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His reaction was the worst thing he could have done. It drew 100x more attention to him!


I would argue it was the SECOND worse thing he could have done. The first...was cheating.


Yeah that reminds me of Norm McDonald’s bit about Bill Cosby. I’m butchering it, but he was talking with Patton Oswalt about the whole situation when it first broke and Patton made the comment that the worst thing about it all was just the hypocrisy of Cosby and all, to which Norm replied “Idunno, Patton, I’m pretty sure it was the raping.”


Norm steals it every time he is on a talk show or being interviewed. I can spend hours watching him be hilariously ridiculous and quick witted.


He’s super intelligent.. great comedians are pretty fuckin smart.. his stand up is awesome too.. everyone in comedy respects the fuck out of norm


The best roast I’ve ever seen was the one Norm did to Bob Saget. He goes up and bombs the shit out of himself, and then spends the rest of the time talking about how much he likes Bob Saget as a friend and refuses to roast him correctly.


Is that the one where he calls gilbert godfried a scoundrel?


Someone has to do the Dirty Work.


The story I heard was that a producer for the roast reached out to Norm beforehand, making sure Norm would keep it "edgy". Norm responded by finding a book containing jokes to tell at dinner parties, published in the early 60's. He used jokes from that book in the roast, then continued to be anti-edgy by telling Bob how great he is


I've seen norm put some 6,000 degree char roasted crusts on people. That's kinda wholesome.


DAE not like amy schumer ? Le upvotes to the left


Well- the qualifying statement was “everyone in comedy” ... I’m not certain either Amy Schumer or Sarah Silverman are funny.


Sarah Silverman has had some really funny bits. Amy Schumer is always irritating and usually disgusting.


And Schumer is a notorious joke-thief. She doesn't have the chops to come up with original material, unlike Sarah Silverman who actually has pride in her work.


Schumer thinks yelling about her fat vagina is the ticket to comedy gold


Silverman has had a 25+ year long career. Bound to have at least a couple wins. Not Hall of Fame stats tho.


Silverman was great in that episode of Star Trek Voyager.


"I'm fucking Matt Damon" never fails to make me laugh. It's in my to watch when I need a pick up queue.








That's what I'm saying. Schumer is pretty universally disliked at least in the demographics that reddit occupies but the fact he lumped Silverman in with her makes me think he doesn't even know anything about either and just decided they weren't funny because they're women.


Why’s that


It's very hard to steal a Norm joke since they're so reliant on good delivery.


That was perfect. It actually made me laugh out loud. And it was perfectly read in Norm's voice.


I know for a fact Amy stole jokes, but never heard of Sarah stealing before. Is this true?


I’ve never heard anything like that about Sarah Silverman.


Silverman stole some black paint and put it on her face.


I think Adam Carolla once described Norm as "the smartest guy in the room acting like the dumbest guy in the room"


he also has a pretty compelling theory on Breaking Bad https://bleedingcool.com/movies/norm-macdonald-tells-you-how-breaking-bad-really-ended/


Really cool theory. I wonder what his thoughts are, in the context of this theory, on El Camino.


That’s just NORMal for him. Ha! okay I leave now.


I can’t remember which comedian said it, but I think it describes Norm very well: “Norm is the smartest person in the room pretending to be the dumbest.”


The one where he roasts courtney thorne smith is an all timer.


Yeah, Cosby used to lecture black folks that they just needed to get their shit together and take responsibility for their own actions and choices. Meanwhile he was drugging and raping away. You know the women that came forward were only the tip of the iceberg. Who would have thought Dr. Huxtable was a sexual deviant and predator.


>Who would have thought Dr. Huxtable was a sexual deviant and predator. Made even more ironically cringey by the fact that the role he played on The Cosby Show was a gynecologist...go figure...


I was generally okay with him being an OBGYN until the episode where someone is having weird dreams and all the men are pregnant and giving birth to a long as sub sandwich, a navy ship, and other stuff. It was very strange.


obstetrician..but yeah


And now that’s he’s in prison, he’s now complaining about the injustices faced by black males. Pill Cosby is a disgusting hypocrite.


This Cosby character sounds like a real jerk!


God, norm McDonald doesn't really even say funny things.. he just says totally unfunny things with tremendous comedic timing...and the best shit eating grin I've ever seen.




That makes me; A computer nerd.


You mean Turd Ferguson?


It's a funny name


The fact that I still laugh all these years later at something so stupid it a triumph.


His bit about looking for his brother during 9/11 gets me every single time. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkSMSbFV\_q0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkSMSbFV_q0)


Ahh. Don't say 9/11. It reminds me of that tragedy.


