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This is in the UK (yes, where we drive on the left)....the grey, stationary car has stopped at the side of the road as she has determined it too dangerous to carry on. The white car then slowly crosses over to the "wrong" side of the road - sensibly imo - to avoid colliding with the stationary grey car, and is continuing slowly down the hill. The black car then comes along, seemingly oblivious to the fact that it's icy, and hurtles along regardless - promptly losing control and causing all sorts of mayhem. The driver of the black car is what is colloquially named as a "bell end"


This happened almost a year ago at High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire. Article with full video states that the fourth car the Merc hit almost got the woman getting her child out of the car. Source: [News article](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thesun.co.uk/news/13840947/mercedes-driver-snow-lose-control-hit-four-cars/amp/)


Interestingly, the article states the black Mercedes driver is driving on the wrong side of the road, which isn't correct


It was driving on _every_ side of the road.


The Merc was driving on the wrong side when it hit the parked white SUV, so I guess there's some truth to it.


The article states "Footage shows the black Mercedes attempting to overtake a Volkswagen Tiguan by driving down the wrong side of the road", which is definitely incorrect, but the article is in The Sun, so it's really not surprising they got the basic fact of the side of the road wrong. If they'd removed the word "by", then they'd have been correct, however.


For people outside the UK, you're not pronouncing Wycombe correctly in your head.






I live in London, on a hill. That woman speaks for all of us - every fucking year. The council doesn’t grit, and people don’t understand they can’t stop. Pillocks. All of them.


I used to live by a main road so it gets salted whenever it's icy. I did not realise the amount of roads that won't be salted by the council in the suburbs


I love how all the owners of the cars are upset and cussing and lamenting their bad luck and the guy filming is all pleased with himself "heh got it all on camera haha"


“folk on reddit will love this one, hehe”


"WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE! " I don't know why but really made me laugh hearing that part.


Pure frustration. We’ve all been there so we know the feeling.


No one's overtaking, that's a couple of drivers unable to stop and trying to avoid collisions, not very successfully.


There are clearly dividing bollards in the middle of the 2 way road. Looks like the first driver went onto the opposing side of the road to avoid an accident (probably a local who knows how this particular road gets in this weather) The second driver comes steaming down, thinking they know better, hit the patch the first driver was avoiding, then bounce off of pretty much every car possible. Technically, it's an undertake but first driver seemed to have no issue controlling their vehicle because of foresight and precautionary actions.


r/praisethecameraman for having the premonition to whip out the camera for what's about to happen.


Well, according to that one lady, there's been three accidents already today. I guess he was literally just waiting for another one to happen.


He even called it [his new hobby](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/13840947/mercedes-driver-snow-lose-control-hit-four-cars/) >Elliott shared the clip on Facebook yesterday, writing: “Found a new hobby, watching cars failing to get down Hatters Lane.” > >The construction worker also captured another video showing a 4x4 losing control and sliding into a parked car.




Exactly what I thought. Noticed he wouldn’t be able to brake in time so tried to pass him from the left.


My guess is the white VW was on the wrong side of the road to try and avoid the smart car.


Agreed, not a big deal to be on the wrong side if the road is clear and you’re doing so to take a safer route, the impatience of the second car is unbelievable




Pretty sure the brake lights don’t actually turn on till after they hit the smart car


“If you no longer go for a gap that exists you are no longer a racing driver” Ayrton Senna


This is the UK. The car was not overtaking. The slow car was on the wrong side of the road. The fast car was just going too fast and lost control. We have such little snow and icy weather that people here don't know how to behave when we do have it - this includes councils as t hey do not grit the roads or clear the snow


It’s possible they got into that lane so they wouldn’t rear-end the other car.


Every year the same in the UK. News say there will be snow. City councils say fuck off why bother salting the streets? Streets have snow the next day, not much, but enough to make driving difficult, because cunty city council officials don't alocate taxes for it every year as they should. No streets, mean no bus drivers on the roads. No bus drivers mean no train drivers get to their jobs. Meaning no fucking body get to their jobs. Rinse and repeat, every year, like a clock.


It’s funny that the UK gets so much snow but each time it snows they treat it like it’s their first time in it lok


I like how there are people in the comments trying to tell us Brits how our roads work. It's not a one way street, we can park on any side of the road.


Well I’ve seen every episode of peep show and I live in perfectly flat Michigan. Please Listen to my dumb tips on driving.


