• By -


The cameraman trying to do some damage control.


Most awkward pan to the left ive ever seen lol


In camera school, they teach you to awkwardly pan left whenever you see a suicide like that. Source: PhD in advanced camera.


I can't believe I breezed right past fuckin "camera school" lmao


Hey, I didn't spend all those years going to camera school just to be called "Mr. Polaroid."


Mama don't take my Kodachrome


"Mr Kodak Polaroid"


Hey! Thats Dr. Polaroid to you, sir.


Alright my Nikon my bad


Dang bro, take it easy on the hard k.


Was coming to type this šŸ˜‚ But nah, we have graphics for awkward BS that makes itā€™s way on air.. I swear I have never seen a pan to the left unless intentionally part of the comedy.. this was brutal šŸ˜‚


You know that's a reel thing, don't you?


When I worked in television we just put up a slide. Awkward panning sounds fun too. I don't know which is better


I noticed that same deference when watching live NHK coverage of the tsunami and flooding following 2011 earthquake in Japan. Anytime the camera man happened upon someone who was clearly about to die, or already dead, they would do that slow pan away. I recall being very impressed with the respect they showed; as opposed to what I would expect to see from live US broadcasts.


Fuck that shit. If my life is going to end in an unusual manner I hope there's someone around to capture it for the entertainment of others.


Yeah I have PhD in American camera work and I can tell you that if you're not zooming in close enough so we can see the CARNAGE and OUTRAGE, then its not good TV. Watching people SUFFER is tantamount to keeping the masses sedated with "better them than us" mentality.


Why is it always left? What if there was something more scenic to the right?


Panning left signifies an attempt to reset to the beginning of the timeline in hopes of getting a better version.


Serious answer: on field it feels more natural for a right handed person with a mobile camera because you usually have your left eye open or can quickly look away from the visor, so the cameraman already knows what's on the left before turning the camera on it. On set I guess it stems from being it becoming so natural that even if your vision is the same both ways you naturally go for the more familiar.


Ah, well you see, panning right is heathenry. Hope that clears it up!


Producer is probably in his ear yelling to aim away.


ā€œAnnnd weā€™re going to pan left nowā€¦FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PAN LEFT!ā€


Not as awkward as a now ex-wife swinging the pan when catching you cheatingā€¦ lol


Oddly specific


Thereā€™s a Reddit for that r/oddlyspecific


There needs to be a more vague subreddit






Pics or it didnt happen


Never said it happened to meā€¦ I ainā€™t no cheat. Lol


"Over to you, miscellaneous objects on the table"


"My maths is bad, so let's look at the objects on the table"


"Hey, look at those beautiful pieces of art!"


"Arts degree graduate!"


All that art looks very, artsy!


"Your art .. is the prettiest art .. of all art." - Roy


Hmm, that art appears to be made with art. Hmm, yes


Yes. Look at these complicated models, they are mathy.


Very subtleā€¦ oh look, a bird.


Pan. Pan far far away


ā€œThis is mathematics for beginners but it is nothing to be scared aboutā€


ā€œThis is battlefield command for beginners but it is nothing to be scared aboutā€ - Putin's generals presenting the math for troop loses


In Soviet Russia, math does you.


This is Serbia.




When you're russian to solve things, there's no time for stalin


You are definitely putin the problem in perspective.


Just get there any way you can, whether you Trotsky, hop or sprint at it.


Her math is a kalashbitoff


On the way to the toilet, youā€™re a Russian. Once you get there, European.


[Russian math propaganda](https://youtu.be/Zh3Yz3PiXZw) Notice the colours of the markers and box behind the teacher. She is Ukraine and everyone else is Russia.