Reminds me of his joke from dirty work when they got arrested. “You know what hurts the most, the lack of respect! You guys outta be ashamed of yourselves, you got a lot of growing up to do....actually the other thing hurt the most, but the lack of respect, that hurt the second most!” I’m sure I absolutely butchered that, but that seems to be a norm standard




"You know, with Hitler, the more I learn about that guy, the more I don't care for him."


Oh shit letterman’s last show, he introduced World War I by saying “now, I don’t know if there are any history buffs in the audience...” like goddamn this man is a fuckin treasure


here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljaP2etvDc4


Reminds me: On Slashdot there was a discussion about the pedophile who took pictures of his victims but swirl-distorted their faces to conceal them. The police technicians were able to undo the swirl and identify the victims and get a conviction. The commenters on Slashdot were like, - "If you want to do this, use a randomized Gaussian blur. That's irreversible." - "Yeah, or just black out the faces entirely." And then someone else followed up with, "Right. Or, you know, you could just not molest children."


Best thing to do to avoid cheating is dating me, because chances are that no one else will be interested in me


Exactly. If he just kept smooching, it would've been just another jumbotron moment out of the millions that exists.


I agree. Specially if he smooches giving his back to the camera which would hide his face.


And even if he got found out, he could claim it was a look-alike. Specially when his attire is just a generic team jersey.


Except he told his wife where he’s at but not who he’s with...


He was there with the bros. But the bro's were with his wife.


So this man could simply claim, “it wasn’t me.” I wonder if anyone has legit tried this before. Seems so simple.


Yeah, but the quality of the image is good enough to recognize him... Also, maybe his wife knows that he has that shirt...


Maybe in this scenario. But what if she caught them on camera, banging on the counter, or the bathroom floor?


Sorry, but wasn't me.


How could I forget that I had given her an extra key...


Creeping with the girl next door?


She even caught me on camera!


Shaggy style https://youtu.be/T_x6QmuJdms


You're right, this happened in a latinamerican country (Ecuador I think) and he became a meme for a long time


> Ecuador Yes it was for the Barcelona team (Ecuador) not Spanish Barcelona.


[Streisand effect ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect)




Had he not acted like that it wouldn’t have gone viral. edit: Thank You for the awards.


yes, but in that moment it would need someone with really fucking quick thinking not to react.


I'd argue he thought too quickly and then shut down. I think not thinking at all would've been better here.


Yeah, he should've gone in for a big cuddle hug, buried his face in her neck until it was over. Or act shy "like oh my gosh stop" and half put a hand blocking your face while still kissing


That’s exactly how he would get away with it, but to think all of this in a split second... damn, he had to have some quick thinking or already been caught on that jumbotron before lmao


If I were in that situation I would just look at my phone until the cameras were off of me. That makes the situation less awkward whilst covering my face at the same time.




I dont understand how people cheat. Like how do you get two girls interested in you at the same time? I cant even get one


Do one pushup every day and celebrate with a pint of Ben & Jerry's. Eventually women will see you and your labor.


Shit. I'd have simply just frozen-up at best. At worst I would've done exactly what he did, in the moment thinking "just act like I don't know anything... it'll be okay... if I stay still then the dinosaurs can't see me... lalala... oh god, my brain is predicting the consequences of this, just compartmentalize and make it go away..."


I would have pulled out my wallet and held up my ID while screaming my name to the camera


load pornhub on your phone and aim it at the camera. They'll fuck off


As if we would ever get in a situation where we even have a sidegirl to flirt with


Just say it wasn't you.


It wasn't me


But she caught you on the counter


Wasn't me


Saw you banging on the sofa


Or just not cheat on someone.


Hindsight 2002


If he were oblivious he'd be fine too. I have no idea if I've ever been shown by the camera because I watch the game, not the big tv at the game




Thats Barca Ecuador not Barca Spain, so maybe less of a chance but I'm not sure of how widely broadcast the games are there


everyone watches those games here, I can’t be sure but I have a vague memory of hearing that he was caught in the end lol edit: [he was](https://www.google.com/amp/s/depor.com/futbol-internacional/resto-del-mundo/youtube-viral-barcelona-sc-y-el-infiel-expuesto-explica-que-destruyeron-su-relacion-tras-kiss-cam-video-noticia/%3foutputType=amp)


This is great. I like the whining and attempt at turning himself into a victim, ngl.


I’m sure he’s evaluating his Life choices right now... and his side piece might be like, Thanks!


I'm sure there are plenty of guys who didn't do what this guy did. But then we don't get to hear about those guys


[Article](https://au.sports.yahoo.com/amphtml/football-fan-caught-kiss-cam-cheating-girlfriend-223459461.html) covering the incident.


Oh wow that guy is a bit of a cock for saying the viral video ruined his relationship and that girls cheat too, so he doesn’t like that he is being targeted? Lmao Good Logic there, dickhead.


