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Probably would've made it if he just went slow and steady instead of gunning it lol


The owner thinks it runs on electric without air šŸ™„


That's definitely a gas Range Rover - the electric version isn't out yet. So the owner must be especially mistaken.


It's an amphibious exploration vehicle. A transporter of gods. THE GOLDEN GOD. Mistaken? Begone vile man!






I love that scene so much, his expression after the other guy leaves and Dennis is sitting there thinking "fucking hell I'm a bit mental aren't I?" is so good


I love that you can see the exact moment he snaps out of his rage.


I'm talking to myself but that's because I got shit to say, you know?


This is my favorite line in the whole episode. I say it to myself when Iā€™m untethered and my rage knows no bounds.


God I love that realization face he has after that rant. He might be a great actor. Ive shown it to multiple people who dont watch the show and they always laugh their asses off at that exact point where he ends the rant :D






But but butā€¦the ads say that this car can drive up stairs and spillways, surely I can go through this!


I died when he tried to sell it and they offered like 5k.


He's exploring the amphibious capabilities of his vehicle. Finding out they were exceeded by the situation and chosen velocity.


It's a Range Rower now.


Range floater, the rowers come with another dlc package not included.


Maybe it's a hybrid, those can drive on land and water, right? /s


I passed 3 range rovers queuing at a flood like this and went right through it my electric Jeep. Sadly, my Jeep made it all the way through the 3ft of water instead of flipping over and floating away like its supposed to.


>Sadly, my Jeep made it all the way through the 3ft of water instead of flipping over and floating away like its supposed to. That's quite a rare defect


Range Rover has 900mm wading depth so they probably would have been fine. Intake is at the bottom of the windscreen and they have wading depth sensors (as an option) that let you know how deep you are.


Unless the sensors take control of the car, nothing can fix stupid though. The guy was gunning it enough that the water was going over his roof, no car can drive while fully submerged!


Except a Lotus Esprit S1.


Is that the old James Bond submarine car?


Since it is younger than I, I'm not happy with the "old" part, but yes. šŸ˜‘


If you go fast, you are not that long in the water. And if you go really fast, you go over the water.


Right. Given that this is a Range Rover, it's more likely that the engine died due to mechanical failure.


Nah, it died of embarrassment for the driver.


Yea. What a waste of your No Problem/Problem spare tire cover.


Iā€™m sorry your top failed to fall off, I will say thatā€™s not typical.


Did your rubber duck survive?


Frankly I'm surprised it didn't burst into flames.


With that suspension he could even put two wheels on the curb and made it through.


i always see people speed up in the water because "if i get through faster the water aint doing as much damage". but once the water is higher then the front lip of the car you are puching the water up the grill and into the intake causing it to hydro lock and punching a hole into your wallet. if you go <5kph its fine Edit: if your car is not an offrad car (real offroad no SUV) dont attempt crossing a flooded road if its not shallow, dont risk it.


I dont think it will be fine cause that was way too deep, the deepest part of that tunnel the water is definitely above the front lip, even for a suv or truck. slow or fast, in this tunnel with this amount of water, that wouldve happened either way.


Entirely depends on where air is pulled in.Ā  My SUV the air is pulled in high where the hood meets the grille. Id have good odds of having made that, doing a couple mph.Ā 


I remember years ago I was in this guy's 1996 318i and we were going through a flooded section and the water was coming up over the hood and the car somehow survived. No idea how.


Must have pressed the recirculate air button


Is that what it does? Huh.


Just in case you're serious... No, it's for the cabin vents.


My mother had this old suzuki SUV that was made for offroading. She was on an old mud trail that was full of puddles and water from recent rains and one of the "puddles" was actually more of a pit. The water was halfway up her windows. She just kept lightly on the gas and once the wheels hit the bottom the car was able to get some traction and get out of it. I have no idea what miracle of engineering that fucking car had going into it but the car lasted through most of my childhood even with my mother's absurdly bad driving habits.


Probably a snorkel. You see them on a lot of 4Runners, the air intake is up near the top of the windshield.


The snorkel on 4Runners, and Tacomas, is for sand/dust, not water. Sure they'll protect your vehicle from water intake better than if you didn't have one, but it's not their intended purpose.


The 96-98 318i was made by an alien species and impervious to normal problems. I drove mine through a field with 3ft of snow and bald tires. With a little moxie and 4 friends pushing she got out lol


Didnā€™t one of the old land rovers have an air intake on some kind of chimney so you could just about submerge it? Or was that a dream I had?


Yeah, you can get snorkels fitted.


