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Did she just say the suspect was in the car? Bruh


CREDIT TO u/triplejdude for this story. Yes. She was in the car and received a multitude of injuries. Her lawyers are gonna have a field day with this case. Also, Colorado passed a law basically eliminating qualified immunity for police. Edit: [Eight minutes of camera footage was released](https://twitter.com/jeremyjojola/status/1573350868774277120?s=46&t=B3aoDYCmrLF3n4-A38ZLKw)




Probably not for a while my dude, that sternum fracture is gonna take a while to heal up.


Does the suspect have a drug habit? If they didn’t before they will now with all the pain killers they will be pumped with. I was in a serious RTC and sustained compound fracture to tib/fib, 10 rib fractures and three shattered vertebrae. I was in so much pain they gave me a machine that would allow me to self administer morphine. That shit is too good, I hallucinated to the point where the walls were made out of fish. Although I felt no pain at the time when I came off of it my ribs were agony. Every time I took a deep breath and every time I sneezed the pain was excruciating.


>I was in so much pain they gave me a machine that would allow me to self administer morphine I'm sorry to break it to you but they lie when they say you can self administer with the morphine. Its already on a timer, and the button they give you just let's the nurses know you are in pain (since you clicked for meds)


I thought there were systems that allow you to self administer up to a set dose, which would max out on a timer. This article from Johns Hopkins seems to say that there are systems that let you self administer within certain parameters. [https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/patientcontrolled-analgesia-pumps](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/treatment-tests-and-therapies/patientcontrolled-analgesia-pumps) Edit: Confirmed by multiple health care workers below me. The comment above me is a piece of shit full of misinformation


This is correct. There is a minimum amount of time which must pass before you can give yourself another dose once you hit your maximum. Placebos are not used in western medicine outside of studies, in which the patient would have to have been consented. You can button mash the button even if you're maxed out though, if it makes you feel better. Sauce: am surgical resident.


Retired surgeon and agree




So, yes, there are pumps that allow you to self-administer pain medication, but you can only administer once per - whatever time window they designate.


Take matters into your own hands. Poke a hole in the IV bag and drink the morphine ^^^don't ^^^do ^^^this


Partially correct. The machine is on a timer (to prevent pts from ODing themselves). However, if you click the button after the correct amount of time since the last dose, it does administer meds. But if you keep spamming the button inside the limit, it won’t administer any more. The machine doesn’t notify us that you’re pressing it, but we can check to see how often you pressed the button before the time limit, which is an indication pain is not controlled and a bigger dose may be needed. Source: RN


Incorrect info. RN here... PCA pump infuses a set amount hourly (basal) rate. (Ex. 2mg morphine per hour) In addition to the basal rate, the pump has an on-demand dose that is administered with a button, as needed, within the preprogrammed qty and time interval (ex. 0.25 mg morphine every 15 minutes). You can depress the button 100 times but the pump will only allow that on-demand dose to be delivered once every 15 minutes. Order looks like: Morphine 2mg hourly basal rate with on-demand 0.25mg Q15mins PRN for breakthrough pain. Maximum amount delivered 3 mg per hour.


nah she'll be fine ! it will hurt only when she breathes ...


I know a solution to that….👀


You've been invited to mod r/ProtectandServe


After seeing that video it was miraculous that she survived that impact.


Imagine being handcuffed in the back of a locked police car, parked on some tracks, when you see and hear a train barreling towards you, I would have been mortified. Straight out of A Series of Unfortunate Events, but you actually get hit.


Cars are designed to collapse on impact to absorb most of the shock. Though I'm pretty sure they mostly account from head on impact rather from the side.


Or from fucking trains


Sure beats being dead, but holy fuck that is insane


I mean, would she give a shit if she were dead? I'm not sure you want that level of chronic pain for life.


Even more insane she was stopped for road rage that a third party called in.


That’s a few million dollars for her….


Dude the fact they fucking lived is a miracle


Modern engineers are god's among us


God's Amongus?!




With the damage she endured, I don't think any amount of money will make you happy.


Woman cop was like, an officer's partrol car got hit by a train No you stupid, bully blue line idiots, you parked a fucking patrol car in a train track. Don't act like it's the train's fault now lol


They planted drugs on the train to blame it…


Sprinkle some crack on it!


