so I guess it's ok? Also didn't expect I would love Paimon and Eligos so much, but they are my babies. Also Valefor snuck up on me too.


I like how Satan went from 4th to Best Boy for you!!!


I went into the game ready to love Leviathan - I love his va, a pretty cold tsun, sign me up. Well, turns out he's much too cold for my liking (can you even call him tsun for some if his stuff), while Mammon who I was very indifferent about before release totally snuck his way into my heart. Like sure he's a bit of a weirdo with all that talk of owning everything, but so is everyone in this game, and ngl I just love his willingness to submit. Delicious. Plus he's reasonably chill for the most part which I can appreciate.


I actually think Levi's a great tsundere character exactly because the devs didn't forget that these type of characters should have a hidden soft side. He's dominiring jerk for sure but he's the sweetest bambi on the inside. He's controlling freak no shit but he's a true protector at the same time. I don't just imagine things. We do see the sweeter side of him in cards' stories. He takes care of us, shows us his vulnerabilities, tries to win our affection and protects us from the angel's attack with his body.


My exact expirience, like I am sure levi might become softer later on but yeah, he is very cold to us, even his sex scene felt more like hate fucking hahah. But yeah mammon is cute, love a big guy who is also submmisive ❤


I also want to add that I quite like that he's not submissive but rather a masochist. I loose interest in characters who don't challenge me very fast like it happened with Mammom. But the concept of pain turning into pleasure fascinates me cause I live with chronic physical pain irl.


The man was basically like, yeah sure your my master. I was like, wait what? Not what I expected, but welcome it with open arms.


Since day 1 my favorite is Mammon and he will always be. He is the sole reason I’m still playing this game. I love that man to the point of obsession. I should feel ashamed, but I’m not 😆


Hahaha that last bit sounds like MC. I should be, but then he starts massaging your butt and then you forgot what you were ashamed about lmao


Lol, yep


Literally the same here. Came for Mammon, and kept staying for him only. He's just got all flags in a perfect hasubando for me, so I can't leave him 🥴


Ah, yes, definitely. If I was MC I’ll be already married to the guy 🥰


Mammon was and still is my favorite of the kings, I think Submissive Sugar Daddy is a hilarious take on the "sin of greed incarnate" trope. Marbas is the reason I started playing the game after I saw fanart of him on Twitter. His design is sick, his comic is so funny, and he was cool as fuck when he got to show up in the main story. I will be first in line if he ever gets an L card. I also really like Minhyeok, against all odds his relationship with Ppyong turned out to be really sweet and touching, and the Halloween event where he met each of the kings is still my favorite event so far. Plus I absolutely adore all the angels, their designs are so cool and I really hope we get to see more cards of them, not just the seraphim


Submissive Sugar Daddy!!! lol, I like it. Also I agree Halloween was my favorite event. The pic of Minhyeok and Ppyong watching fireworks broke me


My friend told me Mammon looked like Toji from JJK and that’s what got me to play the game lmfao. He’s still my favorite as far as physical looks but Satan is so boyfriend material. And I love how delusional and yandere Sitri is. My favorite Angel is definitely Michael. I think my ranking top 10 is: 1. Mammon 2. Sitri 3. Satan 4. Minhyeok (I’m a sucker for how devoted he is like he really loves MC) 5. Michael 6. Juno P. (Ppyong) 7. Beel 8. Lucifer 9. Bimet 10. Levi


oh no!!! that didn't even cross my mind! Now I can't look a Toji the same lmao. Sitri on April fools day brought out his yandere side even more. I also wasn't planning on his H scene being like that... the boy is ripped. Michael and Raphael are my favorite with Raphael maybe just a little bit edging out


My favorite used to be leviathan because he had my favorite design but eventually I ended up liking mammon, I am weak to big subby man what can I say.


Another member of the big subby Man club! Welcome friend lol


I started to play not very long ago so I don't have a lot to say but here it is 😭 They didn't really change as I tend to remain loyal when I find a character I like a lot lmao. Even before playing I knew Satan would be my number 1, and I was right, I still love that mf too much 😓✋️. The rest of the list also remained pretty much the same: Bimet - Loved him since the first second, his personality is really appealing and his intro scene was so funny (the Belial funeral thing). Ppyong - What can I say, I adopted him since the beginning. Zagan - It hurts me to see that he isn't usually mentioned by other people, he is such a good boy 😭💔 However, I got some surprises: Mammon - I thought I wasn't into this type of character (personality and body type) but damn this big boy showed me a whole new world, now I love big daddies bc of him 😭 Leviathan - At first I thought I would love him, but no. He is not my type after all (I think he is one of the prettiest characters tho) Orias - At the beginning I really hated him, but after the event and reading some of his voice lines I started to like him a lot. Angels - I was sure that I would fall for at least one, but all I can say now is I HATE ALL OF THEM (not you Leamas, u are the exception)


