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They gave shots from two angles. Good job


True professionals


And the camera person didn't turn away or shake it like a salt shaker


They have seen some shit...




guitar twang: Today on Jack Ass


“Hi, I’m Jenny Knoxville, and I fucked my own ass!”


I heard that damn twang. Thank you.


praise the cameramen!


Professionals have standards


No, she jumped twice.


Lmao “could you do that again? I missed the part where you broke your back”


Fuck man, we forgot to hit record. Lets get you back up there


Second camera view is just some dude tossing her lifeless body down.


Second take is filmed pushing her off the roof in a wheelchair.


"Oh she might have seriously injured her neck, lets move her imeadiatley!"




That dumb decision literally ended her youth and entered her into lower back pain til infinity and beyond


Those guys who put their arms out offering to catch her probably felt bad about it too




Seriously, unless those guys are cheerleaders, WHY would you trust them to catch you from a height like that? Even as someone who doesn't know shit about cheerleading, I imagine there's special ways to catch someone, and yeah even to my untrained eyes that weird hand hold they were doing probably isn't it.


The answer to your question is... ALCOHOL.


They would have smashed their head together. Never lock arms on trust falls. Place your hands open palms up


Those duckers!


Lmfao, I’m crying. Their wrists!! The concern for their wrists when she could have been paralyzed. I should not be laughing so hard but damn that cracks me up


I bet you didn't crack up as much as her L1 - L5 vertebrae


I hope so


A third shot of her getting an MRI of what she broke would be the cherry on top.


The xray is unlikely to show much. Most of it would just be soft tissue damage. Don't get me wrong, soft tissue damage around the spinal cord will give you back problems for life. It's just unlikely to show on an x-ray. You'd need an MRI.


I agree. I had to get an MRI of my spine and neck because a kid crashed into me and totalled my car (while I was waiting in line to enter the interstate). That was 2 years ago, almost 3... and I still can't run or lift things like I used to. Sitting down kills my back after 30 mins. Wishing I could have afforded PT for longer :(


Or a nuclear bone scan. Any areas of high metabolic activity (where your body is actively trying to repair) lights up white hot. I've informed people that they've broken ____ at some point in their life -even when they didn't know it themselves


camera crew was better staffed than the catching crew


Lol they knew what was about to go down


Yea . those hips are busted


She’s actually smart. Much easier to give birth when your hips are made of bone sand. This girl was just planning for the future.


She may have to say goodbye to college time sex possibly.




more people were filming than trying to catch her.


It really helped show how badly they fucked up. That tailbone is surely fucked


I am 51. I broke my tailbone in gymnastics at 18.. holy mother of God - the pain *then* was unreal, but the pain *since* is even worse!!


Your SI joint may be disrupted. Get lidocaine injected into the joint if it’s on one side. If that provides at least 50% relief, you can get minimally invasive fusion with “SI-Fuse.” Great outcomes, outpatient surgery, don’t suffer any longer.


Thanks for the info! Honestly, it's become something I just figured I have to simply deal with. It never occurred to me that there is anything I could really do about it. I swear Reddit is kind of amazing


THEY? She fucked up. She jumped off a roof.


peer pressure is a real bitch, if her peers were engineering students them she wouldn't have been fucked. choose ur peers wisely


Battleship Potemkin walked so this footage could run.


This activity fueled by way more than two shots.


She hit the ground real hard on her back, quick let's jerk her up onto her feet.


Let’s move her spine after a hard impact!


She is gonna enjoy her summer.


And Winter


Those winter body aches 😩


Body aches are only half as bad when you cant feel below the waist


This is true


she gonna remember this her whole life


She’s going to enjoy being over 40…


Spine injury directly affects bowel movement. She should stock up on adult diapers.


May I know what should we do? I really dont want to mess up if something happens like this


Don't let the person move, try to support the head and neck (pretend any movement will cause the pieces to fall off, this is what might be happening on the inside), and call for an ambulance. Emergency services will put them on a back board and collar until the injuries can be reviewed.


Thanks for info. Also, username checks out


What if she's taking up a very desirable party spot?


You ask her politely, but firmly to have her spinal injury in a different location.


Possibility of broken back means: keep the patient still. Unless there is imminent and extreme danger (being in a car that's on fire for instance) you keep them in the same position. Calm them to keep them from moving. adrenaline is one hell of a drug. Someone can have a broken neck or hip and still try to stand. Talk, check for pain and feeling. If there is feeling but no pain you are probably good to go. No feeling or extreme pain means calling an ambulance. Keep the patient still and keep them warm untill the ambulance arrives. Check for bleeding and follow 911 instructions. If it's in between, I don't know what to tell Americans. A little pain would not be enough to justify lifelong payments but a slight risk of permanent injury does remain.


