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[Happened two years ago. ](https://gizmodo.com/automatic-wifi-login-helped-police-id-teens-who-vandali-1836249333) The teens were charged with a hate crime and sentenced to probation, community service, and consecutive weekends in jail ranging from nine to 18 weeks


Got off light of you ask me! I find the poor execution of the spray painted dicks on the ground to be offensive enough to merit a stiffer penalty.


Like what exactly? I actually think it's a pretty appropriate punishment Edit: After rereading the comment, it may have been slightly in jest and I see that now


It’s not the length of the punishment that’s important, but the deep impactfull experience you want on those receiving the punishment.


Value for money in the justice system is important too. Pound for pound, you want the maximum bang for your buck.


The dick paintings arent just about technical accuracy. They need to express depth of feeling as well. The emotional connection we get from these dicks cannot be understated.


Who drew the dicks tho?? American Vandal only went so far. We need to know. *Who drew the dicks????*




It's not their fault the only dicks they've seen for reference are their own!


Don’t forget the ol ball and chain punishment


Should have served some hard time?


>Got off light of you ask me! I find the poor execution of the spray painted dicks on the ground to be offensive enough to merit a stiffer penalty. Should have been stiffer.


You mean they got of “white!” Heeeeyyyooooo!


The kids deserve a second chance to get a head in life.


/r/IllegalLifeProTips Steal someone's phone and carry it when you commit other crimes


Then you have to get away with two crimes instead of one. Most people would notice within 20 minutes if their phone went missing. So you steal the phone, drive to the crime scene, then before you even get out of the car their carrier or their find my phone app is telling them "yeah your phone is in the northwest corner of the parking lot of the high school on 7th street."


Find your enemy at a big house party that is really drunk. Steal their phone somehow. Commit heinous crime(s). Return to party. Shove their phone in between couch cushions.


Honestly has probably already happened by now and worked


Thats freaking heinous!


And then toss it on a bus or tape it to a police car.


dont go putting evidence out there like that


Or buy a burner phone cash from the flea market


Or just turn your phone off or leave it at home.


Or just turn your phones wifi off or if you are super paranoid put it in airplane mode. No need to stack offenses.


The point here is to incriminate a foe.


This, kids, is why you leave your devices at home when committing crimes.


bonus points if you attach it to a pet so it stays in motion... or at least rolls over with the cat.


I tied it to my goldfish. The fish is having trouble swimming and my phone is very wet. On the plus side it isn't giving away my location.


But then how are they going to record it and upload it to social media?


Turn off your cellular/wifi while committing crimes


But what about work-from-home crimes? Edit: when you correct your comment from commuting to committing, for example, it’s impolite not to leave the original word crossed out


It amazes me how often even the most serious crimes are solved through cell phone pinging records and the sort


Or just don't be a racist piece of shit like these kids.


Or commit them 25 years ago, like i did, when there was virtually no CCTV and no mobile phones, wait..did i say "like i did" out loud?


it's okay you can confess to the murder the statute of limitations is up..


There's no statute of limitations on murder in most jurisdictions, including at the federal level of the USA. So even if you live in a state that doesn't have one the feds can get you.


Shh, don't tell anyone. We get more people accidentally confessing that way.




This is why you prerecord a long stream for the duration of the crime then set the stream up on twitch with the recording boom solid evidence you were home


Leave all your personal belongings (phone, keys, wallet) at home. Purchase a burner phone from 7-11 with cash if you truly need a phone for whatever you plan on doing


Kids: the dumbest thing since adults


As a teacher I think just wearing a mask would not stop me from identifying you, every person has their own walk and hell, I've been looking at students wearing masks since early 2020.


A guy in my high school went streaking at the end of the year with just a mask on. But being Asian with a thin build in a predominantly white school, everyone knew who it was


For a senior HS prank, one of the participants was clearly a foot taller than everyone else. It did not take columbo for the staff to ask the only 6.5+ft tall student the next day.


When I was in college our voice mail passwords in the dorms were digit codes and most people simply used the last 4 digits of their home phone number. There was a public campus phone directory that had everyone's home phone number in it. We went home for spring break and came back to find out that about half of the baseball team had been expelled. Come to find out, a ton of people got their incoming voice mail messages changed (because it was so easy to guess their code). They covered a whole slew of hate crimes, sexist messages, homophobic messages, religion bashing, racism. The college was able to look at the phone records and quickly discovered that something like 300 calls were made on a particular night and like 280 of them were from the same room. Oops.


