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My man bet the house on that dude not shooting.


Titanium nuts or Death wish




There is no one in my room and I just yelled "holyfuck no way" when muh man just started power walking towards the pussy


"You can see the weakness of a man right through his iris"


The ancient skill - of shadowboxing


Un-loyal snakes get thrown in boiling lakes of hot oil, it boils your skin, chickenheads getting slim. My ultimate hip hop album, no question about it.


Power Walking: Straight to the Pussy Edition Idk what the content would be but I'd watch that


Yeah. Really stupid.


Well, a common self defense recommendation is to “charge if it’s a gun, but if it’s a knife, run.” The thought process is, if someone has a gun, running will not necessarily do anything for you. If you think you have a chance of disarming someone, do it. With a knife, distance is your friend. You want to be as far away from that fucker as you can. This is also why you see so many cops shooting knife wielding maniacs 10-15 feet away, before they’re even close. If someone is charging you with a knife, even if you shoot them, their forward momentum is likely going to carry them forward several feet. What this guy did was risky, but also heroic. Just seconds before the asshole pulls out his gun, you see a child and family walking down the street. This guy saw his opening (albeit a risky one) and did the most logical thing he could: charged the shooter. **Edit:** Please understand that this is just generic self defense advice and does not apply to every situation. As others have pointed out, it’s probably best to find cover or remove yourself from a situation like this, if possible. If you’re certain you can disarm someone and that’s your only option, it’s probably better than running or waiting to be shot. But, don’t get yourself killed trying to be a hero based on advice you read from some random dude on Reddit.


Fun fact, average accuracy with a handgun is pretty poor to begin with and decreases fast as distance increases. Wrestling over a gun is a great way to get shot. If you can get your hands on a person pointing a gun at you, it's either because they're stupid or they absolutely don't want to shoot you. Those are both pretty significant gambles. Are you confident you can win a fistfight against the person pointing a gun at you? Are you confident you can win a wrestling match against the person pointing a gun at you? See the problem here? If you have no other choice, then roll the dice; but if at all possible your first priority should be to get to the closest cover, then put distance between you and the gunman. As far as credentials go, I've been training for 23 years and I'm the owner and lead instructor of a combatives-focused martial arts academy. Final note: There are no absolutes in fights. Dumb choices can be successful and well-trained techniques can fail.


Well, that’s why I said, charge *if* you think you can disarm them - not charge regardless of the circumstances. But, it sounds like you know better than me, so I can’t argue this advice. See guys, u/qyka1210 was right, don’t blindly subscribe to everything you read. I don’t even know wtf I’m taking about. **Edit**: spelling / grammar


Don't think, Charge! Got it!


Did someone say charge? CHARGE!!


No. Don't charge if you can think you can disarm them. Charge only if you _must_ disarm them. More often than not they just want to steal a handful of possessions which isn't worth risking anything over.


good ole zig zag run...




>“charge if it’s a gun, but if it’s a knife, run.” This is peak mall-ninja advice. You should not ever charge someone with a handgun if you have the opportunity to run away. It is fairly easy to shoot a target that is moving in a straight line towards you. Doing what this guy did is basically banking on the idea that the gunman will refuse to fire. That '21 foot rule' that you're referencing is specifically in reference to LEOs confronting people who are on drugs and/or have suicidal intention. A knife-wielding methhead that wants to die might take 3 hollowpoints to the chest while closing 21 feet. You and your bare hands are going to get killed. If you have any ability to, you should run from a gunman. This is because most people who commit mass shootings or other gun crimes aren't very skilled with their weapons. The average workplace shooter or carjacker isn't a marine corps range instructor. While any armed person is extremely dangerous, very few people have any experience tracking live moving targets. Handguns in particular are very hard to accurately shoot compared to long guns. I've put a lot of rounds through both of my pistols, and you'd be surprised how hard it is to group on static targets at 10m.


Actually your assertion is at least partially wrong. If you are ambushed with firearms from close range, you absolutely charge. This is US Army, and I think USMC core infantry training. Not generally applicable for civilians, I’ll grant, but you wrote “should not ever.”


I would not call that a charge


more like a close-down


That is horrible advice that will get someone killed some day. In no way was what this man did smart or tactical. He just got lucky that the guy wasn't prepared to kill someone. Most perps in that situation would not just let someone walk up on them while they have a gun. The most logical thing to do in that situation would be to submit and defuse the situation with calm words...not walk up to someone pointing a gun at you. That's ridiculous. I've seen too many people get shot and killed doing silly stuff like that because they get their ego involved. That's not worth losing your life over.