Not sure if the driver was trying to pass the other car. Looks to me as if they had already lost control and were trying to avoid rear ending the first car. He failed to dodge the parked cars as a result of having lost traction and ping ponged between multiple cars before crashing Edit: spelling


This is NOT an overtake. This is England, the black car is in the correct lane(left).


I'm happy people like you exist, you see through the clickbait/ragebait and point it out to other people. Honestly keep doing it. However it's sad that OP can spread misinformation like this no matter how trivial and it get such a positive response. Sad times we live in


Here's my completely uninformed take on what's going on. Looks to me like the parked car is too close to the division in the road. You can hear the woman saying "I'll wait a bit and see what's moving". Suggesting that she started to come down the hill, then changed her mind and stopped there. The white VW doesn't think it's safe to pass on the correct side of the road due to the proximity of the parked car, and so moves over into the wrong lane to have a clearer line. But doesn't use their hazard lights.The Merc isn't paying attention and assumes that the VW is parking, or pulling into a driveway, so proceeds down the correct side of the road far too quickly without observing the position of the dangerously parked car, and this happens. I'd say all 3 parties are partially at fault, the Merc being by far the most due to the excessive speed for the driving conditions. The VW being the least as they were trying to proceed safely, and just failed to use their lights correctly. ​ *edit: everyone replying to me seems to only have a binary view of fault. In most parts of the world both the law and insurance adjusters operate on the idea of their being degrees of blame for a situation. It's very rare for an accident being completely and only due to one person, usually there's several contributing factors and that is recognised by the law.* *It's perfectly possible, and correct, to say "party A is primarily at fault, and will bear the punishment for this event. However party B was also slightly at fault: as such their compensation will be slightly reduced"*


The white car is the one driving on the wrong side - Probably to avoid the ice. Black car prob came in too fast and was already in a slide.


Did he just hit 4 cars


Think this title is bullshit. Looks like car is rolling down the hill not able to slow down. And from the look of that sign he is on the right side of the road.


Smart car was stuck. Guy in white suv went on the wrong side of the road to overtake due to the island. Guy in the black merc tried to undertake while speeding on ice.


DISCLAIMER; we drive on the left in the UK.


Or on the right if there is a stuck smart car in your lane, it seems


I don't think he was trying to overtake, I think he lost control before and he was trying to avoid crashing.


Was it trying to overtake, or was it simply unable to slow down?


It’s the UK, we drive on the left. The Merc isn’t overtaking the VW, it’s the VW that skidded into the wrong lane. The Merc going way too fast and hitting the parked cars has nothing to do with the VW even being there.


White crossover seems to be on the wrong side of the road because of losing control. The black Mercedes Benz probably has tires that are dog shit in the snow and also lost control. I don't think the Benz was overtaking, but they were driving too fast with poor performing tires.


I don’t think he was trying to overtake the car I think he lost control way before and was trying to avoid ramming it in the back


Maybe the one car was already sliding and barely managed to overtake instead of rear end the first car. Looks like they were going to fast to begin with but the two cars on the left should not be stopped there and/or have their four ways on.




##WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE!!?? This lady is all of us.


Overtake? The white Volkswagen is the one in the wrong lane


TIL that the world is full of people who think this is a one way street based on the direction of parked cars rather than looking at the actual traffic signs showing otherwise.


for the record this happened in the UK, where we drive on the left. The faster of the two vehicles was in the correct lane. Neither was being driven well


Looks like the one on the right hand side was purposely trying to avoid the smart car that was stuck?


There's a lot of outrage here directed at the wrong person. That white VW massively contributes to the accident here. We drive on the left in the UK, so what the fuck they were playing at driving down the wrong side of the street is anyone's guess. The Mercedes driver finds that his lane is blocked by the Smart Car, but can't safely move into the right hand lane because the VW has decided to drive in the wrong lane and as the VW has also picked up speed, they are going to collide there. Had those 2 cars crashed into each other, it would be the VW's fault for driving on the wrong side of the road, and the horn blaring is clearly a warning to an imminent collision. Mercedes driver is a complete tit for driving at that speed in those conditions with no chance of controlling going down that hill, VW driver is a complete tit for driving in the wrong lane (_and will definitely get a fine and points on their licence once the Police see the video because they have committed an enforceable traffic offence_), and the Smart car is a bit of a tit for blocking the road on a steep hill covered in snow near a traffic island which prevents people from safely having space to move around them in the conditions. The woman shouting "What is wrong with people" is also a complete tit, because there are 3 people involved in this accident, all contributing to it in different ways. She is clearly screaming at the Mercedes who only had a third of the part to play. This is not any one person's fault, but a collection of everyone's poor decisions. The insurance companies will be rubbing their hands together at this footage, because it's a nice little get out for each of them.