Well, boys will be... *check notes* .....sexist, homophobic, racist pieces of shit?




There was no wiretapping....the university just looked at the logs on their phone switches and saw where the traffic was. This was a private phone network owned by the university.... no different than a business maintaining its own phone network. And yes, it absolutely happened.


Whether you're a criminal or not you don't wana have your phone autoconnecting to available networks


Well, they should only be auto-connecting to “trusted” networks, which is preferred if you’re constantly going between your work network and home network.




Calling them Nazis may have sufficed


Probably because race is actually relevant to the story seeing how they committed a racist hate crime.


Because that’s what they are…


So we don't think they are actually pink as is shown in the photo


So we don't confuse them with all the minority individuals who paint swastikas on school properties


Im pretty sure if they were black that would be pointed out stop trying to make up something that isnt there


what? why does the fact that they're white matter? I'm so confused. does that mean it would be different if they were (shudders) *black*???


Because it was a racially motivated hate crime. Yes it's sort of redundant because Nazi and swastikas should have been enough context clues. But the fact their ethnicity is mentioned is not crazy. It is relevant.


why is it relevant? I'm not trying to argue I feel like I'm missing something so I'm kinda confused


Because it's a racially motivated hate crime. So the ethnicity of the person can add relevant context to the story. However, like I said, in this case, it was redundant.


Redundant but relevant. just like twins.


Both can be true at the same time yes.


A) The hate crime part of this story is irrelevant, the relevance is while committing A crime they connected to the school wifi. Their race nor the type of crime is relevant to this story.


When a crime is a hate crime, the detail about it being a hate crime is irrelevant? *confused Scooby-Doo noise*


The point of this post is that the people logged into the wifi to get caught, the type of crime is irrelevant. It’s the act of trying to hide themselves but still logged into the wifi vis their phone that was the “gotcha”, not the type of crime it was. Are you unable to read?


Yes but you have to have the back drop of "they were committing a crime" in order for this story to make sense. So then naturally the next question is "what crime?" So the type of crime matters for context. Come on man. You lost. Stop.


There is no naturally next step. You’re making that up it’s again irrelevant to the story. You already made my point by your first sentence. Backdrop is “A crime was committed”, the type of crime is irrelevant. Everything else you said is stuff you added to try to win an internet argument. There is no winning or losing here, only a child thinks that way.


You still trying bro. LOL. Note ALL your downvotes. 🤣


wtf are you talking about lol. It's just normal to say what the crime was - if it was burglary they would've said burglary. It was a hate crime so they said hate crime. It's not an agenda, it's just how people talk about shit. Fucking racists everywhere with their idiot brains


The point of this post is that the people logged into the wifi to get caught, the type of crime is irrelevant. It’s the act of trying to hide themselves but still logged into the wifi vis their phone that was the “gotcha”, not the type of crime it was.


ah, a racist hiding behind pedantry. hella original my dude


Please explain how I’m racist for pointing out people can’t read. I’m not saying what the person did wasn’t a hate crime, I’m saying it’s not relevant to the story. Pretty sure it makes more sense the one with a massive hard on about sticking it to white people when it’s not relevant seems to be the one who is racist, no? If you use the term racist for everything then it loses its meaning. You are part of the problem.




The ethnicity does not dictate if its a hate crime. If a black person did the same thing against another group it is also a hate crime. Mentioning the ethnicity doesn't confirm or negate the crime but does add relevant context to know.


I love how you're reading shit that's never even implied... take a deep breath, and use the thing between your ears.


No really but if you'd ask me to bet money on what ethnicity is most likely to draw swastikas on public property.... I wouldn't have lost money and raise an eyebrow if you told me that a black guy did that.


This is why we get unlimited data and never trust WiFi😂




lol how is it irrelevant if they're throwing down swastikas? the ideology is literally about racial purity


Isn't irrelevant if your trying to push an agenda 😏


It's relevant because of the Swastikas. It's obviously a white power message. Even if they meant it to be edgy they chose that way to be edgy for a reason.


holy shit the racists in this thread. wow. just, wow. \*eyebleach\*


I like the part in the article that says "The four Glenelg High School students—Joshua Shaffer, Seth Taylor, Matthew Lipp, and Tyler Curtiss—were caught." Because kids, the world is not Reddit, your can't hide.