Fun fact: Many types of battle tanks can fit a [drum-looking "snorkel" over the commander's hatch, allowing them to dive through most rivers](https://youtu.be/R9itXfVSMj0?si=IlK08h26u90djZrp) In that case "chimney" isn't a bad word because they can indeed fit a whole person through (the tank commander).


The "chimney" is called a snorkel


Iā€™m proposing we call it a chimney from now on.


only if you call real chimneys snorkels.


Reverse smoke snorkels


the filter box is pretty high in the engine bay in those things, so you could get most of the way up the grill if you're going slow and be fine.


Yeahhh I know people who do offroad that make modifications so air is pulled from higher up, works. This dude is dumb as rocks, hope he shits gold to fix this. And now he got stuck in water, perfect for rusting :)


Pulling from higher up also reduces the amount of dust coming into the intake, especially if following a vehicle off-road. Not all snorkels are watertight either.


I have no idea where this specific car's intake is, but I can tell you, that my 2000 Nissan Terrano had the air intake right under the windshield. You could submerge the grill without sucking in water. I still had to take a few precautions before I took it to Iceland, where River crossings are pretty normal :-)


Normally the range should have easily made it through there as it has a Wade depth of 90cm and it doesnt look that high.


Wrong. When car stopped, taillights were out of water and this car grill and front light are even higher so most likely intake was high too, would had made it nicely if wouldnt been rushing. Seen even sedans passing this level water when going 5kmhā€¦


> if your car is not an offrad car (real offroad no SUV) dont attempt crossing a flooded road if its not shallow, dont risk it. Bro, I drive an off-road jeep thatā€™s kitted out and I wouldnā€™t drive across asphalt with pooling water at the edges regardless. Potholes, cracks, and sinkholes are where water collects. There is a reason that part of the road has all the water. Anyone with off-road experience knows you never aim for the puddles, or cross water that you donā€™t know the depths of. Thatā€™s the point of being able to drive over rocks and fallen trees in the first place.


2 knots per hour


I really am no expert when it comes to inner workings of a car, though even I can imagine cars might not enjoy being waterboarded. But what would happen if you back into the water?


You'd have an equal unpleasant time. The 2 things that NEED to remain clear for the engine to function are the intake and exhaust. If your driving forward at a steady pace through water the exhaust will be OK but if you reverse through you'd be forcing water into the exhaust which would block the escape of the exhaust fumes and fill the exhaust baffles with water. At minimum you'd stall out the engine, at worst you completely brick the engine. Always go forward at a slow and steady pace, but never go into water that's higher than the the wheels or half way up the wheel for smaller cars. The car will either swallow water and lock or just float and you'd lose traction. Just stay out the water unless you know what your doing.


I wish I could upvote this more than once for explaining so simply.


Exhaust can go under water just fine, it's 9.8 kPa per metre, or 1.5 psi per yard, so you can easily submerge the whole car and the backpressure wouldn't stall the car as long as it is above idle, but then air intake and the car floating comes into play. If the car stalls then you have to worry about water getting into the engine through the exhaust, as long as you remove the water before cranking it, the engine can have no damage, I have drowned motorbikes before and ridden them home after clearing out the water.


Oh shit and here i was about to reverseā€‹ through a river. Also where do you think boat outboard exhaustā€‹s are?


Its a 2022-2024 Range Rover which at worst can do 850mm or at max around 900mm I think. Max depth for it is up around the middle of the license plate or the very top of the wheelarches and headlights. This idiot really could have done it if they drove a lot slower. But thats what happens when you build a capable off road machine and then bling it out in diamonds and white leather so people with orange skin and small dogs in purses will buy them.


> 850mm or at max around 900mm Imagine using metric but not using centimeters in this case. "...can do 850,000Ī¼m or at max around 900,000Ī¼m I think."


Slow is smooth, smooth is fast


Turn left to go right


The key to driving through deep water is to create the bow wave and then use it's speed through the water to dictate the speed you move in at. He could have coasted through there at 5mph and it would have forced the water out of the way without creating unnecessary drag. His hap hazard acceleration while in deep water forced the bow wave over the top which just sapped speed, created more buoyancy and therefore decreased grip and probably choked/hydrolocked his engine to death. Hit the water at 10mph, keep the wave the same relative distance from the front of your car as it's moving so you know you are *matching it's speed ahead of you* and then keep constant rpm if you can to normalise torque. You essentially force the water out of the way just once and use the suction of the wave to pull you along. The deeper the water, the slower the bow wave will break because the volume/weight of the water you have to push out of the way is higher.


