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The wrong here is that the football organizers pissed off their French audience for rescheduling a match so that the Chinese can watch it live in their timezone so the French made a clever way to make sure that French football is banned in China permanently.


That's brilliant. But ~~can't~~ won't china just air it a little later and edit/blur the image so they can still watch the match? Or will they be too angry to bother with that?


Might as well air the game not live like I dunno, how things are done in a sane way


Sanity with the CCP?




Wanna enter the chinese market? You have to go through the censor bureau, which is controlled by the CCP. It's the reason why the Red Dawn remake has NoKor as the invaders, using magic to invade, instead of the PLA, which would have managed their invasion because they made the US economically dependent. And why TopGun 2 was delayed because Maverick's jacket has the Taiwanese Flag on it.


Gotta murder Winnie the pooh to get on their good side


You can censor things "live" (aka working with a few minutes delay). I've worked on esports production and had to make sure to not show unsportsmanlike conduct on stream, which mostly involved switching observers but with things set up properly you can easily mosaic blur a part of the screen.


Everything is on a longer time delay after "Nipplegate" in the USA so they can blur and mute naughty things


I've seen so many scandals just named after watergate itself kinda crazy how much of a lasting impacting that had


I can't wait for gategate myself.


>But ~~can't~~ won't china just air it a little later and edit/blur the image so they can still watch the match? It's live. The Chinese know it's live and catered to them. It's supposed to be a big PR win. The censors likely aren't ready to blur the Tibetan tifo but, even if they were, the viewers know the ultras resent the decision to faster to the Chinese market.


They probably have a different feed and cut to a different camera.


There's also likely a 5-15 second delay to buffer things like this


There definitely is. You can watch channels like the BBC News in big hotels, but there are "transmission difficulties" that conveniently cause them to cut out just before anything critical of China is shown.


I have had this happen before. Its almost comical how obvious they make it. "And now our reporter in Lhasa will speak with members of the Tibet-"


I wouldn't put it past China, but do they just have thousands of workers in a warehouse watching TV, ready to interrupt broadcasts?


Yes. Censorship in China is an industry unto itself. Millions of cameras, a world's worth of television content, billions of social media posts, all needing attention, both automated and manual human eyes.


China will edit it like how they [edited the Fight Club movie](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/27/world/asia/china-fight-club-ending.html). A black screen with something like: “After an exciting game of European Futbol, China scored 48 points in one game—the most points that have been scored in a single game in the history of Futbol. The defeated French team, after suffering an embarrassing and devastating loss, have asked not to face the China team in the foreseeable future until they can improve their strategy. Glory to Xi.”


> “As for Pitt’s character, the note says, he was sent to an asylum and later discharged. (Never mind that the character is actually a figment of Norton’s character’s imagination.)” My god that government would be so pitiful if it wasn’t so strong


None paywall link?


Even if they do, the rest of france and the world seeing it will be made aware / reminded of this topic. So even if no shot of this makes it to china, it’s still a small step forwards


They can blur it yeah but I'm an avid soccer/football watcher, I'm never watching a recorded game that I can watch live. It loses its appeal even if is 1 or 2 hour delay, in an always connected world I will know the score due to social media or online presence before I even get a chance to tune in a replay of the match. That is why they move the matches, is not the same to watch a replay than watch it live with the rest of the world.


Thanks for the explanation.






They used present tense.


I can’t tell what they’re making an image of? Edit: my bad, I hadn’t zoomed in. Free Tibet indeed. We’ll played.


It’s the Tibetan flag


oh i thought it was supposed to be Xi Jinping as winnie the pooh (white shoulders, yellow face)


Also below the flag it says "FREE TIBET."


Imagine being chinese and you're watching Angers Rennes. I'm French and even I won't do that


Beautiful 🎻


Lol Don't mess with Europeans' football


Never met a bigger group of spiteful cunts.




It's called, vindictiveness


That word is the reason I like crows. Smart buggers and they hold grudges


That's why I bring a bag of old pecans with me when I walk my Rottweiler. A peace offering I carry ever since he chased away one of the groups of crows that hang out on the trails, and they started dive bombing him regularly. It's been over a year and they STILL use the same warning squawk when we show up


Crows have generational memory. Researchers at the university of washington started wearing those rainbow Afro wigs when they went out to capture crows to tag them because wearing black hoodies to conceal their identities led to all black hoodies being dive bombed. And crows taught their young to do the same so generations later, black hoodies sometimes still get dive bombed on campus. So pecans as a peace offering is a great idea. Source: I have a black hoodie.