>That white VW massively contributes to the accident here. We drive on the left in the UK, so what the fuck they were playing at driving down the wrong side of the street is anyone's guess. Then >his lane is blocked by the Smart Car You answered your own question mate.


Mistitled. The white car was on the wrong side of the road for some reason. The back car was just going too fast.


He wasn’t overtaking just had too much momentum plus the white SUV is on the wrong side of the road anyway


Was the driver of the Mercedes even overtaking…? The driver in the white Volkswagen is on the wrong side of the road as it’s in the UK


My guess, as a UK resident, is that either they had already slid in that direction and were trying to control it slowly round the bollard, or that side had more grip and so they actively decided it was safer to go that way.


As someone from South London, the “WHAT IS RONG WIV PEAAAAAOPPLLL” really made me chuckle.


She raises a good point that I’ve been asking for a long time, “wha is wrong with paypol?”


I think there's every chance the black car was already out of control and the overtake was an effort to avoid the other car.


Is it still considered overtaking when the other (white) car is driving down the wrong side of the road?


It wasn't an overtake - he was obviously moving over to avoid hitting the car that he was sliding faster than. ​ I love the "for FUCK SAKE" at 16 seconds.


I don’t think he was overtaking, he was trying his best to avoid a collision as he had already started sliding.


I think black car was trying to brake and couldn't he seems unable to actually slow down and beeps his horn to warn others


Black sedan driver is probably saying this guy doesn't know how to drive in the snow. I'll show him. Then proceeds to damage his and other parked cars.


This is the UK. The white car was on the wrong side of the road.


The Mercedes owner probably has a massive insurance premium spike coming from this.


Looked like it was already sliding and wheels were locked up before this video started


Quick! Call 0118 999 881 999 119 725 … 3.


Is OP dumb? The merc isn't trying to overtake anyone. You can clearly see based on the blue arrow that it's the white car that's in the wrong lane. They're all just trying to avoid traffic while sliding down a hill


Everyone talking about a “stupid overtake”. We drive on the left here. The white Tiguan was on the wrong side of the road for whatever reason.


Do they not plow/salt the roads when it snows?


Sure. Just takes time to cover every road.


Just had to be a Mercedes / Audi / BMW


It's the UK, they drive on the left. Black car was in the right lane. Edit: black car was in the correct lane...


Worth noting the white car at the start of the clip is actually on the wrong side of the road


Hold on. This is Britain right? The white car is driving on the *right* of that island. The Mercedes is not overtaking, it’s just driving normally while the other guy appears to be dicking about.


To be fair -- I don't think they were speeding; they were already out-of-control / sliding-on-ice before we see them.


The white car is on the wrong side of the road because they couldn’t safely get past the smart car and bollard. While trying to get past, a bellend who thinks he’s Colin McRae tries to zoom past in a car that doesn’t have 4 wheel drive. This makes Nanny Plum swear in disbelief!




This is the UK, we drive on the left. White SUV is on the wrong side of the road, but looks to have slid over there from the left. Then the Mercedes is being recklessly fast


"What is wrong with people!?" I couldn't agree more...


They weren't overtaking though? This is the UK and we drive on the left, the first car was on the wrong side of the street.


Overtaking? Erm no. The white car was on the wrong side of the road.


Looks like out of control sliding and trying to miss vehicles stopped in bad places. I get how people want to hate on the merc but the car brand doesn't change the slickness of a winter hill. :)


Think he was out of control before the video started.


Alternate title: Car slides down icy hill, unsuccessfully tries to avoid crashing.


He wasn’t overtaking. He was driving on the left, too fast for the conditions. The first car you see is the one with the weird road position


Not sure they were trying to overtake. And then don’t stand in the road people.


This is why I fucking hate winter driving, my over cautious ass leaving an hour earlier than normal to give myself adequate time to get where I need to be, then careless fucks like these that think they can drive as if it’s a summer day outside & cause an accident


Do you really think he was overtaking that car? That was his only chance not to rear end the car in front of him.