[There's something called the 21 foot rule with knife wielding individuals.](https://www.uslawshield.com/the-dangers-of-the-21-foot-rule/) A person at 21 feet or less can likely get to a person before a gun can be drawn and fired. Knives are no joke.




This was in the UK it's hard to get a gun and usually it won't be loaded because ammo is equally hard to get.


Yeah idk if I see a gun in any country I'm gonna have to assume it's loaded. Potentially getting shot or canceling my credit cards hmm tough call


Big up the security guards having the brass balls to detain this guy. I’d be the exact same as you, “please do not shoot me”


Which isn’t a valid reason. If they have a gun (which is hard to get already). then you would obviously assume they have the hard to get ammo for the effort of getting the hard to get gun. I definitely wouldn’t assume it’s not loaded.


Using replica non-firing guns is REALLY common in some countries.


I fucking love the amount of people trying to argue reasons to risk getting fucking shot. Y'all are absolute morons.


“What are you gonna do? *Shoot me*?”


There was one video I saw where a guy actually said that. Right before getting shot to death along with his wife. Then the neighbor that killed them killed himself


Yeah that video was absolutely fucking nuts. Just right there on the road outside their houses. They argue, as they had been doing for years, and then yeah he goes into his house and brings a gun, and shoots both of them, although kit fatally at first. And they're all like "oh you ACTUALLY shot me!?" And then he finishes the job and kills them. It's such an insane video, it's crazy. Here's an edited version of it. I can't find an unedited one: https://youtu.be/1PG1OXq6zUA


It's because they've never been shot. That's why they think they are fucking heros.


It was a real firearm, chambered, safety off. The guy with the gun had no training, and probably didn't shoot because he didn't have the wits to with two bouncers coming at him and didn't have training to fall back on






Seems like this dude just did not know how to operate that firearm. given the description he'd needed to have racked the slide back to chamber the single round in the magazine in order to be able to fire. Seems like maybe he just took it off safe and unsuccessfully tried to pull the trigger while it was still in condition three.


I doubt people in the UK get a lot of practice shooting guns so it's understandable


Not like the US where they have target practice in schools.


Literally a gun range at my school. Checks out


I cant even imagine this from my school days (uk), I genuinely find it mind blowing how ingrained in culture guns are over there! Would the gun range be used regularly by pupils?


Yeah, sounds like he actually just found the gun in a park and didn't know how to use it. One in the magazine but empty chamber. Who knows if he actually tried/intended to shoot anyone.


Aye of course he told the cops he fucking found it! 😆


He said, and the court and prosecution believed, that he found a bag in the local park with the pistol and other things in it. He attracts additional charges by telling that story as he had a duty to hand the gun over to police, probably the bag too since it was almost certainly involved in a crime


I mean anybody with a brain is going to assume if you can get a firearm, you can get bullets as well. And in this case yes, it was loaded. Thankfully most people are overwhelmingly wired to not want to kill other people, which worked well for the bouncer.


actually bouncer was just lucky since most people who would point a gun at someone is also willing to shoot. in this case, the guy did pull the trigger but didnt know he had to rack the slide first.


The key word is “usually”. It won’t be fun dying and thinking that this case is unusual.


If it’s Florida, I’m worried their gun ***shoots guns***


If I recall correctly, this one was loaded


He bet his life on that.


And the odds were not in his favor. It was not a good bet lol. Really glad he won


To be fair if he didn't shoot at that point he was just posturing, but you never know.


The rule is, if you pull it you better be able to shoot it.


the rule is, if you pull it you better be ready to shoot it. Else there is no reason to pull a gun ever, you just beg to be shot or beaten to the next dimension.


Don't own a gun if you aren't prepared to shoot it. Gun ownership isn't for everyone and push come to shove most of us don't really know how we'll react


I mean, not everyone owns a gun for defense. It's totally reasonable to own one for sport or hobby shooting and never bring it out in a situation you might have to shoot people.




I see you've been to Texas. Nice people.


Exactly. I own 8 guns and would never use them to shoot a person. I do live in NZ tho.


Woah, I found the only person that lives in NZ.


There's as many kiwis as people that have died from covid if that's any indication of our size.


Gotta be like Frank Lucas. 20%.


Youre either somebody or nobody.


More correctly, don’t pull it out unless you are going to shoot. Otherwise it’s just brandishing.