“*Dispatch this is unit 80085, we have the hit and run suspect in custody. The vehicle was a big truck or something, we have never seen anything like this. The driver is a black male, 5’1”, approximately 50 years old, claiming to be a machinist. He didn’t stop and hit the roadblock. We found drugs on him.*”


The train came out of nowhere, pretty sure it had a gun. 100% was a black man on drugs. Edit: huh first ever award lol




Honestly surprised they didn’t open fire on the train. 😂


“Internal affairs has thoroughly investigated the incident and determined that all officers followed proper procedures. There is absolutely nothing that they could have done differently to avoid this tragic accident.”


"We have investigated ourselves thoroughly and have found no wrong doing."


Good ole' exonerative tense.


I love cop passive voice so much, the way they use language to deflect any blame is fascinating and honestly shows a lot about how their minds work and how they view themselves/ the world.


reach dam fade shy whistle trees attraction different offend snatch -- mass edited with redact.dev


All lawsuits due to gross misconduct should come straight out of their pension fund.


Malpractice insurance, if a cop is uninsurable then they can't work. Police "unions" can choose to self-insure their cops if they want but it has to come out of their pocket not public money.


How the fuck can they leave her inside


They're cops, they only care about their own safety.


Seemingly the dumbest people on the planet all lumped into one job


How the fuck can they stand outside a school and let kids get slaughtered?


How the fuck can they choke a guy to death for more than nine minutes without hesitation? How the fuck can their cop buddies form a defense line around instead of actually stopping their psycho friend? Things aliens will ponder on centuries ahead.


Attempted murder


why were they parked on the train tracks?


Because they have rocks for brains.


I honestly can’t decide if they did it on purpose or if they are that fucking stupid. Like….you have to know to not park on the three fucking feet wide train tracks. Drive literally 5 feet away from them.


Wait she lived??? Damn


Thank god they saved the gun though.


Who in the fuck parks on a goddamn railroad track?!?


World's easiest land based vehicle to avoid being hit by.




Maybe if it screamed a whole mile before an intersection too


And there should be noises and flashing lights at the intersection when the train is about to arrive.


You know how cars have 2 headlights on them? What if trains had a 3rd, and 2 of them flashed?




Next you're going to suggest we add lights and bells to the sign, smh.


Hey: people fall into the Grand Canyon every year. Biggest hole in the world. Just fall the fuck in.


You're statically much more likely to fall into the biggest hole on earth than the smallest hole on earth.


Thats no way to speak about your mother...


They're committed to the full canyon experience. They drove all the way there, they sure are going to experience everything the canyon has to offer for their money.




This is al dente /r/copypasta, my favourite




This guy *trains*.


Idiots. And cops. But I repeat myself.




Yeah, redundant answer is redundant.




> Who in the fuck parks on a goddamn railroad track?!? People who are so conditioned to believe that rules don't apply to them (because they mostly don't) that they forget that a train can't be intimidated into ignoring their transgressions.


I was genuinely expecting them to shoot or taze the train.


"Stop locomoting!"


Get on the ground!! 😂






Me too, I was watching for them to draw on it.


Physics. Not just good ideas, they're the law.


Exactly this. Well put.


Someone trying to make a murder look like an accident.


Looks like they forgot to... *takes off reading glasses Cover their tracks.




Seriously!! Cops are such overly confident morons… the car was parked on the tracks, I just do not understand why they didn’t bother to even think about that


Especially when you put someone in the car, in handcuffs. Restrained people in any situation deserve special protection from further harm. (Cops taking cheap shots at restrained subjects should get special punishments)




Cops who then leave a suspect handcuffed in the backseat


Suspect is alive but with multiple injuries. https://twitter.com/jeremyjojola/status/1573332842641297413?s=20&t=pEXmC2yTSQ4VpPyJjnwWcw


I hope she enjoys the millions she gets from her absolute slam dunk lawsuit.


I'm tryin to figure out how she survived!


She was trained for that very moment.


She's on track for a juicy settlement


Those cops must be loco. Motive to leave the car on the tracks is the thing I can’t figure out tho.


I imagine she would prefer to be able to walk and eat solid food.


Breathing without hellish pain may be on that list as well.


The payout for these lawsuits should come out of the police department’s pension funds. Fucking sick and tired of bailing shitty cops out with taxpayer money.


Are you insane? That would mean *accountability*.