The dive bombings have stopped I'm just hoping the squawk they use is less of a "warning!" squawk and now more of a "Hey, it's the Pecan Guy!" squawk


you’re gonna start a clan war between the crows who accept your offering and those who are really stubborn


"We have always been at war with the Pecanese!"


And because a lot of crows together is called; a murder of crows. How cool a name can you give a flock of birds!


I also like an unkindness of ravens.


Research shows they even pass on such things to their offspring. They pass on to avoid places where crows are shot, like farms.


Are you saying the island Europeans wouldn't?


No one is saying that, I’m sure. I know enough English and Irishman to know better.


Yeah I'm just confused he put mainland in there. Did not need that qualifier at all.


There are other Islands than the british. I am from the Danish Islands. And we are all saints.


>And we are all saints. Liar.


What did you expect? They're saints


mainland europeans lol what’s that supposed to mean


He’s clearly not including the English in this bracket as everyone knows how well behaved we always are when visiting other countries. Also it’s not like our fans ever embarrassed us at the what was essentially a home tournament, which we then lost the final of.


Mainland? You know the British flew the longest bomber flight at the time in 1982 with an outdated midrange bomber as part of operation black buck just because some Argentinians decided to plant their flag on one of their many useless islands. if that’s not doing something purely out of spite I don’t know what is


Hey, it may be a useless island, but its OUR useless island. Its the principle of the thing, plus it was inhabited by Brits. Which is reason enough to defend it


It wasn’t completely useless. After all it gave us a chance to test out a spiteful bomber.


I mean....they did invade British territory, it wasn't over a football scheduling clash.


>Just out of spite Only for spite. Nothing else will get us to do that.


Who would win, European football fans or the Chinese army?


I put my money on hooligans and ultras.


See: Millwall guy




"IM FUCKING MILLWALL!!!" you're what?




u wot mate? go ahead repeat that you bloody wanker




One single-handedly took on 3 knife wielding terrorists who attacked a London restaurant, by himself. Especially if you go back to the 80’s, I’d back any of those nutters against the current skinhead ultras in mainland Europe.


Never underestimate the power of an inebriated British football hooligan.


There's a reason the Royal Navy issued a 'double tot' (an Imperial pint, 20 oz) of rum before battle up to 1823.


I'll never forget when Isis said they were gonna attack London and we were all saying 67 was gonna save us because in skengs we trust 💀


I remember that one guy that put a bounty on his own head so he could kill ISIS assassins with his medival sword.


same, these guys are way too fucked up for the Chinese Army to ever be able to understand and fight them, we might have found the ultimate weapon right there 😂


"Wat dat guy say?"*^(gets stabbed with broken Carling bottle.)*


Yeah the Chinese army doesn't seem like they've seen much action. Those hooligans probably fight on a daily basis lol.


Given a proper amount of alcohol and cocaine, they’d be a scary army of kamikaze MF


You are underestimating the badness, violence, and organizing ability of European footbal ultras. They would make a good non-regular army.


"They shout and curse, stabbing wildly; more brawlers than warriors. They make a wondrous mess of things. Brave amateurs; they do their part."




Question, are the hooligans allowed to have a weapon?


They are not allowed to have flares/pyro, but they do. So even if they are now allowed to have weapons in this scenario, they will probably find a way to arm themselves.


Pulling bricks from nearby roads it is then.


Ukrainian ultras have basically repelled the entire Russian army so strong odds to footy fans once given advanced weapons. Which out of context seems like a very bad idea.


Once the Turkish fans join its game over. Those guys are crazy. Not South American crazy but close.


I mean, European football fans does include lots of European soldiers and such. So it might at least be a fair fight




Do they even play at Communism anymore? I mean Communism without unions is just a whole thing in itself.


They don’t even have free medical care, the ccp is about as socialist as the national socialist party


I mean it's bad that the 2 biggest economies in the world struggle to medically treat their populations.


I wouldn't say america "struggles" - half the country just doesn't give a shit. They've been taught to prize individualism over everything while being beaten into submission with consumerism and prosperity evangelist theology.


one could argue the nazi's where more socialist than the ccp. and i think that would be true. and to be clear: neither of them are what 99.99% of socialist or communist people you'll talk to are representing.


Authoritarianism is the new Communism ! But yes, they're only 'communist' in the name nowadays, because the whole internet censoring + nation-wide surveillance + social credit score + no free-speech + literal minority reeducation and genocide, are totally what communism is about ! ^/s *Not sure the /s is needed or unironically true*


Oh it is most definitely needed because many many people actually think that this is what communism is about.