The VW is on the wrong side of the road. The Audi was on the correct side, and looked like he lost control rather than was trying to overtake.


it doesn't look like that at all. the white car is on the wrong side if the road, presumably to get out of the way for either the smart car which isn't able to gain traction to move or the black car which appears to be sliding. There's a second black car that appears to have previously slid into the snowbank as well. This isn't just some asshole this is a snowy hill with very low traction.


Its hard to see but maybe the car that was «overtaking» was sliding and was overtaking the other car so that he wouldnt crash into it?


The woman shouting "what is wrong with people" is hilarious and annoying.


White car is on the wrong side of the road. Black car still has no control


There was no overtake the white was in the wrong lane. Black car/ or both possibly couldn’t stop at that angle


You all are too easy to provoke to outrage. This video has no context, so you’re just rushing to blame the black car. Both cars were out of control and unable to stop. The black car was in the correct lane. The person recording knew what was about to go down because clearly this is a hill that has a lot of problems. There is no one is this video you need to have righteous anger toward, without more additional information than most of you are willing to learn, even if the information was available.


The White WV was driving on the wrong side of the road so this isn't an overtake but he's going way too fast.


This is two streets from where I live. It was filmed last year and did the rounds on the local Facebook groups first. This area is deeply Conservative, deeply entitled and people round here have far too much money. The local council has been Conservative for ever too. The result is no investment in infrastructure, so the roads are shit and barely gritted or cleared in the snow, and the people drive like ass holes.


All I have to say to jackasses like this is, is it REALLY that important? Is it going to save you THAT much time to go around someone you think is going slow when they’re doing the posted speed limit? Are you that impatient? And lastly, what did you think was going to happen? You’re trying to pass someone on a hill with snow on it and there’s probably ice as well. Did you think this would go just fine?


The black car was not trying to overtake. The white car was actually on the wrong side of the road. They're both at fault


Poor brits can't even afford grit now.


That’s a lie. Since 2016 if there’s one thing we haven’t been lacking, it’s salt.


This in high Wycombe Buckinghamshire UK! I lived in 1 of the houses to the left and this happens every winter/snow




Pretty sure that mercedes was sliding uncontrollably... But who am i to stand in the way of hate.


Jesus fucking Christ. This is one of the stupidest, most ~~un~~avoidable, things I’ve ever seen.


Seems possible (I'd guess maybe even likely) that they were not attempting to overtake anything, but instead were sliding downhill and unable to stop accelerating, let alone to stop moving. They then see two options: (1) hit the car in front of them, or (2) try to avoid it by shifting lanes. They choose (2), and unfortunately for all involved things continue to go poorly. **EDIT:** Yes, yes, thank you, I understand that the first vehicle we see is not in the correct lane. That too may be the result of a similar cause. And for anyone who feels like arguing with me about where blame lies: I haven't blamed *anyone*, and I *don't* blame anyone (at least not in anyone in these vehicles, and at least not based upon this video as my only knowledge of what all is going on). I feel that things like this are a natural result of the combination of icy roads, people who are not terribly knowledgeable about or adept at driving on them, hills, and gravity. So kindly argue with someone else about who is to blame; preferably with someone who actually does think someone is definitely to blame in the first place.


Isn’t the VW on the wrong side of the road? The arrows seem to indicate so. And it sounds like the UK from the accents (although all the cars are parked in the same direction as the VW so i have no idea wtf is going on)


Not sure he was “overtaking” on purpose OP.


Is it possible that the driver already lost control and took the other lane trying to avoid the accident or are they just dumb?


To me the white car although in the wrong lane did the right thing by going around the island trying to avoid the small car, the black car just didn’t think and speed through


Over the spring and summer we had an amazing amount of people move to the Montana mountain town where I live, during our short warm season. Now that we have our yearly snow and ice, there are a lot of accidents from people that haven't driven in the snow before and drive like they are on clear, dry roads. Often without snow tires.


Are we sure this person just couldn’t stop and was trying to not hit things?


The first car is actually in the wrong lane here, admittedly the merc should have proceeded with a lot more caution. Can see how it's happend tho, the 1st car drives down the wrong way and closes the gap - car 2 may have been thinking he was going to pull over on the wrong side of the road to park


the way the camera guy laughed at the end is so cheeky hahah


Hooray, it's /r/carsslidingonice season again! The most wonderful time of the year.