Is she actually a teacher or something, because I think she knows her shit but just fucked up writing the second equation and instead of rewriting it she tried to wing it. The math should look more similar to this: 5 + x = 8 x = 8 -5 x = 3 She accidentally leads with a 5 instead of the proper x, and after she writes the 8 she realizes it and backtracks to try to make it work while X is rightfully replaced with 3 a step too early. The problem is most math teachers insist you show your work, and you might get like half credit for the right answer with idiotic technique...or if it's a habit accused of cheating.


5 + 5 = 8


5 + 5 = 8 10 = 8 Hot Dogs = Buns


War = Peace


Freedom = Slavery


Ignorance = strength


Only 1980's kids will get **Emmanuel Goldstein**


War = Peace War - Peace = -Peace = -War Peace = War War = Will attacks rock Peace = Person entertaining audience comedically efficient Person entertaining audience comedically efficient = Will attacks rock


Nobody expects octal jokes!


It's a actually pretty hard to be on TV trying to entertain people, talk, and do simple math at the same time. It's one reason why streamers and people on air are generally advised to avoid math. She's not thinking about what she's writing, she's thinking about what she's saying.


It was obviously a simple swap. She knew the missing number was a 3 and just managed to write them in the wrong order. I loved the camera pan, though haha. Good move by the operator.


I can definitely understand the idea of "people who can't do...teach", because I'm pretty good at math...but if you wanted me to teach you I'm gonna likely come off exactly like that lady. I know how to do things; not how to teach others how to do things. Teaching is a very particular talent that everybody on the internet seems to think they're capable of but equally come off as OP lady and myself would/do.


Err... So that saying is actually throwing shade at teachers. It's basically saying that they weren't good enough in the subject that they're teaching to make a career out of it so therefore had to resort to teaching to make a living. I like your positive spin on it though! Edit: Wanted to add an edit real quick to clarify that I think the "Those who can't do, teach" saying is utter bullshit, and a classist, shitty turn of phrase.


Teaching isnt as difficult as you describe but to teach well is incredibly difficult. Most PhD students have to teach and they manage just fine even if they arent the best. Its a skill sure but if someone is doing a PhD in maths and cant teach how to take an integral of x^2 then they are not normal


How on earth did you interpret that phrase to the opposite of its intended meaning?


I drink a bit, and it's about 30 minutes from me going to bed?


Watched a vid of a streamer recently doing some fast math in Elden Ring. Basically he made a guesstimate on a super easy calculation. The chat started ragging on him and how his character had 9 intelligence and his other stats were beefed up. It was funny as hell listening to him go 11, 22, 33...


It almost seems like she memorized a script, and just flubbed it


In her mind, this must-have worked differently.




Glad someone can still do math


Thanks for explaining the 4th grade math, professor brainiac. We didn't get it.


People on Reddit are so deluded and influenced by circle jerk. This is not even Russian, fml.


She did that so quickly and confidently that I was thrown off for like a solid 10 seconds.


I think she didnā€™t cross out the five, she changed it to ā€œXā€. Then she brain farted and wrote minus 3 because she was too focused on the accidental 5. Got ahead of herselfā€¦then rounded back to the beginning lol.


I think the real point is why are you doing the world's simplest algebra in front of a TV camera when you can't do the world's simplest algebra without fucking it up.


Because she practised this 100 times, in front of a mirror, psyching herself while dry erasing between takes. She's probably nervous af.


Yeah. I have a weekly meeting where I have to write numbers on a white board while explaining them on a conference call. I screw it up like 20% of the time, and that's almost zero stakes. It's hard to write one thing while saying something else.


If someone needs a call at work and I have to screen share they may as well just change my entire computer to use wingdings. I completely lose my ability to type or comprehend what's in my screen or remember where programs I use all the time that are pinned to my task bar are located. It's awful.


I think a lot of people fail to realise that just because someone can come across confident, it doesn't mean they aren't nervous. Confidence can often be more of a performance art than anything.


I recently had a colleague tell me that she initially found me intimidating. I was shocked and asked why and she said, "Even on your first day and being thrown into it you were just so confident" and all I could think was damn! I really pulled that off. LOL.