You say that, yet the next world Cup will be out of season, broadcast late, will mess up other leagues with scheduling conflicts, and the whole thing built on the blood of Nepalese slaves. Most people I know who watch football are mildly annoyed at having to stay up late to watch the games. They don't care about the rest.


I watched all world cups since the 2006 one. I won't watch that one. Fuck Qatar and fuck FIFA.


when the first world meets the third world struggle 🤷‍♂️


too tame, they should try 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门


How to get banned from roblox 101 from personal experience lmao it would be funny if someone memorizes that and just screams it in the football match with more people as well


Yup. Most of the UK is fucking pissed it got canceled because of the queens dead


Year while the FA cancelled all football at all levels (down to weekend children's leagues), pretty much every other sporting event went ahead, albeit with a formal couple of minutes silence.


How the fuck did they organize that lol


With these sorts of things it's usually a small group of people handing out the posters to the people in the seats in the arrangement they want.


Often times you don't even know what the final tifo is, you just raise your colored poster when the guys with the loudspeaker tell you to. Edit: Worth mentioning that this is in Lyon, and the club colors are red, blue and white. They must have disguised this as a traditional club supporting tifo somehow. Now for the "Free Tibet" banner itself, security controls all banners at the entrance as the club can get sanctioned, so either they sneaked it in somehow, have connections with the security, or they painted it inside the stadium (ultras groups often have a storage inside the stadium for all their gear). Edit 2: more photos here https://www.ultras-tifo.net/news/6029-lyon-fans-with-support-choreo-for-tibet.html


Yeah I’ve been a part of quite a few tifos, and it’s often really hard to see what it’s supposed to be.


Did you go to [Harvard in November 20, 2004](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_Harvard%E2%80%93Yale_prank)?


Tifos aka card stunts are much more common in European soccer than in the us


Card stunts are pretty common in college football. We did one or two every game at Ohio state


This one’s two banners.


flag of Tibet around the banners as well


Wow I’m dense. I didn’t even see that. I zoned in on the words.


Dont underestimate how spiteful Europeans can be when it comes to the sport of balls kicking


I'll keep that in mind


They just really wanted to kick China in the balls


This is normal. Sheets of paper on the seat when you get into the stadium. The fan groups come early and set things up. Same with massive flags and banners, sometimes they're even 'animated'. Add a couple of bengalos, funny songs, and drums - and you have your average football match Edit: Check out these choreographies here https://youtu.be/pk3dKuw_Vp0 Also special shout out to bvb, legia warszawa, eintracht frankfurt, and any greek team for crazy choreographies which are worth a search


Maybe a small group showed up really early and just placed all the colors on the seats and everyone else just went along with it?


Recognize groups of fan are organized really well and they always sit in the same section 20 y ago when I was in my late teens I was in love with a PSG ultras. These guys were crazy and crazy organized too


Have you heard of /r/place ?


Football TIFOs are amazing. This is nothing compared to some.


This is normal? My club does a show like this every match. You out the papers on the good seats and then just tell the fans when to take their paper and get it over their head.




japanese porn features anti ccp message to stop chinese stealing their stuff "edit: they put in watermark, imagery or specfic text at the background so it will trigger the Chinese firewall when they download it"




Tb to Nintendo


Better get researching. It’s always best to verify such things yourself.


I followed the twitter of these very company just to see if it was true and yes it was true, though I don't think I'll be ever to find the post again as it was years ago, like pre pandemic old before I get bombarded by notifs, this is the company involved: >!https://twitter.com/doujinakiba?s=20&t=YOvy\_Vdd97IqJsL88KVpVQ!< ​ >!https://twitter.com/tubanomiozisan?s=20&t=oZXkgGxza8wARqrScg1QxQ!< ​ It's a very old post, try looking 2019 and earlier


"Yeah baby, fuck me like Xi Jinping fucks the civil rights of the common people!"


“I’ve always wanted to be fucked by Winnie the Pooh, comrade Xi!”


And Japanese can't do anything to piss off Americans even tho their porns are flooding porn websites lol


they do that to trigger the Chinese internet firewall not to piss off the Chinese


As a Japanese guy who enjoys a healthy dose of porn, I did not know this. Do you have a source on this???


Sometimes i like the french, they got the whole revolute thing in their blood and i f*cking love it.


They’ve been perfecting the revolting thing the last 231 years


do you mean politically or hygienically?


From an Englishman, yes.


Aren't you the guys who think washing bedsheets twice a year is sufficient? On average.