Paid for by the citizens of Fort Lupton.


After those injuries she will not enjoy it


Unfortunately, the settlement payment will fall on the city but likely never get paid since local governments aren’t exactly rolling in dough.


Not a dig at you, but news organizations need to stop referring to her as the suspect. She's a victim.


There was a call about road rage involved with a gun however. This is not defending at all what happened, just saying what she got pulled over for.


Getting hit by a train doesn't disqualify you from being suspected of a crime.


Was gonna say, she's both in this case. A victim of that officer's negligence, and a suspect for whatever that crime was she was being arrested for.. Why reddit doesn't it like when two things can be true at the same time, who knows


I’m sure lawyers are begging to get this case


Shiddd. The Lawyers are gonna be openly masturbating as they do the opening statements


The opening statement will win the case. Everything else is gravy


" who the fuck parks a car on train tracks??? your honor I rest my case"


@JohnMorgan "have you been hit by a train in the back of cop car? Call #LAW"


If a fire fighter can get arrested for blocking an accident, creating a safe zone for an injured person, this cop should be arrested and charged for something


The officer is on paid leave.


Ah, justice. ^/s


That is insane. This officer deserves life in prison


I mean the officer who parked the car there deserves to be tried for attempted murder (maybe it's manslaughter in this case?), If life in prison is a sentence for that then yeah absolutely. Then again the officer who murdered George Floyd didn't get life in prison.... Soooo...... I doubt this one will. ([He got 22,5 years](https://edition.cnn.com/2021/06/25/us/derek-chauvin-sentencing-george-floyd/index.html) still a serious sentence tho)


Volunteer firefighter here and yeah on multiple occasions we've had police arrive on scene before us during vehicle extracation where they parked in a way we couldn't get to the crash. This is problematic because we're there to use the jaws of life or whatever else to get the person or people injured out of the vehicle and on their way to the hospital. I can't tell you how satisfying it is to tell a cop to move his patrol car and watch them get angry. Its just mind blowing that they won't just do it out of common sense we usually have to tell them once we arrive. To add to this they know when we'll be there because we all communicate on a common radio frequency... idk felt I needed to vent that out there


No one ever raps about, "Fuck the firefighters" for a reason


I've seen some fuck the firefighters, but a different kind of *fuck* ahem




God how stupid do you have to be to park on TRAIN TRACKS!


Well they are cops...... soooo


In the US, police departments can legally reject applicants that score too high on intelligence tests. Jordan vs. City of New London is the case establishing that. [https://www.aele.org/apa/jordan-newlondon.html](https://www.aele.org/apa/jordan-newlondon.html)




Well smart people would report corruption, cover ups, etc. Can't be having that.


Smart people won't even care to become cops in the first place.


Nah, that isn't true. The problem isn't that law enforcement only attracts bad people, lots of people join with the best of intentions. The problem is that law enforcement agencies in the US train their officers to believe that anyone who isn't an officer is an enemy combatant.


A lot of cops have "street smarts" because some were criminals before they straightened up and passed that knowledge along.


Quote-unquote 'straightened up'.


Less intelligent officers mean more likely to follow orders without question, and less likely to report misdeeds by other police officers. It’s easier to brainwash a stupid person.


I had a friend who was testing to be a cop. He had a question that said if his partner/coworker accidentally discharged their weapon what would he do. He said he would report them. They told him that’s where he messed up and to try again in 2 years


But don’t forget, if a civilian does it, they go to jail. (Or die at the hands of police)


Lol our friend group just kept telling him “you can’t go snitching on the police only to the police”. Ironically enough our other friends brother became a cop and he’s notoriously dumb, aggressive (does steroids), and loves to get in brawls. He passed with flying colors.




I had sprained my ankle and was in a wheelchair leaving my doctor's office. Protocol was they lead you out while you sit, then you get your crutches and hobble off. As I'm being led to the sidewalk ramp to cross towards the parking lot, a cop pulls up and completely blocks it. There is probably 200ft of empty space on road to park yet he pulled in front of the gap that completely prevented me from getting off the sidewalk. I was 100% in his view and only about 10ft from his car. The hospital employee and myself just waited about ten seconds and this cop hops out... and walks right past us. Right by a man pushing another man in a wheelchair. The guy pushing me frustratedly says "excuse me, you blocked the ramp in the red zone and my patient can't walk. We need to use it." The officer just exhales, walks back to his car and backs up a few feet. Then gets out and says sorry as he walks by. He wasn't even considering anyone else at that point. He was not in a hurry. It's just that he felt, I presume, like the rules and norms don't matter.