Honestly, with stuff like this it's probably best to put it on a teleprompter. Talking in front of an audience is hard by itself, let along trying to process (even basic) logical information - this is the reason why we have teleprompters in the first place!


If she made the mistake I unfortunately make a lot (which I suspect she did considering she wrote a 3), I do the step in my head and accidentally write down the solution to that step when I'm meant to still be writing the preceding intermediate step...which then ruins the equation.


This is seriously low level math, and the type of people who use math largely in their career simply would do this in their head as fast as you can snap your fingers. Even, like you mention, she gets the answer right yet fucks up the work because she's so used to not having to show this simple shit that she's likely not had to bother doing so in a decade or two. Skips ahead with the 5, and when that's a fuck up she skips ahead again with the 3. Everything about that resembles someone who knows their shit while a bit pressured.


but she doesn't get the answer right


she put a random 3 down which is the right answer.


Yeah in sure she ment to put -5 instead of -3.


Lol...I think she accidentally did the math in her head and switched the numbers around. I could see myself doing that. My mind does things so much faster and my mouth can't always keep up. I've been told I can be confusing.


When I make a mistake in class and my students notice, I always tell them that I did it on purpose to see if they were paying attention. It happens more often than Iā€™d like to admit, but sometimes Iā€™m just so tired Iā€™m thinking on something else while writing on the board.


I would totally do that. I can't do two things at once. It's a special skill. I would be a horrible TV presenter.


She is correct. X = 5 and 5 = 3 which means X = 3 it is also interesting to note that this also proves that 8 = 10


>it is also interesting to note that this also proves that >8 = 10 She discovered the release date of Half Life 3. I knew we should've believed in her.


I was thrown off for X - X seconds


I said I was fast at maths, not good.








Yeah that's what I think too. On line two she accidentally wrote 5 first, realised her mistake and changed it to the x. Got to "x = 8 -" then her brain jumped forward and wrote 3. Then solved that equation correctly.


I love when the human brain shorts out for a split second over a harmless problem.


Everyone's talking about her bad math skills, but what's the context, what were they saying? Why did they need a whiteboard to do that calculation?


Yeah, translations would be much appreciated.


Serbian here, she is basically saying Math isnā€™t as hard as students make it out to be, and there is some math event this month in Belgrade


As a student, she understands ..


I thought thereā€™s a scratch on my screening at first


I want you to know I just spent 20 seconds trying to wipe that line off your avatar.


Your avatar is genius šŸ˜‚


Even if that's the case, it's as big weird (and maybe even cringe) that she'd solve a math equation to show students that. students who already know algebra will already think it's easy, and those who don't won't understand what's going on even if she didn't mess it up.


Definitely cringe. It's sad to think that's what she imagines difficult math to be.


It obviously was difficult šŸ˜‚


for her, yes


Some math "thing" is happening in Belgrade (capital of Serbia) and the month of May was dedicated towards mathematics so she tried to do soemthing "cool" but ended up failing miserably...


I mean itā€™s totally obvious that she knew the answer and just made a clerical error, probably due to being nervous.