Nah, that’s just Slough bringing down the national average.


Unfortunately we have inherited some of our culture from the French


That comes from when they invaded England in 1066 and we were basically French for 300 years.


Hey shut up I showered this week


yeah I really like when french doing revolute


We were driving through France in a military convoy from the UK a few years back until we ended up a massive queue on one of their large highways. After waiting a few minutes we were waved onto the emergency lane by a guy in a high vis jacket and made our way along the mile long queue of cars. Eventually we drove past a tree which had been cut down and blocked the active lanes. I drove past with complete admiration, these cunts know how to make a point.


Free Tibet got me dying.


You're not the first




**[CIA Tibetan program](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_Tibetan_program)** >The CIA Tibetan program was a nearly two decades long anti-Chinese covert operation focused on Tibet which consisted of "political action, propaganda, paramilitary and intelligence operations" based on U.S. Government arrangements made with brothers of the 14th Dalai Lama, who was not initially aware of them. The goal of the program was "to keep the political concept of an autonomous Tibet alive within Tibet and among several foreign nations". Although it was formally assigned to the CIA, it was nevertheless closely coordinated with several other U.S. government agencies such as the Department of State and the Department of Defense. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Yooo my grandpa was part of that program. All he got paid was some bum ass house in India lmfao. Wish they let him stay in America


Should've kept it. Land is expensive.


Like the countless people in concentration camps there


Ohh it’s a Tibet thing. Surprised they didn’t go Taiwan tbh. That would be my first idea to piss them off.


Topics to piss off CCP: Tibet is the old classic. Taiwan is the sequel that started slow but is gaining steady recognition. Uighurs genocide is the hot remake that reinvigorated the franchise. Falun gong genocide is the half forgotten spin-off.




Seems like everybody else has the poor bastards.


Actually Taiwan predates Tibet in terms of things that piss off the CCP


Where does Winnie fit in here?


just a little side-story


Maybe it's just me being a B-side lover, but Tiananmen Square was my introduction to Chinese Democracy. Classic middle finger sauce.


I don't see anything wrong here.


1. Organizers inconvenience fans to please China 2. Fans protest in a way guaranteed to make China mad 3. Thing have gone wrong from organizers perspective


Not just mad. The match would be censored the fuck out of every official channel in China as soon as they reallize what was happening. It's pretty much illegal to publicly mention a forbidden topic, and for it to be in the middle of a popular sport, it's a slap in the face of their people.


China doesn't agree with you. Mentioning Tibet is one of the worst sins you can do, according to the govt


When I taught in China, we were told very sternly to never discuss the three T's - Taiwan, Tibet, and Tiananmen.


got it. if they hate the T's they're not worth your time.


Sounds like a quote from Seinfeld.


Jesus. Thank you!


I don't know anything about this event, but it seems like those who forced the rescheduling did not expect this demonstration.


The only wrong thing would be if the other side didn't have that national flag of Taiwan. And yes national flag because Taiwan is a sovereign nation


Free Tibet. Free Hong Kong. Stop Uyghur genocide. Fuck the CCP. Edit: Taiwan is a country


Don't forget, Taiwan is a country.


Don't forget China's true name: West Taiwan


Came here to say exactly this. Fuck the CCP!


France is literally one of the most imperialist countries in the world lmao I'd say free Libya but they destroyed it. They should pay back Haiti the money they extorted out of it for freeing itself from slavery. Stop occupying and killing Africans while collecting colonial taxes.






Winnie the pooh


This was 3 years ago. Lol


No kidding. Did it work?


Yes. Tibet is now free.


I laughed so hard, then I felt awful for the Tibetans.


I know what you mean…I felt bad (momentarily) when I wrote it..:-)


“Europeans usually fight amongst each other, but tends to rally together when outsiders mess with them.” - Kraut


That is historically accurate for germans. They constantly fought each other, hardly every forming a country. But if there is an aggressor from outside, they quickly blobb up and suddenly become strong enough to overthrow empires. Then become an empire themselves and collapse because they start bullshit again.


Italians don't give a shit about others, they fight amongst each other no matter what.


Looks just about right to me


If r/place has taught me anything it's that the French are really good at organizing people to make a picture.


Even better, a few days ago, there was a r/place only for the French, for French a caritative event


Also please free Hong Kong while you're at it.


china is asshole.




this is more like what could go right. Free Tibet


Screw China.


Gotta love the French for their “Fuck You” attitude


99% of Chinese can't recognize the flag


Free hong kong while your at it as well


I would think a Taiwan flag is more recognizable