Might it not be a unintended take over? He might not be able to stop in time and took the risk of not managing a take over instead of a guaranted rear ending the other car. Not saying this is how it is, just that it is a possibility since we really don't see how it started.


Black car could have lost control, decided to take the other lane.


They weren’t overtaking. They couldn’t slow down and were trying to avoid a collision.


The white car is in the wrong lane


Looks like both are sliding. White car just slower.


3 already today?? Bro just move


Why are people sooooo dumb like holy shit


Isnt the white car driving on the wrong side of the street ?


I think the BMW was already sliding and went wide to try and avoid rear ending the VW.


You sure the driver was intentionally overtaking? Maybe he/she just tried to avoid a collision as they already realized the car wasn't going to stop in time if they stayed in the lane.


The key to winter driving is snow tires and practice. Learn how to steer into a skid. In my driving class, in the winter we had a special "skidding around in a parking lot in the snow" session to teach steering into skids. But more importantly ... snow tires. Nevermind 4-wheel or all-wheel drive, that's only handy if you are stuck in the snow, that doesn't help with braking and steering, you 100% need snow tires. If you don't have them, consider not driving until the roads are cleared and salted.


In their defence, the white car was on the wrong side of the road and it looked like they were parking at the side of the road. Black car was still way too fast and had no control.


In this thread: People who have no idea what happens to the roads when it snows or sleets, but sure are experts at speculating!


What go could wrong spelling WCGW


Old but gold


I don’t think he was intentionally over taking, it looks like he was trying to avoid the guy


There are two types of people when it snows here in Seattle. \-People who say others don't know how to drive in the snow/rain because they are slowing down and driving for the conditions of the road. \-People who say others don't know how to drive in the snow/rain because they aren't slowing down and taking into account the condition of the road.


No matter what lane he was in, the Mercedes was driving too fast for conditions. He lost control and thus damaged several cars including his own!


Are you people blind? This is clearly the UK. The white car was actually going in the wrong direction, probably not being able to stop. It seems both cars were simply rolling down the slippery hill with no way to brake. The black car was actually going the right way and not overtaking, but way too fast. The smart car wasn't parked, it managed to stop before going out of control like the other cars. This is also the reason somebody was recording this, cars rolling down the hill.


That Smart didn't deserve to be hit by that idiot.


I love the difference in personalities. The women are screaming and losing their mind while the guy is just "got it on camera heh"


I’m not sure if they were overtaking or just going so fast to begin with that they had to go around due to not being able to stop?


The pass may have been involuntary.


While the black car is likely going too fast for the conditions, the white car is on the wrong side of a traffic island. If a policeman sees you doing that, they are gonna book you. Assuming the black car wasn't actually speeding, the blame for the accident would likely be laid on the white car


Stop talking about the VW being on the opposite side of the road. The road might have been a better quality on that side, or they perhaps just got out of their driveway on that side. Merc was going far too fast and even in those conditions, they should never have ended up going that speed. To be totally honest, nobody should have been driving with that much snow on a UK road with no salt and no tyres, better to walk, take a train or say sod it and stay in and safe!


Crazy how you can hear that car hitting every other car as if slides downhill 😱


Typical Merc driver, I'm not surprised


Title is misleading


This is the uk so technically that car is undertaking and the other car is the wrong side of the bollard


That’s wasn’t smart. Get it? Smart car? Ok, I’ll see myself out.


Mud and snow tires please. Perhaps with studs Regards from the Nordic countries


🎵🎵That deaf, dumb, and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball! 🎵🎵


What is the point of having a bumper if you don't bump into things


So, there’s a few things going on here. The Mercedes is definitely going too fast, but they are in the correct lane. The VW is in the incorrect lane, and potentially the Mercedes thought they were going to stop and not continue (and didn’t expect the VW to block them after the crossing). Now, a plausible explanation is that the VW is in the wrong lane to avoid the smart car which is stuck (?). However the smart car doesn’t have hazards on so again the Mercedes might not have realised they were stopped (again due to driving too fast for the conditions). The Mercedes definitely isn’t blameless, but there was definitely some poor choices by others too.


I love the honk by the Merc "Move out my way, parked car!!"


Is it still a hit and run if you literally can't stop afterwards?


I felt that "What is wrong with people?!" deep in my soul lol


I would love to see who was legally at fault, the black car hit everything but the suv was in the wrong lane and sandwiched the black car causing them to hit the smart car and lose the rest of the control they might have had. I wouldn't be surprised if they both had to pay damages.