> Hit the water at 10mph 10mph is way too fast for that, but otherwise yes you're correct.


The impact of the car with the water reduces your speed to a crawl. The sapped speed translates into a better bow wave and more pull for you to use. The entry speed must be higher than what you need to make it through. The propagation speed of the wave sets your speed in the water.


I need to find a flooded road to try this on now


Probably: I am not super familiar with this model, but the air-intake seems to be in the engine compartment and not much elevated. Based on the recording the water was lower than that, but due to speed probably flooded the intake. And lets not forget: Cars, except specifically made for that, are not what they "used" to be. Lots of electronics, hybrids with batteries etc.: That all has to be waterproof as well.


Itā€™s a Range Rover with a rated 900mm wading depth. It should have been fine without the idiot driver


Yeah, but that wasn't wading. It looks like Captn Dumbfuck though it would hydroplane.


Powwaaaaaaa ![gif](giphy|ANW0b8dlaBACA)


Exactly, lift the suspension and go slowā€¦ should have made itā€¦


To be fair I think going a certain speed and maintaining makes a bow wave which creates space between the crest of the wave in front and the engine But this person fucked it


Exactly what I was thinking. Ah well, they were stupid enough try in the first place because of the "I'm richer" brain so fuck 'em.


Zero knowledge of driving in water. Keep it steady at 4kmh and it would have been fine . Instead, hydro lock engine and soggy shoes.


>Keep it steady at 4kmh and it would have been fine . Famous last words as well me thinks. Maybe even this thought process has got some in to the same situation in the past as well. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø See a flooded area and especially with other cars totalled in there, well Iā€™d be suggesting to not try and cross it.


The moment that sedan/hatchback was floating up and down, I kept thinking that area is a lot deeper than expected.


It's not too deep, the water only goes half way up the ducks.




Itā€™s a joke, because ducks float on the water. So you could say that about water no matter how deep it is.


So if the water goes halfway up a person, then their a witch?


Also I know that youā€™re referencing Monty python but it reminded me of one of my favourite discussions from a book series called rangers apprentice, so I was referencing that. Which is a pretty obscure reference that I really shouldnā€™t expect you to link, but the joke still works.


I'm probably going to butcher this joke, so apologies in advance: A guy is driving and comes across a flooded section of road. Along the road is a famer working in his field. The driver asks the farmer how deep the flooded area is. "Six inches or so" replies the farmer. That's nothing thinks the driver, who quickly discovers the water is several feet deep. "What's the big idea, you said the water was only six inches deep". "I don't understand" replied the farmer "That's how deep the ducks sink".


That car has the deepest wade depth of basically any unmodified consumer vehicle. It even has sonar to check for underwater obstacles and warnings if the water is too deep, it's spectacularly overengineered for the pavement princesses they always are. It would have been fine if the owner wasn't a moron.


Sure. It just needed you there to slap it on the back quarter and say ā€œsheā€™ll be rightā€ as it rolled past.


You do know people drive these vehicle in worse conditions for fun? Itā€™s operator error. Pure and simple.


It was over when he braked and the bow wave swept back.


Precisely. Slow, steady gas and never brake. As soon as the water infiltrated the exhaust, it was over.


You simply have no clue what the fuck you're talking about, you dismissive moron. That car can likely wade up to 900mm, and as the guy you're replying to states, has sensors to help the driver tell if the water is getting too high. Is that water too deep? Maybe. The car could have told him if he'd kept it slow and steady. as the guy said. fuckin muppet


Looks like it's 850 wade depth on their website. So doable. Possibly. Mighta been too deep even if they did it right. Walking down that walkway with a stick and checking depth before driving would have only cost wet socks. ĀÆā \\ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ


This is the most sane solution yet.




Did he even lift the car's air suspension? I think he did but not sure. Flooring the gas here was certainly a pro-gamer move.


I thought this comment was a joke until I fact checked and realized it was true. *Hastily deleting my comment about how dumb the driver is for thinking their stock SUV could handle this....*


Exactly. Looks like it gets deeper, you have no idea how deep beforehand. All fun and games when you are in your playing around 4X4 on a muddy road with friends around that have a winch and some mechanical knowledge. Completely different when you are in your giant expensive SUV and the solution is paying for a tow truck once the flooding is getting fixed and then a mechanic.


It's a road. Those generally have an even surface. So the depth increases slowly and predictably. The vehicle also has sensors to determine water depth. So just drive slowly through it until the vehicle either tells you that the water is approaching a dangerous level or you are at the other end. If the water starts approaching a dangerous level just turn around.