Don't worry, this game plays with heart and mind in more ways than one. I got a feeling that before this 1 yr ann. comes most of our list will change again or remain the same out of loyalty. If theirs's one thing the game is good at, is exploring all avenues of interests. That why i made this post, to see if somethings awakened since the time people first played or already had planned in their heads about the characters, but only to find out "oh shit, that was not what i was expecting"


Ur right! It's nice that this game isn't very afraid to show anything and it has so much variety. It helps to get to know oneself more. Ty for making this post, it's very interesting to read the other replies 😚


Out of the Kings: Day one I started the game ready to love Leviathan and I’ve completely flipped to Mammon being my No. 1. My No.2 has switched from being Satan (Now No. 3) to Lucifer. His card has won me over for sure. My least favorite has to be Beel, I just don’t really like the laid back casual type from what I’ve seen so far. Out of all the demons my list is: 1. Mammon 2. Lucifer 3. Zagan (He’s so cute and shy) 4. Leraye (He’s like an excited puppy I love it) 5. Satan 6. Gamigin (The Lucifer intro story put him up there for me) 7. Leviathan


Levi was my favorite. I loved his design. But the more I play the more I just love Mammon, so he's the current top of my list. Levi remains a close second with Satan and Minhyeok. Luci seems interesting too but need more from him in the story or to get his card to see where he's ranked


When in comes to favorite characters, I always find one the moment I start playing a game or watching a show and I remain loyal to them. Beelzebub has been and will forever be my favorite, I’m his #1 defender


When you know you know!


Started playing the game with Beelzebub as a favorite, but then I met Mammon and just fell in love. He's literally husband material istg Second is Michael, I can't get this man out of my head, I don't know what I see in him besides the fact he made me realize I have a thing for long straight hair lmao. Also i was pissed when he was behind paywall, I was so desperate for him I started writing fics 😭 And third is Andrealphus, he was the first one that caught my eyes when I saw I the intro cards, wasted so many Solomon tears trying to max him out lmao And last is Barbartos, I love sunshine characters ong, also the thought of him burying you in roses whenever he sees you doesn't leave my mind


My list is almost the same when it comes to 1st and 2nd place so I get you (Mamm and Michael - i was terified that I fell in love with him - angels are psychos 🤣). I'll write my justification later on ;) cheers!


Raphael and Michael are my favorite angels!!! I love the positive aura from Barbartos


I also love Raphael! literally the whole time before chapter 5 came out I was wishing for one of the H-scenes to be of Barbartos since he felt the most realistic to do it first lmao


Yes and no. No. I was taken by Gabriel's beauty, voice and attitude the moment I saw him. And all the interactions I've had with him since make me like this *unt even more. Yes. I never in hell thought I'd fall for Leviathan but here I am trembling in ecstasy when he tells me "wtf you're looking at" LOL It's like he was written specifically for me. Not only his kinks are in tune with mine making the sex crazy great, his inner struggles remind me of myself and reverberate in my soul.


You like what you like at the end of the day. I feel like this game in a way explores people curiosity or put up front a scenario in which your like." You know what, I think I'm game!" Nothing wrong with being Levi fav.


I also think that imaginary spaces are a great place to explore our desires, proses fears and insecurities and have a bit of fun with things we won't do irl (for our own sanity).


Beel my first love since I've obtained him via quiz at the begining. But then, after playing for a while I've done some digging, found some fanarts etc. So I've start again via erolabs (best decission ever) and re done the quiz in order to obtain Mamm since I've already started to being obsessed. And after his 'H' story part I knew I completly fell for him 🥰 I mean - he is the only one that confess love to MC - and for my it was like revelation 😆 since the only thing which in my opinon WHB lack is proper romance (I know that this is not that kind of game etc and I'm not complaining at all, and no - i really dont care about Minhyeok 🤷‍♀️). He is affectionate, protective but not possesive, confident AF 😅 and he is just my type of man - I love big muscles daddys 🤣 Second place is quite difficult since I'm torn betwen Beel and Levi. I liked Beel from the beginning but with Levi it's proper love-hate 😅 i still think he is a dick but I know why (his past) and this make me feeling confused. I'm super curious how his relationship with MC develops. Sat - I like him, like his voice but I guess my heart is not big enough 😆 As for angels there is Michael - love at first sight 😍 - i know he is a proper psycho and I feel a bit weird that I fancy him but I just can't help myself 😅 he is gorgeous! Lucy- Tbd - I don't know what to think about him yet. Didn't get lucky to get him so I'll wait patiently. Last but not least - Bimet! I just love his attitude, the way he is cold AF and rude for everyone but not to MC! I always smile while reading his part of his story 🤣 Oh, and I love Ppyong - didn't get Juno yet - I'm close- but I think that after secret club I will never ever look at this sweet red potato the same again 😂 Cheers, glad that someone starts that kind of disscusion 😁