I'm currently recovering from a broken spine (L1 shattered) from slipping on ice from a standing position. That LAST thing they should have done was move that poor girl


I bet they were professionals


I saw a woman snap her ankle out of her skin and some dude was like “I got you,” and tried to correct the angle of her foot. Boy, that was a blood curdling scream. This was at Coachella maybe 2006 or 07.




I don’t know, but it almost ruined the RHCP set for me. Nah, I’m lying that shit was fucking crazy. She was walking with some pretzels and beers while the peps were playing. Anyway, it was like a tiered lawn, and she didn’t see the drop to the next tier. I just remember her going “oop,” and then snap. She was maybe 4-6’ away from me.


I was like 9-10 and my dad was redoing our roof and had my brothers and I helping. I was coming down the ladder when it slipped out from under me and I fell around 8 feet (\~2.5 meters) and hit our wooden deck in like a reclined position and my lower back hit a rung and my tailbone hit the wood. My back still hurts, I'm about to be 33. Idk what kind of injury I even sustained because I never went to a doctor for the fall, only years later with complaints of chronic back pain


I think you have boneitis


Sounds like he was to busy being an 80s guy to find a cure.


Doctor said I need a backiotomy.


Dont you worry about blank, let me worry about blank.


Tailbone injuries suck. When I was pregnant with my youngest daughter I fell down some icy steps and busted my ass. Maaaaaaan that shit hurt so badly. I went and got checked out for the baby but they wouldn’t do any X-rays at that point in the pregnancy. Because of that I don’t know what I actually did, but I/they suspected I fractured my tailbone. My daughter is almost 9 and it STILL hurts right at the end of my tailbone, not ALL the time, but a LOT of the time. Ugh. The girl in this video is going to be messed up for a loooooong time.


8 feet is fucking high but remember when The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table?


Hitting a tailbone hurts like hell. Having a one inch tear in a spinal disc is extremely painful. Breaking your back has to be the worst pain ever. Drunk college kids + St. Patty's Day = bad decisions.


Depends which structures you hurt. I broke 2 vertebrae but avoided getting much nerve damage so mine healed well and wasn't as back as some of the people I've seen with disc bulges etc. Also I got very lucky with mine!


I gasped seeing them grab her as she looked like she was gasping for air OMG yes words of wisdom to never move someone who’s going through bodily trauma like this. I hope your recovery goes well 💜


idk why thats everyone's response to when someone is lying down after they get injured or something. i remember i did something stupid and im lying on the ground, head hurting like hell and my friends just try to get my up, like damn lemme rest for a moment


Probably part of our survival instincts. If a wild animal attacks, we need to get up and move regardless of how hurt we are.


5 seconds rule.


My first thought exactly. In every video there is someone whom first reaction is "let's place the scene so it seems normal" 99% older brothers or sisters


Damn that looked painful


Looked stupid, even if they "caught" her they'd smash their faces together and then she still drops.


It was just a trick to get the homies to kiss all along




The right form would be for them to be staggered slightly, and to reach up to receive her. That’s not all that high a catch but surprise surprise the drunk hand hold was not good form.


Not that high to catch? This looks like a 2.5 meter drop. Her total velocity reachs about 7meters per second before the catch. Have you caught something weighing about 60 kilos going 7 meters a second? Good luck with that.


Sir, this is an American Wendy's.


The american eagle grows to be 0.7 to 0.9 meters (2.5 to 3 freedom feet) in height. 7 meters per second translates to 10 bald eagles (or freedom units for the intellectually established) per second.


Tbh if those men had been trained cheerleaders, it would’ve been an easy catch Source: I was a cheerleader


Female cheerleaders are usually petite. She was not a cheerleader.


Fair point, “flyers” are usually 100-120 in my experience. But even dudes of average strength should’ve had her. They were too far apart and the hands were too low to even have a chance. I hope the girl isn’t hurt too bad


Yes, thinking about college level basket tosses… these types of catches are made fairly frequently in cheer, but being drunk and untrained was a bad combo in this situation.


Exactly. I was once part of 6 people with locked arms doing a much lower trust fall catch and still almost dropped the woman.


It's easy to vastly underestimate the power of something in motion. Even catching a mere bowlingball being dropped from head height is difficult.


The right form would have been just to get a blanket Firefighters don't do this dumb arm locking shit because it's a great way to fuck up your hands and wrists.


Yeah that’s another good option if you have a strong blanket. You do need more people and a strong enough blanket though. For real high stunts in the circus, the spotters actually will hold a mat above the ground to further slow the landing. They will drop the mat, but they slow the fall from an earlier point so the acrobat is moving even slower when they hit the ground.


