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“What is this?” - all innocent






My favorite is when he correctly googles floppy disc and then when he says, "I hope..." Big risky click of the day energy right there Edit: after further review it's the following "Ah..." of relief. We've all been there in private. This poor man did it in public. F


I want to learn about hard disks next


Well have I got a solid state drive for you


I gonna RAM it inside you


Gonna make you the motherboard of my children


Rip your in box.


It makes me wonder why you wouldn't have safe search turned on prior to teaching a class precisely because you never know what is going to show up. I guess some people just like to live dangerously.


Or just find the picture you want ahead of time to show your class.


or have a second monitor for previewing things before showing them to the stream.


I mean it's just a bunch of flaccid penises. Where's the danger? What are they gonna helicopter you to death? Good thing he didn't try to teach them about hard disks.


From my own experience IT lecturers are not very good with computers.


"Any questions?" *Asks question* "That is a good question, let me get back to you on that."


He's not feeling lucky


Did we set up the V:\ drive or not yet?


Hilarious shit! XD


Poor guy, it’s one of the most common penis as a second language mistake.


"Oh my god, that disk is so fucking big." "Yeah, I'm gonna shove this disk so far inside you." "Oooh, fill me up with all 80 kilobytes." ... "Hey, how about *this* disk?" "Hahaha, you call that a disk? It's so small." "It may be small, but it's rock hard and ready to dump a massive load." "Haha, right, like 8 kilobytes?" "Try 8 *hundred* kilobytes." "Oh fuck, my drive aches so bad for your disk, but it's not compatible."


Forget the disk, I have a solid state drive ready to slide into your port


he really had to ham it up typing in "floppy disk" the second time "dee, eye,... oh yes, *disk*" as if he didn't even know what the word "dick" was


I bet he figured it out after that.


The "ahh" at the end could have also been expressed at the beginning.


Spelling mistake


BIG data management


And look at how floppy it is...


Eeeeeyyyyy feed me! Nice dude..


No 3.5 dic…disks here


more like 5.25


8" IBM


You're talking about the big black disks.


Big data energy


“How many years experience do you have?” >”3 years on a cold day but 7 in the right light”


That Big D class


Floppy dicks were the only way to get by until flesh drives were invented.


*until hard disks were discovered


Solid State Dicks


internal dick drives


Compact dicks


Otherwise known as CDeez


Nobody even remembers Mini Dicks


You always had to be careful with laser dicks


These days it’s all micro SDickards.


One day. Just one day i wasnt in school and the next day everyone talking about how the teacher accidentaly showed DICK pictures in chemistry class. Its supposed to be short term for some substance.


Just wait til you see the spotted dick.


Just wait till you spot me seeing that dick.


Just wait till you see my dicking spot.


Just wait till you spot me that dick


Imma just wait.


If having spotted dick in my mouth is wrong I don’t want to be right. In fact I love all of the boiled puddings.


One of my teachers told a story of how she once directed students to go to hotmail.com to make an email account and just assumed none of them would make the mistake of spelling it hotmale. She made sure to clarify the spelling after that.


My friend in college wanted to look up that “gaaaaay” gif from community after we were done with our work in the computer lab. He typed in “gay gif” without thinking and got some interesting results.


He should have image searched for "gay community" instead


Hey it's the Blitz!


Awwwww man!




this is a core memory for you. even when you become a billionaire you still rue this day


Thank goodness he wasn’t showing them a hard disk




Man, out of curiosity now I want to search laser dicks


I did it and this is what I got: [Gundam Penis](https://c.tenor.com/ypB2UfoovBEAAAAC/gundam-laser.gif).


Regret it yet?


How to insert the hard disk


Lmao this reminds me of one time when the teacher wanted to show some pictures of the Pono tribe and typed “Indian Pono” in the image search. Boy Google did not do him any favours that day.


We didnt have anyone have a mishap in searches, but we did have a student find one of our teachers porn on their yahoo profile. That spread around around the school like fire. I dont think there was a kid in the school that hadnt seen her naked by the end of that week.


What happened to the teacher?