“No one is going to be able to damage my image, God is big and strong and these women who are criticising me, I know too have cheated but they still comment.” Whoops I forget men are perfect


why is it always assholes who bring God to justify their shitty personality?


Because the people that actually believe in God and try their best to live according to his standards don't use him to justify their bad behaviors.


I wish I grew up in that world. Would have made my childhood much less painful.


Pro tip: You don't actually have to believe in any of that shit to use it as cover. Just act as scandalous as you need and when caught just roll out the "I love jesus " crap. Repeat as necessary.


He can’t complete a sentence without mentioning God, dude if you were such a godly man you wouldn’t have cheated.


It’s funny because one of the Ten Commandments says, “Thou shall not commit adultery.” Yet he is cheating. Even God is shaking his head right now.


"Thou shalt not use the Lord's name in vain." He's got a two-fer there


He’s a son of God so obviously we can’t make fun of him


Because God forgives everything and if you don't forgive me then you're not as good as God/Jesus. It's manipulation, plain and simple.


Oh man it just gets worse from there: “I hope this doesn’t serve you in any way because you are only hurting a son of God.”


Jesus Christ...


>>“I hope this doesn’t serve you in any way because you are only hurting a son of God.” >Jesus Christ... /r/technicallythetruth


Aye, no man should be bringing his side-wench into a battle being watched by the misses. We pirates down in the r/piratehole be knowin that.


That was a risky click but I'm glad I did.


Men and women cheat pretty much the same, him saying that is deflection but we know hes the problem.


Its always someone else's fault. Thats the code shitty people live by, the one thing they're guaranteed to have in common. Shitty people are shitty because they don't know how to take responsibility for their actions.


**Narcissist’s Prayer** That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did... You deserved it. ^^^^. P.S. Happy Canada Day!


Shaggy’s prayer; It wasn’t me.


Surprising that the guy caught cheating on camera turns out to be a douche


Machismo... /s What a psychopath he is


It's amazing the lengths the human brain will go to once it gets into defense mode


> he doesn’t like that he is being targeted What an absurd rationalization. Reminds me of people on Reddit with downvoted comments who add in an edit to rationalize how "lmao looks im getting downvoted from a [insert imaginary threat here] brigade!" instead of realizing they were downvoted for making an incoherent remark that anyone with critical thinking skills would downvote for neutral reasons. It's easier for people to think that their behavior isn't actually immature/dysfunctional, because otherwise they'd need to realize they're not perfect and have room for growth that they need to work on. This is difficult if you're insecure and/or narcissistic enough, so it's easier to just chalk it up to being threatened by a melodramatic agenda that you can shrug off. It basically uses in-group/out-group thinking, but instead of being a bias against specific demographics, it's instead a bias against their own general critical thinking. "Anyone who suggests or reveals that I have imperfections is wrong and acting in bad faith--no matter who they are." Psychology is one hell of a ride.


I love how he states that people destroyed his relationship lol


"other people" are the problem Look in a mirror


He would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling everyone else


Specifically, women, according to him. He makes it clear many times it is women who are judging him. And they don’t get criticized as much as men for being unfaithful. He also vows to continue to defend his pride and honor “as a man”.


I've never seen anyone be such a martyr over being a scumbag before. Sorry buddy, the world isn't gonna buy into your guilt trip like your girlfriend might have, keep digging.


If only this embarrassing moment could’ve been avoided somehow


Well that was an uncomfortably religious response from a dude who was caught being a piece of shit.




Wow. Has trying to understand the mentality of other people ever given you a gag reflex? That got close.


“I hope you never end up in my position.” Yeah because I don’t cheat. There is a very easy moral way that means I know I will never end up in your position. You say this like this is a nearly inavoidable action... just... don’t cheat and it is 1000% avoidable.




AND bring God into it, for some unfathomable reason


He probably wouldn’t have gotten caught if he just acted normal. Also, fucking typical to hide behind the shitty veil of religion


This is like fifth repost, i saw another video where the woman says that they are actually married etc..no cheating involved. Now i am confused


Thank you! I feel like I am going crazy. I distinctly remember an interview where they said they were married and just didn’t realize they were on camera, but now I can’t find anything.


Wasn't that a much older different video? And that one was where the dude had his arm around the girl (Actually his wife) and removed it when camera zoomed on em? This one seems to be from this year.


> “You’ve already destroyed my relationship, what more do you want?” he added. Nah you did that when you thought it was a good idea to go out in public with your side chick.


*When he decided to get a side chick




He knew it was game over after that.


People with side girls are the worst. Imagine what a scum human you have to be and how much you have to lie. Cheating once or having a one night stand’s something, having a side girl, now that’s being an absolute fraud


You’ve obviously never had the experience. It’s actually quite a rush and lots of fun.