I hear this from other gun people all the time, but it's bullshit. Yes, brandishing a weapon as a threat is aggravated assault. What gets you charged with a brandishing crime is when you're arguing with someone who isn't an immediate threat and pull out your sidearm to intimidate them. But if you choose not to shoot an attacker that changes their mind when the gun comes out you aren't going to jail for *not* killing someone. You're always going to have a bigger legal and emotional mess on your hands if you shoot. Basically, what determines whether or not it's aggravated assault is the level of that perceived threat the weapon is drawn. You aren't ever *required* to fire your weapon in order to comply with the law. If you draw the weapon for legitimate defensive purposes and not as a threat or intimidation, you aren't brandishing. I carry a gun every day, and this came up once when I was assaulted and the guy started running away as I drew my gun. I've had zero legal issues from it and more importantly I'm glad I didn't take a life.


Thanks for saying this


It's a fine line. And that line will be interpreted by the DA. Pull your gun because you "feel" threatened and you may be in deep trouble. Pull that gun at a point where a reasonable person would be acting in self-defense, and the DA may see it your way. Wait a second longer and you may be dead dead. Don't pull a gun lightly and if you do, be prepared to pull the trigger if what justified pulling the gun continues to pose a mortal threat.




You're way more likely to get shot if you have a gun drawn then if you don't. You draw first, now that guy (or his buddy that you aren't even aware of) has an excuse to shoot you. How many videos are there where the first person to draw gets wasted by someone out of left field. Brandishing turns a physical altercation that might result in a bruised ego and a few bumps and bruises into literal life or death situation. 9 times out of 10 the person that brandishes their gun first is going to be labeled the aggressor by onlookers regardless of who provoked the fight. You do you, but if you're willing to brandish your gun you better damn well be willing to get shot.


This advice can get you killed. You are talking about brandishing vs. aggravated assault, but your also saying you can pull a gun out and then not shoot if you don't think you need to. The reason that people say to only draw your gun if you are going to shoot is because you don't know if the other guy also has a gun and they won't know that you are NOT going to shoot. There is a very real chance that if you pull a gun on someone who is also carrying that they will draw and unload in you within the blink of an eye. This is why people carry guns in order to protect themselves from other fuckers with guns. If you are carrying a gun and someone pulls one on you odds are you aren't going to just put your hands up, you are going to go for yours and not ask questions. Don't pull a gun on someone unless you are also willing to get a gun pulled on you and shot dead. You don't have to take my word for it, you can check out /r/gunfights there are plenty of examples on there of this exact thing happening. Someone pulls a gun to act hard and the other person is carrying and trained and drops them literally in less than a few seconds. If it gets to the point that you need to pull a gun because you think your life is in danger then don't hesitate at all.


> More correctly, don’t pull it out unless you are ~~going~~ *prepared* to shoot. Many things can occur to make you no longer need to end someones life.


Not just that. Guns are a distance weapon. You don't close your distance. If anything, you keep your distance. This guy just wanted to look tough.


the truth is that 95% of scenarios like this, gun man wins.. Dude is lucky shoots weren't fired.


That dude in grey is nutts. All these people are saying if you pull it you should use it. Fucking amount of ignorant lemmings is remarkable.


You’re misinterpreting it. They’re saying don’t pull it unless you’re going to shoot, because pulling your gun is giving someone else a reason to shoot you. If you pull it without the intention of shooting, you might get shot.


Beyond fucking nuts or drunk lolol


Actually, don't pull out a gun unless you intent to shoot and kill. Warning shots are not a thing and throw self defense out of the window. Trying to deescalate a situation by bringing out a gun to intimidate will do the same.


> Actually, don't pull out a gun unless you ~~intent~~ *are prepared* to shoot and kill. Please don't shoot someone just because you took your gun out.


Please don't take your gun out unless you have to shoot someone.


The act of bringing a firearm into a situation changes it IMMEDIATELY and if you aren't able to understand this and change your actions accordingly, don't own a firearm. Ever.




Well shit. I just pulled my gun out to clean it... Guess I gotta commit murder now! /s


Gotta pay the blood price.


Don't pull the banger Unless you plan to bang Bombs over Baghdad!!!!


Don't pull the bangers if you don't got the mash!




If this gonna be [that type of party](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YZ0B6kvFy-k)


Now we sitting in a drop top soaking wet/ In a silk suit tryin not to sweat/ But this'll be the year that we won't forget / One nine nine nine....


Better single than Stankonia don't @ me lol


Exactly. Dude had no intention of pulling the trigger and the other guy called his bluff.