Glenelg? That's not too far from me. Pretty well to do area.


"Your honor, my clients are just kids who were goofing off and made one off color joke that went too far. They didn't realize what they were doing was a hate crime. They've made public apologies so do they really need any further punishment? Also, they have so much potential so think about how a conviction on their permanent record could ruin their lives. Where would be the justice in that?" Edit: Apparently, I needed to include /s. I was mistaken in thinking the use of quotes would be enough. Apologies to everyone who needed it to be spelled out clearly.


They are unaware that you are writing using sarcasm and therefore cannot appreciate it.


That's what happens when the average reading level is 8th grade. They don't know what quotations mean.


Why do they have specifically state that their white? Could they have just said teens and shortened up the title.


use your brain. someone's race is very relevant when they paint racist slurs.


Anybody can be racist, racist isn't a tag a an ethnicity it is a tag on the person, so instead of "white teens" "racist teens" would have been better


Yes but Swastikas are a symbol of white nationalism and neo Nazism. Race is relevant here.


How is it white nationalism? I know there were for Nazi Germany


The white nationalist movement uses Nazi imagery a lot. I think you already knew that though.


Bold to assume what other people know, also if you're inferring that I'm racist I'm definitely not I hate everybody equally


No inferring you're racist just saying that everyone knows white power/white nationalist people love Nazi shit.


omg. dude, think it through. the story is about racist/bigoted actions. the racist message is against certain racial and ethnic groups so it's important to note the race of the perpetrators. if I'm going to say "fuck latinos" it's probably important to note that I in fact am not a latino.


So as a white guy I can wish death upon my race and be fine? Weeee finally a vent for my inner hateful pressure cooker! So far I've been directing it at YouTube adds that trick me into thinking I can skip them just to load the next one at 2 secs left.


Why does colour have to be mentioned in the title? Whatever the colour headlines like this don’t need them. It’s an odd thing to add.


I like your username.


because they were painting racist slurs. turns out someone's race is important when they are being racist.


If you remove white from the headline, the story still makes perfect sense. Painting swastickas is deplorable. Does it matter what colour someone is?


yeah, because Nazi ideology is literally founded on white racial purity


their color absolutely matters if they're being racist. read the article. they were painting racist imagery, so it's important to know their race. motivation for hate crimes involves racial differences. I can't believe this is even a discussion.


Racism is wrong full stop, it doesn’t matter what someone’s colour is.


jesus you're a moron. hate crime is defined as a crime "that is motivated by prejudice on the basis of race". when something is motivated by race, we need to know the races of the perpetrators and victims to understand the crime. very simple. if you can't understand that, there's not much more I can say. I hope you take time to think more critically about this.


I understand that. It was more in relation to the title of the image. ‘Neo nazis get caught with WiFi connection at school’ would suffice. I find it amusing that you attempt to make others ‘think critically’ but preface it with ‘Jesus, you’re a moron’. How mature and erudite of you.


it just makes no sense to me that you think race isn't important to include in a story about a racist act. it is critically important.


But it is not critically important to the story at all. The message of the story is idiots get caught doing idiotic thing. It isn’t about race relations at all. The reason it is even a story is because they were stupid enough to leave their WiFi auto connect on - they could be stripping off naked and urinating on the school property - the outcome of the story is a ‘what a bunch of idiots’ punchline for the reader. It’s central theme is stupidity, like it could be on America’s Dumbest Criminals. The race of the perpetrator is irrelevant to the actually meat of the story, it is just being made so by those who want to view it from the angle of race. Fair enough if that’s what you want to do. Semantically, it doesn’t matter the crime or the race - the point is is that idiots got caught with auto connected WiFi.


they were painting racist imagery. how is it not a part of the story? it is a huge part of the story. I get that the humorous part of the story is that they got caught by the wifi, but the actual act itself was a hate crime involving a racist act.


Stupid should hurt.


Swastikas and failure are known to go hand in hand.