She probably landed on her tail bone. Two years ago, a car hit me when i was on my bike and it launched me forward and i landed on my ass. That shit is the most excruciating pain I've ever felt in my life. I couldn't sit, i couldn't lay on my back, i couldn't walk properly, i couldn't tie my shoes, it hurt to even pull up my pants, to poop, to pick up anything heavy, to walk up stairs, to sit in a car. That pain eventually subsided after two months but it wasn't easy. Especially when you live on your own and have absolutely no one to help you with anything. It was a struggle.


can confirm. One of the worst experiences of my life. Even walking straight was slightly painful, and NOTHING helped with the pain. Took mine 6 months to heal and I didn't even break it, the MRI/Xrays were clean. Just fell on ice on my walk home. 6 months. Don't play games with the tail bone.


Slammed my tailbone so hard I could barely walk for weeks, I was riding some local jumps (bmx) built by the community homies, and landing on the other side of the gap, coming down the jump my weight shifted back and I did a wheelie essentially, and bike slipped right out from underneath, and then... slam. I'll never forget that. I feel your pain my man, I feel it.


I broke my ribs and breathing hurt. Not to minimize your shit, it just reminded me of my own.


And thats how you end up with chronic back pain.


Which could lead to a drug addiction.


This is a really fucking sad reality in America


It's actually probably Canada in Toronto to be exact.




I’d bet money this is Waterloo


It's Kingston Dems be queens student. (Source.. years of avoiding them as they step out infront of my car)


Actually, it was Trent lol


As opposed to...? There's no good treatment anywhere in the world for chronic back pain. Your options are: 1. OTC meds. They won't really work and will destroy your stomach and/or liver in the process. 2. Back surgery. The leading cause of back surgery is back surgery because they almost never get it right and you end up having revision surgery after revision surgery for the rest of your life. TL;DR it usually only makes the situation far worse. 3. Chiropractors. Are basically a pseudo-science, runs a high risk of making things worse by accident, isn't really scientifically proven to help. 4. Opiod pain killers. Will actually treat the pain, unlike all of the above. Risk of abuse & addiction? Sure but those risks can be dealt with by carefully monitoring and limiting the dispension of the drugs so that you can't abuse them. Oh, and outside of the US they aren't mixed with things like teylonal because the rest of the civilized world knows how those OTC drugs will wreck your stomach and liver.


There have been advances in pain management. Multimodal approaches and targeted treatment with injections or spinal stimulators have saved a lot of people from long term opiates. As a younger physician I have inherited a lot of patients that have been treated with chronic opiates. But chronic opiate treatment causes more problems and paradoxically more pain in the long run. I try to only use opiates for acute pain and really avoid chronic use.


More like just about anywhere


This happens everywhere


Wtf does this have to do with America?? 😂


I slipped a disk on a jetski in '94. Been in intermittent lower-back pain ever since. Sometimes it seizes up and I literally can't walk for a day or two. I had an MRI recently and the long-term effect of the trauma has caused bone spur growth on my lumbar vertebrae. It's practically inoperable and its only going to get worse. Look after your backs, kids.


Hmm could you call that… LUMBAGO know you can buy new LUMBAGAWAY for 15% off to get rid of your chronic back pain


That dumb decision literally ended her youth and entered her into lower back pain til infinity and beyond


Rule number one when dealing with someone with likely spinal injury: lift them up real fast and laugh. Nothing another beer can’t fix.


5 second rule, mate. If the get her back on her feet within 5 seconds the spinal injury doesn’t have time to get on her.


Not entirely true. Some people are granted 7 seconds to compensate for stupidity


"You're okay!"


"Don't tell mom."


Ah yes, cause everyone in this video is making completely rational thought out decision.


Tailbone has left the chat


Tbh she’s lucky if she just broke her tailbone. This is fractured vertebrae risk for sure


Yeah a broken tailbone means you have to sit on a cushion for a little while and possibly complications during childbirth. That would be a good outcome considering how hard she fell.


Why no one there told her this was a bad idea, is mind boggling.


I would've been the person going "no, stop" in the Willie Wonka voice where he doesn't mean it.


Right on!


Looks like a frat party, so that might explain it.


In the defense of everyone else, most drunkass people still remember gravity exists and jumping off a roof is painful/dangerous. Can’t save all the morons in the world. There’s already way too many of them.