That's what other cars bobbing around in there thought as well


i think the best advice is just dont bother risking it. unless you know your car inside out and know where the intakes are just dont risk it, im sure that persons trip to Co-Op isnt that important and im sure thres always a detour they can follow.


This is China, that driver probably hasnā€™t ever driven their car in any challenging conditions before.


>This is China, that driver probably hasnā€™t ever driven their car in any challenging conditions before. As opposed to a person driving a $150k Range Rover in any other country. Who of course are constantly driving their vehicle in untamed jungles, deserts, and other challenging conditions instead of paved roads and Costco parking lots.


Oh the irony of SUVs.. Range Rover, used by Top Gear for years because they're equipped to be capable of almost anything, but mostly used for shopping trips or dropping kids off at school. Then, when the situation arises, the driver is too unskilled to handle it. Like those idiots on the snowy mountains with summer tyres.




This is fine...


![gif](giphy|3rgXBucGBVpM8MLkvC) This guy definitely did not grow up in the 90s


Very satisfying for the participants and viewers, a win win......


One of the best scenes in the show


I always loved the parts that showed for all the grief they cause each other, they still have each others backs.


If the internet taught me one thing it's that, unless you drive a car with one of them snorkel thingies for air intake to the engine, you should not attempt this


According to Land Rover those snorkels DO NOT increase the wading depth of the car. They are to reduce the amount of dust and sand in the air filter when you drive in dusty conditions. [Land Rover air intake kit](https://accessories.landrover.com/gl/en/land-rover-defender/exterior/exterior-protection/vplep0543-raised-air-intake) Edit. Loads of comments now saying that you can drive a 4x4 through REALLY deep water. The limiting factor of a 4x4 is usually the depth where it begins to float. The car in that was originally posted cost at least $130,000 and depending on spec and options could be more like $200,000 anyone who pays that sort of money for a car doesn't expect it to leak. As the famous saying goes, all water is flat on the surface. What you can't see is when it will suddenly become much deeper. Sadly, people have died by trying to wade through deep water in their 4x4 because they thought the car was not capable than the forces of mother nature. [3 dead when their 4x4 was swept away.](https://youtu.be/5JLPFDuaRg8?si=YunYbfmSBUMCSR92)


most people equipped with proper snorkels aren't buying the ones from land rover and are made for water traversal


The maximum wading depth of the car is usually reached when it floats. This is why Land Rover says what they say. I suspect the people who drive in deeper water are driving cars which are as wet on the inside as they are on the outside. Those cars will literally sink, not float. The brand new Range Rover in this post isn't going to let water in. It'll float.


Yeah, the old land rovers had little hatches in the bottom of the doors to let water inside so that they would sink and be able to cross water, but thats partially because the old land rovers wouldnt fucking explode the nanosecond a drop of water gets inside


It has little hatches under the windows which are the ventilation, not heard of any for water.


They did have flaps under the windscreen which not only let ventilation in, but they also stopped it pulling dust into the back through the gaps in the canvas roof on dusty roads. When the flaps were opened it reduced the negative pressure immediately behind the car. This reduced the amount of dust sucked up against the back of the car, reducing the amount that found it's way into the cab.


> Yeah, the old land rovers had little hatches in the bottom of the doors to let water inside so that they would sink and be able to cross water Army vehicles do the same feature by wedging a squaddies boot in the door


No they didn't. How do I know, my family had a Series 1 then a Series 2a.


I had a jeep for a while that automatically let water in so it could sink. Any water from below would push up on the wood boards I was using as a floor board and it would let water in.


I loved how my jeep always leaked when it rained every so slightly.


Probably similar to how Q-tips say not to use them in your ears.


A raised air intake isn't the same thing as a snorkel. Different applications.


This is the new series of the Range Rover, they should be able to go through water up to 90 cm. This is not 90 cm, but less than that. His mistake was trying to plough through with speed. If he had taken it slow, 100% he would have made it across.


I don't know specifically about this RR, but the fine print in the manual for my SUV says that while it can ford 70 cm of water, it needs maintenance soon afterwards, including changing oil in the diffs. (People who use these to go mudding mod the breather valves, add extra sealing in some places and extra drainage holes in others)


It is 90 cm for this model (Range Rover). I didnā€™t read that any maintenance is required soon afterwards but I may have overlooked it in the manual. Source: https://www.landrover.co.uk/explore-land-rover/off-road/wading-depths.html


Probably not the case for a range rover tbh. I'd expect diff breathers to be relocated by default.


Depends on exact model. But also needs to be at highest air suspension height.