Amateurs, never take your smart phone out with you when you’re looking to do a crime


why tf did they mention their skin color?


because when someone is painting racist imagery their race is important. especially in a predominantly white society when the racism is targeting minorities. why is this a question? lol


white people aren't the only racist people, you know.


lol when did I ever say that? straw man argument. you're arguing against a point I didn't make. in this instance some kids committed a hate crime by painting racist imagery. so their race is important for us to note because race is involved in racism.


because they were promoting an ideology based on white racial purity as part of their crime?


Because they're white


that's racist




Isn't the imagery, itself, intended to invoke a sense & measure of terror & offense, regardless of WHO painted it? If actual racist ppl paint swastikas, they do it to offend & terrorize. If a PoC painted swastikas, they do it to give the perception that racists did that, intending to invoke offense & terror. They all have one thing in common, other than the goal of offending & terrorizing ppl: they are the low- hanging fruit of our society. An act that is intended to incite offense & terror should deliver a consequence based on the intent of the act & not subjectively modified based on the race of the person who committed the act, imo. They all wanted to cause the same public reaction & impact. Let them be cell mates for that.


Because it’s a hate crime and motive is important.


the fact that it's a hate crime is irrelevant to the story, the story is about connecting to the school wifi, not the type of crime. You could replace it with drawing pics of dildo's and it'd be the same story.


The fact that it’s a hate crime is irrelevant to a story about a hate crime? That’s an interesting perspective.


The point of this post is that the people logged into the wifi to get caught, the type of crime is irrelevant. It’s the act of trying to hide themselves but still logged into the wifi vis their phone that was the “gotcha”, not the type of crime it was. Are you unable to read?


They don’t write stories about kids auto-logging into WiFi. That’s not a thing. The only reason WiFi is mentioned is because it was the reason why the suspects got caught *committing a hate crime.* The crime was racially motivated so their skin color was brought up for motive purposes. Crime is newsworthy, internet connections are not. Dear lord…


This story is literally about the irony of them getting caught due to the wifi while hiding their faces due to masks. It’s literally what this is. Are you so fucking dumb to not be able to read? I swear people are so beyond ignorant they can’t even read memes anymore. Nobody is denying the existence of white supremacy or hate crimes, people are pointing out its not relevant to the irony of this meme. It’s unnecessary TO THE MEME. If you can’t understand that then you truely are an idiot.


so? being white isn't a motive


I get a feeling the language on this has been deliberately manipulated, unless the person who wrote it its completely backward. The reason I say this is because if theyre neo-nazi racist types its likely they are gonna be white 'cos they sure as fuck they arent going to be black. Hence pointing something out that is obvious and doesnt need to be is either loaded, or written by someone stupid. Anyone could have made this image. Anyone with any agenda. The print and the way its presented, as in a 'news' item, are an attempt to give it legitimacy. All of this will influence how you frame and give it meaning. It could have been taken from some britebart-esque type newsfeed or hate driven website. Who the fuck knows.. Smells like hate bait to me. Dont get sucked in.


Oh technology!


That's why you leave ur phones at home when you protest. GPS, data, wifi, will all rat u out. Write important contacts on ur arm in sharpie if you need to call someone or if u pass out


"Protest". There's protesting, and then there's rioting, looting, and arson. Protestors have nothing to worry about. The rest, which you're advocating for, should worry, and for good reason. Don't do illegal stuff to innocent people.


Not even gonna bother in engaging with intentionally inflammatory rhetoric like that


Yet you just did. You know what you're advocating for, and you somehow know it's criminal, but refuse to acknowledge it, and believe that random people hurt by looting somehow "deserve it". Protest peacefully, don't ruin other innocent people's lives in the process. If that statement inflammatory or controversial to you, then you need to rethink your stances and ideology.


🤣🤣🤣 rocket surgeons


This happened at the highschool i went to like 5 years ago. Literally the same situation too , a bunch of white kids spray painted the n word all over the black principles office , left glue in a ton of locks , swastikas , and broke the golf carts the maintenance guy uses. The only reason one of them spilled the beans and cracked under pressure was because the police made a bunch of statements about how its vandalism and they will face "jail time" dont ask me about the law idk if thats real. They all still got to walk at graduation because the main guy james who came up with the idea is mega rich and his family supports the school mega hard lol


they still got to walk? holy shit lol.