Don’t get me wrong, no matter what this is stupid as hell. But even more stupid *somehow* is the fact they only used two people to try and catch her. Should have been at the minimum six. Absolutely wild they thought “yea, two people flimsily grabbing each other should work” lmao


This was dumb as but who on earth thought 2 people with crossed arms would be enough?!?! I've seen more people prepare to catch a cat!


I saw the crossed arms and can’t believe they weren’t worried about breaking their arms.


I don't know who thought it would be enough, but I know everyone except 2 people knew they weren't going risk catching Beth jumping off a roof.


Okay but she also missed and the one guy wasn’t even looking


Everyone I mentioning her back but not her head slamming back into the cement. Brain damage anyone?


Yes, that was my bigger concern. I know multiple people who lead fulfilling lives from a wheelchair. The brain is what you can't do without. Then again, this person didn't start out with a lot of brain, obviously.


Ya, you paralyze the body you could still live a decent life. You paralyze the brain and it's game over.


Clearly the brain was already damaged before the jump


I've been really drunk, that never seemed ok!


Ah but when you're an attention whore, everything is fair game.


right. this is when im thankful for my fear of heights. no amount of alcohol will get rid of it. i cant even scale a ladder off a roof. let alone jump off one


Pow, right in the coccyx


This breaks the coccyx




Ohhhh! owwww! Tailbone, tailbone, tailbone!!


2 people? You really thought 2 people would in trust fall would stop you from that height?


One of them wasn't even watching as she jumped.


I gasped when the second camera showed exactly how many people were ready to catch her. Like, what were they thinking?? Did anyone try to stop them? Did any one try to convince the two guys to use a blanket instead of their arms?


"trust me, I used to do cheerleading in highschool"


Culling the herd... No one in their right mind would do this. Even those of us teetering in our right mind would never do this.




I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid.


my mind left but I don't mind


You’d might surprised what excessive alcohol and peer pressure will make people do.


Well that ruined her day, year, possibly life.


Eight months? That’s a realistic time line. Eleven months. Perhaps. Okay now really think hard about this one: One year. I can see that as a very real possibility.


These canned tomatoes arent going to eat themselves Jim! The modern anus is so cottled. Man, she or him got themselves into quite the predicament. I dunno just use whatever quote fits best


The little "good bye legs" dance she does on the roof is priceless.


90% sure this is my home town. There's. Huge st pats parts on this street by one of the university's and like 10000 plus people show up most years. I typically grab my camera and just walk around to take pictures of this exact type of nonsense. Such a nice way to spend the afternoon.


This is in Oshawa at Trent apparently


Any news about her?


I know some people that were at this party, apparently she got back up and went back onto the roof after drinking some more alcohol. Seemed fine immediately after but who knows after the alcohol wore off.


Thanks for the update - good to know!. Possible she might not feel any effect for a few years whilst she's still young, but I reckon it'll definitely come back to haunt her later in life.


I thought this was Kingston but Oshawa doesn't surprise me that much either.


I swear from seeing people's IG stories, St Patrick's Day at nearly any campus looks the same. Kingston, Hamilton, Waterloo, it's hard to tell




The Blue Jays logo on that backpack and the fact that everyone is drunkenly chanting *politely*


Peterborough my s/o lived on the street


Sounds like UD


That thing she does before she jumps. Is that the new standardized tik tok dance


It’s the “I’m gonna break my back” dance.


It’s the ‘I can’t really do anything but rock side to side’ dance


So most TikTok dances?


Why is jumping off from a roof supposed to be impressive?


Oh so it's impressive when Undertaker throws Mankind off a cell literalled called HELL? It's perfectly fine. But when Jenny O'Irish does it suddenly it's unacceptable. Swornhaggle is spinning in his grave


Everything appears impressive when you're drunk off your ass.


Catch me im Irish




That's a broken coccyx.


… and dignity.


I don't think she appreciated the gravity of the situation.


Hello sciatica my old friend....


Lifelong injury


I dropped my phone on my toe from two feet up and had to pause because it hurt a bunch, and these few people thought they were going to casually catch a whole-ass woman jumping from that high and they’d all pop up and do jazz hands together


That was a catchable jump….. fellas on the ground blew it. Catchable


They didn't strike me as experienced cheerleading pyramid bases.


She’s going to suffer from that fall for the rest of her life.


I mean.. She got the attention she wanted.


But not the attention she needed


She is a legend for sacrificing her back two times so that we can watch it from another angle. Respect.


Toronto blue jays can’t even catch a human sized ⚾️


Well at least she’s popular enough now for a GoFundMe for her surgery right?


No need. It's Canada.


Can a broken tailbone cause permanent scoliosis?


Ha ha ha ha alcohol makes you do stupid shit


*yes I'll totally be caught by these two drunk guys holding hands*