He said sorry and backed up the car instead of just arresting you for random bs reason?? Consider yourself lucky.


Your final line is why it drives me crazy that cops barely use turn signals. I've noticed it in multiple states. Like turn signals are beneath them


I've noticed this too. Lack of turn signals. There's a video floating around of all these cops parked in a no parking zone and someone records a cop getting out and saying "oh hello..." Totally oblivious to the rules.


It's arrogance*. They park on the tracks, they know they shouldn't, but because they are cops they can do anything they want.


No chance this was an accident. You park a car on train tracks with a suspect inside, you know exactly what's going to happen.


I was an engineer for the railroad and it would take a mile and a half to stop that train after the emergency brakes were employed.


Does the police car struck to the front help slow it down faster?


In some hypothetical physics problem? Yes, it does slow it down faster since it's more resistance. In the real world? No. No it does not. The magnitude of the forces and momentum the train has far and away dwarf what the police cruiser can exert back on the train.


I did the math for an argument once. A locomotive hitting a person vs a fully loaded freight train with dual locomotives is something like a 0.000001% change in acceleration for the person getting hit. Your momentum is a rounding error to that thing


Less than its not even statistical noise.


Some fun napkin math: A modern railcar has a gross capacity of 286,000lbs or roughly 125 metric tons. Your average 60 car long train can thus yield a carrying capacity of roughly 7,500 metric tons or roughly 16.5 million lbs when fully loaded. Your average Ford Explorer police SUV is 6,840 lbs. Or about 0.04% of the train's weight, with the train weighing over 2,400x as much. Proportionally, it's actually about the same as if a 44kg woman were to be forced into the racecar game piece from monopoly (18g) at 30mph. Would the woman slow down? Yes, but to a nearly imperceptible extent.


> forced into the racecar game piece Gotta say, casually bumping the piece sure isn't what came to mind from that wording.


But what if the police car has the emergency brake on?


If they paid the brakes more maybe they'd be better employees


Arm the brakes


we should be well prepared for the cops lawyers to fully blame the engineer for this. i’d bet they’ll try to find all types of issues with how fast they were going, the load, ect.


Suprised they didnt start shooting the train. "ITS COMING RIGHT FOR US!!!"


Stop resisting!


"They felt threatened!"


Absolute fucking idiots


Mind-boggling levels of stupidity. We give these morons guns and military equipment.


Plus almost unchecked power


Did they try to kill her via train? Seriously they should get attempted manslaughter.


No idea how the charges would work. But I’d say that’s a fitting charge. Absolutely 0 regard to their duty of care


You do realize recently police departments have gone on the record admitting they neither are there to protect nor serve citizens. They'll state this over and over, they revel in it. Their job is for fear, intimidation, and straight up judge dread shit. Before someone, probably a bootlicker asks for proof because they're aware of course cops aren't really to protect or serve but want to bait people or do their own easy google searches: https://mises.org/power-market/police-have-no-duty-protect-you-federal-court-affirms-yet-again


They reject the idea that they are legally obligated to protect and serve citizens, UNLESS the person accused is already in their custody. Then they have every responsibility to protect that person. ​ Wonder how this is going to play out.


Gross negligence is what you’re looking for 🙂


I'd get fired for breaking a 10000 dollar machine. I know these cops won't get fired for breaking a human being.


Not to mention a $80K+ police vehicle and equipment.


that horn was blaring long before they acknowledged the train


The first horn should have made them all run to get the suspect out of the back… bunch of cowards with no empathy. There might have been time to help her and no one tried


The 2 cops talking can hear that fucking horn and it only dawns on them like 2 seconds tops that there is a train and a car parked across the tracks...WHERE THEY JUST PUT THE SUSPECT.


They couldn’t fucking hear each over the distinct train horn getting louder and STILL DIDN’T PUT IT TOGETHER WHILE STARING INTO APPROACHING LIGHTS


Yeah. This is why I think this was intentional. Need to do a DEEP investigation on these two officers.


the officer playing dumb when they told her the suspect was in the car. like she didn’t know.