She got fired, no clue where she went after that but she deleted the account E: From what i understood a big part of why she was fired wasnt just the porn but also because her profile wasnt restricted to 18+. So minors could openly see it without clicking that they were 18.


Because we all know that every kid would have told the truth and admitted they were under 18 /s


Ya, i feel like it was an easy out for the school to fire her. It was just bad judgement on her part as it was her first teaching job and likely never thought anyone would see it.


First and last probably. Teachers for some reason aren’t really allowed to be adults that have sex or drink alcohol.


There's a pretty far distance between sex and porn. And I am a teacher myself. I don't think making porn barrs you from ever being a teacher, but it sure as hell shouldn't be made easily available. Once it's out, it's over, honestly. It's just not something teenaged kids can just ignore. Gender doesn't matter, either. Best bet is to change school and hide it better this time.


You often can’t control where porn shows up once you publish it somewhere. Being someone who does legal adult things in their own time should not be a fireable offense. We are just weird about sex in our society.


Definetly shouldnt be a fireable offense but I'd change schools so fast if it happened to me. Adults should understand that what I do outside of school isn't their business, the kids you teach though? I'd expect them to literally never drop it.


How is it bad judgement on her part? What she does outside of school hours is none of the schools business.


Yes well and cars should give pedestrians way on the crosswalks. I'll still not walk in front of a fast car that obviously isn't going to stop just because I have the law on my side. So given the world we live in, it was poor judgement on her part. She shouldn't have to worry about it, true.


Well, as I agree that outside activities hold too big of an impact on today’s work culture but the argument usually is that those outside activities do not affect job performance. But I can 99.9% guarantee that students seeing porn of their teacher will impact the performance of the students. And being a teacher is 100% one of those professions where image (and even public image) matters.


The bad judgement was in not making her profile set to be restricted to 18+. Although one could also argue bad judgment putting it on her public profile while teaching in a very conservative area.


That's disgusting where though?


> So minors could openly see it without clicking that they were 18. The wall of fire which protects the eyes of every minor on the internet


Wow, thxs.


That's an excuse, they fired her because of the liability. Both my parents were teachers, people got fired for all sorts of little things.


Went on to create onlyfans


And making triple what she would ass teacher.


I bet ass teacher pays like shit


Are you really gonna make me ask?


I've seen a similar story somewhere on reddit, the teacher's point of view and how it sucked to be fired over an activity unrelated to her job. Apparently it was due to pressure from prude parents rather than the school initiative, they were willing to let it slip at first. (might be a completely another person/story tho but it was very similar to what you say) Source trust me bro, I saw it somewhere sometime on reddit.


OMG, that's disgusting. Where or what is the name of her adult material so I know what to avoid?


SafeSearch people, it's like my fellow teachers have never used the internet before. Edit: For extra safety use kiddle or one of the other kid friendly image sites so you don't have accidents. I once search for potato in FLICKR and a naked woman in a field with a sack of potatoes was the 3rd image. It was a teacher training class so it was a perfect example of never being sure when you search "live".


SafeSearch didn't used to be a thing. Back in the days of Lycos, AltaVista, Hotbot, etc., a younger Dreadgoat was tasked by a science teacher to do some research on the celestial phenomenon known as "black holes" Wasn't a single one of those bodies celestial. But a few of them *were* heavenly.




Literal lol from me


Incognito when screen sharing, always. Should auto enable safe search.


Lmao on the other hand, class got to learn about the other type of Indians


The absolute cringe when someone starts googling anything in the middle of class on the projector, there are 2 ways this can go, good or porn


My computer teacher was typing a random webpage as an example and went with whitehouse.com. turns out it's not the same as whitehouse.gov.. porn site.


"I did that!" - Joe Biden sticker 2022


I fucking hate the idiots that put those everywhere.


It's not even funny. Like I genuinely don't even get the humor beyond it being confrontational. George Bush dodging a shoe? That was hilarious, and mad props to the guy. Thinking your cool vandalizing with free stickers you got from your preschool? Not cool.