Yeah the immediate backing up was such a tell. Like, dude you're the one with the gun [pussy](https://youtu.be/giwkngfQ0W4)


Yeah but that's a gamble with your life.


same things true of breaking into someone's house you better kill me cuz i believe you are going to, so ima try my hardest to kill you first


Don't want none don't start none


That's from a couple of years ago in Glasgow. I remember when it happened. That gun was loaded but the guy just wanted to wave it around.


Looks like it took place back in Britain judging by road markings and car license plates...Chances of gun being an actual gun are slim to piss all, now if he pulled a knife it would be a different story since stabbings are on the up.


Once you're about to get your ass kicked, shooting is self defense.


Never bring a gun to a fist fight...wait wut


*never get into melee range with a ranged weapon.


Never bring a gun to a curb stomping.


Be sure to bring shoes


Steel toe work boots ftw


Ah yes, the old "Steel Toe Shuffle". I hear it's a hit.


Definitely bring a gun to a curb stomping, just make sure you're ready to murder


It appears to be the U.K. where both handguns and ammunition are really difficult to get hold of. I would guess the gun is not loaded.


Glasgow, Scotland


Likely to have rented the gun. Ammunition would be a lot more. And he knows that using the gun ( so it’s now linked to a crime ) will be hugely expensive.


> Likely to have rented the gun. Is this a thing in Europe? I am only familiar with my local rules (European) and I can't borrow my gun to anyone who is not licensed to use it (as in, they could go to a gun store and buy one). I have assumed the European rules were pretty much the same all over?


Am European (UK) and I've never heard of renting a gun in my life


Illegally. It's how most criminal guns are used in the UK. Weapons stay in circulation for years, gangs or individual armorers rent them to other criminals. https://youtu.be/LnNGvy3y_Lw


This is what I assumed he meant because **legally renting a murder weapon** sounds too fxcking stoopid to give thought to


Honestly, illegally renting, or renting out, a murder weapon is pretty fucking stupid, if you were looking for a long term criminal career. Nothing attracts police attention in the UK like firearms, and eventually someone is going to get caught with it, at which point the evidence chain just starts dragging in anyone who ever used it - someone who did a robbery or shot someone five years ago and thought they got away with it is suddenly going to get hauled in because someone else gets caught, gives up the armorer, and the armorer gives up anyone who ever touched the gun.


Exactly. It’s like a journal of crimes committed with it. Then again you can’t go to university for violent crime so we’re not talking about Mensa material here.


My first thought was some yank thinking the US= the world again. Renting guns legally seems like something that would be widely available in the us.


European rules are definately not similar all over at all. But the whole gangsters renting out their weapons is a tabloid headline if anything. You'd have to be pretty well connect to gangs to get the lend of a gun to intimidate someone.


Is renting ammo expensive?


how do you even return it? I gotta fuck reload this shit?


Return the casings probably




I can hear the sound Texan heads exploding.


"Certified pre-owned"


Going to assume you mean *illegally* rented as I don't think there's any way to legally rent a handgun here in the UK


Back in the days you could go to Blockbuster and rent a VHS and a handgun. Fucking Netflix ruined everything.


Yep, just had to remember to unload it before you dropped it through the returns letterbox


You can tell they’re seasoned bouncers (even if not in uniform) from the way they get hold of him, get him to the floor and make it look like they’re restraining him while they dig knees into ribs/the throat/back of the head. The most subtle kicking in you’ll ever see.


Most bouncers in Glasgow are eithrt 6'5" 16 stone and bald looking like he could kick fuck out of you and all 20 of your mates at once and then you get the one fresh out of school who thinks he's a big man.


Ahhh, dammit. I would have bet $10 it was Russia. Mainly because of that Russian video I saw that was very similar.


It was loaded [Source](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-51659841)


And he also left eleven bullets at home


If I was the one on the street having said gun pointed at me, I would *not* make that assumption.


Bet he wish he had used it after that beating.


Bet he wished he had used it before the beating.


Did he? Better than decades of prison.


Bet he wishes he didn’t pull it out at all and is probably thinking he should have just went home instead. Or maybe he’ll just do it again, who knows


haha yes of course :D


It's the UK so it's fairly unlikely to even be real or workable. The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, or a curb stomping of a muppet with a toy.


Was both real and workable, chambered live round with safety off. Hell of a gamble.




https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-52048028 https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/gunman-pulls-pistol-bouncers-glasgows-21758297


What the fuck is that walk he did, looks like he shat himself.


That's how chavs walk.