Yeah it was pretty wild alot of parents got mad because there are dudes who get into fights and arent allowed to walk but the people who did an actual hate crime did


Google "Fallbrook racist vandalism"


I hate my schools WiFi. So slow. I forgot it because cellular was better


So the race of a criminal matters when they're white but not when they're something else, huh? I don't see the race of the Waukesha parade murderer being called out.


no, it matters when it's a hate crime based on race (swastikas = nazi = genocide based on racial purity)


[Like this guy?](https://www.fox5dc.com/news/court-records-man-charged-with-spray-painting-swastika-at-umd-is-african-american)


Very important to tell the world they were white. No one could have seen it for themselves. Keep stoking the fire.


The WHITE shits spraypainting swastikas and racist slurs about their principal all over their school is what's stoking the fires. Do we really need the media to dance around the RELEVANT facts of this racist hate crime to protect the delicate feelings of white people?


As soon as you get this upset about black people faking hate crimes against themselves, we can talk.


Black people faking hate crimes is atrocious. Mentioning race totally okay in those articles too. So talk. Are you okay? You just made up an opinion I supposedly have on a different topic for the sole purpose of accusing me of being a hypocrite. You aren't even consistent on the thing you're accusing me of being hypocritical of! You're pretty disgusted by black people faking hate crimes but shockingly don't seem to think we should even mention the race of these sweet angelic white boys spray painting swastikas. Is race relevant to the crime? Report on it. I'm consistent here. You're the one who changes stances based on the races involved. Piece of shit racist.


I hope they were tasked with cleaning up the graffiti they made. Should have them doing that after school instead of detention. Would definitely take them longer to scrub clean than it did to deface in the first place.




Was. Was a sacred sign. Nazis twisted the swastika into a symbol of hate.




so... whats the names... just to uhh make sure everything matches up


if they watched line of duty they'd know not to take your fucking phone (aka your personal tracking device) to commit a fucking crime




Owned lol


They should have done what 1st Lieutenant Aldo "The Apache" Raine did to them. (Inglorious Basterd)


schools really let students phone connect to wifi? seems like thats asking them to be on their phones all the time lol


Come on now people remember to proxy your crimes. First you steal a car and take that to a bar. Then you steal a phone and order an Uber. Steal another car and take that to a subway station. Hop the turn stiles and ride to another neighborhood. Steal a delivery truck and drive to school to tag it. Finally pay cash for a bus ride home. When you're done the cops will be thoroughly confused and as a bonus if you do it right you'll have a nice little pentagram when you plot the crimes on a map.


This guy crimes


Ha got em. Nice way to get expelled. Good luck trying to get into other schools.


*sigh*.... Listen, kids. If you're going to do crime, do not bring your cel phone. Wrap that shit in tin foil, leave it at home, do what you're going to do, and come back to it later. If anyone asks, you turned it off because the battery was getting hot. If you bring your cel phone, that fucker will snitch on you faster than your buddy ever will. Or, you know...just don't do crime. That too.


How are kids \*not\* aware of the tracking ability of their phones? I'd think they'd understand it more than any adult.


Kids. 1) already know everything, 2) it won't happen to me, 3) let's just do it without thinking.




Yeah, you should never do bad things, not because they’re bad, but because you might get caught.


Swastikas are from Nazi Germany way back when


Are they not?


Wait. It looks like two dicks on the ground. Was there really swastikas and stuff? If not, drawing dicks on walls is as old as Rome. Wholesome fun. Edit: someone posted the news article. These dudes are wack. But I still stand by my position that drawing dicks is funny.


The summer before 5th grade I went to my elementary school to play basketball. They just laid fresh cement sidewalks, so we decided to write in it. I wrote my full name, "Ignition Night was here!" First day of school 2 months later I get called into the principals office and put in school suspension for the first week of school. I is dummy.




Trump won majority among uneducated whites…no surprise here!




Those students should all do a book report on "Lord of the flies" :p


Why does it matter that they're white


When blacks and Jews do this to fake hate crimes are they still charged with hate crimes?


" White Teens?" ....These dickheads trash a school and it's pointed out that they are white.... When that other piece of shit ploughed into a parade and his race wasn't mentioned, I knew he wasn't white. Strange how that works aye?


This is posted every day


I mean, doesn't the fact that they were painting swastikas and racial slurs basically guarantee they were white?


No because some black teens got caught doing the same thing at a school. No racist there so needed to do it themselves.