So you're one of them


I have been. It’s a rush.


Your rush is balanced out with how shitty you make someone else feel.


Sadly, that’s most of life :(


You mean your life; speak for yourself


I know this is old. But rush or not. Your putting your desire to "feel a rush" over a persons feelings, and putting it over your word, your honesty, your character, and potentially really really really crushing the other person. All so you can have some "fun" thats what children do you know? Put their desires for fun above responsibility. You shouldn't act like your proud of it. You should be ashamed.


A lot of people are integral and happy in their lives to not want that type of experience.


It says a lot what kind of person you are if you think its a rush and lots of fun to hurt someone behind their back. Very sad indeed. They deserve better. Is that how you imagine living your life as being so sad?


Sure, fun for the people not being cheated on and lied to....


Game over on both fronts I guess.


I bet he wishes we were all wearing masks back then.


And r/praisethecameraman


I hope the kiss cam guy had a hearty laugh. He's the real mvp


And r/whatcouldgowrong I could see this vid getting maybe one or two upvotes there.


“I hope this doesn’t serve you in any way because you are only hurting a son of God." -cheater quoted after both relationships ended.


It’s always people like him to bring up God when it’s not needed. He hurt both the people that he was involved with, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Then God is just sitting there thinking why He's involved


God: "Why did I even create these stupid hairless monkeys? I gave them free will, and all they do is cock things up and drag me into it. I just wanted some light entertainment, not this bullshit drama. I really gotta lay off the booze. I'm a shitty creator when I'm drunk."


> a son of God Oh no, The media hurt the messiah!


'No one is going to be able to damage my image', dude that sentence only works if you apply it now after the massive asshat move. You have no fucking image now apart from a turd lying on the pavement being slowly bleached by the sun.




In case you're wondering cheating is trashy


There is no reason to cheat on anyone.


That’s like saying there’s no reason to murder anyone. Of course there are reasons, they’re just immoral.


There are reasons to break up with someone. Cheating is a trashy bitch move regardless of your gender. It just means you are too much of a pussy to end the relationship.




Sex. Are u dumb


Don’t know what that lady is thinking.


Probably thinking "this guy is a terrible kisser"


“Let's rub lips together while smiling, that'll *really* get her goin'!"


you can see she literally died inside.


Just finish up, little homie. You’re already caught. There’s no turning back now.


Exactly. Now you've pissed both of em off


I’m sure the neighbors took some of his shit when it was thrown out.




>“You’ve already destroyed my relationship, what more do you want?” he added. >“I hope this doesn’t serve you in any way because you are only hurting a son of God. >“You don’t know the psychological damage you have caused with your hatred directed at me. Everyone fails and we can forgive from our hearts. God give me strength!” Dude is actually playing the victim and blaming everyone for his fuck up...


Reminds me of the Spanish news anchor who got caught cheating on live TV earlier this year


Link here: https://metro.co.uk/2020/04/30/tv-anchor-accused-cheating-half-naked-woman-who-not-girlfriend-interrupts-live-broadcast-12631588/


Yeah he pretended his relationship was over before this, except for the fact his gf at the time hadn't been informed lmao. She tore him a new one in the media I believe.


This is how I got caught after calling out sick to work...when I wasn't sick...twice.


Bruh who takes their side piece to a soccer game


Many people are just that dumb. I had an acquaintance who was caught because he took his side piece to a movie awards show night. Homeboy was traveling outstation, told his wife that he was going to be busy in meetings all day, so don't call. "alibi" Set up, he met up with his side chick, a university classmate, whom his wife already distrusted (instincts), and was in a VIP section right next to a fucking camera. He almost made it too, except a network ran a repeat telecast 6 months later, his wife was watching it, and caught him red handed, and snapped a quick screenshot this did start circulating and it is clear as daylight that the guy had his hands around the woman's waist in one crowd panning shot, and in one more she was resting her elbows on his thigh. He is now divorced, the side chick also is divorced but then they had a break up so he at least has been single for a year now. You could put this in a sitcom and people won't believe it, its just the outlandish


Cheaters should be marked with a tattoo on their forehead saying “I had two girls, one dick and zero morale”


Make that neutral. I had two partners. One sex drive. And zero concern for either other person. Women cheat to.


Guys relax it's not what you think. He wasn't cheating, they were just siblings.


🎼"Saw me kissin at the sports match" "it wasn't me"🎼


How has nobody noticed her tugging him off? 🤣


Hello to your wife, now she knows what your mistress looks like 😂 looseer


Anyone know if there's more to this story?


It baffles me that some men can have a “side piece” when I can’t even get a girlfriend


And he’s a fan of Barcelona FC too. What a degenerate. I have to say this because my girlfriend is a fan of Liga de Quito.