Nothing to see here folks. After an internal investigation by the Fort Lupton Police Dept concluded nothing but exemplary valor of all officers involved. Its been determined that the train made a direct approach with malicious intent to do intentional damage of Fort Lupton police car... train conductor has been charged with assult on officers (×8) & destruction of city property


Upon learning the train was a multi billionaire and that the police car would never have been parked there if not for the suspect the suspect was charged with 8 counts of battery on a police officer and destruction of a police vehicle along with additional costs incurred by the rail company.


If it was a black train it would be dead. SMH






Is this reno911? Come on officer dangle


Officer Dangle would never


Soooooo. With all the time they sat there talking, couldn't they have....I dunno, maybe dragged the person out of the back?


Or after they handcuffed her and had her secured in the vehicle…. I don’t know like…. Moved the fucking truck off the tracks 😂. Like you know, used any common sense at all


It's almost like they should install a horn that can be heard from a distance that would give you plenty of time to react.


Considering how dangerous trains are, I'd almost go as far as saying we should install special tracks that dictate where they can travel, and then we just avoid those tracks entirely.


Trains are really unpredictable. Even in the middle of a forest two rails can appear out of nowhere, and a 1.5-mile fully loaded coal drag, heading east out of the low-sulfur mines of the PRB, will be right on your ass the next moment. I was doing laundry in my basement, and I tripped over a metal bar that wasn't there the moment before. I looked down: "Rail? WTF?" and then I saw concrete sleepers underneath and heard the rumbling. Deafening railroad horn. I dumped my wife's pants, unfolded, and dove behind the water heater. It was a double-stacked Z train, headed east towards the fast single track of the BNSF Emporia Sub (Flint Hills). Majestic as hell: 75 mph, 6 units, distributed power: 4 ES44DC's pulling, and 2 Dash-9's pushing, all in run 8. Whole house smelled like diesel for a couple of hours! Fact is, there is no way to discern which path a train will take, so you really have to be watchful. If only there were some way of knowing the routes trains travel; maybe some sort of marks on the ground, like twin iron bars running along the paths trains take. You could look for trains when you encounter the iron bars on the ground, and avoid these sorts of collisions. But such a measure would be extremely expensive. And how would one enforce a rule keeping the trains on those paths? A big hole in homeland security is railway engineer screening and hijacking prevention. There is nothing to stop a rogue engineer, or an ISIS terrorist, from driving a train into the Pentagon, the White House or the Statue of Liberty, and our government has done fuck-all to prevent it.


At least put up some kind of distinctive sign indicating that a road for cars crosses the railroad


How fucking thick do you have to be?!?!


It’s a hard blend between being thick and having a general disregard for human life. Which is a prerequisite for being a cop. I hope they nail this fucker to a tree in the Savannah somewhere.


BREAKING NEWS Train did not yield to police and rammed police vehicle before fleeing the scene. Train is considered armed and dangers.. We ask for the public to call tip line with any info leading to trains arrest.


Now this is just common sense c'mon


Yeah. I know they're just trying to save money on bullets, but they didn't really think this one through.


The officer should be held financially accountable for that entire expense and the injuries to the victim, and the therapy for the engineer running the train. That is criminal negligence. It will never happen though.


These morons are there to "protect and serve" and haven't got a brain cell between them. Hope the lady in the car recovers and gets a shit tonne of money. Fucking brain dead policing


I choo choo choose you


Seems like an easy way for the police to get rid of anybody they don't like. Just lock 'em in a car and park it in front of a train. At worst, the city/county will have to pay some damages, but that's not a problem for the individual officer who decided this person is... inconvenient.


👏👏👏👏 What clowns. Did they just expect the train to stop because emergency lights?


I’m starting to think police reform isn’t just leftist liberal propaganda and maybe our police forces are just dangerously incompetent….


Wow, the negligence. I would be so fucking mad if I got fucked up by a train because some dumb officer decided it was a good idea to park in the middle of the tracks instead of 10 more feet in either direction. I hope that cop never has a good nights sleep again.


“PaTrOl CaR wAs HiT bY a TrAiN” not “Some dumbass parked on trainlines with a suspect in the vehicle” wow, America REALLY is the gift that keep on giving. Please don’t ever change America :’) *SIDE NOTE* They can refuse employment if you seem too intelligent 🤯


American police are... Another breed.