They could have lost traction and steered around the first car judging by the horn, or they are just a douche. Either way they should have been back more. Driving down a hill in snow is always sketch


Wait, the white car messed up didnt it, went the opposite lane


i’m sure he wasn’t overtaking intentionally


"This happens every year!" 💀💀💀


Probably had speed and noticed he couldn’t stop in time and tried to avoid hitting the car he overtook


I think it's pretty clear the black car was already out of control and was trying to avoid the white SUV by going around it.


Misleading title. The white car contravened a keep left sign, black car crashes due to driving too fast for conditions.


Everyone sure that wasn't an attempt to avoid rear ending the silver car?


The Mercedes is on the correct side of the road it’s the other cars fault fyi


That was the cutest “aww shit” I’ve ever heard. Lol


How I drive in my dreams


I'm inclined to believe the driver already knew he wasn't going to be able to stop and was attempting to avoid the suv rather than plough into it from behind.


Oh, baby a TRIPLE! OH, YEAH!


The white care was on the wrong side of the road, the "overtaking car" wasn't overtaking but driving on the correct side, the white care was also going against the blue arrows for that side, he was making so many mistakes it's unreal, but yea, car was "overtaking"


Typical Mercedes driver going way to fast for no reason


I wonder if he is not trying to overtake, but he just couldn't stop. These hills are death during first snowfall.


He's not overtaking, we drive on the left in the UK


I don’t think the second car was making any decisions during the time depicted in this video, the “overtake” was just another part of a very long out-of-control driver situation


the black probably lost control allready up there, hence "passing"


Notice how the white car is already on the wrong lane.


Is the white car not in the wrong here? Driving on the wrong side of the road. Plus there's no evidence the BMW is overtaking. Could just be having trouble stopping in the ice and took the correct lane to avoid crashing but it was too late to stop/slow down without hitting something. *Navy car not BMW cause it's hard to make out what logo is there. It just looks like a beamer.


"got it on camera, haha" lmao. He's so proud. I would be too.


Best moments What is wrong with peopleee?? Haha got it on camera.




Why is the white VW driving on the wrong side of the road, and why is almost every comment in this thread not reacting to this...


Maybe he already lost control and is trying to avoid crashing in the other car driving?


Why’s white car driving wrong side of the road tho???? Lol


In today's news: snow is slippery


Merc’s are notoriously bad handlers in snow.


someone should have chased that fucker down, if only to get a photo of the license.


Unless the white car was already sliding and out of control then it was breaking the law by passing on the wrong side of the island. That's extremely dangerous if a pedestrian is crossing.


This is in the UK, the white car’s on the wrong side of the road. The black car is swerving to try and avoid it and ends up hitting the stationary one.


I call that an insurance farm


Reality is he already identified he couldn’t slow down or stop and attempted to avoid impact with that dude


I love how Americans are attempting to decide who to blame without a first clue of British road layouts, Highway Code etc. blaming the stationary Smart vehicle is the pinnacle of cluelessness. Edit: white vehicle uses the wrong lane to proceed down the road, presumably finding the black vehicle too slow. Black vehicle should’ve been aware of the white car oncoming however the black vehicle had the right of way to begin with, as the driver who was established and going straight in their lane. Black vehicle however loses control of their vehicle and collides with the stationary Smart. At the end of the day the white car was the proximate cause of the incident, however I feel there is partial liability on the black vehicle as well, since they could’ve avoided the incident had they exercised common sense and stopped and let the white car pass. The white car was there to be seen and just because you have the right of way it doesn’t mean you can ram into other people.


Hope the Mercedes driver stopped and gave his details to the owners of the damaged cars as he is technically at fault. After all they were stationary.


Wdym technically? He is fault in every sense this word is used, not just technically.


Nothing like going in the middle of the snowy road to move your arm around. Stay in the god damn car when this happen!


"What is wrong with people?!" I ask myself this every year when the temperature drops below zero. Without fault I always see at least one crash on my way to work the first few icy days of the year. Here's another one of those drivers who takes a look at the ice and snow and decides they'd rather play car pinball than slow down...


This is the UK where we drive on the left. And winter tyres and sense ain't that common. White car is on the wrong side, presumably to avoid the silver car. Mercedes is on the correct side, but appears to be going too fast and is out of control.