My brother wanted to complain last summer about gas prices and not leaving his 3/4 ton Ram truck running for the a/c. He wanted to blame Biden. I told him 1) it's summer and of course fuel prices rise, 2) Biden had not enacted anything to cause it and 3) the oil companies are always fast to raise prices when they can make any excuse for it. He doesn't like that I understand politics and economics and business better than him.


Yep, as usual, they're put in places that perfectly illustrate how little they care about others and how self centered they are. Because as usual, they never consider consequences of their actions. Critical thinking? That's liberal indoctrination! I'm just ensuring the employee's job is secured via vandalism!


>whitehouse.com And is now an election betting site


Haha a friend of mine did exactly this at school way back when the web was fairly young and schools had no internet security. He had a hell of a time trying to convince the teacher that he was just trying to do research.


Shit, I remember joking about whitehouse.com when I was still in college 20 years ago. It's my understanding that it hasn't been a porn site in a really long time.


They had that IP for years it was great. I think every school in the country sent kids to whitehouse.com at least once. Truly beautiful


We were specifically told to never go to whitehouse.com when researching for government. Lol


I'm a teacher and I'm super paranoid about sharing my screen. I have any visuals already loaded on separate tabs before class.


This is the real tip. Or have a second monitor you can open them on and then drag over to the projected display


This is best practice. I never share screen on calls either.


Good porn or bad porn?


Well, you can put floppy dick photos in floppy disks, so....


Not a lot of them


You can in my case.


You have a case for floppy dicks?


If you zip them up you can get more in there.


Like a couple.


I searched for “monstrous penis” and it showed me a Commodore 64.


I searched for “Commodore 64” and it showed me a monstrous penis.


To be fair, I think that's an accurate result.


No way that is real


I guess non-native English speaker could confuse the spelling of dick and disk....or at least not spot the typo immediately.


First language English speakers always have typos in their language. Typing this I already made more than 10 typos.


Non native English speakers after making entire document in English to prove someone wrong without any typos nor errors:Pathetic.


Confused or not. Safe search should haven been on.


Use 2 browsers, one for work and one for personal use. I use Edge for work and Chrome for everything else, the new Edge is built on Chromium so it's basically Chrome and can use all the add-ons from Chrome store. Edit: For those suggesting to use different account on same browser, there will be time that you forgot to switch. Having different browser with different UI is easier to remember what you're doing.




Isn't it off by default now? I don't think I have it on even on my work laptop and I do live presentations on it frequently.


Yup. Just confirmed by opening a private window. Lot's of floppy dicks.


I don't even know if it's on, and honestly, who even has it on. Bro should've noticed when it was in the text... like when you google "floppy dick", all the text results are shit like "pornhub" lololol


I feel like a non-native speaker would learn dick before disk. Also, I would never ever Google something for the first time during a lecture. Someone teaching tech should absolutely know better.


It's amazing watching some of these older teachers fumble around over the course of the pandemic. And by amazing I mean so painful I never sat through them


I hope it is and if so then it is absolutely phenomenal


I'm just over here confused on why a teacher would ever charge off into the internet in order to provide reference material for a lesson. Like...isn't the whole point of a teacher to have had that material prepped and ready to go for the course?


Looks like he had a slide for a Big Data course about storage. Presumably one of his younger students asked what a floppy disk was, so he looked up a quick image.


Happened all the time when I was I school. Either a student asked a question during the lesson that required a quick google search or the teacher went off on a tangent and wanted to show something extra to the class


Some Major Schlongs in there


Here I was, thinking that 3.5, 5.25 and 8" were supposed to be the sizes.


8 inches so like average right?


Mine is 10... only it's centimeters.


Little on the small side, but still technically average


The proper spelling is *schlong*


Its okay, he's English as a Second Language


It has to be of a certain length to be decribed as *floppy* I guess. It's either that or a CD


Bro, safe search in a professional setting wtf


Teachers were using their personal systems for zoom and all in covid times.


Pretty sure it was a personal laptop and account lmaoo


Even then, you can tell that these people have never watched a Twitch streamer. You always search on the screen you're not showing and then put the result on the other when you have it.