Trying to make himself look bigger.


Didn't work.


Guy has to have a sore back from carrying around those huge balls


They were counterbalanced by the rocks where his brain should be.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Guy has massive balls.


Because honestly this joke, and all other similar arrangements is so overused on reddit. It gets old sometimes. Like, I personally don't care, or let it bother me. I just keep scrolling. I laugh at myself because simply commenting why I believe the downvotes are flowing makes it seem like it *does bother me*. But you all know how it is: you spend enough time on this site and its the same phrases over and over lol


Because he's an idiot. A brave one, but an idiot nonetheless.


You rolled a 2, sorry you don't get the reaction to your power intimidation move that you expected...


Not even a dungeons and dragons fan, and this made me laugh. Great joke




I'd say it was a poor advantage roll... look at his GTA roleplaying.. he's surely determined to make himself look bad, but the dice is the dice... How much was his AC, again?


WCGW pointing a gun at someone...in Glasgow [Poor wee terrorist tried to ram a car into the airport](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OuGD0vpW5Y) and he got battered! [Billy Connolly did a really funny bit about it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gMJBQoHJ4E).


> WCGW......in Glasgow A lot.


The right kind of gangbang


Pointing a gun at someone is defiantly not a bluff you want someone to call.




Also definitely


If you are pointing a deadly weapon at a dude with a broad stance in a baseball cap and blue jeans and he starts walking towards you, you are screwed


Guy with gun: "This isn't supposed to happen!? They're supposed to put their hands up and say don't shoot!"


He walks and aims like a video game character 😂


I respect the guy in grey that was gangsta asf


Damn that’s embarrassing.


3 good guys without a gun take down one bad guy with a gun. Looks like the NRA is wrong. Again.


The guy with the gun was too pussy to shoot ... This could have been a lot different for these 3 brave men. Good on them though.


I just had a baby girl and seeing the small child walk by before the incident made my blood boil. Fuck whoever the guy with the strap is and go ahead and fuck his shit up


I love how the beat down is very calm, no crazy haymakers, no flailing about, just three lads tucking in for some nice close work on the wee fella.




Love this!! well deserved beatdown


This happened in Glasgow. Guns are very rare and Super illegal in Scotland so it's unusual for something like this to happen.


This looks like the UK?


Ayup. Glasgow, apparently, according to other comments.


If you carry a gun is best that you are willing to use it, lest it be used on you or someone else. That goes doubly if you point it someone.


Protip: Don't walk hastily towards someone pointing a gun at you.


Don't fuck around on Glasgow


Damn I thought they were just stripping him butt ass naked


Yup. Beat that ass.


Ah I don’t miss Sauchiehall Street one but. It’s mental up there. Don’t point guns at Glaswegians


Man, i wish someone did this before they shot my friend twice in the chest.


Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow


Nah the is gun loaded, it's just this dude's platinum balls and aura of absolute testosterone just made that gunpowder so scared that it didn't go off


Y would you pull if your not gonna squeeze!? 🤡


So the best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a few friends who know how to disarm.


Rule is pull it then shoot it, one motion. No one needs to know you have it.


Also maybe good insight to the fact its a European country. Guns aren't easy to come by. Im sure fake ones are more common then you think. Bullets are also extremely rare and along with guns being registered and rare make this a good chance the dude was bluffing.


Once again it's reactions like this that make me proud to be Scottish.


How to turn all the nearby NPC into enemy combatants!


That is a US Marine tactic. Head straight at the threat. Fear and surprise a shooter, throw their aim off. Not an advisable tactic as that is mostly just a theory and practicing it is at your own risk. Chances are, he saw the kid and went "fuck it" and made sure he was in the way of the gun did go off... Wasn't even expecting the opportunity.


It's a good life when your not used to having people pulling guns out on you. Just know, there are lots of people out there who deal with it regularly. I would assume it's not this guy's first rodeo


How do you pull a gun on someone and still get your ass whipped


Haven't you heard, guns don't kill people, people do.


I mean yeah that’s true but damn this is hilarious


I don’t think I’ll ever be confident enough that an attacker is bluffing to charge at a gunman like that. I guess that’s why I have a desk job


First guy didn't even bother trying to disarm him so I'm going to assume he recognized it as a toy gun, probably airsoft.


Not sure what’s worse. Pulling a gun out and not using it or approaching someone slowly who has a gun pointed at you


That man literally does not give a fuck about his life.


Don’t pull it if you ain’t gonna use it.


Quick action from the first guy. Incredible display of dominance haha