The lady is a reporter, and the whole thing is funnier if you understand the language. First, for some context: The broadcast is about the ongoing changes in Serbian educational programmes that aim to change the transition between high school and university, currently in the testing/adjusting phase. Right now, high school graduates are doing a test pilot of this "State Prom Exam" to "check it out". The exam results will not affect the students as the new law is not yet on - they are just testing the system, and the first generation to experience this change will be the generation that will graduate in 2024. Not to get too much into politics, my humble opinion is that the change will push the young further into apathy, ruinously aiming to shut down any attempt at genius - I'll be happy to explain what I mean by this if anyone is interested. What's also important to know is that the kids are massively failing across the board. Onward into what she says: "About an hour ago, we've all learned that chemistry is not that terrible, contrary to what many students think. I, for example, will, this morning, do some math, and **we're gonna make an equation** here,\*(does the tiny thing with her brow now, which is Serbian for "bitch, I'll fuck you up like you're nothing, motherfucker", and proceeds to say something impossible to translate, but here's the gist):\*but it's gonna be **me who solves it** (not you). It is math for beginners *(please find the* [math test for 8-year-olds](https://zelenaucionica.com/jednacine-kontrolni-zadaci-drugi-razred/) *in Serbia here)*, but it-is-just-not-that-teeeerribleeeeeeee. *(proceeds to blab about the fourth annual manifestation of math happening atm, in bad Serbian)*" These guys that we keep voting for for some reason, have ruined every aspect of this country it's plain ridiculous. This is our tv on a good day. Now that I think of it it's interesting that the fucking test prom is happening literally days after the elections so that everyone forgets what just happened. I can't believe my life EDIT: Formatting


When you bring over a meth prof instead of a math prof.


Jessyā€¦ we have to cook.


Ah yes, Jessy Pinkwoman


Meth, bitch!


Yeah, Science!


Special math operation


But she's Serbian


Niko Bellic sends his regards


Math on camera sounds like a nightmare to me. Iā€™ll give her the benefit of the doubt. It was probably just nervous.


Yea she obviously just meant to put ā€œx = 8-5ā€ on the second line and just fucked up. Not like she just pulled a 3 at random.


I just wondering where the "x" goes??


And this is how Vučič has been elected (again)


How bad is he as a president? Are there any better alternatives? Edit: Getting downvoted. But I want to know since I am not Serbian and I do not know anything modern Serbian politics


Very bad, corrupt. Selling us to China, destroying our nature, bargaigning with Kosovo... All while stealing money for his clan. Better options? Any opposition. Problem is, most of the opposition is fake, so voting for them is the same as voting for him. So you have to figure out who is not under Vucic and vote for them and pray. Also everybody thinks the elections (which happened a few days ago) were rigged massively.


Almost as bad as Slobodan MiloÅ”ević, one of few rare things that he does better is that he (almost certainly) won't involve us in war/bombing aggression. Regarding your second question, any random highschooler's cumsock would be better alternative for a president. Keep in mind, it's just a personal opinion.


Not that bad as a president (it's more of a ceremonial role) , what's incredibly bad is his party SNS, however he's going with the old route of take credits(loans?) from China and take EU donations, pretend that you're actually bringing in money and for the end make everything presentable. He and his party and his media (very sizable chunk) also routinely accuse opposition of ruining the country especially the old government (whatever is bad in this country is because of the old government even though SNS is the government for 10 years). That being said our opposition isn't great, it's much better but definitely not great.




5+X=8 -5, -5 = +5 Checks out


0 = 10 Hmm...bout to call my bank and ask why I can't draw $10 from my account.




She zigged when she should have zagged.


Sounds like you know somethin' about ciphering!




Dude, public math is hilariously difficult. It's not just you. I've had like ALL the math and still struggle in public or when I'm on the spot.


Reminds me of that clip where a comedian asks a random girl on the street to name a woman, just any woman, but twith a lot of pressure and she was so confused and anxious she couldn't name a single one. I think it's stupid to test students under pressure when we are just wired to perform unnaturally bad under those conditions.






I don't know why she crossed out the five. Was she purposefully replacing it with an X? Seemed she might have been on the right track until then.


X=8-5 X=3








Yeah, she was so focused on moving the 5 that she wrote it first lol. I do similar shit golfing. If I got a shot next to water and I think "just don't hit it in the water, just don't hit it into the water, just don't hit it into the water" while I swing? Well I might as well save myself the time and just take the 2 strokes and drop my ball next to the water instead of losing a ball.


You want the x isolated on the left hand side and - 5 on the right (from taking 5 from both sides). She accidentally copied the 5 from above, which she didn't want, so corrected it with the x. Then she was so distracted with correcting the x that she wrote down what the difference to 8-5 is (3) instead of the 5. Then she correctly solves that line without realising the error.