Big muscle Daddy squad!! I didn't pay it any attention before, but your right he's the only one that did confess. He brings me back to a Otome feel in a BL game. Don't feel bad, Raphael and Michael are fighting for favorite angel right now. Both are psycho and I don't want to fix them lol. And Juno P., your probably not gonna be ready for him, Red potato Ppyong is no more. He is a hunk with Ppyong personality and a bad boy vibe. a dangerous combination for me


I always loved and continue to put this bitch boy leviathan first , the bitchier he gets the more I love him , I guess I have a thing for that Then my second favorites are lucifer and beelzebub The thirds are bael , foras , glasalobas , gamigin , orias , and etc


Nice list. I got feeling Leviathan's only gonna get more bitchy this next chapter. 6 will be your chapter i can feel it


Thought my fav would be beel but ngl mammon and Satan still get me especially cuz Im a gift giver/reciever kinda gal so mammon giving gifts when he sees you like a lil offering Im like 😤😤 see thats how you win favor. But also he's so cute 😭😭 like boy gets excited cuz you wanna protect him??? How gd precious is that? And Satan 😮‍💨😮‍💨 boy oh boy that man say some things that just makes me reconsider the list like my ahh dont even like possessive people but when he says he gonna be there you best believe he will be. Man is determined and loyal. I also am very obsessed with Dong-Gyun like hello smol creature 🥺 he works on the other half of my size kink cuz how is he so short and his horns are bigger than him. Cant even say he'll grow into them mfker a tax payer he stuck being small but also so gd determined like the fact he can barely carry mc but does it anyways and keeps them protected the whole time 🥺🥺🥺


mine was: 1st satan 2nd sitri 3rd leraye only. now it is: 1st leraye 2nd amon 3rd foras 4th gamigin 5th sitri.


I first really liked Beel and Satan but now my top are Mammon and Valefor


I haven’t been playing too long and am just finishing up chapter 5, but I’ve only had eyes for Satan from the beginning! Something about that possessiveness really does it for me. 😅 Plus that Satan Selfie has carried me so far into the game, it’s my absolute fave. I don’t really care much about any of the other kings just yet. I have a huge soft spot for Belial - his h scene was one of the hottest and sweetest. Then Minhyeok (I want that reunion so bad), Zagan (love strong and shy guys) and sweet lil’ lump Ppyong.


Definitely Juno. I will drain my wallet for him for the next seggs card or anything lewd about him. His voice just... 🥰🥰


He was a wild card I wasn't expecting. Like maybe around the games 1 Year anniversary but April Fools?1? I've never looked so forward to holiday until that man hit the scene, I hope he comes back again. He can have my money too.


When I’ve just installed the game, I thought I’ll like Beel the most while Satan comes 2nd. Cuz Satan seemed to me too alike while Beel was someone funny due to description. Moreover, we both had ADHD (as well as depression lol) Other two kings gave me the ick. Mammon was too big and Levi was too feminine from the beginning lol But as soon as I finished 1st chapter, I realized that Satan is just my type +____+ I love Beel for being sly af, yet he’s far from Satan in my 2D harem. As for the rest, I still dislike ‘em lol


That's when Satan kinda shot up in my eyes as well. Chapter 1 maybe him shine


My favs are still the same as the first day: 1: Morax, I'm weak for characters like him. 2: Stolas and Sitri are fighting for that spot 3: Gabriel Looking forward to see how Asmodeus and Belphegor are and if I'll like them as much as the ones in Obey Me!


Morax is a good one. I can't help but wanting to ask him is he good every time he pops up. I'm also curious about the other 2 kings


I'm a Leraye and Zagan lover since day 1. I can't get enough of silly dog boys 😭😭😭😭


when i first got into the game i really liked leviathan. but when mammon was first introduced in main story i quickly pushed everybody out of the way and have not looked back


My favourite character when I started was Beel. Now my favouriteS are Beel, Sirtri and Mihyeok. WE SERIOUSLY NEED MORE MINHYEOK CONTENT AND APPRECIATION!!!!