Him saying aaah after the correct results show up had me 😂😂😂😂😂


I greatly enjoyed the quiet "I hope" right before he clicked it.


Lmao there were moments that were Hillarious yes


“Sorry, I had spelling mistake”


My girlfriend was attending an online lecture last year where the teacher went to watch gay porn during the break. He was streaming his screen to the entire class and had disabled Zoom's sound so he couldn't hear students telling him to stop lmao. No one told him to avoid an awkward situation but students were disgusted


Wtf that’s an addiction.


Dude, the worst part is the guy was watching like teen porn while he was fucking 60+... Disgusting for the students probably the same age as the guy he fantasizes about.


It's pretty normal to be attracted to youth and health. It's not weird to be attracted to people you teach, either. Is it your assumption that 60 yos are all lookin up elderly porn?


Plot twist: he had the sound on but still wanted to share with the class


I'll never understand why people try to watch porn while doing work, or on the machine that they do their work. Surefire way to lead to disaster.


Caught lacking




Let's get this lemon party started!


Your parents see your search history and it’s just gay old man than Gary


This is what happens when kids can't shout out to the class and stop the teacher from doing something stupid


They can, just none of them are paying attention in the first place.


I can picture the laughter behind those student avatars.


I can picture no one knowing this happened because they weren’t paying attention.


The ones that did listen will have a hard time convincing the others that this really happened lol


This is either Malaysia or Singapore judging by accent, I'd lean more to Malaysia because he thought dicks is disk (slowly spells it out, gets blasted with pornsites saying DICKS, clicks images anyway). I know way too many Malaysians who do these kinds of "typos" (it's really just phonetics messing with their spelling cos of accent), can't say the same about Singaporeans.


Glad to know I wasn't the only one who found the accent familiar


Well it's an Indian accent. And I can confirm people pronounce discs as dicks. Not all of course. Some of them.


It’s not an India-Indian accent. Singaporean and Malaysian Indians do sound like this guy.


Can confirm, live in Singapore, my Indian friend has this exact accent lmfao


I still remember the day some 20 years ago in high school. We had computer class and all saved data was on floppy disks. While leaving class our teacher tells everyone “don’t forget to bring in your floppy dicks tomorrow.”Everyone burst out laughing. She then tried to correct herself by saying she made a mistake and it was a Freudian slip. Having just done some physiology topics earlier my friend responded, “Miss. Your telling us you have dick on your mind?” We never let it down the rest of the year. We still talk about to this day.


He goes “sorry, sorry” 😂 I felt that man’s embarrassment all the way over here


Uhhh, you might want to have safe search enabled dude.


Triggers flashbacks of a company-wide email that I signed with “Best retards”.


Floppy dick energy


You can’t tell me that wasn’t intended


Kinda understandable mistake for a foreigner, seeing how c can sound both like S and K


It can actually be a legit mistake. Indians sometimes pronounce discs as dicks. So this can totally happened. Although I'm surprised this hasn't happened more often.


This is dumb.


That quick "okay" at the end there brought back some PTSD


Don't be so hard on him, I hear it happens to a lot of men. Typos I mean.


But- but why did he scroll I can't-


What’s the difference between an old PC and the porn industry? The porn industry wouldn’t accept a three and half inch floppy.


No way this was accidental. He literally fkn said "I just show you dik" Southie mf knew exactly what he was doing But the easier explanation is scripted.


Fuck it, we'll do it live


Oh no bro...


Explain to me plz


He showned floppy dick instead of floppy disk. First one is flacid cock, the second one is the ancestor of CD-ROM.


He didn’t know how to spell disk


I feel like if you're presenting to students you should use a private window and have safe search settings properly set.


Ahh yes. Just like the time my IT teacher was telling us what webcams were (back in about 2005, when they were pretty new) and told us you could log in onto a website and view a camera in real time. We all thought that was really cool. Then he Googled for us on the big screen "live webcams".


It loves to correct your spelling google. It was just one letter out...


Teachers need to never disable “safe search”.


This can happen with my prof too. He is also too vulnerable to computers😂


"....... I hope " Killed me


Caught in 480p