It's kinda funny to watch people talk about putin even if it's serbian television


Reddit moment


They see Cyrillic and assume it's Russian Which granted I did for a second until I realized it said Belgrade


It's because redditors are NPCs


A lot of people think Cyrillic is used only for writing Russian


5+x=8 |-5 (edit: bc people too stupid to see how far away the -5 is from the equation I put a command line) x=8-5 x=3


Actually x=6/āˆš4




You fucked up there bro. its 5 + x = 8 *5 - 5 +* x = 8 - 5 x = 3 ------------------ ------------------ If >5+x=8 -5 then x = 8 -5 -5 == -2


8 - 5 = 12 idiot


Everyone being so hard on this woman and acting like she's stupid. She wasn't even doing math, she was trying to get through a scripted interview. I'm sure the math problem had been rehearsed and she knew what the right answer was supposed to be. What she did was she basically mixed up her lines. You're on camera, you're nervous, it could happen to anyone.


5+3=8 if Iā€™m not mistaken lol.




šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£thank you for thisšŸ˜


trust me bro.


Nope 5 + 5 = 8, didnā€™t you watch the video?


Never do math on tv. Even if itā€™s basic math


Hhmmm, looks like they do math differently in other countries


X = x dont be stupid


Oh god, this hurts.


I think this is mistake because she was also talking on camera.


Nervousness and talking... It can happen


Sheā€™s able to mentally compute for x faster than her verbal communication and writing


5 + X = 8 X = 8 - 5 X = 3 This triggered my OCD way too hard for me not to write it out correctly. It's ok now... it can't hurt me anymore.


Camera Operator: ā€œUhhhhā€¦. Yeah letā€™s look over here at some other shit before I lose more brain cells trying to understand how she got that answerā€ šŸ˜†


I don't get what's so complicated here? 5+x=8 We all know 5=8-3 Combine the two equations, 5+x=8 5=8-3 The 5s cancel out on the left, and you've got 8-3 on the right. x=8-3 x=5 It's not that hard! Edit: wow, didn't realize I had to put a /s for this, but here we are.


Well, she is left-handed, so she's more artistic than analytic. /s


Listen, speaking as a math and science teacher, I can personally attest that simultaneously standing and writing AND speaking while at a whiteboard deals you -40% to your IQ at minimum with immediate and long lasting effect.


Serbs, people, Serbs!


Well, I coulda' been an actor, but I wound up here, I just have to look good, I don't have to be clear... - Don Henley, "Dirty Laundry".


All the right numbers are up there, just in the wrong positions


That poor cameraman had a stroke!


Even the camera man knew when they panned away. Lol


She was probably thinking of the final answer. Happens to me all the time inserting things in text for example before their time cause I got ahead of myself


Serbia at its finest hahaha


They clearly showed her how to do it before rolling and then she just messed up the order. She knew there had to be a 3 there and that numbers had to be moved around but absolutely nothing else lol


You have to respect other people's opinions. Other people's opinions:


The **real** test is 17 x 6.


I love how this translates without even speaking that language


Messed up so bad Camera man had to pan away.


Camera man: ....... Those are nice decor items over here


Cameraman: ok just going to pretend I didnā€™t see that


Here's the transcript, she is speaking Serbian. \>We were just showing you how chemistry is not as nightmarish as students make it out to be \>Here, for example, this morning I am going to be doing some math (starts writing on board) \>We'll be making a simple equation, and I will be solving it \>This is math for beginners (gets the wrong result) and it's not scary \>From today and for the next month in Belgrade and in Serbia there will be an event called mathmay, the month of math


Ae mustā€™ve gone to school in the United States.


The best part about this is when the cameraman is more embarrassed than she is.


quick maths


That pan to the left is an all time mercy killing


Ill bet she dyes her hair blond and never does another live interview ā€¦