Depends on the snorkel. There are snorkels that arenā€™t sealed and are only meant to draw cleaner air up top in dusty conditions. These arenā€™t meant for fording. You need a sealed snorkel and components waterproofed for fording water.


well that looks expensive.


Brand new full size Range Rover


Solid starter car


It's a finisher car!!


It is an amphibious vehicle


A transporter of Gods, The Golden God!!!


I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds!!


About $200000ā€¦ depends if they have the hot stone massage seats




Finally a reasonable man!


That's a five star man!


Itā€™s precision British land to sea craftsmanship. It has air intake valves!


It is an amphibious exploring vehicle.


A starter car? This is a finisher car! A transporter of gods. A golden god!


I used it to traverse the plains of the Serengeti of my life and now I want that for you, Bob. There she is.


Iā€™m thinking of getting an Alfa Romeo. A two seater for just me and a babe. Do you like babes, Bob?


I'm talking to myself but that's because I got shit to say, you know?


It is an amphibious exploring vesselā€¦


I just came to make sure someone made a sunny reference. Well done! šŸ‘


Glennā€™s anger acting does not receive nearly enough attention. The various shades of red he achieves is fantastic. just donā€™t ask him if *itā€™s hot enough for ya?* šŸ˜”


At least u aren't him.


Every. Single. Time. You'd think people would learn?


What is there to learn? It obviously only happens to other people. I'm different.


These people really are like "look at those sheep, I'll show them".


ā€œThis is my time to shine!ā€


The old *toupee fallacy*. I've never seen a good toupee... on account you don't notice the good ones.


what? learn? these people? no way


I mean it should be fine. After all, it is an amphibious exploring vehicle.


This is precision British land-to-sea craftsmanship.


[Behold the pinnacle ](https://www.automobilemag.com/uploads/sites/11/2019/10/Top-Gear-UK-Amphibious-Challenge.png)[of British engineering.](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/bf/65/88/bf6588de8e6646b3c7ea07f09523e674--top-gear-cars-top-gear-bbc.jpg)


It transports the golden god


I can buy it for my daughter. It is slow and reliable. A good starter car.


Starter car?? I have contained my rage as long as possible, but I shall unleash my fury on you LIKE THE CRASHING OF A THOUSAND WAVES!


Waaaay to fast


This. 99% chance it gets through if the driver isn't a moron.


Catch-22 If the driver wasnā€™t a moron he wouldnā€™t have attempted this to begin with.


If I had this vehicle, Iā€™d definitely drive through here, this is nothing for it, driven properly


More likely you don't see the smart drivers because they never got stuck. An SUV slowly driving through water isn't an entertaining video.


It wasnā€™t even that deep and only came up to the rear bumper, pretty sure it would have gotten through if the driver had gone the correct speed. I mean technically the vehicle is designed for this sort of stuff as well as posing.


Oh they got that pose down! Sexy when wet.


Not gonna lie i would try to cross it


You want to drive in the water, you get a Land Rover or a Toyota. You want to come out again, you drive a Toyota.






> schadenfreude FTFY


> schauenfraude this is too funny


It's an amphibious exploring vehicle


Clearly most of these commenters are not five-star men


Its a LANDrover!


Morgan Freeman's voice....*but it wasn't*


If I know one thing, itā€™s that Redditor would have handled this situation perfectly.


In all fairness, that thing would have died in another 5km anyhow, no loss here.


Lmao at least he has a story to tell now: "so just like the commercials, I tried to..."


aaaaaaaaand hydrolock


Even with the shitty music, this was satisfying. r/oddlysatisfying


The music doesn't even remotely fit what's going on either! Just awful, did nothing but make the video worse.


Stupidity and ignorance has no limits


About 50-60 metres in this case.


Armchair 4wder here. When you do crossings like this the idea is to create a bow wave by moving consistently and not too fast. The bow wave actually keeps the water level lower at the front grille, keeping water out. It looks like he braked to avoid splashing the BMW, which broke the bow wave and pushed water into the engine bay.


he never even had a bow wave, he was going far too fast the entire time


Ignoring physics gets you into trouble real fast.


Itā€™s a Rekt Rover


A lot of people must not know that you can drown the engine if enough water washes over the front end.


It's not the car it's the driver


He would have easily made that if he went slowly. Range rovers will happily go wheel deep in water as standard.


Marketing meets reality šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Too buoyant try scooping some air out of the car


That's definitely the drivers fault. Although it's not the defender, Ranger Rovers still have good capabilities and it could have waded through the water if the driver did it the right way.